


Florida Georgia Line - 《Here's To The Good Times》[iTunes Plus AAC][百度盘]

发表于 2018-5-24 22:30:49 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Here\'s To The Good Times.jpg

+ S! a! ?& o  x6 j1 M* P1 f. p9 L4 n6 H' I( j9 a8 Y

, B: G7 {+ _/ q9 ^! m* {& w* r# f9 X: F
Florida Georgia Line - [Here's To the Good Times (Deluxe Version) CD1 #01] Cruise
$ e  i* Z4 Q) v7 b% k% B) x1 J' m
Florida Georgia Line - [Here's To the Good Times (Deluxe Version) CD1 #02] Round Here
8 n- H4 o, V7 z- D, y# F3 F. }
Florida Georgia Line - [Here's To the Good Times (Deluxe Version) CD1 #03] Get Your Shine On

9 H% k& A7 e; g4 w# d$ _+ }0 E
Florida Georgia Line - [Here's To the Good Times (Deluxe Version) CD1 #04] Here's To the Good Times
( X3 l7 U+ d2 y  ]
Florida Georgia Line - [Here's To the Good Times (Deluxe Version) CD1 #05] It'z Just What We Do

1 z. c, y' b- }6 E1 C, v5 G
Florida Georgia Line - [Here's To the Good Times (Deluxe Version) CD1 #06] Stay

) t. ~8 e/ L1 K6 q) a! N# v
Florida Georgia Line - [Here's To the Good Times (Deluxe Version) CD1 #07] Hell Raisin' Heat of the Summer

$ x+ S  ?; b3 T/ y3 L6 Q5 x
Florida Georgia Line - [Here's To the Good Times (Deluxe Version) CD1 #08] Tell Me How You Like It

; _( J  E: H; q6 u  X2 F
Florida Georgia Line - [Here's To the Good Times (Deluxe Version) CD1 #09] Tip It Back
& X3 {: x0 _/ C6 ^# ]& \
Florida Georgia Line - [Here's To the Good Times (Deluxe Version) CD1 #10] Dayum, Baby

3 [. D2 B: B! y8 p& K! S) @6 t
Florida Georgia Line - [Here's To the Good Times (Deluxe Version) CD1 #11] Party People
" \. _% B. m2 r) p3 ]
Florida Georgia Line - [Here's To the Good Times (Deluxe Version) CD1 #12] Cruise (Live From Joe's Bar, Chicago/2012)

0 z; Q. ^3 j( \, S8 K+ \
Florida Georgia Line - [Here's To the Good Times (Deluxe Version) CD1 #13] Round Here (Live From Joe's Bar, Chicago/2012)

" q; J' S) q$ \) P1 T5 z: i
Florida Georgia Line - [Here's To the Good Times (Deluxe Version) CD1 #14] Tip It Back (Live From Joe's Bar, Chicago/2012)
# \' ?" i5 a; c( }! V" K* R* ^
Florida Georgia Line - [Here's To the Good Times (Deluxe Version) #15] Cruise
  x/ G) o: {1 g
Florida Georgia Line - [Here's To the Good Times (Deluxe Version) #16] Round Here
9 h, D( R0 d# t, y3 h% A; C
Florida Georgia Line - [Here's To the Good Times (Deluxe Version) #17] Tip It Back

7 |$ k  `5 Z! V
  G0 K8 f/ z2 T* i  n+ \7 e5 I* f/ N9 v$ P- H. B# w' m

7 s3 y7 _* L, B" F# S- L

) J, R, w2 `; }
/ p0 @" _: }  J5 ?& g' ?) _
/ w: T% {3 k0 R( D: O7 m
' y( ^+ {, X8 R/ }% ~
& R3 I  i! X$ N9 k
发表于 2020-10-14 04:36:46 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2020-10-14 04:37:09 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层


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