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) K$ j5 M7 ]8 i: u2 _
/ \4 A4 P: a7 i5 G0 z
$ ~' p3 \# S. @Marilyn Manson简介6 q7 N# R" _2 H1 z" l' j. D
Marilyn Manson(玛丽莲·曼森)是一支造型独特的乐队,哥德式的摇滚,怪异鬼魅的气质,使人们无法忘记他们的存在。从主唱Marilyn Manson身上散布出的邪气,似乎可以把空气冻结起来,凝固成一团团的雾,绕过他的魔性之眼,游离在他眉宇之间。世界上所有跳跃离奇的音符都难以逃离他的左眼,诡异,神秘,色彩纷呈的一支支曲子又都被他的魔戒所吸收,因为Marilyn Manson诞生自潘多拉之盒! 其实Marilyn Manson乐队的音乐风格很难被界定,没有什么能约束他们,他们嘲笑一切主流摇滚形式自从被Nine Inch Nails的核心Trent Reznor发现以来,Mailyn Manson乐队的肮脏和尸臭就没有一刻停止。乐队魔头主唱玛丽琳·曼森(Marilyn Manson)和小妖们:吉他手泽姆·扎姆(Zim Zum)、鼓手金葛·费什(Ginger Fish)、贝斯手基德盖特·盖恩(Gidget Gein)、键盘手麦当那·韦恩葛雷西(Madonna Wayne-Gracy) 将撒旦看作自己的主人,死尸般脸颊,迷幻、散发着尸臭的音乐,令人不寒而栗、仿佛自己正跟随僵尸前行,他们总是指责人们传统观念中美好的东西。$ i' }1 V+ r1 |
W% M: l) ?6 s4 r) N5 Z2 Y
# g0 v+ z. m& d `. W$ U t3 _; J玛丽莲·曼森(英文:Marilyn Manson,1969年1月5日-),既是美国工业金属乐队名称,也是该乐队主音艺名。玛丽莲曼森可以说是史上最离经叛道的工业金属组合,他们的封面不是骷髅就是吓人的死尸(第四张专辑更因为封面的无性别概念遭到唱片商店拒绝出售)而该乐团的所有成员,全都以连环杀手或变态杀人狂的名字为艺名。因此,他们也是最不受美国家长欢迎的乐队。而该乐队主音出生名布赖恩·休·沃纳(Brian Hugh Warner),美国男歌手。/ ^+ y1 Z* r; z2 e% x
' q6 m; U% z$ T乐队历程
) M" A [& D8 [$ Q% B0 pMarilyn Manson既是一支来自佛罗里达的乐队的名称,又是该乐队主音歌手的名字。这个来自美国中西部的歌手原名Brian Warner,在俄亥俄州的Canton度过孩提时代。在Marilyn Manson眼中只有撒旦,从来没有觉得自己是天使。他的摇滚哲学是离经叛道反基督。Marilyn Manson正循Galm Rock 路线进行转变,昔日哥特摇滚的有血有肉不见了,随之是一身金光闪闪,连他自己都承认这一点。他从小不和父母同住,向往着有朝一日成为象Ozzy Osbourne一样的个性英雄。18岁时,移居佛罗里达,在当地的Tampa湾地区从事音乐评论工作。1989年他化名Manson,遇到了吉他手Scott Mitchell(真名为Scott Putesky)。这两人一拍即合,彼此发现其对南佛罗里达音乐景象的看法极其相似。根据Manson在小型谈话节目中得到的经验和由60年代两个著名名词组合而来的名字的启发,他给Scott起名Daisy Berkowitz,分别来源于公爵Daisy的爵士乐组合和杀手David Berkowitz。在贝司手Gidget Gein和键盘手Madonna Wayne-Gracy加入之后,名为Marilyn Manson & the Spooky kids的乐队正式成立。# @, A) u% H, E f: U" K4 G$ J
组建之初,他们出演一些付费预定的演出,录制了自己的盒带并自创些特殊的声响效果。很快他们找到了合适的鼓手Sara Lee Lucas替代原先采用的电子鼓机,稍后又以Ginger Fish替换了Sara。他们的风格也逐渐从工业转向硬核。在1992年他们被当地乐迷提名为南佛罗里达州Slammie奖的最佳称不上主流的硬摇滚乐队和年度最佳乐队奖。乐队成员认为名字太长而难以被记住,一致决定去掉后缀,简称为Marilyn Manson。但这并没有使他们的歌迷有所混淆,1993年夏,他们获得了5个Slammie奖提名,并且最终赢得了份量很重的荣誉枣年度最佳乐队。更重要的是Nine Inch Nails的Trent Reznor把Marilyn Manson召入他的Nothing唱片旗下签订合约,并达成在1994年春为Nine Inch Nails乐队的巡演做开场演出的意向.首张专辑《Portrait Of An American Family》(美国家庭的写照)也顺利于1994年7月推出.
0 H7 I# c% b" p5 v, |1 gNine Inch Nails的巡演开始给Marilyn Manson足够的表现机会,与此同时,Twiggy Ramirez出任新的贝司手替代陷入毒瘾中的Gidget Gein。这次巡演中,不安分的Marilyn Manson显现出其肆无忌惮的个性,引出了不少插曲。除了在犹他州的盐湖城的Delta中心被禁演,Manson在受Nine Inch Nails的邀请上台表演时,他撕碎了一本名为《摩门教之典》的宗教书籍,这导致了服装室被愤怒的人们疯狂地捣毁。同年10月,他安排了与撒旦教堂的创建人Anton Szandor LaVey博士的会面,并被贯以'可尊敬'的称号。在Manson结束巡演回到佛罗里达后,他就因在Jacksonville的裸体演出中的涉嫌强奸指控而被送入监狱。当他一获保释,乐队继续开始独立巡演,这次他们成了真正的主角。在南卡罗莱那州,他们又卷入了由'小鸡事件'引起的争论。事情起因于乐队决定在演出时从台上扔只小鸡到台下的歌迷中,以期引起更疯狂火爆的场面。但实际上,这只小鸡并没有被好战的歌迷所撕碎,反而被一个歌迷搭救。可是,小动物的最终命运并没有驱散Manson借此向撒旦敬献祭礼的流言。由此,Manson也逐渐与邪恶主义联系了起来。1995年10月,EP专辑'Smells Like Children'(孩子气息)推出,并且经典作品'Sweet Dreams'(甜梦)受到MTV在内的众多媒体的关注。突然之间,Marilyn Manson开始被广泛报道。但历时5个月的巡演中,乐队既逐日声望大增,又面临了内部爆发的矛盾,其中暴戾的Manson在纽约竟把Berkowitz推下舞台。
4 w7 G x# N0 J+ W* t% R& B$ {( U在他们回到佛罗里达后,Berkowitz退出乐队。虽然后来一些内部人士宣称Berkowitz没有参与创作Marilyn Manson1996年推出的专辑《Antichrist Superstar》(反基督超级明星),但他的名字后来还是出现在专辑的出演名单上,致使此后Berkowitz控告Manson,要求享有应支付的版税。纠纷后,为寻找合适吉他手,乐队在《乡村之声》杂志上刊登广告,经过在150名应征者中的筛选,选中了Zim Zum。专辑于1996年10月推出,迅速在Billboard排行榜上获得第3名的成绩,并大受好评。
9 z: C/ ^/ y- v/ I9 Z2 w这些歌与他们早先狂欢式的效果相比,在词作上注入了更深更多的热情,也更具严肃的效果。. G' T! `! e5 i+ C8 b z
0 T/ Y. ~* g0 _# y) V( v
0 k* |' E2 [! o' K2 Y- {; x0 f$ d4 k├─Albums
% u# Y& ^( J' T& c2 C1 c│ ├─1994 - Portrait of an American Family
3 R# Q% O3 {1 U& l, `6 X│ │ 01 Prelude (The Family Trip).m4a) A6 ~7 ^ y7 F" {/ s
│ │ 02 Cake And Sodomy.m4a; a/ P8 B+ h+ q/ f8 R+ S6 |
│ │ 03 Lunchbox.m4a
( a" q) p# k/ J! O8 x│ │ 04 Organ Grinder.m4a/ B# w- m& t! Z, l' G
│ │ 05 Cyclops.m4a; D2 V/ O7 d: S- i# Z8 I1 X# H8 D
│ │ 06 Dope Hat.m4a
G' g- A- h6 v7 d1 J9 C* w│ │ 07 Get Your Gunn.m4a
, @- c9 { ]; O" [9 [8 N5 l│ │ 08 Wrapped In Plastic.m4a: K+ Q$ {; ~! S
│ │ 09 Dogma.m4a
: N# f5 `( G' C. Q# O│ │ 10 Sweet Tooth.m4a
; ? X# \5 O% k) T│ │ 11 Snake Eyes and Sissies.m4a
9 q' f# f' O8 M│ │ 12 My Monkey.m4a
: I# S/ p" }# V( @" u9 y) L│ │ 13 Misery Machine.m4a
/ C4 G9 n8 R; ~7 Q" d8 u4 s5 c2 V│ │ 0 f! B/ `5 Q1 k9 }9 Q4 Y
│ ├─1995 - Smells Like Children
- L) k0 E& t4 g: e8 m+ |& z8 _│ │ 01 The Hands Of Small Children.m4a0 m7 W' [$ }' T8 n; S
│ │ 02 Diary Of A Dope Fiend.m4a2 u+ Z# e+ r) v0 R
│ │ 03 Shitty Chicken Gang Bang.m4a+ h& Q# V$ R8 P$ u
│ │ 04 Kiddie Grinder (Remix Version).m4a+ r. P$ l% X2 q4 y3 K* y0 J
│ │ 05 Sympathy For The Parents.m4a+ U% f0 l& t; T+ k; j7 q
│ │ 06 Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This).m4a
6 X" L I+ V* \1 U, m# I│ │ 07 Everlasting Cocksucker (Remix Version).m4a S% x4 B1 G3 H) j
│ │ 08 Fuck Frankie.m4a
- S7 o/ ^4 f2 I% ]2 r│ │ 09 I Put A Spell On You.m4a
/ w; p$ K; h7 D$ P# b' `! c* |7 s: c│ │ 10 May Cause Discoloration Of The Urine Or Feces.m4a
' I& p7 Y( E4 U# M, y│ │ 11 Scabs, Guns and Peanut Butter.m4a
+ [0 N( u- q: H! f, G│ │ 12 Dance Of The Dope Hats (Remix Version).m4a
6 C( N8 w3 M5 L( @, o! @7 G│ │ 13 White Trash (Remix Version).m4a1 J: e4 Q+ d0 [2 D
│ │ 14 Dancing With The One Legged....m4a
& H! z9 l- Z3 |+ a" `. _ D( @; P│ │ 15 Rock 'N' Roll Nigger.m4a
8 u' s, Y" L& v6 L" u│ │ 16 Shitty Chicken Gang Bang.m4a( f* `0 n4 ^- s% j1 o
│ │
" x" H! s/ F: V2 K│ ├─1996 - Antichrist Superstar: v8 U: C o+ T/ i* ~8 f
│ │ 01 Irresponsible Hate Anthem.m4a
% C8 ]7 {4 w* e& j* e│ │ 02 The Beautiful People.m4a
6 W5 e C! ^. m│ │ 03 Dried Up, Tied and Dead to the Wo.m4a
$ j2 j4 Y' b, F1 f3 Q' G│ │ 04 Tourniquet.m4a$ s5 Y O# p0 H; b( S0 |2 ^
│ │ 05 Little Horn.m4a/ R; g7 z2 y) l$ |% b
│ │ 06 Cryptorchid.m4a
5 y9 N* i) H* P! m│ │ 07 Deformography.m4a% b8 K5 X3 R/ X' n+ A
│ │ 08 Wormboy.m4a; f, z+ `/ A0 X2 X
│ │ 09 Mister Superstar.m4a, }! s. u( M; |% v0 _
│ │ 10 Angel With the Scabbed Wings.m4a
- {2 Z7 T+ h/ _3 w4 P( K- z│ │ 11 Kinderfeld.m4a5 _3 ~: }# o( |9 e. w
│ │ 12 Antichrist Superstar.m4a
' `0 y; f! a2 q; @5 v* p1 A│ │ 13 1996.m4a$ }7 }" o7 T8 x; H" T) m
│ │ 14 Minute of Decay.m4a# v _9 v' G) I, J! {& p
│ │ 15 The Reflecting God.m4a
( g: @; B$ f1 k│ │ 16 Man That You Fear.m4a9 G# L: e9 w ] C7 `/ Y- E
│ │ 17 United_Ghost Track.m4a$ D6 `) {8 B1 J" e
│ │ over.jpg
- @# m! X2 s+ o│ │
% P! B$ |* G5 k, i' l7 l# n│ ├─1998 - Mechanical Animals9 ?( R. |2 R9 _$ `2 D8 L& o
│ │ 01 Great Big White World.m4a- ]) f: a6 l8 T; w! y
│ │ 02 The Dope show.m4a
6 _$ t. ^' ]9 |; \│ │ 03 Mechanical Animals.m4a7 O$ y- @1 D/ y
│ │ 04 Rock Is Dead.m4a
9 U' q/ B3 I. K. r m│ │ 05 Disassociative.m4a" s" _ H {. z$ ?
│ │ 06 The Speed of Pain.m4a2 R7 \7 O. ] G
│ │ 07 Posthuman.m4a
& [. m% w" _$ Z( s. R% M1 r2 F+ v) q4 |* f$ r│ │ 08 I Want to Disappear.m4a) G" h2 ?7 A! x9 z/ V
│ │ 09 I Don't Like the Drugs (But The Drugs Like Me).m4a
( U1 E0 {: c3 \& }6 u) P2 U│ │ 10 New Model, No.15.m4a
! y3 Q) d/ V( _4 o, D│ │ 11 User Friendly.m4a
% a, Z3 [: ~( w: O+ Z( L# U: `# g│ │ 12 Fundamentally Loathsome.m4a- X" i m, C! K
│ │ 13 The Last Day on Earth.m4a
& S$ {( [# j6 ~% o│ │ 14 Coma White.m4a+ ]. ^! v$ { W- v* e. \4 Z
│ │
, r$ C: E6 _2 `$ G# W2 r6 S│ ├─1999 - The Last Tour On Earth
4 F9 j' k1 ?2 F" W│ │ 01 Inauguration of the Mechanical Christ.m4a8 h, j j2 o% k
│ │ 02 The Reflecting God.m4a
O- r" E7 u3 S3 i│ │ 03 Great Big White World.m4a
! Z7 i+ {1 A6 Q/ L( G; f/ W│ │ 04 Get Your Gunn.m4a
' `' t% M: ]& Y1 o( e4 u│ │ 05 Sweet Dreams.m4a r3 m! Q: O1 p/ _
│ │ 06 Rock Is Dead.m4a
^' U7 H0 M5 n+ j) A│ │ 07 The Dope Show.m4a
: x- d7 D" H; t" j3 [│ │ 08 Lunchbox.m4a7 ]$ _3 k* s6 h& w% X/ M
│ │ 09 I Don't Like the Drugs.m4a
, \0 y3 q8 r% w v* Q h, S│ │ 10 Antichrist Superstar.m4a
# }4 a7 p8 D' Y; s$ L│ │ 11 The Beautiful People.m4a
7 C4 Q* t! k1 h! k7 t& x' Q! S│ │ 12 Irresponsible Hate Anthem.m4a# D+ r; D( @! K. d* o
│ │ 13 The Last Day On Earth.m4a
2 v" o) m1 O9 y7 V {7 r# @│ │ 14 Astonishing Panorama of the Endtimes.m4a
0 W, L) h& m1 A/ ?3 S* }│ │ / S; |. d3 p3 i& ~) y3 @
│ ├─2000 - Holy Wood (In the Shadow of the Valley of Death)
4 n$ s9 I5 |) y3 z│ │ 01 Godeatgod.m4a
$ w/ K7 M$ A H+ j0 t6 e│ │ 02 The Love Song.m4a) ?( i% F, M" g2 D% I7 i
│ │ 03 The Fight Song.m4a* n: W- |# @: t* C+ v
│ │ 04 Disposable Teens.m4a+ E& R2 ~3 j- b
│ │ 05 Target Audience (Narcissus Narcosis).m4a
9 m+ A S* g: o' r: z" {- M│ │ 06 _President Dead_.m4a
* N; W& y( h5 m) d* S6 P$ E│ │ 07 In the Shadow of the Valley of Death.m4a; B3 Q* X" I3 b9 |/ L
│ │ 08 Cruci-fiction In Space.m4a
c) a/ d' P h% X+ F% V5 J│ │ 09 A Place In the Dirt.m4a
6 Z& g' Y2 M6 j6 Y& b│ │ 10 The Nobodies.m4a% M+ m* `0 ]7 n
│ │ 11 The Death Song.m4a. n- E' d4 ?' Y0 G* r
│ │ 12 Lamb of God.m4a. }, q' G9 x( x! H* A+ c
│ │ 13 Born Again.m4a
x* u% t" t- k' q' m│ │ 14 Burning Flag.m4a" s8 M4 e+ s. W) j6 q
│ │ 15 Coma Black.m4a7 p% Z5 ?% C3 a' }
│ │ 16 Valentine's Day.m4a7 ~' P# W5 u# W7 A- J4 N6 O( Y
│ │ 17 The Fall of Adam.m4a
( h* l S0 f$ U) }0 d. Y│ │ 18 King Kill 33.m4a
' o4 Y; `, E3 b. u" C│ │ 19 Count To Six and Die (The Vacuum of Infinite Space Encompassing).m4a8 h# Y* a5 n: x8 z7 c" Z. y W
│ │
# }9 Q# G8 x- ]* v6 Z' f% o( v│ ├─2003 - The Golden Age of Grotesque- E' |; _0 ]3 v, o6 ?2 z
│ │ 01 Thaeter.m4a
8 h* `1 Z5 `: w: d│ │ 02 This Is the New Shit.m4a
# G- m1 t( p, X│ │ 03 mOBSCENE.m4a* q0 p/ a: g/ ~. d
│ │ 04 Doll-Dagga Buzz-Buzz Ziggety-Zag.m4a F- @6 E9 r3 B9 z
│ │ 05 Use Your Fist and Not Your Mouth.m4a
9 D, D1 b! R2 U& H5 [6 Z/ @│ │ 06 The Golden Age of Grotesque.m4a/ b9 L, a! {( T2 z8 b
│ │ 07 (s)AINT.m4a
6 V. V7 i$ H) I( P│ │ 08 Ka-Boom Ka-Boom.m4a/ A- V$ }: k8 v; u: G# o# V @
│ │ 09 Slutgarden.m4a5 l: ^, y; R: |$ m: I8 M# X- \ `$ S
│ │ 10 Spade.m4a% ]+ r6 A p& U% m2 n' j: z/ W
│ │ 11 Para-noir.m4a" f* B. q* |! `
│ │ 12 The Bright Young Things.m4a; |% n3 l5 q# q! T4 M
│ │ 13 Better of Two Evils.m4a3 v, M/ E1 p! b b; t
│ │ 14 Vodevil.m4a% t3 ?( B8 L4 }& ]
│ │ 15 Obsequey (The Death of Art).m4a6 y0 }) ~% m+ ?* x4 G
│ │ 16 Tainted Love.m4a
. _4 R$ k7 W5 e5 {│ │ . a7 F1 } S3 }" c y) q3 E
│ ├─2004 - Lest We Forget - The Best of Marilyn Manson
9 d9 K- t2 s* W1 F: X│ │ 01 The Love Song.m4a. J5 g& z- e. s; r* E; O3 r9 K( b
│ │ 02 Personal Jesus.m4a/ x0 y, h7 W+ t1 G
│ │ 03 Mob Scene.m4a. }7 Q4 l# S8 b; g( Z, s. X8 U
│ │ 04 The Fight Song.m4a! x2 `& T# X; `1 g. B3 u6 Z I
│ │ 05 Tainted Love.m4a" h: T) D" I, G9 G6 Y. s u
│ │ 06 The Dope Show.m4a2 x, A" J% Y; @: ?4 f6 \2 Z" }: p
│ │ 07 This Is the New S__t.m4a
) K. F0 N/ Z9 t3 ~# D. o! W│ │ 08 Disposable Teens.m4a9 h( H6 ^2 l' J; r% m
│ │ 09 Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This).m4a0 C. I" P- Z& {$ Y z# z) M
│ │ 10 Lunchbox.m4a
/ F; H8 q2 {# f) y6 r# X$ s│ │ 11 Tourniquet.m4a
/ A6 m4 w- ?; i% [! Y. z. {│ │ 12 Rock Is Dead.m4a
* q: S+ o/ |6 v, R6 p│ │ 13 Get Your Gunn.m4a* c) `1 }/ u3 |; ?0 R* W7 h
│ │ 14 The Nobodies.m4a
) {* e% G0 V+ `: x2 x/ }" ?2 S│ │ 15 Long Hard Road Out of Hell.m4a) u& b" x! b$ ? f0 `0 E6 C/ [
│ │ 16 The Beautiful People.m4a) n+ v* l& r/ W. d- b- ]/ t5 S2 ^2 D
│ │ 17 The Reflecting God.m4a
2 h: F* y2 d7 ?3 n: T# k9 j$ u1 P+ }│ │
! ^7 w! q! F4 O# A' l│ ├─2007 - Eat Me, Drink Me (Bonus Track Version)
4 v- }9 {6 h. y& H│ │ 01 If I Was Your Vampire.m4a/ R) b- d9 W! Y1 n* Y* D& W
│ │ 02 Putting Holes In Happiness.m4a; }- K9 j* E3 T1 |% h7 ]
│ │ 03 The Red Carpet Grave.m4a
* x* u9 L% q. \, Z0 h: F! j│ │ 04 They Said That Hell's Not Hot.m4a
& E) k% u0 I' @6 L/ B* q& u│ │ 05 Just a Car Crash Away.m4a
/ ^9 q# E& q- L1 }5 d1 z- N│ │ 06 Heart-Shaped Glasses (When the Heart Guides the Hand).m4a- y% P* U' J1 c
│ │ 07 Evidence.m4a
5 ^% x5 i/ ~- A' N0 h+ ?# q│ │ 08 Are You the Rabbit_.m4a; j; r8 z. B- e7 S# [% N6 t3 W
│ │ 09 Mutilation Is the Most Sincere Form of Flattery.m4a
8 x9 r; J( I! Q7 p4 j│ │ 10 You and Me and the Devil Makes 3.m4a
+ E3 \: O) K9 C0 H: c│ │ 11 Eat Me, Drink Me.m4a- Y" V" r. G# s' g" W+ C( {! ]
│ │ 12 Heart-Shaped Glasses (When the Heart Guides the Hand) [Inhuman Remix By Jade e Puget] {Bonus Track}.m4a
& }) L3 E5 M, G/ e% ^ g│ │ 13 Heart-Shaped Glasses (When the Heart Guides the Hand) [International Edit].m4v
! }! X1 i( c. K3 E( y- N3 t│ │ 6 k+ \- t9 x+ \" s
│ ├─2009 - The High End of Low
5 K- {" ]6 t+ j* @# m│ │ │ 01 Devour.m4a# Z# m( M1 R/ z7 L: F2 J* S
│ │ │ 02 Pretty As A ($).m4a
# S/ r6 ?% u! o3 p, d" ]; [' K│ │ │ 03 Leave a Scar.m4a
4 q3 f* a4 V; X│ │ │ 04 Four Rusted Horses.m4a) p/ b+ \1 N, T6 z
│ │ │ 05 Arma-Goddamn-Motherfuckin-Geddo.m4a& E5 k# U' C+ Q \
│ │ │ 06 Blank and White.m4a
' b" Z( F" q9 l( x2 g3 v( U│ │ │ 07 Running to the Edge of the Worl.m4a% k- I% S( c0 K* L
│ │ │ 08 I Want to Kill You Like They do.m4a
5 y3 z4 _4 X. \& L1 E* v8 L$ ?# [9 v│ │ │ 09 Wow.m4a
+ [! C& E4 j' ?% G│ │ │ 10 Wight Spider.m4a, P# k6 {9 G. o
│ │ │ 11 Unkillable Monster.m4a3 Y" Z, C, Q' w# x8 V9 }; Z
│ │ │ 12 We're From America.m4a
+ `8 e0 J9 q: A& |│ │ │ 13 I Have to Look Up Just to See H.m4a
/ U' d8 J$ D6 {│ │ │ 14 Into the Fire.m4a/ m ]* D( k% k" K
│ │ │ 15 15.m4a- o6 r; s1 u& ]/ s [
│ │ │ Digital Booklet - The High End Of Lo.pdf
. t6 [. r4 P' X& F4 v2 l$ Z5 s8 _│ │ │
7 a/ v" ^' D; Z) \1 }5 K│ │ └─Bonus. J$ [, V+ }# z; U$ D5 W4 e
│ │ 01 Arma-Goddamn-Motherfuckin-Geddo.m4a2 g$ v, h0 Z4 h* T; Q. m5 y9 j
│ │ 02 Leave a Scar (Alternate Version.m4a
/ [8 c* R. W8 R$ m# j6 Y│ │ 03 Running to the Edge of the Worl.m4a
& d3 T% k; X" y. x, i│ │ 04 Wight Spider (Alternate Version.m4a' M9 S: _7 r0 p/ V5 L; T; w3 k( l2 ?
│ │ 05 Four Rusted Horses (Opening Tit.m4a
" n1 Z( g' @" H2 D1 O Q6 |# Y( [+ m│ │ 06 I Have to Look Up Just to See H.m4a( r: h6 Q! W( o* i8 f$ y
│ │ 07 Fifteen (Alternate Version).m4a* ]* \ ?& g6 S" D) E% F7 Q
│ │
4 n5 ]7 D) Q: r# m$ \3 J: K# e│ ├─2012 - Born Villain: B! N2 M2 ^& o9 X
│ │ 01 Hey, Cruel World....m4a$ W- w7 h/ {/ ?
│ │ 02 No Reflection.m4a) ~# A* j: ^4 S7 d+ R
│ │ 03 Pistol Whipped.m4a
7 q( g. l- y' _/ Q( _* l, Y4 j+ H│ │ 04 Overneath the Path of Misery.m4a
" w; \% s, P& O* M( O- F f│ │ 05 Slo-Mo-Tion.m4a8 C9 z; W# ?- M9 k @2 e G0 H
│ │ 06 The Gardener.m4a$ D4 b ]2 _5 j0 P" n
│ │ 07 The Flowers of Evil.m4a
, Y. D0 Q* W4 e0 H│ │ 08 Children of Cain.m4a
; o4 B) Y! B! ^/ P/ t│ │ 09 Disengaged.m4a
& N8 r o* b9 p j& z7 }│ │ 10 Lay Down Your Goddamn Arms.m4a! ^1 y! i' A& n$ E3 N( d( {
│ │ 11 Murderers Are Getting Prettier Every Day.m4a4 }$ I' L% R! Y
│ │ 12 Born Villain.m4a! @) j+ H* M/ R
│ │ 13 Breaking the Same Old Ground.m4a6 @" q7 |% D5 R) h
│ │ 14 You're so Vain (feat. Johnny Depp).m4a
1 U- }* q1 G# g0 H2 o│ │ 15 No Reflection (Radio Edit).m4a
. y( o' E+ S. V* b9 S0 A│ │
2 Q! v" H, {( O. x3 }5 L" L│ ├─2015 - The Pale Emperor (Deluxe). r. T8 `! z. |6 h4 b: z3 Y
│ │ 01 Killing Strangers.m4a
* O! {4 r9 @1 Z) ~1 w│ │ 02 Deep Six.m4a0 E1 w" n+ P2 p2 U
│ │ 03 Third Day of a Seven Day Binge.m4a
5 t. z3 Q* ~9 |9 a│ │ 04 The Mephistopheles of Los Angeles.m4a
4 I) p$ B0 A0 ]: W) y1 |+ A│ │ 05 Warship My Wreck.m4a
! W. P- u+ I; H% d, n* P! f│ │ 06 Slave Only Dreams To Be King.m4a
% H: c3 o; A' O6 b5 M2 l│ │ 07 The Devil Beneath My Feet.m4a$ a, C" k/ K5 e; S
│ │ 08 Birds of Hell Awaiting.m4a* F, x# p' \* z5 m
│ │ 09 Cupid Carries a Gun.m4a
! ~$ m, Y, b8 F│ │ 10 Odds of Even.m4a! c6 B- s; Q. O# M- A
│ │ 11 Day 3.m4a
/ J, T+ ]; S# @│ │ 12 Fated, Faithful, Fatal.m4a
- @2 M# l2 J! b& n" s* I; X. o# p│ │ 13 Fall of the House of Death.m4a
+ T* ], _! l: }│ │
& _ D }: z( _) E. m│ ├─2017 - Heaven Upside Down
Q% W6 r2 g4 P│ │ 01 Revelation #12.m4a
$ q+ [/ O2 U# O- k) B1 X' t│ │ 02 Tattooed In Reverse.m4a
& V2 J4 r7 j7 H" S/ t% c4 K│ │ 03 WE KNOW WHERE YOU FUCKING LIVE.m4a
; f/ V) D2 e0 c; o. I [) b1 ]│ │ 04 SAY10.m4a
! R h& y, O. b6 n9 Y* j4 G│ │ 05 KILL4ME.m4a& @* G: C! c2 M' A1 U5 W
│ │ 06 Saturnalia.m4a
7 Y( l! i& }! z7 |+ z│ │ 07 JE$U$ CRI$I$.m4a, D# W9 r9 g9 E/ Z7 \7 O9 @
│ │ 08 Blood Honey.m4a f/ }" A3 a' |6 V2 t; @# d% E0 B1 `+ y3 s
│ │ 09 Heaven Upside Down.m4a
1 g6 x3 @# M! z. b8 V/ L6 S│ │ 10 Threats of Romance.m4a7 s3 ?& {! u* Q* u5 M
│ │ - l! ?7 t9 s8 r4 D3 b
│ └─2020 - WE ARE CHAOS( ~4 b% [7 m7 ~( o6 J+ ^& K& r, M
│ 01 RED BLACK AND BLUE.m4a, e0 p- p# |* T% P- i# Z
│ 02 WE ARE CHAOS.m4a* @8 m1 ^- U \
& \4 k, b5 _3 H│ 04 PAINT YOU WITH MY LOVE.m4a
! E$ v% e: `+ g0 E│ 05 HALF-WAY & ONE STEP FORWARD.m4a. M6 F m4 S; U6 V9 E! N- E2 R3 ^
) A: F- W& P7 e6 D6 b% I/ \│ 07 PERFUME.m4a
2 Z! |' F* g- G! m4 P+ j. l│ 08 KEEP MY HEAD TOGETHER.m4a/ p M( d$ _+ z7 S; p# D( I8 L
│ 09 SOLVE COAGULA.m4a: ~) t" q" j! E# J
│ 10 BROKEN NEEDLE.m4a2 |; {( c8 }$ n) A- d
5 [/ q& o2 i) Q4 t├─EPs- U5 h" Z5 ]. K: R9 b% i. w D
│ ├─1997 - Remix & Repent
2 J! v/ N1 m6 w( o│ │ 01. The Horrible People.m4a
4 W' y5 @1 Z' G5 ?. J0 z│ │ 02. The Tourniquet Prosthetic (Dance Mix).m4a4 c6 i9 d h! X' i3 v9 p/ o
│ │ 03. Dried Up, Tied And Dead To The World (Live).m4a. T" A( [) p: i7 y) t7 n B
│ │ 04. Antichrist Superstar (Live).m4a
8 r8 F L. T4 g) V8 F│ │ 05. Man That You Fear (Acoustic Requiem For Antichrist Superstar).m4a
1 u2 ~3 I% l0 ~5 X6 u- v8 m│ │ ) B A3 o7 |* {1 N
│ ├─2007 - Putting Holes In Happiness (EP)
( @$ F; ~; c* r. Q0 X8 s1 o& c1 X│ │ 01 Putting Holes In Happiness.m4a
+ P$ N6 S" M8 O/ W0 f( r% @│ │ 02 Putting Holes In Happiness (Boyz Noize Remix).m4a5 I1 O6 Y! n/ Z3 q* B' h
│ │ 03 Putting Holes In Happiness (Guitar Hero Remix By Nick Zinner).m4a
7 |: U# Z" f7 i0 h; J+ R% N│ │ 04 You and Me and the Devil Makes 3 (Remix By Adam Freeland).m4a
3 T% i$ s3 l$ ^2 a3 i│ │
% v8 {" f* Z1 R% c) V│ ├─2009 - Arma-goddamn-motherfuckin-geddon (EP), k' T- L4 S* o% \* x2 }$ B! m
│ │ 01 Arma-goddamn-motherfuckin-geddon.m4a
. p7 T( C/ g$ e! ]. k5 A│ │ 02 Arma-goddamn-motherfuckin-geddon (The Teddybears Remix).m4a/ l, G/ ~- z; n9 U
│ │ 03 Arma-goddamn-motherfuckin-geddon (Alternate Version).m4a
! o+ h6 F% J8 i# N b│ │ : K# W/ r" |' a7 _9 d, r( _/ D
│ └─2009 - EP Collection4 [. L& Q. @3 y
│ 01 Misery Machine.m4a
( B9 S. Q( z9 _$ b e9 M│ 02 Mother Inferior Got Her Gunn.m4a! p7 \8 I H6 J# b: O
│ 03 Revelation 9.m4a
7 b' C3 I3 F7 a6 a- M0 p8 y& k│ 04 Lunchbox (Next Motherfucker).m4a
4 R# o* m+ a/ a" p1 L* l│ 05 Down In the Park.m4a5 W# M- a7 ]6 }' a
│ 06 Lunchbox (Brown Bag Remix).m4a
9 `/ h, L+ M9 e& e: i( ^, ]│ 07 Lunchbox (Metal Remix).m4a$ S' u8 U) ?: C3 `8 z( C! h
│ 08 Lunchbox (Highschool Drop-Outs).m4a
$ g( o& K8 w4 J' Q$ u│ 09 Tainted Love.m4a: a7 _) h: w+ Z
│ 10 Personal Jesus.m4a. n" i) Y5 H0 P* r1 g8 `) i
│ 11 Long Hard Road Out of Hell.m4a6 ~0 I* p3 u+ N! ]3 _8 L. L
* t- f. B! H+ L& j├─Live
: ~1 Z# d2 c" }1 T2 `; t│ └─2011 - Cyclops (Live)( {/ [% E% Y$ B: X; w8 E# p
│ 01 White Trash.m4a
! Y- s& Y3 R$ h9 S ^# g0 w& Y│ 02 Dope Hat.m4a
$ @2 D" _* C/ G5 b8 y6 D│ 03 Lunch Box.m4a5 S9 H0 P$ A, V* X& {) m( u2 a
│ 04 Misery Machine.m4a
- Y8 C. }8 M( g; M│ 05 Thrift.m4a! Z$ d; x6 _5 n2 q/ K. b) n
│ 06 Cyclops.m4a
9 l! w' \7 j) e1 C│ 07 My Monkey.m4a/ M, |5 L( o& z+ u
│ ( x5 p. q V. d8 \% B; i/ X2 I
8 x. R Y& d/ ^5 O' k& Z ├─2007 - Heart-Shaped Glasses (When the Heart Guides the Hand) (Single)
( a, C0 I$ M( l2 v, P; q │ 01 Heart-Shaped Glasses (When the Heart Guides the Hand).m4a. J4 m9 I7 L3 N( W1 R% V
│ 02 Putting Holes In Happiness (Acoustic Version).m4a
! T. A; W8 A% b, k4 l │ 03 Heart-Shaped Glasses (When the Heart Guides the Hand) [Penetrate the Canvas Remix].m4a
3 i! V1 C$ Y. Y7 C4 b) \: V0 D9 Z │ 04 Heart-Shaped Glasses (When the Heart Guides the Hand) [International Edit].m4v( b5 `+ u1 Y# M1 f9 P* x
6 T( \# z) o; f* ^. X% J. s ├─2012 - No Reflection (Single)! s& K. v* o/ i) A
│ 01 No Reflection.m4a4 H3 Z4 z5 Q0 @* _5 r) s, y
5 X3 p8 O5 K# _+ C2 A* d/ a0 E; ? ├─2018 - Cry Little Sister - Single% B5 U9 \1 S! S( {
│ 01+Cry+Little+Sister.m4a/ H) j& r4 X- @) b4 Q
9 h+ k" E0 l: j5 D ├─2019 - God's Gonna Cut You Down - Single! }, i7 }' M& R" b5 r) }6 H( b h
│ 01 God's Gonna Cut You Down.m4a2 j: v% C$ J h/ u1 ~% ^
+ I0 V. o- Z# H% Y6 n; s1 r └─2019 - The End - Single9 x5 O% R- p: s+ r3 ~7 y- S
01 The End.m4a
' _7 L, }+ U3 n
& S. E8 `/ x( x' x4 j
! {* f% v& s& j( e
! d, a, H$ Y& ^% \. G) H
5 o( j2 }1 U: P; O# j, b2 m9 u- k" Z& A o/ G
. n( N& _ n- T8 y' |' D