


霍比特人 The Hobbit (1977)[2.45G][iTunes Movies 1080P HD][百度盘]

发表于 2020-2-19 10:49:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
iTunes Movies
类型: 动画 奇幻 家庭 
地区: 美国 
年代: 70年代


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; P) I, ^; J* ]; d
7 f# G0 T3 I8 {4 {- a: K" z. s! e5 k2 I& ^
导演: 朱尔斯·巴斯 / 小亚瑟·兰金# {# `3 @$ l8 c% L0 W% J7 _+ f0 M
编剧: J·R·R·托尔金 / Romeo Muller( N9 ~# Y7 j! I/ b# k. r' Y
主演: 奥森·比恩 / 理查德·布恩 / 汉斯·康拉德
3 h5 X& F$ `- e! H) _类型: 动画 / 家庭 / 奇幻
  a: Y! ~0 K7 G% z% p( G8 K制片国家/地区: 美国# W- ]2 s: E8 D: D& d
语言: 英语* t; v3 f! j: A- m
上映日期: 1977-11-27(美国)% `' C4 G+ E# |. V' ^2 }9 U8 ~: Z
片长: 77分钟1 @# t+ i2 h0 m: J2 m
又名: 魔戒前传
7 s. t9 N4 d2 n' J! z) fIMDb链接: tt00776878 k, N. }3 Q) N) M  ?
; x5 l2 F; m0 _" M3 f' o$ ?3 o
3 k3 K# H6 a- `  M. n; `* P
, q4 ?: p+ h. }
霍比特人的剧情简介 · · · · · ·
# T; {/ f; z/ E, f  Bilbo Baggins the Hobbit was just minding his own business, when his occasional visitor Gandalf the Wizard drops in one night. One by one, a whole group of dwarves drop in, and before he knows it, Bilbo has joined their quest to reclaim their kingdom, taken from them by an evil dragon named Smaug. The only problem is that Gandalf has told the dwarves that Bilbo is an expert burglar, but he isn't....: i% ?* _/ k1 ^# u+ f+ G+ m

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7 H/ w$ R& n2 i+ y) L

9 f# N+ ]! c8 {6 F9 Z1 _+ J! s


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