


Pink Floyd - 《Pink Floyd作品合集》[iTunes Plus AAC][百度盘]

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Pink Floyd简介6 c" U: A% ^5 ]1 |
平克·弗洛伊德是英国摇滚乐队,他们最初以迷幻与太空摇滚音乐赢得知名度,而后逐渐发展为前卫摇滚音乐。平克·弗洛伊德以哲学的歌词、音速实验、创新的专辑封面艺术与精致的现场表演闻名。他们名列最成功的摇滚乐队之一,并在全球坐拥超过二亿的唱片销售量,其中美国就包办了7450万。, t! H9 R( J% W0 I

4 V. B' b5 b8 V1 l( w职业生涯
% R3 C8 t0 w0 W在这30年里,平克·弗洛伊德乐队是最富有革新精神的乐队之一——创造性和技术性——在摇滚上,他的声音和形象犹如一幅超现实的巨大锦画,不断地面对舞台音乐视听刺激的混乱场面,从而将他们推向了音乐表述的发展前沿。在这个进程中,它从六十年代中期乐队创作的60分钟幻觉的伦敦舞台,演化为世界上最为壮观的摇滚乐演出团体之一。从一开始,乐队便在陌生的地方掀起叛乱。它最重要的部分是领头人西德·巴勒特(Syd Barrett)古怪多变的音乐面貌和短暂充满生机的歌曲。二十世纪六十年代后期当他从舞台中消失——也是从现实中——乐队开始变为对音乐扫除一切散漫的侵略。随后的专辑带有很密集缓慢行进味的歌曲,这都出自于低音歌手罗格·沃特斯(Roger Waters)和吉他手戴绍德·吉尔莫(David Gilmour)、横扫一切的键盘手理查德·怀持(Richard Wright)和余音绵绵的鼓手尼克·马森(Nick Mason)的合作。
+ W0 l& j( Z( d7 `他们也包括古怪的超现实的音响效果:剧烈的心跳、巨大的脚步以及其他能唤起人们视听感觉幻象。经过那些年,音乐逐渐进化到根据歌曲中的焦点,能产生巨大充满人形象的声音画景。在二十世纪七十年代的巡回演出中如此幻象逐渐被带入到乐队的舞台表演上。在这十年开始的时候,平克·佛洛伊德乐队的演出包括如像警车灯闪和人造烟雾的视听效果场面。乐队在舞台技术应用方面也开创了先河,即随时在发展,随时在变换场景。平克·佛洛伊德乐队是最早使用四重奏声乐体系的摇滚乐队之一,那是许多不同的发音器放在不同的定位区内,从而把声音弄得圆润。在演出过程中,发音的台阶会从舞台后面开始,而且绕着观众走,可打开音乐之门也可“砰”地一声将门关上,如果有噪音干扰音乐的话。这些影响以及其他设备帮助了摇滚演出者音域和效果的拓展。
( I4 Y+ T; h. P! T随着时间的流逝,舞台装饰也变得越来越引人注目和色彩鲜艳了。在平克· 弗洛伊德乐队1977年为专辑《动物》而作的巡回演出期间,乐队在40英尺高的舞台上同跳谷仓舞的人一起共舞。1980年为了专辑《迷墙》而作的巡回演出中,舞台道具设置了长160英尺高30英尺的一道砖墙,乐队在演出的过程中便拆散了墙。. H" _1 N+ e( N; L7 n
& L% I; y6 H, B, F* R1965年,Roger Waters(贝司)、Rick Wright(键盘)和Nick Mason(鼓手)组建了一支叫作“Sigmab”的摇滚三重唱乐队,并在伦敦的学校里小有名气。同年底,主唱兼吉他手Syd Barrett加入乐队。他建议乐队改名为Pink Floyd,来自于乔治亚两个老布鲁斯艺人Pink Anderson和Floyd Council。开始,Pink Floyd和那些60年代出身的大多数乐队一样,他们演奏节奏布鲁斯音乐。很快,乐队的音乐开始出现实验色彩。他们延长了歌曲时间,尽量让它显得稀松一些,产生一些较为空旷的音乐间隔。通过夸张得近乎疯狂的器乐演奏、怪异的大段落回授音、刺耳的电子音效和诸如罕见的音响音色等等方法制造出超现实的音响效果。简而言之,他们试图让人们从听觉中产生视觉幻象,形成一幅巨大的声音画面。这种想法还在以后扩展到了舞台表演当中,诸如灯光设计、人造烟雾、色彩搭配等在音乐的配合下先入为主地给观众营造了迷幻的环境。由此同时,Syd Barrett创作出了大量极富特质的流行迷幻作品,配以敏感的词作,用诗歌的感觉、天真的视角阐述严肃思想。7 V* f1 d! u, w$ `4 }
平克·弗洛伊德乐队在伦敦一系列的俱乐部如马魁(The Marquee)、伦敦自由学校之声灯室和圆屋乐队(The London Free School's Sound/Light Workshop The Roundhouse)的演出活动中为自己赢得了声名。到1967年,乐队已经成为统治那令人沉醉的UFo俱乐部黄金时间的中坚力量之一。在那儿,乐队为他们将来的声音和风格奠定了基础,演出的时间更长了,一系列音乐的产生都伴随着设置的浮滑、电影需求以及其他视听觉反应。* W& \& e6 v% V2 `0 r
乐队在1967年和EMI歌手签约,第一首单曲“Arnold Layne”即打入了排行榜前20名,并将平克·弗洛伊德乐队的演唱水平推到了一流水平的位置;它随后的单曲“See Emily Play”在同年七月排名第六。不久乐队首张专辑The Piper at the Gates of Dawn面市,成为当时乃至今天最为出色的迷幻专辑。专辑中大部分作品出自Syd Barrett之手,他本身幽默、热情、纯朴的个性从头到尾支配着专辑的气息。这张专辑不同于同时期的任何音乐,甚至也不同于日后乐队的作品。它最终在排行榜上取得了第六名。6 @% `4 U0 |& d, f
Pink Floyd此后没有能够再录制这样的专辑,因为此后不久,乐队灵魂,天才音乐人Syd Barrett开始出现严重的心理问题。他不能上台演出,日后更加恶化到无法和乐队其他成员一起工作、生活。1967年岁末的美国巡回演出间,巴勒特开始出现飘忽不定的行为(可能因为毒品的作用)从而给乐队制造了一些麻烦。当这些更加恶化时,吉尔莫(Dave Gilmour 1947年3月6日生于英格兰的剑桥)在1968年1月被招募进来以补巴勒特在舞台功空缺。到4月、巴勒持决心离开乐队。他随后开始了短暂的独唱生涯并推出了同名首张专辑,取了个恰切的名字《疯狂的笑》;他后来成了一名隐士。吉尔莫随后成了平克·佛洛伊德乐队长期的核心人物。经过短暂的磨合后,新乐队开始出现转机,Dave Gilmour担任了主音吉他手,Roger Waters则接替了创作的主要工作。这一阵容在日后被视为摇滚史上最成功的组合之一,他们获得的成功远远超越了Syd Barrett,成为摇滚史上空前绝后的神来之笔。& p( q. l  \8 X& H% E* O
1968年的第二张专辑A Saucerful of Secrets以Syd Barrett的风格为蓝图的同时,乐队突出了严肃的阴暗曲风、古典音乐的音色和更加大篇幅的器乐演奏。它成为了排行榜的前十名。Syd Barrett也录制了几张个人专辑,但在心理问题的巨大压力下,他最终退出了乐坛。此后的四年中,Pink Floyd继续进一步完善了他们的迷幻音乐,在引入歌剧特点的同时,乐队还进一步提高了布鲁斯和流行音乐的含量,从而吸引越来越多的支持者。Pink Floyd放弃了创作单曲的念头,专心地投入专辑的创作,并在这几年当中在欧洲和北美进行了大量的巡回演出,此时乐队已经具备了成为超级巨星的所有资质,他们唯一缺少的就是一张经典专辑。
5 x0 Q/ q5 L* ?, e  X. T0 _( a; |70年代初,人们几乎已经忘却了Syd Barrett,但不争的事实是, Pink Floyd依然没有一张超越当年的The Piper at the Gates of Dawn。乐队在1970年的专辑《妈妈的心肝》(Atom Heart Mother)中展露了新声,并在1971年的《干涉》(Meddle)得以加强。这些专辑是乐队中非常优秀的两张
/ O# o$ ^% {! i$ O9 d3 i& g' e专辑,非常宏大和密集的音响努力,它也包括特别的音乐声源、严格的音律以及抒情味极浓的形象,这也成为拼克·弗洛伊德乐队音乐风格的标志,为1973年旷世之作做好了充分准备。
$ S. r8 V6 P! ~+ c9 R% u1973年3月,《The Dark Side of The Moon》(中文译作《月影》或者《月之暗面》)面世了。这张专辑的推出是乐队声乐事业发展的顶峰,它以其对现实生活地不安、疯乱、恐惧描述和无尽的幻想空间构成了一个恢宏而极富内涵的音乐画面。创造出前所未有的视听享受,将乐队钻研数年的迷幻摇滚带到了极致。这张专辑在美国排行榜上难以置信地共停留15年,现已达到整整800周,这一记录,至今没有人能够打破。The Dark Side of the Moon最终让乐队成为了超级巨星。$ u# D$ _- z" Q( m7 C" l3 S
The Dark Side of the Moon将平克·弗洛伊德乐队推进了流行乐世界的一流乐队行列中。但是它也是乐队音乐发展的顶峰。随后的专辑如1975年的《Wish You Were Here》和1977年的Animal都相当平静。如果挑剔一点的话,乐队提供的声音是它从二十世纪七十年代出道以来就没有改变过的声音。随着事态的发展,沃特斯成为乐队的挑梁人物,这使乐队内部最终产生了分歧,导致了乐队在二十世纪八十年代早期的解体。但是同时,平克·佛洛伊德乐队如摇滚乐的一名领头乐队在余下的十年里继续奋然前行。《Wish You Were Here》位居排行榜首,Animal名列第2位。Wish You Were Here是乐队献给Syd Barrett的。' I9 t, p  e6 X& J( F0 o9 P
1979年,Pink Floyd再次让世界震惊,The Wall诞生了。这是一张摇滚歌剧性质的双唱片,总长一个半小时,大部分由Waters撰写。唱片讲述了一个英国歌手从孩童起的成长过程,被认为带有Waters和Barrett的自传的影子。主人公父亲阵亡于二战,从小失去父亲的主人公在严酷刻板,摧残个性的教育制度下成长,逐渐个人同外界筑起一座阻隔交流的高墙。最后在《审判》曲目中,高墙被推倒,结束曲《墙外》表现主人公重新回到社会后的迷茫和无助。其中单曲《Another Brick in the Wall》成为金曲。《迷墙》造就了平克·弗洛伊德的顶峰,成了西方文化的一个经典作品。专辑本身被改编成同名摇滚电影,由阿伦·派克执导,鲍勃·戈尔多夫主演。" A+ u$ ]9 m+ U1 n' f4 n
尽管《迷墙》大获全胜,但平克·佛洛伊德乐队却开始走向解体,首先在1980年怀持(Wright)因与沃特斯意见不一致而脱离乐队开始。下一张专辑即1983年的《The Final Cut》几乎全是沃特斯一人主唱。专辑中几乎包容的都是他反对战争的苍白的歌声,而且乐队的声音变得有些陈腐。3 g8 M3 }; r& }" T/ y) c
" z) J/ i# T/ ^& W+ V0 V吉尔莫1984年的专辑《关于脸》是一个闪光的音带,因他轻灵自如带有R&B悠扬的吉他演奏。同年沃特斯推出了平克·弗洛伊德乐队风味的专辑《人事和领事的负费搭车旅行》(The Pros And Cons of Hitch Hiking),其中几种形式对后来巡回舞台演出作了范例式录制。1987年为了他随后推出的专辑《无线电K A O S》,在人群中设置了热线电话以便歌迷随时点唱他们所爱的乐队的老歌。
. U$ _% I- u  O8 O  y+ \! L5 o同年,沃特斯的前合作伙伴们为了平克·佛洛伊德乐队专辑和作巡回演出重组乐队。虽沃特斯以法律的手段威胁禁止使用乐队的名字,但他们却全然不顾。专辑《一个小错误的原因》是其中最为重要的主打专辑,在美国排行榜名列第3位。1988年,乐队录制了《雷声优美》(Delicate Soung Of Thunder)被证明相当受欢迎,居排行榜第ll位。像沃特斯一样,乐队仍然被乐迷很喜爱。1989年,他们在威尼斯的大运河一个巨大的游艇上举办了一个世界性的无线电音乐会。他们的最后一张唱片是1994年的《The Division Bell》,商业上仍然获得很大成功,再次获得英美排行榜双料榜首的成绩。- p& R/ m: Z; ~
沃特斯在1990年出了新版本的《墙》,他在20万观众前表演并通过电视传遍了全球。在波兹达姆宫殿(柏林墙以前所在地)荟萃了如西尼德·欧·考调、乔尼·米歇尔、范·莫里森以及其他明星进行了盛况空前的表演。2 d1 w  `9 @8 A6 |* B! x
2005年7月2日,经过20年的分裂后,平克·弗洛伊德的所有成员-包括沃特斯,决定摈弃前嫌,于现场八方伦敦演唱会上同台演出。他们共演唱了四首歌:Breathe/Breathe Reprise、Money、Wish You Were Here和Comfortably Numb。/ Q) v' A% ~6 y; O6 q; d5 @, K- G
2008年9月15日键盘手理查德·赖特(Richard Wright)在伦敦去世,享年65岁。
; \. p7 }- T1 |. T! W( X) F9 Q
9 C; q2 i( r: e* n9 t├─1967 - The Piper at the Gates of Dawn
0 B1 O/ o# B/ G8 x│  │  1-01 Astronomy Domine.m4a
1 o0 p  ^: m# d│  │  1-02 Lucifer Sam.m4a
) [, E3 w. Z6 B9 d1 W│  │  1-03 Matilda Mother.m4a
6 ?4 ?' `0 ?  @8 F2 D+ s; t│  │  1-04 Flaming.m4a( l% _" ~; h+ n5 Y
│  │  1-05 Pow R. Toc H..m4a
  i+ i+ I$ ]- \/ d- J( R3 ?* q( ^! G│  │  1-06 Take Up Thy Stethoscope and Wal.m4a
+ G8 z; m* }% ^" O: \4 ^│  │  1-07 Interstellar Overdrive.m4a# m: f) n" [; B( q7 y8 Q1 Y
│  │  1-08 The Gnome.m4a" ?% v2 v1 I9 Z1 B6 P/ F& z1 h# D
│  │  1-09 Chapter 24.m4a. b; c9 V! a/ T- \8 b
│  │  1-10 Scarecrow.m4a+ r6 w+ r  m) [' m' T
│  │  1-11 Bike.m4a
, _+ H7 L! B2 s; A5 c│  │  , X; p7 B8 j4 a$ C  k7 k
│  └─The Piper at the Gates of Dawn - iT.itlp& }9 h3 P5 A& J8 @
# V5 ^' U3 W: j2 c/ h6 i├─1968 - A Saucerful of Secrets. D$ ^5 o) S% d6 h
│  │  01 Let There Be More Light.m4a
6 K  f  j2 ~- p1 |1 d4 m  P6 ]( H! T5 e│  │  02 Remember a Day.m4a+ d' q$ `* O" V' |# {* l0 u
│  │  03 Set the Controls for the Heart of.m4a
5 s- v! j* U$ r│  │  04 Corporal Clegg.m4a
1 @, ]* i, e8 K7 h; t│  │  05 A Saucerful of Secrets.m4a
  U0 S5 }" Y9 ]% F6 o│  │  06 See-Saw.m4a
% D8 w  ~, t" `/ A│  │  07 Jugband Blues.m4a  p3 V4 ~' e8 [9 Z( r$ w/ |4 _2 ~& |
│  │  ( d! y" a. u5 v6 J9 ]7 P
│  └─A Saucerful of Secrets - iTunes LP.itlp9 j( M1 f+ Z- V4 K4 H3 ^- I
: n/ P, [" X! N6 b. @7 Y! ?├─1969 - More (Original Film Soundtrack)
* h1 e6 X0 D$ E│  │  01 Cirrus Minor.m4a% R3 o* h0 f+ y* L, x" d
│  │  02 The Nile Song.m4a
! j( z9 }: n3 H3 F5 C/ f; }│  │  03 Crying Song.m4a4 S$ E/ o0 G, ]' d0 |+ d
│  │  04 Up the Khyber.m4a. \1 E! B6 x% w( e# C, x
│  │  05 Green Is the Colour.m4a
3 \# s" b& _$ u- C( D5 }│  │  06 Cymbaline.m4a
8 U5 ?0 X; o) \  K2 z8 U% p5 P' t│  │  07 Party Sequence.m4a) F& s' }# X! N
│  │  08 Main Theme.m4a, [  y7 Y) ~; V: \7 h4 x2 l6 s& v' Q
│  │  09 Ibiza Bar.m4a
7 t7 N/ J+ s3 b│  │  10 More Blues.m4a
5 f: {# @# i+ c. Y│  │  11 Quicksilver.m4a
8 |3 ?7 D6 _& I0 P│  │  12 A Spanish Piece.m4a
# s( d& j% D4 B│  │  13 Dramatic Theme.m4a
3 {7 ]1 I4 Z* [! Q6 O8 i  w3 l7 [│  │  - l) |2 S! H6 F* H& f- i
│  └─More - iTunes LP (v2.1).itlp' \% B; H$ P) D' D5 e
3 U+ V3 W: p, C' A& b+ n+ f- Y├─1969 - Ummagumma
* p% x: w  n, Q( P; b2 B│  │  1-01 Astronomy Domine (Live).m4a
+ S5 m0 v. i+ f1 N│  │  1-02 Careful With That Axe, Eugene (.m4a
# p! N) n! K$ j" W/ ]│  │  1-03 Set the Controls for the Heart.m4a
4 c' K  v* G& m│  │  1-04 A Saucerful of Secrets (Live).m4a
( r9 X. Q3 J: j  d/ e4 {3 g( W. z│  │  2-01 Sysyphus, Pt. 1.m4a
6 _& G; f( r9 R7 r, D│  │  2-02 Sysyphus, Pt. 2.m4a
, x) o+ H% Q2 a% @2 ]4 A│  │  2-03 Sysyphus, Pt. 3.m4a
! ], w3 I1 g" W% L│  │  2-04 Sysyphus, Pt. 4.m4a
  o0 _# a/ K" ~+ H│  │  2-05 Grantchester Meadows.m4a
+ i& z0 m  r2 j% L9 q! H│  │  2-06 Several Species of Small Furry.m4a, d. x1 e4 p( g: q% x
│  │  2-07 The Narrow Way, Pt. 1.m4a, w& H& s% H  S2 i  J5 ^1 r* W
│  │  2-08 The Narrow Way, Pt. 2.m4a: N, S: k3 P! l" m
│  │  2-09 The Narrow Way, Pt. 3.m4a
  a1 o; F; S1 C1 j2 e│  │  2-10 The Grand Vizier's Garden Party.m4a
6 `# Q5 I# y) A│  │  2-11 The Grand Vizier's Garden Party.m4a
8 K' b7 ], w- s1 j│  │  2-12 The Grand Vizier's Garden Party.m4a$ a5 N/ h0 l4 _1 C+ a( w
│  │  0 n* M! k6 E6 E* P
│  └─Ummagumma - iTunes LP (v2.1).itlp
. A+ t$ E0 e) L9 [& q0 W& h/ s│              ; u+ |  U( i" {7 l2 I; f( ~% |7 u
├─1970 - Atom Heart Mother, Q+ B6 O, }9 j# r5 h3 V! a3 H; X
│  │  1-01 Atom Heart Mother.m4a2 d" i; @# n' o3 }& y4 i: g
│  │  1-02 If.m4a
% S8 i8 h% D9 E/ C, d│  │  1-03 Summer '68.m4a7 X' j* _1 i2 S# b2 P4 w
│  │  1-04 Fat Old Sun.m4a9 c, c8 {! G* y; M% k5 d8 ?
│  │  1-05 Alan's Psychedelic Breakfast.m4a+ _- I0 W+ R4 T3 n
│  │  2 t# c& ~) e/ J- @2 O
│  └─Atom Heart Mother - iTunes LP (v2.0.itlp% i8 [$ W/ R2 C$ Q! ]4 q
0 L/ y0 Q) E4 }$ w! ]% |7 Y1 D& e├─1971 - Meddle
$ T2 \& U% n. x│  │  1-01 One of These Days.m4a9 p- K5 X7 O8 h. @$ V- ^! F
│  │  1-02 A Pillow of Winds.m4a
, h$ h: T/ V8 r0 V; B8 _│  │  1-03 Fearless.m4a
% |$ u  W7 o* w5 P│  │  1-04 San Tropez.m4a
  G6 }) m" P! f! W│  │  1-05 Seamus.m4a. l& r& T3 D/ u- t% g& h8 N* j
│  │  1-06 Echoes.m4a1 H. h7 _9 K6 M& a# O7 S# z
│  │  
; M# }% P5 _5 k6 K1 I* k% t│  └─Meddle - iTunes LP (v2.0).itlp
! }5 x  F0 T* I( X│              
: F0 p& `+ O; ?9 P├─1971 - Relics
7 r) t# g: m% _9 q6 o│      01 Arnold Layne.m4a
* ?- i- F; i3 k$ ]│      02 Interstellar Overdrive.m4a  V$ p. C+ R2 {" s- P
│      03 See Emily Play.m4a  G1 m$ I; R1 q3 ^
│      04 Remember a Day.m4a
2 T$ A* f5 g- ~0 n; Y│      05 Paintbox.m4a7 F/ ?; W9 ?' ^8 I6 x7 }# D
│      06 Julia Dream.m4a) v" Z; T& I6 ?( e6 L- r0 a4 _9 L/ R' q
│      07 Careful With That Axe, Eugene.m4a0 E" w+ o- d- T# n3 t
│      08 Cirrus Minor.m4a% g& ]7 I' y  q
│      09 The Nile Song.m4a4 ^* m' d! Z7 c
│      10 Biding My Time.m4a' c+ V5 H; t% y9 a) Z
│      11 Bike.m4a+ @! O* L7 a$ n# c0 c7 l
$ s/ g# A& F; s; n" l( c6 E├─1972 - Obscured By Clouds
, d1 o$ {' ?& E5 D│  │  01 Obscured By Clouds.m4a
  U1 c+ G% w, @│  │  02 When You're In.m4a, a( d! T" d6 g$ ^- n
│  │  03 Burning Bridges.m4a
/ Q# q' H5 |* f9 Y0 W0 T7 F│  │  04 The Gold It's in the....m4a
5 s& {# k8 E2 h6 b& t5 C$ C│  │  05 Wot's... Uh the Deal_.m4a0 a% {" o' H5 L/ D
│  │  06 Mudmen.m4a
& `' R  I7 q0 E8 f# T& i* \. x│  │  07 Childhood's End.m4a& m8 `8 g4 f9 C% ~/ I8 W
│  │  08 Free Four.m4a. j4 G. d6 [3 }4 B9 @9 o
│  │  09 Stay.m4a
7 c* @6 }9 z  r% a│  │  10 Absolutely Curtains.m4a
8 J$ W2 O& i5 l8 K│  │  * z! R) t) o' P& {9 `7 l
│  └─Obscured By Clouds - iTunes LP (v2..itlp+ Z3 M/ T! w- b& j# R& ?! u
│              5 j9 Z: `8 U9 a
├─1973 - The Dark Side of the Moon (2011 Remastered)
+ ?3 c0 ^2 ^$ Y, @0 m) C" I│      01 Speak To Me (2011 Remastered Vers.m4a
: d! M1 f( I, e: Y# z, {" I& D/ p│      02 Breathe (In the Air) [2011 Remast.m4a
9 M- G1 \! ^4 }' |; m│      03 On the Run (2011 Remastered Versi.m4a
) u! R4 O- W/ P│      04 Time (2011 Remastered Version).m4a
* o& p4 s+ U" L3 W6 O│      05 The Great Gig In the Sky (2011 Re.m4a
/ M4 Q) k, [5 w2 @4 U. u│      06 Money (2011 Remastered Version).m4a6 g; n4 t. ?6 r
│      07 Us and Them (2011 Remastered Vers.m4a; h+ S( x4 O) S' u6 D
│      08 Any Colour You Like (2011 Remaste.m4a) B9 r+ g4 y  q: _- X7 R
│      09 Brain Damage (2011 Remastered Ver.m4a: R  N2 ~9 x' \! H, J* O6 [6 D
│      10 Eclipse (2011 Remastered Version).m4a# P, F  k& ~' r3 B/ w- u# v
│      ) b4 f( F# v* ^9 |
├─1975 - Wish You Were Here
6 [" Q0 ]/ x, D% t" J│  │  1-01 Shine On You Crazy Diamond, Pts.m4a
: N& v* Z  ~2 D│  │  1-02 Welcome to the Machine.m4a
# h( u( }% S' `) p: l│  │  1-03 Have a Cigar.m4a
; f( `" G! {8 j! Q3 S. d│  │  1-04 Wish You Were Here.m4a
* T- E# ?+ ?6 f, R9 F│  │  1-05 Shine On You Crazy Diamond, Pts.m4a
# I$ V6 B* x$ I- {│  │  6 x% u5 A; s- c, O% k
│  └─Wish You Were Here - iTunes LP (v2..itlp! E3 y# Z* d2 T- ]; b" m; x5 T
│              ' L# H/ w7 C" y# ]+ n
├─1977 - Animals" f+ W( @$ u: X; C9 c
│  │  01 Pigs On the Wing, Pt. 1.m4a
& Q  Z( j, a  m4 K% k│  │  02 Dogs.m4a
+ ~, U, A' z! F│  │  03 Pigs (Three Different Ones).m4a
) G/ ~; ?1 O+ G: {│  │  04 Sheep.m4a
/ P. B( S. d7 x8 p. k' B; K4 t4 C│  │  05 Pigs On the Wing, Pt. 2.m4a6 z0 E( c) r! V/ e  F* l0 p1 F
│  │  ; Z4 |6 p7 a* \( f. Q
│  └─Animals - iTunes LP (v2.1).itlp
# b" q3 @$ L1 i6 Y" p│              0 Z$ y: k: I0 l) f( L& e! _# z% K
├─1979 - The Wall (Remastered)& @% u4 h/ R" l( x2 n
│      01 In the Flesh_.m4a
. X/ `3 h& k( v( c" `( d% G0 b5 R$ |│      02 The Thin Ice.m4a
* F  U4 A3 Q9 ?9 Q  x4 \' U6 N│      03 Another Brick In the Wall, Pt. 1.m4a
- @: O5 u+ B1 T% U│      04 The Happiest Days of Our Lives.m4a
# @* T2 w) d& W: H( H* t! Y, v8 J│      05 Another Brick In the Wall, Pt. 2.m4a2 S# U& _8 b" o  |" v5 X
│      06 Mother.m4a
7 u+ m+ l, f4 L+ R2 p9 h│      07 Goodbye Blue Sky.m4a7 w' e2 y3 _, E9 r9 Y& x
│      08 Empty Spaces.m4a
, ?; J7 G# y$ `# `7 E3 c│      09 Young Lust.m4a& p) O; N4 K7 Q0 ?' J, t) b
│      10 One of My Turns.m4a
9 u- k5 h& {* h; b% x  i│      11 Don't Leave Me Now.m4a
# A! L* _! d& `4 M# {! \3 w│      12 Another Brick In the Wall, Pt. 3.m4a, H1 C2 p9 }+ i$ p1 x4 W; {
│      13 Goodbye Cruel World.m4a
& X" Z+ ]1 B' r$ v: m, q3 H. u│      14 Hey You.m4a) r: W) S% L8 o1 i7 x
│      15 Is There Anybody Out There_.m4a
5 K! t4 H  }, j. K5 y│      16 Nobody Home.m4a4 D' C; E# d6 k0 p
│      17 Vera.m4a& U. i6 f7 b8 k* D
│      18 Bring the Boys Back Home.m4a) i3 W5 w/ F3 U2 s2 p
│      19 Comfortably Numb.m4a5 `& K# I2 A' g# c# z, ^: V1 l0 G
│      20 The Show Must Go On.m4a
3 e, E0 E. n2 x. z' J! |" w│      21 In the Flesh.m4a
* R6 V- ?: }; E% J1 R│      22 Run Like Hell.m4a, k% R( I0 \0 s
│      23 Waiting for the Worms.m4a
2 ?6 e% c0 V  s1 h6 G. s5 l│      24 Stop.m4a
! a  L  ?) H0 T6 K4 f4 [' ?3 ^│      25 The Trial.m4a
1 Z& f6 Y+ E5 {% O" G8 g│      26 Outside the Wall.m4a; q. c2 ?6 E# k) u
│      ) e" W+ Q- [1 t5 j
├─1981 - A Collection of Great Dance Songs
8 f) e* W6 v9 a' z+ `# P/ Z2 c│      01 One of These Days.m4a
+ x" @% Z$ d- H. n│      02 Money (Re-recorded 1981).m4a
8 t$ o3 w+ A7 H3 n, T/ g│      03 Sheep.m4a& R. }* z; Y7 ^1 _
│      04 Shine On You Crazy Diamond, Pts..m4a
9 N8 ~# [- p" x% [# n8 c│      05 Wish You Were Here.m4a
, F$ _, p& P: z! x│      06 Another Brick in the Wall, Pt. 2.m4a
3 _( M( y' [/ i1 t│      ( \6 \( Q* e' H+ X1 ]$ K6 o
├─1983 - The Final Cut
4 {" |3 j! S6 ?) h7 x' v4 \1 I│  │  01 The Post War Dream.m4a9 q; H/ [8 }; O  V3 c
│  │  02 Your Possible Pasts.m4a* j8 _# N3 [$ V0 A
│  │  03 One of the Few.m4a# z) j! V$ K  ?3 `
│  │  04 When the Tigers Broke Free.m4a
# u  W) l( U! b: V; {, W; S7 U│  │  05 The Hero's Return.m4a
  m( {* q! \3 w' r9 d│  │  06 The Gunner's Dream.m4a
; }1 ~) y. I/ H│  │  07 Paranoid Eyes.m4a3 o2 ]" l% A! W! C6 _6 Z8 g' @& B# d, P
│  │  08 Get Your Filthy Hands Off My Dese.m4a
$ c* n' K/ n: {( ]% T* ]+ u% s. i│  │  09 The Fletcher Memorial Home.m4a
# _3 J3 j/ L3 a% P! |│  │  10 Southampton Dock.m4a
, N/ }1 k/ Z/ k$ k: z3 n  c0 F│  │  11 The Final Cut.m4a+ f' _  i" h1 _* B' d
│  │  12 Not Now John.m4a6 t9 ?* l" v( ]' w
│  │  13 Two Suns In the Sunset.m4a6 ~$ H/ V; j, W+ x/ t3 P
│  │  
8 q8 Y( B0 E7 \9 ~/ P* A3 n) W" |│  └─The Final Cut - iTunes LP (v2.1).itlp0 z8 ^" u" n+ S2 N- M0 Q7 _
$ u, F1 G, z% p- G├─1987 - A Momentary Lapse of Reason5 x9 m# @- u2 Q8 s
│  │  1-01 Signs of Life.m4a$ E8 x! d  `7 o- H7 \
│  │  1-02 Learning to Fly.m4a% z) [  F4 p; |' j) e; ~
│  │  1-03 The Dogs of War.m4a# S: T1 Y( a4 M8 f% u- h6 [4 S5 ^
│  │  1-04 One Slip.m4a
+ ^4 G4 O3 q0 b1 B% s│  │  1-05 On the Turning Away.m4a
+ h6 S% m# m2 ~8 ~4 ~1 q. k│  │  1-06 Yet Another Movie.m4a
0 u- i8 v6 ]5 f6 v1 d% y, t' r; @│  │  1-07 Round and Around.m4a& W+ w' N8 {- k3 ]' F8 G
│  │  1-08 A New Machine, Pt. 1.m4a
- R$ ~  X3 M8 K# ?6 a│  │  1-09 Terminal Frost.m4a
6 O. \& B' a' x/ {  F6 L8 Y│  │  1-10 A New Machine, Pt. 2.m4a# J; k# V8 ]; ~' F3 f  u" Y% A1 ^
│  │  1-11 Sorrow.m4a. j5 Q7 a8 I, F3 G/ `+ C
│  │  : c" Q. |$ z" q' R3 b  l. k
│  └─A Momentary Lapse of Reason - iTune.itlp( n+ g) G% i9 l% \" Z6 C; ~4 @2 p( K
│              " v. m; X2 d# m, C7 k" z/ r% `
├─1988 - Delicate Sound of Thunder (Live)5 @6 Q2 v* f! \+ m6 g- t0 v
│      1-01 Shine On You Crazy Diamond (Liv.m4a6 n1 y6 B/ ?3 l6 u; J
│      1-02 Learning to Fly (Live).m4a
$ h, \. z" l, K│      1-03 Yet Another Movie (Live).m4a
9 T6 u! F! N2 ~│      1-04 Round and Around (Live).m4a
, S, m& N4 M% h$ N# g, n6 _│      1-05 Sorrow (Live).m4a
) u3 y* y4 I- ~0 w│      1-06 The Dogs of War (Live).m4a/ j: V/ r4 j7 q% r
│      1-07 On the Turning Away (Live).m4a
, u" v7 Z, F$ S) b( N0 ?$ N│      2-01 One of These Days (Live).m4a+ `1 d0 U1 q( A$ H% f1 h9 v  K2 B2 |
│      2-02 Time (Live).m4a
; f) }  X% d1 Q' f4 a% ?- a4 M; p│      2-03 Wish You Were Here (Live).m4a
) w: Q; V& [' j$ P: f5 a! h│      2-04 Us and Them (Live).m4a
' I/ t( y4 G4 U- H2 ]│      2-05 Money (Live).m4a
0 F8 h+ F, N! N* ~  ~" [3 j$ s│      2-06 Another Brick In the Wall, Pt..m4a: Y- T( r$ d% R! i4 h2 r
│      2-07 Comfortably Numb (Live).m4a. k8 B8 I$ W, q
│      2-08 Run Like Hell (Live).m4a  d; E' C1 m2 r8 B6 S  A
│      ; t2 Y( m7 N6 o, w7 W
├─1994 - The Division Bell
; q3 [! U% e% G2 r4 D│  │  1-01 Cluster One.m4a  M3 R2 r/ @2 K1 N) L7 E/ w  r& b7 v
│  │  1-02 What Do You Want from Me.m4a
! g* J1 w* q  I/ \5 l0 Z) ^│  │  1-03 Poles Apart.m4a
) r& n. K  e. p: e1 u, [│  │  1-04 Marooned.m4a2 T' i6 W- K) d! t1 u4 j
│  │  1-05 A Great Day for Freedom.m4a4 m% J, f7 ?- [$ J. ?
│  │  1-06 Wearing the Inside Out.m4a3 o. D( n$ g: y
│  │  1-07 Take It Back.m4a
, Y) J% B& E& D/ n( Q+ W+ K│  │  1-08 Coming Back to Life.m4a: v7 e( R6 u# f" L
│  │  1-09 Keep Talking.m4a
, C% e  T/ W& K& _│  │  1-10 Lost for Words.m4a* O$ o7 b" D2 N( Y+ S
│  │  1-11 High Hopes.m4a
/ ]' T0 v! ?$ B. \│  │  # Y1 o! s0 d- I5 k, Z2 m: V# C
│  └─The Division Bell - iTunes LP (v2.1.itlp
. A0 j# G6 n) g; D, w+ M7 |│              
4 ~: i! p- L, H; m& A( ~├─1995 - Pulse (Live)
! v+ E% ~# R$ @5 k: |│      1-01 Shine On You Crazy Diamond (Liv.m4a% ?3 I% H* k+ {. q+ q7 z6 [
│      1-02 Astronomy Domine (Live).m4a
# T. N/ |8 \5 W│      1-03 What Do You Want from Me (Live).m4a
7 W6 y+ ~1 \; g9 l9 w4 Z/ u2 h│      1-04 Learning to Fly (Live).m4a# n% O- Y. |- Y+ [' z+ c
│      1-05 Keep Talking (Live).m4a
3 ~* x: z9 \' `, L2 y2 w│      1-06 Coming Back to Life (Live).m4a4 B3 W! Q: h* r5 [
│      1-07 Hey You (Live).m4a( k% r3 @! l0 J
│      1-08 A Great Day for Freedom (Live).m4a
* E' ~) B3 F5 j" l7 W7 Q│      1-09 Sorrow (Live).m4a* P9 a& j4 T; Z( [, ?4 j0 ^
│      1-10 High Hopes (Live).m4a
4 c0 u4 d: M9 I! p│      1-11 Another Brick In the Wall, Pt..m4a
1 F) x. }3 o; ?5 w5 ]0 W3 L1 s+ U│      2-01 Speak to Me (Live).m4a5 M7 D9 B7 F0 L9 y" @9 ]
│      2-02 Breathe (In the Air) [Live].m4a
9 |! \; o% D. Y! s% y2 ~│      2-03 On the Run (Live).m4a! g; {  W/ _3 i1 I
│      2-04 Time (Live).m4a: f6 c. U. h3 H7 X. Z
│      2-05 The Great Gig In the Sky (Live).m4a' g1 B) G' [' X! t: |8 ^' S
│      2-06 Money (Live).m4a8 V, n* E( R& A+ A
│      2-07 Us and Them (Live).m4a
9 z7 g- E$ u# O- ?- d! T! q│      2-08 Any Colour You Like (Live).m4a# y1 e: R2 \) i0 e& d; [
│      2-09 Brain Damage (Live).m4a
' A' r* b8 R3 ^1 d8 e& W7 K│      2-10 Eclipse (Live).m4a
; y: a  \) _% B7 p% B# T) p│      2-11 Wish You Were Here (Live).m4a
1 p! Y' d# Z2 R# @2 C│      2-12 Comfortably Numb (Live).m4a; e, C6 \9 B* ~) q$ t+ w, g' M
│      2-13 Run Like Hell (Live).m4a# |' u) T+ p& s) K6 X
│      $ y: [) t* R3 M4 V3 u) `& z  n
├─1995 - Pulse (Live) [2018 Remaster]
; l  D. T/ k1 n8 Y5 \8 c! d% j│      1-01 Shine On You Crazy Diamond (Pts.m4a
/ F( J9 k6 L2 O0 P│      1-02 Astronomy Domine ((Live) [2018.m4a
) v5 M5 L9 @. C1 L│      1-03 What Do You Want From Me ((Live.m4a; Z7 Z. S1 }/ F! _% e5 A( ?5 _. d
│      1-04 Learning To Fly ((Live) [2018 R.m4a
; d0 |6 o1 h2 {│      1-05 Keep Talking ((Live) [2018 Rema.m4a2 }8 @: s# C, Q% u( _2 h# m
│      1-06 Coming Back To Life ((Live) [20.m4a2 g$ z, \5 D# g: Q1 }  j
│      1-07 Hey You ((Live) [2018 Remaster].m4a
' c) q% i7 C) a: P│      1-08 A Great Day For Freedom ((Live).m4a. W- K& C) z. s! j, v* A
│      1-09 Sorrow ((Live) [2018 Remaster]).m4a
1 k0 y7 `/ Z& e0 Q9 |3 U│      1-10 High Hopes ((Live) [2018 Remast.m4a. k9 G- P+ ]9 j5 @2 z- U# f- ~
│      1-11 Another Brick In The Wall (Pt..m4a$ G8 W0 p" C$ M2 v
│      1-12 One Of These Days ((Live) [2018.m4a0 n4 S% P7 p  `; H* q4 w
│      2-01 Speak To Me ((Live) [2018 Remas.m4a+ \: _7 f3 @% O
│      2-02 Breathe ((Live) [2018 Remaster].m4a  J! @' R; G4 J1 ?
│      2-03 On The Run ((Live) [2018 Remast.m4a# K$ ]# L6 y5 R: w/ i6 J' U" |+ R
│      2-04 Time ((Live) [2018 Remaster]).m4a
5 ~' Q8 Y4 i+ v- H2 ~1 N5 ~│      2-05 The Great Gig In The Sky ((Live.m4a5 y/ Y1 g  i! X5 @' y- H1 J
│      2-06 Money ((Live) [2018 Remaster]).m4a
; h$ V0 T* S3 v; ]; D- H│      2-07 Us And Them ((Live) [2018 Remas.m4a, Z3 r0 ?' |5 d% W% h6 E3 O: I
│      2-08 Any Colour You Like ((Live) [20.m4a2 E( e/ d& I; j
│      2-09 Brain Damage ((Live) [2018 Rema.m4a: i8 ]* j' n1 D
│      2-10 Eclipse ((Live) [2018 Remaster].m4a
" Z9 P1 v$ m" ]4 x9 C' h  S│      2-11 Wish You Were Here ((Live) [201.m4a( C9 C, i- w; D% F. F# f& z& _* z& s
│      2-12 Comfortably Numb ((Live) [2018.m4a
  L: j7 H/ o: t) L2 }  g│      2-13 Run Like Hell ((Live) [2018 Rem.m4a
* _' O8 P" E2 B$ B│      " \4 B. L" l6 f* I) F5 |" y/ w
├─2000 - Is There Anybody Out There - The Wall Live 1980-81
3 ?8 b# g* g1 p: G│      1-01 Master of Ceremonies (Live) [Di.m4a
6 ~3 @/ x$ @8 K, x9 r/ m$ q( w│      1-02 In the Flesh_ (Live).m4a4 d- I2 `! k9 U, j" K2 I
│      1-03 The Thin Ice (Live).m4a  K3 Y1 m5 D( @, N3 P! O
│      1-04 Another Brick In the Wall, Pt..m4a
7 g4 ]7 a& w& d$ D1 f- \, W│      1-05 The Happiest Days of Our Lives.m4a; ?1 n6 e3 ?/ w
│      1-06 Another Brick In the Wall, Pt..m4a
( H  r& ~/ m' Z- {│      1-07 Mother (Live).m4a5 j" I' K+ m* h) D6 s; @9 f4 Y# A% Y
│      1-08 Goodbye Blue Sky (Live).m4a9 }1 ]+ V7 C+ _) u
│      1-09 Empty Spaces (Live).m4a8 }3 K5 t, ~# s" U3 D7 l
│      1-10 What Shall We Do Now_ (Live).m4a
1 Y' V$ ^' f: G│      1-11 Young Lust (Live).m4a5 c/ E6 ^$ o4 E& e+ {% ]2 w) l9 N
│      1-12 One of My Turns (Live).m4a
$ G, d$ Z6 T8 |& [: |│      1-13 Don't Leave Me Now (Live).m4a
( j, I  g9 ^. m9 X" r│      1-14 Another Brick In the Wall, Pt..m4a. h# Y! @# b5 I7 x6 L, |7 L) l  J
│      1-15 The Last Few Bricks (Live).m4a
2 G0 v3 \% S$ ^7 u- Z│      1-16 Goodbye Cruel World (Live).m4a
: E) K# o" g8 U+ m3 a0 G│      2-01 Hey You (Live).m4a
" @3 z0 ^. R5 ?& g│      2-02 Is There Anybody Out There_ (Li.m4a
  b" H' w) w$ K: S│      2-03 Nobody Home (Live).m4a
' ~4 e) j5 o9 k│      2-04 Vera (Live).m4a
- }4 W: h5 i0 g4 \5 }/ L│      2-05 Bring the Boys Back Home (Live).m4a9 B5 `' K% M1 I% H, {# C0 ^
│      2-06 Comfortably Numb (Live).m4a
; a2 q1 R1 q& N9 S2 ]+ X8 ~│      2-07 The Show Must Go On (Live).m4a& v( p3 D! E; Z( q' P$ _
│      2-08 Master of Ceremonies (Live) [Di.m4a
) P* m' N& }" k│      2-09 In the Flesh (Live).m4a1 d4 Z  C/ o0 Q" n* _
│      2-10 Run Like Hell (Live).m4a
% J/ o  N. d- ?1 q│      2-11 Waiting for the Worms (Live).m4a
' O2 W. d; `" h( s: |& }│      2-12 Stop (Live).m4a, \3 ^' d! e: V6 \5 G1 t9 l
│      2-13 The Trial (Live).m4a+ h1 X% y! s/ V& P% r$ M% s
│      2-14 Outside the Wall (Live).m4a7 L- R4 S) g5 t
4 j6 Y& I2 i. I. R' n├─2001 - Echoes_ The Best of Pink Floyd& a" a$ J8 D: J- C6 w+ O% R9 d+ U  ^
│      1-01 Astronomy Domine.m4a
5 S* O3 M. Z( W: \│      1-02 See Emily Play.m4a7 Z6 D3 F& j" |; Q+ Q  E5 E
│      1-03 The Happiest Days of Our Lives.m4a
0 ^1 K5 P( @, l$ A│      1-04 Another Brick In the Wall, Pt..m4a2 }: d0 Y% C5 ]
│      1-05 Echoes.m4a# x9 T4 `9 k# k7 K
│      1-06 Hey You.m4a
, I& }3 S# k' E% U9 ^4 h% N' W│      1-07 Marooned.m4a
+ q6 s! A# w; I7 w1 ~9 d│      1-08 The Great Gig In the Sky.m4a4 W3 B( m+ p: \7 w: P4 {0 x
│      1-09 Set the Controls for the Heart.m4a& j( o6 W5 M% j- }( G- Z: @- l
│      1-10 Money.m4a( v  n$ F0 X% ^. c
│      1-11 Keep Talking.m4a, u! Z1 D$ j) b6 D, u) c' P4 q
│      1-12 Sheep.m4a- a5 c1 W. _- P$ u) s+ Q
│      1-13 Sorrow.m4a5 n: G- l" I. g' r$ [
│      2-01 Shine On You Crazy Diamond, Pts.m4a* B6 _2 |- H/ _* n1 W' V
│      2-02 Time.m4a! \8 u8 Q9 b$ `0 B' R  G5 x
│      2-03 The Fletcher Memorial Home.m4a4 H9 ^3 ]6 z1 P" D- R( p( g
│      2-04 Comfortably Numb.m4a7 m" P9 o* H; \  T0 S& l
│      2-05 When the Tigers Broke Free.m4a
4 B6 z. M  {* q) o│      2-06 One of These Days.m4a" \( M" K- P7 F& I0 _
│      2-07 Us and Them.m4a+ R% K2 T: b7 ?3 ]4 [& K
│      2-08 Learning to Fly.m4a) ^9 X6 t: N+ y+ a: K8 k  d" ?9 S
│      2-09 Arnold Layne.m4a
7 [2 N- L7 L& |6 r4 O, G1 S│      2-10 Wish You Were Here.m4a# H' @4 r1 G  `; o# N
│      2-11 Jugband Blues.m4a$ t! F+ ?5 J0 Z' \2 I
│      2-12 High Hopes.m4a! Y" q4 M" |$ O+ O6 s: q' Q
│      2-13 Bike.m4a
1 _2 V/ x' d( U- u4 n│      " ^+ V: I; z* j- I
├─2007 - The Piper At the Gates of Dawn (Triple Disc Version) [Remastered]
; f% L: k( f, G3 y│      1-01 Astronomy Domine (Mono).m4a- o* o( j0 p/ t+ L4 m6 O/ R
│      1-02 Lucifer Sam (Mono).m4a
9 ?/ b, C% {7 y; {3 W% U) }* S: n, t3 J│      1-03 Matilda Mother (Mono).m4a
1 F/ `: A5 d) s' t6 h! S; q│      1-04 Flaming (Mono).m4a3 M7 _8 ?: ]9 a3 ~. P( x7 d1 ]7 D/ i
│      1-05 Pow R. Toc. H (Mono).m4a9 }  _! m2 A" a& e6 w
│      1-06 Take Up Thy Stethoscope and Wal.m4a7 I1 H& q0 T7 Z. \, n
│      1-07 Interstellar Overdrive (Mono).m4a% \; H  `2 N& B* X5 Q, p( f
│      1-08 The Gnome (Mono).m4a
! Y) C" b! w: i2 j│      1-09 Chapter 24 (Mono).m4a
! o4 h. o; h. b: b- _( n  @$ X  Z5 Z│      1-10 The Scarecrow (Mono).m4a
; R! l  E) b: r4 s- b7 c# z' ]6 R│      1-11 Bike (Mono).m4a
3 k9 Z# j3 B) W, [3 c8 N│      2-01 Astronomy Domine (Stereo).m4a3 f- h5 N) v6 Q$ x
│      2-02 Lucifer Sam (Stereo).m4a" F% V. ?3 A0 K- |7 g  `8 h2 h
│      2-03 Matilda Mother (Stereo).m4a
7 @: J! L/ @! o# \│      2-04 Flaming (Stereo).m4a
" I, G2 Q' [! J│      2-05 Pow R. Toc. H (Stereo).m4a
4 I, l2 j) x$ G│      2-06 Take Up Thy Stethoscope and Wal.m4a: h* E: X1 e$ r* U) r
│      2-07 Interstellar Overdrive (Stereo).m4a# s. q8 P2 R9 @! s
│      2-08 The Gnome (Stereo).m4a" v3 R: O1 n" a( u) [$ _; f5 P
│      2-09 Chapter 24 (Stereo).m4a" g6 `8 J8 @' [0 g
│      2-10 The Scarecrow (Stereo).m4a& H4 h3 c* u7 \" g
│      2-11 Bike (Stereo).m4a
7 F9 X0 }" S* z9 x│      3-01 Arnold Layne.m4a& R9 V# N& E! H2 g* ^7 d
│      3-02 Candy and a Currant Bun.m4a) Z, o  E( q0 ]# r2 c1 F
│      3-03 See Emily Play.m4a9 ~$ C/ Q  @$ H. c" A; N
│      3-04 Apples and Oranges.m4a
0 B4 u% h) ]: Y/ K  o│      3-05 Paintbox.m4a0 n( _% y! |6 ?" `- ^
│      3-06 Interstellar Overdrive (Take 2).m4a
' A9 t3 o$ P  E: X' S) s1 C│      3-07 Apples and Oranges (Stereo Vers.m4a* v7 r! v4 c2 J7 Q8 S. M0 {9 [
│      3-08 Matilda Mother (Alternative Ver.m4a
( [) s  E; [' ]9 G│      3-09 Interstellar Overdrive (Take 6).m4a
( C% E3 o. K( U; ?  I│      Digital Booklet - The Piper At the G.pdf1 Y  o% }# n2 \) F( G
│      2 p; @2 I9 Z$ r+ [; i, P
├─2011 - A Foot In the Door The Best of Pink Floyd0 Y% O  s, F+ m& B
│  │  01 Hey You.m4a/ j5 d% ]% m1 X+ Q  M, P/ X$ U, A; U
│  │  02 See Emily Play.m4a
$ `* L8 z& v: ]$ h6 d% z9 ^+ V│  │  03 The Happiest Days of Our Lives.m4a' {$ b$ n% v7 v% _- q0 @
│  │  04 Another Brick In the Wall, Pt. 2.m4a
4 r/ G  i$ [- d│  │  05 Have a Cigar.m4a  n4 [+ z3 G! N
│  │  06 Wish You Were Here.m4a
& L, i# Y6 K% _│  │  07 Time (Edit).m4a) N3 m! _( E0 y$ A6 ]7 r& s/ C* M8 o& J
│  │  08 The Great Gig In the Sky.m4a
3 U* P$ s! g3 M│  │  09 Money.m4a
" c. m. G6 U! i5 m% H9 ^; X! J1 N8 I│  │  10 Comfortably Numb.m4a
( _* p; M' @. c- w$ @) W3 H│  │  11 High Hopes.m4a. _( Z- L% B; L; Z- M' q- F
│  │  12 Learning to Fly.m4a5 C$ l2 i( F" }3 G$ _# Q) d( C1 ~; o
│  │  13 The Fletcher Memorial Home.m4a
% H3 b" {; u' O& P6 k# L! H│  │  14 Shine On You Crazy Diamond, Pts..m4a
3 n! A- {# d2 A) M5 ~( H8 C4 K8 d9 O│  │  15 Brain Damage.m4a
4 d) X7 t2 e4 N# t│  │  16 Eclipse.m4a7 }- c$ ^% S6 ^) P
│  │  / C- Y1 z! J+ g" a" M
│  └─Digital Booklet - A Foot In the Doo.itlp' K. m" ?0 ~6 i0 w7 C. g
: c- y: j/ i+ \  U+ `├─2011 - DISCOVERY BOX SET
( x: M. S3 e. R; h│  ├─A Momentary Lapse Of Reason (Remastered)0 m+ {1 i! z1 {& B+ @: P8 Z. d* Q
│  │  │  13-01 Signs of Life.m4a, g4 Y, x6 j# g$ k) e% {5 {
│  │  │  13-02 Learning to Fly.m4a. B1 M7 l0 _3 \; s1 L
│  │  │  13-03 The Dogs of War.m4a
/ ?' \+ i( a# l* _│  │  │  13-04 One Slip.m4a
, [* M% z# ]1 O- k$ x& l│  │  │  13-05 On the Turning Away.m4a
& o7 t" ]- o2 C│  │  │  13-06 Yet Another Movie.m4a
6 i0 ]6 B; J$ n; M; I- a' l) M│  │  │  13-07 Round and Around.m4a
: \- r4 R, U+ x% Z* l+ E5 r│  │  │  13-08 A New Machine, Pt. 1.m4a
% f+ a9 W9 G) I9 Z│  │  │  13-09 Terminal Frost.m4a
' k/ A5 p/ `9 d│  │  │  13-10 A New Machine, Pt. 2.m4a1 F% E9 Q& e; P- b9 o# D4 w1 T0 T
│  │  │  13-11 Sorrow.m4a
& l0 M2 `0 R9 c1 W│  │  │  
  I6 [2 [$ K2 R+ V) U  q│  │  └─A Momentary Lapse of Reason (Remast.itlp* Z3 F4 M1 ~! p# z( R
│  │              ' P: h  i+ |( O
│  ├─A Saucerful Of Secrets (Remastered)
9 R1 X8 _4 `8 u* g! y& q│  │  │  2-01 Let There Be More Light.m4a& C% X8 s3 K, d6 C
│  │  │  2-02 Remember a Day.m4a
1 Z2 k$ k4 w1 i2 K│  │  │  2-03 Set the Controls for the Heart.m4a
7 i! T$ V/ @( C' z+ m' Q│  │  │  2-04 Corporal Clegg.m4a  u# n. j4 a3 V
│  │  │  2-05 A Saucerful of Secrets.m4a
% i2 h  [0 k& \" ^, n│  │  │  2-06 See Saw.m4a9 y9 Q1 d8 `1 l  m, x1 h& G
│  │  │  2-07 Jugband Blues.m4a
/ h; t* c6 M$ ~, M- H* ^9 B) m│  │  │  
6 r! n5 R/ o8 {+ t│  │  └─A Saucerful of Secrets (Remastered).itlp
* S) v3 X, [9 ^0 c* o* t│  │              1 e" v) Z7 ?/ [8 v; O, U
│  ├─Animals (Remastered)
  c( H0 D$ v5 L. `; t9 h│  │  │  10-01 Pigs On the Wing, Pt. 1.m4a; I) N* M1 @6 \6 z
│  │  │  10-02 Dogs.m4a9 p! m6 q( i! G
│  │  │  10-03 Pigs (Three Different Ones).m4a
( B7 I- ]5 U2 R# k. a* @  o  v6 i$ h│  │  │  10-04 Sheep.m4a# `8 O" T7 d* l. D3 ^; r
│  │  │  10-05 Pigs On the Wing, Pt. 2.m4a4 c; `# c: q7 d9 T% D+ M
│  │  │  / [# K% X3 J' |1 [% ~# z7 Z
│  │  └─Animals (Remastered) - iTunes LP.itlp
0 k/ }" a0 w) W* s' q/ {│  │              
1 o. d  ?9 F* O0 O3 B│  ├─Atom Heart Mother (Remastered)
3 v& ?8 t9 N; }; |│  │  │  5-01 Atom Heart Mother Suite.m4a
8 E" n) @3 h2 |8 |& O) j4 H- Q│  │  │  5-02 If.m4a9 y4 Q  V" t: `8 [6 W, W9 V6 m0 n5 m
│  │  │  5-03 Summer '68.m4a
' M3 q( N2 S. G3 z* b, d( ~│  │  │  5-04 Fat Old Sun.m4a& i. E) F. [. c0 u* N2 {; N# P# z6 c
│  │  │  5-05 Alan's Psychedelic Breakfast.m4a
  K. a, S, G+ g" ~! T5 z│  │  │  ( _  I) [) d4 u7 o2 J* \
│  │  └─Atom Heart Mother (Remastered) - iT.itlp
. T" C# h. D7 l7 J& h& j│  │              ! M2 p4 Q( K7 K) p0 x! F
│  ├─Meddle (Remastered)
% b, z% d4 ^+ y9 _/ `│  │  │  6-01 One of These Days.m4a. p3 X* b' {1 p2 ]  l9 Q
│  │  │  6-02 A Pillow of Winds.m4a
. Q" z" D- o9 `2 ~5 \: ~│  │  │  6-03 Fearless.m4a4 h6 t/ n% l4 l# O' G. D4 C
│  │  │  6-04 San Tropez.m4a8 n3 a, w( I# _- b0 W& l
│  │  │  6-05 Seamus.m4a
! h' S: O" G2 n; U$ C│  │  │  6-06 Echoes.m4a) `+ H# [/ w$ w# P( U- U* U
│  │  │  2 b" A0 |& e% k
│  │  └─Meddle (Remastered) - iTunes LP.itlp
3 b. s8 R0 M+ k│  │              
2 }/ U. j6 M4 q/ c3 r3 p5 e) x/ d│  ├─More (Remastered), z# K4 B6 o! B% f& C! T3 r
│  │  │  3-01 Cirrus Minor.m4a( s  `) o9 _, n4 B
│  │  │  3-02 The Nile Song.m4a
2 c  F0 ~8 p5 k│  │  │  3-03 Crying Song.m4a* y0 |/ @% _# q  m( \7 O
│  │  │  3-04 Up the Khyber.m4a
: v% F+ H  l) T6 v" M│  │  │  3-05 Green Is the Colour.m4a
+ I3 n- V; z# r/ D" n" r│  │  │  3-06 Cymbaline.m4a! B2 w/ z8 {& g3 ]
│  │  │  3-07 Party Sequence.m4a4 S. J; F' d1 p+ n. C/ L$ Y3 K
│  │  │  3-08 Main Theme.m4a5 m( V9 d! m" o* G' q) S  n$ B
│  │  │  3-09 Ibiza Bar.m4a4 v& ?3 e" L4 h* M2 x" r
│  │  │  3-10 More Blues.m4a
1 R4 \5 l& \5 \( h+ f; V7 f4 q│  │  │  3-11 Quicksilver.m4a8 V7 E3 l# z$ i7 i: @9 V& n
│  │  │  3-12 A Spanish Piece.m4a
9 z7 C& g# ?+ [0 f( p│  │  │  3-13 Dramatic Theme.m4a
7 s4 ~' o: B, E0 J, h│  │  │  
$ p0 l3 V8 i0 ^9 k3 m" S│  │  └─More (Remastered) - iTunes LP.itlp1 t  ~- N3 Z% x2 G8 k
│  │              ! d. R9 d6 I, a6 _, e
│  ├─Obscured By Clouds (Remastered)
7 X- g9 I) x4 D, J, w│  │  │  7-01 Obscured By Clouds.m4a
8 d; P, r0 _: B% ~│  │  │  7-02 When You're In.m4a
4 g! w! t  x5 @5 q│  │  │  7-03 Burning Bridges.m4a- b/ ?& p; m8 g, P; N9 T& w
│  │  │  7-04 The Gold It's In the....m4a; L9 [8 Y3 I* H) B& Y- T  H9 H
│  │  │  7-05 Wot's...Uh the Deal.m4a
0 G8 z' ?" C) x+ `+ d9 K) j│  │  │  7-06 Mudmen.m4a9 E& j. p2 |; @; n
│  │  │  7-07 Childhood's End.m4a
* O: d: X( h1 K│  │  │  7-08 Free Four.m4a
7 M/ i  U& a, \' ?8 g│  │  │  7-09 Stay.m4a
! G# ?. m: s& k- e, |( F/ ]│  │  │  7-10 Absolutely Curtains.m4a
0 _% f6 V& r3 q# Y7 k- F) h│  │  │  % V. o$ i8 P) P/ X' l  E4 _5 {
│  │  └─Obscured By Clouds (Remastered) - i.itlp- I' w0 @! A& I4 _: ]
│  │              2 U' O1 E) X+ Z( K% f1 A; {
│  ├─The Dark Side Of The Moon (Remastered)
. P" b5 f5 o5 b, V8 ]│  │  │  8-01 Speak to Me.m4a
) X( m* ?  |2 {+ U4 r; [: o│  │  │  8-02 Breathe (In the Air).m4a
# e" D7 F8 [! r) A' b9 O- l│  │  │  8-03 On the Run.m4a
. J; D2 |& `" C) H3 b3 p│  │  │  8-04 Time.m4a
* i$ f9 ^2 a, B; A8 P2 @$ ?/ {│  │  │  8-05 The Great Gig In the Sky.m4a
) [! O" U& \) i: o& x$ Z5 J│  │  │  8-06 Money.m4a  C- @$ i# j$ s4 e( ~- `+ {
│  │  │  8-07 Us and Them.m4a  |8 `& I: o1 W8 [3 [6 B5 P
│  │  │  8-08 Any Colour You Like.m4a3 h6 j' U; B' Q. z
│  │  │  8-09 Brain Damage.m4a/ Q  |" U7 x  ^
│  │  │  8-10 Eclipse.m4a
6 ?, d" I: H% @" F│  │  │  ' g* `+ ?. f$ m& r1 T, h
│  │  └─The Dark Side of the Moon (Remaster.itlp
% I6 A5 C! ^8 q( X1 w+ `│  │              
/ B% }* Z0 y1 f' h8 g: \│  ├─The Discovery Box Set (Remastered)2 z' x. r( u3 Y  v# ~" H
│  │              , Z+ u- H* P5 m6 j7 F2 Y
│  ├─The Division Bell (Remastered)
9 `' |' j3 r$ i# i1 j9 J│  │  │  14-01 Cluster One.m4a4 B7 J# @/ P1 R& v
│  │  │  14-02 What Do You Want from Me.m4a
1 }0 g6 ]" S9 r# f8 Q│  │  │  14-03 Poles Apart.m4a
  f) y/ \) W! ^, v& I│  │  │  14-04 Marooned.m4a, \4 a7 a' _( _' u, y5 v# D; ?
│  │  │  14-05 A Great Day for Freedom.m4a7 V9 ^$ Z1 D3 I2 C* T
│  │  │  14-06 Wearing the Inside Out.m4a
0 P0 @. a4 E& P. e! Y│  │  │  14-07 Take It Back.m4a; H* a# v( v1 a- [
│  │  │  14-08 Coming Back to Life.m4a
8 {. h" M; |6 A( X1 X│  │  │  14-09 Keep Talking.m4a1 B& l1 O3 t5 [1 L4 D
│  │  │  14-10 Lost for Words.m4a
6 N1 S% }: Y& U7 N+ L9 {& O│  │  │  14-11 High Hopes.m4a
+ M9 F) N3 k8 w, O$ s│  │  │  $ p- V$ ?3 l6 x1 r8 z
│  │  └─The Division Bell (Remastered) - iT.itlp5 R* N$ I3 @# O1 y' I1 t
│  │              
% @% {# c% }# v" U4 ?, L│  ├─The Final Cut (Remastered)$ m) b- J7 N8 A( E" P- ]
│  │  │  12-01 The Post War Dream.m4a. n( j  b+ c9 Z+ X1 K% p
│  │  │  12-02 Your Possible Pasts.m4a
/ A7 `! k6 i4 k& L) Z' H9 p│  │  │  12-03 One of the Few.m4a5 f0 R$ c+ e. V1 T* m1 ^6 l6 Y4 w% n
│  │  │  12-04 When the Tigers Broke Free.m4a
6 W4 L. ~, K1 @6 [" K│  │  │  12-05 The Hero's Return.m4a
1 L+ i5 z5 \5 k( }3 K│  │  │  12-06 The Gunner's Dream.m4a- }% R) N  c- ?! g! ]
│  │  │  12-07 Paranoid Eyes.m4a- H7 E+ I& Z5 n2 l$ d7 j% d
│  │  │  12-08 Get Your Filthy Hands Off My D.m4a# T$ g+ q" \$ r
│  │  │  12-09 The Fletcher Memorial Home.m4a4 p4 {3 l$ f% X/ D" S
│  │  │  12-10 Southampton Dock.m4a% [, z! E3 c: g0 j, O7 R3 u& ~
│  │  │  12-11 The Final Cut.m4a
$ N0 ~& [- F/ M) D│  │  │  12-12 Not Now John.m4a+ t, b; b2 g# Y& w5 s
│  │  │  12-13 Two Suns In the Sunset.m4a0 ]7 `1 R8 `: a- F
│  │  │  
+ B$ o9 \; \! D$ y( w0 {% h( H0 T) t│  │  └─The Final Cut (Remastered) - iTunes.itlp, f9 T" r9 n4 e0 l1 M4 v( ^
│  │              
3 c+ H6 \. |) o; f5 o+ z│  ├─The Piper At The Gates Of Dawn (Remaster
4 y& Q: x) i+ R│  │  │  1-01 Astronomy Domine.m4a  @2 L1 P9 T. F5 |
│  │  │  1-02 Lucifer Sam.m4a7 T5 b6 N4 c, I! B& k) c0 Y. G
│  │  │  1-03 Matilda Mother.m4a; R5 U+ @3 k# ^9 x
│  │  │  1-04 Flaming.m4a
! H0 k2 I$ L/ C2 T" n+ j4 a│  │  │  1-05 Pow R. Toc H..m4a
) f( M8 {/ Q8 @; I5 _# k% H& o│  │  │  1-06 Take Up Thy Stethoscope and Wal.m4a
4 Z. `6 g) m0 p! q7 d# x│  │  │  1-07 Interstellar Overdrive.m4a# ?7 }  E0 q, J
│  │  │  1-08 The Gnome.m4a
! D5 ^4 G: Z  ^( S" i& e+ c1 p" e│  │  │  1-09 Chapter 24.m4a
$ \+ y- t- {! B9 q, d│  │  │  1-10 Scarecrow.m4a
" i5 B" {3 R/ M! P│  │  │  1-11 Bike.m4a
9 b: Y4 r& P& M+ _│  │  │  3 S4 L% w; e# R* F( u, ]: u
│  │  └─The Piper At the Gates of Dawn (Rem.itlp
* s) v* ^% N* g; [6 l% [  Q. L. Z│  │              3 F6 X0 U- U# |- s" S' @
│  ├─The Wall (Remastered)
7 c5 k4 n' L. A3 D│  │  │  11-01 In the Flesh_.m4a3 x8 O9 f8 n' g0 j. F- |
│  │  │  11-02 The Thin Ice.m4a. o4 N! P% j7 Q' J, Z
│  │  │  11-03 Another Brick In the Wall, Pt..m4a
  q2 r. V8 @4 `│  │  │  11-04 The Happiest Days of Our Lives.m4a
+ {) h9 L( G! A) g0 j7 `│  │  │  11-05 Another Brick In the Wall, Pt..m4a$ P- g& |+ }6 j, t4 j7 D9 a* Z! @
│  │  │  11-06 Mother.m4a) }  y! P4 U7 o! G2 Z' \- [1 h
│  │  │  11-07 Goodbye Blue Sky.m4a
9 t) K9 l* l. l7 ^: \& J│  │  │  11-08 Empty Spaces.m4a
! X5 p. M3 R# [7 R7 \3 P/ q│  │  │  11-09 Young Lust.m4a
+ K! y& P. `( a7 c* J- _│  │  │  11-10 One of My Turns.m4a
8 ?( P! y5 c6 J6 T  ?│  │  │  11-11 Don't Leave Me Now.m4a
8 O# {) P! [6 [! r│  │  │  11-12 Another Brick In the Wall, Pt..m4a
. Y6 {/ [( l: v│  │  │  11-13 Goodbye Cruel World.m4a5 K6 e. M, v9 f
│  │  │  11-14 Hey You.m4a* T4 c$ ~: n; @% Y& k
│  │  │  11-15 Is There Anybody Out There_.m4a0 n# b' j- [( m" U( e$ e) ?
│  │  │  11-16 Nobody Home.m4a& C. e2 r7 Y8 N
│  │  │  11-17 Vera.m4a
  O1 A$ @6 j* G: h5 o/ |│  │  │  11-18 Bring the Boys Back Home.m4a
& U8 F  l% s8 ]" N3 }│  │  │  11-19 Comfortably Numb.m4a$ C% Z4 Q/ [' s4 }1 U( ]
│  │  │  11-20 The Show Must Go On.m4a
3 M. J, S) `1 P- u9 g9 L% C! ~. q/ v│  │  │  11-21 In the Flesh.m4a
) `, r% f7 |4 k+ t1 n# X! l0 |2 Q2 ]! U│  │  │  11-22 Run Like Hell.m4a
# {* R% U9 |4 [4 `│  │  │  11-23 Waiting for the Worms.m4a
, {: k- g& }& y- w│  │  │  11-24 Stop.m4a
7 l  O1 Y, t- {7 \: }7 \│  │  │  11-25 The Trial.m4a
6 a1 p5 H8 u! ]9 q# a8 F1 Z0 \│  │  │  11-26 Outside the Wall.m4a' Z5 {* M& h) u7 @; h- D
│  │  │  3 I8 R/ q8 H# `% J2 v* a* V- K% M
│  │  └─The Wall (Remastered) - iTunes LP.itlp
% c. e2 H) d! M│  │              ' e  Q* R6 Z* b! d$ g
│  ├─Ummagumma (Remastered)7 X" W9 h; K0 b* q( f
│  │  │  4-01 Astronomy Domine (Live).m4a
! A7 C% B. g0 K" n8 D# h│  │  │  4-02 Careful With That Axe Eugene (L.m4a
  R! T$ d, S2 T5 w8 Y' p$ ~, I  y│  │  │  4-03 Set the Controls for the Heart.m4a
  x" I, z3 _) t$ t" m│  │  │  4-04 A Saucerful of Secrets (Live).m4a4 j3 {# }5 t# m1 F. L5 i
│  │  │  4-05 Sysyphus, Pt. 1.m4a
1 q9 d- h$ i/ o6 H│  │  │  4-06 Sysyphus, Pt. 2.m4a# A9 G8 `+ ^3 q1 f. v( p
│  │  │  4-07 Sysyphus, Pt. 3.m4a
/ G: H( ~, Z: ]& `- I│  │  │  4-08 Sysyphus, Pt. 4.m4a" n8 a# U. P" v! B
│  │  │  4-09 Grantchester Meadows.m4a
# w& S7 ~* M  ]) z7 B│  │  │  4-10 Several Species of Small Furry.m4a9 h1 ]( g6 T6 Z9 b/ |
│  │  │  4-11 The Narrow Way, Pt. 1.m4a
9 t2 W( l) e" j1 Y, B│  │  │  4-12 The Narrow Way, Pt. 2.m4a
7 g; X% G; s# ~5 b; G- k7 ~│  │  │  4-13 The Narrow Way, Pt. 3.m4a
, V1 J% o. j' ^; P│  │  │  4-14 The Grand Vizier's Garden Party.m4a1 Q7 P7 \9 p4 m% ~/ z) C# Q% y
│  │  │  4-15 The Grand Vizier's Garden Party.m4a
* _7 Y" ]. g6 B" h3 d│  │  │  4-16 The Grand Vizier's Garden Party.m4a% s+ {' c( {# y; o
│  │  │  
% y4 U9 [0 ?9 u' ~) R│  │  └─Ummagumma (Remastered) - iTunes LP.itlp
4 E6 M2 ]) U- y" \- C; T: o$ Z* q; i, p│  │              
( @6 K& e5 B5 W9 c│  └─Wish You Were Here (Remastered)" G. n# g# l+ {, c
│      │  9-01 Shine On You Crazy Diamond, Pts.m4a5 B$ A9 v* F7 Q2 }$ A
│      │  9-02 Welcome to the Machine.m4a
0 c$ b0 V* R4 Q+ v: [- i+ ^│      │  9-03 Have a Cigar.m4a
5 ~$ M$ ^( i# G% T0 N│      │  9-04 Wish You Were Here.m4a# _; s! ~0 [/ r0 i! R
│      │  9-05 Shine On You Crazy Diamond, Pts.m4a
& @! L' V; f: M# j' b: I│      │  6 q7 |) v* L, r' Q8 U
│      └─Wish You Were Here (Remastered) - i.itlp
, g: ~, ^! b4 m; y1 v7 f│                  1 E5 s7 q0 S+ Z0 m4 X
├─2011 - The Dark Side of the Moon (Experience Version) [Remastered]
  h6 r" O+ K, f1 g3 h2 U6 V- L│  │  1-01 Speak to Me.m4a5 c. B# [3 G4 p$ _# D
│  │  1-02 Breathe (In the Air).m4a# G  T+ e/ y& x/ q. }. W
│  │  1-03 On the Run.m4a
$ E9 D+ c- m8 g9 j│  │  1-04 Time.m4a
6 e( b8 k7 u9 u* E9 u│  │  1-05 The Great Gig In the Sky.m4a. c0 a: X0 T: K7 R% }) i
│  │  1-06 Money.m4a
' l1 ^* L  J: S# J' n4 o' c( O│  │  1-07 Us and Them.m4a% Y( K: t4 ~: @. r
│  │  1-08 Any Colour You Like.m4a% Q) V: g7 I* _9 e) g( e
│  │  1-09 Brain Damage.m4a1 s3 v6 i! b! s: ?3 S; F# @: ^
│  │  1-10 Eclipse.m4a
- T/ S8 O& h$ M$ j│  │  2-01 Speak to Me (Live At the Empire.m4a8 j3 Z, N  m8 c2 P
│  │  2-02 Breathe (In the Air) [Live At t.m4a
. y4 a# k3 X6 ^; Z, [/ M│  │  2-03 On the Run (Live At the Empire.m4a$ |( {& f) w  p2 N; J! V$ S( e' `
│  │  2-04 Time (Live At the Empire Pool,.m4a) i% A4 s+ |+ L7 Z3 A  G
│  │  2-05 The Great Gig In the Sky (Live.m4a) U8 k) c% c/ W  f0 u/ }: L1 x
│  │  2-06 Money (Live At the Empire Pool,.m4a
; J) I" Y) }5 I7 B' ^5 Z│  │  2-07 Us and Them (Live At the Empire.m4a' g/ i" x5 B% m4 l0 k" L
│  │  2-08 Any Colour You Like (Live At th.m4a  w/ D0 \% P+ l* I, A4 U! c
│  │  2-09 Brain Damage (Live At the Empir.m4a
4 f3 K* q. P' O* \9 `- C│  │  2-10 Eclipse (Live At the Empire Poo.m4a
; X0 C1 k* ^. _" H% v│  │  3-01 Any Colour You Like (Live In Br.m4a+ Z) o. H. h# \& v. {
│  │  3-02 Us and Them (Richard Wright Dem.m4a$ e' X2 e" C: ^1 v% r' N" R
│  │  3-03 The Travel Sequence (Studio Rec.m4a
6 W4 v  @8 S8 M. l1 b, F+ k+ _│  │  ( @( I+ E  a: \. ~# p4 E1 L& h; n% s
│  └─The Dark Side of the Moon (Experien.itlp
. s/ e& Q; [8 w' P# @│              " S* a0 s/ d1 T( H8 W+ X7 a
├─2011 - Wish You Were Here (Deluxe Experience Version) [Remastered]
) Y# J/ `, g8 k7 ^/ X│  │  01 Shine On You Crazy Diamond (Conce.m4v1 M2 [  {1 s) p+ z- `+ f( f
│  │  1-01 Shine On You Crazy Diamond, Pts.m4a. |/ `" k$ g5 q
│  │  1-02 Welcome to the Machine.m4a
4 |. X# W- k8 B, C│  │  1-03 Have a Cigar.m4a
8 Q3 ]6 g$ i) ?# ~7 W│  │  1-04 Wish You Were Here.m4a0 p1 e# u5 x1 Q
│  │  1-05 Shine On You Crazy Diamond, Pts.m4a2 i2 X' X& v( n1 ^# Z9 T3 c
│  │  2-01 Shine On You Crazy Diamond, Pts.m4a% Z8 K6 _4 U% C" \5 s. i
│  │  2-02 Raving and Drooling (Live At We.m4a
9 [" P9 E! N9 _3 v! c: x│  │  2-03 You've Got to Be Crazy (Live At.m4a' L) e3 o1 m( L* N& ~7 N+ J
│  │  2-04 Wine Glasses (From _Household O.m4a
- }# y4 i2 r3 V' O9 d' N4 Y│  │  2-05 Have a Cigar (Alternate Version.m4a
5 U$ y4 }' L; \1 z│  │  2-06 Wish You Were Here (feat. Stéph.m4a% F- ~; h; D0 P
│  │  # T! }% {8 p$ a1 p
│  └─Wish You Were Here (Deluxe Experien.itlp+ H; z, K1 P* S! V& G2 y( m
│              - I* b/ X* u% n. [; q
├─2012 - The Wall (Experience Version) [Remastered]5 u- y0 N+ R5 q. z( E
│      1-01 In the Flesh_.m4a
5 z) |' D2 k. l/ |│      1-02 The Thin Ice.m4a8 x' Z6 f" _6 m9 h4 P8 I
│      1-03 Another Brick In the Wall, Pt..m4a2 M6 c7 h" A! B  b! Q3 h$ F7 y& r
│      1-04 The Happiest Days of Our Lives.m4a3 @8 p, b0 C* W3 c- w" C
│      1-05 Another Brick In the Wall, Pt..m4a' ^2 u+ Z$ z7 k4 |9 H9 }+ Y
│      1-06 Mother.m4a$ Y, \) G3 g( }2 M; {6 B7 _
│      1-07 Goodbye Blue Sky.m4a$ ?) o5 _7 U! H# k6 w' P
│      1-08 Empty Spaces.m4a% S: \4 C  c0 {% m: m( D. |4 g
│      1-09 Young Lust.m4a
( I! u" n2 z; g" s0 d  U- p! y│      1-10 One of My Turns.m4a5 i! w# {4 G8 b. g# o4 ~1 u. t* e
│      1-11 Don't Leave Me Now.m4a
* d0 I2 r( s% M. T6 ^  ~! D# ^' n4 e│      1-12 Another Brick In the Wall, Pt..m4a
: F% b, k2 D) e% ~) ]│      1-13 Goodbye Cruel World.m4a
2 z+ e) @  l7 V$ j5 v2 e/ O│      2-01 Hey You.m4a+ |( R- K$ q9 |  C- E! p; v
│      2-02 Is There Anybody Out There_.m4a4 o) L) e9 b$ }" \& m: l; Y; @
│      2-03 Nobody Home.m4a
2 i6 w- W6 }! _( D( `0 q7 d│      2-04 Vera.m4a
* x. V, ?6 S' I' B│      2-05 Bring the Boys Back Home.m4a
# f) V% h8 [$ E2 w│      2-06 Comfortably Numb.m4a
" T9 x( C5 u  X8 q' G7 b: W│      2-07 The Show Must Go On.m4a
" y  O0 c& O' S! S( t1 X, v4 {0 z; x│      2-08 In the Flesh.m4a
7 T& B3 s4 A5 C, ?% D│      2-09 Run Like Hell.m4a% D; x8 N4 t/ J% s, o1 N  D
│      2-10 Waiting for the Worms.m4a* q- T9 s# T5 Q. ]( Z7 T
│      2-11 Stop.m4a! [* z/ Z8 d( e% k# `0 B8 @  b
│      2-12 The Trial.m4a: a0 v& k5 f2 L7 G5 _' U8 b
│      2-13 Outside the Wall.m4a
, ]# _3 x% o5 n( d8 }: Z│      3-01 Prelude (The Wall Work In Progr.m4a& L2 N: [4 v2 U5 k$ O4 p- i4 n
│      3-02 Another Brick In The Wall, Pt..m4a, j" O( k. }& D. {
│      3-03 The Thin Ice (The Wall Work In.m4a& Y/ O0 d9 |. O* L, D
│      3-04 Goodbye Blue Sky (The Wall Work.m4a
( Y0 H: u2 W: L  b$ T; j9 {, z% K4 i% f│      3-05 Teacher, Teacher (The Wall Work.m4a# `5 W9 p% c' D
│      3-06 Another Brick In The Wall, Pt..m4a
! H, n9 y1 T% }% O. x* o2 p$ m9 a7 `( W│      3-07 Empty Spaces (The Wall Work In.m4a  c( P: |1 j" e+ `, Y
│      3-08 Young Lust (The Wall Work In Pr.m4a' t8 U" W$ N' E' x7 P: U, Z
│      3-09 Mother (The Wall Work In Progre.m4a
0 f4 G9 [! f: U$ ~) }9 Y2 f3 r│      3-10 Don't Leave Me Now (The Wall Wo.m4a
; L6 a2 o& h7 a% q! x│      3-11 Sexual Revolution (The Wall Wor.m4a" I* Y: c8 a% d. U
│      3-12 Another Brick In The Wall, Pt..m4a) N2 H; w7 v! v, h+ V" o& W+ }! _' U% X3 o
│      3-13 Goodbye Cruel World (The Wall W.m4a+ e1 M% Q$ K2 ]* H. [4 N8 w
│      3-14 In The Flesh_ (The Wall Work In.m4a
, F  C. ~6 p" r  k5 L0 c3 G│      3-15 The Thin Ice (The Wall Work In.m4a8 }/ r& g  c4 l5 [4 u! `/ T  K
│      3-16 Another Brick In The Wall, Pt..m4a- v- J6 R1 }% N' A6 a3 i$ _2 X) f8 `) Z
│      3-17 The Happiest Days Of Our Lives.m4a5 y8 P2 W% S* c2 c3 O  j
│      3-18 Another Brick In The Wall, Pt..m4a/ w  m/ Y4 g+ f/ m/ g  a4 j
│      3-19 Mother (The Wall Work In Progre.m4a; R" u! I) n$ Q) H7 v2 n, Y7 A
│      3-20 One Of My Turns (The Wall Work.m4a& g1 ]1 p+ p/ W; z" h% I
│      3-21 Don't Leave Me Now (The Wall Wo.m4a. K" d9 J8 r3 a8 I5 q4 R6 L
│      3-22 Empty Spaces (The Wall Work In.m4a
' b- b! ~. k8 f0 U9 d6 x│      3-23 Backs to the Wall (The Wall Wor.m4a
( O  f3 q: W; F; L│      3-24 Another Brick In the Wall, Pt..m4a% _4 H+ U3 i- I; ~% D* k
│      3-25 Goodbye Cruel World (The Wall W.m4a
- z% z$ |" Z6 k1 K5 }% V│      3-26 The Doctor (Comfortably Numb) [.m4a
1 w0 {9 H5 f5 b6 Y8 `3 X; {│      
% L' n- d. A5 x, f3 \0 u" u├─2014 - The Endless River (Deluxe Edition)* a0 k9 u; R& Q# D6 W
│      01 Side 1, pt. 1_ Things Left Unsaid.m4a
  |. E! @9 K! d+ ?) z% ^│      02 Side 1, pt. 2_ It's What We Do.m4a7 v7 p6 \# j  K* Z" F+ b
│      03 Side 1, pt. 3_ Ebb and Flow.m4a
: x3 A3 T: c- d6 `3 c* U; W$ u; s│      04 Side 2, pt. 1_ Sum.m4a4 H' c  E3 N) f4 |- V; q
│      05 Side 2, pt. 2_ Skins.m4a
, x; J/ r1 \0 @7 G│      06 Side 2, pt. 3_ Unsung.m4a) G0 q, Z/ T4 A* K
│      07 Side 2, pt. 4_ Anisina.m4a
* @! S2 i- O, O. J9 B│      08 Side 3, pt. 1_ The Lost Art of Co.m4a0 L& ?8 Z  d. j* ]" l1 }+ @
│      09 Side 3, pt. 2_ On Noodle Street.m4a9 X% T2 E+ E$ \$ S
│      10 Side 3, pt. 3_ Night Light.m4a
6 `8 ~! N3 B6 g│      11 Side 3, pt. 4_ Allons-y (1).m4a7 z' J. @: t$ y5 Q; J
│      12 Side 3, pt. 5_ Autumn '68.m4a
$ E2 @1 U5 V" V+ ]. Z' b* o│      13 Side 3, pt. 6_ Allons-y (2).m4a+ d; f9 `; T4 M  ~5 L
│      14 Side 3, pt. 7_ Talkin' Hawkin'.m4a, g& p. W$ r) T7 k( H7 h
│      15 Side 4, pt. 1_ Calling.m4a" k" ~+ g+ X6 Z: k$ F( ^# W: D
│      16 Side 4, pt. 2_ Eyes to Pearls.m4a: n) I) W* D9 c- q, x' V: g" I
│      17 Side 4, pt. 3_ Surfacing.m4a% s% w8 k6 Q* k" n% B* i
│      18 Side 4, pt. 4_ Louder Than Words.m4a
9 }0 i/ n! @8 C# h│      19 TBS9.m4a3 Z  D  d' e; M% S3 T' ^
│      20 TBS14.m4a8 u& ]0 L2 x# q* I$ X# c# Z; R  j* R
│      21 Nervana.m4a
  r+ L! g) [0 d7 [. f8 }: A; `│      22 Anisina.m4v2 S( g8 Z! b1 N
│      23 Untitled.m4v
; W" \3 h  D% A7 {) _: V) L) n│      24 Evrika (A).m4v# O- U8 E" ]6 T/ v
│      25 Nervana.m4v
8 B! l, T: N) q│      26 Allons-y.m4v, U7 B, M0 U; X! ]' Q: _
│      27 Evrika (B).m4v+ R, i# H' c: Z3 k! z
│      Digital Booklet - The Endless River.pdf
+ T$ b- a  o3 V│      
" ?( ?9 m4 y" J/ u9 Y5 w! Q4 ?├─2016 - The Early Years, 1967-1972, Cre_ation: T4 O- V3 J) y, N" J' m* f7 G
│      1-01 Arnold Layne (Single).m4a4 a. V. R, \) ?* D" b
│      1-02 See Emily Play (Single).m4a- U) Y1 A* A7 t8 S
│      1-03 Matilda Mother (2010 Mix).m4a
2 ^' j! v- M" N4 K│      1-04 Jugband Blues (2010 Mix).m4a
5 \% q- u! B! Y% a8 q2 g│      1-05 Paintbox (Single B-Single).m4a5 |* h: U, R  F
│      1-06 Flaming (Live BBC Radio Session.m4a' D$ P; I' i) O; P, u5 B+ j" w4 I8 e
│      1-07 In the Beechwoods (2010 Mix).m4a
1 X# X. k4 S( i, o│      1-08 Point Me at the Sky (Single).m4a
) m' F1 [( q8 p6 i( F; h│      1-09 Careful with That Axe, Eugene (.m4a
4 i( f$ S% g6 u5 p, e% K- C│      1-10 Embryo (From _Picnic,_ Harvest.m4a6 j9 Q6 a# H5 S, H7 u
│      1-11 Ummagumma Radio Ad (Capitol US).m4a) V. k! @2 l; x9 u/ n$ V, n6 a
│      1-12 Grantchester Meadows (Live BBC.m4a! X4 Q2 B! W+ o1 y' A4 }
│      1-13 Cymbaline (Live BBC Radio Sessi.m4a
# b* L: s" R6 r/ w& [│      1-14 Interstellar Overdrive (Live at.m4a7 y! Y( V0 f( V: G- n0 S/ p
│      1-15 Green is the Colour (Live BBC R.m4a
0 ?% K+ g  U6 C( K/ h, }6 \│      1-16 Careful with That Axe, Eugene (.m4a
# Z& H8 T2 W# ?│      2-01 On the Highway (From the _Zabri.m4a% X" S/ ^, n" D. ]* W
│      2-02 Auto Scene Version 2 (From the.m4a
$ Z. Z* E. [" P9 v. j│      2-03 The Riot Scene (From the _Zabri.m4a# ~& {7 l; r3 Q0 p
│      2-04 Looking at Map (From the _Zabri.m4a
( I, J4 S$ b, Y5 o9 f- @│      2-05 Take Off (From the _Zabriskie P.m4a
$ l! ~1 [* ^9 \- m& d5 B) p) ^0 ?│      2-06 Embryo (Alternative Version) [L.m4a/ |3 W. g6 F- N3 @; K. X
│      2-07 Atom Heart Mother (Live in Mont.m4a% {1 A6 {$ v/ X9 Q: m5 z$ t3 _8 ~" E
│      2-08 Nothing, Pt. 14 (Echoes Work in.m4a% t7 Q2 @2 }% n4 o& Q9 N
│      2-09 Childhood's End (2016 Remix).m4a7 W+ y8 J5 z% ]- ]* m
│      2-10 Free Four (2016 Remix).m4a0 b) X# R& z/ a7 z- N$ ^2 ^) [1 V% W
│      2-11 Stay (2016 Remix).m4a
4 U5 _2 |% t" J/ J% Y2 t2 h0 w( A  v, r│      7 I# D3 x8 l8 D( t5 _

  F5 [- G3 E, ?  C% I' m, m9 N2 V├─2018 - Animals (2018 Remix)
( {2 ~, t' a4 t6 \│      01 Pigs On The Wing 1 (2018 Remix).m4a: l8 Z- r% ?! q$ {& K
│      02 Dogs (2018 Remix).m4a
+ s/ D. d5 x5 ]9 Y9 Y& b│      03 Pigs (Three Different Ones) [2018.m4a, ^& B" e6 y- D* X+ }$ o3 T
│      04 Sheep (2018 Remix).m4a
8 B6 t$ e0 j& O, @0 `7 R│      05 Pigs On The Wing 2 (2018 Remix).m4a. n1 Y; g  k3 l0 m0 P1 j, Q5 c
│      6 M7 X' g2 W. E& u' K9 P
├─2019 - Delicate Sound of Thunder (2019 Remix) [Live]
  L" |- }; {' a+ C; ~. K2 W2 d│      1-01 Shine On You Crazy Diamond, Pts.m4a& D! X  [/ W+ I8 t
│      1-02 Signs of Life (2019 Remix) [Liv.m4a8 O# g  k1 r" j. _4 V
│      1-03 Learning to Fly (2019 Remix) [L.m4a
; L5 z0 l' B+ u, i+ B2 f│      1-04 Yet Another Movie (2019 Remix).m4a
/ h7 v  b2 B2 K* F" a│      1-05 Round and Round (2019 Remix) [L.m4a- ^# z, w8 F. k9 w
│      1-06 A New Machine, Pt. 1 (2019 Remi.m4a" o" Y' w: j* u& v, u% ~
│      1-07 Terminal Frost (2019 Remix) [Li.m4a
/ j2 e3 \3 w' }2 [# u& T; B│      1-08 A New Machine, Pt. 2 (2019 Remi.m4a3 B- N, _- s' N, ^
│      1-09 Sorrow (2019 Remix) [Live].m4a
, {( _, m3 q: e0 f7 ~│      1-10 The Dogs of War (2019 Remix) [L.m4a4 ?8 A; W/ w/ r3 f& L2 e+ H0 i
│      1-11 On the Turning Away (2019 Remix.m4a
) `5 f5 @8 u+ l: @) w│      2-01 One of These Days (2019 Remix).m4a
/ k1 ^9 K9 e% c& R1 k│      2-02 Time (2019 Remix) [Live].m4a
( [# R  x$ G- @0 y│      2-03 On the Run (2019 Remix) [Live].m4a
( G) }1 j) r* ?6 j0 ]│      2-04 The Great Gig In the Sky (2019.m4a
& u/ w% l; U5 X│      2-05 Wish You Were Here (2019 Remix).m4a
. n; X1 @2 @+ P$ P0 T2 Z│      2-06 Welcome to the Machine (2019 Re.m4a
3 y" y( Y8 I1 z6 @1 R│      2-07 Us and Them (2019 Remix) [Live].m4a) N9 w9 s3 o+ p+ m
│      2-08 Money (2019 Remix) [Live].m4a
! u9 M4 f  `: y$ W4 s│      2-09 Another Brick In the Wall, Pt..m4a$ }$ O# r; `% W5 _8 D8 {5 O" }7 k
│      2-10 Comfortably Numb (2019 Remix) [.m4a
3 [/ c; I# c5 X│      2-11 One Slip (2019 Remix) [Live].m4a) w+ A: ?2 N" K# k7 R/ j
│      2-12 Run Like Hell (2019 Remix) [Liv.m4a+ f: I0 N# B! N) G: i3 s
│      ' A9 b, u5 J# A+ F3 Y' K. D
├─2019 - The Later Years_ 1987-2019
  h" T+ c: I0 f5 D# I; A+ T& ^! l1 F│      01 Shine On You Crazy Diamond (Pts..m4a
; {" A: _( q) A) j8 \& D4 M  ]- o) l│      02 Marooned Jam (1994 Recording).m4a5 j! W* @4 ?& l0 R/ x" I
│      03 One Slip (2019 Remix).m4a9 J! o" o3 b- n. a
│      04 Lost For Words (Tour Rehearsal 19.m4a7 n, u$ H# ~6 E
│      05 Us and Them (Live, Delicate Sound.m4a
' U6 {0 w+ ?" w1 [│      06 Comfortably Numb (Live at Knebwor.m4a( e5 o+ Z8 F  A3 f: O/ O) x" e
│      07 Sorrow (2019 Remix).m4a
" O6 V: q0 b6 r0 B) f% F  o│      08 Learning To Fly (Live, Delicate S.m4a
& @  r8 ^; C& w, }! P. [; V0 r/ q1 i│      09 High Hopes (Early Version) [1994.m4a
' i/ R& I" u+ ^2 Y; O│      10 On the Turning Away (2019 Remix).m4a
+ A( d2 z" m; D& T7 s│      11 Wish You Were Here (Live at Knebw.m4a
9 n+ F! k( q  e: t9 |& d│      12 Run Like Hell (Live, Delicate Sou.m4a2 f* {$ s, g* I, ]2 v
3 X. U6 K: i" T1 Q- z& y├─2021 - A Momentary Lapse Of Reason (2019 Remix)
5 |& |9 `) e( Q( @% Y5 t4 F: r│      01 Signs Of Life (2019 Remix).m4a) J/ Q; X3 S, s: u& D8 j: [7 Y
│      02 Learning To Fly (2019 Remix).m4a
0 `: K4 @, N5 ~% [+ _│      03 The Dogs Of War (2019 Remix).m4a
( ]7 [4 \5 U, ?; ^6 z8 O; ?│      04 One Slip (2019 Remix).m4a
$ i2 M+ w& \5 x) W- D8 ]% d" ^: [│      05 On The Turning Away (2019 Remix).m4a
+ R0 D0 ~/ a2 L│      06 Yet Another Movie (2019 Remix).m4a
& U: t" i! t$ _  w│      07 Round And Around (2019 Remix).m4a
0 A8 \' l* X  c) c7 f4 c; @│      08 A New Machine, Pt. 1 (2019 Remix).m4a3 ?# }( C0 z2 X
│      09 Terminal Frost (2019 Remix).m4a
( v  Q$ S5 I2 H8 n│      10 A New Machine, Pt. 2 (2019 Remix).m4a0 Z1 @0 @6 H9 J
│      11 Sorrow (2019 Remix).m4a) O* m- Z/ z5 ?) H+ H
│      3 k6 s- x" b1 h) U. p4 a( T: E
├─2021 - Live at Knebworth, 1990% T+ R# M& R& Y+ p0 |
│      01 Shine On You Crazy Diamond, Pts..m4a/ I" Z: n  |' Z
│      02 The Great Gig In the Sky (Live at.m4a# Y# Z, L. ?! r6 e
│      03 Wish You Were Here (Live at Knebw.m4a
$ u9 K4 X9 E8 E7 k0 J) [/ O│      04 Sorrow (Live at Knebworth, 1990).m4a
6 U7 w6 `6 C) V/ u" B5 w  f│      05 Money (Live at Knebworth, 1990).m4a
9 S4 G: z: Q# R│      06 Comfortably Numb (Live at Knebwor.m4a  y: `% {1 G, C0 l/ c( [: e
│      07 Run Like Hell (Live at Knebworth,.m4a$ z+ |& t. j, V" y' |3 \2 O
│      / e7 O* b% G& U6 `$ [
├─2022 - Hey Hey Rise Up (feat. Andriy Khlyvnyuk of Boombox) - Single; g2 D/ O, U: Y' I6 k& t; E5 F+ Q
│      01 Hey Hey Rise Up (feat. Andriy Khl.m4a
( \, S" ~0 \+ ^0 d* m│      
! \  l5 c6 y/ U4 G( S├─2022 - Hey Hey Rise Up (feat. Andriy Khlyvnyuk of Boombox) - Single※
2 A8 h  P' @. E" _& S│      01 Hey Hey Rise Up (feat. Andriy Khl.m4a
) h" ]7 e3 k& y│      02 A Great Day For Freedom 2022.m4a; v- e' R% B$ _1 M) a) O8 {: a
( G- `, P0 f: i' R├─2023 - The Dark Side Of The Moon (50th Anniversary) [2023 Remaster]
) V$ _2 z, n7 N+ q$ z5 I# e│      01 Speak To Me (2023 Remaster).m4a
7 j7 d% ?( d! C; |3 A' i3 a! f│      02 Breathe (In The Air) [2023 Remast.m4a
# i7 ?' s, L! ]" ?% ^3 ~  e7 v│      03 On The Run (2023 Remaster).m4a' g$ `5 v  z# b1 Y3 I/ s
│      04 Time (2023 Remaster).m4a; t/ U$ v- J. r2 Z' M# L) V. k- ?
│      05 The Great Gig In The Sky (2023 Re.m4a
, G8 t' l, H* o* N│      06 Money (2023 Remaster).m4a
! e! K  O, L4 L+ \│      07 Us And Them (2023 Remaster).m4a; R- A' E4 f  N6 w" q
│      08 Any Colour You Like (2023 Remaste.m4a. }5 ]( z3 a5 j- E, u
│      09 Brain Damage (2023 Remaster).m4a/ j4 e7 Z1 K) C. V4 I* Z0 J
│      10 Eclipse (2023 Remaster).m4a
& ?0 ^8 a& {+ \7 t, ?; x│      4 N, Z* a% |; B1 G
├─2023 - The Dark Side Of The Moon (Live at Wembley 1974) [2023 Master]
6 r7 B& d( T1 n! A│      01 Speak To Me (Live at Wembley 1974.m4a
" E) ~/ d1 K8 ?: q9 H│      02 Breathe (In The Air) [Live at Wem.m4a
/ }3 C" v+ R7 B│      03 On The Run (Live at Wembley 1974).m4a
$ x5 ^2 s7 V9 A│      04 Time (Live at Wembley 1974) [2023.m4a
& o: y0 @4 }( p" v  A% e│      05 The Great Gig In The Sky (Live at.m4a3 F4 k+ }& [. l7 l2 L: T) D) ]
│      06 Money (Live at Wembley 1974) [202.m4a
6 O  J  h  A) o5 P/ M" f. d9 Q8 [│      07 Us And Them (Live at Wembley 1974.m4a3 X6 y) x# Q* j; z0 F. p
│      08 Any Colour You Like (Live at Wemb.m4a
9 D4 X! t' `0 ?) E0 ]! v│      09 Brain Damage (Live at Wembley 197.m4a, e8 X: O4 N1 K5 v; N" |
│      10 Eclipse (Live at Wembley 1974) [2.m4a( s# Q' V5 o. E  [
9 o  ]; Q% t1 R& N% ~2 I; Q$ X└─2023 - Time (Edit) [2023 Remaster] - Single* j9 O4 [- s2 K4 f: i, Y
        01 Time (Edit) [2023 Remaster].m4a2 y8 W. Q9 K9 R$ p
$ h# d- A% H4 |* H3 p- Y
) P2 ^0 s6 _* o! K! E        / l; v" K4 ~; `0 H% ?2 z# Y8 O
: e4 t7 b- C- g" b; k1 d1 t
3 A( h1 R9 `: c& u" h9 ~( d: H
# j5 i- C& w  b0 |
  e" f& N; m  C/ z" y# u# J8 q4 {

- C# {& X# q' m. d
2 k8 ]$ m% e/ \) ~/ b
7 Q' G9 Q: H- m1 Z+ _
, e( f, L2 B4 x
发表于 2019-6-10 17:28:09 | 显示全部楼层
thank you for the share
发表于 2019-7-21 16:02:01 | 显示全部楼层
Pink Floyd - 《Pink Floyd作品合集》[iTunes Plus AAC][百度盘] [修改]
发表于 2019-7-26 23:28:18 | 显示全部楼层
wish you were there
发表于 2020-3-13 00:15:24 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2020-4-26 22:23:20 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2020-5-24 08:18:42 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2020-6-24 19:51:59 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2020-7-2 19:01:08 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2020-7-4 16:36:33 | 显示全部楼层


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