


求爱X档案 The Mating Habits of the Earthbound Human (1999)[3.40G][iTunes Movies 1080P HD][百度盘]

发表于 2022-6-4 15:42:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
iTunes Movies
类型: 科幻 喜剧 
地区: 美国 
年代: 90年代


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7 Q+ f6 h0 n0 F/ S" Y6 v  I  @5 W. J' b& H- L9 @: d  U6 f: i
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导演: Jeff Abugov
' ~# w$ E7 G" j# P主演: 卡曼·艾尔克塔拉 / 大卫·海德·皮尔斯 / Adam Abugov
% }2 }; x( M6 N, n类型: 喜剧 / 科幻
6 h: _" v; `' {制片国家/地区: 美国( r1 |0 u$ Z4 ]/ D4 w2 Z
语言: 英语; D( K3 j& w6 O# O! k6 g7 m
上映日期: 1999-09-03$ o. e, j8 `  `$ H& S8 I/ L5 Z
片长: 88 分钟 / Argentina: 90 分钟8 }1 \/ T8 {/ `' _& g' E$ V' A
IMDb: tt0165874
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求爱X档案的剧情简介 · · · · · ·. E+ |4 z$ U3 Y5 t) N& o3 y
  An anthropologist from an alien planet provides voice-over commentary for a documentary look at human courtship, mating, and reproduction: "complex, perverse, tragically beautiful: the earthbound human." The commentary gets some of the details comically wrong (explaining the slap on a newborn's back: "they don't like the looks of the child so they beat it"), but gets right the overall idea. We follow Billy and Jenny from their meeting at a club, initial misunderstandings, his losing her phone number, finally connecting, walks on the beach, soulful talks, meeting each other's parents, friends' advice, and the gradual taking of the relationship to new levels.
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