


Various Artists - 《100 Greatest Film Themes》[iTunes Plus AAC][百度盘]

发表于 2019-11-27 18:07:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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  ?9 ~7 M4 [  r/ Q+ H4 v; \7 J0 k) g
. h( D9 i: o  g& {! w$ |0 u2 r
    1-01 20th Century Fox Fanfare and Ci.m4a
3 r: h( X- P$ D6 k    1-02 Tara's Theme (From _Gone With t.m4a
. v" l# @3 D/ j) w2 F, X    1-03 As Time Goes By (From _Casablan.m4a
) O* z( |$ S' T7 g8 x  X    1-04 The Harry Lime Theme (From _The.m4a
  r9 c5 M( O) N* c' n2 G# l    1-05 Do Not Forsake Me Oh My Darlin'.m4a
3 J/ S% P7 b5 T* u1 p3 n    1-06 The Dambusters.m4a
- z$ H9 O% n( X2 W+ |( m    1-07 Main Theme (From _The Man With.m4a& O! e, \- u/ ^+ \' g" s$ b* }
    1-08 Around the World In 80 Days.m4a; W! ]: V# b+ d. X4 ?
    1-09 Colonel Bogey (From _The Bridge.m4a
, ?0 C0 k" Y% B' l    1-10 The Big Country.m4a% \! J6 R( F4 N# ]1 [
    1-11 North By Northwest.m4a
$ j2 F9 |- \8 V! x% C  r; w    1-12 Parade of the Charioteers (From.m4a
* N& b0 V3 ~" J' ]& F8 T    1-13 Young Love (From _A Summer Plac.m4a, e/ [7 ~5 s% A, g& t; v$ ^# \  f3 n
    1-14 The Magnificent Seven.m4a4 P( l4 v& W$ a- @: A3 m
    1-15 Main Theme _ Murder (From _Psyc.m4a
' r" L- E' T2 E5 G. |% U    1-16 Overture (From _Exodus_).m4a
$ w. Z- @3 {  T8 ~) f1 c- K    1-17 Moon River (From _Breakfast At.m4a1 `& v" A  o2 c
    2-01 Overture (From _Lawrence of Ara.m4a
/ p' D) E. p8 b! d" L    2-02 Baby Elephant Walk (From _Hatar.m4a
0 y5 m/ ]6 q6 k2 ]    2-03 The James Bond Theme (JB7) [Fro.m4a& p, {% G; B( }- G0 r
    2-04 The Pink Panther.m4a$ ]6 r8 x$ p! A% {$ W
    2-05 The Great Escape.m4a
  L3 p! E7 w% H3 H7 ~    2-06 633 Squadron.m4a
5 Y2 K% Y% P" U    2-07 Zorba's Dance (From _Zorba the.m4a6 }4 M& H7 `$ \  e( m  b  g, }! F& x
    2-08 Lara's Theme (From _Doctor Zhiv.m4a9 F/ ~6 J! D5 V, \! c2 A
    2-09 Born Free.m4a; B- b- T0 I* Y; N1 F" ?* ~8 ?
    2-10 Main Title (From _The Good, the.m4a) D5 k! ^% t  I+ R
    2-11 Casino Royale.m4a
( L0 M! ?9 r, t1 r    2-12 The Windmills of Your Mind (Fro.m4a
. `% P" V# g/ a" Z; ~. S    2-13 Main Theme (From _Bullitt_).m4a
# [/ T1 X! j; h1 |8 U$ Y$ T+ y# E    2-14 Love Theme (From _Romeo and Jul.m4a. u2 g2 j1 d; S% X* C3 o
    2-15 Also Sprach Zarathustra (From _.m4a; z" V% T. H: P9 Y- w
    2-16 Twisted Nerve Main Theme.m4a! @  U5 C: `. d
    3-01 Jill's Theme (From _Once Upon a.m4a
4 p" P9 F- o6 _( {    3-02 Midnight Cowboy.m4a
+ y4 C" @. A" w9 L# M    3-03 Raindrops Keep Fallin' On My He.m4a8 e6 _& z, Z4 @& J1 [. Z
    3-04 Love Story (Instrumental) [From.m4a
3 l- K  Z3 ?, s. R- W! \' H, D& z    3-05 Dirty Harry.m4a" [  a/ @  b: w9 L" o$ u$ i
    3-06 Summer of '42.m4a
$ ~! `3 b8 U+ P" z9 L3 U. `4 t! ?    3-07 Speak Softly Love (From _The Go.m4a1 \" @* U$ z4 a% B$ {
    3-08 Dueling Banjos (From _Deliveran.m4a8 K: Q$ t, }9 A1 r3 T& l( P& G
    3-09 Tubular Bells (From _The Exorci.m4a, Y/ z5 }1 Q( p% K. W5 t2 G8 S
    3-10 Jaws.m4a
  G9 ]1 D3 w8 t, R. P, C    3-11 Sarabande (From _Barry Lyndon_).m4a
/ t* G) _, K1 {7 i) T' F    3-12 Taxi Driver.m4a3 K6 Z) `, o6 G* q3 ?
    3-13 Gonna Fly Now (Vocal) [From _Ro.m4a: i' ^/ V$ Q$ {8 h& @! s4 @+ y) O
    3-14 Star Wars_ A New Hope.m4a
' \3 |6 z& t9 X: j; j    3-15 The Conversation Begins _ Main.m4a
0 F8 N9 t3 u& q  l" G9 e, R    3-16 Cavatina (From _The Deer Hunter.m4a' G% I9 ^: r. W% |1 x. H
    3-17 Superman.m4a/ U4 N  D# ^' r% R
    4-01 End Titles (From _Star Trek_ Th.m4a1 k" Z1 P1 B, c- ~  V, z# Y# [
    4-02 Somewhere In Time.m4a
, C- C* J! a, n/ M1 E    4-03 Chariots of Fire.m4a$ W) D% J+ }0 T9 C+ T; A8 o
    4-04 The Raiders March (From _Raider.m4a
; g' z, W, Z7 P, N# E    4-05 Bicycle Chase & End Credits (Fr.m4a
1 y1 {& X- i9 p) r/ e2 W3 a! f. n" e    4-06 Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence.m4a) E, w9 v8 K9 F' b
    4-07 The Natural.m4a
6 W) u7 O9 E$ Q1 W' J; Q! S    4-08 Deborah's Theme (From _Once Upo.m4a6 p8 {) g* l+ X. f4 o7 \1 ?
    4-09 Main Theme (From _Back to the F.m4a- l- p6 [. L) ~; y+ T
    4-10 Out of Africa.m4a
. u& c% s+ D" Z, x    4-11 Jean de Florette.m4a$ k; P' E& W/ ~5 H0 d: I
    4-12 Gabriel_s Oboe (From _The Missi.m4a
( F) }( ?2 i2 j  `0 m- N, r# ?    4-13 Love Theme (From _Cinema Paradi.m4a1 T" Z+ x# H" K/ {) T, j
    4-14 Batman.m4a
0 w- P2 d, ~9 Y, S! |1 k/ R( k2 f    4-15 The John Dunbar Theme (From _Da.m4a
) w( [- h  O3 n2 L' L2 D  M    4-16 Main Title (From _Edward Scisso.m4a% j+ N- @; V. p1 g
    5-01 Unchained Melody (From _Ghost_).m4a
$ \0 I* k1 ?# h: E! R    5-02 Robin Hood_ Prince of Thieves.m4a
3 ?4 J$ V9 M4 o8 e$ _$ o+ |    5-03 1492_ Conquest of Paradise.m4a
, }" c" ^  S9 ^) D# s    5-04 The Last of the Mohicans.m4a
- W* w# k8 }; ^    5-05 Jurassic Park Suite.m4a9 @; l1 x7 @3 ^/ J" p' e8 l
    5-06 You're So Cool (From _True Roma.m4a) D$ V, S/ t  I9 n: B/ c) D8 d/ v
    5-07 The Heart Asks Pleasure First (.m4a
7 E- u/ |& C& m' E- W/ N4 J; S    5-08 Schindler's List (Orchestral Ve.m4a, x$ x+ X5 K% W& F& w& F6 s
    5-09 Il Postino.m4a
  C( E5 A$ e$ l9 z. \  Y4 B    5-10 End Titles (From _The Shawshank.m4a
7 R/ }/ Q/ y+ W0 r/ A: d    5-11 End Titles (From _Braveheart_).m4a" B* T+ ?& k+ G' X  K8 l% n
    5-12 The Balcony Scene (From _Willia.m4a$ p* {5 T, }; L& |4 |6 H
    5-13 As Far As Florence _ Rupert Bea.m4a
) T- q" a/ L. \; _: k1 ~9 h5 C    5-14 Main Themes (From _Dragonheart_.m4a! f4 e6 Q( Y  }. F
    5-15 Main Title (From _Air Force One.m4a8 C2 n) O& F0 Q* s. U
    5-16 My Heart Will Go On - Instrumen.m4a6 K2 f7 Y* h1 X  Y. W
    5-17 Hymn to the Fallen (From _Savin.m4a
: h" a& \2 {0 I# p  F    6-01 Waltz No. 2 from Jazz Suite No..m4a
) t. _" ^, O3 {% |2 N' y0 T2 r7 x    6-02 Any Other Name (From _American.m4a' L7 [/ i# W- C. [, v% Q6 U1 V
    6-03 Duel of the Fates (From _Star W.m4a/ S# `7 g2 s+ a! _& y; ^6 ~
    6-04 Now We Are Free (Vocal) [From _.m4a
, H! I' {3 V* _. _) |    6-05 The Fellowship (From _The Lord.m4a
8 X6 Z" b" Q  ^" c    6-06 Hedwig's Theme (From _Harry Pot.m4a0 b" h2 P1 _% `. c2 {; ^8 Y% t
    6-07 Main Theme (From _Spiderman_).m4a
# n0 k+ A! f+ [& s$ q& n1 L. d    6-08 Pirates of the Caribbean_ The C.m4a, p) ]" h% y$ q  ]  w
    6-09 Griet's Theme (From _The Girl W.m4a
; i( T6 n9 |3 u5 o: [    6-10 Les Choristes.m4a
3 Q( k) k$ I, O2 J6 s/ y4 p1 w4 i    6-11 Resurrection (From _Passion of.m4a
1 s& ~6 ?! r6 _  T# n    6-12 Sayuri's Theme & End Credits (F.m4a
6 x: Y, k% Y. M8 t; n5 z    6-13 Prayer for Peace (From _Munich_.m4a
4 p* _  ~8 s# x1 k    6-14 Only the Beginning of the Adven.m4a
0 d" {$ e* C& Q( a+ X    6-15 Theme and Chase (From _Wallace.m4a
2 z' E+ A* P5 t    6-16 Brokeback Mountain Suite.m4a" j2 u3 z- P6 l( X
    6-17 Chevaliers de Sangreal (From _T.m4a) i* B7 A+ n/ a4 j( _9 t3 i. B

- w: E1 b. n3 E9 {$ y& y& v/ N1 o# C# |6 k$ \0 H
  f  A5 h3 H9 x# d9 N0 ?# [# ?
) T; ^+ B1 p& G* m

4 q% k7 I: }# F! ]7 X! G+ U/ u/ }1 h/ X
% ]+ S% e- f8 M$ s+ v6 d

) }) r+ c1 y9 Q; I9 V: U
发表于 2019-11-29 16:54:11 | 显示全部楼层
这个 好像不错
发表于 2022-10-4 23:43:30 | 显示全部楼层
这个 好像不错
发表于 2024-1-12 22:03:06 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2024-8-16 00:42:45 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2024-10-21 03:12:56 | 显示全部楼层
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