


节奏、韵律与生活:一个部落的旅行 Beats Rhymes and Life: The Travels of A Tribe Called Quest (201

发表于 2020-2-23 17:10:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
iTunes Movies
类型: 音乐 纪录片 
地区: 美国 
年代: 2010年代


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1 Z+ C" t" Z5 q* F0 J1 b1 G; U5 a  V/ {( S. I  p9 R
  K" G5 f8 {7 u6 ]( Z$ j  Q9 g0 |
导演: Michael Rapaport
3 `1 P8 W0 p. v# w, C" G3 a8 _3 S主演: Q-Tip / 卢达克里斯 / 亚当·佛契 / Chris Lighty8 r" t8 G: z: A1 L6 r! b0 v
类型: 纪录片 / 音乐# j1 k0 U2 o4 g; Q9 a- g, G, K5 c
制片国家/地区: 美国
7 F. t( I+ j: y" {# U' R语言: 英语
* O* k0 x3 Z7 ?8 H. b上映日期: 2010
* n0 W9 h0 G: u3 T" Q片长: 97分钟& }5 Q% h3 n1 @6 p$ J* Q
IMDb链接: tt1613023* n( M' g0 A, D7 A4 q, U# {

+ X, ~4 [# R/ Y3 ]$ i" C4 `8 I0 a- C. V& w6 _# `" r, a

: v. {5 F4 e, a节奏、韵律与生活:一个部落的旅行的剧情简介 · · · · · ·
, `: ?! ?- w: j3 c+ M  Directed by the renowned New York City-based actor Mike Rappaport, offered is a sneak peak at his upcoming documentary on one of hip-hop’s most beloved groups of all time, A Tribe Called Quest. The documentary was said to have taken several years to shoot and is almost towards completion. Mike Rappaport has been known to be a hip-hop fan since his early days.9 n" a: O& W. O

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/ [/ T- A8 T; `2 Q$ q6 K1 r  `
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& @9 }: a5 y% Y6 \4 T7 w; e" T, s3 J3 a. H7 f* c* l0 Q0 v
* p! Z& g1 U5 k: L


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