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# L+ S h7 f0 A6 [( ^/ I9 n- W% V5 w$ e& Z0 H
Sufjan Stevens简介 I+ p X: } M
Sufjan Stevens于1975年7月出生在密歇根底特律,在他9岁时搬到了密歇根佩托斯基,Sufjan Stevens家里有三个年长的兄姐,一个继父的女儿,和一个同父异母的弟弟。Sufjan Stevens高中时学习双簧管,大学时专研斑鸠琴,随后不论是吉他、钢琴、手风琴、曼陀林、敲击乐器等,都成了Sufjan的精通范围。成为专职音乐家前,这名全才的乐器演奏能手也曾是科幻小说的作家与时代杂志的内页设计师。出道以来音乐风格之变化多端,与他精彩的职场履历恰可比拟。
. L% {5 z+ F8 D7 Z J/ i3 N" b- v7 t( s
$ d7 p' Y& x" d( M' S( S0 Y5 |. aSufjan Stevens于1975年7月出生在密歇根底特律,在他9岁时搬到了密歇根佩托斯基,Sufjan Stevens家里有三个年长的兄姐,一个继父的女儿,和一个同父异母的弟弟。
8 G6 z4 ?& ~0 Z* ]& m8 ~/ ~Sufjan Stevens高中时学习双簧管,大学时专研斑鸠琴,随后不论是吉他、钢琴、手风琴、曼陀林、敲击乐器等,都成了Sufjan的精通范围。成为专职音乐家前,这名全才的乐器演奏能手也曾是科幻小说的作家与时代杂志的内页设计师。出道以来音乐风格之变化多端,与他精彩的职场履历恰可比拟。
5 V n! y. c( E$ N第二张专辑Enjoy Your Rabbit以中国的十二生肖为题,玩的却是光怪陆离的电子即兴曲风;第四张专辑Seven Swans(音速青春2004十大专辑)以斑鸠琴为主导,笃信基督教的Sufjan透过缓慢的民谣曲势,探讨着宗教信仰、家庭价值与个人情感三者间的纠葛,词与曲皆充满着深度与力量。而第三张专辑Michigan与最新专辑Illinois,则是Sufjan Stevens另一个异想天开却又让人拍案叫绝的音乐狂想。
& R% g6 g" g' a; s8 q/ E6 _* l; \/ q对Sufjan来说,所谓的50 States Project一开始只是广告文案式的幽默宣传手法,目的是推销Michigan – 一张以自己成长家乡为主题的概念专辑。然而音乐质地细致多元的Michigan不但一举打响了Sufjan Stevens的名号,蜂拥而至的好评也迫使Sufjan重新审视这个计划的可能性 – 以美国的五十州为命题蓝本,替他们各自创作一张唱片。, F4 }4 b+ E" d; O
5 w/ {+ Y6 q4 M6 m) n
/ |2 R% I5 |+ n0 a) g+ s+ [
\0 i- D& u \7 D8 r
# @4 s, I! U* P' u! s" m- R7 B├─2000 - A Sun Came+ h8 T5 X2 e& T
│ 01 We Are What You Say.m4a; K2 I! c% y# s& r: M
│ 02 A Winner Needs a Wand.m4a
8 x8 P; \" v* i% L. `│ 03 Rake.m4a
3 O7 W9 |1 Y- }1 M│ 04 Siamese Twins.m4a6 _& D' \/ H5 u7 l
│ 05 Demetrius.m4a& i) A2 Z$ ]% [# F+ b. O3 J
│ 06 Dumb I Sound.m4a: V1 Q) Z1 J0 R% C
│ 07 Wordsworth's Ridge (for Fran Fike.m4a
6 R1 H% E4 j: T0 i0 p: [# g3 f│ 08 Belly Button.m4a+ A. a9 Z( x8 y; V: R. b( G
│ 09 Rice Pudding.m4a
4 m/ ?' g- B+ i* K* U& c│ 10 A Loverless Bed (Without Remissio.m4a# B9 q) d/ _1 r8 E0 e0 O
│ 11 Godzukie.m4a
4 [! C( u3 f; o+ G' ~│ 12 SuperSexyWoman.m4a
1 _7 k, q v( S% ?4 q! A: n│ 13 The Oracle Said Wander.m4a, u/ L8 ]* s. ?/ g9 i5 F
│ 14 Happy Birthday.m4a2 u& w t/ S5 b4 {+ ]/ F1 W
│ 15 Jason.m4a
6 b: `3 l; N0 y- @0 t, j9 e│ 16 Kill.m4a
3 o5 G- [3 J& u& n( u3 `- E6 n│ 17 Leil.m4a
. \- j/ }" \0 V" L r- p3 B z5 D│ 18 A Sun Came.m4a
# g( t0 \" [1 V$ u│ 19 Satan's Saxophones.m4a
" c" k3 \ {! |. C3 r& y& t│ 20 Joy! Joy! Joy!.m4a4 [3 M. _' Z8 _- u- u
│ 21 Rake (Greenpoint Version).m4a7 N( v" P& }0 ~- t. S
│ 4 {$ D/ h, o9 A( C9 Z8 ^7 J
├─2001 - Enjoy Your Rabbit
& b" L4 ] ]7 v9 I│ 01 Year of the Asthmatic Cat.m4a3 k! v& @" B* K6 C, o0 Y+ t
│ 02 Year of the Monkey.m4a
6 W6 z9 t8 E) Y, K# |6 H' P, C│ 03 Year of the Rat.m4a* Y, G' ], s% A$ P8 s: Z ]
│ 04 Year of the Ox.m4a B+ g& `' ?: |% y# G# ?6 o
│ 05 Year of the Boar.m4a
6 f1 o& o! s! R( R; _8 z/ ^│ 06 Year of the Tiger.m4a
0 Z/ l/ r( M2 {% m│ 07 Year of the Snake.m4a
/ ]: _8 d* D/ Y& S1 c J6 r│ 08 Year of the Sheep.m4a
9 m8 N+ p. @" l; u% _│ 09 Year of the Rooster.m4a( L3 c! n. H1 c& _1 Y
│ 10 Year of the Dragon.m4a
6 q; W7 v% X/ h( }& q5 b│ 11 Enjoy Your Rabbit.m4a1 r; {8 x7 ?: ^5 Z7 B
│ 12 Year of the Dog.m4a% W- m. j* w2 b3 c4 _. E/ @
│ 13 Year of the Horse.m4a/ x" N. a2 O. d! c/ A# E5 ~+ m" M
│ 14 Year of Our Lord.m4a& s) e" y# }" l
' a3 T( K& D% E# Y. R% y├─2003 - Greetings from Michigan, The Great Lake State (Deluxe Version)
2 K) A+ Y! I8 Z$ f: O" a! ~│ 01 Flint (For the Unemployed and Und.m4a
$ P- e9 V% ~1 G, i' o2 O│ 02 All Good Naysayers, Speak Up! or.m4a
% Z" K; x8 ^9 w$ ~' J│ 03 For the Widows In Paradise, for t.m4a
5 U) e" c7 S: \, r8 a( Y, A│ 04 Say Yes! to M!ch!gan!.m4a
1 P0 v' L) Y Z$ C' ]! F& Z│ 05 The Upper Peninsula.m4a9 P0 ?5 [# l6 [" R! A
│ 06 Tahquamenon Falls.m4a, e. P6 f; p0 X& l
│ 07 Holland.m4a
d$ z* Z2 F3 b. t5 @/ v9 x: l% k: ~│ 08 Oh Detroit, Lift Up Your Weary He.m4a0 \9 m6 P; x3 R) p4 }- l
│ 09 Romulus.m4a
^6 m! n8 w6 W. a. v- @( c2 u│ 10 Alanson, Crooked River.m4a& P3 u' F; | G1 l$ U4 L+ r
│ 11 Sleeping Bear, Sault Ste. Marie.m4a1 |& _3 s6 u0 Z+ J7 f B, a
│ 12 They Also Mourn Who Do Not Wear B.m4a+ t0 y- [' X7 _$ Q, O
│ 13 Oh God Where Are You Now_ (In Pic.m4a
; N0 J0 K5 r2 Y6 y$ a w4 o│ 14 Redford (For Yia-Yia and Pappou).m4a
6 |' r) I% z2 W* }! x│ 15 Vito's Ordination Song.m4a
% Z2 F+ |9 ?+ J7 s│ 16 Vito_s Ordination Song (Acoustic.m4a) z! ?4 `5 B) M! [* _! I
│ 17 Marching Band (Bonus Track).m4a$ V; S3 B( ^" V4 C
│ 18 Pickerel Lake (Bonus Track).m4a
9 o, k9 `/ ]6 `- b" r. T( e│ 19 Niagara Falls (Bonus Track).m4a, f* N; E- n- \1 L" h& d
│ 20 Presidents & Magistrates (Bonus T.m4a" p; j" }* K( K& Y
│ 21 Wolverine (Bonus Track).m4a p: j) F; S% j# O5 R( x4 k( w, ^
│ 0 j* a# ]9 y v. l$ d
├─2004 - Seven Swans
* S: |' d( t, P% O│ 01 All the Trees of the Field Will C.m4a, }6 [. ?; E& q+ i6 K2 |
│ 02 The Dress Looks Nice on You.m4a
# x+ T2 P+ O" m, L│ 03 In the Devil's Territory.m4a
: K% H1 r w3 A8 Q# s- \$ R/ U│ 04 To Be Alone With You.m4a( Y) G5 i- L# _1 I- M4 I- @
│ 05 Abraham.m4a
1 R+ s6 i) ]. J. x% m p# C│ 06 Sister.m4a
* u( M9 ~) { d* @) m& T; _. c│ 07 Size Too Small.m4a' v) e9 L+ o- _2 r
│ 08 We Won't Need Legs To Stand.m4a6 I7 I* D6 d$ a8 E9 u% S
│ 09 A Good Man Is Hard to Find.m4a8 N$ U/ N& o* V5 j
│ 10 He Woke Me Up Again.m4a4 q: ?# L" S' I! e5 \* |$ g7 E3 m- d
│ 11 Seven Swans.m4a
( d0 A# ^0 S8 p. O1 X& E│ 12 The Transfiguration.m4a
5 C* A3 }2 E! t' |│ J, k* @, h" `* {0 _, \. Y4 Y+ [$ u3 A7 O
├─2005 - Illinois
% g0 A) {# ^& M│ 01 Concerning the UFO Sighting Near.m4a9 q8 {+ N' Y- C
│ 02 The Black Hawk War, Or, How to De.m4a
! S$ {% p+ v* `. s3 K5 i│ 03 Come On! Feel the Illinoise!.m4a) |% C* b* u: A# u
│ 04 John Wayne Gacy, Jr..m4a
1 H3 @- j. q; @+ q& i, U│ 05 Jacksonville.m4a
/ m2 X9 t$ x9 K│ 06 A Short Reprise for Mary Todd, Wh.m4a
s) k3 l" E! f4 b9 R9 r│ 07 Decatur, Or, Round of Applause fo.m4a
: a$ K, B5 e7 R9 N8 h│ 08 One Last _Whoo-hoo!_ for the Pull.m4a, p4 U; T0 Z M
│ 09 Chicago.m4a
) j. R8 E( u- ^│ 10 Casimir Pulaski Day.m4a
+ ` D! E/ z& }3 f% f│ 11 To the Workers of the Rock River.m4a. V- P5 i$ R" P, R! V( ^
│ 12 The Man of Metropolis Steals Our.m4a0 \7 u$ v: U& b. M# T( R
│ 13 Prairie Fire That Wanders About.m4a
3 d. u* I1 x8 c3 A" F: y* p│ 14 A Conjunction of Drones Simulatin.m4a) |# S7 @' `1 ^8 e
│ 15 The Predatory Wasp of the Palisad.m4a% A+ g N- _- ^% I# n9 t
│ 16 They Are Night Zombies!! They Are.m4a8 y5 \" B- v# {& ^
│ 17 Let's Hear That String Part Again.m4a' b2 G7 x5 m; J' j% a
│ 18 In This Temple, As In the Hearts.m4a B' T) I( I$ a6 \6 Z- }$ [$ U
│ 19 The Seer's Tower.m4a
% `! T" Q. P$ K│ 20 The Tallest Man, the Broadest Sho.m4a1 P% h. n. J( |# j# A) B
│ 21 Riffs and Variations On a Single.m4a
& d$ }# E# {! _! E+ y/ I│ 22 Out of Egypt, Into the Great Laug.m4a) L0 g: B# S& [: E2 A# g J& p& L0 c+ ]
│ 23 Jon Galaxy's Remix of _Chicago_ (.m4a
. `6 \; {5 S3 Z2 j) L│ 24 The Avalanche.m4a
# t) q) \1 Q O' w. Y9 m0 a│ 25 The Transfiguration (Home Demo Ve.m4a
/ _/ ~8 B2 u* W% ]# v1 g│ 26 Size Too Small (Live In Brussells.m4a
# @/ s! h7 R8 b# i( @7 N+ h│
; k) Z8 t8 F5 _" y' y; C5 ~2 z$ \├─2006 - Songs for Christmas7 k Q3 Q; @# q
│ 1-01 Silent Night.m4a& R+ X; I3 h$ C2 \* Z. P& X: @ o
│ 1-02 O Come, O Come Emmanuel.m4a$ g* ?" w3 ^2 P% m& Z
│ 1-03 We're Going to the Country!.m4a+ P5 m0 D4 ]: ~8 e2 L
│ 1-04 Lo How a Rose E'er Blooming.m4a. v' P: ?, Y4 c1 H; i m
│ 1-05 It's Christmas! Let's Be Glad!.m4a
7 b$ t2 A* N" l/ n│ 1-06 Holy, Holy, Etc..m4a
) p. V4 c) y( f+ d6 A j1 L- N│ 1-07 Amazing Grace.m4a5 R' d& G& j! e V, A; ~' P- L# B
│ 1-08 Angels We Have Heard On High.m4a+ o7 k* K3 U6 ]# w9 C
│ 1-09 Put the Lights On the Tree.m4a) z) }+ ~1 ~9 T# L4 u% O# O
│ 1-10 Come Thou Fount of Every Blessi.m4a
/ T4 O8 L. {7 B& f# I3 n" o│ 1-11 I Saw Three Ships.m4a, e9 U1 a* b1 v [9 E
│ 1-12 Only At Christmas Time.m4a1 v! L$ D0 U: d) k! ? G5 Y Q
│ 1-13 Once In David's Royal City.m4a* s. C3 R C3 v: n6 b
│ 1-14 Hark! The Herald Angels Sing!.m4a
5 i- R3 e) Y7 P s2 O- ~7 F│ 1-15 What Child Is This Anyway_.m4a
, G3 X3 X1 D( e; q" X│ 1-16 Bring a Torch, Jeanette, Isabel.m4a
5 H* o' u. L$ H│ 1-17 O Come, O Come Emmanuel.m4a" v! F- K/ o2 l4 c4 I2 q3 X
│ 1-18 Come On! Let's Boogey to the El.m4a8 x/ y+ [2 V) g* P
│ 1-19 We Three Kings.m4a
* e, p- B5 _2 ?+ H7 B7 E│ 1-20 O Holy Night.m4a
. q j+ F. I2 f2 B│ 1-21 That Was the Worst Christmas Ev.m4a
. h/ V% v) s' U$ B! {' w& O# ]7 D│ 2-01 Ding! Dong!.m4a
, |5 V+ I% M8 B9 d* z, H: k! o│ 2-02 All the King's Horns.m4a
0 Y& O9 [& c$ K$ q8 t# {3 M│ 2-03 The Friendly Beasts.m4a& {# F5 L' @: _2 D
│ 2-04 The Little Drummer Boy.m4a. P0 Z6 N( s9 S( I
│ 2-05 Away In a Manger.m4a% A2 n: Y) l. p/ `# K }
│ 2-06 Hey Guys! It's Christmas Time!.m4a Q4 E# P$ [/ U+ d% l# a
│ 2-07 The First Noel.m4a" s; d0 A- I$ G2 h) @+ F
│ 2-08 Did I Make You Cry On Christmas.m4a
1 L4 y3 X( R9 r {, Z. S9 V b3 N$ w│ 2-09 The Incarnation.m4a- c6 L# Z1 ]' O O
│ 2-10 Joy to the World.m4a
( ?1 J1 i9 Z7 h6 F2 _│ 2-11 Once In Royal David's City.m4a
7 Q# {) K4 C1 F1 H$ `, R│ 2-12 Get Behind Me, Santa!.m4a( _ {# V' Z. ?- h! A' w# m
│ 2-13 Jingle Bells.m4a7 I) [( y, `+ h$ v/ B& }" s# ?, E
│ 2-14 Christmas In July.m4a
7 X/ `. F0 u$ ~2 k│ 2-15 Lo! How a Rose E'er Blooming.m4a# c! M1 p$ f! ?. B
│ 2-16 Jupiter Winter.m4a( _; I/ \6 z; L, z% z
│ 2-17 Sister Winter.m4a" f" M1 v. E) ?" B+ w g" @
│ 2-18 O Come, O Come Emmanuel.m4a
) ] |2 p: X7 k8 `) c│ 2-19 Star of Wonder.m4a2 t: V1 y1 |; |8 c0 _8 b
│ 2-20 Holy, Holy, Holy.m4a5 T6 E" ]% }2 Z2 j# O
│ 2-21 The Winter Solstice.m4a* }* ~0 g! a; f6 k: _7 Y: ?
9 c* o$ ~/ m# W g├─2006 - The Avalanche
# Q! k" {2 G8 D* u3 U. z! G│ 01 The Avalanche.m4a& w! j2 L* Z. _0 P) n
│ 02 Dear Mr. Supercomputer.m4a/ D# G6 ]4 x2 \# z5 {
│ 03 Adlai Stevenson.m4a0 b) o7 x; `# {) M2 r
│ 04 The Vivian Girls Are Visited In t.m4a5 ?2 r& V! f j' a/ I& ?- l1 H6 j& ~
│ 05 Chicago (Acoustic).m4a; ?' Z6 S9 B+ Y
│ 06 The Henney Buggy Band.m4a
% X' W& k, L. v( k6 O" `2 n│ 07 Saul Bellow.m4a; @6 Z% N' p3 f4 ^. I+ ~+ j; D
│ 08 Carlyle Lake.m4a. w w% |. x5 u7 C
│ 09 Springfiel, or Bobby Got a Shadfl.m4a3 K7 X5 h3 `2 {! {7 O
│ 10 The Mistress Witch from McClure (.m4a
3 f' N$ Z+ s: `. ?9 z, |│ 11 Kaskaskia River.m4a
" m# ^" v8 W- l& u' Q& _5 F; `" x3 g│ 12 Chicago (Adult Contemporary Easy.m4a
; d& k6 C# V+ v7 W% i│ 13 Inaugural Pop Music for Jane Marg.m4a
2 z8 L7 J# g* }4 k- h$ p3 K│ 14 No Man's Land.m4a0 k9 U c6 y' d) \; W
│ 15 The Palm Sunday Tornado Hits Crys.m4a
( g9 y0 {/ ^) z$ A0 d4 r│ 16 The Pick-Up.m4a
4 `. `9 H9 ^0 {│ 17 The Perpetual Self, or _What Woul.m4a
/ V; I; |$ Q9 S \│ 18 For Clyde Tombaugh.m4a! |/ c3 t+ U( K) E/ \: a: @
│ 19 Chicago (Multiple Personality Dis.m4a( @8 e$ m9 f5 V. p" k# L, r
│ 20 Pittsfield.m4a
/ t% H9 g y: f! @6 a│ 21 The Undivided Self (For Eppie and.m4a
0 q9 ?2 B8 f- g3 K; Z- I% I│ ! y, H+ D( g$ v" M
├─2009 - The BQE (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)5 [! _' J: u& f) A+ p: s
│ 01 Prelude On the Esplanade.m4a
6 X& c* Q. r" ]3 R; ^. e/ J; D│ 02 Introductory Fanfare for the Hoop.m4a: T1 ~# {$ e2 Y0 x7 w: G
│ 03 Movement I_ In the Countenance of.m4a
) L0 L6 ^. c3 c7 Z k1 T│ 04 Movement II_ Sleeping Invader.m4a8 M' p8 s+ ^/ ~ q% F3 n
│ 05 Interlude I_ Dream Sequence In Su.m4a
" {9 Z( T# N/ V X( p. }│ 06 Movement III_ Linear Tableau With.m4a L& i, _6 r( \2 y$ J" q
│ 07 Movement IV_ Traffic Shock.m4a3 \$ X" e8 J- I- G3 q
│ 08 Movement V_ Self-Organizing Emerg.m4a
2 p5 |) {& z5 t5 f4 {│ 09 Interlude II_ Subi Power Waltz.m4a/ o% ~2 w3 o7 ~* U/ Y4 D+ ~4 }
│ 10 Interlude III_ Invisible Accident.m4a- e( i& t; R1 d: P5 |+ [* {
│ 11 Movement VI_ Isorhythmic Night Da.m4a# O8 v3 E" j! @3 o( ?; \
│ 12 Movement VII (Finale)_ The Empero.m4a5 y4 N% U1 X! F3 ~
│ 13 Postlude_ Critical Mass.m4a6 }% s3 |' p9 J9 w' Z5 u- P1 c* o- H
& f' Q6 [9 |9 D) I! e9 u5 I├─2010 - The Age of Adz
+ Q6 r+ p; `6 b n│ 01 Futile Devices.m4a
; f; p/ Q% B/ X│ 02 Too Much.m4a! _+ J+ G/ v9 z' J
│ 03 Age of Adz.m4a
( u0 v% s$ B: h- g# U& V│ 04 I Walked.m4a. b1 \! A3 D/ o N
│ 05 Now That I'm Older.m4a
' q. ]. ?) Y* f' u│ 06 Get Real Get Right.m4a
: b; j" n$ z: q│ 07 Bad Communication.m4a
/ c9 d: S7 {, P; l6 `5 a. d│ 08 Vesuvius.m4a
* v. B, Q$ l$ l7 f/ T│ 09 All for Myself.m4a% f% @: L' e5 y' B" Z1 Q
│ 10 I Want to Be Well.m4a
1 ~9 J% B* C& E( J│ 11 Impossible Soul.m4a# J4 K: }" @0 S+ p8 d
+ x6 i- N3 r4 Q! w6 v$ w├─2012 - Silver & Gold; K: c9 {3 }0 u' Y
│ 01 Silent Night.m4a6 A! M0 q) p) J K" h% m% h
│ 02 Lumberjack Christmas _ No One Can.m4a/ g1 i1 b& b7 q& I% G& d/ g
│ 03 Coventry Carol (feat. Marla Hanse.m4a
# [+ b6 r) \" F. h& e1 N) u│ 04 The Midnight Clear.m4a. I% f6 p4 I8 W
│ 05 Carol of St. Benjamin the Bearded.m4a
$ F( H( ?4 J- C& `) u: @! _│ 06 Go Nightly Cares.m4a) r g, p; v1 X. G" F; k
│ 07 Barcarola (You Must Be a Christma.m4a6 H+ s$ Q$ N7 {' M
│ 08 Auld Lang Syne.m4a
4 o4 {6 I3 Q- I( f7 w# U) V│ 09 Christ the Lord is Born.m4a+ e/ q2 T* o/ S; t
│ 10 Christmas Woman.m4a5 s8 D0 N' q6 M; C! V- B) b5 G, e
│ 11 Break Forth O Beauteous Heavenly.m4a' P5 m+ O& D; b4 _
│ 12 Happy Family Christmas.m4a1 ]- m. a: y" f3 \
│ 13 Jingle Bells.m4a
?, a/ v( W/ |# R) s* a│ 14 Mysteries of the Christmas Mist.m4a
( b7 ~; k" o$ E% W# a: _/ a- J│ 15 Lift Up Your Heads Ye Mighty Gate.m4a4 l" a$ O1 u5 q0 K$ L& Q
│ 16 We Wish You a Merry Christmas.m4a8 R; B; Z# E: d; p
│ 17 Ah Holy Jesus.m4a% m8 a3 M( G4 v! Z
│ 18 Behold the Birth of Man, the Face.m4a: B! `- b& V/ w4 g- i$ d
│ 19 Ding-a-Ling-a-Ring-a-Ling.m4a
2 y& h# j. [5 I' f# k0 m+ T' M│ 20 How Shall I Fitly Meet Thee_.m4a
5 U) Z% U v! l( J3 u& E4 h$ v│ 21 Mr. Frosty Man.m4a
' X, V2 F* N) @2 D0 [+ u6 g│ 22 Make Haste to See the Baby.m4a _/ o" _! v( i2 l6 i9 z9 m
│ 23 Ah Holy Jesus (With Reed Organ).m4a7 Y; Z8 x6 j. q n h
│ 24 Hark! The Herald Angels Sing.m4a
9 W) u1 a3 v) g- G/ x6 P( a1 r$ }│ 25 Morning (Sacred Harp).m4a, j; L0 t% o) z a8 F9 b. N/ y" `
│ 26 Idumea (Sacred Harp).m4a7 Q0 m! h" B Y5 c! [' l
│ 27 Eternal Happiness or Woe.m4a* b" Z8 E- Y( e; F, h8 ^3 ]- Y6 k
│ 28 Ah Holy Jesus (A Capella).m4a7 c- t4 j _( s u0 O
│ 29 I Am Santa's Helper.m4a
1 Q' c% d# {4 Z0 g! m│ 30 Maoz Tzur (Rock of Ages).m4a
* u# c/ _$ P7 g+ a; r│ 31 Even the Earth Will Perish and th.m4a
4 b$ m$ {1 O, g│ 32 Angels We Have Heard On High.m4a
& O1 r, Q& T" C│ 33 Do You Hear What I Hear_.m4a
T! H; S, i/ o' o- w6 Z│ 34 Christmas In the Room.m4a1 D- Y1 R/ l2 O: G4 n. c7 e
│ 35 It Came Upon a Midnight Clear.m4a
2 |4 o, v! L) [2 M│ 36 Good King Wenceslas.m4a& ]" X: ]5 T& U9 `( A5 B l
│ 37 Alphabet St..m4a$ I+ x$ a: E2 i2 a
│ 38 Particle Physics.m4a
+ I1 o/ C; k+ Z3 n- V│ 39 Joy to the World.m4a+ b% C. g3 g1 j
│ 40 The Child With the Star On His He.m4a) C' K- v4 i9 U9 u! x4 T$ X' w6 F d
│ 41 I'll Be Home for Christmas.m4a" C4 a. @5 Q# W: M* `: r
│ 42 Santa Claus Is Coming to Town.m4a+ g" v1 K" K$ t/ I8 N
│ 43 The Sleigh in the Moon (feat. Cat.m4a3 N( G% J( B" z- Z
│ 44 Sleigh Ride.m4a! \* `1 }. @3 _) P( O
│ 45 Ave Maria (feat. Cat Martino).m4a
1 D" f% S. T5 l2 ~9 H0 x7 J% n0 M8 `│ 46 X-mas Spirit Catcher.m4a
8 ?5 A# K4 ?" `│ 47 Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It.m4a, Z, C! ^; k7 p z+ j
│ 48 Holly Jolly Christmas.m4a
3 L' _2 Y9 a; Z3 ?# e│ 49 Christmas Face (feat. Sebastian K.m4a' \! W! w9 l7 ^3 I) q/ r [4 h# j
│ 50 Have Yourself a Merry Little Chri.m4a/ {0 ^9 ^ r6 h4 Y
│ 51 It Came Upon a Midnight Clear.m4a G: a6 e# m: B" t$ e- r
│ 52 Up On the Housetop.m4a8 _3 c5 S+ S! r! ?2 W9 u
│ 53 Angels We Have Heard On High.m4a
3 M9 ?$ k" `: D% ]. A! P4 L8 ?+ H│ 54 We Need a Little Christmas.m4a5 M4 }. D3 a- T$ P/ L1 A/ k5 l2 }+ s
│ 55 Happy Karma Christmas.m4a
! x# s7 G3 x2 z" N' F3 O│ 56 We Three Kings.m4a
9 ?! @7 h- X- X+ R5 r│ 57 Justice Delivers Its Gift.m4a
5 F" ?0 C/ w3 r* h/ U# o* \3 N! L│ 58 Christmas Unicorn.m4a
* b* S5 `6 S. R. E( ~- ^│ Digital Booklet - Silver & Gold.pdf9 |9 M- e; O/ p6 k9 J
5 }, T- q M# e├─2016 - Carrie & Lowell0 ?9 \1 j# O6 }$ b0 m+ ~; O! v
│ 01 Death with Dignity.m4a n. ^6 h- q& t) N" H9 [
│ 02 Should Have Known Better.m4a0 Z, C0 Z3 g' t7 D
│ 03 All of Me Wants All of You.m4a
' \4 ^9 \7 K# Q0 q. E│ 04 Drawn to the Blood.m4a
1 ^6 a& k1 [4 s│ 05 Eugene.m4a
1 `+ D4 C5 y1 F3 R( z│ 06 Fourth of July.m4a
$ U) l6 o% Q4 Q6 ~8 e" }│ 07 The Only Thing.m4a
3 y. u# \8 W0 y; K│ 08 Carrie & Lowell.m4a
, p0 f- }) V9 i# |│ 09 John My Beloved.m4a
; p6 T7 y: ]. t9 f- L) V│ 10 No Shade in the Shadow of The Cro.m4a
1 S5 s! N0 |) |! v: ?& f' v' ^│ 11 Blue Bucket of Gold.m4a, b3 ?# d! T0 m& [: x' Y! S
│ 5 j4 @" F( I! ` h! ^# h
├─2017 - Carrie & Lowell Live ?, ^9 u7 f$ w2 a6 ~8 y
│ 01 Redford (For Yia-Yia and Pappou).m4a
" G& j) s6 @1 C3 A5 d7 V│ 02 Death with Dignity (Live).m4a
- a$ k1 z+ c! j' S3 n5 f' |│ 03 Should Have Known Better (Live).m4a5 E7 Y/ e d, P" K* A
│ 04 All of Me Wants All of You (Live).m4a& Q' w# H1 z$ m5 n" S( B% r/ J
│ 05 John My Beloved (Live).m4a1 \; ~6 O4 T3 ^& |! j6 A
│ 06 The Only Thing (Live).m4a: r# O0 B O1 G# `1 u
│ 07 Fourth of July (Live).m4a
: D4 M0 U R/ }│ 08 No Shade in the Shadow of the Cro.m4a& ~" G5 f- x% x
│ 09 Carrie & Lowell (Live).m4a' E. r1 d- Y) ^
│ 10 Drawn to the Blood (Live).m4a6 M, |" c, Y3 j. l% {) n3 W' k
│ 11 Eugene (Live).m4a2 z% b; f. J, Y
│ 12 Vesuvius (Live).m4a- L% P" E: U) ?8 v9 l$ \6 T
│ 13 Futile Devices (Live).m4a8 b2 k% i* K& t
│ 14 Blue Bucket of Gold (Live).m4a
( m8 M- z/ k& r│ 15 Blue Bucket Outro (Live).m4a, b3 m* p1 V' j: R* ]
│ 16 Hotline Bling (Encore) [feat. Gal.m4a
" g4 E, m% F0 j3 h% @│
% @" w! j6 l' G$ ^. m: o├─2017 - Mystery of Love (From Call Me By Your Name) - Single( b& R& ^$ f; c4 ?- W" d
│ 01 Mystery of Love (From _Call Me By.m4a/ V! W6 J% V! \$ u" d5 \9 M
│ 2 q: @& I0 `% Z" a5 ]7 I/ Q
├─2017 - Planetarium
, y& ~# i4 }. u0 A│ 01 Neptune.m4a
+ h7 t; d# x+ Y) j. A3 c1 b. x│ 02 Jupiter.m4a
* l1 b* n- }7 x│ 03 Halley's Comet.m4a( q% [; j( r' S& Q% M, H
│ 04 Venus.m4a
( i9 ^ B. Z B4 H3 I/ ^: T) W$ `│ 05 Uranus.m4a) C8 l, p- ^) Q. V) k
│ 06 Mars.m4a6 y# c1 y/ t! \3 X: R
│ 07 Black Energy.m4a( J" j" t/ c# E
│ 08 Sun.m4a
x s2 s) ]; ?6 ]│ 09 Tides.m4a3 q: _- }* n9 T9 ?! j2 V
│ 10 Moon.m4a
' j/ K( V$ [& V8 G; E│ 11 Pluto.m4a
* e4 o6 E: C. m/ m/ Q; B2 O, Q│ 12 Kuiper Belt.m4a5 Z8 @* T: _# F. o _
│ 13 Black Hole.m4a1 y. i- Y. {; a( ?1 C4 N
│ 14 Saturn.m4a
+ y7 v& w, J% F│ 15 In the Beginning.m4a+ [) g! q' J! n+ G
│ 16 Earth.m4a6 r/ N- J/ k p# g+ q# Q( Z6 s6 ]5 {
│ 17 Mercury.m4a
% S$ Y$ H+ f( M5 m# k$ ^* \+ X│ ( X" h. B( W# [' D! Y" C+ M
├─2017 - The Greatest Gift
5 V ?& o- h9 c/ G- m0 k/ ]5 A9 ~│ 01 Wallowa Lake Monster.m4a$ J" P* s) P( Z( m7 H: o7 U
│ 02 Drawn to the Blood (Sufjan Steven.m4a
4 H, P4 b& z0 T- p, c" q9 z│ 03 Death with Dignity (Helado Negro.m4a; o5 e# y2 V1 I! o9 T/ R5 k |
│ 04 John My Beloved (iPhone Demo).m4a
1 z( y r. e8 x" {│ 05 Drawn to the Blood (Fingerpicking.m4a9 _ v% ~' k9 d0 b/ n
│ 06 The Greatest Gift.m4a
6 ~- t% \% P1 E5 D, U2 v6 ~│ 07 Exploding Whale (Doveman Remix).m4a' i9 Z4 T! f& w( X0 V% U
│ 08 All of Me Wants All of You (Helad.m4a8 D& U9 K0 D9 w* k
│ 09 Fourth of July (900X Remix).m4a
' f0 M1 b j J" N O# ^( L( e│ 10 The Hidden River of My Life.m4a
$ S& b/ m- H) f" I3 G9 e' W│ 11 City of Roses.m4a
# v, [# M# j0 C8 b# q5 A│ 12 Carrie & Lowell (iPhone Demo).m4a+ b- ?. `' B7 C; M7 [
% { B2 D5 m2 ]├─2018 - Lonely Man of?Winter - Single
9 c, _9 u6 J+ N+ I! |│ 01 Lonely Man of Winter.m4a
" u' t) x4 \. O" I2 x│ 02 Lonely Man of Winter (feat. Melis.m4a4 A; I: {8 ]6 ?8 O5 c
│ 03 Every Day is Christmas.m4a' M) @7 G! Q$ D; G
* u0 i% C {( d* r5 c; b0 Q├─2019 - Love Yourself _ With My Whole Heart - EP
. |; t& U" M" F$ q│ 01 Love Yourself.m4a1 L1 O6 z4 N1 K9 a1 [* H
│ 02 Love Yourself (1996 Demo).m4a
# q! u) |% g6 Q% h3 D1 ?│ 03 With My Whole Heart.m4a
* n, Z2 f) Y$ Y& O│ 04 Love Yourself (Short Reprise).m4a
6 r$ ] E* X7 e│
, R! V0 V' S) i% e/ x, \$ f4 W├─2020 - America - EP+ s* {1 ]: g( n" Z9 _
│ 01 America.m4a
7 K P# M+ Y; O: I│ 02 My Rajneesh.m4a
$ e5 K; [7 N# m1 M│
7 ]! |2 }, {- t├─2020 - Aporia
: V$ N- Z: B& `3 x( I, ~ E7 k7 j+ w│ 01 Ousia.m4a
# f4 |) D4 |) L7 k; x│ 02 What It Takes.m4a/ L) {: o4 U9 ~' {6 h4 L
│ 03 Disinheritance.m4a
+ t* g9 j$ _- P9 h│ 04 Agathon.m4a: m' V' C$ S5 H4 G! Z! j2 k
│ 05 Determined Outcome.m4a
+ V/ n2 S+ l5 e* d: O│ 06 Misology.m4a
# b9 _) S( D6 d% v; U│ 07 Afterworld Alliance.m4a
4 j$ ~' B" t4 @$ _│ 08 Palinodes.m4a7 z4 F( c$ g0 Y5 Q! U6 m
│ 09 Backhanded Cloud.m4a5 q% J1 z2 O" E7 z3 F9 @ s
│ 10 Glorious You.m4a
3 u7 L* z7 L: M* X0 I; o│ 11 For Raymond Scott.m4a, t# R6 \( H3 h* D' t: @
│ 12 Matronymic.m4a$ j, e7 @, J( w) b6 C
│ 13 The Red Desert.m4a! ~8 Y# u9 t3 v; e
│ 14 Conciliation.m4a! P8 W) M. d& X( B6 Z/ t( R" Y. V
│ 15 Ataraxia.m4a
& [# k# {/ H, c' z+ ^9 m. n│ 16 The Unlimited.m4a! E6 @# D! N9 }4 J& k; L
│ 17 The Runaround.m4a
$ V! J3 a$ p. v6 A# w+ }7 R│ 18 Climb That Mountain.m4a
, h* \1 B3 ?1 u+ U: S│ 19 Captain Praxis.m4a8 W; |( M: ?. K7 D7 w5 Y' u/ g) H
│ 20 Eudaimonia.m4a; [, J- C/ V* a/ O1 s8 p+ C% w
│ 21 The Lydian Ring.m4a
' [, h/ J" W( T# x" r│
9 u0 g& }* ^9 B2 [├─2020 - Sugar - Single$ @4 o3 o O) j- P
│ 01 Sugar.m4a
" O, t( Q% v9 E, w( A% C│ & f& [$ \; ^( ^3 ~
├─2020 - The Ascension8 K* o) b* K+ @9 ]6 ^
│ 01 Make Me an Offer I Cannot Refuse.m4a/ X5 Q0 V/ ?+ ^5 u+ P) m% D- y
│ 02 Run Away With Me.m4a* p& x7 N7 \ }' a, {
│ 03 Video Game.m4a1 A% A5 N3 i7 v5 a y
│ 04 Lamentations.m4a( P# L9 j( X+ a4 {$ l
│ 05 Tell Me You Love Me.m4a3 ~9 n$ t7 I, ], P
│ 06 Die Happy.m4a1 I- r1 J) o# v* D5 `% [
│ 07 Ativan.m4a
3 c' e8 F+ i% u% M' J6 g' Z1 V│ 08 Ursa Major.m4a! \9 s3 D" e1 K( J& ~) o
│ 09 Landslide.m4a
* p x9 o! A- F- O# n│ 10 Gilgamesh.m4a, y& k: r$ f/ p3 ^$ d6 ] D: p5 o' C
│ 11 Death Star.m4a x4 Q% k' ]9 r& [: u
│ 12 Goodbye To All That.m4a
1 H/ s9 F3 r/ v# q│ 13 Sugar.m4a
7 M( P& e* s2 E! r' ^│ 14 The Ascension.m4a
& D6 w2 k/ L1 T4 w5 O│ 15 America.m4a$ s/ R6 E+ t$ @3 t
' i ^8 T: Y" ?├─2020 - Video Game - Single
" u. L" m/ P9 n1 D( y4 o│ 01 Video Game.m4a& }4 B6 F+ E0 ^* }' F
│ ! q$ E+ G4 ~0 Z. u8 y5 i7 u8 C
├─2021 - A Beginner's Mind
( }+ g) Y+ R4 U5 G0 _* ? P7 w│ 01 Reach Out.m4a4 y6 p7 l$ Q! L+ I4 o0 o
│ 02 Lady Macbeth In Chains.m4a$ S6 }7 i+ p; N7 t1 W1 i- V
│ 03 Back To Oz.m4a0 ^2 F* ]# u/ u3 r* o5 P
│ 04 The Pillar of Souls.m4a
5 `4 ?$ {4 ]6 x( `0 t$ J│ 05 You Give Death a Bad Name.m4a
' y6 W' x2 {0 v4 K7 T4 D% V+ F; F│ 06 Beginner_s Mind.m4a
& d0 W( `2 Z2 K' ~5 k│ 07 Olympus.m4a% u! v4 m* {7 E: m Q
│ 08 Murder and Crime.m4a
% n6 x& c A7 a+ ` L│ 09 (This Is) The Thing.m4a
# a7 U" |) `. W# V│ 10 It_s Your Own Body and Mind.m4a4 T0 L9 B! b$ \2 d' N4 u; Y: Y3 q
│ 11 Lost In the World.m4a) K7 Z6 y2 m% i' H
│ 12 Fictional California.m4a) [% @" l" z8 x* c0 w- _/ ]$ N# i
│ 13 Cimmerian Shade.m4a
6 N9 }' y: J' H1 J! l1 B│ 14 Lacrimae.m4a
+ A6 `* t( h8 N8 h2 }8 b( e│
* K/ N Q$ s8 Y1 W2 u/ C├─2021 - Convocations4 D# U" a. o# G( |- F: \. O, ]7 g
│ 1-01 Meditation I.m4a$ } t) G* q! @/ q
│ 1-02 Meditation II.m4a; a# [, |" Z: P# v, i2 M
│ 1-03 Meditation III.m4a
. c" g7 d+ L, p9 Q6 d5 A│ 1-04 Meditation IV.m4a
# U! i+ q- g: s! ^│ 1-05 Meditation V.m4a7 c( E% S8 e2 k `" n" r! o1 \
│ 1-06 Meditation VI.m4a+ }( h5 w, F8 G( g g9 B
│ 1-07 Meditation VII.m4a7 ?, c( `5 r* q8 s
│ 1-08 Meditation VIII.m4a& p( W$ i2 z' X D+ ^
│ 1-09 Meditation IX.m4a
0 @" y$ \5 z1 \- h/ P6 D, W│ 1-10 Meditation X.m4a
, _9 v: I4 E" _8 F+ }│ 2-01 Lamentation I.m4a
! R9 c7 t% |( l# p│ 2-02 Lamentation II.m4a
) U% s- y9 e% m6 @6 C& Y1 g│ 2-03 Lamentation III.m4a6 L9 V% [3 w5 h0 J
│ 2-04 Lamentation IV.m4a
! L( @* f7 ?2 S Y4 @; _! s│ 2-05 Lamentation V.m4a
( @4 a( E8 x# V+ r8 i: L+ t3 v│ 2-06 Lamentation VI.m4a |3 \! R4 t! f( f, i5 ?& G
│ 2-07 Lamentation VII.m4a
+ U' ~. t/ z: E- ~6 b! U. Y# y. u* A│ 2-08 Lamentation VIII.m4a" m2 J. w( M* D- S: J: O& f( r
│ 2-09 Lamentation IX.m4a! [2 o. p. u& T5 W! D& s4 S
│ 2-10 Lamentation X.m4a: X" I4 T% K& V" A
│ 3-01 Revelation I.m4a
8 Y7 x9 u2 r; j, h6 [$ B$ D9 ?│ 3-02 Revelation II.m4a. l W0 @8 |7 ]. l8 B
│ 3-03 Revelation III.m4a
: U8 w9 ~) z* @& w* ]3 x│ 3-04 Revelation IV.m4a
. n$ a3 N0 x2 i│ 3-05 Revelation V.m4a8 d6 x" l% w( a& l" Z5 ]
│ 3-06 Revelation VI.m4a
+ q0 S& N) F3 z# W2 R│ 3-07 Revelation VII.m4a- a. z; ^9 G/ e2 ]8 n
│ 3-08 Revelation VIII.m4a$ Z1 y! e5 r: X- C8 T
│ 3-09 Revelation IX.m4a
5 L: Z8 s" q" D$ O4 m! H. b' |& ]( [│ 3-10 Revelation X.m4a6 _: H# U- S% i4 E. r5 M
│ 4-01 Celebration I.m4a
! O( h; U# _6 N! \; h6 k7 j& |7 C│ 4-02 Celebration II.m4a
1 w+ H9 j' B2 ~# _- ]& d+ M% j│ 4-03 Celebration III.m4a
# O2 n) ]7 x: F│ 4-04 Celebration IV.m4a
, j2 m6 B( ]/ L; Y" a" g$ H/ x│ 4-05 Celebration V.m4a
5 r# E' J# K" w$ X5 z( l│ 4-06 Celebration VI.m4a6 W/ F) X" u) A. G
│ 4-07 Celebration VII.m4a8 G0 ]% ~8 d. q% L, T) Z
│ 4-08 Celebration VIII.m4a
9 E; e5 b3 j" `7 m0 r│ 4-09 Celebration IX.m4a t5 Y# Z" f& @0 {# g7 `4 N. q: T
│ 4-10 Celebration X.m4a5 v% k" l8 S. _
│ 5-01 Incantation I.m4a$ `$ Z( s% O/ m, Q' h0 }* s1 ?
│ 5-02 Incantation II.m4a
5 v' Z! Y% F0 v7 Z│ 5-03 Incantation III.m4a
2 o3 o8 S3 J. e8 `+ N1 F│ 5-04 Incantation IV.m4a
Y$ ]$ x& C7 G0 I│ 5-05 Incantation V.m4a
9 }% h- m7 t! g/ s x" S5 h; h8 ^% ~│ 5-06 Incantation VI.m4a
, k0 K3 p2 b9 N9 x( K$ [│ 5-07 Incantation VII.m4a" e7 ?) c% U4 e5 N7 V
│ 5-08 Incantation VIII.m4a1 I6 Y, @5 \' [3 w5 X9 n
│ 5-09 Incantation IX.m4a; D" A, P& G: x
│ 8 S+ f' a) F! Y7 a+ h+ W
├─2022 - Fourth of July - Single4 E% i' E7 }" d* U4 M% e$ \
│ 01 Fourth of July (April Base Versio.m4a( |: a2 w! C. z$ Z/ @; g1 Z
│ 02 Fourth of July (DUMBO Version).m4a
3 r$ [: V) F- j- o2 `7 t│ 03 Fourth of July.m4a
& |% J0 K ]# m8 H) T3 j9 s│ ) f' D5 o8 h/ D/ B
├─2023 - Javelin
. W! l) u& `/ C' Z! N0 S, A# k% U│ 01 Goodbye Evergreen.m4a
/ q" |) U& k, v3 k2 o- E│ 02 A Running Start.m4a' o1 q* ^/ ?& X" u! T, P6 R
│ 03 Will Anybody Ever Love Me_.m4a
+ p: h8 d$ z! f6 Q3 W, ?│ 04 Everything That Rises.m4a
. m! a( K- ~1 N│ 05 Genuflecting Ghost.m4a" {: E) s5 }4 D4 j; S# _( T
│ 06 My Red Little Fox.m4a
$ y. \' F8 d" P: G# ^│ 07 So You Are Tired.m4a
3 L3 g, ]( u" k7 T│ 08 Javelin (To Have And To Hold).m4a
5 L' Y! A) W# g# W7 }│ 09 Shit Talk.m4a5 A) }2 ]6 \3 q' e: F3 y
│ 10 There's A World.m4a, p) Q1 _# C2 B+ r7 {6 K: T
# G2 c9 {3 T$ r7 Y9 Q' v0 K) _. O: M. h└─2023 - Reflections7 {5 H4 ?8 P% K1 R, X
01 Ekstasis.m4a8 q6 D. k2 X4 y) j6 c* O- J! C0 j
02 Revanche.m4a
+ D- Y& y1 a% a 03 Euphoros.m4a `) X- P( a2 c& f0 g$ h
04 Mnemosyne.m4a# b; ]+ D, y a: m# V
05 Rodinia.m4a+ n" Q7 k& b! B! Z
06 Reflexion.m4a
" C! Y I3 M7 h 07 And I Shall Come To You Like a St.m4a9 h/ c5 q1 d5 Q! `, P9 X
# k. D* K% \$ r' O& i# f) r- A
7 [7 K9 Y2 v5 I0 E. V4 J! L3 V
. A3 t$ U- H7 X, r
: h0 c* v5 `# _7 h* E6 v8 p. E( p9 ?9 ? ]
3 m* B+ n, [/ Y$ p( [* T" l
# C! y4 b# s* V$ ^# M9 }9 n% \; y
" w" r) @: ^1 M2 }$ q/ i9 s$ ?