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8 `0 L! z& o7 i7 V' {# c9 y7 ]5 y! U4 y4 V; F4 x( g) j, t; z- n; }
" H# g+ K" U2 c/ ~: ?介绍: 是育碧游戏公司出的一个很有史诗(背景:西方文艺复兴)感觉的第三人称刺客游戏。2 ^9 n0 ~. z! i: g2 E
* O [. }& s5 X0 M0 t3 `9 H, n0 {
其中刺客信条一共有四条,前三条是原型,分别是:+ V. p* B/ H# q6 w( \! w& f+ w+ E
/ R8 Q* K. G4 X/ |; w2、伤害无辜的人 x5 f: a, v$ e) F: }
3、不暴露身份! m7 G+ Q* E4 y- z. b1 ]) L; l
) M; j5 W* M' Z% B而我们玩家经常做不到第二点(非目标外地卫兵)和第三点此外还在最后还有一条精华,就是“万事皆虚万事皆允”(Nothing is true ,everything is permitted)前半句意思是说:相信自己所做的不轻易信从别人万事主要靠自己决定而后半句比较难以理解,其实意思就是说:字面理解就是身为刺客,做什么都是允许的(有点为所欲为的味道),但实际上是因为人民对于我们的刺客的不了解,要知道在游戏中,平民都是被假象所蒙蔽的,在他们眼里,刺客就是杀人不眨眼的恶魔罢了,有点像中国古代的起义者。
7 p9 k. W! ^% ~% q
' K* a+ }7 g* B* ]# @游戏按照正确的顺序是刺客1、2、兄弟会、启示录、3、解放、4黑旗、叛变、大革命...加上DLC,3代有暴君华盛顿,4代有自由呐喊,外加上一个编年史中国就齐全了。0 e. N1 Z* S& @+ D
如果你英文不好可以从2开始玩,玩到启示录回去玩个1..." M5 m! o. q* L k, l" U
9 N; ?3 a9 m3 S9 W" R6 P$ N育碧游戏公司还有一款衍生自其人气游戏品牌《刺客信条》系列的新作《刺客信条:海盗》(Assassin'sCreedPirates)《刺客信条:海盗》主要讲述了年轻的海盗船长AlonzoBatilia在加勒比海上为财富而战并就此卷入刺客联盟与圣堂武士之间的纷争。+ _- K: g2 c7 B
8 W7 c: n5 e6 X* L+ r
0 K5 w1 u, _! A1 d& ?
4 u) C5 b' [; S q0 K# {《刺客信条》游戏采用最强3D写实画面技术,为你带来绝美的视觉盛宴,与精锐战船决斗,开启纯正的海战厮杀,铸真正的海盗传奇。
' C# g0 Q* X. k* r+ \; r& G% u8 s9 {8 C$ N5 v: O
0 x- b- h/ n" ?
4 D! B/ ]/ {( k& L& B
├─01 - Assassin's Creed by Jesper Kyd - Score (2007) [AAC]
3 d( X8 h& _, V% w! i│ 01 City of Jerusalem.m4a* G8 m6 ]% l @
│ 02 Flight Through Jerusalem.m4a. V( R( ^# s9 w* K
│ 03 Spirit of Damascus.m4a" g; w6 b$ x4 ?
│ 04 Trouble in Jerusalem.m4a, f2 x( O7 `. ^- Q i4 \5 p
│ 05 Acre Underworld.m4a
. H3 J2 k2 i6 y5 c# X│ 06 Access the Animus.m4a6 K a9 g' B7 k, g" x% r+ y
│ 07 Dunes of Death.m4a
4 G! J0 m. d8 l1 U1 m│ 08 Masyaf in Danger.m4a3 {$ E1 v7 M/ F1 ?2 }- [
│ 09 Meditation Begins.m4a) S) d! N7 _$ t+ E# y
│ 10 Meditation of the Assassin.m4a( @0 d' k* N+ d
│ 11 The Bureau.m4a
& v* T, c" x$ _6 v" M( i ?; E│ front.jpg
# n' L. r. u5 A. M+ F/ z7 T: D│ ' T5 J$ l2 o7 s
├─02 - Assassin's Creed II by Jesper Kyd - Score (2009) [AAC]
# O s2 h7 ]7 `6 Q& P│ 1-01 Earth.m4a+ D6 A8 N+ _1 |- i* k1 h
│ 1-02 Venice Rooftops.m4a
$ V) k. j) ]7 @2 ~│ 1-03 Ezio's Family.m4a
w5 i- _" _8 L v6 I+ w' s│ 1-04 Florence Tarantella.m4a
: F g" B" @/ u9 C. `8 U3 Y│ 1-05 Home in Florence.m4a, i! {3 p8 z6 m+ a8 o
│ 1-06 Approaching Target 1.m4a
# e: k8 y+ D* z/ R. {3 [8 O: h│ 1-07 Approaching Target 2.m4a5 E0 u9 G1 W+ X+ N& N
│ 1-08 Venice Fight.m4a& {4 e5 n% ^" }/ l+ q7 h! N
│ 1-09 Florence Escape.m4a8 D9 t# t0 m" C! n
│ 1-10 Tour of Venice.m4a% d! X8 u" ^* u; f1 `, J! V
│ 1-11 Flight Over Venice 1.m4a
' F3 W O; R$ `* i5 U" N# _│ 1-12 Back in Venice.m4a
# h* |# U: {9 B4 ^9 g' q│ 1-13 Dreams of Venice.m4a5 ~; ?& ` B! T. {) @
│ 1-14 Home of the Brotherhood.m4a' D2 o7 z% P7 d: ?' y' j) {
│ 1-15 Leonardo's Inventions, Pt. 1.m4a9 y' D) ~6 e' i
│ 1-16 Venice Combat Low.m4a9 E; b) R4 N0 e, y; |
│ 1-17 Venice Escape.m4a1 Z$ w6 {& c# d4 G$ r
│ 2-01 Darkness Falls in Florence.m4a
5 A5 ?' ?. |' u5 `* R* C/ b, P│ 2-02 Sanctuary.m4a6 [/ m) Z+ d2 j# G2 H1 m0 X/ H. j
│ 2-03 The Madam.m4a
+ O3 J( v4 {% r8 f. r* v2 d' f7 h│ 2-04 Approaching Target 3.m4a
" o5 i& f" Y; J0 I$ D│ 2-05 Flight Over Venice 2.m4a) U1 o$ a: Z' H8 V
│ 2-06 Ezio in Florence.m4a
7 ?# `! ~; [% _" ]* ~7 x1 E% j│ 2-07 Venice Industry.m4a
0 N- y4 {5 \1 L0 B- m% \│ 2-08 Stealth.m4a. B0 l8 k* B8 P& J4 s5 O
│ 2-09 Venice Combat.m4a! e5 c b) R) F; s& c$ l; ?- Z3 H
│ 2-10 Notorious.m4a
, D6 [; A J" p% z│ 2-11 Night Mission in Venice.m4a" A8 s) \ I& C7 l/ N& n
│ 2-12 Chariot Chase.m4a# j# f0 y7 G0 d: r/ U1 k) @8 x
│ 2-13 The Plague.m4a9 D. A8 |- Z7 m4 k# I
│ 2-14 Wetlands Combat.m4a
9 Z. w" |) {; K5 w' x& _│ 2-15 Wetlands Escape.m4a
9 d+ F( X! g% x# v! e- @, W4 o' R* @│ 2-16 Leonardo's Inventions, Pt. 2.m4a4 V( S. q2 |+ a
│ 2-17 Hideout.m4a
( S" T1 {" f, q K- w$ Z% R│ 2-18 The Animus 2.0.m4a
- q* ~. `( p; N! P" n$ P│ front.jpg, Z& w' L5 i( Z
0 c7 O- n( g, N3 Y" A├─03 - Assassin's Creed - Brotherhood by Jesper Kyd - Score (2010) [AAC]
8 O) F: Y0 r3 ]│ 01 Master Assassin.m4a0 j: o! b, b. N4 P
│ 02 City of Rome.m4a; {% X5 U3 \8 _. u& M2 ~4 t
│ 03 Cesare Borgia.m4a% B/ @/ u) o0 b% e
│ 04 Flags of Rome.m4a: V8 d! n: \+ j* E$ y8 m; M' B% S- K1 }
│ 05 The Brotherhood Escapes.m4a! u' l0 }9 o0 X0 c; [) `
│ 06 Brotherhood of the Assassins.m4a. i4 d+ C* f" H7 r) h7 A
│ 07 The Pantheon.m4a
3 n- v! u0 f/ @8 C) F│ 08 Villa Under Attack.m4a5 ?! _0 h7 l. F! Z2 l4 w% _1 R
│ 09 Echoes of the Roman Ruins.m4a
/ U! L3 S8 d, x' U1 p6 h- E8 @│ 10 Borgia Tower.m4a, e- a/ C' _1 e( E: U$ V
│ 11 Borgia Occupation.m4a
3 {; r! w2 x7 f# [: R' g& n2 t @│ 12 Roman Underworld.m4a3 t" M! T* p% c# ?/ r
│ 13 Countdown.m4a% Z* \6 {1 \& f, y5 E
│ 14 Borgia (The Rulers of Rome).m4a+ t# ~$ U% J8 O+ ~
│ 15 Ezio Confronts Lucrezia.m4a# N1 f& Z9 d) [
│ 16 Battle in Spain.m4a
0 |! M) F- A; g+ e0 }: E6 X│ 17 Fight of the Assassins.m4a
7 Y5 t! ^# ~+ d! m; o z4 W; @│ 18 Desmond Miles.m4a& h' z7 }2 O$ W/ j4 B) D
│ 19 VR Room.m4a% S% [& E6 l& ?. P E
│ 20 Apple Chamber.m4a
& h( i7 Y* a7 w1 H9 A3 V3 U│ front.jpg, Y* {! n0 Q4 C
h2 b, \/ g+ p0 n5 h! D├─04 - Assassin's Creed - Revelations [The Complete Recordings] by Jesper Kyd and Lorne Balfe - Score (2011) [AAC]( A! p9 T, P& T0 e0 R
│ 1-01 Assassins Creed Theme.m4a8 N# R& E( s% Z7 E0 ?3 ~
│ 1-02 Animus Island.m4a
2 U8 A X; f) R# X2 \/ y+ L│ 1-03 The Road to Masysaf.m4a
5 Z9 i# w3 N* N8 d│ 1-04 The Wounded Eagle.m4a) Q C5 s7 l9 t
│ 1-05 The Noose Tightens.m4a3 F- J2 |- j. R
│ 1-06 Sailing to Constantinople.m4a5 Q2 }8 |% ^- l8 |0 k) U
│ 1-07 Master and Mentor.m4a+ \ k: I# A" `2 H" }; e! V
│ 1-08 Welcome to Kostantiniyye.m4a- j: d/ l) C* @: c F, L( j" B
│ 1-09 The Crossroads of the World.m4a9 j* F( W! V# ?: N7 {; M, H% `, \
│ 1-10 Sofia Sartor.m4a
. H O# k: q0 u# K$ y3 [│ 1-11 Son of Umar.m4a
1 ^! ?1 |# b3 a% n# c│ 1-12 No Mistakes.m4a
+ F# T2 B8 ?# l; f# e, o8 k- G* |│ 1-13 The Traitor.m4a9 y. Y8 S: |6 [ J6 K6 k
│ 1-14 A Heated Discussion.m4a7 }/ V( W. w& I4 C' T6 G
│ 1-15 Ambush.m4a
( M- t7 f6 B! m- w7 f1 Y d│ 1-16 A Familiar Face.m4a4 C2 q# t" d. X0 Y l7 y
│ 1-17 Byzantium.m4a: ~1 v& P3 i# t/ ^( I9 l+ X
│ 1-18 Nova Roma.m4a
1 r, y$ G; o+ l) @: h│ 1-19 Templar Occupation.m4a! L V( N# S; j4 e; F% G; ~
│ 1-20 Arrocco.m4a9 @$ {% w) ~" o
│ 1-21 On the Attack.m4a
9 h+ K/ E5 O* E; x0 f. d O" S- f│ 1-22 Last of the Palaiologi.m4a& C2 z& Y9 [* F+ q, R8 P/ w+ O
│ 1-23 Yerebatan Cistern.m4a$ j% N+ S% |, Y/ M! h5 S- `
│ 1-24 Fight or Flight.m4a
! A) ]9 b3 V# _' L│ 1-25 Galata Tower.m4a( Y3 ^$ ^0 k) D `0 d3 t' [
│ 1-26 Die By the Blade.m4a5 O6 W1 G0 k& Z
│ 1-27 Forum of Ox.m4a! t* |0 A9 u8 R8 W( r
│ 1-28 Suleiman's Grief.m4a
& u1 N- p# r1 N7 L0 p! C│ 2-01 Istanbul.m4a
1 A: m) x0 s2 \3 l$ }0 Q: s1 s│ 2-02 We Talk Together.m4a8 d% z6 ?6 G/ G& c# Q9 a
│ 2-03 Altair Escapes.m4a+ u( O$ `* e. C4 @6 l9 i2 l9 n2 L
│ 2-04 Betrayal.m4a: A1 z; n; u, W% L; u! j' `: v
│ 2-05 The Mentors Return.m4a
/ ]0 L" H( o% H, [│ 2-06 Rebuilding the Brotherhood.m4a
4 c4 [/ T8 l: o% O+ _$ g│ 2-07 Of Life and Death.m4a
7 k' b& ?7 F0 \9 S4 P! P F( y6 n2 [│ 2-08 Greek Fire.m4a D% z$ T6 c/ N# w% {0 [/ h8 n' M
│ 2-09 An Unsubtle Approach.m4a( A# L+ _# A. L$ S
│ 2-10 The Hidden City.m4a
! S+ A: h6 T3 p7 P; v│ 2-11 Infiltration.m4a
0 {' a4 N0 t8 v│ 2-12 Cappadocia.m4a
' I4 h4 B, M# L9 x│ 2-13 Street Fight.m4a* k) B0 s6 |) J0 t* ^9 O
│ 2-14 Mastermind.m4a
4 S9 ~! \7 T1 n: l- \│ 2-15 Notorious.m4a5 d! @8 K$ \; ~- W/ x0 [) A" c. Y
│ 2-16 Constantinopolis.m4a
; |- w1 S1 D4 v2 i│ 2-17 Investigation.m4a
3 D. V7 }& t" C3 Q│ 2-18 Everything Changes.m4a" Q, s* q( X7 b' J) z
│ 2-19 You Have Eard Your Rest.m4a0 W/ O. r, Z0 K" G2 K* [' g
│ 2-20 Passing the Torch.m4a
" O% \4 Z+ }" A│ 2-21 Crossed Swords.m4a _) ~$ V7 g) c, N2 {) H- k8 X" a
│ 2-22 Scheduled for Deletion.m4a8 y1 U" ^2 N2 l8 z- C- e+ ^ D
│ 2-23 Altair and Darim.m4a
& p+ k1 x6 n3 G' l7 v B│ 2-24 The Library.m4a# m. ~' b! _" N
│ 2-25 The Revelation.m4a
3 t! b9 B; ?+ M9 a( C: U/ I│ 2-26 Labored and Lost.m4a
6 i. K; o4 j" P: P4 T│ 2-27 Reunion.m4a
% T. }/ a9 z' L│ 2-28 Enough for One Life.m4a
0 s) L9 s, D) Q& Y│ 3-01 Abstergo Industries.m4a1 l. g7 U5 w5 k9 J( W) K s
│ 3-02 Rhodes.m4a" N! r; r, v' L1 [( n/ G) c- e5 {
│ 3-03 The Hunted.m4a
3 w0 E; n7 d7 p% e│ 3-04 Antioch.m4a8 i8 I3 E0 H6 {2 Y+ q
│ 3-05 The Hunter.m4a
9 ^, ]1 t3 G6 c* Q+ r7 j; F│ 3-06 Kill Streak.m4a4 w( y5 {8 B- `: m7 n' ?5 p
│ 3-07 On the Run.m4a' d, o0 Z% `, B6 O- G4 q
│ 3-08 Constantinople.m4a
& j- ]. L; u a│ 3-09 In the Simulation.m4a% V+ E' w* @; B
│ 3-10 Find the Target.m4a1 V# \7 w) O0 l) D8 i$ E5 a R) q
│ 3-11 Firenze.m4a- n: B" Q: r/ i! t
│ 3-12 Welcom to the Fold.m4a
) [/ y, I" w( U4 S+ G% U4 }│ 3-13 Souk.m4a
6 S: P5 K7 C: @. d9 J% b, ^│ 3-14 Chase the Target.m4a
% _9 q' a$ v a @/ U│ 3-15 The Lobby.m4a7 W4 z# [' e6 ? ?7 G3 v
│ 3-16 Venezia.m4a
: c/ R: ]' W( V│ 3-17 Let the Chase Begin.m4a. G, o+ _0 C( S; m2 o
│ 3-18 Sienna.m4a
& H- }3 |' g( T- O4 m│ 3-19 Tracking Templar.m4a
# ^, S: L! Y7 I) Z- w, l9 O│ 3-20 Castel Gandolfo.m4a
+ s$ ?' ^: P0 R: W5 b% z6 }. P: j│ 3-21 On a Kill Streak.m4a
% i! w9 w5 z7 J│ 3-22 The Pursuit.m4a" M& u' Q: S1 @& p8 Z1 @% Z
│ 3-23 Assassinate the Target.m4a
# Z8 @4 S G# D! R│ 3-24 San Donato.m4a
1 o; \8 p% a# L│ front.jpg
, p9 h' A9 q+ s% g│ O' ?( k- I: S: m2 I2 }
├─04.2 - Assassin's Creed - The Best of Jesper Kyd (2016) [AAC]
. a! Z6 Y6 N* l│ 01 City of Rome.m4a
r" ^) t7 Z; w( K/ d│ 02 Home in Florence.m4a
* u/ {- g8 s6 t+ x/ G) b$ Z) g│ 03 Flight Over Venice.m4a
! b4 S6 A7 e @- y│ 04 Back in Venice.m4a5 D$ Q) }! y- a5 A1 t* q1 X+ o
│ 05 Florence Rooftops.m4a
- H# N! T) s5 ~4 _6 W0 Q3 g [│ 06 Flags of Rome.m4a0 V( f$ ~ P' G: m8 t
│ 07 The Madam.m4a
, C" j: P- U2 K5 J│ 08 Dreams of Venice.m4a" Y0 e# i" u Q. i# E
│ 09 Leonardo's Inventions (Extended).m4a2 z3 u) K) C9 g
│ 10 Ezio's Family.m4a
& P& S1 e! f) i B4 ?' J3 ^6 F- p│ 11 Sanctuary.m4a1 Z6 Q" }$ j1 ~% R2 p" P4 t
│ 12 Florence Escape.m4a+ s+ L# d7 i7 w5 l' G
│ 13 Ezio & Caterina.m4a- X+ o( ?, i4 l
│ 14 Echoes of the Roman Ruins.m4a! J: q8 t4 M# ^
│ 15 Florence Tarantella.m4a5 I+ D; |2 d+ V. O
│ 16 Brotherhood of the Assassins.m4a7 r! [. L' c6 y8 K
│ 17 Stealth.m4a
/ ]" v! s( w6 `4 s│ 18 Venice Rooftops.m4a$ Z, z: G1 m8 g3 J7 D# o4 n; ]
│ 19 Earth.m4a
, |+ r9 ^/ K( d$ w# B: d6 v6 B│ 20 Welcome to Kostantiniyye.m4a
" e" f; g4 S% g) U- e2 K. A* K3 X│ 21 Countdown.m4a
3 N# L7 K, M0 S! }" G│ 22 The Brotherhood Escapes.m4a9 q: G' {4 W4 X; w
│ 23 The Crossroads of the World.m4a
6 l0 T: ] O0 V9 A│ 24 Byzantium.m4a
$ k& Y$ X& g: h% P/ q/ X7 X│ 25 Under Vatican City.m4a2 Y2 _6 ?1 J, |, v. f+ | k' y; Z
│ 26 End Fight.m4a
6 \! D# L9 @- w9 W9 R9 X0 V* Q0 y│ 27 VR Room.m4a) V( i- a x9 N! a9 a& Z0 x
│ 28 Masyaf Village.m4a3 a: H9 t7 b) m2 S
│ 29 Jerusalem Hanging.m4a- q2 G2 ^" a# t0 j# G
│ 30 Flight Through Jerusalem.m4a& ]3 `& a- W0 f% O- _0 F" o9 u, a
│ 31 Damascus Underworld.m4a
3 M- f' C; S; I7 \0 s; v8 U+ G5 s│ 32 City of Jerusalem.m4a. p$ o7 `/ W i# b7 ?2 u* r- G
│ 33 Access the Animus.m4a
5 I, M+ u8 T- R! s│ Digital Booklet - Assassin's Creed - The Best of Jesper Kyd.pdf8 p+ {* a3 r5 N, y: K
│ front.jpg9 J# o' f y5 ?: h
│ ) f( B0 h0 U5 C9 ^- ^* d
├─05 - Assassin's Creed III by Lorne Balfe - Score (2012) [AAC]
' p+ I4 [3 }: f3 g2 D) \' O│ 01 Assassin's Creed III Main Theme.m4a, A: @+ F: |( V/ _. E/ H/ }) ?+ V
│ 02 An Uncertain Present.m4a/ O- g% |/ O- n& _0 m# _$ {' V
│ 03 Escape in Style.m4a
- T5 \6 q7 l6 |2 }" x6 D│ 04 Welcome to Boston.m4a
4 ]( i$ |' s, ?│ 05 Freedom Fighter.m4a
8 u$ r, T1 Y+ C+ L+ e$ `/ i│ 06 A Bitter Truth.m4a
6 V, y% k% ?2 V* s1 T1 e. f. x│ 07 Through the Frontier.m4a
: }& [/ O6 f% h7 U9 s│ 08 Connor's Life.m4a
$ I3 P9 D; u) A│ 09 Trouble in Town.m4a' ~" e/ a% ? W2 X, S* A: p% L
│ 10 Farewell.m4a
0 _5 C+ j) D2 ^$ e│ 11 HomeStead.m4a
3 ?' P$ P: g' T6 J│ 12 The Battle of Breed's Hill.m4a9 {2 t9 D) u. ~4 t4 J
│ 13 Speck of Dust.m4a
}9 S0 ]) n \$ A│ 14 Modern Assassin.m4a/ w% V& ?5 v; S* P* @
│ 15 Desmond's Destiny.m4a: {6 y1 N# A4 Y! k0 m
│ 16 The Aquila.m4a4 t- l" C' [! x# F0 _. z4 ]
│ 17 Fight Club.m4a: ^: i! @1 i2 x Z6 ] l
│ 18 Eye of the Storm.m4a) R* [9 N- L L
│ 19 Temple Secrets.m4a
& _% M$ N+ f# z- g7 N- P p& {│ 20 Beer and Friends.m4a
2 S r! \' P% L7 N4 p) s9 R│ 21 Battle at Sea.m4a
3 p1 W) K8 s3 j│ 22 Breaching the Walls.m4a
- w0 U+ [1 X" A- v" p│ 23 Wild Instincts.m4a
, I& m' d% u8 g: v/ j│ 24 What Came Before.m4a" j4 g Q F, B Z; R
│ 25 Assassin's Creed III Main Theme V.m4a
+ }$ W' K8 U) ^1 a8 w: {) \7 {│ front.jpg+ [! D$ _3 }5 p9 U+ F) s) O: V
* g. A) X3 @9 }$ g├─05.2 - Assassin's Creed III - Liberation by Winifred Phillips - Score (2012) [AAC]# z5 R4 g- M9 C4 _4 Q% j
│ 01 Liberation Main Theme.m4a
7 _' G. d; @7 k! m* Z│ 02 Stealth.m4a7 ^- K4 V" f9 }% w; X: h0 C* w
│ 03 Virtual Pursuit.m4a8 |$ F- X7 E& u) f7 {4 r6 u' R
│ 04 The Docks.m4a% a' b9 z2 p" a
│ 05 Abstergo Ops.m4a
, @1 y* I8 S3 @5 s4 T' a( \+ D: @│ 06 Secrets of the Bayou.m4a* C7 e8 w m q. M! h6 f
│ 07 Poverty.m4a
& ?" T: {# N: B0 v9 r; u│ 08 Aveline's Escape.m4a
" n/ X5 n/ l6 i1 e2 f│ 09 Society Suite in 4 Movements.m4a
; ?# B, B1 |: u# _( S│ 10 Ride to Oblivion.m4a4 ^5 G! g1 y3 d5 U; f5 b: M- K
│ 11 Mayan Labyrinth.m4a) w" M* B# _& b2 V' [
│ 12 Chasing Freedom.m4a
- F; m! H* s" v: w1 |│ 13 The Hunt.m4a
8 S, e6 L5 a {% g& u# |│ 14 Bayou Fortress.m4a1 x8 S+ i$ W9 k: p; i
│ 15 Safe Harbor.m4a
! o. C6 }& F- B* q2 T│ 16 Shanty Town.m4a% }- h& i( y! k l
│ 17 Deliverance.m4a
( D: X' H2 u0 c7 d, b│ 18 Winter in the North.m4a
& m' s+ k' z2 o8 a3 j( ?3 b' z│ 19 The Cathedral Grounds.m4a
& z7 K$ ` }3 D: H│ 20 Animus.m4a
& ~( q! E; E) D. t' ~1 w l│ 21 In the Bayou.m4a9 D, e) Y, y/ g+ O; c; C% j
│ 22 Mayan Ruins.m4a' E* N! W/ ]( N' V) S
│ 23 River of the Mayans.m4a
, t# v8 S+ p$ b, H: H$ @5 E# B│ 24 Agate's Power.m4a Z- h( j0 l% a4 C# {* `
│ 25 In the Service of Humanity.m4a( l9 _+ t! S" s( e; J
│ 26 Virtual Reality Room.m4a0 j* @4 Y8 R- N+ I% c. T
│ front.jpg
! I* n) p- D- Z│
: \& z. d* W1 s+ j7 S: Z c├─05.3 - Assassin's Creed III - The Tyranny of King Washington by Lorne Balfe - Score (2013) [AAC], R7 [$ }: l( L( N
│ 01 Assassin's Creed III Main Theme (Wall of Sound Remix).m4a& T3 x8 M3 A6 V" ?5 O( p/ X
│ 02 Ratonhnhake ton (Ratonhnhake-ton).m4a% Q. R, G' T3 P/ e# ~
│ 03 The Tyrant.m4a
* f" K; n0 z: f) |│ 04 Frozen.m4a+ P$ g9 P |- ~
│ 05 Solitude.m4a
3 _ U2 k4 ^ E8 I5 k│ 06 Frontier at Arms.m4a
8 n8 j1 J6 P) `# O* K1 Z│ 07 Winter's Grasp.m4a
# T& O5 |3 G3 x% v3 [( I, q│ 08 You Must Succeed.m4a
y! y3 `' h9 f6 ~1 D) U│ 09 Seekers.m4a8 S+ g. N. W9 m8 A" N: G; V
│ 10 Tracking the Prey.m4a
+ g3 x& R4 I8 q% o! w│ 11 Against All Odds.m4a% I8 W( U: C: L% L. q3 t1 Z
│ 12 He is Our Beacon.m4a
3 l7 d+ J; q9 a6 Y/ ?, m% q│ 13 The Betrayal.m4a& s6 e% d( u5 M' `$ N- s
│ 14 Swift and Silent.m4a
6 c: n, z$ {+ B' p# }( c; t; u│ 15 Rooftop Chase.m4a
* w- [ u/ v( O- g# W! n- ?# D; T│ 16 Dark Alleys.m4a
7 l" Z. G+ O V│ 17 The Key.m4a7 y7 w, {* `4 q
│ 18 Escape Artist.m4a# { P# v; c# X/ U8 }' ]
│ 19 Closed City.m4a
; g) P! K' K/ e4 ~" C$ ~1 H│ 20 Helpless.m4a
+ k R8 @/ \3 Q; \! r│ 21 The Ruse.m4a. s& z3 l+ P' z% X% }% a$ ?
│ 22 Nightmares.m4a) r6 ]5 H: p0 A% T' Q/ }
│ 23 The Redemption.m4a
5 G- @) U. V! N" l│ 24 Fallen Warriors.m4a6 x9 h$ t4 F2 P0 N% ]1 m$ z7 F9 w
│ 25 Wolf in Sheep's Clothing.m4a
& G* s" z7 f% H% R/ j) x│ 26 Taking Up Arms.m4a
' R4 B0 a! p, Q) g/ t4 K2 B$ W- _│ 27 The True Rulers.m4a1 ]# O o" _5 _) y A
│ 28 Risking Everything.m4a) u" R% c, Q. g* I9 r5 H# U
│ 29 Alone Against All.m4a9 `' ^# {$ i" V! W# m
│ 30 Unwavering Resolve.m4a' q( g. {1 i: @& Y# {- y f* Z6 o' z
│ 31 Laying Up the Trap.m4a
. L$ t. ^9 N# U9 g) k│ 32 The Will to Endure.m4a- M8 B+ N& e* s0 Y: |
│ 33 King Washington.m4a) r0 ?2 ~- i6 e/ ~+ ~, z1 q
│ 34 Ghost Trail.m4a
0 a# A: P# v0 o│ 35 Duel at Dawn.m4a% d, K( s( x7 E7 P- m6 M2 }
│ 36 Man With the Wolf Hood.m4a$ ^5 P1 H, @ I: e7 n
│ 37 The Betrayal (Alternate Version).m4a
5 i3 ^( y: H: e9 c4 c│ 38 The Redemption (Alternate Version).m4a
% P! y0 R9 @5 f4 f+ @7 u: t│ 39 King Washington (Alternate Version).m4a5 e. W2 x$ O7 ~8 W' t! |
│ 40 King Washington (Revisited Version).m4a* p# X$ L+ b( [" v2 ?2 A' s: O
│ front.jpg2 Y1 C) H* U Z Y/ O" n
│ / ?( ^. x M: d4 v
├─06 - Assassin's Creed IV - Black Flag by Brian Tyler - Score (2013) [AAC]
- Z( Z- A$ @# Q' G5 t3 H│ 01 Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag Main Theme.m4a4 X+ @4 r0 ^% l$ k
│ 02 Pyrates Beware.m4a
+ x) O% \& \+ I5 p9 u, l' a│ 03 On the Horizon.m4a
& ]. A7 k' Y& T! Q V; Z8 O│ 04 The High Seas.m4a( o+ w! _% N+ H9 \9 w
│ 05 The Fortune of Edward Kenway.m4a
3 U; F: ~* {) ~│ 06 In This World or the One Below.m4a
0 M2 i0 [' Y4 X% m│ 07 Under the Black Flag.m4a
% K! @0 \& d# I) V" h│ 08 The Ends of the Earth.m4a9 `' f/ y; ?0 z6 i4 H
│ 09 Stealing a Brig.m4a
( Y: a, {- t: h5 X9 e$ T. D4 E│ 10 Fare Thee Well.m4a# u2 J }, v' M2 r8 F& b$ L
│ 11 The Buccaneers.m4a
4 H6 E4 a" A4 X/ L% J! j; c│ 12 Marked for Death.m4a
* d, r8 w7 d8 Q, b│ 13 Last Goodbyes.m4a" q/ }2 |% `, L7 C; E" k
│ 14 Take What is Ours!.m4a
- O4 i# b1 J, a+ t' `4 \│ 15 I'll Be with You.m4a
0 n& |9 S, V% }7 W9 @│ 16 Lay Aboard Lads.m4a
; r" D7 U4 I% C5 o' M; b4 j+ j│ 17 A Pirate's Life.m4a' Z( p% w ?0 [. I7 }6 K/ u5 [5 ~
│ 18 Men of War.m4a" m: v3 ~. F6 G& L4 h
│ 19 Order of the Assassin.m4a2 L9 z* i+ ]2 O S+ V& W' H
│ 20 In the Midst.m4a4 B4 Z$ ?2 w( W, Q9 n, \' x
│ 21 The British Empire.m4a' Z9 W" f/ m" T' X* X% A
│ 22 Batten Down the Hatches.m4a( K( J1 c0 k) x
│ 23 Modernity.m4a+ R* Q- T% C3 o' G( X1 M4 ?+ \) `
│ 24 A Merry Life and a Short One.m4a
4 w1 W7 ?/ h; _+ L, p( G. S# a9 ?│ 25 Queen Anne's Revenge.m4a
1 o1 X: ]# k2 `; {# r/ }* c* I8 K│ 26 Confrontation.m4a
' W5 Y' {* m' N8 i│ 27 Prizes Plunder and Adventure.m4a9 G. u5 p# H& O4 r
│ 28 Meet the Sage.m4a
, t+ \4 b* C! B! ?│ 29 Into the Jungle.m4a" \4 n/ y. C# t4 N) k: Y
│ 30 The Spanish Empire.m4a
+ L" J7 T3 g/ v! d# t; J6 a& u│ 31 The Islands of the West Indies.m4a. ^1 z, Y* D1 t3 Q8 m( N3 s7 E3 N
│ 32 Ships of Legend.m4a; V, R ]9 n" J Z ?
│ 33 Secrets of the Maya.m4a
$ o3 G3 l6 _% A' I│ 34 Life at Sea.m4a$ `6 Y# y2 F! Q2 W6 |
│ front.jpg3 R. n9 h; Q# G
1 l* @; g: R; y6 F( ~! C! n1 F1 A) j├─06.2 - Assassin's Creed IV - Black Flag (The Complete Edition) by Brian Tyler - Score (2013) [AAC]
/ q8 Q# Z+ O. M _9 p│ 1-01 Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag Main Theme.m4a
" b3 `! ?* l5 S$ h& M0 E│ 1-02 Pyrates Beware.m4a4 l- o6 o$ L& h! ?/ g0 I) T
│ 1-03 On the Horizon.m4a
: K* i& K, U+ x) x7 f. A│ 1-04 The High Seas.m4a3 n+ C( f$ V) q8 d
│ 1-05 The Fortune of Edward Kenway.m4a
8 |/ Y& A" p+ l7 ]6 {│ 1-06 In This World or the One Below.m4a d" U/ C. W+ q% ], v9 ^
│ 1-07 Under the Black Flag.m4a
2 n, T8 H1 f- F5 s│ 1-08 The Ends of the Earth.m4a
0 @1 n0 V" i4 u4 A+ v│ 1-09 Stealing a Brig.m4a p8 O) u4 r! c7 g1 t2 z
│ 1-10 Fare Thee Well.m4a2 f+ R4 G5 z$ S" f4 L
│ 1-11 The Buccaneers.m4a
1 j+ E! q: q3 N│ 1-12 Marked for Death.m4a
. f0 q+ x- C& I! h' [│ 1-13 Last Goodbyes.m4a
/ j& A e6 Z9 } Y$ m& d( i8 u1 I" U│ 1-14 Take What is Ours!.m4a
# k4 G# `9 u2 e6 k8 @& m B& D│ 1-15 I'll Be with You.m4a- j# S2 G/ o: \. w, D
│ 1-16 Lay Aboard Lads.m4a @" a* q( s; L# F, d/ x8 H
│ 1-17 A Pirate's Life.m4a0 ]% f+ t3 G( m% Y0 }2 |& p
│ 1-18 Men of War.m4a
3 K* e$ f9 K6 c│ 1-19 Order of the Assassin.m4a
4 Y9 C7 P4 `4 E, m3 n│ 1-20 In the Midst.m4a! G* T K( c! r0 T; I/ @ G) U }
│ 1-21 The British Empire.m4a. t% }' s0 v' E7 [
│ 1-22 Batten Down the Hatches.m4a
3 k, p+ h) `* g1 ?; Q b│ 1-23 Modernity.m4a
W/ e+ N: Z5 a8 Z+ A- U2 w│ 1-24 A Merry Life and a Short One.m4a5 Q8 }5 v$ V; K& y) j! n/ ]" k
│ 1-25 Queen Anne's Revenge.m4a$ c7 Y' N/ g, T' Q8 w8 N
│ 1-26 Confrontation.m4a: C3 J6 h# T' T& Y% `2 G
│ 1-27 Prizes Plunder and Adventure.m4a
8 ?7 K4 f! Y. S' @5 }/ l4 }2 u│ 1-28 Meet the Sage.m4a/ l. X( S$ i- c w1 s9 V- a2 @- o$ q
│ 1-29 Into the Jungle.m4a' Q G3 g: _6 Z) [2 ~3 Z$ E S
│ 1-30 The Spanish Empire.m4a
1 s7 z. v1 Z7 T# W; z: r& x│ 1-31 The Islands of the West Indies.m4a
2 N- e6 X! [# Y2 x5 O│ 1-32 Ships of Legend.m4a! R) A# g8 x+ V
│ 1-33 Secrets of the Maya.m4a" F( T, T8 \# j4 r7 `. ^0 z4 m( E
│ 1-34 Life at Sea.m4a" Q4 q- @! `7 d, r* g
│ 2-01 Randy Dandy Oh.m4a- {/ l& b, g9 l% n# C' }2 y
│ 2-02 Maid of Amsterdam.m4a1 u; x" U; ?; D: S. d# v, q
│ 2-03 Leave Her Johnny.m4a
6 p. V+ d- c' h2 h. H6 n @4 H& T+ V│ 2-04 Whisky Johnny O'.m4a( W( x5 K! m7 R; t9 }' p
│ 2-05 Good Morning Ladies.m4a
/ c- I1 J7 I$ `9 r. a│ 2-06 Fish in the Sea.m4a
* n# W) H( T- ^7 K8 b( [5 E│ 2-07 Dead Horse.m4a7 j4 |5 }( j. h" L8 c0 J
│ 2-08 Running Down to Cuba.m4a
2 o& d) [; C8 Y5 n, M6 C% @│ 2-09 Trooper and the Maid.m4a$ u$ P3 t% z+ h' Z
│ 2-10 William Taylor.m4a
! \ l q. ]8 k& }. H2 D$ a│ 2-11 Patrick Spens.m4a: ^; E/ q' }7 t; [4 r# \
│ 2-12 Fathom the Bowl.m4a+ ?7 W) E, D. z/ J6 S& m; q/ c2 y, p
│ 2-13 Admiral Benbow.m4a. b& \* c4 s/ V* W' |* {
│ 2-14 All for Me Grog.m4a0 w/ A/ Z2 Q& m: o% ]/ a8 D- p
│ 2-15 Buleria.m4a5 G" I# t: m; b" O
│ 2-16 Verdiales.m4a+ J9 E) n ^' o; a1 a2 \
│ 3-01 Saba Island.m4a
; d& T7 P6 U; y│ 3-02 Santa Lucia.m4a
" k8 d3 c- p8 r0 D+ \│ 3-03 Tampa Bay.m4a
/ a P3 y7 K: K! u+ r7 {' P* N│ 3-04 Prison.m4a8 y+ ^, n+ y/ v
│ 3-05 La Havana.m4a5 i4 Z8 g: n# b4 m% V) m9 P3 l
│ 3-06 Portobelo.m4a
X, Y& c2 o& O0 a8 ?* h: p# C│ 3-07 Saint Pierre.m4a
% M6 w) G% P1 h' n* a3 m3 e│ 3-08 Palenque.m4a
7 n. r6 F% ` J+ [* f│ front.jpg
9 U2 [; M2 `1 _│
* x' V8 B4 X& O├─06.3 - Assassin's Creed IV - Black Flag - Freedom Cry by Olivier Deriviere - Score (2014) [AAC]
- f* L& W; }2 k- Q. Q│ 01 The Root.m4a1 b; K; V7 C& i- o: k$ `% y, U
│ 02 The Storm.m4a
- w) N' S+ k5 R Q5 _│ 03 False Paradise.m4a
- i* U% }. A) g9 A5 M5 n│ 04 Fight the Tyranny.m4a7 R9 p. B) Q- e% n) {
│ 05 The Hideout.m4a
+ y" @* r" u# L @6 p. n* i- m│ 06 A Boat to Freedom.m4a
. e* l' U. q% d( q8 f│ 07 Attack at Sea.m4a: x) D) J o9 R/ G
│ 08 Fight the Oppressors.m4a
- |1 c2 n5 P. w8 o' f│ 09 Brothers and Sisters.m4a9 Q. \! \, \& H# Q8 q, ]2 s0 J) S
│ 10 On to Freedom.m4a, D) Q! D$ f) i" L+ |- g
│ 11 The Fight for All.m4a$ ]+ F2 u- E L1 |4 T
│ 12 Governor.m4a$ Q) c/ w ~( v: a- h2 M
│ 13 Never Again.m4a4 i# E6 Q1 l, i2 p+ E; [7 Z
│ 14 High Seas.m4a
' l4 r* x/ m" W5 i. l% X│ 15 The Last Chance.m4a1 N N) H" R$ {" ~
│ 16 United.m4a
9 w8 d: W/ U4 J│ 17 The Freedom Cry.m4a
d4 s1 n8 w" F5 L3 z' ]" J│ 18 Mache Mwen.m4a
+ f9 k3 v- g1 u R: x7 }│ 19 Marasa.m4a1 ] f3 ^, _/ ~
│ 20 Ogou O.m4a
4 z# L& g! X1 ]│ 21 Ounsi.m4a- x+ F9 v+ c7 K9 m
│ 22 Sensia.m4a3 s! f! o) t1 }) g7 r" H
│ 23 Tanbouye.m4a7 _* Q; B4 `2 n1 j! T
│ 24 Yo Fe.m4a9 `, M; X2 j/ \& O5 R
│ front.jpg5 [- t4 R7 r5 c: p3 f6 X' x
│ # F K( Y. g3 S
├─06.4 - Assassin's Creed IV - Black Flag - Sea Shanty Edition Vol. 2 by VA - OST (2014) [AAC]3 Z. W% W$ K$ m; r
│ 01 Drunken Sailor.m4a
% N9 C3 ]8 ~2 f│ 02 Lowlands Away.m4a
' W0 c& I( A* ^0 Q, \- D" y│ 03 Padstow Farewell.m4a
5 e& P0 U8 g3 U5 S9 g" ^3 R3 a│ 04 Goodbye, Fare-ye-well.m4a
. E' N0 \5 S h/ t5 x3 ^, A" Y9 M│ 05 Roll, Boys, Roll!.m4a- S( x: J- C# c- }" k0 _
│ 06 So Early in the Morning.m4a8 y2 x' l1 {# z' ], i* b
│ 07 Where am I to Go, M'Johnnies.m4a
! U2 P1 g4 ^& m$ o│ 08 'Way Me Susianah.m4a
; E' g& a0 D5 _│ 09 Billy Riley.m4a# N! \2 F( g2 d
│ 10 Captain Kidd.m4a, R" i6 @5 A9 A0 A
│ 11 The Golden Vanity.m4a
: ?5 i5 m+ W; A( H; D( j│ 12 Blow Away the Morning Dew.m4a2 ~' M3 H4 r% U8 i1 |
│ 13 Here's a Health to the Company.m4a
. h! v* X% @! C; p│ 14 Down Among the Dead Men.m4a4 ?3 |# C8 e% j4 x2 Y! T
│ 15 Over the Hills and Far Away.m4a. u9 d8 Z2 I* B! ~% J
│ 16 Spanish Ladies.m4a- }% }! O" z( T# b4 G
│ 17 Star of the County Down.m4a
% Q2 E* z6 v6 o│ 18 We Be Three Poor Mariners.m4a; I2 Q' F: C) W2 M! g' X( [
│ 19 Captain Ward.m4a
( N3 E" I5 G5 V8 G' s9 ~8 J│ 20 The Nightingale.m4a
* t. E3 o3 d0 t: t4 @7 a│ 21 Maggie Lauder.m4a4 _2 d+ ?- O Q. i
│ 22 Fandango 01.m4a0 Z3 A7 i3 r9 h( z
│ 23 Fandango 02.m4a
- }; c: j# _9 c: \& V│ 24 Jaberas.m4a
& O' u$ |9 Z: l/ [│ 25 Tientos.m4a/ B' [) y6 E. T4 c# e" Q9 x# v
│ front.jpg" V0 j4 g1 b! p9 m" Y
* L* @1 ~) ~% S* n├─07 - Assassin's Creed - Unity Vol. 1 by Chris Tilton - Score (2014) [AAC], ~8 G) s- ~+ w
│ 01 Unity.m4a
, i) @, M) I% ~, L) ? |│ 02 On Father's Watch.m4a" P$ A8 S! Y L/ g+ \
│ 03 Chase by Chase Basis.m4a- h( R$ o" g3 a1 Q1 r
│ 04 Breach Party.m4a
( F) T- ~5 v$ W8 A3 K/ I│ 05 Versailles for Sore Eyes.m4a9 a' G- k" S. r/ W& ~' w$ a
│ 06 The Hard Cell.m4a
3 ^2 n0 v6 `. y│ 07 A Leap of Faith.m4a# I$ v1 ?# V J
│ 08 Welcome to the Brotherhood.m4a
4 G8 n7 g/ v8 z X0 N; f│ 09 Church and Destroy.m4a
7 N2 ?2 e6 K0 P- K4 Z* M│ 10 A Sneaking Sense of Liberty.m4a3 j0 x% s5 w* K3 w }. a
│ 11 Waltz des Thunes.m4a
" [* J5 ~, \1 L) L7 v1 {) b& e# a│ 12 A Mystery of Violence.m4a
" A9 |' H7 t, [6 i7 E" `8 C│ 13 To Your Stealth.m4a
- P$ _, t3 }8 a0 o' _5 A1 T. L│ 14 Off with Their Heads.m4a
" G/ N, M" U4 Y2 Z4 v│ 15 Follow My Lead.m4a( W g) I4 O. q+ L. K
│ 16 Just Jabbin.m4a. l$ `! V% }% a2 B
│ 17 Put Your Mind at Elise.m4a& r4 b9 a" e; r+ k) j1 Y
│ 18 Innocent or Guillotine.m4a6 ~$ t0 v9 `3 ]
│ 19 A Clash of Assassins.m4a
9 S5 Q: D% }7 ?, F+ J7 u0 f' E│ 20 Belle of the Balloon.m4a6 F4 ~2 f. n0 w% h- L4 ?
│ 21 Monarch Enemy.m4a1 W$ H; Z6 ^9 a4 [. P4 v
│ 22 The Attainted One.m4a
# E* \+ G* a/ V" R+ R1 |+ L│ 23 The Bottle of Solitude.m4a
7 f2 x& O j" K│ 24 Arno's Return.m4a- L) J" W5 y" \& r# b
│ 25 The Frame Game.m4a
/ W2 s: {$ q0 u; M' n6 v" a│ 26 Battle Royale.m4a* N3 A/ F# c( j6 J4 Q
│ 27 The Final Target.m4a$ u( i: }# g4 H8 t! f2 d
│ 28 Ou La Mort.m4a/ ^* N' }, V d# ?/ ]
│ 29 Nothing is True.m4a
3 k/ c' U8 u3 }: Q% ^; X1 _│ 30 Origins of a Revolution.m4a
, ?0 v2 d- x7 d# j│ front.jpg' r2 C, O$ f K/ a" H/ c9 F
│ ( }& J9 L: t1 y
├─07 - Assassin's Creed - Unity Vol. 2 by Sarah Schachner - Score (2014) [AAC]# {/ @ {2 \; V, {6 p' e3 ]& \
│ 01 Rather Death Than Slavery.m4a
% ^/ ~# J- I- _& G* P% R│ 02 Chandeliers and Carnage.m4a
& h% K) ?0 A* b. I│ 03 Binding Loyalties.m4a
: u/ E0 l; B: O│ 04 Dark Slayer.m4a
/ O+ M8 o! b. S( }! C$ C" W│ 05 Danton's Sacrifice.m4a0 `" |- w1 D8 C
│ 06 Books of Grievances.m4a0 p& ^1 Z6 z1 B! u! L5 Z
│ 07 Treachery and Butchers.m4a" r1 n0 m$ A1 Y2 w- M
│ 08 Storming the Guilty.m4a7 n/ z( L. L( ^$ S% A4 ?1 s9 D
│ 09 A Seditious Act.m4a# G4 t$ G- C5 o+ i1 v
│ 10 Ballroom Fight (Invention No. 13 in D Minor).m4a0 s t, _8 C( u- m" l6 i _" r
│ 11 Legerdemain.m4a
6 S5 M) U5 r& c; q& e& L2 h& \│ 12 Spies, Taxes, and the Third Estate.m4a
7 @6 q+ j# R" [│ 13 Inflame or Enlighten.m4a
3 e+ s5 F0 b$ x6 `$ W│ 14 The Committee of One.m4a0 {, g o4 _7 J5 \# w
│ 15 What it Has Always Been.m4a
3 H1 C+ _: M; k& I+ ?+ _9 P9 U5 c│ 16 The First Transformation.m4a
5 Q7 g. h" J u9 b│ 17 The Mob Accuses.m4a
: s7 z5 s% w7 V1 h4 h/ U8 U* K. M│ 18 Assassin's Swagger.m4a
3 H: j- h- p0 D3 ~0 @│ 19 Right Wing Element.m4a) K, M% S; a; @
│ 20 The Nation, the Law, and the King.m4a
$ L3 R% }) m& k, V7 J* h d6 F9 a│ 21 Execution by All Means.m4a
% T3 n* A+ C3 W/ Y- _5 W8 R│ front.jpg
; c+ G ^. ]. r0 h2 s│ # ^8 t7 ~- l; R, E1 W; M& A
├─08 - Assassin's Creed - Rogue by Elitsa Alexandrova - Score (2014) [AAC]
/ Y6 p# @$ r2 C" D3 }+ }3 m│ 01 Assassin's Creed Rogue Main Theme.m4a
. {6 I( f$ \) u│ 02 Animus Black.m4a1 u2 `; o7 b0 k& H* \
│ 03 Morrigan.m4a/ S ?/ [; @- w- Y6 g
│ 04 Conqueror.m4a
, Z9 z! s, T7 I2 V- K: C│ 05 Cutlass.m4a
1 V& s+ A! P( K; I) g5 M# F│ 06 The Hunter.m4a& @; \5 t* e( G7 X& D( N1 C
│ 07 Agnus Dei.m4a( @! V' r' G' h2 c, h8 T) ^+ ^
│ 08 Prelude to a Storm.m4a$ I7 H3 D/ T( Y/ j# T
│ 09 The Guardian.m4a
# f7 w7 J5 ?" b4 F/ e1 r1 O│ 10 Run, Shay! Run!.m4a
b o; f6 w8 k1 V3 Y" Q" }│ 11 The Streets.m4a
$ q3 ?; {/ z6 P% z' v3 l1 |3 Q│ 12 Cityscape.m4a1 _% H5 B; A$ `! E: k2 d y
│ 13 Prosperity and Decay.m4a
" _% X% o) {. L2 I/ c│ 14 No Hope.m4a
+ s& R1 S3 k9 T3 {5 h│ 15 Alemanda in F# Minor.m4a* X% Z1 X _+ r6 Y$ J7 K: S
│ 16 The Prey.m4a
- N8 r1 w3 z6 O" f# z/ F7 E1 j( q│ 17 I am Shay Patrick Cormac.m4a
6 k0 c B M) z1 Q: l│ 18 Imminent Danger.m4a
' D$ Y/ D: R5 q q( v& w│ 19 The Order and the Creed.m4a
7 V7 V5 y% c; q* g' a│ 20 Broken Bond.m4a
% j" m- X6 t# e' [3 r: h& c3 ^│ 21 Stay Low.m4a
6 N/ U( T* p g2 B7 l; r; \* V1 I│ 22 Puppetmaster.m4a" E2 A6 f0 O% [. m9 a1 w
│ 23 Dominant Species.m4a4 j# o. m) a, W+ u1 x" V" j2 s
│ 24 From the Shadows.m4a
# J Q3 M" i! i- `; e+ J% l│ 25 Mysterious North.m4a% j2 P: j& H, E
│ 26 Northern Lights.m4a
d( k% m$ a: i+ w4 f3 M. h│ 27 David and Goliath.m4a
8 c' a" I' ]0 N# e, x% R│ 28 Dangerous Waters.m4a
1 ?. u& A1 H- r│ 29 A Boy Becomes a Man.m4a
( q% P( r8 O: h& p( }7 [│ 30 Animus White.m4a; v$ s/ ?2 i Y) k$ T
│ 31 Hood (Bonus Track from the Announcement Trailer).m4a
n6 W2 a! @7 g: T' D│ front.jpg4 Z2 O7 {6 k$ B3 J" [
│ " z% } }! }7 A- X u7 O6 F
├─08 - Assassin's Creed - Rogue Sea Shanty Edition by VA - OST (2014) [AAC]' h' J. J7 G/ f0 z
│ 01 Shallow Brown.m4a3 q G- d+ f& c3 U; O/ d
│ 02 Windy Old Weather.m4a
( e% Y9 u- h9 \1 j) t3 c w0 |+ X m│ 03 Jolly Roving Tar.m4a# u1 g% n: `# z' F. ?. j0 b; S, h ?
│ 04 Pay Me the Money Down.m4a$ L2 y. V7 I7 A( a
│ 05 Layback.m4a1 P7 d2 z9 X4 @$ f, F2 G
│ 06 Don't Forget Your Old Shipmates.m4a: `. k+ y/ O! \1 T1 n
│ 07 Donkey Riding.m4a7 D0 H& ?) a3 Y9 `) U* w/ P4 F
│ 08 New York Girls.m4a
. z+ b( Q1 T( _: T│ 09 Round the Corner Sally.m4a( H+ ~, {7 U6 K z# ?+ u
│ 10 Liverpool Judies.m4a: [! W. S' L+ w( r7 c$ k# T$ P
│ 11 Rolling Down to Old Maui.m4a; o8 j) d, {" d: C, n
│ 12 Heave Away Me Johnny.m4a o4 n; d( _8 k! H L
│ 13 Blood Red Roses.m4a b# d# g1 R$ {3 R
│ 14 Bold Riley Oh.m4a
) i: q/ [: Z) Q6 B. M l│ 15 Go to Sea Once More.m4a. D' e1 x/ Y! A5 H
│ 16 My Bonnie Highland Lassie.m4a/ V* U% Y* H5 i% h
│ 17 One More Day.m4a
4 L. g, q: A% ]6 r│ 18 Haul Away.m4a. P; i# X Q* b6 b. O
│ 19 Hi for the Beggerman.m4a
3 w$ {. n3 y. p: P5 F" A g+ K) ?& J│ 20 The Bonnie Lass o'Fyvie.m4a
% {2 Q _: E% I- A! p4 Y│ 21 Little Drummer.m4a
+ n. j1 o' }/ ]) T# t2 n2 @( J│ 22 Henri Martin.m4a
3 x: i z1 z0 U- F9 o0 N│ 23 Katie Cruel.m4a8 r* E& b8 n! A7 n6 { f
│ 24 Ye Jacobytes.m4a
9 a1 x5 Q* m( S│ front.jpg
+ G v" @+ D H- E│
p, W5 y. \& B, [- b9 y3 ~' {" n6 y├─09 - Assassin's Creed - Syndicate - Single (2015) [AAC]
( m5 a: j3 ?+ \, L: n│ 01 Champion Sound.m4a
8 l+ O9 c0 R O; b│ front.jpg
G- [/ O$ q7 e) b1 R" n9 @+ c# u│ 6 U6 n+ b1 R) T& d9 V: @7 W( V
├─09 - Assassin's Creed - Syndicate by Austin Wintory - Score (2015) [AAC]8 ?8 A1 P d5 h- X( h. o
│ 01 Bloodlines.m4a1 G5 N1 p- e4 j1 Z+ \
│ 02 London is Waiting.m4a
; h# {1 l- p0 @8 `4 I" H│ 03 The Dance Begins.m4a8 c5 U# T8 \; _
│ 04 Peace and I are Strangers Grown.m4a
7 x& L& h7 e( s- _, d│ 05 Soothing Syrup.m4a
, w# h% d. @" A7 l8 y' U│ 06 Give Me the Cure.m4a
; g8 x. D8 K- y$ z, F( c% ^+ R. v│ 07 Danza Alla Daggers.m4a
9 v; e" k7 f8 D$ t│ 08 The Churning Seas of London.m4a0 O, z$ L9 w U$ a
│ 09 It's Business, Mr. Frye.m4a( Q8 {; J9 [; E$ }1 W+ i7 g" G
│ 10 The Late Pearl Attaway.m4a* ?# v% @3 b$ X& L" Q! K) Z
│ 11 Everyone Has a Price.m4a0 Q; W8 N& N2 p* g) `
│ 12 Destruction's Our Delight.m4a
6 l, R* ?. I& c% \% R; u│ 13 Waltzing on Rooftops and Cobblestones.m4a1 `% J/ p# ?4 f0 ]" d9 |& l. P
│ 14 Cathedrals of Steel.m4a$ i, V/ Q8 X1 C$ _& x
│ 15 You've Stolen Your Last Shilling.m4a
( f- H4 j2 o, Z- b6 c5 c ?, k( c│ 16 The Tale of Twopenny.m4a
% C" j' M2 s8 X: ?/ z) t: I$ U0 C│ 17 Top Hats and Sword Canes.m4a& w+ W$ \; t8 O. m/ Y+ Q- A+ G
│ 18 Men Have Become Monsters.m4a
3 V: \4 y% |! N7 \ [- E7 C│ 19 The Assassin Two-Step.m4a
% R [; R& A/ \: h4 X5 A" u│ 20 Too Dreadful a Practice for this Open Air.m4a
( {1 Q) @7 J0 s/ P│ 21 Take Your Bow, Knave.m4a
* l7 L) X, V7 m! E& K4 e│ 22 Feasting on a Lord.m4a
7 l( Z( U2 I+ j0 B/ ~1 R│ 23 A Ballet of Blades.m4a
+ r) n: u" c/ N U0 Z│ 24 Great Minds Against Themselves Conspire.m4a9 I; @; H5 \. _7 y( ]8 C
│ 25 A Gauntlet Scherzo.m4a
2 U4 B" k }; |1 J$ m# \/ Q│ 26 London Will Soon Be Rid of Your Chaos.m4a
n' D7 N7 Y! }6 C. t7 c* p8 a, D│ 27 Darling, What a Night.m4a
2 G9 p# z4 o5 g. R1 v; _" C8 I9 q│ 28 Jokes Jokes Jokes.m4a
4 y" f: P" f0 a7 s│ 29 Hooded Allegro Vivace.m4a
: b1 t1 y, N2 r# r│ 30 For Those We Loved.m4a, {: F4 t& A0 R0 P* S& D
│ 31 Death is Now a Welcome Guest.m4a( ~" n/ F% @8 x! N# T. V
│ 32 Bloody Presto Con Brio.m4a. i# Q, p) Q) L' m- V4 T* ~2 v
│ 33 So Much for a House Call.m4a/ ?1 Y7 K3 F6 G Q0 m5 Q0 i; f% {
│ 34 I Would Have Created a Paradise.m4a
9 y7 C8 y: Y X: v6 @) k& D│ 35 Underground.m4a
6 l1 m6 }; v7 Y' z5 U│ 36 Family.m4a
6 ?: @+ `5 } T. k2 \' m│ Digital Booklet - Assassin's Creed - Syndicate.pdf7 I4 q) p6 d( W3 g$ s
│ front.jpg* }8 W: s y' P( D; _7 Z3 v
8 S+ k+ q1 `! S. M: W' a7 S9 z2 H└─09.2 - Assassin's Creed - Syndicate - Jack the Ripper by Bear McCreary - Score (2015) [AAC], b- p0 A1 L, y1 l! q3 }
01 Theme from Assassin's Creed Syndicate - Jack the Ripper.m4a q4 M6 a% F+ D+ `6 G1 Y( ~! u
02 Evie Frye.m4a/ G" V& b% X3 M5 \- k1 v
03 Cobblestone and Fog.m4a" E$ q: |. C% M
04 District Activities.m4a
6 t- r7 C7 r$ z, `3 H' B 05 Jack the Ripper.m4a
6 Z ~% ]7 }. K" j9 r front.jpg/ ]& y7 u: [$ T( `& T* W& b, ^. v
; m, C* W, e: h# l4 H8 I
9 T3 p+ q. u4 G9 }) x1 b. P& ?
: Z. A$ l7 u! m. A' i" o# G k5 W4 L6 G; R, q
, S4 K2 y7 ?9 h