


The Beatles - 《The Beatles作品合集》[iTunes Plus AAC][百度盘]

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The Beatles简介
; k. y& w7 _: ~The Beatles(甲壳虫乐队),英国摇滚乐队,由约翰·列侬(John Lennon)、林戈·斯塔尔(Ringo Starr)、保罗·麦卡特尼(Paul McCartney)和乔治·哈里森(George Harrison)四名成员组成。1960年,乐队于英格兰利物浦市成立,其音乐风格源自20世纪50年代的摇滚乐,并开拓了迷幻摇滚、流行摇滚等曲风。
4 e3 b* H/ T# w# I) c, N0 k1 B) H7 Y) t8 O* U' c
基本信息* j9 D9 p# W, c5 D" ~% `9 Y
中文名:甲壳虫乐队4 |4 C, g3 {! t  B
外文名:The Beatles
- o" `; ~9 [9 U1 }$ c; r( [别    名:披头士、披头四
: L2 S8 M& K1 ]$ V2 m: [$ }, O国    籍:英国
( h  d; K+ _! D+ G: Y7 c' |+ J职    业:乐队7 l0 s3 w! |; ?1 L6 b$ t+ ?% N. X$ y
代表作品:Rubber Soul、Abbey Road、Yesterday、Help、Hey Jude、In My Life、Norwegian Wood、Let It Be$ J9 e8 Z4 a8 A. q1 b3 c/ N8 {$ A
4 E: L( I8 n' f1 i* \重金属的先驱 ' [1 t1 n9 t1 i  z
14项格莱美奖 & ~/ C; C; w9 W) e
入选摇滚名人堂 ; W2 o' l5 w1 p, [  T; d, H
公告牌最杰出音乐人Hot 100第一名( j+ l3 p" u' P0 T# ^. R) x
音乐风格:摇滚,流行& A2 b8 G/ d1 ~6 i& n
厂    牌:Parlophone,Capitol,Apple等2 C5 m4 M9 D7 R/ `

- e# h& }/ T& h6 o7 t3 M早年经历
4 S' Y8 l5 n" ?1955年,在艺术学校读书的约翰·列侬组建了一支名为“the Quarrymen”(采石工人)的摇滚乐队,这支乐队是The Beatles的前身。1956年,约翰·列侬在利物浦一处教堂里结识了保罗·麦卡特尼,两人都给对方留下了深刻的印象,之后保罗·麦卡特尼加入了乐队 。  w3 V8 T% q" H5 ~
1958年,保罗·麦卡特尼的好友乔治·哈里森加入了the Quarrymen乐队,与此同时也陆续有其他乐手临时性加入这支乐队,其中留队时间较长的是乐队的鼓手柯林·汉顿,他于1957年加入,1958年退出。最终,约翰·列侬、保罗·麦卡特尼、乔治·哈里森在20世纪50年代末构成了乐队的核心稳定阵容 。
) N- N" K5 u. j1960年3月,约翰·列侬的大学同学斯图亚特·苏茨里费加入了the Quarrymen乐队,他建议乐队更名为“the Beetles”;同年夏天,the Quarrymen把乐队名字变更为“the Silver Beetles”,此时鼓手彼德·贝斯特也宣布加入乐队;8月中旬,他们正式把乐队名称改为“The Beatles(甲壳虫乐队)”,The Beatles至此正式成立 。% ?* E" j, F9 i% l" \+ C  q; O" ?

- Y: J4 X: {% I" e, M+ E7 G演艺经历8 ]$ w! g4 L4 N) V9 Q
4 f7 u( B5 ]& A) c+ k' o8 ]1961年2月9日,他们在位于利物浦马修街上的“洞穴俱乐部“进行首 次表演;3月,他们回到德国汉堡,并且作为汉堡歌星托尼·谢里丹的后备乐队参与了专辑的录制工作,在此期间他们也创作了一些歌曲,但是都没有发表;同年乐队的贝斯手斯图亚特·苏茨里费重新回到大学校园,保罗·麦卡特尼转而成为了乐队的贝斯手,乔治·哈里森成为了主吉他手,约翰·列侬担任节奏吉他手,彼德·贝斯特担任鼓手,但同时他们在演唱和表演的时候又经常互换和演奏其他各种乐器,因此在这段时期,乐队的每个人都是主唱歌手  ;11月,利物普唱片公司的老板布莱恩·爱泼斯坦在“洞穴俱乐部“第一次见识了他们的演出,于是决定成为他们的经理人,并且与他们签署了一份为期5年的经纪合约。
  U/ S) Q/ ?0 l8 Q
0 ^8 [) k8 ^( ?5 [* B# h4 c签约唱片公司0 ]' q* R* ^) p2 ~/ w2 b5 ^! j
1962年,EMI下属的帕洛风唱片公司经理乔治·马丁与The Beatles签约;6月2日,在伦敦阿比路录音室开始了第一张专辑的录制工作;10月5日,The Beatles发行第一首英国单曲《Love Me Do/P.S.I Love You》,之后他们开始在英国举行巡回演出 ;11月末,录制单曲《Please Please Me》的另一个版本;12月,结束第五次也是最后一次汉堡之行;同年林戈·斯塔尔正式代替彼德·贝斯特成为乐队的鼓手。( W. T1 ]  |+ v: ~# D
1963年1月,The Beatles发行的单曲《Please Please Me》首次登上英国流行音乐单曲榜的冠军位置;2月,完成首张专辑《Please Please Me》的录制;3月22日,发行专辑《Please Please Me》,这张专辑发行后不仅登上了英国流行音乐专辑榜的冠军,还创纪录的保持冠军的位置长达30周的时间 ;5月4日,发行的歌曲《From Me to You》以及《Thank You Girl》再度获得英国流行音乐单曲榜的冠军;同年,The Beatles制作的单曲《From Me to You》在推出后获得英国流行音乐单曲榜的冠军,而另一首单曲《Bubbling Under》则成为The Beatles首次打入公告牌Hot 200单曲榜的作品 ;8月,发行单曲《She Loves You》,这首歌曲是他们在英国第一首销量超过100万的单曲 ;11月,受邀在皇家综艺剧场演出;年底,发行第二张录音室专辑《With the Beatles》;专辑中的歌曲《Don't Bother Me》在英国创下了一百万次的单曲销售纪录,而其他的歌曲如《I Want to Hold Your Hand》、《Meet the Beatles!》也打入了公告牌Hot 200单曲榜 ;同年,保罗·麦卡特尼和约翰·列侬成为乐队音乐创作的核心人物 。5 N& x8 b/ ]1 N7 {; t3 ^
, l, M# Y1 d/ ?2 n6 F
8 ]* S! [( n9 \6 A! z  a% X( D1964年年初,发行在美国的首张专辑《Meet the Beatles》;2月7日,在美国首次公开亮相 ;2月9日,在美国CBS电视台的节目《The Ed Sullivan Show》中出现,吸引全美超过7300万的观众收看,并且引发了美国人对英国音乐的兴趣;这一年,The Beatles进行的一系列巡回演出都获得了成功,并且在美国引领了“英国入侵”;2月22日,发行的单曲《I Want to Hold Your Hand》蝉联了美国公告牌专辑榜的冠军,与此同时,他们的第二首上榜单曲《She Loves You》从公告牌第三名攀升到了亚军位置,创下上榜单曲包揽公告牌冠亚军的纪录 ;4月4日,推出的五首歌曲同时打入美国公告牌,成为首支发行歌曲同时占据公告牌第一至第五名的乐队;7月6日,主演的第一部黑白电影《A Hard Day's Night》正式诞生,影片以伪纪录片的风格描绘了乐队生活中的日子 ;同年7月,发行专辑《A Hard Day's Night》;其中的歌曲《Can't Buy Me Love》成为英国第一首提前订购超过100万张的单曲,此外它还成为乐队第一首同时在英国、美国单曲榜上夺冠的歌曲 ;12月,在英国发行第四张录音室专辑《Beatles for Sale》;该专辑展现了他们对于各种音乐风格的融合,其中最为典型的是以保罗·麦卡特尼为代表的民谣唱法;同年,在电影《A Hard Day's Night》的原声带中,乐队成员乔治·哈里森受到鲍勃·迪伦的影响,成为第二个拿起电吉他来演奏摇滚歌曲的歌手,这一举动也影响了摇滚乐的发展 ;同年,凭借主演电影《A Hard Day's Night》的同名主题曲获得第7届格莱美最佳乐队奖。. n% ?6 Y8 ]# a
1965年7月29日,主演第二部自传电影《Help!》;8月,发行专辑《Help!》;该专辑显示了他们的音乐风格向着乡村摇滚靠拢,其中由保罗·麦卡特尼创作并演唱的歌曲《Yesterday》在发行后获得英国歌曲排行榜的冠军;此外,这首歌曲还在MTV电视台以及美国《滚石》杂志共同举办的“自1963年以来一百首最佳流行歌曲”评选中排名第一位;8月15日,在美国纽约的希叶露天体育馆举行了一场演唱会,吸引了5.5万观众到场观看,这场露天演唱会也创下了30.4万美元的演唱会票房纪录;10月26日,获得伊丽莎白女王颁授的不列颠帝国勋章;12月,发行第六张录音室专辑《Rubber Soul》;该专辑发行9天后在美国的销量达到120万张,而在英国,这张专辑不仅登上了英国流行音乐专辑榜榜首,还在榜单停留了12个月的时间 。
9 f% }/ o) o" j/ M: O0 a1966年6月20日,发行专辑《Yesterday and Today》;由于乐队成员穿着屠夫的衣服出现在专辑封面,因此引起了抗议声;8月5日,发行迷幻摇滚风格的专辑《Revolver》;为了营造出迷幻的感觉,该专辑首次运用了逆录的技术;约翰·列侬将乐谱按照反向顺序弹奏,最后混音的时候再以正向顺序合成;该专辑发行后在英国和美国的销量榜榜首位置分别保持7周和6周,而在《All-Time Top 1000 Albums》和《滚石》杂志评选的”史上最伟大的500张专辑“排行榜上,这张专辑分别名列第1和第3 ;8月29日,在美国旧金山烛台体育场举行了乐队最后一次演唱会,之后他们就宣布暂停巡回演出,集中精力在录音室创作音乐 ;同年,乐队因为列侬的“The Beatles比耶稣更受欢迎”的言论而一度遭到了电台和媒体的封杀;在他们道歉之后,媒体就妥协了 。% c" ?( t( f) q5 \; d4 k! A! c/ z
1967年2月13日,发行双A面单曲《Strawberry Fields Forever》以及 《Penny Lane》;6月1日,推出概念专辑《Sgt.Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band》;这张专辑在美国的销量达到800万张 ,并且在第10届格莱美颁奖礼上获得了年度最佳专辑、最佳唱片封面奖、最佳非古典类录音工程奖、最佳当代专辑奖 ;6月25日,由约翰·列侬创作的歌曲《All You Need Is Love》发表;11月27日,发行专辑《Magical Mystery Tour》 。7 l+ T) k$ u- L
1968年2月-4月,The Beatles的成员创作了很多歌曲,其中有17首歌曲收录在专辑《The Beatles (White Album)》里;在这一年,乐队开始出现个人化程度过高的现象,乐队主唱约翰·列侬和保罗·麦卡特尼各自创作自己的音乐 ;8月,发行歌曲《Hey Jude》;这首歌曲在全球的销量超过800万张,并且连续9周位于美国公告牌榜首 ;11月,发行录音室专辑《The Beatles (White Album)》;专辑发行后创下连续9周占据美国公告牌Hot 200专辑榜第一位的纪录以及155周的在榜纪录。
/ z4 W$ y: O5 T3 U/ Q8 W1969年1月30日,在萨维尔街3号的红砖楼顶进行了最后一次公开演出;9月26日,发行录音室专辑《Abbey Road》;这张专辑在《滚石》杂志评选的“500 Greatest Albums of All Time”榜单中名列第14位 。
, `( k" w2 X' j% a- W/ l1 f- a# h5 m
# }4 c/ w/ a9 g8 v8 M1970年,凭借《Let It Be》获得第13届格莱美奖最佳原创电影电视音乐奖 ;4月10日,保罗·麦卡特尼宣布离开乐队[9] ;5月8日,乐队最后一张录音室专辑《Let It Be》正式面世,这张专辑在《滚石》杂志2003年发布的五百大专辑排行榜中位列第86位 ;10月31日,保罗·麦卡特尼向法院提起诉讼,要求完全解散The Beatles,并且禁止乐队重组;经过一年的审理辩论之后,法庭批准了麦卡特尼的诉讼 。/ a% E) }( q  L, [0 M- p5 l
1980年12月8日,主唱约翰·列侬在纽约被自己的歌迷枪杀 。1988年1月20日,入驻摇滚名人堂。1994年,保罗·麦卡特尼、乔治·哈里森、林戈·斯塔尔为乐队精选集的制作而重聚。+ j" m6 E8 G: I" \/ \
1996年,凭借单曲《Free As A Bird》获得第39届格莱美奖最佳流行乐队奖,而《Free As A Bird》以及《The Beatles Anthology》的音乐录影带则分别获得了格莱美最佳音乐录影带短片奖和最佳音乐录影带长片奖 。, ^3 z2 i- V: O3 }) s
2000年,发行精选专辑《1》,该张专辑收录了1962年至1970年披头士在英国和美国登上排行榜冠军的27首单曲[51]  。2001年11月29日,吉他手乔治·哈里森因肺癌去世 。
' {4 a. p6 V7 w2006年,发行混音合辑《Love》。2010年,美国《Billboard》杂志公布了2000年至2009年最佳单曲排行榜,乐队发行的精选专辑《1》以11,499,000的销量成为2000年至2009年在美国最畅销的唱片 。2012年在英国官方排行榜公司公布的“英国最畅销乐队排行榜”上,披头士乐队以2210万次的单曲销售量名列榜首。
! ?% `- r0 q- W截至2016年,The Beatles有15张专辑获得英国流行音乐排行榜专辑榜冠军;有17首单曲获得英国流行音乐排行榜单曲榜冠军,创下获得英国流行音乐排行榜专辑榜、单曲榜冠军次数最多的纪录 。在美国公告牌榜单上,The Beatles有19张冠军专辑以及20首冠军单曲,创下获得美国公告牌专辑榜、单曲榜冠军次数最多的纪录: [3 y1 y! ^* O3 T
2 p( ^" }5 U5 v! ]/ F( r  Y0 I

9 T7 L3 u% d9 e. ~# A* \/ Q! K! c, C0 P+ G0 b
4 w0 [# P. i. a: M

, }  T$ s+ ?- q, @) t" K
9 l( |4 z3 ~# m; l. X6 l
# @+ a! T0 c9 Y7 n4 C& x9 w├─1963 - With The Beatles (Apple Digital Master)
  R+ v  }7 k: c+ ?│      01 It Won't Be Long.m4a
9 W# ~4 ]6 D# Q- i' J│      02 All I've Got to Do.m4a
2 U" m) K1 h9 C) g1 I│      03 All My Loving.m4a
0 q/ ~9 F% F5 B9 w│      04 Don't Bother Me.m4a
) J2 i* d5 v8 w│      05 Little Child.m4a
. B- `+ G* b% |2 Q" K3 h# p# j│      06 Till There Was You.m4a
& z# u7 l/ \. {4 J5 h( l# U- U+ H│      07 Please Mister Postman.m4a
" M% x- J& ]4 u* R3 U/ N│      08 Roll Over Beethoven.m4a: a0 z" F0 f* f8 e% S) _
│      09 Hold Me Tight.m4a
4 [1 |" t8 Y. O  X│      10 You Really Got a Hold On Me.m4a/ E( M6 b1 B3 e0 y7 ^
│      11 I Wanna Be Your Man.m4a9 a: m5 F" k0 a  O4 c9 k
│      12 Devil In Her Heart.m4a2 f/ P( l5 }2 n! X: R; }, e; [
│      13 Not a Second Time.m4a
5 n1 D8 x3 }8 p│      14 Money (That's What I Want).m4a
' @( |# L6 T% V1 ~+ t7 R│      15 With The Beatles (Documentary).m4v
( ^* ]/ j$ T9 F/ y" k( }: h! a4 l6 k│      
- R3 H, t1 D2 d8 c4 x/ a├─1964 - A Hard Day's Night (Apple Digital Master)
, w$ X& e; z5 ^. U; G4 Z) l% M' |0 X! ]) D│      01 A Hard Day's Night.m4a" \& O7 W8 c+ h1 l) ~# g  ~. n
│      02 I Should Have Known Better.m4a; l, e* L5 p7 v; h! `% f
│      03 If I Fell.m4a; K" S% T7 L7 p
│      04 I'm Happy Just to Dance with You.m4a2 K( C; C/ q' U4 v% g
│      05 And I Love Her.m4a( p# ?9 c' n# O+ e
│      06 Tell Me Why.m4a4 |/ E# T) Z0 _. \
│      07 Can't Buy Me Love.m4a/ ]* K) G7 s2 D7 i" B
│      08 Any Time at All.m4a% D3 d/ u7 d0 T& D7 a" I
│      09 I'll Cry Instead.m4a5 {  j5 V, w; r+ T4 K
│      10 Things We Said Today.m4a+ w, R8 R9 i  d% w
│      11 When I Get Home.m4a
$ c9 |0 u& U3 x5 K│      12 You Can't Do That.m4a
; r3 H2 i7 [" T│      13 I'll Be Back.m4a
  _0 z+ @5 t' v$ C│      14 A Hard Day's Night (Documentary).m4v) q7 C" \2 p9 l/ F9 j& t0 J' M9 d
│      - G# e0 z5 \/ M( d/ d# h1 x0 A' b
├─1965 - Help!(Apple Digital Master)
: T! q0 e5 Y5 ^' W6 \│      01 Help!.m4a
- l; s3 E, }( V. C5 r' P1 T. P│      02 The Night Before.m4a) Z8 h* [* E: T7 d' q( h
│      03 You've Got to Hide Your Love Away.m4a3 c* M" j  V7 R/ s! T
│      04 I Need You.m4a( Z3 J0 i, d6 D& N! Y
│      05 Another Girl.m4a
& o) j$ M& L' m0 m│      06 You're Going to Lose That Girl.m4a
% A. `2 f( ^2 y! c0 l  U5 X" ]│      07 Ticket to Ride.m4a! C  T; p* Q3 I( b% E& ^" D
│      08 Act Naturally.m4a, }% ]. G+ v5 E# `
│      09 It's Only Love.m4a4 j3 I# N4 b# g
│      10 You Like Me Too Much.m4a
# H+ S- U8 O( O4 B8 t│      11 Tell Me What You See.m4a8 T5 R+ m2 z: S( l: b7 s
│      12 I've Just Seen a Face.m4a
3 }* R$ |) Q6 h+ q│      13 Yesterday.m4a% Z) n6 F/ b/ Y) k: P
│      14 Dizzy Miss Lizzy.m4a
# V- S/ E! h* p( h0 a% e│      15 Help! (Documentary).m4v
8 G4 ~; C& X) A8 F│      5 T3 p  b; t7 `7 k0 Y; t/ R% F  i2 b
├─1965 - Rubber Soul(Apple Digital Master)
1 o$ K9 N9 p' O│      01 Drive My Car.m4a
8 Q" R1 o: a' a% B% y; Q4 v│      02 Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has Flo.m4a
# F( O$ k9 w. r│      03 You Won't See Me.m4a7 P9 i  l9 A! l, a/ G' k
│      04 Nowhere Man.m4a
  n$ |' m  x4 r- n$ z* x│      05 Think For Yourself.m4a0 C' N  m* }- j4 f, ^
│      06 The Word.m4a3 C% y$ p( l" B' t/ D9 i
│      07 Michelle.m4a( y6 J9 X, _8 a  d9 W9 l
│      08 What Goes On.m4a* E2 S: k4 q8 m  H
│      09 Girl.m4a1 _$ w  I0 S! @8 b
│      10 I'm Looking Through You.m4a
& ~7 Y  B- o; M: A│      11 In My Life.m4a
6 A! Z( ]# c/ l│      12 Wait.m4a5 Y% W2 f4 K6 {% V, }
│      13 If I Needed Someone.m4a
$ P! {% M" |" N* D- j0 D│      14 Run For Your Life.m4a/ |: {6 D7 N9 b) \9 v
│      15 Rubber Soul (Documentary).m4v; G2 v$ d8 N4 B6 o6 f3 i( f
8 C8 }0 f) S. ?+ B├─1966 - Revolver(Apple Digital Master)7 T4 ]) H  o/ A7 m3 L5 E$ v0 X# o7 U: L# }
│      01 Taxman.m4a3 m$ f! v3 n* E1 `; ]7 b% I: ^
│      02 Eleanor Rigby.m4a
* c: m5 @( ?  J│      03 I'm Only Sleeping.m4a  j* N/ S4 b6 ]2 ?) \# k
│      04 Love You To.m4a7 v& N& j& V% X8 P4 i+ T2 k
│      05 Here, There and Everywhere.m4a
* d8 M6 \1 W! J# M% R* a│      06 Yellow Submarine.m4a5 @) U+ [6 T' l, C7 @5 E7 L2 s
│      07 She Said She Said.m4a
3 I) b, x% A; i# ~6 [- F, D% y│      08 Good Day Sunshine.m4a
' h6 k9 c& U% k; z6 {( m│      09 And Your Bird Can Sing.m4a, W% R) z# N3 O/ ?
│      10 For No One.m4a
+ o6 h; K, t, p│      11 Doctor Robert.m4a
3 I; T' x: R9 l3 n9 L, w│      12 I Want to Tell You.m4a' c6 b( j" r/ Q3 D
│      13 Got to Get You Into My Life.m4a. @7 N7 V- b- a# D$ A
│      14 Tomorrow Never Knows.m4a: B7 Q7 w# J' _% w
│      15 Revolver (Documentary).m4v7 B* x% G, G/ T
* r% Y2 _/ z  J1 h5 |& d├─1967 - Magical Mystery Tour (Apple Digital Master)& _* U) r6 P1 |7 }
│      01 Magical Mystery Tour.m4a" u* N$ v2 G; |" b6 E3 Y! ~
│      02 The Fool On the Hill.m4a# L( H2 V' q* ?. ~* N( U0 V
│      03 Flying.m4a! M  Y: D- e9 k9 |
│      04 Blue Jay Way.m4a
% I9 M: P7 d& f% J" q% Q6 A) y│      05 Your Mother Should Know.m4a: ^4 ?7 O& r7 d0 q% G! U7 l4 p, L
│      06 I Am the Walrus.m4a
9 ]: @% d3 g- K│      07 Hello, Goodbye.m4a
# t- s  u9 t. c$ @' d5 |│      08 Strawberry Fields Forever.m4a. w  L7 Q0 b* ~- R
│      09 Penny Lane.m4a
/ L' l2 u/ G  I% ]4 @3 _9 w+ k│      10 Baby, You're a Rich Man.m4a
' l+ f: y. v+ h$ R│      11 All You Need Is Love.m4a
6 [7 x, M; I+ M0 A│      12 Magical Mystery Tour (Documentary.m4v
: T- g" p* ]) A, ^│      
8 U1 @, P8 {0 s( ^├─1967 - Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Deluxe Edition)8 u& w' x5 q! m6 e% G; v+ I: t' @; s
│      1-01 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Clu.m4a/ y' c9 ?5 }. h3 |2 t
│      1-02 With a Little Help From My Frie.m4a( q6 l- D' Z2 g2 e; f
│      1-03 Lucy In the Sky With Diamonds (.m4a+ t$ ]- Y# Y" X0 e2 S. A
│      1-04 Getting Better (Remix).m4a7 ~& g5 z9 A4 G, R' }$ Y/ l
│      1-05 Fixing a Hole (Remix).m4a. k# \* a+ ?5 E; x3 {
│      1-06 She's Leaving Home (Remix).m4a9 ^% T; Y8 V* x* S
│      1-07 Being For the Benefit of Mr. Ki.m4a' k2 b1 Q, {) t# n
│      1-08 Within You Without You (Remix).m4a
. a, J2 X9 x4 \5 E4 R0 Y8 `│      1-09 When I'm Sixty-Four (Remix).m4a
. @4 Q  m$ A+ V( a6 T) V│      1-10 Lovely Rita (Remix).m4a
1 S7 J% Q+ x- o/ L" F4 ^5 d5 j" O│      1-11 Good Morning Good Morning (Remi.m4a
1 Z- j3 [. Z9 v. T9 R* j" p6 j│      1-12 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Clu.m4a) t+ ^1 f* Y9 q
│      1-13 A Day In the Life (Remix).m4a
3 N, V, }& z- h: U' n│      2-01 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Clu.m4a) u# W1 R0 c0 t: B8 F2 t3 H0 u
│      2-02 With a Little Help From My Frie.m4a
+ p8 Z" ~: x3 D; U/ H# j, w│      2-03 Lucy In the Sky With Diamonds (.m4a+ v; A0 v0 T6 J
│      2-04 Getting Better (Take 1 _ Instru.m4a
/ \: D5 o* G8 a9 e  o& m│      2-05 Fixing a Hole (Speech and Take.m4a& m  k' @2 v9 ~6 s9 V
│      2-06 She's Leaving Home (Take 1 _ In.m4a7 i  b# [& Y! v4 K4 n, v4 F9 O
│      2-07 Being For the Benefit of Mr. Ki.m4a" Z  B2 h. S( s" x
│      2-08 Within You Without You (Take 1.m4a
7 A3 W  Z" V0 m+ U: }│      2-09 When I'm Sixty-Four (Take 2).m4a3 P* g# h; z; W" e& X
│      2-10 Lovely Rita (Speech and Take 9).m4a  G8 }9 {* ?: v" h# d( s; }
│      2-11 Good Morning Good Morning (Take.m4a
- Q1 y+ o  f3 P' G, @, B│      2-12 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Clu.m4a
& `8 m+ d- w9 V. d│      2-13 A Day In the Life (Take 1 With.m4a" g0 s' F/ f& z7 |7 f7 L
│      2-14 Strawberry Fields Forever (Take.m4a
$ a$ T' Q* B7 I0 E6 I  O' m│      2-15 Strawberry Fields Forever (Take.m4a6 }8 s) D. n; n
│      2-16 Strawberry Fields Forever (Ster.m4a
, X6 s3 R" s& M$ n5 J│      2-17 Penny Lane (Take 6 _ Instrument.m4a
) W  Q2 N. `  A% B9 p. E. n│      2-18 Penny Lane (Stereo Mix 2017).m4a) g* C! M  Y% W* K3 c  b/ J) L
│      + p: J6 E7 Y5 B7 d; _* `) x
├─1967 - Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Remix)[Apple Digital Master]
* `8 [/ |1 C2 e) K5 A│      01 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club.m4a, j9 q' I6 G' p. g1 s. @
│      02 With A Little Help From My Friend.m4a
" s. U: U& M' j3 f( L5 ?│      03 Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds (Re.m4a0 v6 R% p- A) L/ L, }- P* r
│      04 Getting Better (Remix).m4a8 c, B( D, H  t3 |
│      05 Fixing A Hole (Remix).m4a$ b) ~: D$ A, M' F
│      06 She's Leaving Home (Remix).m4a* E; ^1 P% ?9 O5 _. r. m
│      07 Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite.m4a
5 b& K* P; z! u) ?$ t│      08 Within You Without You (Remix).m4a6 _" I( j( B& b
│      09 When I'm Sixty-Four (Remix).m4a
* D# \5 G" E0 p4 H3 d│      10 Lovely Rita (Remix).m4a/ t  F) L6 D0 r6 {: g8 g. t
│      11 Good Morning Good Morning (Remix).m4a9 I+ C; o/ L/ p7 R
│      12 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club.m4a5 O  {" Q  Q6 G) b4 |: N) C
│      13 A Day In The Life (Remix).m4a: T3 U5 T" C) @- a  G: p1 C8 r4 ?
9 j5 O1 i( ]- j2 U8 u  O├─1967 - Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Super Deluxe Edition)2 G3 M4 a- u& O# {+ |
│      1-01 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Clu.m4a
2 E% Z; g6 N7 T1 B1 M, @/ I│      1-02 With a Little Help From My Frie.m4a; q6 W  V& V8 U) e: o
│      1-03 Lucy In the Sky With Diamonds (.m4a
, B1 y5 [4 h& X5 a│      1-04 Getting Better (Remix).m4a% V* `' x9 G- h! y+ }4 {5 m+ I, @0 K
│      1-05 Fixing a Hole (Remix).m4a
8 B7 `! L2 ?# _2 s$ a6 k! v│      1-06 She's Leaving Home (Remix).m4a7 ]. R5 z* D# [( Q# m" q& L
│      1-07 Being For the Benefit of Mr. Ki.m4a
; K  K# j2 k- f# j, U) o7 e# j│      1-08 Within You Without You (Remix).m4a
& k, [% t. g4 \9 h│      1-09 When I'm Sixty-Four (Remix).m4a5 J. S4 e$ U/ I, M
│      1-10 Lovely Rita (Remix).m4a
3 h* {/ R+ `8 V8 z" d& f│      1-11 Good Morning Good Morning (Remi.m4a: G  {$ R: x9 e( n/ \* Q
│      1-12 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Clu.m4a; D9 g" x$ ~/ a+ H8 V7 A% B
│      1-13 A Day In The Life (Remix).m4a
6 q% J3 G) ]( a! f│      2-01 Strawberry Fields Forever (Take.m4a# h/ Z1 t6 ~5 I2 ~( ?, p
│      2-02 Strawberry Fields Forever (Take.m4a
, z" I6 K  D8 _7 A5 }1 ?4 _, D│      2-03 Strawberry Fields Forever (Take.m4a
: ^! C) j4 O5 p+ L) i2 p│      2-04 Strawberry Fields Forever (Take.m4a1 S, \% K' J5 Q( v/ Q$ [
│      2-05 Strawberry Fields Forever (Ster.m4a
  u8 p  L: ^; u9 _│      2-06 When I'm Sixty-Four (Take 2).m4a
' b6 q/ z& e) x5 C│      2-07 Penny Lane (Take 6 _ Instrument.m4a' r6 t# ^: |( Z5 G. X7 Q
│      2-08 Penny Lane (Vocal Overdubs and.m4a
7 E& }7 x; T6 [( v│      2-09 Penny Lane (Stereo Mix 2017).m4a0 L. B8 L, C6 t5 s/ e7 L
│      2-10 A Day In the Life (Take 1).m4a4 l! h; M" L6 l- X+ f
│      2-11 A Day In the Life (Take 2).m4a( a" }8 |: Y8 ?+ U0 o5 }
│      2-12 A Day In the Life (Orchestra Ov.m4a
+ E+ [9 Q9 J% q7 H9 I' ~2 T│      2-13 A Day In the Life (Hummed Last.m4a3 ]3 |- P+ t5 B
│      2-14 A Day In the Life (The Last Cho.m4a& B) _+ m' S& w) L  J
│      2-15 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Clu.m4a
' n/ B1 E  v. z, Z0 |) B│      2-16 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Clu.m4a. B9 S8 y" r6 r% w; ]
│      2-17 Good Morning Good Morning (Take.m4a- \  L; U9 e& N3 O0 D0 b" C0 X
│      2-18 Good Morning Good Morning (Take.m4a4 z% r8 `" Z+ G5 w& E" p
│      3-01 Fixing a Hole (Take 1).m4a
8 a+ F9 a) r, C7 M" ~│      3-02 Fixing a Hole (Speech and Take.m4a% O1 `% T: R+ i# s- J
│      3-03 Being For the Benefit of Mr. Ki.m4a& Z# S4 V/ k; z& g" o* [3 m
│      3-04 Being For the Benefit of Mr. Ki.m4a( L5 V8 f  U8 t7 G  B1 p6 o) p
│      3-05 Lovely Rita (Speech and Take 9).m4a( ^; W5 Z/ C$ x, f$ F3 }% I
│      3-06 Lucy In the Sky With Diamonds (.m4a: e0 J) Q; K/ N+ o" C, A
│      3-07 Lucy In the Sky With Diamonds (.m4a
+ c* V0 A+ w$ q% g& I│      3-08 Getting Better (Take 1 _ Instru.m4a5 _$ |7 v( J$ a1 u
│      3-09 Getting Better (Take 12).m4a
' I) L* s. _4 I, s1 L│      3-10 Within You Without You (Take 1.m4a  E0 |& s# R; n- q5 E' y
│      3-11 Within You Without You (George.m4a! b; o! P6 S3 ?  F# a0 g  e! O  b% S
│      3-12 She's Leaving Home (Take 1 _ In.m4a
) t# s) W( m( q9 E/ s│      3-13 She's Leaving Home (Take 6 _ In.m4a5 n) T8 Z: ?; C( ]
│      3-14 With a Little Help From My Frie.m4a& k7 y8 m2 T5 g" |- C
│      3-15 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Clu.m4a
, `- V- {) R4 K6 {3 f% f│      4-01 Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club.m4a
1 ~4 d: J# U/ S7 `/ V" D│      4-02 With A Little Help From My Frie.m4a& i7 z+ c1 V' [) `4 c0 B: v
│      4-03 Lucy In the Sky With Diamonds.m4a7 p) m3 ~" v$ c9 u( t& ?/ z& |, ]8 j
│      4-04 Getting Better.m4a7 i  X# b# @; ~1 d" z! n( S
│      4-05 Fixing a Hole.m4a
0 s, j9 U. u' D6 g  {" Y- _- Y# i│      4-06 She's Leaving Home.m4a
# C) Q+ c3 p, C0 M- ]! X9 J│      4-07 Being For the Benefit of Mr Kit.m4a6 q% Z! j6 g+ d" L( D% Z: s
│      4-08 Within You Without You.m4a
9 o+ o% v+ X. E0 H0 \" m│      4-09 When I'm Sixty Four.m4a
6 T9 W. T# h# r. P│      4-10 Lovely Rita.m4a
; v1 d; ]* F' K* z9 g6 y│      4-11 Good Morning Good Morning.m4a
' B* o0 \9 v+ ]( r$ {  T& z│      4-12 Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club.m4a& c* [# ^! Z# h6 Z1 {
│      4-13 A Day In the Life.m4a/ z+ s5 N7 @& Y& {: y2 `- H/ A. O
│      4-14 Strawberry Fields Forever.m4a: R5 C( S& G* e3 z& W0 D
│      4-15 Penny Lane.m4a
, G, k0 @1 y: q3 I; [6 W5 A" l% M# {│      4-16 A Day In the Life (First Mono M.m4a
: U# C& ]7 F+ }& w│      4-17 Lucy In the Sky With Diamonds (.m4a
4 j* t  A9 p% m1 [9 A│      4-18 She's Leaving Home (First Mono.m4a
# p# N% {: g4 I1 a0 r, n│      4-19 Penny Lane (Capitol Records Mon.m4a1 a1 C) k& D% N) x1 q9 W9 Z# f
│      7 c/ |" R/ t( w
├─1967 - Strawberry Fields Forever  Penny Lane - Single6 R' {) E: \' S4 K$ x. I  j4 q
│      01 Strawberry Fields Forever.m4a2 p* M7 D! B2 L' a) L8 @7 x% ^
│      02 Penny Lane.m4a
0 @% Y6 o6 d$ a8 a+ f0 ^│      
, Y  [6 d! ^& G" Z' i( ^% L├─1968 - The Beatles (White Album) [Super Deluxe]" k7 k. V! U. N+ J& w  i
│      1-01 Back In the U.S.S.R. (2018 Mix).m4a, s7 g2 R3 e- T! b8 S- O
│      1-02 Dear Prudence (2018 Mix).m4a
5 P) R+ R( _% @# _; }2 r  p; Q│      1-03 Glass Onion (2018 Mix).m4a
4 J( Y" P( t0 g- N% _: \│      1-04 Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da (2018 Mix).m4a- J0 [7 d: K/ N/ w0 A
│      1-05 Wild Honey Pie (2018 Mix).m4a8 q; Z/ J) _/ q
│      1-06 The Continuing Story of Bungalo.m4a
1 U" e" O. h* w+ m* F│      1-07 While My Guitar Gently Weeps (2.m4a
- n2 o  o! O6 U$ ]/ f: R3 [│      1-08 Happiness Is a Warm Gun (2018 M.m4a- ~1 q" C6 X5 R( [' |* Y' c! o3 c4 l
│      1-09 Martha My Dear (2018 Mix).m4a
9 I" s, d. w2 p4 t+ Q│      1-10 I'm So Tired (2018 Mix).m4a" y4 j& l& k) `% j! ?  F
│      1-11 Blackbird (2018 Mix).m4a
, l0 V( }( I) g* {, }; r# A│      1-12 Piggies (2018 Mix).m4a
$ I& P0 o: r: A! B│      1-13 Rocky Raccoon (2018 Mix).m4a
4 a4 L& o* b  F, B│      1-14 Don't Pass Me By (2018 Mix).m4a
! ^. Q8 C  q/ \: \' _  u│      1-15 Why Don't We Do It In the Road_.m4a
# w1 {. n! W3 r+ l" ^│      1-16 I Will (2018 Mix).m4a
" T' n; G+ G. w- o  V+ d. y' ^│      1-17 Julia (2018 Mix).m4a1 H7 O( o& C. _* Z) }4 k
│      2-01 Birthday (2018 Mix).m4a* H- G4 E/ C% H6 u
│      2-02 Yer Blues (2018 Mix).m4a
6 T) z# u( D& a; v8 \' b│      2-03 Mother Nature's Son (2018 Mix).m4a
6 g& q) ?! y( c3 y│      2-04 Everybody's Got Something to Hi.m4a
; H- C& k* N) S  \* i" ]: q. c│      2-05 Sexy Sadie (2018 Mix).m4a
$ O" A: q, {* u* T' o3 C" I│      2-06 Helter Skelter (2018 Mix).m4a( @1 q8 K9 @* W" _; l! v+ M6 y
│      2-07 Long, Long, Long (2018 Mix).m4a: v' C/ M, E4 B3 z1 H( T1 G4 z
│      2-08 Revolution 1 (2018 Mix).m4a
/ u2 b% A2 a: t: s) t" d│      2-09 Honey Pie (2018 Mix).m4a1 R( D" s) R! \  S# `2 P
│      2-10 Savoy Truffle (2018 Mix).m4a3 X  Q/ }$ ?' I/ ?1 J+ E
│      2-11 Cry Baby Cry (2018 Mix).m4a
, D2 i! M+ J8 M│      2-12 Revolution 9 (2018 Mix).m4a
8 l2 G  O' \& b│      2-13 Good Night (2018 Mix).m4a
, _7 n6 s1 u! w- s6 q/ r│      3-01 Back In the U.S.S.R. (Esher Dem.m4a  W3 I7 O9 `: o5 v$ R; g
│      3-02 Dear Prudence (Esher Demo).m4a3 f* I& ~& B% _! q
│      3-03 Glass Onion (Esher Demo).m4a
' }! e/ m5 T$ X6 f/ J) E- u: |│      3-04 Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da (Esher Demo).m4a2 J* T7 \0 {/ ?# h2 v& {
│      3-05 The Continuing Story of Bungalo.m4a$ g* |8 O' {( r0 l
│      3-06 While My Guitar Gently Weeps (E.m4a
- z. Q# J% P# h! k│      3-07 Happiness Is a Warm Gun (Esher.m4a0 o2 L/ z: T# ^) z1 z6 z' g
│      3-08 I'm So Tired (Esher Demo).m4a
; P( @$ D' N3 [4 E6 p' O3 k7 X+ i+ ?│      3-09 Blackbird (Esher Demo).m4a# L0 y# }) }! D0 H6 o' L
│      3-10 Piggies (Esher Demo).m4a/ ]- [# e6 w  j+ z  y2 q
│      3-11 Rocky Raccoon (Esher Demo).m4a
2 v% p5 o+ j/ \. i1 H│      3-12 Julia (Esher Demo).m4a" f3 j2 ]' W* q2 d* m
│      3-13 Yer Blues (Esher Demo).m4a8 i3 i0 y& @  D/ |, R+ X* m5 `  G
│      3-14 Mother Nature's Son (Esher Demo.m4a
( p7 v5 R- B9 Y; X! F6 n# [! I2 Q│      3-15 Everybody's Got Something to Hi.m4a+ t/ K) v- Q* z
│      3-16 Sexy Sadie (Esher Demo).m4a2 H* P! _9 t8 B1 T: _7 `  k
│      3-17 Revolution (Esher Demo).m4a( `4 l" m- z+ h# \
│      3-18 Honey Pie (Esher Demo).m4a! b  u# _9 d' i% Q3 d) C
│      3-19 Cry Baby Cry (Esher Demo).m4a5 V- N+ Q6 U% ?* ]0 y( w+ U" o
│      3-20 Sour Milk Sea (Esher Demo).m4a
% u! V7 V( U4 z9 P│      3-21 Junk (Esher Demo).m4a
& k  O4 V, V% @* x4 j& P$ G& S│      3-22 Child of Nature (Esher Demo).m4a
7 k$ y; e' {2 S$ @' O) {│      3-23 Circles (Esher Demo).m4a& p- l: [3 z3 V
│      3-24 Mean Mr. Mustard (Esher Demo).m4a1 n  u7 \0 b5 E
│      3-25 Polythene Pam (Esher Demo).m4a
: c" |+ d" L* J! O│      3-26 Not Guilty (Esher Demo).m4a
8 A2 j2 S. l3 M# E│      3-27 What's the New Mary Jane (Esher.m4a8 \3 f4 V& l& Z, a
│      4-01 Revolution 1 (Take 18).m4a
# ~+ u; \' i6 D3 g: I/ y# a│      4-02 A Beginning (Take 4) _ Don_t Pa.m4a
6 |9 J( [5 l* a; ]│      4-03 Blackbird (Take 28).m4a
  {: h6 }) y6 J2 k7 n│      4-04 Everybody's Got Something to Hi.m4a2 w3 A8 `* ?# ^0 k
│      4-05 Good Night (Unnumbered Rehearsa.m4a
+ G' i  w" m- M% Q│      4-06 Good Night (Take 10 with a Guit.m4a
' h* O2 t6 e, m│      4-07 Good Night (Take 22).m4a
) o) ]7 E. P' P& b│      4-08 Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da (Take 3).m4a
0 `0 P6 y' ~. q5 e6 ^│      4-09 Revolution (Unnumbered Rehearsa.m4a/ U8 z( D$ ~; w. p
│      4-10 Revolution (Take 14 _ Instrumen.m4a# T9 r. |) h" S4 h8 a$ O! K0 Z
│      4-11 Cry Baby Cry (Unnumbered Rehear.m4a
6 x8 s. f" f2 c9 v8 N' X│      4-12 Helter Skelter (First Version _.m4a
0 F4 l% {9 ?  O; }│      5-01 Sexy Sadie (Take 3).m4a! G6 e: g. l$ ^/ M6 Q' |# K. r
│      5-02 While My Guitar Gently Weeps (A.m4a0 h1 n/ ~. t; t; K0 [4 {
│      5-03 Hey Jude (Take 1).m4a  c0 l( G% K. S* W. R' R
│      5-04 St. Louis Blues (Studio Jam).m4a9 u$ r5 I" u2 ^' \! o
│      5-05 Not Guilty (Take 102).m4a5 t& o1 u2 c5 t, p3 v$ w
│      5-06 Mother Nature's Son (Take 15).m4a
0 r0 e( ^' f6 \2 s6 Z6 t│      5-07 Yer Blues (Take 5 with Guide Vo.m4a
) W; b9 A$ g, N# ?% z! a│      5-08 What's the New Mary Jane (Take.m4a* H$ Z) y' r! U1 d. l6 S
│      5-09 Rocky Raccoon (Take 8).m4a
  B6 z, Y% ^1 k' v│      5-10 Back In the U.S.S.R. (Take 5 _.m4a# {, h2 m0 f' I( D; m( {0 t- I0 x  d
│      5-11 Dear Prudence (Vocal, Guitar &.m4a! i9 C, l- x, S" E, N# W" H
│      5-12 Let It Be (Unnumbered Rehearsal.m4a
8 t# p+ \  q! g0 [* D  w, ?) u│      5-13 While My Guitar Gently Weeps (T.m4a
$ A- y& ~0 @9 q! R5 F5 V│      5-14 (You're So Square) Baby I Don_t.m4a& x0 D- Y$ ]: s. p% K; K$ z
│      5-15 Helter Skelter (Second Version.m4a0 `* X# \2 {- [9 }
│      5-16 Glass Onion (Take 10).m4a8 D& t' {/ E" t
│      6-01 I Will (Take 13).m4a$ M# S% g( a  `" t6 }# X
│      6-02 Blue Moon (Studio Jam).m4a
. u2 b% M! c- J+ Q│      6-03 I Will (Take 29).m4a7 P- Z: `3 ]9 Q9 a3 e* Y
│      6-04 Step Inside Love (Studio Jam).m4a% K- F, P' ^" |5 b) L9 \$ K0 i7 d
│      6-05 Los Paranoias (Studio Jam).m4a5 v4 q$ P1 F/ m5 v6 Y/ L
│      6-06 Can You Take Me Back_ (Take 1).m4a7 e% k  T$ o1 P, s% [3 R
│      6-07 Birthday (Take 2 _ Instrumental.m4a
8 z! W7 u) `$ `4 \  W/ o& N  T│      6-08 Piggies (Take 12 _ Instrumental.m4a3 a2 t& O' q! }
│      6-09 Happiness Is a Warm Gun (Take 1.m4a
, F' k$ j$ ~# Z3 L% c4 z5 z│      6-10 Honey Pie (Instrumental Backing.m4a; c( _! @, w. l3 N2 q+ }8 ~! \6 F
│      6-11 Savoy Truffle (Instrumental Bac.m4a1 F3 B/ R# Y6 R6 T) g7 V
│      6-12 Martha My Dear (Without Brass &.m4a. Z7 ]) z1 H# Y" l5 f& A
│      6-13 Long, Long, Long (Take 44).m4a$ Q) q4 u2 H% r$ j% V$ b* O6 T. |
│      6-14 I'm So Tired (Take 7).m4a# g7 o- u7 o* K: `8 v9 s
│      6-15 I'm So Tired (Take 14).m4a" H/ ?; p- W- A: [
│      6-16 The Continuing Story of Bungalo.m4a; v% W: }8 r8 G2 t$ c
│      6-17 Why Don_t We Do It In the Road_.m4a
$ T5 s* n; h$ g│      6-18 Julia (Two Rehearsals).m4a
3 D2 L  M2 P* H7 z: b4 M4 o" k" i│      6-19 The Inner Light (Take 6 _ Instr.m4a
, W) Y3 J' }" ?) Y9 O5 e│      6-20 Lady Madonna (Take 2 _ Piano &.m4a
- T5 @- a7 X# H- P│      6-21 Lady Madonna (Backing Vocals fr.m4a# c+ K8 F1 i+ l
│      6-22 Across the Universe (Take 6).m4a3 e( p: J, ^! k' h
' i* `7 m' f3 t' B├─1969 - Abbey Road (Remastered) [Apple Digital Master]" L: E# y4 m* l
│      01 Come Together.m4a
2 A0 F1 e5 v) D7 L) Q6 U- w2 i& V│      02 Something.m4a' Z( c" ?0 H% P! T% |$ x6 t  c
│      03 Maxwell's Silver Hammer.m4a$ M" B( k0 i+ C+ c
│      04 Oh! Darling.m4a
4 y5 _+ S7 E- U' J$ k│      05 Octopus's Garden.m4a
. H, b2 R8 B/ ]$ G% S│      06 I Want You (She's So Heavy).m4a: I9 n; r* u# c0 u2 _
│      07 Here Comes the Sun.m4a
6 N( M- A5 _2 e  O- i5 P│      08 Because.m4a, l" ^( a, m5 \
│      09 You Never Give Me Your Money.m4a7 [5 y1 v* C5 |
│      10 Sun King.m4a2 v, u, L% x  x7 p
│      11 Mean Mr. Mustard.m4a5 {, V  X& s& K0 o. F4 D% H" J3 p; |
│      12 Polythene Pam.m4a
$ y' E; w: H% r0 T5 Q7 [- W6 L3 @+ t& l│      13 She Came In Through the Bathroom.m4a
, A" q! {$ U( p) c2 ]7 ]│      14 Golden Slumbers.m4a
6 i1 ]  x# d; O) X│      15 Carry That Weight.m4a4 E" b( t1 P* y7 l+ }8 u* ~# ]5 h
│      16 The End.m4a5 ]$ ^7 k) p( t4 C
│      17 Her Majesty.m4a( ~; P% O: F0 q9 n
│      18 Abbey Road (Documentary).m4v( ~: E0 D6 S$ P% g
│      ' F  ]% N) g( }8 m' K
├─1973 - The Beatles 1962–1966 (The Red Album)2 c* a/ `, W1 M: c0 T3 z2 u) I
│  │  1-01 Love Me Do (Mono Version).m4a
  l, f" w4 [! r│  │  1-02 Please Please Me (Mono Version).m4a
$ T( m4 q# h' d2 i  h/ t│  │  1-03 From Me to You (Mono Version).m4a
8 h. z9 f' f* E) K9 ~( f│  │  1-04 She Loves You (Mono Version).m4a) {' S7 V# q! T& l/ I8 A; e# R
│  │  1-05 I Want to Hold Your Hand.m4a6 U" ?3 d  F& o5 o6 b8 D
│  │  1-06 All My Loving.m4a0 c  X( V' W' f1 J( `! M# S
│  │  1-07 Can't Buy Me Love.m4a# `5 G; B2 {+ }# c2 n# V
│  │  1-08 A Hard Day's Night.m4a; x8 @8 |0 O" }( C7 u3 Y
│  │  1-09 And I Love Her.m4a
8 g+ K( x! |, [! h2 x│  │  1-10 Eight Days a Week.m4a
+ n) f0 J9 P+ u0 @* Q; t4 z' F& S│  │  1-11 I Feel Fine.m4a
% s1 j$ Y$ E( c: ]' [1 d# \  m│  │  1-12 Ticket to Ride.m4a
7 {  l* L$ e8 i' P2 }* v% ?& |│  │  1-13 Yesterday.m4a3 {/ h8 A( @5 Q' b9 n- C+ ?) c. E
│  │  2-01 Help!.m4a) u. e' ~. z3 u) p+ M  U! `
│  │  2-02 You've Got to Hide Your Love Aw.m4a
' A  S# H8 f! R4 j│  │  2-03 We Can Work It Out.m4a
6 T4 c0 z0 D8 B  m3 [* X7 u│  │  2-04 Day Tripper.m4a% G! D( a( f& i' J" I9 u
│  │  2-05 Drive My Car.m4a4 @7 Q' C" h. O+ k- N) u- s
│  │  2-06 Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has F.m4a8 g: r5 ?9 S% e( n
│  │  2-07 Nowhere Man.m4a
- A7 X. ~8 n: h# E" R2 G2 g│  │  2-08 Michelle.m4a
2 o/ ~# a# y3 n3 c- ~  n│  │  2-09 In My Life.m4a
8 e- x6 @# R2 j3 D│  │  2-10 Girl.m4a
: p+ j- i. G$ @8 y% Q& p0 v+ M8 G+ z│  │  2-11 Paperback Writer.m4a- `6 x. a9 f$ q  L8 `
│  │  2-12 Eleanor Rigby.m4a
6 P3 W+ o1 v7 v8 k│  │  2-13 Yellow Submarine.m4a
4 a, s2 {% b# c3 f% q│  │  4 P1 {2 h7 r7 M) @
│  └─The Beatles 1962–1966 - iTunes LP (.itlp
! N' B' B! j* N│              / G. z1 Z5 {& @; [% Q! t( B5 Z* ~
├─1973 - The Beatles 1967–1970 (The Blue Album)
. f9 ~1 V8 t: e, |6 g  n7 {│  │  1-01 Strawberry Fields Forever.m4a
" \7 l; R' Z1 l7 N│  │  1-02 Penny Lane.m4a  k1 B6 ?8 s. R
│  │  1-03 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Clu.m4a" z& z8 I! t: i3 J3 h6 @2 ?
│  │  1-04 With a Little Help From My Frie.m4a8 J, Y% T) _8 c0 s/ S! g
│  │  1-05 Lucy In the Sky With Diamonds.m4a( F6 N+ X; U  E9 K1 p0 f) G
│  │  1-06 A Day In the Life.m4a2 I$ `( z' t& t/ a: I
│  │  1-07 All You Need Is Love.m4a
/ {# I1 B; i2 y│  │  1-08 I Am the Walrus.m4a; @, B% \) ?/ }
│  │  1-09 Hello, Goodbye.m4a
3 T* C. W9 m5 E; J, M2 x7 V" H- @' a│  │  1-10 The Fool On the Hill.m4a" W6 H5 A& P4 b0 E- x6 h6 F
│  │  1-11 Magical Mystery Tour.m4a
' H5 j& O6 t7 p1 g) z2 B│  │  1-12 Lady Madonna.m4a
( z" P4 S- ^& d* v: r& |7 J0 ?│  │  1-13 Hey Jude.m4a
9 m: E- s: `6 N9 F6 v│  │  1-14 Revolution.m4a/ {& B# ~+ o6 K2 V3 v
│  │  2-01 Back In the U.S.S.R..m4a: P9 m' g# e  l( S
│  │  2-02 While My Guitar Gently Weeps.m4a
; i  L( X5 o; ?# d& N2 k- K6 [9 b+ J│  │  2-03 Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da.m4a
/ g. j, d7 k) w3 q) ?│  │  2-04 Get Back.m4a1 `2 A* ]" g' C) @
│  │  2-05 Don't Let Me Down.m4a
' d3 C8 q3 y5 k# @6 q│  │  2-06 The Ballad of John and Yoko.m4a
- Z# z" b4 {! f8 Z0 ]│  │  2-07 Old Brown Shoe.m4a. u0 a. {4 p( I( ~
│  │  2-08 Here Comes the Sun.m4a4 q5 l( z9 {1 f/ q
│  │  2-09 Come Together.m4a7 P' g9 w7 z; H& ]+ ^/ k
│  │  2-10 Something.m4a
! }# ~7 f0 l3 d5 l: y. a# Y9 _+ R* S│  │  2-11 Octopus's Garden.m4a- H. e4 q% G+ m: G2 C
│  │  2-12 Let It Be.m4a$ x( w7 S, [( Q9 X; o% a
│  │  2-13 Across the Universe.m4a
4 z6 U+ S+ t+ e9 F│  │  2-14 The Long and Winding Road.m4a
7 D2 I4 P  U- X│  │  
: W1 i) z7 b; E- o  q, [; e, ?& n│  └─The Beatles 1967–1970 - iTunes LP (.itlp! Y: C" Q6 F, ?, c7 e; m
' c! j: i7 H7 W6 I) e├─1988 - Past Masters, Vols. 1 & 2 (Apple Digital Master)
1 A% C; M( B2 X/ K│      1-01 Love Me Do (Single Version).m4a
& v& z: m6 b- G; ]: B│      1-02 From Me to You.m4a. U0 k, W+ f( Z+ @7 b4 n. P  T
│      1-03 Thank You Girl.m4a
  P, W8 Z  e- v8 R4 [$ j% w6 w│      1-04 She Loves You.m4a; f. Q0 d& i, l1 w; K
│      1-05 I'll Get You.m4a9 A' @5 s. }! y/ h4 E9 B) }' }
│      1-06 I Want to Hold Your Hand.m4a" z+ I1 d1 ?9 I  L# s: T: ~
│      1-07 This Boy.m4a
- X4 L. J) s7 i: Y; X1 z1 p│      1-08 Komm, Gib Mir Deine Hand.m4a
9 |9 v  P; D% G$ L│      1-09 Sie Liebt Dich.m4a
! p0 j) A5 Y' e" r( W4 l+ z│      1-10 Long Tall Sally.m4a
! ^# N- A$ s! Z6 K* v) w' u2 G│      1-11 I Call Your Name.m4a
1 [# V9 Q, F+ M+ M│      1-12 Slow Down.m4a" a$ C1 ~/ _4 `4 K% u
│      1-13 Matchbox.m4a
$ N6 _7 W6 s3 h- U4 d% [/ S/ m- [│      1-14 I Feel Fine.m4a
3 W) a& [0 c% z' N( ]│      1-15 She's a Woman.m4a" v( @6 V) Y) g$ C, I5 X) @6 L/ b# R* j
│      1-16 Bad Boy.m4a$ }' t8 K# k* Z% Y/ i" `
│      1-17 Yes It Is.m4a
/ j6 r. v8 P; g/ m│      1-18 I'm Down.m4a
# C0 U4 G. @) `6 \$ j- \( \# O│      2-01 Day Tripper.m4a
! e1 L$ s* {0 f% {9 t; t│      2-02 We Can Work It Out.m4a
4 J+ E7 H7 W* p( w│      2-03 Paperback Writer.m4a' m, `( M' Y  G* T+ X
│      2-04 Rain.m4a  r4 H+ X5 Q5 z/ Y/ E8 \- H5 N: h2 L  A
│      2-05 Lady Madonna.m4a
& g4 n0 S+ B2 l│      2-06 The Inner Light.m4a$ u3 h3 h$ g) S7 M7 k* n
│      2-07 Hey Jude.m4a6 {* w+ i- }& ~4 |+ o6 j7 n5 D& {6 y
│      2-08 Revolution.m4a
' H- D8 g$ e! P$ u, E& M( {│      2-09 Get Back.m4a1 {$ E! l  s* s& D
│      2-10 Don't Let Me Down.m4a
8 S: H$ h% p8 x5 E│      2-11 The Ballad of John and Yoko.m4a
7 ^! m1 O( Q* H1 s│      2-12 Old Brown Shoe.m4a6 A9 T) T/ B1 ?
│      2-13 Across the Universe.m4a! m9 p( j" v; l$ C% W, d
│      2-14 Let It Be.m4a
9 g2 I$ S6 {# Z, p/ B6 [│      2-15 You Know My Name (Look Up the N.m4a* b$ P0 G' |3 W+ I" e8 L
│      ( ]. @' s( ]; b' d8 V5 p* A2 ]
├─2006 - Love
( E/ g; ~) S6 j" o3 X+ c│      01 Because.m4a
" M. w4 V/ j: J2 `4 ?1 i4 u│      02 Get Back.m4a
0 p0 x* h& F( z* _  @; Y( P│      03 Glass Onion.m4a6 d/ X4 |, X: W* C7 w
│      04 Eleanor Rigby _ Julia.m4a
! e* C# W+ e& _4 _; Z0 h│      05 I Am the Walrus.m4a
- j+ ?& n8 x2 v* K; [. ]( O: K│      06 I Want to Hold Your Hand.m4a4 U: P5 d" A  j5 Q) s3 I
│      07 Drive My Car _ The Word _ What Yo.m4a2 z9 ^: R! J) G* A9 c4 ^
│      08 Gnik Nus.m4a
, f3 ?& k3 X: N2 f9 e6 ^, U1 O) P│      09 Something _ Blue Jay Way.m4a
0 W; z3 e$ C/ r* p1 G. O( @│      10 Being For the Benefit of Mr. Kite.m4a
, g  P! N) a! a( Y& y; ]# g│      11 Help!.m4a
$ S; k2 j7 ^$ i: ?+ f- m│      12 Blackbird _ Yesterday.m4a2 _. y6 T8 l* K
│      13 Strawberry Fields Forever.m4a9 u. o# S  R5 O; ^
│      14 Within You Without You _ Tomorrow.m4a
+ s' y# e# ^+ ~0 t- j; i│      15 Lucy In the Sky with Diamonds.m4a) ~4 y2 A4 k! b9 ^% u$ S: a4 Q
│      16 Octopus's Garden.m4a
& w. x' z: I/ {1 A9 O3 U: n* ]1 X│      17 Lady Madonna.m4a
* E" R7 [* n2 U# _│      18 Here Comes the Sun _ The Inner Li.m4a
3 x+ \$ ^( s6 U5 N. d│      19 Come Together _ Dear Prudence _ C.m4a
; M; M4 O' ^" k& c│      20 Revolution.m4a; i. i2 Z; p% }
│      21 Back In the U.S.S.R..m4a
; m" t9 A# b# m│      22 While My Guitar Gently Weeps.m4a1 k8 f" S- y& n! l7 q' i7 y
│      23 A Day In the Life.m4a9 U% t' Q6 ?! \5 U5 B& V: ]
│      24 Hey Jude.m4a9 q+ |# |' h- A
│      25 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club.m4a
  d2 c! z4 B6 x- R│      26 All You Need Is Love.m4a
$ o7 L$ X$ W- o* N│      27 The Fool On the Hill.m4a
0 [% w( {- J  C) j  L│      28 Girl.m4a
: |% l6 Z: u1 y! w) p& D, a│      0 Y# _6 ?! m1 [, S& q$ ?
├─2009 - The Beatles Box Set  u! f: s# h9 a0 y# U$ Q1 s
│  ├─A Hard Day's Night  {' @) l: d3 |) o
│  │  │  3-01 A Hard Day's Night.m4a' k) d% i# a$ s8 E, q$ [
│  │  │  3-02 I Should Have Known Better.m4a
% ^5 g8 s" ]; K4 z3 N* e8 k│  │  │  3-03 If I Fell.m4a
$ ]8 k. l$ T. a! \! j│  │  │  3-04 I'm Happy Just to Dance With You.m4a4 T! a& C/ m3 |0 l
│  │  │  3-05 And I Love Her.m4a
9 i7 Z8 K* d7 F* D* W│  │  │  3-06 Tell Me Why.m4a5 N& b+ l0 X  x# h7 }8 L4 D: i
│  │  │  3-07 Can't Buy Me Love.m4a9 M5 f3 W$ R8 Z: y0 M; x# ^, [  j
│  │  │  3-08 Any Time At All.m4a" n% e+ ~2 e; Y- A) m; v$ T
│  │  │  3-09 I'll Cry Instead.m4a; Q' |" \+ A/ o- n/ {
│  │  │  3-10 Things We Said Today.m4a
' v( `* a0 |5 b% n4 _│  │  │  3-11 When I Get Home.m4a
- _- J6 z& m' _. x│  │  │  3-12 You Can't Do That.m4a1 e; N3 r' `" R
│  │  │  3-13 I'll Be Back.m4a
+ o) V/ t; i7 P, I+ i│  │  │  3-14 A Hard Day's Night (Documentary).m4v- `) c% l3 C$ G4 U7 Z
│  │  │  
' \; D$ \$ w' U& c│  │  └─A Hard Day's Night - iTunes LP (v2.0).itlp
9 I: E: Y! f. E+ N% N3 Z│  │              
% n* \5 i/ z# E8 Q! R9 Z│  ├─Abbey Road: e, N. C' V% C4 z$ N
│  │  │  12-01 Come Together.m4a; M+ w( o7 y7 t% O! b  e" W
│  │  │  12-02 Something.m4a: i1 \- g% y# v# v* S5 {, O3 g8 w
│  │  │  12-03 Maxwell's Silver Hammer.m4a+ k$ _% Y' I: t
│  │  │  12-04 Oh! Darling.m4a
; j. C# f" A& {% b1 m% a  G! O│  │  │  12-05 Octopus's Garden.m4a% Q; Z5 M1 s* N
│  │  │  12-06 I Want You (She's So Heavy).m4a
  ~$ a" E. P* v( L│  │  │  12-07 Here Comes the Sun.m4a
, C7 M+ r7 y0 T1 n* y9 k3 w: H3 B( X│  │  │  12-08 Because.m4a
7 A4 Z: }) |* y( |7 C$ J2 {! D│  │  │  12-09 You Never Give Me Your Money.m4a
/ a5 c( V$ q; O/ a7 L$ ~" R│  │  │  12-10 Sun King.m4a* A% d& r" N# x; l4 K! r! r6 \
│  │  │  12-11 Mean Mr. Mustard.m4a
1 O, Z7 H6 V. g5 l: m) S* H│  │  │  12-12 Polythene Pam.m4a* K$ X+ q9 a! t' k
│  │  │  12-13 She Came In Through the Bathroom Window.m4a0 ~* Z9 e, q+ r' H2 F2 G
│  │  │  12-14 Golden Slumbers.m4a
9 W. ]8 b7 m: {: O6 a│  │  │  12-15 Carry That Weight.m4a5 {; p2 |- ?+ q0 A  C) E
│  │  │  12-16 The End.m4a3 _. O( {; ?( t& X+ }4 X0 I
│  │  │  12-17 Her Majesty.m4a
6 M" E7 m: R$ Z' M/ [4 N# J( }& o│  │  │  12-18 Abbey Road (Documentary).m4v
' L* {$ e9 O0 ?1 a4 Y# H2 w│  │  │  
! c$ }5 ?% x, T! B# c0 N/ W( M- s│  │  └─Abbey Road - iTunes LP (v2.0).itlp
- S! {  u( b: ]" P│  │              
; c6 U9 Q3 g" q8 P& a1 V9 u7 j│  ├─Beatles For Sale6 e2 q+ e! _& f0 d8 d3 H. Q: D, j
│  │  │  4-01 No Reply.m4a8 Z( i8 M$ o/ j
│  │  │  4-02 I'm a Loser.m4a
  Y* r% ^" A6 Z) v( }; L6 d! b& D│  │  │  4-03 Baby's In Black.m4a
$ `0 V% g* m* c0 f! I- @│  │  │  4-04 Rock and Roll Music.m4a
1 g0 x) |2 e  ]; I9 @1 @& o│  │  │  4-05 I'll Follow the Sun.m4a0 J* C3 M) x$ V; H1 u/ [
│  │  │  4-06 Mr. Moonlight.m4a
! [: L# U' q4 v5 g, k; w* e│  │  │  4-07 Kansas City _ Hey-Hey-Hey-Hey!.m4a
9 \0 h0 O2 l$ H# o4 q* v: ^│  │  │  4-08 Eight Days a Week.m4a& B. v  `4 j8 e2 C+ a! M7 ?
│  │  │  4-09 Words of Love.m4a
3 ~5 j! x1 o8 s' U+ p│  │  │  4-10 Honey Don't.m4a$ X! r9 a+ j' _
│  │  │  4-11 Every Little Thing.m4a8 D  b9 N' }& Q& n. ?
│  │  │  4-12 I Don't Want to Spoil the Party.m4a
  {& z: k& c. S, ^│  │  │  4-13 What You're Doing.m4a
) V" r! g' j) B/ F! {! P& E' v│  │  │  4-14 Everybody's Trying to Be My Baby.m4a
7 q5 J- d( g! N; b1 s4 ]8 c+ s* c( x│  │  │  4-15 Beatles For Sale (Documentary).m4v
% i; _: s4 P% O0 }│  │  │  
9 p* `2 R0 B! f6 }: I! H│  │  └─Beatles For Sale - iTunes LP (v2.0).itlp4 R; v2 l* r0 \: M; }& a
│  │              & T& q& P. Y' F* e
│  ├─Help!- L: L7 [+ l% U, t$ N
│  │  │  15 Help! (Documentary).m4v6 t  Y) n- Z$ |/ A; D8 I) T+ @3 }, p
│  │  │  5-01 Help!.m4a6 u! u$ Z0 p, s9 ~
│  │  │  5-02 The Night Before.m4a
7 d8 f8 k, Z6 _, P* x' F│  │  │  5-03 You've Got to Hide Your Love Aw.m4a+ u3 j- v7 w. o! @1 O& M
│  │  │  5-04 I Need You.m4a
! S5 o! y3 M# s" [( d# m9 ^/ m0 e│  │  │  5-05 Another Girl.m4a$ Q) j3 s$ R* @* L( r; T# Z4 T+ c. p
│  │  │  5-06 You're Going to Lose That Girl.m4a
& ^: w3 b% W5 s; S) X4 K- ]│  │  │  5-07 Ticket to Ride.m4a
1 k/ W8 d. H' p& Y% z" y! J│  │  │  5-08 Act Naturally.m4a
/ i8 _1 `! Z: ]% r% k. _│  │  │  5-09 It's Only Love.m4a9 X- W) I) q- U' Y
│  │  │  5-10 You Like Me Too Much.m4a" V! b- D* Z. W
│  │  │  5-11 Tell Me What You See.m4a
. b/ q3 A: y3 W( I0 S│  │  │  5-12 I've Just Seen a Face.m4a
8 d# p/ u; a8 o6 i" b8 J) p! A│  │  │  5-13 Yesterday.m4a. ], W- z, Q. i9 F
│  │  │  5-14 Dizzy Miss Lizzy.m4a
8 l; G) y" }+ C" c; k" n│  │  │  2 e' `& p2 p3 P( X( {0 ]
│  │  └─Help! - iTunes LP.itlp$ u7 I; j* ?; P3 z% E2 o
│  │              
) w, q' {( ]  a│  ├─Let It Be) }2 ]; L6 ^) n
│  │  │  13-01 Two of Us.m4a
7 y9 Q. u* P: J; }( D│  │  │  13-02 Dig a Pony.m4a
4 t3 h1 C+ i* x  H& {$ K7 I│  │  │  13-03 Across the Universe.m4a5 M- o" _1 Y/ Q) Y- B
│  │  │  13-04 I Me Mine.m4a
( ]+ `/ B7 ~) w' I│  │  │  13-05 Dig It.m4a
. m6 V8 m+ }2 {# x│  │  │  13-06 Let It Be.m4a
: M3 t0 y, g" |, J/ e2 y) p5 t│  │  │  13-07 Maggie Mae.m4a( ^! D$ c9 X3 Q# W* O: Q3 Y
│  │  │  13-08 I've Got a Feeling.m4a
9 I% v/ G7 P& x( _( e2 O3 P│  │  │  13-09 One After 909.m4a
" C- Q, B2 W! e) M  R9 j│  │  │  13-10 The Long and Winding Road.m4a5 w. z  F9 c" l  r" p8 i
│  │  │  13-11 For You Blue.m4a8 @) E3 V& W& m: V4 T6 S# ^
│  │  │  13-12 Get Back.m4a. G# h, N  W( m- p) s: r  E; ?
│  │  │  13-13 Let It Be (Documentary).m4v
2 K9 t% G: u4 F# U5 R% ^4 e2 C│  │  │  
* @, e  ]% w% i$ t8 i+ z│  │  └─Let It Be - iTunes LP (v2.0).itlp
: Q: c$ J3 H. I& A( B& l" U& q│  │              
3 u- A3 H4 A- ^$ o│  ├─Live At the Washington Coliseum, 19648 y& g; L3 @: X$ w4 U
│  │      2-02 Live At the Washington Coliseum, 1964.m4v6 s% w: Y0 A+ O. p- X1 D4 V2 x& r
│  │      ) N$ D4 ]1 x4 w! u" I
│  ├─Magical Mystery Tour
' B- D+ _2 X5 F# X* N: [│  │  │  9-01 Magical Mystery Tour.m4a
; F5 C& c# c0 o" A0 v; ?│  │  │  9-02 The Fool On the Hill.m4a/ Z6 p3 _* A3 P9 ]) u
│  │  │  9-03 Flying.m4a% o+ q* C. |7 x% i/ ~. K
│  │  │  9-04 Blue Jay Way.m4a4 e! l! [6 r- x, Y2 d
│  │  │  9-05 Your Mother Should Know.m4a
$ @* e) ~) E: v3 |3 [: A, t│  │  │  9-06 I Am the Walrus.m4a
' B8 v2 v1 g7 h│  │  │  9-07 Hello, Goodbye.m4a8 k2 N/ F! k- k! C( t/ I
│  │  │  9-08 Strawberry Fields Forever.m4a9 Y1 ?  N+ N- N
│  │  │  9-09 Penny Lane.m4a
# V' W+ ?* ?. I│  │  │  9-10 Baby, You're a Rich Man.m4a) U& E6 G/ A4 ^; v  Z6 y
│  │  │  9-11 All You Need Is Love.m4a  p2 j) B4 W3 }" S
│  │  │  9-12 Magical Mystery Tour (Documentary).m4v- g( A) ]9 M, _, |0 _) Z# p$ x3 E
│  │  │  9 }- P+ D4 C: U, `1 ?0 G& d* g
│  │  └─Magical Mystery Tour - iTunes LP (v3.0).itlp
$ w! o- B4 m8 U# x│  │              ' t5 A6 v* w0 E
│  ├─Past Masters, Vols. 1 & 2
" c; e6 Z! z, c│  │  │  14-01 Love Me Do (Original Single Version).m4a- q7 p# ?! }% K! ]9 o6 J; N
│  │  │  14-02 From Me to You.m4a
  V* Q3 g7 M& L* N  N. k  ?│  │  │  14-03 Thank You Girl.m4a& h; [! J6 S" @+ J  m
│  │  │  14-04 She Loves You.m4a: N5 U1 w3 c7 U) ], T- I
│  │  │  14-05 I'll Get You.m4a
4 t( X2 R" c+ v! G; o│  │  │  14-06 I Want to Hold Your Hand.m4a$ l1 Y, z% _4 x4 h& y
│  │  │  14-07 This Boy.m4a
0 R) Z2 ^+ L: ^3 a, U│  │  │  14-08 Komm, Gib Mir Deine Hand.m4a; z3 x. _. [3 n3 g
│  │  │  14-09 Sie Liebt Dich.m4a  r% F- }, D) J1 J  W
│  │  │  14-10 Long Tall Sally.m4a! O4 l- [& `8 w# I- R1 c5 w
│  │  │  14-11 I Call Your Name.m4a
0 U- N0 N; ]: d. X7 @( _- v│  │  │  14-12 Slow Down.m4a4 r$ C7 o! M( E5 z- W7 C
│  │  │  14-13 Matchbox.m4a! |# R0 ?5 \4 g5 [3 j
│  │  │  14-14 I Feel Fine.m4a7 q% K: \8 [. z
│  │  │  14-15 She's a Woman.m4a
/ `/ k) I' p) a│  │  │  14-16 Bad Boy.m4a
4 [  n; W$ H: N; V( G  e1 r│  │  │  14-17 Yes It Is.m4a
* |- Z! L; Y1 x$ ?- k0 m& Z% }+ r. N! V│  │  │  14-18 I'm Down.m4a
4 o- m0 B: t! h- P│  │  │  14-19 Day Tripper.m4a
9 e( w7 U' S4 P│  │  │  14-20 We Can Work It Out.m4a
# }5 ?: O) G! Q/ ?│  │  │  14-21 Paperback Writer.m4a4 w$ p- |8 f* }; q0 v
│  │  │  14-22 Rain.m4a( ~* X+ I9 T8 {; e
│  │  │  14-23 Lady Madonna.m4a6 }5 I7 ?( d1 R1 g: S7 W
│  │  │  14-24 The Inner Light.m4a% g" ?# F% {- n+ M9 H4 I
│  │  │  14-25 Hey Jude.m4a
' l& W9 n" g# r. X" j0 w/ c, B9 s│  │  │  14-26 Revolution.m4a! t/ y7 Y% M2 s" e+ B' u8 l
│  │  │  14-27 Get Back.m4a  L3 Y6 e9 w: l5 u# P3 Y
│  │  │  14-28 Don't Let Me Down.m4a
+ _! f; r$ z9 ^0 ~& d2 q+ U) \│  │  │  14-29 The Ballad of John and Yoko.m4a
* l% a7 y' J. s; O7 U- y9 K/ J9 X, L│  │  │  14-30 Old Brown Shoe.m4a! U7 T: L  t# X& s) t* N; F
│  │  │  14-31 Across the Universe.m4a
: Y% @7 ]" B  I7 K; U3 F│  │  │  14-32 Let It Be.m4a
( n' v0 Y) N1 U1 i, v│  │  │  14-33 You Know My Name (Look Up the Number).m4a6 p; O  _& G% V& u+ {; b+ q
│  │  │  
  E( S1 ^4 Y8 F1 e9 `. Q4 t" T4 I│  │  └─Past Masters, Vols. 1 & 2 - iTunes LP (v2.0).itlp+ R1 T! a& S$ ^& S. j8 P
│  │              
! ?/ r7 g0 ]& ~" J# d│  ├─Please Please Me
# j, z' W! S5 e│  │  │  1-01 I Saw Her Standing There.m4a" M" t7 f% Q4 P! a: Q
│  │  │  1-02 Misery.m4a+ v  h4 K) H- V, u3 C% r$ E
│  │  │  1-03 Anna (Go to Him).m4a
+ m7 q* [# X8 g# r$ d. d" S! T. ]$ \│  │  │  1-04 Chains.m4a2 G% T0 {" p4 o, c0 a9 m
│  │  │  1-05 Boys.m4a
, E" l& k. X. I% C( @│  │  │  1-06 Ask Me Why.m4a
. D4 o, V4 j5 r│  │  │  1-07 Please Please Me.m4a
$ N6 E* }, M/ u% y│  │  │  1-08 Love Me Do.m4a9 R& Q3 W4 ~5 [6 R  m) H
│  │  │  1-09 P.S. I Love You.m4a
' i7 O6 P( D; J+ I' ^) d  D* m│  │  │  1-10 Baby It's You.m4a5 @. \9 B0 u6 A+ ]9 p1 p$ p7 Y7 p
│  │  │  1-11 Do You Want to Know a Secret.m4a" }/ H- ~: h5 `, ~* V
│  │  │  1-12 A Taste of Honey.m4a
' h- z2 t: m+ e: X, a│  │  │  1-13 There's a Place.m4a# P; Z% K$ [7 K3 G) W) n/ d
│  │  │  1-14 Twist and Shout.m4a' m: C- N& [9 \* s
│  │  │  15 Please Please Me (Documentary).m4v* e5 a; T7 ], ?# D/ S
│  │  │  : }' S+ x( ~2 m6 ?( m9 ~2 i# I
│  │  └─Please Please Me - iTunes LP (v2.0).itlp
3 ]) [  ~  ^) F: I│  │              
4 r1 H- n6 |* n, {! g│  ├─Revolver
0 V0 @  Q( B& W# {1 [│  │  │  7-01 Taxman.m4a( g, J' O& g7 O/ c" S7 K* v
│  │  │  7-02 Eleanor Rigby.m4a
* l& ?) t# h' j, w( \3 z/ @: P│  │  │  7-03 I'm Only Sleeping.m4a
2 x9 w. [' O, {│  │  │  7-04 Love You To.m4a  B: k9 K6 Z8 y+ v3 m8 |
│  │  │  7-05 Here, There and Everywhere.m4a
  H+ ^6 A, b; v4 l% ]; |│  │  │  7-06 Yellow Submarine.m4a' U1 P. Z4 ^  d4 Q- g
│  │  │  7-07 She Said She Said.m4a2 {0 j( d1 A9 M+ C! s8 r$ n7 i
│  │  │  7-08 Good Day Sunshine.m4a1 J: ~1 W7 V- K0 j- Q. N
│  │  │  7-09 And Your Bird Can Sing.m4a9 K2 \4 H& `1 i0 {" e
│  │  │  7-10 For No One.m4a1 k/ C1 y1 Y7 ^' q' M# T9 `" f
│  │  │  7-11 Doctor Robert.m4a6 m8 n! _  ^  y1 \8 f
│  │  │  7-12 I Want to Tell You.m4a) W2 k& q7 H2 G, \" b! y- d
│  │  │  7-13 Got to Get You Into My Life.m4a) v' k# @/ U/ q
│  │  │  7-14 Tomorrow Never Knows.m4a
& j& R8 s. S8 X, d3 ^) s│  │  │  7-15 Revolver (Documentary).m4v
! @2 L* N/ H% X; D  B│  │  │  $ I7 L6 w. P# W
│  │  └─Revolver - iTunes LP (v2.0).itlp8 ?; {0 o' k, _2 m6 P
│  │              
  g3 j0 }" i7 u/ y│  ├─Rubber Soul  \5 @, |0 b9 `$ R% ]& k+ E
│  │  │  6-01 Drive My Car.m4a8 {7 s: X1 t+ [0 w7 q7 P
│  │  │  6-02 Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has Flown).m4a
- U, m" E: L* ?: x$ o8 E│  │  │  6-03 You Won't See Me.m4a
6 }# L( I5 H* F2 S3 l│  │  │  6-04 Nowhere Man.m4a
7 T- O2 |1 T8 r, v- Z" `( [( D│  │  │  6-05 Think For Yourself.m4a6 ^6 S9 \- r  V9 f9 B: _: B
│  │  │  6-06 The Word.m4a5 b- k& w) Y; C- r. i8 P
│  │  │  6-07 Michelle.m4a
% s; M8 U* n" u; S; Q8 @  B( P│  │  │  6-08 What Goes On.m4a
$ x  k1 e- _8 t, S. j7 R│  │  │  6-09 Girl.m4a
$ m9 [+ k, q; g- |│  │  │  6-10 I'm Looking Through You.m4a
1 L% |, }8 d# A" W' {! s│  │  │  6-11 In My Life.m4a
4 y4 M3 a  h3 ]# h│  │  │  6-12 Wait.m4a
5 w  H/ E0 [9 Z│  │  │  6-13 If I Needed Someone.m4a" W) a; x0 U( z4 E; [( F/ s7 K- T
│  │  │  6-14 Run For Your Life.m4a
0 C2 r% e: |/ x/ m- `│  │  │  6-15 Rubber Soul (Documentary).m4v  d* F( `6 ]  h+ X- }# H7 c2 P
│  │  │  8 |! |: h1 [3 H, c( c; {. h
│  │  └─Rubber Soul - iTunes LP (v3.0).itlp  i- M' ~& s& e' m* A  ]" y) N
│  │              ( m1 I1 m% Y+ b. k4 }( p
│  ├─Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band4 e8 Q  E7 ]4 |) }) n/ u, a
│  │  │  8-01 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band.m4a4 a8 O8 M0 L5 n  f
│  │  │  8-02 With a Little Help From My Friends.m4a# [% X) b! T: x" g
│  │  │  8-03 Lucy In the Sky With Diamonds.m4a* D0 X7 U$ `$ o, U: H
│  │  │  8-04 Getting Better.m4a
' H& u! i+ ~: \( z, j6 t│  │  │  8-05 Fixing a Hole.m4a8 t* P* N* p5 C& X% W5 D. p
│  │  │  8-06 She's Leaving Home.m4a
  o0 G) S4 ~/ D│  │  │  8-07 Being For the Benefit of Mr. Kite!.m4a1 M5 N  T0 h+ T
│  │  │  8-08 Within You Without You.m4a8 k7 N+ K8 @( u
│  │  │  8-09 When I'm Sixty-Four.m4a" `& @4 L% \- ?# O
│  │  │  8-10 Lovely Rita.m4a: B4 D! D' ^+ ~! }
│  │  │  8-11 Good Morning Good Morning.m4a0 e+ d1 _" ?( a: n$ O0 s
│  │  │  8-12 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Reprise).m4a- [- a1 U# P' y8 @' w, `
│  │  │  8-13 A Day In the Life.m4a% e+ s5 C0 N! y) G' m
│  │  │  8-14 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Documentary).m4v
5 G! ~5 A$ a. R  {7 g, [│  │  │  
# c+ H9 i0 @7 B" U( f: j' v│  │  └─Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band - iTunes LP (v2.0).itlp
; f  P0 @$ C: f0 v# K, {$ n- X6 y│  │              
3 y4 z' S* x" K* i( O8 i│  ├─The Beatles (White Album)
$ Q' K! t" L. z# J" V" L' F│  │  │  10-01 Back In the U.S.S.R..m4a
& e' t& y- {3 h- b2 U% g│  │  │  10-02 Dear Prudence.m4a" P: I' z6 N% Q8 k/ V: |
│  │  │  10-03 Glass Onion.m4a5 v5 j' \/ A8 G: U/ E6 R8 T0 V
│  │  │  10-04 Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da.m4a4 t; @6 E% s- Y( J0 K8 ]
│  │  │  10-05 Wild Honey Pie.m4a
4 ?/ `2 l+ N& P/ E! A" \2 W. D' B│  │  │  10-06 The Continuing Story of Bungalow Bill.m4a
$ t. p0 H' i" k" K4 K│  │  │  10-07 While My Guitar Gently Weeps.m4a0 J0 A  E* F" C. q/ F9 r7 ~
│  │  │  10-08 Happiness Is a Warm Gun.m4a
. u4 |# V0 ^/ z9 v& g% ]│  │  │  10-09 Martha My Dear.m4a
, u. ]% g5 X0 u7 \  z; s8 L5 \1 G│  │  │  10-10 I'm So Tired.m4a: J- i2 \" r% r3 y/ C# V" d
│  │  │  10-11 Blackbird.m4a* H) {+ D. Z8 j: k7 }' W
│  │  │  10-12 Piggies.m4a
9 |9 v0 u  R0 j0 L& F  A4 G│  │  │  10-13 Rocky Raccoon.m4a
( D8 Q$ L4 u2 b+ f9 A│  │  │  10-14 Don't Pass Me By.m4a
: P6 L3 p( P$ p/ l; z│  │  │  10-15 Why Don't We Do It In the Road_.m4a/ c/ E3 w5 X0 ?& ^0 Y
│  │  │  10-16 I Will.m4a
1 u( k1 a7 }3 w│  │  │  10-17 Julia.m4a) K  O/ U' Q0 p2 @" h" t
│  │  │  10-18 Birthday.m4a) J8 A0 C' l) ?
│  │  │  10-19 Yer Blues.m4a3 j; s' `& V: O
│  │  │  10-20 Mother Nature's Son.m4a
, J3 s) J) @* a9 H- \7 q& i5 ^│  │  │  10-21 Everybody's Got Something to Hide Except Me and My Monkey.m4a
2 m4 H7 T0 R+ x9 ~1 G│  │  │  10-22 Sexy Sadie.m4a
3 e" P2 j/ T% E* D. y│  │  │  10-23 Helter Skelter.m4a+ X; r/ w8 k0 O2 a$ \
│  │  │  10-24 Long, Long, Long.m4a- V+ i" H: x' Q9 U% {3 a; \
│  │  │  10-25 Revolution 1.m4a5 p! l, B5 l) `. i0 H" l" x
│  │  │  10-26 Honey Pie.m4a
# c2 W& w" F; A- C8 z, A" o, l│  │  │  10-27 Savoy Truffle.m4a/ O( S! }; _. Z1 @, n, @
│  │  │  10-28 Cry Baby Cry.m4a
$ A* j' I8 |# \│  │  │  10-29 Revolution 9.m4a* ?9 o4 k+ d6 f, p5 R2 X- v" d
│  │  │  10-30 Good Night.m4a
5 G: |4 a$ ^) j* E- k. x│  │  │  10-31 The Beatles (Documentary).m4v
- \' J! H3 z) H; v│  │  │  
4 z% V+ W5 i6 M5 X│  │  └─The Beatles - iTunes LP (v2.0).itlp( n/ [; ^/ Y  q0 v% l1 _
│  │              
3 n8 L8 I  n' ?0 G$ b│  ├─The Beatles Box Set  e$ S/ Y( ~. `* d& R
│  │  └─The Beatles Box Set - iTunes LP (v2.0).itlp
" \$ O6 V$ B( J3 U1 E│  │      
% s' y, y) X6 |$ t* ^4 J│  ├─With The Beatles
% p$ h2 L2 U* L1 J│  │  │  2-01 It Won't Be Long.m4a
. R- A  K3 b$ e0 K- r│  │  │  2-02 All I've Got to Do.m4a
9 H8 N& A5 G7 z5 W. R9 [8 u, i│  │  │  2-03 All My Loving.m4a
! k  v+ |) y4 f$ Q0 ^( C) G1 n│  │  │  2-04 Don't Bother Me.m4a
2 n, l$ }6 P* ]│  │  │  2-05 Little Child.m4a
) b% l/ N* G9 E1 P  E$ J$ W│  │  │  2-06 Till There Was You.m4a
2 @8 ]& A* {9 u+ a7 g: r│  │  │  2-07 Please Mister Postman.m4a
8 i- b, z" \' c: ?│  │  │  2-08 Roll Over Beethoven.m4a
( }) R1 S* @5 I% N! P8 d4 A" t2 X│  │  │  2-09 Hold Me Tight.m4a# ]0 K1 W1 r0 d8 u
│  │  │  2-10 You Really Got a Hold On Me.m4a
0 w3 E; H% \+ a4 s, @/ ]: B; y  N- r│  │  │  2-11 I Wanna Be Your Man.m4a( {3 }$ I$ r) A9 t' K$ Q- B
│  │  │  2-12 Devil In Her Heart.m4a+ i/ n0 c6 l4 I- i- d' Z
│  │  │  2-13 Not a Second Time.m4a
/ r: R- y, d5 f! U/ U/ s│  │  │  2-14 Money (That's What I Want).m4a, d$ z7 D2 A& J8 J( [* T
│  │  │  2-15 With The Beatles (Documentary).m4v
0 ?: p: V+ f+ m# B/ n4 X( v: [  @# |│  │  │  
( Y$ |3 Q* N  l6 |* B6 `│  │  └─With The Beatles - iTunes LP (v3.0).itlp+ ~. W$ g' M' O& H3 J
│  │              ) {, b6 w: W6 g! H: L% q
│  └─Yellow Submarine
2 M3 X2 u* h) {, X# P│      │  11-01 Yellow Submarine.m4a& F5 F7 P5 x/ V: O9 D
│      │  11-02 Only a Northern Song.m4a
- B* ]% A7 O4 B, N6 E7 x  e- v│      │  11-03 All Together Now.m4a7 r( ]6 S" w4 G8 M0 j, ?
│      │  11-04 Hey Bulldog.m4a
. Y8 p5 w* b; k. G0 l│      │  11-05 It's All Too Much.m4a1 ^( t' j) h8 f. Q; O0 \" j5 B
│      │  11-06 All You Need Is Love.m4a
1 b) j: q: K  {: h│      │  11-07 Pepperland.m4a
/ S( a! d6 b4 |( v% u) k$ Q│      │  11-08 Sea of Time.m4a7 W" A% y5 z% n# N' }
│      │  11-09 Sea of Holes.m4a1 V; q! S+ b; Q3 n) ]. w
│      │  11-10 Sea of Monsters.m4a$ Q: i! |5 v2 t$ ?$ I  }
│      │  11-11 March of the Meanies.m4a- f9 \$ o% ?  A- T+ h, r$ Y: K
│      │  11-12 Pepperland Laid Waste.m4a$ c! E* T# E% [9 z5 z/ |
│      │  11-13 Yellow Submarine In Pepperland.m4a
6 d# V7 E. ?" H1 w: V1 K│      │  11-14 Yellow Submarine (Documentary).m4v
* ~/ {) r( N- G. X- j│      │  
' `) l8 H. z: b" v│      └─Yellow Submarine - iTunes LP (v2.0).itlp: N; l1 }# x, J1 E
│                  . @2 ?! K+ h' f6 J" Q% X7 Q
├─2011 - Anthology Highlights
* \* n. p& J' \3 h! N8 |│      01 Free As a Bird.m4a
7 W$ S! N% D: Z! y, z2 [│      02 One After 909 (Complete).m4a2 K  p9 J% S1 U. \4 E
│      03 That Means a Lot.m4a% S$ K, M! G5 l4 P# k* ?+ I
│      04 Leave My Kitten Alone.m4a
& p( X: n! x. r# o. w0 s│      05 If You've Got Trouble.m4a. ^1 Q3 O. G% c
│      06 Can't Buy Me Love.m4a. e! a4 Y& ?' c* [
│      07 Mr. Moonlight.m4a
5 j, m9 Y" P  u* I│      08 Kansas City _ Hey-Hey-Hey-Hey!.m4a
) `* l9 r2 X# _' G" K7 K│      09 Eight Days a Week (Complete).m4a; A$ O- S- r  P3 M, B) t
│      10 I'm Looking Through You.m4a
) l5 L' u' d) z0 S; c│      11 Yesterday.m4a
4 o( J1 D0 X( O, _3 L│      12 Tomorrow Never Knows.m4a) d: L7 }% O7 H8 v
│      13 Strawberry Fields Forever (Take 1.m4a
* S( _4 I& Y* A1 q. F" q│      14 Across the Universe.m4a1 Z# a" Z1 [9 ]$ K% r% N' W
│      15 Something.m4a3 u8 V; t( W- e" [
│      16 Not Guilty.m4a2 k+ e6 C, F. a& Y2 g( }- Z
│      17 Octopus's Garden.m4a
2 U# b) ]% u6 }│      18 All Things Must Pass.m4a2 U. l9 |. K" I$ S& w2 ~, v3 ?' C
│      19 Come and Get It.m4a- _4 A5 D$ b2 E9 y
│      20 Good Night.m4a
1 G! d9 \& B) f, U  e│      21 While My Guitar Gently Weeps.m4a7 c& I: M+ E' s3 G
│      22 The Long and Winding Road.m4a
7 N9 ?& U1 U) t' D/ y! P4 B│      23 Real Love.m4a
( ^% k  m5 M( Q) _│      $ L2 ]3 q( E" o& @8 H6 [# F! m
├─2011 - The Beatles - Anthology Boxset) r1 }$ _, J+ k& t% X' M
│  ├─Anthology Boxset - iTunes LP.itlp# J2 F. W8 H# t% ?  F& m8 h
│  │              & N2 g2 K7 l- Q& X* n& I# g3 ^( a
│  ├─The Beatles - Anthology 1
: y# }6 u9 s4 j1 p9 O" C* i+ Q│  │  │  1-01 Free As a Bird.m4a
7 [% G( w% Q- f, e9 j9 A│  │  │  1-02 We Were Fours Guys...That's All (Interview).m4a
- d0 H4 R+ H) }4 ]' _, X* u7 W│  │  │  1-03 That'll Be the Day.m4a+ Y9 @" i: B# t5 w
│  │  │  1-04 In Spite of All the Danger.m4a% Y( Z" e; N) C5 o6 @5 M
│  │  │  1-05 Sometimes I'd Borrow...Those Still Exist (Interview).m4a7 q& i* h/ G1 z9 N  J; N3 ^8 g
│  │  │  1-06 Hallelujah, I Love Her So.m4a
/ x; K# e+ w9 t* m/ ]2 V│  │  │  1-07 You'll Be Mine.m4a, B- u$ ~* i2 C: d; s! E6 x
│  │  │  1-08 Cayenne.m4a, I; {  z, I. _$ y9 l; v
│  │  │  1-09 First of All...It Didn't Do a Thing Here  (Interview).m4a
  O% Q% Z; u# D1 p2 y; p/ k. q│  │  │  1-10 My Bonnie (with Tony Sheridan).m4a
- _9 h" }0 F' H2 ^' l$ f3 j8 l/ g" K2 U│  │  │  1-11 Ain't She Sweet.m4a
2 S( K& E' B. ^0 d  d& C. f│  │  │  1-12 Cry for a Shadow.m4a
1 {7 x* {8 P+ _8 O* V│  │  │  1-13 Brian Was a Beautiful Guy...He.m4a8 C# k; {5 o$ ?" j7 S
│  │  │  1-14 I Secured Them...A Beatle Drink.m4a
/ ~# O) L: Q: n* T! T2 E│  │  │  1-15 Searchin'.m4a# R2 s3 t* ~  u. \9 i& r. x
│  │  │  1-16 Three Cool Cats.m4a
! p% {, i& ]+ n0 x+ J+ ^  Q8 S│  │  │  1-17 The Sheik of Araby.m4a4 b* U/ B2 L9 g1 N3 |2 z
│  │  │  1-18 Like Dreamers Do.m4a% F0 C" Z, h& K# H+ l& k3 D
│  │  │  1-19 Hello Little Girl.m4a
5 F4 p! }8 i) o0 F; B7 @7 n3 q  E│  │  │  1-20 Well, the Recording Test...By M.m4a
3 u6 J1 g/ c7 y, f5 n: B& o- g│  │  │  1-21 Besame Mucho.m4a7 }* R/ b0 \/ L# p2 l! {
│  │  │  1-22 Love Me Do.m4a% c- D, l4 i$ X6 x8 b. n
│  │  │  1-23 How Do You Do It_.m4a
& B6 R: m3 y) Z* u& z& F│  │  │  1-24 Please Please Me.m4a
# u5 d! t! m& Q( k7 ^│  │  │  1-25 One After 909 (False Starts).m4a
, `$ F- ]# E9 X/ L. j│  │  │  1-26 One After 909 (Complete).m4a& p1 V. S' S8 P5 `
│  │  │  1-27 Lend Me Your Comb.m4a( K; ]1 \% ?' W3 \9 Y" z6 N
│  │  │  1-28 I'll Get You.m4a4 W& }9 F' t$ ?; u8 d, H
│  │  │  1-29 We Were Performers...In Britain.m4a. w& N2 p3 L) K. t% ?
│  │  │  1-30 I Saw Her Standing There.m4a1 r" z* V2 D, x, o: I7 I
│  │  │  1-31 From Me to You.m4a
& f( Q) W, B( o$ [│  │  │  1-32 Money (That's What I Want).m4a
7 \; m4 Z5 u  B- |; h" F│  │  │  1-33 You Really Got a Hold On Me.m4a8 _) l5 v$ _& G6 X/ d
│  │  │  1-34 Roll Over Beethoven.m4a
" ~0 D2 N6 ?; g* N7 k8 t│  │  │  1-35 She Loves You.m4a2 s6 J2 I: P+ n
│  │  │  1-36 Till There Was You.m4a
" e: z; x3 ]: a# z- h9 x, ~│  │  │  1-37 Twist and Shout.m4a' G& \7 x# B/ U: `
│  │  │  1-38 This Boy.m4a
& a' r! Q$ u! y' K* Y7 l. b3 [│  │  │  1-39 I Want to Hold Your Hand.m4a3 Y6 P" j2 ]' |
│  │  │  1-40 Boys, What I Was Thinking... (w.m4a
( w& D5 x$ Q0 n: O1 n│  │  │  1-41 Moonlight Bay (with Eric Moreca.m4a# e5 B  S; d2 U8 l0 t+ j; M0 }; G
│  │  │  1-42 Can't Buy Me Love.m4a
! O2 p0 w8 `' {& l! f9 N% O│  │  │  1-43 All My Loving.m4a
; g, V( w! [, \- P│  │  │  1-44 You Can't Do That.m4a! n/ [; W$ Y4 _4 v+ j$ g
│  │  │  1-45 And I Love Her.m4a
* l& Z) z6 d; j5 J% q+ j│  │  │  1-46 A Hard Day's Night.m4a
1 a* J' |1 l, h, |' P│  │  │  1-47 I Wanna Be Your Man.m4a: q1 a5 U) ^3 N4 i8 X$ {
│  │  │  1-48 Long Tall Sally.m4a
0 o, n# B) }4 w- R) b│  │  │  1-49 Boys.m4a
  t4 n7 b. P( J& H  ]5 F0 `0 e│  │  │  1-50 Shout.m4a' q( j  r' H2 ]/ v& W
│  │  │  1-51 I'll Be Back (Demo).m4a2 q, D0 L  F; T1 i% j
│  │  │  1-52 I'll Be Back (Complete).m4a* k0 W& I0 ?. {2 V
│  │  │  1-53 You Know What to Do.m4a  U; L9 N- P5 m7 P
│  │  │  1-54 No Reply (Demo).m4a2 `8 \  @, ~; r
│  │  │  1-55 Mr. Moonlight.m4a
5 `0 t. R* C; A1 u│  │  │  1-56 Leave My Kitten Alone.m4a
1 P% g4 m; \8 D! j4 D! c6 \│  │  │  1-57 No Reply.m4a) y: g" z# v6 N/ {# w0 i& G
│  │  │  1-58 Eight Days a Week (False Starts.m4a2 o: I- P+ I6 }. |2 k) [0 d
│  │  │  1-59 Eight Days a Week (Complete).m4a
7 h; u3 \* c9 j# _8 v" f. l/ e│  │  │  1-60 Kansas City _ Hey-Hey-Hey-Hey!.m4a- @1 d( T( i/ g1 e1 W
│  │  │  6 K% [+ `3 K! b& i
│  │  └─Anthology 1 - iTunes LP.itlp
  s/ |3 @5 j: X/ W0 B. j│  │              
  [* o9 |/ j9 w4 R. f4 J* k│  ├─The Beatles - Anthology 2
* R4 T8 J& J% I+ [6 D) ], c& V$ u│  │  │  2-01 Real Love.m4a
7 k- k) b+ ]) `# u* E" v│  │  │  2-02 Yes It Is.m4a) x( f) _: _" ~  j8 L+ C
│  │  │  2-03 I'm Down (Take 1).m4a
0 T* z6 t  F0 O4 X2 i" X│  │  │  2-04 You've Got to Hide Your Love Aw.m4a
5 v9 Q: H6 o; s9 K. m1 z' ^│  │  │  2-05 If You've Got Trouble.m4a
  q4 w- @( Y6 E/ Z│  │  │  2-06 That Means a Lot.m4a
% b9 z+ c+ Z/ ?│  │  │  2-07 Yesterday.m4a
8 r, X5 Q* F% [' W$ U) e│  │  │  2-08 It's Only Love.m4a
$ P9 s) C8 }1 p$ m1 B* A│  │  │  2-09 I Feel Fine.m4a- G! `. ]# e1 j2 Z2 D! W% I+ ^
│  │  │  2-10 Ticket to Ride.m4a  k& f  c. s3 m# x+ ?' T5 b
│  │  │  2-11 Yesterday.m4a2 I- R( o2 l/ A8 \" m' N/ Z
│  │  │  2-12 Help!.m4a
* ]/ s, v7 G. N% R# `. M7 T- Y0 n│  │  │  2-13 Everybody's Trying to Be My Bab.m4a
2 k2 z7 G. D% u! [│  │  │  2-14 Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has F.m4a
8 k  R6 j  {3 I) Y3 o) p7 S│  │  │  2-15 I'm Looking Through You.m4a
6 f  C$ ^8 y& @│  │  │  2-16 12-Bar Original.m4a
1 q* U# R& X! r6 j3 |+ U│  │  │  2-17 Tomorrow Never Knows (Take 1).m4a+ q7 a6 w5 k) U1 S/ v
│  │  │  2-18 Got to Get You Into My Life (Ta.m4a
3 K& i/ {% j% a, `5 c│  │  │  2-19 And Your Bird Can Sing (Take 2).m4a
3 ^% k3 O  y" w* K7 w: v│  │  │  2-20 Taxman (Take 11).m4a
! M. R. G/ R" O! L& t" C2 B$ Y│  │  │  2-21 Eleanor Rigby (Strings Only).m4a% B8 z* \  `( e+ ]  N& `
│  │  │  2-22 I'm Only Sleeping (Rehearsal).m4a- f; W" V: t! p( A% {" @  X
│  │  │  2-23 I'm Only Sleeping (Take 1).m4a/ x5 |, ~9 J; n' V% C
│  │  │  2-24 Rock and Roll Music.m4a
) S  w) h) e+ F  Z: c+ }; {│  │  │  2-25 She's a Woman.m4a
. A: ^) Q5 H. @  _3 F1 i8 Z│  │  │  2-26 Strawberry Fields Forever (Demo.m4a/ }! _; b1 o4 |) y* r
│  │  │  2-27 Strawberry Fields Forever (Take.m4a
& j5 X+ B  X; j  e! c$ J8 e  W6 P│  │  │  2-28 Strawberry Fields Forever (Take.m4a
) R% T4 W7 E* X+ s* v# |│  │  │  2-29 Penny Lane (Alternate Mix).m4a0 Z! T6 N2 D+ Y+ ^
│  │  │  2-30 A Day In the Life.m4a
/ s# d& H8 Q! O1 h│  │  │  2-31 Good Morning, Good Morning (Tak.m4a
/ h) e/ p7 r3 Q$ A+ P) @* h' v. `│  │  │  2-32 Only a Northern Song.m4a8 ?0 E. C! o! a- K& Q6 Z' F0 c8 c
│  │  │  2-33 Being for the Benefit of Mr. Ki.m4a4 Y. v& Y8 G8 z/ N8 U
│  │  │  2-34 Being for the Benefit of Mr. Ki.m4a$ o' g7 z' `# p) F8 f
│  │  │  2-35 Lucy In the Sky With Diamonds (.m4a% V4 J6 t: j  \; S2 [! x4 z
│  │  │  2-36 Within You, Without You (Instru.m4a
, A& e* v/ ]6 K4 R│  │  │  2-37 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Clu.m4a
% Y- N+ x3 W0 A3 ~) F% j9 ~│  │  │  2-38 You Know My Name (Look Up the N.m4a
+ g* |4 `$ X9 W8 w" d$ a│  │  │  2-39 I Am the Walrus (Take 16).m4a
' h9 t1 N2 S0 @1 F4 w# m│  │  │  2-40 The Fool On the Hill (Demo).m4a
$ c# _& w, d& y8 S, U6 ~, H│  │  │  2-41 Your Mother Should Know (Take 2.m4a
4 D/ M* Y' F6 G( `│  │  │  2-42 The Fool On the Hill (Take 4).m4a
0 I* i2 i5 y6 {1 w│  │  │  2-43 Hello, Goodbye (Take 16).m4a; P+ ~$ {" |% g/ r, I/ W3 |1 S
│  │  │  2-44 Lady Madonna (Alternate Mix).m4a9 d7 C& e3 m6 T8 S  e8 W
│  │  │  2-45 Across the Universe (Take 2).m4a# ?0 `' z6 S( e- J/ i  f
│  │  │  
( ^8 E  D" J! f: k& ^│  │  └─Anthology 2 - iTunes LP.itlp
# k6 a% _" J& p4 A, R│  │              
' a/ R1 b) ~* }# |/ }│  └─The Beatles - Anthology 3
4 e* i( D$ `% q0 s' e# C2 ^│      │  3-01 A Beginning.m4a
  ], B1 p( i: D; q0 u│      │  3-02 Happiness Is a Warm Gun.m4a
! c0 Y7 @5 Q$ D$ c6 o% {0 H8 Y│      │  3-03 Helter Skelter.m4a$ o* l5 `* m& X. p" D
│      │  3-04 Mean Mr. Mustard.m4a  \  D2 p- h( r, ^0 {
│      │  3-05 Polythene Pam.m4a
8 {% d3 W, S! @+ W" D+ [% S2 `* ]│      │  3-06 Glass Onion.m4a
9 k0 i6 q6 z0 V( `" S! M) l│      │  3-07 Junk.m4a
4 M! Q; ]6 x4 g& Z/ `) s│      │  3-08 Piggies.m4a( M; C8 c) p5 t6 a7 F/ u% X
│      │  3-09 Honey Pie.m4a
  N1 W( ^/ K) ]+ J/ D│      │  3-10 Don't Pass Me By.m4a
! i0 _! S4 D% F/ c5 d│      │  3-11 Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da.m4a
7 Z  o: Q8 M" ]4 \│      │  3-12 Good Night.m4a1 {. J3 H- K6 Y: s1 u' b
│      │  3-13 Cry Baby Cry.m4a6 F& Y1 `( G9 L9 n# G9 {
│      │  3-14 Blackbird.m4a' ?/ n" b4 u5 R1 ]" o
│      │  3-15 Sexy Sadie.m4a
7 S3 d  G+ k* `│      │  3-16 While My Guitar Gently Weeps.m4a
7 H1 I0 C) _1 |% ]7 z& o1 G│      │  3-17 Hey Jude.m4a
+ r3 u" M" f% A& N. ?  i│      │  3-18 Not Guilty.m4a* K: x2 `& t# A: z% [4 M
│      │  3-19 Mother Nature's Son.m4a4 `  j, l5 R. F% i. B6 O
│      │  3-20 Glass Onion.m4a0 r- @( ~7 F5 [
│      │  3-21 Rocky Raccoon.m4a# B9 [' g% n  t& E
│      │  3-22 What's the New Mary Jane_.m4a. {  V3 r! F) o' s$ z8 x* X& n
│      │  3-23 Step Inside Love _ Los Paranoia.m4a8 w, ]& K% @5 g) B5 {# K7 o' P. F
│      │  3-24 I'm So Tired.m4a5 K9 U, i: z5 K  G5 }
│      │  3-25 I Will.m4a8 ~% e6 Q: G4 M3 m/ `- B
│      │  3-26 Why Don't We Do It In the Road_.m4a; s+ f! F& J% X3 D2 |) ~7 h
│      │  3-27 Julia.m4a
- j4 f1 m/ Y1 z' \- C& V│      │  3-28 I've Got a Feeling.m4a, }' T# N& v1 F8 N' u: i
│      │  3-29 She Came In Through the Bathroo.m4a
4 _# h; x& J7 T6 r. N3 Y│      │  3-30 Dig a Pony.m4a/ B* w5 l( W% _1 d7 n8 j7 P/ W1 T
│      │  3-31 Two of Us.m4a
; e; Y) D' k3 _6 K* r│      │  3-32 For You Blue.m4a
! L0 o' r- J! f, I│      │  3-33 Teddy Boy.m4a$ d& j3 t$ Z9 R) L
│      │  3-34 Rip It Up _ Shake, Rattle and R.m4a
, q* k" k1 e9 L, K" o) l- e" j' _│      │  3-35 The Long and Winding Road.m4a
& K, Y$ U" f, {9 h! v│      │  3-36 Oh! Darling.m4a
/ k1 |& Z5 f$ f│      │  3-37 All Things Must Pass.m4a( ~1 o0 P1 F% _3 Q- J
│      │  3-38 Mailman, Bring Me No More Blues.m4a* _0 w0 d: M6 \) s6 [
│      │  3-39 Get Back.m4a" G7 d- i1 C! W4 n) L' }
│      │  3-40 Old Brown Shoe.m4a
1 L0 z3 O+ @* b! z6 d│      │  3-41 Octopus's Garden.m4a( s+ a9 ~; Z% A0 b/ {6 J6 z
│      │  3-42 Maxwell's Silver Hammer.m4a2 m- R- H% {  q' y9 F7 T
│      │  3-43 Something.m4a# J8 n- `% m  x
│      │  3-44 Come Together.m4a. K9 X( A4 w& ^% b( n
│      │  3-45 Come and Get It.m4a
- R! Y3 \# A' `6 X│      │  3-46 Ain't She Sweet.m4a
1 F' z' M7 X, P3 ?7 o/ a│      │  3-47 Because.m4a$ A1 F" |! c9 ?5 `
│      │  3-48 Let It Be.m4a
: a5 E/ S# U, C7 }4 m4 c2 J│      │  3-49 I Me Mine.m4a9 k" n9 N, J6 s7 N7 {
│      │  3-50 The End.m4a
$ ]. T3 Z) H5 U, E│      │  4 c+ _6 O$ o* i8 I
│      └─Anthology 3 - iTunes LP.itlp
1 c3 p1 i. u7 V5 i  S! N' z│                  
1 O1 O* `8 W! h, u3 z├─2012 - Tomorrow Never Knows1 c) S# Z! y/ V6 Y$ }$ [$ n2 S3 K
│  │  1-01 Revolution.m4a
- E3 _1 G, F' X; r│  │  1-02 Paperback Writer.m4a* e4 O- u  a4 I
│  │  1-03 And Your Bird Can Sing.m4a8 [7 [4 h: N! X* E
│  │  1-04 Helter Skelter.m4a
0 `! H! O6 z+ }: r+ p│  │  1-05 Savoy Truffle.m4a: ^0 J: N8 F* g  S
│  │  1-06 I'm Down.m4a1 g( H6 v* K4 E$ B: K
│  │  1-07 I've Got a Feeling (Naked Versi.m4a
3 H, a, _! K% \  ~3 E│  │  1-08 Back In the U.S.S.R..m4a( I: S, G1 R0 f, I$ ], r
│  │  1-09 You Can't Do That.m4a
" K" Y1 ?5 y0 n! ~; X: X│  │  1-10 It's All Too Much.m4a% b& w& \. k& Q+ w
│  │  1-11 She Said She Said.m4a
: O' y1 ?. F+ }, x6 {4 A# |  u8 a; k│  │  1-12 Hey Bulldog.m4a+ j7 D! g) q! m+ T. y* K
│  │  1-13 Tomorrow Never Knows.m4a/ S( @$ Q7 }# G( l) t  y1 W* V, o
│  │  1-14 The End (Anthology 3 Version).m4a' @4 T1 f/ m5 P, ^( c3 }0 z
│  │  
$ H2 [) K1 Y  r3 T4 B7 l│  └─Tomorrow Never Knows - iTunes LP (v.itlp
/ F" c4 g4 t$ v% `│              ; ~5 P% L& R- u4 _+ k; p
├─2012 - Yellow Submarine Songtrack [Remaster 2012]2 L, q( V" a( m5 u4 c$ q
│  │  1-01 Yellow Submarine.m4a
1 y! v2 O8 |0 j5 \│  │  1-02 Hey Bulldog.m4a( ]3 M8 n# {' q; l; W6 C/ ^  v
│  │  1-03 Eleanor Rigby.m4a
* E2 |) x' `  i( [, W  x│  │  1-04 Love You To.m4a
" f( i) Q+ V3 M! q│  │  1-05 All Together Now.m4a1 y' D; Q2 W: d
│  │  1-06 Lucy In the Sky With Diamonds.m4a
. K1 |- k1 `/ R' ~% b│  │  1-07 Think for Yourself.m4a
: `1 z& S# A6 B) G9 a│  │  1-08 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Clu.m4a
6 X) i, }( h5 w7 V" {5 b! K, b│  │  1-09 With a Little Help from My Frie.m4a
! P" ?3 ]4 V. X4 M- H2 \│  │  1-10 Baby You're a Rich Man.m4a( I) Z% F# b+ x  a- M9 G9 R
│  │  1-11 Only a Northern Song.m4a5 m  Q/ v' q+ @$ g7 S( Y7 t
│  │  1-12 All You Need Is Love.m4a2 {) g& E/ |, k7 C( n# B# y, A; x
│  │  1-13 When I'm Sixty-Four.m4a! u3 t& x% ^7 ]- @- g$ ?* {: J
│  │  1-14 Nowhere Man.m4a
* t5 r: ~4 G. m- R  A; ^│  │  1-15 It's All Too Much.m4a
& f9 n2 K0 t* i3 X' |" i& m│  │  ! x; j6 F) F' g! Y! `0 L6 z
│  └─Yellow Submarine Songtrack - iTunes.itlp
: w) e' o- O$ U3 w. G│              ' }9 h) Z& r4 k% [7 p
├─2013 - Let It Be... Naked
& Q0 {) I3 g; `9 ~; Y│  │  1-01 Get Back.m4a4 a  v7 E: O# u/ _) g
│  │  1-02 Dig a Pony.m4a
5 y. \; L2 N; h' r│  │  1-03 For You Blue.m4a: B+ q; \  {( e* t
│  │  1-04 The Long and Winding Road.m4a
+ B6 h& J9 ?: b7 `7 H' ^│  │  1-05 Two of Us.m4a
$ }! V) I7 u1 e3 E: R│  │  1-06 I've Got a Feeling.m4a3 _% _3 |$ b- j! l6 R
│  │  1-07 One After 909.m4a9 G0 C; `5 L* g0 v# z
│  │  1-08 Don't Let Me Down.m4a; W$ p. }, J( S- }
│  │  1-09 I Me Mine.m4a
0 a8 \* ~: S& s( k: K* l% {│  │  1-10 Across the Universe.m4a3 r1 J: R7 `1 Z; A: g
│  │  1-11 Let It Be.m4a
  y9 Y; F- z  \7 A& Y0 w│  │  & [9 o; s( ]8 ]4 {+ p3 h
│  └─Let It Be... Naked - iTunes LP (v1..itlp
1 I2 L  V+ |7 R  P' Z% S' l│              
  o+ w6 t# Q* b% o4 h├─2013 - Live at the BBC- o* ?) B/ }7 T+ x7 a" Y6 |# m
│  │  1-01 Beatles Greetings (Spoken Word).m4a9 O( O/ t# V5 s
│  │  1-02 From Us to You (Opening Theme).m4a
  H( q3 n& H1 G  |│  │  1-03 Riding On a Bus (Spoken Word) [.m4a
( W  X4 m0 P. k' N8 j+ o& `│  │  1-04 I Got a Woman (Live at the BBC.m4a
/ y, o' ^1 O; \5 E│  │  1-05 Too Much Monkey Business (Live.m4a
( S$ `1 z" |+ l) W9 p4 [│  │  1-06 Keep Your Hands Off My Baby (Li.m4a7 Y4 N  N; Z8 L5 y  i. c  ~1 R; ^3 }
│  │  1-07 I'll Be On My Way (Live at the.m4a. N  J7 I% |5 M" B
│  │  1-08 Young Blood (Live at the BBC Fo.m4a7 [# G4 w/ F1 E0 x" Z0 r
│  │  1-09 A Shot of Rhythm and Blues (Liv.m4a
) A& @5 M! k8 z* E' E4 \│  │  1-10 Sure to Fall (In Love With You).m4a
9 j2 h! Q, z6 H│  │  1-11 Some Other Guy (Live at the BBC.m4a) _' j0 A5 D  w& M/ R! Q
│  │  1-12 Thank You Girl (Live at the BBC.m4a
! X( t  Y) s+ e2 I) o4 S│  │  1-13 Sha La La La La! (Spoken Word).m4a0 _1 C6 ?( t7 `+ D4 f5 w# d% T# s
│  │  1-14 Baby It's You (Live at the BBC.m4a0 V0 c& X; M4 V
│  │  1-15 That's All Right (Mama) [Live a.m4a* r4 F) U& T7 ^% i* q2 R
│  │  1-16 Carol (Live at the BBC For _Pop.m4a. W' [' s9 A, J' t4 z. k
│  │  1-17 What Is It, George_ (Spoken Wor.m4a; F: \' k3 N& J4 m  w
│  │  1-18 Soldier of Love (Live at the BB.m4a* {+ [6 S/ w& [! F! @
│  │  1-19 A Little Rhyme (Spoken Word) [L.m4a1 H( ]  f) q3 x' L
│  │  1-20 Clarabella (Live at the BBC For.m4a
9 `( K( ~: Q+ @│  │  1-21 I'm Gonna Sit Right Down and Cr.m4a
: H6 H/ t2 l- Y, Q; B& d│  │  1-22 Crying, Waiting, Hoping (Live a.m4a
* c1 _. U* y; c% T- N' X; b│  │  1-23 Dear Wack! (Spoken Word) [Live.m4a
+ N; d9 J7 W5 G" G" F5 b9 e0 R" J  d│  │  1-24 You Really Got a Hold On Me (Li.m4a
/ \. o/ L7 i# Z' V, O│  │  1-25 To Know Her Is to Love Her (Liv.m4a
0 A- p. ]8 E" ?3 q│  │  1-26 A Taste of Honey (Live at the B.m4a
7 j% |4 M# H+ t│  │  1-27 Long Tall Sally (Live at the BB.m4a
$ t% Z( ]6 A1 \6 v│  │  1-28 I Saw Her Standing There (Live.m4a! J/ A0 g# R- k# W' r) T
│  │  1-29 The Honeymoon Song (Live at the.m4a1 h6 O% q6 u! r( a2 D
│  │  1-30 Johnny B. Goode (Live at the BB.m4a0 l. z2 K1 g6 }, R7 O7 Z. J! H# z
│  │  1-31 Memphis, Tennessee (Live at the.m4a
/ t. Y/ y6 m9 d! G7 v│  │  1-32 Lucille (Live at the BBC For _S.m4a
# t6 @& V) g! C0 o│  │  1-33 Can't Buy Me Love (Live at the.m4a
. H/ i" w1 a4 ~9 {│  │  1-34 From Fluff to You (Spoken Word).m4a
& a. l1 O% P) o5 e. H│  │  1-35 Till There Was You (Live at the.m4a
& r6 M+ `7 t  h6 D* E4 P1 d9 T│  │  2-01 Crinsk Dee Night (Spoken Word).m4a6 [: i/ i- P3 \: A* q9 R8 a% W4 A
│  │  2-02 A Hard Day's Night (Live at the.m4a% y7 b3 M8 K; y7 q
│  │  2-03 Ringo_ Yep! (Spoken Word) [Live.m4a4 H2 R1 b$ P  M( t" f
│  │  2-04 I Wanna Be Your Man (Live at th.m4a- ?2 F4 m2 O/ [6 i2 |0 T0 V8 |" R
│  │  2-05 Just a Rumour (Spoken Word) [Li.m4a
! P. ~8 r: R1 J! c2 G│  │  2-06 Roll Over Beethoven (Live at th.m4a: M7 M3 F& I* W* V: d0 k" G
│  │  2-07 All My Loving (Live at the BBC.m4a
7 v1 Y% A! i2 L1 u# O5 G│  │  2-08 Things We Said Today (Live at t.m4a2 h5 L$ D5 b  ^3 Z. L# Y
│  │  2-09 She's a Woman (Live at the BBC.m4a
0 A9 [. ^) e2 I7 c! S2 I- v│  │  2-10 Sweet Little Sixteen (Live at t.m4a$ M6 X7 `; W0 @- T  p! q
│  │  2-11 1822! (Spoken Word) [Live at th.m4a' W9 A8 v( e& W% `6 }
│  │  2-12 Lonesome Tears In My Eyes (Live.m4a
3 P$ [# \8 p/ i; Y│  │  2-13 Nothin' Shakin' (Live at the BB.m4a8 n; K3 D$ {( E7 O9 v
│  │  2-14 The Hippy Hippy Shake (Live at.m4a0 a0 w( ~, `0 o$ t% r; y$ R
│  │  2-15 Glad All Over (Live at the BBC.m4a
7 h$ j" C7 E4 U4 x6 o│  │  2-16 I Just Don't Understand (Live a.m4a
) q0 u' ?* U  [* v$ F: y2 g│  │  2-17 So How Come (No One Loves Me) [.m4a  @; r& q* Y: D
│  │  2-18 I Feel Fine (Live at the BBC Fo.m4a. l+ H2 U1 m) }' v: T* l
│  │  2-19 I'm a Loser (Live at the BBC Fo.m4a) b" Q6 E: G2 R5 I, z
│  │  2-20 Everybody's Trying to Be My Bab.m4a
, `# T% i5 T; M! y│  │  2-21 Rock and Roll Music (Live at th.m4a) o5 I( k8 I1 m3 b6 V2 o
│  │  2-22 Ticket to Ride (Live at the BBC.m4a) C& [: _: J/ P4 J" W2 j$ C$ |0 E
│  │  2-23 Dizzy Miss Lizzy (Live at the B.m4a3 F" ^6 k) b% b$ {$ d3 B# Z
│  │  2-24 Kansas City _ Hey-Hey-Hey-Hey!.m4a
3 [% f0 I5 r/ ?7 t' o! [& _; O│  │  2-25 Set Fire to That Lot! (Spoken W.m4a& l! g- l  [/ b: \: @
│  │  2-26 Matchbox (Live at the BBC For _.m4a
% d/ ^; E7 r" b│  │  2-27 I Forgot to Remember to Forget.m4a
' d6 G+ i  {( v4 X│  │  2-28 Love These Goon Shows! (Spoken.m4a
* U' h4 t9 `# L# k" h$ D* p4 D│  │  2-29 I Got to Find My Baby (Live at.m4a
' ]- N0 D  r0 A3 h│  │  2-30 Ooh! My Soul (Live at the BBC F.m4a
: [0 L6 B: \1 G5 F2 \" T+ S% {: u│  │  2-31 Ooh! My Arms (Spoken Word) [Liv.m4a) d4 k: I% |4 o9 N2 k/ v- Q9 V
│  │  2-32 Don't Ever Change (Live at the.m4a
. V6 K3 z! Z4 S+ ^1 m$ U│  │  2-33 Slow Down (Live at the BBC For.m4a
7 }2 Z2 F3 m$ ^& j│  │  2-34 Honey Don't (Live at the BBC Fo.m4a8 B8 G+ K  }8 v! w9 Y! }; P
│  │  2-35 Love Me Do (Live at the BBC For.m4a
+ v9 C6 I% H$ \. P' p8 j( L: ~# P│  │  2-36 From Us to You (Closing Theme).m4a
/ Y2 h) X" o) p4 `8 r2 W% S│  │  3 F0 x* j! A& [" k, F  R* Y& q
│  └─Live at the BBC - iTunes LP (v1.0).itlp
# @! z+ ]& @6 O& C4 K+ k2 Z7 o│              8 v7 h$ G. U# `/ `
├─2013 - On Air - Live at the BBC, Vol. 26 G. j, G8 A" T; M: e: ?: y0 x
│  │  1-01 And Here We Are Again (Spoken W.m4a$ m) G* [% j" V! I9 }, F
│  │  1-02 Words of Love (Live at the BBC.m4a& t. j: k5 M! a$ g9 u0 |. m
│  │  1-03 How About It, Gorgeous_ (Spoken.m4a% X4 X3 {0 c& j3 d0 n, p6 c' f
│  │  1-04 Do You Want to Know a Secret (L.m4a
* n6 N- a7 n# ^. j│  │  1-05 Lucille (Live at the BBC For _P.m4a0 y: C# t0 M3 F7 I2 m
│  │  1-06 Hey, Paul... (Spoken Word) [Liv.m4a
: H( A: O! @% \! _* n$ N│  │  1-07 Anna (Go to Him) [Live at the B.m4a
$ U$ r3 p6 w( D6 V) l1 g│  │  1-08 Hello! (Spoken Word) [Live at t.m4a/ K$ G* ~* K2 i+ l
│  │  1-09 Please Please Me (Live at the B.m4a
, W# K4 W$ Y* l# y) b+ k│  │  1-10 Misery (Live at the BBC For _He.m4a& V2 Y7 u8 R9 o) j
│  │  1-11 I'm Talking About You (Live at.m4a
2 V, S+ Y, `7 k! |* i│  │  1-12 A Real Treat (Spoken Word) [Liv.m4a
! Y' F/ F* ?1 J! _+ v4 f7 \│  │  1-13 Boys (Live at the BBC For _Pop.m4a7 g& Q1 e& v' w
│  │  1-14 Absolutely Fab (Spoken Word) [L.m4a/ ^6 y$ ]0 W- F
│  │  1-15 Chains (Live at the BBC For _Po.m4a
9 h3 u- O; N/ M5 N│  │  1-16 Ask Me Why (Live at the BBC For.m4a2 e, [8 g' U0 q/ E3 V
│  │  1-17 Till There Was You (Live at the.m4a
1 ^# |' f. E% [, t+ T│  │  1-18 Lend Me Your Comb (Live at the.m4a; @9 _& D. {$ q/ }1 S6 c! e8 C
│  │  1-19 Lower 5E (Spoken Word) [Live at.m4a3 K- \4 @6 R) g
│  │  1-20 The Hippy Hippy Shake (Live at.m4a1 c% U  ^5 ^4 A$ T+ n
│  │  1-21 Roll Over Beethoven (Live at th.m4a
" ?3 p" M% H/ |+ U$ [+ ^& ~│  │  1-22 There's a Place (Live at the BB.m4a0 f) U" y9 Z# W5 r
│  │  1-23 Bumper Bundle (Spoken Word) [Li.m4a
. A5 D# v. P! _# G2 \  m3 a│  │  1-24 P.S. I Love You (Live at the BB.m4a
) u7 D2 R3 J0 s- T* t* ^+ V│  │  1-25 Please Mister Postman (Live at.m4a
; B5 p, f& j: {9 l: F$ Z8 W│  │  1-26 Beautiful Dreamer (Live at the.m4a
# n4 d% ?% @7 V+ X& ?5 w. ^│  │  1-27 Devil In Her Heart (Live at the.m4a- L9 [" q# R) W
│  │  1-28 The 49 Weeks (Spoken Word) [Liv.m4a! T! q0 R6 T% J: E
│  │  1-29 Sure to Fall (In Love With You).m4a( o; ~9 K  ~( r: K7 E! Z
│  │  1-30 Never Mind, Eh_ (Spoken Word) [.m4a
# o8 Z  A7 n, v+ `! c4 U│  │  1-31 Twist and Shout (Live at the BB.m4a
: S7 q7 l* {& B0 g! `' {│  │  1-32 Bye, Bye (Spoken Word) [Live at.m4a
( x! Z4 u; W  ?# N│  │  1-33 John - Pop Profile (Live at the.m4a
- q- C, x' ~' b, h- `$ C│  │  1-34 George - Pop Profile (Live at t.m4a) Z7 m" k+ }& `( n+ V  O# I8 C
│  │  2-01 I Saw Her Standing There (Live.m4a% N( t) [6 [) B. E
│  │  2-02 Glad All Over (Live at the BBC.m4a
! \7 {6 ?/ K3 i; y! h6 m& f+ Z│  │  2-03 Lift Lid Again (Spoken Word) [L.m4a
# {" k& [0 I8 j0 c+ r4 I│  │  2-04 I'll Get You (Live at the BBC F.m4a- t0 j/ w1 B' i% @! m
│  │  2-05 She Loves You (Live at the BBC.m4a, R$ F, |! n& O( t% b. j9 c/ k* J
│  │  2-06 Memphis, Tennessee (Live at the.m4a
3 K5 H( t8 F  q1 x, {│  │  2-07 Happy Birthday Dear Saturday Cl.m4a
8 H5 [) t$ T/ _* w$ s│  │  2-08 Now Hush, Hush (Spoken Word) [L.m4a
, ~9 t9 z4 Q+ Q3 W% b│  │  2-09 From Me to You (Live at the BBC.m4a  X8 W1 o  O0 u
│  │  2-10 Money (That's What I Want) [Liv.m4a7 {) Q3 B% u$ I+ r4 Q3 @
│  │  2-11 I Want to Hold Your Hand (Live.m4a
5 v/ N* h9 r( c5 u+ K/ k5 _│  │  2-12 Brian Bathtubes (Spoken Word) [.m4a
7 }# b8 x! r/ P4 G: s: r│  │  2-13 This Boy (Live at the BBC For _.m4a
; D0 o8 W# t/ V+ w+ p+ |- [│  │  2-14 If I Wasn't In America (Spoken.m4a
. k% j3 z# R7 R: }3 X" [│  │  2-15 I Got a Woman (Live at the BBC.m4a% U- @1 g8 [0 \% u2 x
│  │  2-16 Long Tall Sally (Live at the BB.m4a
+ o6 {7 r4 q; M  ~* @( H│  │  2-17 If I Fell (Live at the BBC For.m4a7 }$ }! [0 g6 Y) o0 x
│  │  2-18 A Hard Job Writing Them (Spoken.m4a
: t5 K7 Q* Z3 ]+ E* w) R) h* [│  │  2-19 And I Love Her (Live at the BBC.m4a+ i9 U0 J  u7 Q$ |5 ~
│  │  2-20 Oh, Can_t We_ Yes We Can (Spoke.m4a% a% b( X; u# G5 d$ ~9 B% E
│  │  2-21 You Can't Do That (Live at the.m4a! }8 d7 r0 }2 R+ ^. d4 ]
│  │  2-22 Honey Don't (Live at the BBC Fo.m4a0 q4 U( b' p& D  J
│  │  2-23 I'll Follow the Sun (Live at th.m4a' E6 s6 j; m" R2 n7 ~+ ^
│  │  2-24 Green With Black Shutters (Spok.m4a2 F, {5 @- q" ]1 v/ w* K( F
│  │  2-25 Kansas City _ Hey-Hey-Hey-Hey!.m4a- x( R) X$ J+ ^
│  │  2-26 That's What We're Here For (Spo.m4a
. c6 p! D9 r; ^4 i# w6 E& n│  │  2-27 I Feel Fine (Studio Outtake) [L.m4a
; G( J! m# p6 }- ~! p! Z│  │  2-28 Paul - Pop Profile (Live at the.m4a+ b- s( T( m! U! s6 F, w
│  │  2-29 Ringo - Pop Profile (Live at th.m4a
( B8 u6 E/ W3 i. l│  │  
& z0 U. m/ D% i8 T, D│  └─On Air - Live at the BBC, Vol. 2 -.itlp( Y; ^. Z! U8 O, i4 t4 q
│              5 U; L& a# A! o9 z& h+ u
├─2013 - The Beatles Bootleg Recordings 1963
" x' {, Q0 T6 P│      01 There's a Place (Studio Outtake _.m4a
& S. Y: J) Y2 l( h$ B1 E# M! t│      02 There's a Place (Studio Outtake _.m4a: g4 I  W: V' y* o- I
│      03 There's a Place (Studio Outtake _.m4a
! ?( {# l, G3 y/ }- X. V/ m│      04 Do You Want to Know a Secret (Stu.m4a
0 k+ m8 K% R! C4 z6 r│      05 A Taste of Honey (Studio Outtake.m4a
8 C- a: y0 l) d│      06 I Saw Her Standing There (Studio.m4a
' V% Y, r" \% v7 o3 F1 w) y  ]│      07 Misery (Studio Outtake _ Take 1).m4a% \+ W* e# k6 {9 @, B
│      08 Misery (Studio Outtake _ Take 7).m4a* ~* C, u8 d- R
│      09 From Me to You (Studio Outtake _.m4a7 i, Z. l& Y8 L. E" F
│      10 From Me to You (Studio Outtake _.m4a
5 `1 ]# Y6 G6 l( f" s& x0 `│      11 Thank You Girl (Studio Outtake _.m4a- V$ r+ V- ^7 v  {8 W' r
│      12 Thank You Girl (Studio Outtake _.m4a
( z' G- u8 ]# R  @! h1 o! e2 O│      13 One After 909 (Studio Outtake _ T.m4a
5 e+ |  v  Z' a. z3 f3 h2 W1 N│      14 Hold Me Tight (Studio Outtake _ T.m4a
3 G# N; c( |: n6 q2 M7 }  d│      15 Money (That's What I Want) [Studi.m4a/ y  Q: Q& x) h6 L
│      16 Some Other Guy (Live At  BBC For.m4a" c2 p. r  E* ]4 c3 Z
│      17 Love Me Do (Live At  BBC For _Sat.m4a
/ t4 J2 H  X. g1 C# D) [  ^│      18 Too Much Monkey Business (Live At.m4a% t3 J1 ?8 R5 G+ U/ I6 X3 |
│      19 I Saw Her Standing There (Live At.m4a
/ X2 ]* F- u4 I: j3 }" C. d/ K: s- z│      20 Do You Want to Know a Secret (Liv.m4a
. [4 n* J, p7 x│      21 From Me to You (Live At  BBC For.m4a1 T% {, V- W2 B! O! c* j
│      22 I Got to Find My Baby (Live At  B.m4a
9 B" J0 E+ w$ ^3 ^  y. S/ E- [│      23 Roll Over Beethoven (Live At  BBC.m4a; z% }5 l, {! C, q% e+ @5 I
│      24 A Taste of Honey (Live At  BBC Fo.m4a
" T; \* B2 p8 C! w+ ]│      25 Love Me Do (Live At  BBC For _Eas.m4a
# U% _, u! D1 ?3 Z7 g" R# @1 G& T+ x, c│      26 Please Please Me (Live At  BBC Fo.m4a' a, ?; O8 x% z5 M) h7 ?( S
│      27 She Loves You (Live At  BBC For _.m4a+ Z- q3 y) Q1 N) ~2 F# w
│      28 I Want to Hold Your Hand (Live At.m4a
+ t. A+ A) B! v' n# r│      29 Till There Was You (Live At  BBC.m4a: g" y' l: m- ]& l4 V
│      30 Roll Over Beethoven (Live At  BBC.m4a5 v7 z6 C/ l& S' |1 `8 S9 r6 X
│      31 You Really Got a Hold On Me (Live.m4a1 l& G+ t" {' O6 W  S7 ^
│      32 The Hippy Hippy Shake (Live At  B.m4a3 s( ?! s2 c. K+ b
│      33 Till There Was You (Live At  BBC.m4a
/ Y( U; ?" N# H7 w( r  t/ T* g2 Q│      34 A Shot of Rhythm and Blues (Live.m4a
+ ^" y! o) `: d9 K│      35 A Taste of Honey (Live At  BBC Fo.m4a
/ T: D" e) l) s' f$ r│      36 Money (That's What I Want) [Live.m4a% C% Y! P7 F# F7 M/ V, \
│      37 Anna (Live At  BBC For _Pop Go Th.m4a# u0 e1 A( R, ~+ A. x% d' ~
│      38 Love Me Do (Live At  BBC For _Pop.m4a0 D7 ?* e- A5 ~1 L+ u
│      39 She Loves You (Live At  BBC For _.m4a/ ?; [* s% P9 m/ p/ U$ {$ g
│      40 I'll Get You (Live At  BBC For _P.m4a
. s* I1 }2 C* m4 Z% ?0 J│      41 A Taste of Honey (Live At  BBC Fo.m4a7 u0 g- I" l! X6 Q3 o
│      42 Boys (Live At  BBC For _Pop Go Th.m4a/ c; p- T. \" u$ J
│      43 Chains (Live At  BBC For _Pop Go.m4a' n* C$ }$ z8 Q+ N
│      44 You Really Got a Hold On Me (Live.m4a
6 s8 i  T) j* s; L1 s│      45 I Saw Her Standing There (Live At.m4a: |2 `2 J- {  s. t# G
│      46 She Loves You (Live At  BBC For _.m4a# g+ D! F+ R7 N* b  g2 K
│      47 Twist and Shout (Live At  BBC For.m4a- i. e4 _4 e5 D) A
│      48 Do You Want to Know a Secret (Liv.m4a
# f" `# x- f. ^: g" l7 `0 e- e│      49 Please Please Me (Live At  BBC Fo.m4a5 X/ o5 E( h2 a( @0 R
│      50 Long Tall Sally (Live At  BBC For.m4a
% b# R: b. I# j& n# n│      51 Chains (Live At  BBC For _Side By.m4a1 c: B( Q* ?2 N! F5 K5 V7 b
│      52 Boys (Live At  BBC For _Side By S.m4a
3 d4 h' d3 b# S│      53 A Taste of Honey (Live At  BBC Fo.m4a& `. P, X, {2 j% T
│      54 Roll Over Beethoven (Live At  BBC.m4a0 m, {4 k3 U( {# k+ N
│      55 All My Loving (Live At  BBC For _.m4a
# w+ K, b' E- t/ [│      56 She Loves You (Live At  BBC For _.m4a
* w5 G& a0 h9 z( k│      57 Till There Was You (Live At  BBC.m4a
- z. R2 c/ `8 Y9 V6 j) T/ c$ ^# }│      58 Bad to Me (Demo).m4a. X3 d, F& D& }5 b4 D- _  I
│      59 I'm In Love (Demo).m4a
/ U1 x7 Z' I5 u! C4 ~│      
0 g) v& u5 m% X# p& q/ m! b8 A├─2014 - The U.S. Albums2 G, R  p/ L) k7 o' V0 c; Y
│  ├─A Hard Day's Night (U.S.) [Original Motion Picture Soundtrack]2 T- \# v6 t3 H6 P# p* p
│  │      3-01 A Hard Day's Night (Mono).m4a
, l$ H" ^1 X7 j7 c( C│  │      3-02 Tell Me Why (Mono).m4a" {) B3 i  p3 C( ^! g0 v
│  │      3-03 I'll Cry Instead (Mono).m4a
$ Y8 i8 P5 Z7 F: u  ?│  │      3-04 I Should Have Known Better (Mono _ Instrumental).m4a8 c0 R/ m" G% h
│  │      3-05 I'm Happy Just to Dance With You (Mono).m4a
6 N9 O, Z% a7 Z, T│  │      3-06 And I Love Her (Mono _ Instrumental).m4a
( L) Q) q; s# C7 ?: R. D│  │      3-07 I Should Have Known Better (Mono).m4a
# V/ ^+ G( I# j: v; H( _│  │      3-08 If I Fell (Mono).m4a0 f! E" c+ y/ X/ X
│  │      3-09 And I Love Her (Mono).m4a5 a+ p/ ]! X* |8 c) A1 e4 `2 P$ B/ X
│  │      3-10 Ringo's Theme (This Boy) [Mono _ Instrumental].m4a+ o3 Z6 G- N/ [$ r; z5 O6 l1 b" ?/ U
│  │      3-11 Can't Buy Me Love (Mono).m4a* \1 B; j/ E8 U
│  │      3-12 A Hard Day's Night (Mono _ Instrumental).m4a
8 |& L, O8 ]/ t9 W# {2 y4 b6 n│  │      3-13 A Hard Day's Night.m4a& a+ v$ d& ^3 k; y1 ?- D) Q$ L
│  │      3-14 Tell Me Why.m4a0 O& }2 N/ M8 z9 M
│  │      3-15 I'll Cry Instead (Mono).m4a
7 Q8 ?, [# j$ o) p  w8 V, H│  │      3-16 I Should Have Known Better (Instrumental).m4a/ }9 Q" t0 y" @
│  │      3-17 I'm Happy Just to Dance With You.m4a4 F: c1 j( Y+ _! \
│  │      3-18 And I Love Her (Instrumental).m4a' |4 _; h5 L( u
│  │      3-19 I Should Have Known Better.m4a0 v, X7 F3 c4 Q& D% \: F- {" R
│  │      3-20 If I Fell.m4a" o8 V, u1 B5 A, s0 Y
│  │      3-21 And I Love Her.m4a8 ]0 o+ s) I( v; T4 N, w% `/ f  E4 r
│  │      3-22 Ringo's Theme (This Boy) [Instrumental].m4a2 v  ~4 h( ~6 {7 X
│  │      3-23 Can't Buy Me Love.m4a
9 O  U' g& @& d& w5 [│  │      3-24 A Hard Day's Night (Instrumental).m4a* k4 r' y& n, m) W, \3 ]
│  │      
$ v" Z7 x: h" @4 L' l* X│  ├─Beatles VI
" C; V# c( d7 w2 p# Z│  │      8-01 Kansas City _ Hey-Hey-Hey-Hey! (Mono).m4a5 K$ }  W% |# T! }$ ]5 X' y
│  │      8-02 Eight Days a Week (Mono).m4a
: R# d& D+ s8 T/ Z│  │      8-03 You Like Me Too Much (Mono).m4a
% i9 B0 J- I$ T$ s% ~6 E8 i│  │      8-04 Bad Boy (Mono).m4a& [) r& X/ Q8 w9 o
│  │      8-05 I Don't Want to Spoil the Party (Mono).m4a
. \# J8 t2 P" q5 f8 W- _. n│  │      8-06 Words of Love (Mono).m4a; L: s. h; c. T' o
│  │      8-07 What You're Doing (Mono).m4a$ s3 v! V7 z3 s: b- g: x+ o1 s- d5 w
│  │      8-08 Yes It Is (Mono).m4a
+ E8 r2 I- l  h│  │      8-09 Dizzy Miss Lizzy (Mono).m4a. N( X. j! y. @4 c# r5 P+ E0 r5 V
│  │      8-10 Tell Me What You See (Mono).m4a
5 G$ G; a0 R4 s. f# A│  │      8-11 Every Little Thing (Mono).m4a
. q: Q# v0 r) k0 P│  │      8-12 Kansas City _ Hey-Hey-Hey-Hey!.m4a
3 ]5 c2 H3 }8 j/ |* V; y5 Y. i│  │      8-13 Eight Days a Week.m4a
' V. n! d% q" Y! _│  │      8-14 You Like Me Too Much.m4a
3 u6 k# L# y  {│  │      8-15 Bad Boy.m4a
- B% H; g* u! j% V, x│  │      8-16 I Don't Want to Spoil the Party.m4a. p7 ~2 o: T; l" z( Q! q( E
│  │      8-17 Words of Love.m4a1 W8 r, I" A* V" d. V: Y
│  │      8-18 What You're Doing.m4a. B0 p2 w* q6 O* [  \, f' q
│  │      8-19 Yes It Is.m4a
0 v" H/ i  \. Z9 `│  │      8-20 Dizzy Miss Lizzy.m4a
  H# B2 O* \/ y& }8 b+ O0 \+ t│  │      8-21 Tell Me What You See.m4a
* F/ v; o: }3 b3 B2 x3 q' A│  │      8-22 Every Little Thing.m4a6 C# x: r+ D$ m  ?* O% j' C7 K
│  │      3 w/ m; R- Z5 I) ?- Y
│  ├─Beatles _65( U& H: [" l9 A
│  │      6-01 No Reply (Mono).m4a. {- A+ E6 T  }( Z
│  │      6-02 I'm a Loser (Mono).m4a
$ e) z0 x, _, ~- l! L│  │      6-03 Baby's In Black (Mono).m4a6 n6 \& F' L' Z% I9 U( b
│  │      6-04 Rock and Roll Music (Mono).m4a  _) @- O/ u4 M, k
│  │      6-05 I'll Follow the Sun (Mono).m4a9 a$ \! J, y6 ?7 Z4 T8 n' Y2 v
│  │      6-06 Mr. Moonlight (Mono).m4a
+ o4 J0 E, L1 F│  │      6-07 Honey Don't (Mono).m4a; A9 }% n3 r: f( X. @8 H/ f
│  │      6-08 I'll Be Back (Mono).m4a
7 X1 h& \" g# p* w% u" N8 H: h│  │      6-09 She's a Woman (Mono).m4a' }( I  p7 I, n5 a; F0 L. k
│  │      6-10 I Feel Fine (Mono).m4a
. [: H. L$ ?5 D4 F! N. X6 P* |# B│  │      6-11 Everybody's Trying to Be My Baby (Mono).m4a9 U% i: N1 B; M. D' [. S
│  │      6-12 No Reply.m4a
( B" E3 b- R7 d: ?8 x/ G│  │      6-13 I'm a Loser.m4a' P1 W7 N( l+ n. J3 q/ R  K* T
│  │      6-14 Baby's In Black.m4a
) r  P5 u" J8 ^  O% k│  │      6-15 Rock and Roll Music.m4a
+ o( \, i9 D! U* r. I9 b# g│  │      6-16 I'll Follow the Sun.m4a
! p4 A0 }1 T$ x. m+ ]4 r4 k. [4 s! U│  │      6-17 Mr. Moonlight.m4a4 |# T7 d6 z. I
│  │      6-18 Honey Don't.m4a
1 s! i! S. f& E9 [4 Y9 H5 ?* D5 Y9 _│  │      6-19 I'll Be Back.m4a
- G, Q+ U% Q" n1 S│  │      6-20 She's a Woman.m4a* D  _; p3 @# D5 q" u* ]2 {
│  │      6-21 I Feel Fine.m4a# d: B* a( `* A) D  k7 R( g  G( m
│  │      6-22 Everybody's Trying to Be My Baby.m4a3 k7 y" w5 `; }
│  │      
' y" W8 ]" n3 p$ ?! t4 }; w│  ├─Help! (U.S.) [Original Motion Picture Soundtrack]- H$ |' }6 V# n
│  │      9-01 Help! (Mono).m4a  j( x# C- Y+ u' G6 P
│  │      9-02 The Night Before (Mono).m4a6 @; Y' V$ [! f4 G, g2 G6 p
│  │      9-03 From Me to You Fantasy (Mono _ Instrumental).m4a
! d6 i$ |( Z' @& T( ~, U/ L│  │      9-04 You've Got to Hide Your Love Away (Mono).m4a8 L6 \. R5 ~9 X  \- p
│  │      9-05 I Need You (Mono).m4a
6 x0 S) R- y( c, s# R6 G│  │      9-06 In the Tyrol (Mono _ Instrumental).m4a0 {/ a8 L* r( d8 N3 j! Q
│  │      9-07 Another Girl (Mono).m4a
* A3 s7 \) Q2 s│  │      9-08 Another Hard Day's Night (Mono _ Instrumental).m4a
; \0 C9 P% T& h& [$ V│  │      9-09 Ticket to Ride (Mono).m4a
+ k, b6 H. I$ f) q* X│  │      9-10 The Bitter End _ You Can't Do That (Mono _ Instrumental).m4a
3 [1 |+ M# q# W0 u: g6 y│  │      9-11 You're Going to Lose That Girl (Mono).m4a
, V$ H0 F7 @% y. E, `& k& F) [│  │      9-12 The Chase (Mono _ Instrumental).m4a8 ], H2 F& F! K# Q
│  │      9-13 Help!.m4a
2 V1 P2 M* w0 D9 U" O8 W7 J│  │      9-14 The Night Before.m4a/ x+ m9 `. q, V) Z2 m/ i
│  │      9-15 From Me to You Fantasy (Instrumental).m4a
1 y+ L0 ^. z2 j9 C& {4 {- j7 i│  │      9-16 You've Got to Hide Your Love Away.m4a) U% ~5 p0 Z# {% y; P! K" }
│  │      9-17 I Need You.m4a
7 |6 x9 R; q+ F0 Y4 j2 [│  │      9-18 In the Tyrol (Instrumental).m4a% ~1 y5 g! R% Z  j2 z
│  │      9-19 Another Girl.m4a( C- A" i+ ~& P' d& b9 [
│  │      9-20 Another Hard Day's Night (Instrumental).m4a
! }- p+ v3 D$ m1 A│  │      9-21 Ticket to Ride.m4a/ N& X; r& @/ D" Y
│  │      9-22 The Bitter End _ You Can't Do That (Instrumental).m4a; {7 c; O- p9 B5 E$ R/ Z# n
│  │      9-23 You're Going to Lose That Girl.m4a1 v5 p* A! ]# ]$ J: O) f9 a
│  │      9-24 The Chase (Instrumental).m4a) x, I* E; k% |( r# ~
│  │      
! D- h/ l. m3 i1 w│  ├─Hey Jude
9 O9 H. |. _) S( U" ~9 D│  │      13-01 Can't Buy Me Love.m4a8 l! O5 y$ p1 u3 d) D: Y
│  │      13-02 I Should Have Known Better.m4a
9 i2 B3 T9 P* n, @! R5 r│  │      13-03 Paperback Writer.m4a
7 ?  p, _5 Z1 j+ e" }% }│  │      13-04 Rain.m4a
) T; ~; O" N0 k+ G5 u│  │      13-05 Lady Madonna.m4a" a7 T8 D0 @4 a9 l3 v& F' |
│  │      13-06 Revolution.m4a
3 X1 M- z- {, l6 N& `$ `# o│  │      13-07 Hey Jude.m4a4 g4 F* b9 _* U0 p
│  │      13-08 Old Brown Shoe.m4a; n* i% Q+ F0 z+ p! ]% {; y: j9 N+ W
│  │      13-09 Don't Let Me Down.m4a$ }6 I: o9 O) q( p  ~& ^: U
│  │      13-10 The Ballad of John and Yoko.m4a
: W0 x: H$ M3 e. X$ {% x│  │      
1 w6 X, r6 j7 y  U│  ├─Meet The Beatles!+ W! l2 l$ ~/ b8 [# {1 C
│  │      1-01 I Want to Hold Your Hand (Mono).m4a- A' F1 E4 W. d2 N- ]% P) P
│  │      1-02 I Saw Her Standing There (Mono).m4a# r% _3 Z( Z4 ~( Z# }9 M2 @; ?8 e
│  │      1-03 This Boy (Mono).m4a
* ~% V) W9 e! o│  │      1-04 It Won't Be Long (Mono).m4a6 p) O0 }7 H6 M/ p' }
│  │      1-05 All I've Got to Do (Mono).m4a
1 W' f6 t8 V7 d' ?│  │      1-06 All My Loving (Mono).m4a$ q3 A* i- I' F& G2 N
│  │      1-07 Don't Bother Me (Mono).m4a
. A9 a& ]7 v6 h( O, j/ |6 c; S│  │      1-08 Little Child (Mono).m4a! _. `. W' S1 S, p
│  │      1-09 Till There Was You (Mono).m4a
% e; {' ]- r- d│  │      1-10 Hold Me Tight (Mono).m4a
5 G+ J/ A7 _( o0 [! F: ^│  │      1-11 I Wanna Be Your Man (Mono).m4a* f8 q/ E/ u* c
│  │      1-12 Not a Second Time (Mono).m4a7 b( @5 K- Z+ P* q# R7 @2 z0 x+ I
│  │      1-13 I Want to Hold Your Hand.m4a5 u6 j, i$ l& S# I" M9 |4 m
│  │      1-14 I Saw Her Standing There.m4a7 W0 B3 Z2 g, w; Y
│  │      1-15 This Boy.m4a# Z& m2 Y% @- C" I1 ?, ~) p
│  │      1-16 It Won't Be Long.m4a4 `0 K" f8 Z( \% A' H# t. m
│  │      1-17 All I've Got to Do.m4a  d  y) L8 X& o4 d* R* S
│  │      1-18 All My Loving.m4a
& e+ \: ]1 L( P* |- n│  │      1-19 Don't Bother Me.m4a
  h5 S/ S2 ^9 s6 m2 @: A% l│  │      1-20 Little Child.m4a- m, _" \( |, D+ r
│  │      1-21 Till There Was You.m4a
  ~: `% m+ w  ^0 l│  │      1-22 Hold Me Tight.m4a! h0 Z2 R2 ^! l. _: u4 u4 V; E2 g
│  │      1-23 I Wanna Be Your Man.m4a
4 `- _6 n6 O3 O, a- A- [0 v" q│  │      1-24 Not a Second Time.m4a
* u" q3 I1 F7 o" h9 N! Y6 Y│  │      6 |( t( c- j+ ~% d( F/ W+ f  G. G
│  ├─Revolver (U.S.), Z/ N% M! |* R6 Y! R+ V
│  │      12-01 Taxman (Mono).m4a
; h4 S1 d- Y/ _6 a6 i  ^│  │      12-02 Eleanor Rigby (Mono).m4a
8 U3 }: p# L5 u7 @│  │      12-03 Love You To (Mono).m4a: G+ ?/ x/ S1 p4 J3 x8 b
│  │      12-04 Here, There and Everywhere (Mono).m4a
2 q; f3 g( o( P# a/ s+ }& M│  │      12-05 Yellow Submarine (Mono).m4a
$ y1 _; ~: B2 w4 z3 w% S│  │      12-06 She Said She Said (Mono).m4a
0 a& I, o% n6 R- U  C│  │      12-07 Good Day Sunshine (Mono).m4a
) t# B- ~! N6 z│  │      12-08 For No One (Mono).m4a
5 f/ |* Y' i/ t  n9 B+ q% |│  │      12-09 I Want to Tell You (Mono).m4a
; @5 R5 O! C4 v+ V) |' |│  │      12-10 Got to Get You Into My Life (Mono).m4a
  G7 H: g/ ?7 T) f; m│  │      12-11 Tomorrow Never Knows (Mono).m4a8 O+ k0 U$ X. _: h3 k
│  │      12-12 Taxman.m4a6 X4 w8 c5 p6 f, T0 Y
│  │      12-13 Eleanor Rigby.m4a! o6 B" u2 e/ ]/ A
│  │      12-14 Love You To.m4a6 @" T* F( M& n* t: l6 d- y
│  │      12-15 Here, There and Everywhere.m4a
. F, l, z! H$ g4 J" f$ _. p; l│  │      12-16 Yellow Submarine.m4a
! ^3 o: `1 |1 S│  │      12-17 She Said She Said.m4a( n6 g: c# _4 }# j+ a
│  │      12-18 Good Day Sunshine.m4a4 K- a: q* ^: i$ `  u
│  │      12-19 For No One.m4a/ _- U0 y) x0 l" H
│  │      12-20 I Want to Tell You.m4a
/ p( Z  w) m+ [$ ?: m" G7 ^│  │      12-21 Got to Get You Into My Life.m4a( U8 ?5 L5 M8 Z6 I9 e: Z- b5 `- a
│  │      12-22 Tomorrow Never Knows.m4a
% W7 A& C" K- n3 ]│  │      
, a9 R/ A" w# X' m$ x) S: k4 s6 S' b│  ├─Rubber Soul (U.S.)
5 ?: h3 x3 P2 a6 Z│  │      10-01 I've Just Seen a Face (Mono).m4a
& {* X, p  Y8 L( X4 M│  │      10-02 Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has Flown) [Mono].m4a5 u8 D  [8 Z9 a# i5 K! e  V
│  │      10-03 You Won't See Me (Mono).m4a
! o8 h$ m3 b5 S│  │      10-04 Think For Yourself (Mono).m4a
+ P4 G+ P3 ]) l│  │      10-05 The Word (Mono).m4a7 ?4 k+ b+ I# G& ~/ u
│  │      10-06 Michelle (Mono).m4a& i8 p! ]" C+ \5 o4 l- Q
│  │      10-07 It's Only Love (Mono).m4a
. `$ V' h% K( i/ o! ^) h) s│  │      10-08 Girl (Mono).m4a* f( f: A' [' r' j
│  │      10-09 I'm Looking Through You (Mono).m4a* g: b- ]5 {8 r, E
│  │      10-10 In My Life (Mono).m4a2 ]* _+ u/ Z* e. l3 B0 y
│  │      10-11 Wait (Mono).m4a
9 }' e$ \  \# @$ ]. ~│  │      10-12 Run For Your Life (Mono).m4a) |  r  Q0 o3 y3 d$ z
│  │      10-13 I've Just Seen a Face.m4a# _0 v. h3 Q/ Y6 [5 w4 |! m6 V3 ^
│  │      10-14 Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has Flown).m4a
# u$ ]% r: C6 G4 {8 J+ {│  │      10-15 You Won't See Me.m4a- P! q% M  x5 m
│  │      10-16 Think For Yourself.m4a
! T) ^% Y  B  M- _* {, C* ]& g│  │      10-17 The Word.m4a, y' }  n% i+ B) Y" v6 K
│  │      10-18 Michelle.m4a( S  X9 a: w  x& O$ l9 b1 \
│  │      10-19 It's Only Love.m4a/ n1 e! v4 l5 [) `8 P
│  │      10-20 Girl.m4a
/ W% R* \) m% k9 ~( N* _5 ^3 I$ X│  │      10-21 I'm Looking Through You.m4a
* `+ z7 D2 g* z; z7 z9 ~/ A# K│  │      10-22 In My Life.m4a3 U- n. x1 `, R) j' V
│  │      10-23 Wait.m4a
# C- Q* ~9 H7 L( S; I│  │      10-24 Run For Your Life.m4a
2 E6 G" b# j# {│  │      2 t; E0 H% Z5 y4 m$ e: _7 c+ e
│  ├─Something New
) @! D# N* c  \% Y7 ]) j, Q0 P│  │      4-01 I'll Cry Instead (Mono).m4a: i, M: c: k# Y0 g
│  │      4-02 Things We Said Today (Mono).m4a
, T% F, Y; y! w* i/ e; M8 q│  │      4-03 Any Time At All (Mono).m4a% z5 d; X0 Y9 D0 ]* f8 L0 \
│  │      4-04 When I Get Home (Mono).m4a
- {8 Q- }- E& i7 B│  │      4-05 Slow Down (Mono).m4a
4 d/ A7 \0 C& a$ N2 J1 w5 r0 J│  │      4-06 Matchbox (Mono).m4a
* k- `" n+ G* m. a& a3 s3 R5 ?│  │      4-07 Tell Me Why (Mono).m4a
0 q- z% h( E! [. h, G+ O│  │      4-08 And I Love Her (Mono).m4a# I" \4 ?: e3 x* F) e, h
│  │      4-09 I'm Happy Just to Dance With You (Mono).m4a/ n0 `/ h- q$ b* V7 ?8 R) x
│  │      4-10 If I Fell (Mono).m4a
; ~4 M8 @  F% T2 l! K) ]( x; A│  │      4-11 Komm Gib Mir Deine Hand (Mono).m4a
0 f# o2 @; y4 Z│  │      4-12 I'll Cry Instead.m4a# ]$ y% J9 e. Q$ q5 B, F: Y
│  │      4-13 Things We Said Today.m4a
+ M) O% ^5 d! H9 g; X│  │      4-14 Any Time At All.m4a1 z5 F: t7 o3 ^. T% D# s* E
│  │      4-15 When I Get Home.m4a
; Z* f) l' a0 [) v4 X6 n& U│  │      4-16 Slow Down.m4a% O, e" v$ {, N; v7 [
│  │      4-17 Matchbox.m4a
8 g! i7 t2 F- q. R4 a0 U# I7 e│  │      4-18 Tell Me Why.m4a
3 s8 L' i% H: d- u6 ^: K8 ~3 ^: K│  │      4-19 And I Love Her.m4a
2 J! i5 N5 O( L5 p& k/ f2 y# u1 {1 m1 T│  │      4-20 I'm Happy Just to Dance With You.m4a5 T% x* }& h! w9 h4 E) I% Y
│  │      4-21 If I Fell.m4a( v! L6 \. C# H6 O' P7 @' D
│  │      4-22 Komm Gib Mir Deine Hand.m4a# n9 S8 A* y: N$ q; d! Z
│  │      ) @: o# B6 h5 k+ ^* U
│  ├─The Beatles' Second Album
, h* l, E* J  D+ V│  │      2-01 Roll Over Beethoven (Mono).m4a7 b! |1 a4 g  p9 R0 O' b) C) a6 p
│  │      2-02 Thank You Girl (Mono).m4a; B% h* N) b6 y- P+ e
│  │      2-03 You Really Got a Hold On Me (Mono).m4a# G  @+ s8 ?! d+ C
│  │      2-04 Devil In Her Heart (Mono).m4a
* s7 l, V8 _% A" L& X1 z' D│  │      2-05 Money (That's What I Want) [Mono].m4a  y" _1 E: |4 t2 \9 d
│  │      2-06 You Can't Do That (Mono).m4a5 {/ P/ }7 Q" s
│  │      2-07 Long Tall Sally (Mono).m4a- e4 }! c2 _+ k
│  │      2-08 I Call Your Name (Mono).m4a% B3 o! R8 H7 Z7 y4 E
│  │      2-09 Please Mister Postman (Mono).m4a
* k% w& I7 W9 K│  │      2-10 I'll Get You (Mono).m4a
4 }2 O/ z1 H& Y$ u# E│  │      2-11 She Loves You (Mono).m4a( m5 n& f+ P" T7 {, v9 L
│  │      2-12 Roll Over Beethoven.m4a* s2 P. |* o5 f# z
│  │      2-13 Thank You Girl.m4a
+ Y; O* m' z, G5 T1 _$ G│  │      2-14 You Really Got a Hold On Me.m4a
5 M' |+ I/ Z) z$ @8 p) s│  │      2-15 Devil In Her Heart.m4a
  o& C" @8 b2 D6 ?│  │      2-16 Money (That's What I Want).m4a! i& \, K: n' W. W' f2 ^2 y
│  │      2-17 You Can't Do That.m4a
! Z' |8 n: S, z, y8 H9 |& U7 y( e│  │      2-18 Long Tall Sally.m4a* I: p3 u8 e6 s! a$ g6 I1 c* p
│  │      2-19 I Call Your Name.m4a: x5 w9 A0 y0 n- ]6 v/ S
│  │      2-20 Please Mister Postman.m4a
; N2 @7 z. M( ^" e* g2 L& y│  │      2-21 I'll Get You (Mono).m4a' @( |# B: ?) i- q/ ?5 ]
│  │      2-22 She Loves You (Mono).m4a5 [5 w. g; V* X4 s  @( T% ?7 Y
│  │      
4 U1 N, Q: n. E5 z│  ├─The Beatles' Story
# f' D5 a/ @+ h' c$ l. S1 [1 l4 `│  │      5-01 On Stage With The Beatles (Spoken Word).m4a
" i1 b, D" o! ^( d# ~8 Q│  │      5-02 How Beatlemania Began (Spoken Word).m4a" K( K! w( L/ G/ {* F  T/ ]9 d
│  │      5-03 Beatlemania In Action (Spoken Word).m4a
( H2 }* {) A! [% }: M% Z│  │      5-04 Man Behind The Beatles—Brian Epstein (Spoken Word).m4a
" d+ W; f& M/ e" Z# n1 m│  │      5-05 John Lennon (Spoken Word).m4a" L7 B" n& a/ B# |# S, [7 [3 k. \7 ?
│  │      5-06 Who's a Millionaire_ (Spoken Word).m4a
& Q& x' p9 A4 i6 U; [- V│  │      5-07 Beatles Will Be Beatles (Spoken Word).m4a, J. l, V, l- d- R
│  │      5-08 Man Behind the Music—George Martin (Spoken Word).m4a: m$ I' d; f" u
│  │      5-09 George Harrison (Spoken Word).m4a3 A" p1 v+ A+ m% N% y
│  │      5-10 A Hard Day's Night—Their First Movie (Spoken Word).m4a2 g' D* ^+ K9 l5 E8 _
│  │      5-11 Paul McCartney (Spoken Word).m4a/ B6 r: U' o( R+ K2 e  j
│  │      5-12 Sneaky Haircuts and More About Paul (Spoken Word).m4a
+ n! @! ^! X$ J" V│  │      5-13 The Beatles Look At Life (Spoken Word).m4a
7 K+ `: Y+ V+ o2 l3 v, |! [% D" R│  │      5-14 Victims of Beatlemania (Spoken Word).m4a7 W. p0 m" A1 D; W- Q* j4 ^
│  │      5-15 Beatles Medley (Spoken Word).m4a
. F; h. R9 g0 q  b, l  K│  │      5-16 Ringo Starr (Spoken Word).m4a$ ~6 g8 l: y0 ?& @
│  │      5-17 Liverpool and All the World! (Spoken Word).m4a
& v+ e+ p8 }& Y- Z; |, L7 A│  │      7 d5 ^3 S6 b. c* a7 B" y
│  ├─The Early Beatles
, Z' L) ]9 D/ c# Z' n4 c( S│  │      7-01 Love Me Do (Mono).m4a- @3 {& L, x/ L$ o
│  │      7-02 Twist and Shout (Mono).m4a& b! g8 M+ I: I2 ~: f' G# s* v" F
│  │      7-03 Anna (Go to Him) [Mono].m4a
# n6 _# z( Q! ~+ w0 ^6 j│  │      7-04 Chains (Mono).m4a
; ]  F) e5 K1 M0 a│  │      7-05 Boys (Mono).m4a2 _6 T$ T5 J/ Q2 o6 ?- m
│  │      7-06 Ask Me Why (Mono).m4a
& a5 Z7 U9 o8 @/ r. z│  │      7-07 Please Please Me (Mono).m4a" F* f7 J8 \! O+ M$ w4 h8 d
│  │      7-08 P.S. I Love You (Mono).m4a
+ y+ C( R# O8 V& @3 L! P7 f$ A- n│  │      7-09 Baby It's You (Mono).m4a* G+ A/ s% l/ Q4 U
│  │      7-10 A Taste of Honey (Mono).m4a* ]  B- C6 j1 K$ K5 @2 S
│  │      7-11 Do You Want to Know a Secret (Mono).m4a. G5 e' f* @- m2 U
│  │      7-12 Love Me Do (Mono).m4a0 M' U% z$ l& d
│  │      7-13 Twist and Shout.m4a
5 A; B$ e, J- \: z# {% q│  │      7-14 Anna (Go to Him).m4a
3 l' \- ]# V' G7 S│  │      7-15 Chains.m4a
% x  `2 V' w2 T7 w/ c│  │      7-16 Boys.m4a
& N/ ~* v. W5 X' N' ^│  │      7-17 Ask Me Why.m4a
6 f; }7 q8 [- _/ p, _: `# a. _│  │      7-18 Please Please Me.m4a
) m/ ?# p9 ?, M1 e7 E* u# P  N4 E│  │      7-19 P.S. I Love You (Mono).m4a
0 `8 X" l: M9 z6 B( ~8 _4 a│  │      7-20 Baby It's You.m4a
) l! X9 s2 z0 n( W) |2 P* O│  │      7-21 A Taste of Honey.m4a0 ~7 Y; n+ Z/ O+ f8 p/ S
│  │      7-22 Do You Want to Know a Secret.m4a
; U) S7 }0 f* F3 V) I& B. j8 A; N│  │      
1 h5 a5 K3 s2 ?' E( R. u1 ?│  ├─The U.S. Albums - iTunes LP (v3.0).itlp" u% _; b. j4 P9 `1 F
│  │         
4 j9 k3 F- y# m3 J" K7 L. I│  └─Yesterday and Today
: M: L/ l/ m* [1 ]  w│          11-01 Drive My Car (Mono).m4a
0 }1 A: @% Q9 b( w' C0 T6 ^│          11-02 I'm Only Sleeping (Mono).m4a
2 C- g+ s0 g. i7 @, K7 Y│          11-03 Nowhere Man (Mono).m4a# T, T1 A' y: U8 L& j7 p- I7 o# F
│          11-04 Doctor Robert (Mono).m4a  }/ f6 g# [0 z, d% n5 L0 q
│          11-05 Yesterday (Mono).m4a/ H. H) h$ d* V; p5 P9 t
│          11-06 Act Naturally (Mono).m4a( O7 O+ y& q9 B! n+ o) @
│          11-07 And Your Bird Can Sing (Mono).m4a2 I( V3 d: C( H% R: E% G; X
│          11-08 If I Needed Someone (Mono).m4a
& V0 `7 l% `0 r- k│          11-09 We Can Work It Out (Mono).m4a& k  W3 G! ?. N5 t) y4 }/ \+ |. p
│          11-10 What Goes On (Mono).m4a. m! e- u4 |! z
│          11-11 Day Tripper (Mono).m4a
6 r. o- }% p+ N│          11-12 Drive My Car.m4a
4 j2 J4 W1 m! R1 C& B│          11-13 I'm Only Sleeping.m4a! Q  P! U2 Z- E8 _  @
│          11-14 Nowhere Man.m4a
$ S! [4 \0 S" G. c│          11-15 Doctor Robert.m4a. S/ W7 Q+ q  ?1 M# ~
│          11-16 Yesterday.m4a* }0 n/ d9 t1 F  ^; K# S- M
│          11-17 Act Naturally.m4a
& ^; X7 n+ q2 U: U( M4 h│          11-18 And Your Bird Can Sing.m4a: N6 z' B( u$ Z- q% d+ N  y
│          11-19 If I Needed Someone.m4a  g0 e6 Q% E3 q' T# l# z" I1 c
│          11-20 We Can Work It Out.m4a6 `, L9 A& d* Q& u" d7 l
│          11-21 What Goes On.m4a
8 E1 x$ `: |0 U1 l: ]/ t- A2 B│          11-22 Day Tripper.m4a
8 i# p- _; t8 F8 T, E7 @! k2 a' d& i# J│          # y. C# Q% e1 X1 f, [1 `
├─2015 - 1 (2015 Version)) |4 P) @0 v8 R9 y: D
│      01 Love Me Do (Mono).m4a
8 K) ?4 P/ F  M! O│      02 From Me to You (Mono).m4a
" N! Q8 p! W* p# Z2 ^) s3 Y: \  J│      03 She Loves You (Mono).m4a3 S  C0 ^4 |( {$ Q) \5 J
│      04 I Want to Hold Your Hand (2015 St.m4a3 d2 J6 f+ h3 s8 ~$ o; Q, W- f
│      05 Can't Buy Me Love (2015 Stereo Mi.m4a
" j' f' ^9 c- M" p/ [. X│      06 A Hard Day's Night (2015 Stereo M.m4a* ~. C3 U0 Q- y7 T! j6 ?% D  E
│      07 I Feel Fine (2015 Stereo Mix).m4a
* O6 K+ K" p7 d& B' @# C) [│      08 Eight Days a Week (2015 Stereo Mi.m4a
  w9 k# D. l& G2 H; t: b│      09 Ticket to Ride (2015 Stereo Mix).m4a
, i& C$ k) |6 |7 l* D$ R. B│      10 Help! (2015 Stereo Mix).m4a
) J& P: `9 r' i8 w: U( B3 _│      11 Yesterday (2015 Stereo Mix).m4a: }- G) m  y5 _  [' C4 i! }& P
│      12 Day Tripper (2015 Stereo Mix).m4a
4 R, P, t" f  S│      13 We Can Work It Out (2015 Stereo M.m4a
7 D0 Y1 }' D. _' H& A# A: d│      14 Paperback Writer (2015 Stereo Mix.m4a6 |& U+ N% P( v" J* T! G* u
│      15 Yellow Submarine (2015 Stereo Mix.m4a1 M( z6 [! f. y( y. {1 @% |
│      16 Eleanor Rigby (2015 Stereo Mix).m4a
* H# R2 i$ V3 R3 @( X$ l1 C2 B9 S│      17 Penny Lane (2015 Stereo Mix).m4a
) I& Z4 L: h5 J$ }8 C9 p/ e+ B: o│      18 All You Need Is Love (2015 Stereo.m4a# U; g3 C( l. h
│      19 Hello, Goodbye (2015 Stereo Mix).m4a, T; ~" N) H7 h9 @3 i
│      20 Lady Madonna (2015 Stereo Mix).m4a) ?* x# {- i& U/ N8 ~- y% r+ }  e
│      21 Hey Jude (2015 Stereo Mix).m4a
1 V! ?% a6 U( T│      22 Get Back (2015 Stereo Mix).m4a
0 g8 O2 F. B; z  p) l$ L│      23 The Ballad of John and Yoko (2015.m4a
4 t. S/ ?0 C' a! A+ N3 q7 }│      24 Something (2015 Stereo Mix).m4a
! ^: b1 A6 s. ^7 V3 u│      25 Come Together (2015 Stereo Mix).m4a8 m) E) l0 ]  @& U% D1 P
│      26 Let It Be (2015 Stereo Mix).m4a
' @% P1 r3 Y) S! L3 Y- ^. t' S. p│      27 The Long and Winding Road (2015 S.m4a
# w4 U6 i2 q1 m' s4 H$ r: o│      
& z  \) n$ ^* U  ]$ n$ }├─2016 - Live at the Hollywood Bowl
3 P! w) D3 W- n% Z│      01 Twist and Shout (Live).m4a
( t: o0 q' Y  o│      02 She's a Woman (Live).m4a) b, ^  G: h( F
│      03 Dizzy Miss Lizzy (Live).m4a
5 O# V8 s( u! b  z+ T  M  u│      04 Ticket to Ride (Live).m4a3 t; Q1 B  Q5 x+ O1 P$ X! Q6 [
│      05 Can't Buy Me Love (Live).m4a1 L) e. @) ?- f: y+ R% G
│      06 Things We Said Today (Live).m4a" x( N% S+ n6 C5 d' B1 c
│      07 Roll Over Beethoven (Live).m4a3 z* A5 {9 ]0 _. u$ N/ r
│      08 Boys (Live).m4a# @2 S) N: ~8 Z% W8 F& J' U
│      09 A Hard Day's Night (Live).m4a1 ^. e; @9 l% I# d# c- G. a
│      10 Help! (Live).m4a, c8 F) `! \$ y1 |
│      11 All My Loving (Live).m4a0 c4 K$ O, f4 h" G% y$ A. ~/ n
│      12 She Loves You (Live).m4a, c" K: D: Z8 k4 m% Z, F* [  h
│      13 Long Tall Sally (Live).m4a# ~: T' O6 ?7 h4 K, [+ E& W8 r/ h! X
│      14 You Can't Do That (Live) [Bonus T.m4a
0 @4 S3 c7 i- h│      15 I Want to Hold Your Hand (Live) [.m4a5 y  l/ u5 h7 a  I
│      16 Everybody_s Trying to Be My Baby.m4a+ m4 |2 B- ^8 ^/ f4 ]  u7 [5 _6 Z
│      17 Baby's In Black (Live) [Bonus Tra.m4a3 X1 J, L9 \! C. v: ]6 N6 ^4 ?8 z
│      ( \2 y4 K$ s6 P2 Q% c
├─2019 - Abbey Road (2019 Mix)
' j$ ]1 l% l3 I8 J2 x│      01 Come Together (2019 Mix).m4a: d* Y" m' m/ q0 S+ B
│      02 Something (2019 Mix).m4a. d3 P2 r2 O( @- B  J% ^
│      03 Maxwell's Silver Hammer (2019 Mix.m4a) o/ I+ E2 r* z
│      04 Oh! Darling (2019 Mix).m4a: Z1 y  V  }: r/ W( Q& C" O
│      05 Octopus's Garden (2019 Mix).m4a- K4 l' V6 ?" G' e, l
│      06 I Want You (She's So Heavy) [2019.m4a
. N) X: o9 Z  R" s8 I│      07 Here Comes the Sun (2019 Mix).m4a# l% k' i7 D' w) E& G
│      08 Because (2019 Mix).m4a
9 k+ I1 p3 j5 }  K( ^  x3 [│      09 You Never Give Me Your Money (201.m4a
+ I6 |) y5 o. H4 O+ o8 q│      10 Sun King (2019 Mix).m4a9 S6 {( r, N/ q2 j
│      11 Mean Mr Mustard (2019 Mix).m4a
: c; z  v$ j. Z% b! r% S, z. j; f6 W│      12 Polythene Pam (2019 Mix).m4a! ?/ n/ v; f% z1 j3 _0 K, R
│      13 She Came in Through the Bathroom.m4a
4 o7 h5 o3 d$ G) J' m! w( m│      14 Golden Slumbers (2019 Mix).m4a0 ^9 E7 q. z* q+ A- F2 d& Q" U
│      15 Carry That Weight (2019 Mix).m4a& G/ R  d9 O: w( ?% @' _7 A
│      16 The End (2019 Mix).m4a
' I2 N  }( s$ u3 U' Y" K│      17 Her Majesty (2019 Mix).m4a# l+ m2 i) \7 \0 e& a( U% L
( j/ s# Z# ]1 J; r! i% V$ x; t5 A├─2019 - Abbey Road (Super Deluxe Edition)3 \) [( a  ]2 _# }
│      1-01 Come Together (2019 Mix).m4a
. H! U0 f5 W1 g9 R: z$ g2 R│      1-02 Something (2019 Mix).m4a
! H+ e. {& S8 u6 k) G, D│      1-03 Maxwell's Silver Hammer (2019 M.m4a
+ ^, f3 ^# ?/ ]) o2 l4 L% j1 d│      1-04 Oh! Darling (2019 Mix).m4a7 r* O* Z9 h0 F
│      1-05 Octopus's Garden (2019 Mix).m4a
$ x" {+ k$ n3 [( A% D0 {│      1-06 I Want You (She's So Heavy) [20.m4a7 y2 x% Y5 P. T6 ~. Z5 l; R- e
│      1-07 Here Comes the Sun (2019 Mix).m4a; }8 x3 O2 H5 E6 D4 ^) d0 P
│      1-08 Because (2019 Mix).m4a0 t* k# E3 F8 A8 c9 Y
│      1-09 You Never Give Me Your Money (2.m4a1 `4 X0 j5 ~1 {- F+ p
│      1-10 Sun King (2019 Mix).m4a
; I$ i  ~: l, O: p+ V│      1-11 Mean Mr Mustard (2019 Mix).m4a
, \" W: l  Q' f+ c│      1-12 Polythene Pam (2019 Mix).m4a" k4 a3 m( s+ G6 ]
│      1-13 She Came In Through the Bathroo.m4a! _2 z- |, O' a# Y+ H
│      1-14 Golden Slumbers (2019 Mix).m4a
8 j+ p7 O3 p" m! ~│      1-15 Carry That Weight (2019 Mix).m4a! }+ A: A3 P7 |% z) s7 }8 |
│      1-16 The End (2019 Mix).m4a1 S3 N; n$ a0 y5 m+ n* O4 \2 m
│      1-17 Her Majesty (2019 Mix).m4a
: H8 h# @! n4 ~# k│      2-01 I Want You (She's So Heavy) [Tr.m4a
2 e  V% g3 O+ ?/ Q8 [. F+ o│      2-02 Goodbye (Home Demo).m4a
9 g+ x% L; f. M4 a│      2-03 Something (Studio Demo).m4a
# a, O" U5 z# n% p0 Y! a: W2 H. ^│      2-04 The Ballad of John and Yoko (Ta.m4a8 L  [3 T4 [$ @- A4 }, {& g
│      2-05 Old Brown Shoe (Take 2).m4a
- L0 W# B' [) j: g2 O: g│      2-06 Oh! Darling (Take 4).m4a0 S  M& e! L) o' V
│      2-07 Octopus's Garden (Take 9).m4a5 X! P2 q- R5 A+ W' G7 D9 e3 _
│      2-08 You Never Give Me Your Money (T.m4a
8 y/ ~' M- U) _1 E8 ^│      2-09 Her Majesty (Takes 1-3).m4a
' T( M2 W: b: a) `" |" ^( [3 _│      2-10 Golden Slumbers _ Carry That We.m4a  i8 k$ h9 G; H7 p/ c" |: ~
│      2-11 Here Comes the Sun (Take 9).m4a: Y1 W# Q* p7 _8 C
│      2-12 Maxwell's Silver Hammer (Take 1.m4a9 L! J9 W& j# F& t$ I0 P" \2 U" [
│      3-01 Come Together (Take 5).m4a
% ^9 ?4 s* f1 g# R* V( K% ~! E8 T0 @│      3-02 The End (Take 3).m4a
5 S' p  J- h% n! w│      3-03 Come and Get It (Studio Demo).m4a
* X6 f8 y+ N4 q; \# h│      3-04 Sun King (Take 20).m4a* Q3 C! X0 P' f7 Q
│      3-05 Mean Mr. Mustard (Take 20).m4a
7 V9 V  G' o4 Z. y. W0 g│      3-06 Polythene Pam (Take 27).m4a: `" u- \2 G, }, k3 `6 x  b2 s- [1 s8 N
│      3-07 She Came In Through the Bathroo.m4a0 G# m- v' P( M' @; g, T- L
│      3-08 Because (Take 1 _ Instrumental).m4a
4 B2 ?; v8 ?4 Q" L) k2 A* L8 ~│      3-09 The Long One (Comprising of _Yo.m4a6 q6 |6 \4 \4 @9 j
│      3-10 Something (Take 39 _ Instrument.m4a
) O6 Q, f' R) p( @' W│      3-11 Golden Slumbers _ Carry That We.m4a! d; s+ V1 C' y
3 c% ~; S7 O1 ^( g, l+ L├─2021 - Let It Be (2021 Mix)4 O- P2 z4 W, H" g# U4 y
│      01 Two of Us (2021 Mix).m4a7 M( _. Z5 b0 G6 T
│      02 Dig a Pony (2021 Mix).m4a2 T1 Z7 {% V8 J/ }4 b# j- B+ f9 j
│      03 Across the Universe (2021 Mix).m4a. z  a7 c& Y: C+ Q' D4 |
│      04 I Me Mine (2021 Mix).m4a
- B7 }; F+ ~! w) `; ]│      05 Dig It (2021 Mix).m4a+ u$ s% h1 ]$ B  O4 {; g4 Y+ f
│      06 Let It Be (2021 Mix).m4a
3 _3 g2 F% ~+ O6 s3 U( e3 R│      07 Maggie Mae (2021 Mix).m4a
/ n! D% a% o" v. b/ s│      08 I've Got a Feeling (2021 Mix).m4a
' z$ _, I( P' m- v0 n( j4 M* g' ?│      09 One After 909 (2021 Mix).m4a5 S$ [" {2 O3 C4 z- e- p% r8 a  d
│      10 The Long and Winding Road (2021 M.m4a& j& v% q* r7 ~# R( `' F
│      11 For You Blue (2021 Mix).m4a
  Y; L& f6 o+ q' w" I│      12 Get Back (2021 Mix).m4a/ M5 s3 n" n0 N# j. _8 }) d
│      % g2 j( i# m8 }9 r. L1 z* f* c
├─2021 - Let It Be (Super Deluxe)
% _4 }5 i$ d: [" [! n' C│      1-01 Two Of Us (2021 Mix).m4a' v4 ~: g$ x4 j$ ]+ j0 n$ k/ Q
│      1-02 Dig A Pony (2021 Mix).m4a
2 n/ f. j( c0 F4 r6 @│      1-03 Across The Universe (2021 Mix).m4a, V1 e5 [7 K  e2 t  x
│      1-04 I Me Mine (2021 Mix).m4a
) `% A/ u* `  {! g$ F5 u│      1-05 Dig It (2021 Mix).m4a
0 _3 I( Y( Y% y; _│      1-06 Let It Be (2021 Mix).m4a& ~" Z  ^: c6 g( n7 p- ], a
│      1-07 Maggie Mae (2021 Mix).m4a
# I  K5 V0 d8 ^; Q│      1-08 I've Got A Feeling (2021 Mix).m4a( @6 [  P8 u* o6 P- n8 G
│      1-09 One After 909 (2021 Mix).m4a. W; l" I6 l" O7 N$ z( E
│      1-10 The Long And Winding Road (2021.m4a8 t. s! R( k9 T9 L7 F6 X4 `
│      1-11 For You Blue (2021 Mix).m4a5 H! `7 t" H7 j* q  U  L- q
│      1-12 Get Back (2021 Mix).m4a
- D3 \6 i2 G& |7 P6 p- J│      2-01 Morning Camera _ Two Of Us (Tak.m4a5 G( d* Z+ W3 {8 j+ {/ i$ ^
│      2-02 Maggie Mae _ Fancy My Chances W.m4a& o$ {/ B( f* \6 N
│      2-03 Can You Dig It_.m4a1 A' ?9 [# z! f
│      2-04 I Don't Know Why I'm Moaning (S.m4a
5 E+ G( `/ u4 ?0 N) i. [& F│      2-05 For You Blue (Take 4).m4a
: [' S: s9 p' g6 n2 n│      2-06 Let It Be _ Please Please Me _.m4a
" M% e5 `7 O: u% P│      2-07 I_ve Got A Feeling (Take 10).m4a- v9 d- A4 Z3 o" ]+ Y: I
│      2-08 Dig A Pony (Take 14).m4a
' D# V7 C3 t6 {& l9 j│      2-09 Get Back (Take 19).m4a2 ?+ l/ F6 U' Q8 }$ J( K) j
│      2-10 Like Making An Album_ (Speech).m4a; f8 H5 W% j$ N5 w
│      2-11 One After 909 (Take 3).m4a& b: i: o: _, J3 G
│      2-12 Don_t Let Me Down (First Roofto.m4a
- Y% ?; L) r6 D│      2-13 The Long And Winding Road (Take.m4a
- H. A+ w, e/ D, G! t: K+ x& O│      2-14 Wake Up Little Susie _ I Me Min.m4a, f2 }5 E9 S# e$ n) p  k/ P
│      3-01 On The Day Shift Now _ All Thin.m4a+ c- `1 C/ V# _0 T/ o! _5 H8 E
│      3-02 Concentrate On The Sound (Mono).m4a
' e+ B6 b5 m1 _" T: K│      3-03 Gimme Some Truth (Rehearsal) [M.m4a' j6 ~% Z" S$ P
│      3-04 I Me Mine (Rehearsal) [Mono].m4a
5 ~; L% k, |. Z: v% F: b5 q│      3-05 She Came In Through The Bathroo.m4a
+ `$ A( O! m* ]3 g│      3-06 Polythene Pam (Rehearsal) [Mono.m4a9 Y  `- D( L3 R* D5 c6 }% d
│      3-07 Octopus_s Garden (Rehearsal) [M.m4a
1 o0 X% `" D1 Z# p* a3 ?│      3-08 Oh! Darling (Jam).m4a
6 g: j# i# B1 H- d! A4 L8 \│      3-09 Get Back (Take 8).m4a
+ `/ Y2 x* W: ~% p│      3-10 The Walk (Jam).m4a
6 A& Z! L, o6 v4 |│      3-11 Without A Song (Jam).m4a
# E/ `3 B2 f, h" X│      3-12 Something (Rehearsal) [Mono].m4a
, h9 s6 Y; }5 A( W2 B│      3-13 Let It Be (Take 28).m4a4 r- a, {7 v' c+ B  j
│      4-01 One After 909 (1969 Glyn Johns.m4a
# y: q1 Z6 G9 o│      4-02 Medley_ I_m Ready (aka Rocker).m4a" }3 S# Z$ b  `
│      4-03 Don't Let Me Down (1969 Glyn Jo.m4a
! Q/ T) ~9 ?/ d) P/ {6 s  G0 B│      4-04 Dig A Pony (1969 Glyn Johns Mix.m4a
( D3 q  w! a! n' g) x( U7 n1 g│      4-05 I've Got A Feeling (1969 Glyn J.m4a
% j0 N; a& N3 E3 I3 D& w; H7 l│      4-06 Get Back (1969 Glyn Johns Mix).m4a- o9 [. B0 f1 x2 d( j; i
│      4-07 For You Blue (1969 Glyn Johns M.m4a! u% V1 s$ `! m! e7 W' ^" N) K
│      4-08 Teddy Boy (1969 Glyn Johns Mix).m4a' }: c. N- a5 G+ _1 l$ D: R
│      4-09 Two Of Us (1969 Glyn Johns Mix).m4a
: y! f# ]) x! f) D│      4-10 Maggie Mae (1969 Glyn Johns Mix.m4a
  n" E2 Q; w' v$ ~; p) V9 V% @, g+ C│      4-11 Dig It (1969 Glyn Johns Mix).m4a+ y) l1 j/ H+ H/ i8 g) W; H
│      4-12 Let It Be (1969 Glyn Johns Mix).m4a
% l7 j/ A0 q5 e7 D, Q' n" z5 R│      4-13 The Long And Winding Road (1969.m4a
9 i6 u  i0 M0 G/ I│      4-14 Get Back (Reprise) [1969 Glyn J.m4a
2 Y/ F: c* P. ^( R│      5-01 Across The Universe (1970 Glyn.m4a7 y7 i2 w; h  ~4 F2 O) V: f
│      5-02 I Me Mine (1970 Glyn Johns Mix).m4a" M0 W) M0 D1 P& r) X8 r
│      5-03 Don_t Let Me Down (Single Versi.m4a
1 M! j4 @* R" W2 K│      5-04 Let It Be (Single Version) [202.m4a
# G$ H# O8 X. K$ L8 Y│        A( N5 D! N8 J2 p# K4 x
├─2022 - Revolver (2022 Mix)5 B) `$ \3 J$ n/ r0 s$ @; `
│      01 Taxman (2022 Mix).m4a: K+ D8 j+ r& S3 s
│      02 Eleanor Rigby (2022 Mix).m4a
) J& X: N& t6 j$ L│      03 I'm Only Sleeping (2022 Mix).m4a2 R0 F, k( H6 R
│      04 Love You To (2022 Mix).m4a4 g2 S/ W: q( U( i; P9 J) @
│      05 Here, There And Everywhere (2022.m4a5 ~9 a- U2 O2 _) ?- @/ \* X: Q7 \
│      06 Yellow Submarine (2022 Mix).m4a
' `8 e9 P" ?) N5 k│      07 She Said She Said (2022 Mix).m4a
  O. g. C" o* K  e/ Q) w│      08 Good Day Sunshine (2022 Mix).m4a9 w. L) m: |- f
│      09 And Your Bird Can Sing (2022 Mix).m4a
8 \4 O, N+ A3 c9 W- {) t6 S) y│      10 For No One (2022 Mix).m4a3 {8 `( Y( L* R5 B8 V
│      11 Doctor Robert (2022 Mix).m4a8 T9 L+ u* G. f
│      12 I Want To Tell You (2022 Mix).m4a6 J+ T/ A, z3 M1 ^; _$ O
│      13 Got To Get You Into My Life (2022.m4a
$ V3 Y2 q8 i& t5 k6 h│      14 Tomorrow Never Knows (2022 Mix).m4a6 K# V1 m; V8 Y. y
│      9 m# ?7 g% `6 a1 y6 t
├─2022 - Revolver (Super Deluxe)
6 c4 B' f! m% N. i5 t0 y│      1-01 Taxman (2022 Mix).m4a3 g$ `! Z+ N$ R3 b7 o
│      1-02 Eleanor Rigby (2022 Mix).m4a9 ^- J3 }+ a4 g+ H4 V: e" Q8 n
│      1-03 I'm Only Sleeping (2022 Mix).m4a
$ k6 M' z. e: T$ c, r# }; W│      1-04 Love You To (2022 Mix).m4a
, M, P( k- s: O" w# Z* x1 e% H# I8 l│      1-05 Here, There and Everywhere (202.m4a
! I9 g4 X# A0 V# _$ X│      1-06 Yellow Submarine (2022 Mix).m4a
* k+ S, s1 |# A4 a! ~* r! r/ B+ u│      1-07 She Said She Said (2022 Mix).m4a
! `0 n2 G3 E1 r) D! L* Y+ @, m│      1-08 Good Day Sunshine (2022 Mix).m4a
+ R% |! f/ I9 y+ J0 n0 O( v│      1-09 And Your Bird Can Sing (2022 Mi.m4a
$ n" n, z5 }, z$ J$ R' {7 h│      1-10 For No One (2022 Mix).m4a$ q. J8 x4 V( D, ]. q6 J# W
│      1-11 Doctor Robert (2022 Mix).m4a
5 t. L/ P1 U, b$ `! y│      1-12 I Want to Tell You (2022 Mix).m4a
3 ~# b& Q4 M+ A& q- V│      1-13 Got to Get You Into My Life (20.m4a$ t  R' t. \, U- o9 G
│      1-14 Tomorrow Never Knows (2022 Mix).m4a
; h# T* p" O; G9 T2 u  b│      2-01 Tomorrow Never Knows (Take 1).m4a
6 t! W+ J1 q7 B' Q( {  O- h6 n. |│      2-02 Tomorrow Never Knows (Mono Mix.m4a
4 `2 }. n8 U+ B; q│      2-03 Got to Get You Into My Life (Fi.m4a
, S4 b! M6 g3 V( k6 ]5 |│      2-04 Got to Get You Into My Life (Se.m4a
7 L( T- @- [3 g1 W│      2-05 Got to Get You Into My Life (Se.m4a
9 V4 J4 H4 q  g3 W+ H# x. {8 s│      2-06 Love You To (Take 1).m4a
. s) y8 Y' f1 r) ]│      2-07 Love You To (Unnumbered Rehears.m4a' q4 d' T4 h; [+ M$ @; r/ d) v
│      2-08 Love You To (Take 7).m4a
4 ?" ]1 h# ]9 C# B1 ?│      2-09 Paperback Writer (Takes 1 & 2 _.m4a
0 }; b' J6 U4 y" @9 X4 I- ]2 D0 s│      2-10 Rain (Take 5 _ Actual Speed).m4a
1 v" v% t2 [5 `% v$ B│      2-11 Rain (Take 5 _ Slowed Down for.m4a
% b* q0 m7 ^* ]3 _# T* v│      2-12 Doctor Robert (Take 7).m4a
# s, M  C" ^7 q! t% @  I│      2-13 And Your Bird Can Sing (First V.m4a6 ^& q( L0 _) q' {) Y7 c% U
│      2-14 And Your Bird Can Sing (First V.m4a/ `% a6 g/ x% \% r& v
│      3-01 And Your Bird Can Sing (Second.m4a
! A. ~6 l# ^5 J& I% ?/ r│      3-02 Taxman (Take 11).m4a( p' ?. \% o6 u5 K" A+ q* ?  \3 {
│      3-03 I_m Only Sleeping (Rehearsal Fr.m4a
/ K6 E, O, b2 f# {+ V' Y│      3-04 I_m Only Sleeping (Take 2).m4a  E' d( |# k3 p9 o1 T  r: }' ~
│      3-05 I_m Only Sleeping (Take 5).m4a
5 H4 f! W# W6 v* T- s│      3-06 I_m Only Sleeping (Mono Mix RM1.m4a
4 [5 a5 x% u' t- U6 J. H6 L0 o6 C- G$ _│      3-07 Eleanor Rigby (Speech Before Ta.m4a
2 |( {& O2 H! }& E│      3-08 Eleanor Rigby (Take 2).m4a, J0 R& \# k' P) l7 D( b. Q4 w/ ~
│      3-09 For No One (Take 10 _ Backing T.m4a( Q. ?8 n! C. m: o9 ?/ f
│      3-10 Yellow Submarine (Songwriting W.m4a3 W4 \- G- ]6 k" i
│      3-11 Yellow Submarine (Songwriting W.m4a' o2 ]$ l# I6 l, B0 D
│      3-12 Yellow Submarine (Take 4 Before.m4a1 I: |3 `' E# h, m5 {, ]
│      3-13 Yellow Submarine (Highlighted S.m4a, G' ~2 R* `, d2 d. u
│      3-14 I Want to Tell You (Speech & Ta.m4a
( Q& M9 G- [# m9 [│      3-15 Here, There and Everywhere (Tak.m4a0 c/ S" i0 t5 x, i# U7 J' b
│      3-16 She Said She Said (John's Demo).m4a
+ W$ G0 l; F5 s│      3-17 She Said She Said (Take 15 _ Ba.m4a: `# h( ?! d0 Y: c# _6 I7 K0 p
│      4-01 Taxman (Mono).m4a6 @# J2 T# g& Q8 G& v
│      4-02 Eleanor Rigby (Mono).m4a
: e' |: P: \4 ~! Q+ _" A; b5 j│      4-03 I'm Only Sleeping (Mono).m4a8 x$ X/ R* N/ [: ]8 A
│      4-04 Love You To (Mono).m4a# R8 A9 v" k  T3 i1 ?+ Y% z% b& L( q
│      4-05 Here, There and Everywhere (Mon.m4a( N+ V, F' H# S: l3 h) ^4 [, c
│      4-06 Yellow Submarine (Mono).m4a7 I9 @6 ?8 `) D. @0 ]. l
│      4-07 She Said She Said (Mono).m4a  V5 r/ J  n- F- H
│      4-08 Good Day Sunshine (Mono).m4a. j7 ~! P3 b, {. d# c5 P: ^
│      4-09 And Your Bird Can Sing (Mono).m4a
* l. d/ ~4 w) x# |: `  W/ ?│      4-10 For No One (Mono).m4a
# }# R9 i8 w$ }7 ~3 C7 p4 q/ S│      4-11 Doctor Robert (Mono).m4a
6 |0 J  s7 n6 D+ m. d3 M1 o│      4-12 I Want to Tell You (Mono).m4a; ^8 T4 H: ]  t  T" ~
│      4-13 Got to Get You Into My Life (Mo.m4a
( P; n7 E5 @$ t; S: N9 _: t  J( o' D│      4-14 Tomorrow Never Knows (Mono).m4a: y0 z$ r! \0 W. e& A
│      5-01 Paperback Writer (2022 Stereo M.m4a( o% y4 A+ ]# R. ?' P
│      5-02 Rain (2022 Stereo Mix).m4a/ U" c, E# j5 L2 R! Y! Q. U
│      5-03 Paperback Writer (Mono).m4a, A# b8 [6 K* C) b$ E2 ^7 ]
│      5-04 Rain (Mono).m4a/ }7 l5 M% N4 K2 N4 n  t4 O2 K
│      , j9 ]8 Z7 K& Y3 F6 r
├─2022 - Revolver Sessions - Single
7 q& n7 n1 s1 }% X│      01 Got To Get You Into My Life (Seco.m4a7 }4 d: n3 I0 x3 p: R5 P
│      02 Yellow Submarine (Songwriting Wor.m4a
8 _+ D& N0 X) u│      
) b* A# p& }* b, U7 y( u) q6 F0 m├─2023 - Now And Then - Single
* _( o" |' k: {. Q2 O│      01 Now And Then.m4a
2 ~# z. `( ~* _│      02 Love Me Do (2023 Mix).m4a
7 b4 g4 c) E  I4 F: ]# q, _3 b! }- e│      03 Now And Then - The Last Beatles S.m4v4 I% @( p! C, Z8 l6 W! E  M
│      Now And Then (1080p HD).m4v
3 k! J* W. U$ c7 u│      
& D) S% W, ~3 a├─2023 - The Beatles 1962–1966 (2023 Edition) [The Red Album]
" S9 T7 d9 c7 q│      1-01 Love Me Do (2023 Mix).m4a
  p. @0 c+ s' W* Q1 t$ [2 }' l│      1-02 Please Please Me (2023 Mix).m4a
: @! N9 w1 D* Y3 v2 Y6 \  x│      1-03 I Saw Her Standing There (2023.m4a! b7 d0 B. [' n7 W/ b: l
│      1-04 Twist and Shout (2023 Mix).m4a+ x7 s% j% X4 j+ t8 V7 @! R8 L8 c
│      1-05 From Me to You (2023 Mix).m4a
* ~$ u4 o  V2 w- i7 R│      1-06 She Loves You (2023 Mix).m4a/ `! ^$ G& ]1 g) X4 J6 }: F
│      1-07 I Want to Hold Your Hand (2023.m4a2 H2 v) C" |6 @& ]- p0 A
│      1-08 This Boy (2023 Mix).m4a$ T. K) w. y; B9 l! C+ a8 x+ b
│      1-09 All My Loving (2023 Mix).m4a' O/ ?" o  t1 n* Q
│      1-10 Roll Over Beethoven (2023 Mix).m4a
% K% k( T8 l' x7 {8 a, {+ `1 J│      1-11 You Really Got a Hold On Me (20.m4a9 r% U! S; Y! e8 ]1 e
│      1-12 Can't Buy Me Love (2023 Mix).m4a2 Y  s6 \/ {) U1 x; w6 n
│      1-13 You Can't Do That (2023 Mix).m4a
' e5 g0 V: r4 z7 O│      1-14 A Hard Day's Night (2023 Mix).m4a
, D. s& t  |7 y# S│      1-15 And I Love Her (2023 Mix).m4a
1 k) ^$ R3 V6 O5 F# E, r! j1 a9 V│      1-16 Eight Days a Week (2023 Mix).m4a1 n- Y7 ]4 |; }; q2 O6 p
│      1-17 I Feel Fine (2023 Mix).m4a
  a' E2 x+ }. j. g, X: X│      1-18 Ticket to Ride (2023 Mix).m4a
  e% t1 B! w7 O6 ]│      1-19 Yesterday (2023 Mix).m4a
: g0 j4 L* q9 F7 ^+ A( A│      2-01 Help! (2023 Mix).m4a, v' X4 U' i% |$ B' `1 V
│      2-02 You've Got to Hide Your Love Aw.m4a8 d* |5 h8 ]' b) Q
│      2-03 We Can Work It Out (2023 Mix).m4a. L! I8 ^/ K$ Q% X
│      2-04 Day Tripper (2023 Mix).m4a
, K9 N4 K3 u  {: i8 W# @│      2-05 Drive My Car (2023 Mix).m4a5 B) v! ^! B0 m) k1 V
│      2-06 Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has F.m4a
0 U3 g3 @  A. G/ c0 y* [+ C│      2-07 Nowhere Man (2023 Mix).m4a
& I$ |/ v( `4 t9 g. \4 \│      2-08 Michelle (2023 Mix).m4a4 d8 i2 ?4 N  R) a+ M" E  J0 o
│      2-09 In My Life (2023 Mix).m4a
/ ^, Q7 x! G& b( n) S+ m# E. S│      2-10 If I Needed Someone (2023 Mix).m4a
* a" @6 j" x; \4 E: r│      2-11 Girl (2023 Mix).m4a5 r( I; C' v$ d; q
│      2-12 Paperback Writer (2022 Mix).m4a
: H2 N  A# ~. U, u5 f│      2-13 Eleanor Rigby (2022 Mix).m4a
/ J+ H, R, v; P9 [/ I' q9 V% U│      2-14 Yellow Submarine (2022 Mix).m4a
5 ?+ s9 g" q, O: Q9 F│      2-15 Taxman (2022 Mix).m4a8 |8 p& o1 P, w! w+ r0 O
│      2-16 Got to Get You Into My Life (20.m4a/ Q/ n4 R: p1 b) A6 l! E
│      2-17 I'm Only Sleeping (2022 Mix).m4a
7 P; q! D( K/ T1 `( ]. d│      2-18 Here, There and Everywhere (202.m4a
' v% K. E1 R4 O4 \. W│      2-19 Tomorrow Never Knows (2022 Mix).m4a2 y. U1 y# F& a; e; _# ~& E9 S
8 i+ m! ]5 i, l% t, F. E. f└─2023 - The Beatles 1967–1970 (2023 Edition) [The Blue Album]3 U* J1 m& R, x% R
        1-01 Strawberry Fields Forever (2015.m4a
  F( c) d' h8 N1 d. i/ i        1-02 Penny Lane (2017 Mix).m4a3 X. x2 H8 j9 h! G& W2 r: x
        1-03 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Clu.m4a
9 s9 S: j: e6 t        1-04 With a Little Help From My Frie.m4a
5 o1 C) m* c# N7 W        1-05 Lucy In the Sky with Diamonds (.m4a6 I# v' \$ J8 U
        1-06 Within You Without You (2017 Mi.m4a
; Y1 Q% }/ p" `2 }. B/ r        1-07 A Day In the Life (2017 Mix).m4a
4 n# H8 Q% p5 Q! l+ |        1-08 All You Need Is Love (2015 Mix).m4a% N5 Y5 b$ E0 S  d
        1-09 I Am the Walrus (2023 Mix).m4a9 i4 {5 r% B% n6 E7 f5 y9 {* q
        1-10 Hello, Goodbye (2015 Mix).m4a+ ]8 u* E7 a- m9 B3 m
        1-11 The Fool On the Hill (2023 Mix).m4a8 z( s" k1 d! [5 x7 C
        1-12 Magical Mystery Tour (2023 Mix).m4a  u# R  i( F( C: F; \
        1-13 Lady Madonna (2015 Mix).m4a- o" w5 K. ?6 j* o5 f' U
        1-14 Hey Jude (2015 Mix).m4a
, K* A6 g) y& ]& i4 O        1-15 Revolution (2023 Mix).m4a/ z- A% t9 I& ^+ d0 B# P$ l
        2-01 Back In the U.S.S.R. (2018 Mix).m4a
" T6 s2 s- B" o' |        2-02 Dear Prudence (2018 Mix).m4a
: q* H- M1 x, O" X, k/ _* j        2-03 While My Guitar Gently Weeps (2.m4a! y, J# k! D4 |
        2-04 Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da (2018 Mix).m4a) t2 v  B* V+ \- c, H
        2-05 Glass Onion (2018 Mix).m4a7 o% b6 i8 P" ~
        2-06 Blackbird (2018 Mix).m4a+ @4 q3 I  H' r9 J1 J! o  E
        2-07 Hey Bulldog (2023 Mix).m4a5 k! Z6 s9 I! d% C1 E5 N3 r9 ]: d- U
        2-08 Get Back (2015 Mix).m4a5 X7 V  Q  n9 h) W" W0 R/ k
        2-09 Don_t Let Me Down (2021 Mix).m4a1 @2 h* c, x/ w3 p: J
        2-10 The Ballad of John and Yoko (20.m4a
. }( [! u& l8 w! S0 q4 {        2-11 Old Brown Shoe (2023 Mix).m4a
$ n) C" j: C2 f3 z  V: K3 E        2-12 Here Comes the Sun (2019 Mix).m4a
1 {6 d" {  C( l( D1 c( v2 f) `        2-13 Come Together (2019 Mix).m4a# O: q$ \/ X9 I) v3 J
        2-14 Something (2019 Mix).m4a
" h/ J; v' `. j2 z9 H        2-15 Octopus's Garden (2019 Mix).m4a7 ?& k7 r; S- G3 h: ^
        2-16 Oh! Darling (2019 Mix).m4a) K' W: a* `' D2 A2 @2 b
        2-17 I Want You (She's So Heavy) [20.m4a1 |  _* }. ~8 D9 P! d
        2-18 Let It Be (2021 Mix).m4a
  g3 ~8 M: }" |& S) @" n& ?+ a        2-19 Across the Universe (2021 Mix).m4a
7 _0 N- E1 c  Q% L        2-20 I Me Mine (2021 Mix).m4a
6 b* l, o9 w& K# e( K& r& W        2-21 The Long and Winding Road (2021.m4a
! i2 c' g2 Q: S8 t        2-22 Now and Then.m4a+ H: b% y2 Q1 Z3 i( ]1 |
( W0 O! c8 N4 W$ j0 s& D$ w
9 a6 Z. M: d+ s4 W        
# B& p5 K% p2 @2 Z3 t% q% G5 Q& K

3 _8 M/ r5 \/ T) [
% s8 C( o0 s4 f  d+ U
; w3 j, ]  I# y0 |& a- E

& {! a, K4 o2 L  g% k: f' }, n% x

7 P( u7 i+ P7 U  l" C

8 y4 G' E; ]# N! e
发表于 2020-1-3 22:48:57 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2020-1-9 22:10:45 | 显示全部楼层
Essential collection!!
发表于 2020-2-9 23:39:08 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2020-4-2 19:03:56 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2020-5-23 00:45:28 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2020-6-21 01:07:09 | 显示全部楼层
So good thanks
发表于 2020-6-22 09:18:02 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2020-10-16 09:56:58 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2020-11-4 05:07:41 | 显示全部楼层


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