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$ \* t0 W$ E% I1 ^
+ [' x0 H8 T2 X+ fRush简介
0 i9 X! b6 x! ~% l% |- YRush乐队是加拿大为数不多的几个能拿得出手的摇滚乐队,70年代就已成立,在摇滚乐坛有着相当高的地位,和Pink Folyd,Dream Theater分别代表了前卫摇滚的三个时代。Rush乐队只有三位成员:主唱/贝斯Geddy Lee,吉他Alex Lifesn,鼓手John Rutsey。主唱Lee的嗓子绝对称得上一流,而他的贝斯演奏更是大师级的;吉他手Alex也可以说是比较有名气的吉他英雄了,其独特的演奏风格影响了很多后辈。想要听专辑的话推荐The Moveing Picture和2112这两张,前卫摇滚这东西最好不要听精选。
7 V' ]8 F0 A: j) v; X
3 {' r$ M* t' ?
9 q, E4 Y ], E+ o7 D. u0 C, R├─1974 - Rush (Mastered for iTunes)8 B4 ~4 n8 n. n; J. `! q% Y+ a
│ 01 - Finding My Way.m4a
. a; y; U2 D# k' y% S0 K. l' M│ 02 - Need Some Love.m4a
$ U: M& H7 [9 I│ 03 - Take a Friend.m4a$ M% Z- c7 I) t2 o& O) v
│ 04 - Here Again.m4a
' c% C- ~5 o. j1 X! P- D│ 05 - What You're Doing.m4a7 a I; l2 U/ Q
│ 06 - In the Mood.m4a. y$ P( O2 O$ @+ l7 i
│ 07 - Before and After.m4a+ X/ e! H- A C5 N+ r9 d! _/ l1 x0 K
│ 08 - Working Man.m4a
+ h6 O/ o: D: E* K│
" n2 Y7 X. g7 _! b8 F% U- Q) M& U├─1975 - Caress of Steel [Mastered for iTunes]) s+ I0 u+ S# ? O- @( ~
│ 01 - Bastille Day.m4a
2 C: L8 z, k9 S& k! s' B│ 02 - I Think I'm Going Bald.m4a
$ v N V6 t( I0 b, u│ 03 - Lakeside Park.m4a
5 A0 i7 x7 B; k6 s) y│ 04 - The Necromancer.m4a, y5 j" K# W' ^* f2 S$ e6 Q
│ 05 - The Fountain of Lamneth.m4a
; U: I# A, v3 k" I. q9 f3 u│ / S X" t& C+ {& ?7 Q8 w3 f; I% D8 q
├─1975 - Fly By Night [Mastered for iTunes]
3 K$ {7 d* A$ S' k9 T7 W( l│ 01 - Anthem.m4a& F9 E4 w. ^$ G" \
│ 02 - Best I Can.m4a
4 n* `( v" i+ V& d" V│ 03 - Beneath, Between and Behind.m4a/ C, ~8 m+ s- e( s6 ?
│ 04 - By-Tor and the Snow Dog.m4a9 W B2 g% s& G/ U. `* ~
│ 05 - Fly By Night.m4a
6 ~) K U( v4 ]│ 06 - Making Memories.m4a8 Z) n$ u7 _4 C, \
│ 07 - Rivendell.m4a
8 ~8 C, ?$ \8 H. u8 j- F│ 08 - In the End.m4a; S: d9 D4 E2 N: M
│ J2 z2 d1 N* L. `9 j$ k, K" T% m
├─1976 - 2112 [Mastered for iTunes]8 G3 G/ R2 G! R8 }, |
│ 01 - 2112.m4a5 L- K* o% J/ ]& U# F* J2 v
│ 02 - A Passage To Bangkok.m4a: n3 {) K; G* K, e' K
│ 03 - The Twilight Zone.m4a
% z- ^0 y- f/ R5 _1 \& [1 t│ 04 - Lessons.m4a3 \1 M q; t' b( u
│ 05 - Tears.m4a
' w8 T7 N- r2 F: ` w│ 06 - Something For Nothing.m4a
* z' p; Y( F* ^$ c" w│
4 X" @3 G9 ~4 S2 ?* o0 v├─1976 - All the World's a Stage (Live) [Mastered for iTunes]
- I, ~: B1 b# q# q$ f│ 1-01 Bastille Day (Live At Massey Hall, Toronto , 1976).m4a
# \4 W& j7 o" y│ 1-02 Anthem (Live At Massey Hall, Toronto , 1976).m4a' ?: i1 E7 E" ] F
│ 1-03 Fly By Night , In the Mood (Live At Massey Hall, Toronto , 1976).m4a
/ Z6 V" A$ \: G) B) [( a│ 1-04 Something For Nothing (Live At Massey Hall, Toronto , 1976).m4a
; x& [3 g4 E9 C$ U│ 1-05 Lakeside Park (Live At Massey Hall, Toronto , 1976).m4a" h' g8 _# N9 z$ E C) O' D
│ 1-06 2112 (Live At Massey Hall, Toronto , 1976).m4a
9 M" N5 c6 P" M# s/ W$ W( g) S│ 1-07 By-Tor and the Snow Dog (Live At Massey Hall, Toronto , 1976).m4a
4 d5 l* ]; h; A0 j( N2 {│ 1-08 In the End (Live At Massey Hall, Toronto , 1976).m4a
. Z$ Q$ c2 j! \" {: P$ U│ 1-09 Working Man , Finding My Way (Live At Massey Hall, Toronto , 1976).m4a# u% c! E4 u4 |! T5 |" Q3 b
│ 1-10 What You're Doing (Live At Massey Hall, Toronto , 1976).m4a" H! |' S" }5 V9 E& b
* D# N7 Q$ [) U5 u) D' S├─1977 - A Farewell to Kings [Mastered for iTunes]
& Q8 C+ c0 ^8 F│ 1-01 A Farewell to Kings.m4a! S/ u% N3 g, v' L# ]( h* W
│ 1-02 Xanadu.m4a% c) |/ z' N& q
│ 1-03 Closer to the Heart.m4a
# a7 Q& |1 \9 ?# F* R2 z/ a' f│ 1-04 Cinderella Man.m4a& X+ X+ B' z+ n; U1 U$ j6 ~' R7 s
│ 1-05 Madrigal.m4a- G4 {* H( |" a% v6 q: I' J9 F% z/ J( r
│ 1-06 Cygnus X-1 (Book One - The Voyage).m4a
8 x% P3 v5 i! x, Y8 C) R│ & F2 L( v: e5 |' e2 a$ E
├─1978 - Hemispheres [Mastered for iTunes]
- {& A4 o3 H, ~* w3 j│ 1-01 Cygnus X-1 Book II- Hemispheres.m4a4 j: o# K! W: D, F: E. J# T
│ 1-02 Circumstances.m4a) g( j1 E3 F0 ~) E1 s
│ 1-03 The Trees.m4a
6 W& P, x5 U( x│ 1-04 La Villa Strangiato.m4a
1 Y# J+ \5 Z: g- R1 o6 z│
E4 L& z2 j* X+ k3 B( s/ R, a├─1980 - Permanent Waves [Mastered for iTunes]
! g- P) C1 d! x, [│ 01 The Spirit of Radio.m4a
5 G! z: m5 p& j5 i3 ?, |( z│ 02 Freewill.m4a
5 {3 h/ ^- s) ]│ 03 Jacob's Ladder.m4a2 a u! _' t+ l) X5 W, o+ R
│ 04 Entre Nous.m4a
8 K8 b8 p0 n2 d5 C6 V( P6 Y% m│ 05 Different Strings.m4a
& {. M" @0 }) r5 @# o* D; c5 ?│ 06 Natural Science.m4a
( P0 I! c, S0 P: a6 m) m3 d│
/ P9 I3 y) J& e0 Q3 ~├─1981 - Exit... Stage Left (Live) [Mastered for iTunes]
9 B& ^: \ _3 K1 T7 }. V/ i│ 1-01 The Spirit of Radio (Live).m4a5 \% P0 L w; L" c7 X
│ 1-02 Red Barchetta (Live).m4a
# }: h# a; J1 T) N│ 1-03 YYZ (Live).m4a
2 U0 M+ s) p' Q8 O% l│ 1-04 A Passage to Bangkok (Live).m4a
; d- q+ B2 Z* H│ 1-05 Closer to the Heart (Live).m4a6 P: H& g3 S& l4 l/ T2 d
│ 1-06 Beneath, Between and Behind (Live).m4a
* G, y6 v6 w- J1 Q+ ]9 c" v ^│ 1-07 Jacob's Ladder (Live).m4a
# }: d3 {# U8 P│ 1-08 Broon's Bane (Live).m4a5 W3 S6 R9 `+ T# a" M9 C7 N
│ 1-09 The Trees (Live).m4a; v2 p% w8 h$ H# _; o
│ 1-10 Xanadu (Live).m4a
9 c/ K- N& g9 i: ?, c5 E5 u│ 1-11 Freewill (Live).m4a T! c/ ?& t8 l$ j# `8 @' y/ W$ a; J
│ 1-12 Tom Sawyer (Live).m4a1 l/ z& X& Z. H* A8 Q; f! Z. C
│ 1-13 La Villa Strangiato (Live).m4a6 d( I/ u* z' j
│ % U1 q2 p: m! Q# w; o6 r
├─1981 - Moving Pictures [Mastered for iTunes] Z, b* A8 u; G- ~! Y Y8 x- V$ m) h, @
│ 1-01 Tom Sawyer.m4a' R3 w, L! U$ W) J% t0 l/ Z x
│ 1-02 Red Barchetta.m4a9 C A$ c+ \' i/ \: t
│ 1-03 YYZ.m4a6 X) j& y1 B% {$ _. d$ Q- T
│ 1-04 Limelight.m4a' R8 {- H6 v2 |: Z9 ?: u: {7 ~
│ 1-05 The Camera Eye.m4a
" f6 x6 F8 p2 u, g0 f: I% Y T│ 1-06 Witch Hunt (Part III of Fear).m4a- [2 l. b! E4 B' o4 F
│ 1-07 Vital Signs.m4a
% Z) X$ F+ e9 U) n│ , T9 e N6 |( |! {
├─1982 - Signals [Mastered for iTunes]* G b: t- K+ b6 L9 n! }( L
│ 1-01 Subdivisions.m4a1 |' k' H& }& {( o Q# K* M
│ 1-02 The Analog Kid.m4a/ w2 L0 t$ C, X2 k
│ 1-03 Chemistry.m4a
, T$ ^3 [) K0 u) E* D" s! Y│ 1-04 Digital Man.m4a4 Z5 P' a* O2 z+ g+ v
│ 1-05 The Weapon (Part II of Fear).m4a
! n1 o6 R2 D0 X) L5 N│ 1-06 New World Man.m4a
( \- A: ?# V+ j: c2 p│ 1-07 Losing It.m4a
3 n9 w8 R9 l8 c( ~$ b│ 1-08 Countdown.m4a: t7 J, Q/ {5 I9 V$ [
│ ' [5 O" U9 }, L4 K7 C0 b
├─1984 - Grace Under Pressure [Mastered for iTunes]
8 @; h" d: q+ h7 y# a" Y│ 1-01 Distant Early Warning.m4a
& Y2 D V2 }; Y, g# H. D8 j% t m│ 1-02 Afterimage.m4a
% K9 j; @6 X. X3 J- j, {+ w& P7 r2 G│ 1-03 Red Sector A.m4a
1 G# D4 |% k% h4 d* p% U* g│ 1-04 The Enemy Within (Part I of Fear).m4a7 B1 S& r2 T4 W% Q) f+ ^$ W
│ 1-05 The Body Electric.m4a/ `3 `9 R5 x: Q1 s4 a. x3 a
│ 1-06 Kid Gloves.m4a
, [8 K9 q" e+ h' w" _: E. O, _│ 1-07 Red Lenses.m4a* ^$ z4 O" R7 N, g
│ 1-08 Between the Wheels.m4a |- `' c* i; \) M
│ / |, _: `, W+ _5 S! m
├─1985 - Power Windows [Mastered for iTunes]
4 _/ x/ p, V# f3 t9 }$ H- p│ 1-01 The Big Money.m4a
% H( T; J% w9 B) j( n8 n. {6 @# l│ 1-02 Grand Designs.m4a: d7 x4 u# }2 [/ ~; }$ T: B; a
│ 1-03 Manhattan Project.m4a) m# t8 X9 n7 ^! U
│ 1-04 Marathon.m4a
) B0 s' y9 ^9 O5 ~7 ]│ 1-05 Territories.m4a; F2 A! R _+ n5 ?% G# @8 y( f
│ 1-06 Middletown Dreams.m4a
# e+ c0 Y9 ?3 m& ^5 M) n│ 1-07 Emotion Detector.m4a
6 k$ Y) P9 i! t9 O5 b/ C/ f│ 1-08 Mystic Rhythms.m4a7 c; u ~7 i9 k
│ , ^1 C7 G, J5 e+ Q& \$ J
├─1987 - Hold Your Fire [Mastered for iTunes], g* ~1 W8 ]" T0 J
│ 1-01 Force Ten.m4a
, x4 w. d$ V" l' M2 ?, T│ 1-02 Time Stand Still.m4a
" G1 \: W9 p5 d; @$ O- K│ 1-03 Open Secrets.m4a
. O$ g4 y: x7 X/ o' L$ e│ 1-04 Second Nature.m4a
" w) z, I; x4 `% g/ l( Y/ C│ 1-05 Prime Mover.m4a
6 C m0 Y# O- C+ C" o$ l│ 1-06 Lock and Key.m4a0 _# X! ]2 n4 V# z+ p. s: m
│ 1-07 Mission.m4a
6 } T; o0 i; c4 j! b│ 1-08 Turn the Page.m4a4 C5 L0 [, c% A. {: |
│ 1-09 Tai Shan.m4a
% ^$ J/ R- R8 r' \ ?│ 1-10 High Water.m4a
6 m1 I. @8 W! x( S1 x│
% d- K8 `; @ D% ~- \% p├─1989 - A Show of Hands (Live) [Mastered for iTunes]
6 y( ?. ^5 y) N" m" n0 G│ 1-01 Intro (A Show of Hands) [Live].m4a7 {) w5 w8 W0 @2 Z ^$ J& H
│ 1-02 The Big Money (Live In Birmingham, England 1988).m4a' h9 A& d! N1 C$ X4 X4 A8 ]
│ 1-03 Subdivisions (Live In Birmingham, England 1988).m4a7 k- g8 H" q* V) O
│ 1-04 Marathon (Live In Birmingham, England 1988).m4a
+ e& @9 o5 P Q: g, c│ 1-05 Turn the Page (Live In New Orleans, LA 1988).m4a( @" Z* O$ @( f1 x5 u4 j1 J) X5 g
│ 1-06 Manhattan Project (Live In Phoenix, AZ 1988).m4a
; G$ {; F5 S% S4 F2 d9 C2 n# k│ 1-07 Mission (Live In San Diego, CA 1988).m4a: a4 d" P9 \- T6 v0 x- W1 n: }# o' x
│ 1-08 Distant Early Warning (Live In Birmingham, England 1988).m4a; B: B% L, a6 o% i9 \
│ 1-09 Mystic Rhythms (Live In New Jersey 1988).m4a" C% [ U& _* d, y5 k
│ 1-10 Witch Hunt (Part III of Fear) [Live In New Jersey 1988].m4a$ u) ]$ c; c* M( S
│ 1-11 The Rhythm Method (Live In Birmingham, England 1988).m4a; c/ E* G: t# C% l
│ 1-12 Force Ten (Live In Phoenix, AZ 1988).m4a+ V- O2 j% l0 H. z. x+ L- W
│ 1-13 Time Stand Still (Live In Birmingham, England 1988).m4a" e0 M5 U a9 m
│ 1-14 Red Sector A (Live In Birmingham, England 1988).m4a! p0 i( U" M! `, U5 @
│ 1-15 Closer to the Heart (Live In Birmingham, England 1988).m4a' a) ]; n5 l" V' Y/ G
+ k7 L# E: s* r" ^9 O* h) A0 l0 X├─1989 - Presto [Mastered for iTunes]* _# j* `* U" h" R) _; a. T7 @
│ 1-01 Show Don't Tell.m4a
, {# X: _: I* _│ 1-02 Chain Lightning.m4a
. F" \* } R! Z1 @- F3 }│ 1-03 The Pass.m4a
H( r& j2 M t+ E4 R2 H& A│ 1-04 War Paint.m4a! G; ~# h/ L' D
│ 1-05 Scars.m4a' P4 |1 D' F+ T2 i. e) u- X
│ 1-06 Presto.m4a
+ ^5 h& l9 M" W1 d. o! \1 Y6 G│ 1-07 Superconductor.m4a
! i7 T5 p+ P. R7 U1 Z$ w/ q. L│ 1-08 Anagram (For Mongo).m4a/ F4 A6 R# e7 L, u% G3 S4 `1 ?
│ 1-09 Red Tide.m4a
# h( U6 o% U/ y│ 1-10 Hand Over Fist.m4a' Z! @7 t. C: J) m5 t7 G
│ 1-11 Available Light.m4a4 O) d$ {! X! p8 K' m
) H3 f; \2 n) E* ^( N+ P1 C├─1991 - Roll the Bones [Mastered for iTunes]7 W7 R1 G* T0 A$ ~# E
│ 1-01 Dreamline.m4a
2 Z B% _/ S; J1 J0 ~* c5 d│ 1-02 Bravado.m4a
! [+ Z: D) X5 R% K) z│ 1-03 Roll the Bones.m4a" X0 {6 N; @- f9 d/ m) ?
│ 1-04 Face Up.m4a, W7 f, P0 D# Q6 X* E/ _
│ 1-05 Where's My Thing!.m4a8 I9 b- B& `% g. x7 c
│ 1-06 The Big Wheel.m4a$ O8 g( J6 N: ]
│ 1-07 Heresy.m4a
3 S3 a9 F' p- g: w3 R│ 1-08 Ghost of a Chance.m4a
8 m' N2 T5 {( W) s* t/ X& R│ 1-09 Neurotica.m4a
2 \ j% }3 }+ P1 Q3 I│ 1-10 You Bet Your Life.m4a8 w: E6 P; X7 N1 v: T" i2 X
0 y% w' _% w0 c5 y% E' C├─1993 - Counterparts [Mastered for iTunes]
d) M0 h; k9 R' K│ 1-01 Animate.m4a7 \& t& W1 [9 j+ ]; K* U% r1 U
│ 1-02 Stick It Out.m4a9 r1 H! [" @! P1 w# n D
│ 1-03 Cut to the Chase.m4a0 B# [, T7 B, W& y7 `
│ 1-04 Nobodys Hero.m4a: t' m$ Z P. R2 G) l4 \0 r
│ 1-05 Between Sun & Moon.m4a
- ~) d0 T6 [/ S5 v│ 1-06 Alien Shore.m4a
O1 _0 t: D5 x% g; F│ 1-07 The Speed of Love.m4a
5 t' z# l' `7 }# x, T│ 1-08 Double Agent.m4a
: V# u$ W# I x/ X. m+ k- O9 T9 s│ 1-09 Leave That Thing Alone.m4a& x/ U0 C8 W9 ^, j# A
│ 1-10 Cold Fire.m4a2 N' I. w, y$ J6 X: k4 s
│ 1-11 Everyday Glory.m4a
$ O2 Z- c; Y/ A; R8 L│ 3 s7 m$ t7 w! M) W+ R' d
├─1996 - Test for Echo [Mastered for iTunes]! G7 H1 R: E9 h3 g& u3 Q( T. ^
│ 1-01 Test for Echo.m4a
0 u7 r( i: X- L9 }1 W. x│ 1-02 Driven.m4a
1 m) I S8 n' w│ 1-03 Half the World.m4a
" V1 ^! {2 f0 P│ 1-04 The Color of Right.m4a5 }" d6 U0 Z' T" m' y9 d B
│ 1-05 Time and Motion.m4a7 o% x b) l, {! n1 j5 I3 Z, m
│ 1-06 Totem.m4a; Z1 S* G! n3 E" u W
│ 1-07 Dog Years.m4a( P; m9 k" C& r. E$ Y' n
│ 1-08 Virtuality.m4a5 @/ m0 u: B' y
│ 1-09 Resist.m4a) \4 E' F% x, O; `9 n/ {# F% u
│ 1-10 Limbo.m4a
5 |/ ~- G: U; {6 }/ S! }; V( \│ 1-11 Carve Away the Stone.m4a
6 G! Y+ \* O- j) \; L7 b8 }│
( A+ W8 w& B* k5 e8 T) z! [& U├─1998 - Different Stages ? Live( I u% O; M2 H1 |- ~
│ 1-01 Dreamline (Live).m4a2 x! O( r3 J& k! v+ K1 g
│ 1-02 Limelight (Live).m4a; G) e" f* \' d: r3 B) ?
│ 1-03 Driven (Live).m4a9 `5 y' j& K/ N( e* M0 y
│ 1-04 Bravado (Live).m4a
+ A( r" g7 v3 x0 l│ 1-05 Animate (Live).m4a$ p$ Y) l7 b% N& x; j8 S
│ 1-06 Show Don't Tell (Live).m4a
- E q- ]. Y3 L1 k0 \& a9 i8 j- w+ C│ 1-07 The Trees (Live).m4a
/ C# ]/ B; w. s d* N- b9 ]│ 1-08 Nobody's Hero (Live).m4a
, F' |% X( Y0 p/ `) P" q│ 1-09 Closer to the Heart (Live).m4a
) k( R# r6 p- ?0 ]: m1 d. N│ 1-10 2112- Overture (Live).m4a
0 f/ ^" \: o* i, |# O8 F│ 1-11 2112- The Temples of Syrinx (Live).m4a% `. {+ p; Z3 V( v3 p
│ 1-12 2112- Discovery (Live).m4a
2 [0 J1 y3 \" e5 h2 u( u" i│ 1-13 2112- Presentation (Live).m4a
, s" `; `9 s% [$ L; e│ 1-14 2112- Oracle- The Dream (Live).m4a* |0 Z \( }. o5 F9 b
│ 1-15 2112- Sililoquy (Live).m4a
2 d( a& R7 @7 K) }, L4 N│ 1-16 2112- Grand Finale (Live).m4a
& Q" d9 M2 \9 U" E8 G│ 2-01 Test for Echo (Live).m4a
0 W! v0 x9 M3 P3 B0 ?9 R│ 2-02 The Analog Kid (Live).m4a0 i* a( Z6 q3 K
│ 2-03 Freewill (Live).m4a6 g/ \5 t; t/ l5 y$ B( U
│ 2-04 Roll the Bones (Live).m4a" r2 s2 l) N% j1 C3 O z
│ 2-05 Stick It Out (Live).m4a2 M8 o( T0 d8 c- u$ m$ E9 \2 h
│ 2-06 Resist (Live).m4a6 }+ U' V) X/ O; P9 L+ m
│ 2-07 Leave That Thing Alone (Live).m4a) S2 H/ I6 h) |# o
│ 2-08 The Rhythm Method (Live).m4a
* k; Y$ u3 Y8 C; b9 ~+ E# l! V│ 2-09 Natural Science (Live).m4a1 |6 `: H' M# M& J6 o- B& `
│ 2-10 The Spirit of Radio (Live).m4a
/ D6 c( ?9 I! z5 h│ 2-11 Tom Sawyer (Live).m4a
4 D4 E" q9 E. N& l' p* p0 g2 `│ 2-12 YYZ (Live).m4a
8 u# A# S6 z3 w# y H│ 3-01 Bastille Day (Live).m4a( I# j$ Q0 `9 y2 z' p1 T( Y
│ 3-02 By-Tor and the Snow Dog (Live).m4a
* f. K, R" s7 m% ~! `8 k│ 3-03 Xanadu (Live).m4a3 a7 D* v1 d( S; V6 [- J
│ 3-04 A Farewell to Kings (Live).m4a3 \ w! x' U4 i: ^; @
│ 3-05 Something for Nothing (Live).m4a
7 o N6 h. A4 S" E- w# J, z│ 3-06 Cygnus X-1 (Live).m4a
) @2 U) }$ w9 G- Z' h* c│ 3-07 Anthem (Live).m4a
R( I4 `/ m+ g2 \│ 3-08 Working Man (Live).m4a% ]( l( l1 t; ]4 J Y0 f6 D4 V8 ] \
│ 3-09 Fly By Night (Live).m4a
$ p H6 {+ x; w8 v% H│ 3-10 In the Mood (Live).m4a" Z2 J' w9 R; q* c1 H
│ 3-11 Cinderella (Live).m4a
1 z; J) C+ }# n- d# F; L3 U│
$ o4 N ~, y" q+ W* x M├─2002 - Vapor Trails Remixed [Mastered for iTunes]0 g0 @+ q/ D# n9 [
│ 1-01 One Little Victory.m4a
6 y6 e1 }3 x5 d6 v0 m│ 1-02 Ceiling Unlimited.m4a
* v0 f2 P4 F% q' P$ H8 j; h│ 1-03 Ghost Rider.m4a8 F0 ~1 E4 V: M3 ?7 {7 F- q
│ 1-04 Peaceable Kingdom.m4a/ s) f* J/ P1 |! R$ T
│ 1-05 The Stars Look Down.m4a; A/ ^# K3 C- k8 |% j
│ 1-06 How It Is.m4a
$ t* Q8 z* y9 y; l b" H│ 1-07 Vapor Trail.m4a! a. e) V1 T- D
│ 1-08 Secret Touch.m4a
, ~! H" L& k* I% s6 n: @│ 1-09 Earthshine.m4a
+ z8 D4 m( r, L! b. @$ n0 [│ 1-10 Sweet Miracle.m4a" P+ Q, d0 J# R1 v% e# @2 ^
│ 1-11 Nocturne.m4a6 y+ i! p1 S( u" w
│ 1-12 Freeze (Part IV of Fear).m4a/ q! {' B1 u$ B( u; d& R
│ 1-13 Out of the Cradle.m4a/ p' X% V. H2 c/ |) D$ T, A8 N
│ 6 F x) i! `" a3 j4 L% w1 E- D
├─2003 - Rush In Rio (Live)9 g% M' M; g' h$ \ E
│ 1-01 Tom Sawyer (Live).m4a$ k9 R1 [# D, O. H
│ 1-02 Distant Early Warning (Live).m4a1 f8 t4 ?. A- @' k
│ 1-03 New World Man (Live).m4a
0 h% f1 ~7 X( f% U* \│ 1-04 Roll the Bones (Live).m4a( ]9 b- O) T, ^% `* b( ?" B. k
│ 1-05 Earthshine (Live).m4a
$ \, }; A" R# Q4 e│ 1-06 YYZ (Live).m4a
0 p, B0 B; v- b5 [│ 1-07 The Pass (Live).m4a
# Z- I9 V1 `, _+ e# {│ 1-08 Bravado (Live).m4a
$ L' ?1 Z7 u! |5 R( A! m│ 1-09 The Big Money (Live).m4a6 C" ~; Q% x3 @
│ 1-10 The Trees (Live).m4a
3 |3 o, M3 m X" |3 `2 @│ 1-11 Freewill (Live).m4a/ s# m: c' a/ X. E( J% v# V
│ 1-12 Closer to the Heart (Live).m4a: z5 j( }6 @, b9 D
│ 1-13 Natural Science (Live).m4a
3 }0 e6 m: d% C: T% P│ 1-14 One Little Victory (Live).m4a
% i% T7 b& f! w7 T3 B' ^/ _│ 1-15 Driven (Live).m4a) t* B# U& y) V k* a
│ 1-16 Ghost Rider (Live).m4a$ U7 Q; E: j- }5 M+ ]
│ 1-17 Secret Touch (Live).m4a
! l# D5 |8 Z0 x, M# s0 Y. m9 ]2 }│ 1-18 Dreamline (Live).m4a
, s& O. ?% i& u1 p* V│ 1-19 Red Sector A (Live).m4a% d u" S: n" H. a. `
│ 1-20 Leave That Thing Alone (Live).m4a" }# G, \. V5 Y1 z" h
│ 1-21 O Baterista (Live).m4a
, N2 u4 \! `: ]( P* B- s5 U+ \│ 1-22 Resist (Live).m4a
* W3 Y) r5 Y) H+ f( w│ 1-23 2112 (Live).m4a
# W: u6 Z4 \! l% a, h│ 1-24 Limelight (Live).m4a- U" d9 j6 t9 w/ p: m# V
│ 1-25 La Villa Strangiato (Live).m4a5 I; Q: L/ r! K5 A* L
│ 1-26 Spirit of Radio (Live).m4a* | W& X5 P2 n3 P
│ 1-27 By-Tor and the Snow Dog (Live).m4a
' u% x1 ^* T) p2 m│ 1-28 Cygnus X-1 (Live).m4a" Y2 s5 A3 I$ |1 ?& `8 a
│ 1-29 Working Man (Live).m4a
) Z; t. v% P5 _│ 1-30 Between Sun and Moon (Live).m4a3 h; r; _" t% R+ \9 e
│ 1-31 Vital Signs (Live).m4a
. g0 \/ @9 B5 [# F& s/ m│
; r) r; M. h/ n5 X├─2004 - Feedback [Mastered for iTunes]# d* g" c/ D! g4 E/ k) Y9 |
│ 1-01 Summertime Blues.m4a
4 a7 Q* o) t$ \- a w2 q│ 1-02 Heart Full of Soul.m4a% {4 B: G9 [ [0 c, m) \3 c
│ 1-03 For What It's Worth.m4a R# Y" c0 N2 s# r, ] P% L
│ 1-04 The Seeker.m4a
% }# I6 Y+ y9 g# o$ a│ 1-05 Mr. Soul.m4a
' T' R4 R9 W \' o" T2 |" t│ 1-06 Seven and Seven Is.m4a
- I, U1 d, [. V, x1 Y│ 1-07 Shapes of Things.m4a9 D3 z! G/ a# {7 [5 [& k7 F6 Y
│ 1-08 Crossroads.m4a
4 @3 c) d: C8 B; x│ # ]" Q5 D; b- e! f/ u
├─2005 - R30 (Live)8 i- E) U% l9 H. t F
│ 1-01 R30 Overture (Live).m4a
3 c. C) |0 n9 f* F│ 1-02 The Spirit of Radio (Live).m4a! [! U9 W! c' @3 E& ^- T; ^
│ 1-03 Force Ten (Live).m4a: v1 X: E- r3 t3 i, d7 X
│ 1-04 Animate (Live).m4a9 X* [- G/ f7 C4 Q% j* R
│ 1-05 Subdivisions (Live).m4a0 E9 l. s& Y: _3 e, o- A$ I: P
│ 1-06 Earthshine (Live).m4a
, Z- z+ I; l7 r( A, o│ 1-07 Red Barchetta (Live).m4a
' U. B5 O0 [8 Z J│ 1-08 Roll the Bones (Live).m4a- _3 H. m" T y! H
│ 1-09 The Seeker (Live).m4a
! c4 Q) l8 s1 Z; v( h│ 1-10 Tom Sawyer (Live).m4a! h; N( Z5 ^. [* Y
│ 1-11 Dreamline (Live).m4a& y. i [# I% g. {* S# C7 _0 w% c7 p& d
│ 1-12 Between the Wheels (Live).m4a- A/ i/ Y x0 {3 A/ H( f4 E2 }
│ 1-13 Mystic Rhythms (Live).m4a# z; E3 _+ b/ W, u& I
│ 1-14 Der Trommler (Live).m4a
4 _, F5 U! ~: |7 y0 ~│ 1-15 Resist (Live).m4a# g( w% O& ^8 K9 A; H$ i% y, [
│ 1-16 Heart Full of Soul (Live).m4a( Z$ ~: b+ S1 p7 N" |
│ 1-17 2112 (Live).m4a5 o) C) W* S" g% q
│ 1-18 Xanadu (Live).m4a% s% l+ m/ N) p; z9 `3 v8 Z, C5 e
│ 1-19 Working Man (Live).m4a
. Z$ l( A7 A/ c& w4 c│ 1-20 Summertime Blues (Live).m4a
7 V6 t3 [ I# |6 o0 C│ 1-21 Crossroads (Live).m4a2 T9 j: L* e0 k& K2 j. [! |
│ 1-22 Limelight (Live).m4a! T$ X; d0 h1 U ^
/ |0 f& B+ N p. r+ |├─2007 - Snakes & Arrows [Mastered for iTunes]
7 T+ W7 `; A8 Z: ~* M│ 1-01 Far Cry.m4a
+ F8 Z3 ^! i$ b│ 1-02 Armor and Sword.m4a& R, H/ q" e1 n5 ^
│ 1-03 Workin' Them Angels.m4a
' f: O) g, z7 [+ v│ 1-04 The Larger Bowl.m4a6 B7 q# J1 d9 T3 V/ u+ a4 N# w
│ 1-05 Spindrift.m4a5 [) }. U, _' F/ Y% @$ r
│ 1-06 The Main Monkey Business.m4a
; ]6 Z1 j2 s2 @9 Q# D' h8 Y% T│ 1-07 The Way the Wind Blows.m4a& I. i- N5 ] O- I$ L( ^1 a
│ 1-08 Hope.m4a
% b. n3 k4 ~7 T- v: m, V$ c│ 1-09 Faithless.m4a
9 g0 p n: x& b9 ]7 F│ 1-10 Bravest Face.m4a
- e/ b( T; j6 O│ 1-11 Good News First.m4a& x9 r; `2 S/ g, [' k9 y5 d+ l
│ 1-12 Malignant Narcissism.m4a
& @' k0 \* r% a7 R5 B│ 1-13 We Hold On.m4a4 [) Q$ A7 \4 s! j8 j
* w7 S( x0 j* L& g) ]8 h. k8 J└─2012 - 2112 (Deluxe Edition)[Mastered for iTunes]) y# G1 G% u3 X3 H
01 2112 I. Overture, II. The Temples of Syrinx, III. Discovery, IV. Presentation, V. Oracle The Dream, VI. Soliloquy, VII. Grand Finale.m4a5 V& g# c5 U) a% `
02 A Passage to Bangkok.m4a9 N x3 v/ N% `8 A0 x) U
03 - The Twilight Zone.m4a' |- M0 T& F; c1 c2 |5 c% }
04 - Lessons.m4a
! a3 m$ ?& X& K+ N0 Z 05 - Tears.m4a
5 }& b$ g, K7 s 06 - Something for Nothing.m4a4 W `# q0 x! i1 C* e
07 - Overture (Live At Northlands Coliseum In 1981).m4a
) \ f5 X3 [; e8 U 08 - The Temples of Syrinx (Live At Northlands Coliseum In 1981).m4a* c+ M, G1 X. R8 s
09 - A Passage to Bangkok (Live At Northlands Coliseum In 1981).m4a2 H9 u& U) B4 i" g2 I; v
$ Q" h3 r1 ]5 C& U/ D- U a
) q9 y f6 F8 {
: K3 \* m. _- H; v" G" _
9 M6 C$ f2 E' F9 h( ?) o2 G1 ^ T$ d9 V, L8 g$ D$ E