


B.B. King - 《B.B. King作品合集》[iTunes Plus AAC][百度盘]

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  [; D. K; g0 J0 d
/ F) P$ [* Q: [8 K. t* f" GB.B. King简介+ G# R6 [& ]  ~0 A8 o, _
美国歌手,吉他演奏家,作曲家,BLUES王国的主宰。他可以在任何地方录音,作品既有纯布鲁斯的,也有乡村音乐风格的,还有流行和摇滚的,但每一种形式中都夹杂着布鲁斯的成分。他是有史以来最伟大的布鲁斯音乐家之一,外号“布鲁斯之王”("The King of Blues")。他一直有着无上的自信,能够从任何抒情诗中挤榨所有微妙的语感;他那独特的小颤音足以将他与后来人远远分开。同时,他亦是一位表现力丰富的超级歌手,善于使用不同的曲调演唱同一句歌词,而且经常变化唱法,颤声、假声或是真假声轮唱。不过,最重要的一点是:B.B.KING一直是位谦逊的superstar,而且永远面带笑容。
" o8 `) P7 O' a3 d. C9 J
4 A; v% C, |: G辉煌岁月) N6 E0 H/ a0 b1 w/ u! C
1947年,B·B·金开始为位于洛杉矶的RPM唱片录制歌曲。金的很多早期作品都是由山姆·菲利普斯制作,后来他为太阳唱片工作。他还是孟菲斯的一个唱片音乐节目主持人,节目播出时称他为“比尔街布鲁斯男孩”(Beale Street Blues Boy),后来直接称为“布鲁斯男孩”,缩写B.B.。) E+ R8 N  ~- E2 v
1950年代,B·B·金成为节奏布鲁斯音乐重要的一分子。他的作品包括“你知道我爱你”(You Know I Love You)、“早晨醒来”(Woke Up This Morning)、“请爱我”(Please Love Me)、“当我心如锤般跳动”(When My Heart Beats like a Hammer)、“你让我不安,宝贝”(You Upset Me Baby)、“每天我都拥有布鲁斯”(Every Day I Have the Blues)、“逃走”(Sneakin' Around)、“十年”(Ten Long Years)、“坏运气”(Bad Luck)、“可爱的小安琪儿”(Sweet Little Angel)和“请接受我的爱”(Please Accept My Love)等。
7 N" Q+ P  X$ S4 [1962年,他签约ABC唱片公司。
0 B+ T" p0 x+ m+ ^1964年11月,金在芝加哥雷格尔剧院录制了专辑《雷格尔现场音乐会》(Live at the Regal)。 . i  F) _$ _% O/ S
1969年,金为罗伊·霍金斯(Roy Hawkins)创作的“激情已逝”(The Thrill Is Gone)在流行和节奏布鲁斯两项排行榜都登上榜首,这也是他第一次在布鲁斯以外的领域获得成功。这首歌曲在滚石杂志评选的最佳500首摇滚歌曲榜排名183位。8 k' t+ h* m% H5 I) g
1970年代,他佳作不断,如“爱你才想了解你”(To Know You Is to Love You)和“我希望生命里有爱”(I Like to Live the Love)。
" n& t- ^+ }8 t0 f% R从1951年到1985年,金在《公告牌杂志》的节奏布鲁斯排行榜上出现了74次之多。
! k  i1 c* p. j! B  P8 R
; Y1 H) {( Z! {2 n7 b. h7 d  i后期作品4 R3 r& D" M! L$ Q5 {* ~+ x8 m6 t
1988年,他和爱尔兰U2乐团联手推出的单曲“当爱降临”(When Love Comes To Town),受到歌迷欢迎。2000年,金和埃里克·克莱普顿合作推出专辑《天王竞飙》(Riding With the King)。' G6 |# m/ K% Y. }% b
& V% g! c) H1 @% B& r) U! [2004年,金参加了克莱普顿发起的十字路口中心吉他节,为中心义演筹款。在后期发行的DVD里收录了他和埃里克·克莱普顿、巴迪·盖伊、吉米·沃恩(Jimmie Vaughan)一起演奏的“摇滚我吧,宝贝!”(Rock Me Baby)。
1 t$ `7 _2 ~' v( T
6 p6 d# j2 f1 K' ]. J告别演出* f, b& Z/ m+ D' L) B& }0 p& I
; _' Q* O" V( L; S: i' Z7月,金回到欧洲,这次演唱会在瑞士举行,连演两场。11月和12月,金在巴西演出六场。
9 b+ p2 w5 N" ^% d# w4 I# h
% O2 I: I/ N7 o+ N$ [主要荣誉/ q! ~2 U2 @! S4 L
1971年, B·B·金获得葛莱美最佳R&B男歌手奖。6 d0 c2 |' g- Z; B
1982年, B·B·金的专辑《肯定有更美好的世界》(There Must Be a Better World Somewhere)获得葛莱美最佳民族或传统乡村专辑奖,该奖项自1986年后停止颁发。
7 H2 T, ?% _5 \1987年, B·B·金 荣获葛莱美终身成就奖。   T* ?- Q  _% }
1990年,B·B·金荣获美国国家艺术奖章。1 ~% s. Q( z+ R" N& [; @& n0 D
& e3 S4 `0 G/ {  F" O- @- c6 l; x: e1997年, B·B·金获得葛莱美最佳摇滚器乐演奏奖。 1 i7 T3 ?6 }& \% f
2001年, B·B·金获得葛莱美最佳流行合唱团奖。
# i* t" }/ [6 I: o0 ]( _& [# E& A! ~2003年,  B·B·金获得葛莱美最佳器乐演奏奖。 + i2 _4 O0 s/ f9 x* x
+ F8 [! b8 c3 g" m1 F2006年12月15日,乔治·沃克·布什总统授予B·B·金总统自由奖章。
  j4 I+ z  \4 e7 W  m2 f& L/ ]2 F. l- n9 g, T, J7 V* g
1 q4 g+ u# n4 X% ?5 V: \) U+ i
: |9 ?$ _! @( E7 C) d  o; u6 h
├─1956 - Singin' the Blues
. D* H4 o) y- c│      1-01. Please Love Me.m4a* C- m3 V4 |! @
│      1-02. You Upset Me Baby.m4a- {% w& C" S+ G" \7 T6 c* |
│      1-03. Every Day I Have the Blues.m4a
: ]: r  [" G3 G& w3 u- u9 x6 D& \│      1-04. Bad Luck.m4a0 w0 g9 m6 n3 K& c) {4 J
│      1-05. Three O'Clock Blues.m4a: g+ M3 v8 H0 }) Q
│      1-06. Blind Love.m4a
0 D2 ?% I% \- Y2 o│      1-07. Woke Up This Morning.m4a1 ^: U  F6 a% Z0 F+ s
│      1-08. You Know I Love You.m4a. i4 X! j' e9 J2 D( q- a2 I, w
│      1-09. Sweet Little Angel.m4a
) x9 P1 J2 S3 h3 W# t│      1-10. Ten Long Years.m4a9 r7 C# y% Q4 R' f+ }
│      1-11. Did You Ever Love a Woman.m4a/ I% [/ q' a- @9 q3 m; Q
│      1-12. Crying Won't Help You.m4a) r) n: }" [+ X# O% U4 D, ^; m
│      1-13. Whole Lotta Meat.m4a) t. n4 i3 Z4 q2 r
│      1-14. I'm Cracking Up Over You.m4a, S8 b) _  r3 K/ T
│      1-15. I Stay In the Mood.m4a; E/ F5 S2 v6 O' d+ ^
│      1-16. When My Heart Beats Like a Hammer (aka Million Years Blues).m4a( ?: a+ _+ {. [
│      1-17. Jump With You Baby.m4a/ _& q% t/ `; X3 Q7 B
│      1-18. Lonely and Blue.m4a
( \/ J$ Y* W! `) \/ W4 f│      1-19. Dark Is the Night, Pt. 1 (aka The Blues Has Got Me).m4a
. o6 T( n& ]! X# m│      1-20. Ruby Lee.m4a* f7 Q) C: r, a* k6 g$ }% `& p
│      * y" [& v7 b4 B' o, \! N
├─1960 - The Blues
9 u- B& i( h) y% z0 {+ d) p│      1-01. Why Do Things Happen to Me.m4a
3 ?# J  f1 j( Q/ o3 S6 r2 B│      1-02. Ruby Lee.m4a
8 R& i; _5 j+ u1 _│      1-03. When My Heart Beats Like a Hammer.m4a
- v, f# M/ ^0 Z% K1 r- R9 `+ y│      1-04. Past Day.m4a; z* M! Y1 H% m
│      1-05. Boogie Woogie Woman.m4a
& `, G% o$ }& L% Q0 M│      1-06. Early in the Morning.m4a  g# Z! o0 M  d8 R& P
│      1-07. I Want to Get Married.m4a
, S) v' X, D7 U& B│      1-08. That Ain't the Way to Do It.m4a1 x& H0 Q( L6 a& h# K
│      1-09. Troubles, Troubles, Troubles.m4a' t( f# z7 S: R# }; T4 J# O
│      1-10. Don't You Want a Man Like Me.m4a
) U1 T% g3 t1 S" j2 {0 |+ L7 D│      1-11. You Know I Go for You.m4a' P5 z2 n" R, s7 j( s
│      1-12. What Can I Do.m4a
) ^; _0 P: j" y9 i/ w# z! x* n5 s! C│      
! R( S3 U& i) P4 c( d) Q* h; E  K├─1963 - Blues in My Heart9 Z6 E8 H* I8 S8 ~7 }
│      1-01. You're Gonna Miss Me.m4a
  V# U) M0 ]7 X; e% g, ]│      1-02. Got'em Bad.m4a5 a( H4 D* ^% m5 a7 M% X
│      1-03. Troubles Don't Last.m4a
: I" ?' V6 _% {/ I7 a│      1-04. Your Letter.m4a3 Y/ t5 }1 Z- x* V; f" p
│      1-05. I Can't Explain.m4a
6 T1 u% [* A4 u: ~│      1-06. The Wrong Road.m4a
. Z& ?; N2 V1 E. I9 [) s│      1-07. I Need You Baby.m4a
/ ~6 c/ F8 W: k3 O│      1-08. So Many Roads.m4a
% L! m* D+ ], [; n│      1-09. Down Hearted.m4a: J) [) ?$ }1 {4 v! K5 p
│      1-10. Strange Things.m4a
; I) s0 {% G3 Y│      
0 v  A$ Z- r& k/ I: ^├─1965 - Live At the Regal
- w' b( @/ y% S│      1-01. Everyday I Have the Blues (Live At The Regal Theater,1964).m4a- D! E2 H# h2 ~5 U3 J/ ~
│      1-02. Sweet Little Angel (Live At The Regal Theater,1964).m4a
4 _% H* ?" ]2 @6 {# h│      1-03. It's My Own Fault (Live At The Regal Theater,1964).m4a, A* H$ ]' F1 L$ J" j! E
│      1-04. How Blue Can You Get! (Live At The Regal Theatre,1964).m4a
2 |- v+ g  e. L& c6 S; z: v2 U│      1-05. Please Love Me (Live At The Regal Theater,1964).m4a
& r# d+ z( p& S3 I* \│      1-06. You Upset Me Baby (Live At The Regal Theater,1964).m4a, O8 a: \5 _, W' M% L) |9 C
│      1-07. Worry, Worry (Live At The Regal Theater,1964).m4a
6 T0 X# H. A) j+ \: e# R3 L5 O) ]│      1-08. Woke Up This Mornin' (Live At The Regal Theater,1964).m4a
0 \" h1 d. `  {% X% _& ]│      1-09. You Done Lost Your Good Thing Now (Live At The Regal Theater,1964).m4a
% |/ A1 b" s3 {│      1-10. Help the Poor (Live At The Regal Theater,1964).m4a
: |" ^/ t" B( W! ]+ V# E% f│      
% c5 q/ g/ L! z( o: f├─1968 - Blues On Top of Blues
" B1 N/ e1 D& e" t│      1-01. Heartbreaker.m4a( u0 o+ t6 t6 s" h& K9 }9 p) V
│      1-02. Losing Faith In You.m4a# P- S" S3 [2 M4 `& A+ l
│      1-03. Dance With Me.m4a0 T* K' B8 o! x* [4 n1 k: d9 j% l: A, z5 |
│      1-04. That's Wrong Little Mama.m4a: I! O' t' o0 W- V) s  F
│      1-05. Having My Say.m4a  O% v3 }; ?$ e6 z$ G
│      1-06. I'm Not Wanted Anymore.m4a
* W' D6 J4 O7 ?8 ?* z+ P( g1 \│      1-07. Worried Dream.m4a
5 i/ p2 C( u: l7 y│      1-08. Paying the Cost to Be the Boss.m4a2 B9 _* G# A* X% g" o  ~- X
│      1-09. Until I Found You.m4a5 w( }) F" a8 ]9 a" P# g& Q
│      1-10. I'm Gonna Do What They Do to Me.m4a
) s; A# m7 b& A' t; D( B* Z│      1-11. Raining In My Heart.m4a/ |# j, {* D8 H4 ?
│      1-12. Now That You've Lost Me.m4a7 T5 f8 c5 s& ~' ~' N
│      / W1 K/ H1 |5 B0 Y
├─1968 - Lucille: ~; x- D: Z9 o3 z( H8 [
│      1-01. Lucille.m4a+ O0 j6 a' X+ g
│      1-02. You Move Me So.m4a
# k) B3 M2 A, s! D│      1-03. Country Girl.m4a- J, e$ q/ J; O1 h8 W! Q" C( }
│      1-04. No Money, No Luck Blues.m4a! z" ]* H  s" ]" B% K
│      1-05. I Need Your Love.m4a
$ [+ _- J  n4 \2 N+ C  Q2 @% s│      1-06. Rainin' All the Time.m4a$ Z' B. f' {8 k# x/ \0 n/ N
│      1-07. I'm With You.m4a& [% p4 w& v5 H" d* Y2 K
│      1-08. Stop Putting the Hurt On Me.m4a$ m, O' r; D5 }8 x- s5 Y8 T5 ?
│      1-09. Watch Yourself.m4a, |; k' T2 @8 f7 {/ s
( c9 F! `/ X" a& G0 e├─1969 - Completely Well' Q& ?( a. H' N% k& e0 H
│      1-01. So Excited.m4a
- {- d( f" G8 p  C( e5 x# j' T3 A│      1-02. No Good.m4a
- _" N" q' i2 N- \3 R│      1-03. You're Losin' Me.m4a7 H+ W5 ]" \0 K. Q! s* w+ A, ~
│      1-04. What Happened.m4a
" _* D" M7 ]' B  P6 f│      1-05. Confessin' the Blues.m4a, t$ g5 h# Z) t, s" `  |: _
│      1-06. Key to My Kingdom.m4a, ^) z" \' J2 s( r
│      1-07. Cryin' Won't Help You Now.m4a
6 l! O/ B* [6 C( v* W5 J, W0 C│      1-08. You're Mean.m4a% k  w: M- Z0 R# @/ B* X- {5 `
│      1-09. The Thrill is Gone.m4a- G; m1 J  X$ F5 B: F
│      . y- a; s; f1 L+ k$ K7 E) G
├─1969 - Live & Well
2 ^6 o, r, N1 T% n: N7 O2 D│      1-01. Don't Answer the Door (Live - 1969, Village Gate, New York).m4a
, l! o6 B: q8 V: J* r│      1-02. Just a Little Love.m4a
0 K9 N1 e( d8 R" x) c│      1-03. My Mood.m4a9 D0 r4 Z& |" ]3 }
│      1-04. Sweet Little Angel.m4a
2 |- S* B5 `; u' a0 E# }( x% ?+ y│      1-05. Please Accept My Love (Live - 1969, Village Gate, New York).m4a
) B' R$ P" |( O) M│      1-06. I Want You So Bad.m4a' X' f. A4 g  g& E( n
│      1-07. Friends.m4a
# @2 I. N" u1 g/ J" A│      1-08. Get Off My Back Woman.m4a# S5 G; p# i7 ^+ M9 M7 o8 {$ v
│      1-09. Let's Get Down to Business.m4a' R9 P; z$ e& _/ \1 q  {" `+ {
│      1-10. Why I Sing the Blues.m4a3 T0 B6 q1 L0 x5 h6 `
│      & D/ D- L4 E3 l  S
├─1970 - Indianola Mississippi Seeds
0 b8 g- q4 @1 _8 m│      1-01. Nobody Loves Me but My Mother.m4a
" r5 n( I5 }) k5 I│      1-02. You're Still My Woman.m4a
. j2 \" c8 R$ P: ]$ J1 ~│      1-03. Ask Me No Questions (Single Version).m4a
6 m1 ], w& R6 g* s5 X4 S7 g│      1-04. Until I'm Dead and Cold.m4a/ j; Q4 w6 ~) A1 F; H4 U1 B
│      1-05. King's Special (Single Version).m4a- U( Q- [* Y% u
│      1-06. Ain't Gonna Worry My Life Anymore.m4a2 ]( Q5 N7 H# z# o( q
│      1-07. Chains and Things (Single Version).m4a
" A5 }& F7 [. `( [│      1-08. Go Underground.m4a
/ ?* |* X5 X7 g5 Y1 h│      1-09. Hummingbird.m4a
, E+ }: \& H/ W9 O8 @│      
' l2 b( h! a8 ]6 i( T! T3 i( ^3 _5 Z2 {├─1971 - In London: u0 i4 r6 x! s! J& K* Z' o2 [
│      1-01. Caldonia.m4a& g( \$ _: y8 j$ y! Y$ y
│      1-02. Blue Shadows.m4a
4 X8 S1 E+ P+ t+ [│      1-03. Alexis' Boogie.m4a
+ F" q) Z/ m- u- x│      1-04. We Can't Agree.m4a
. f# d7 K# c( k% u│      1-05. Ghetto Woman.m4a
; Y3 J. _- F- Z: y, {* G│      1-06. Wet Hayshark.m4a
  g4 w  m: N# w+ s* @" R/ _│      1-07. Part Time Love.m4a
5 q% B+ O2 R  {4 X& z; m│      1-08. Power of the Blues.m4a
& r% [7 u& K% }( I. i% e6 o│      1-09. Ain't Nobody Home.m4a9 C  A  a1 \5 R% a& D
" x6 Q6 V5 d9 J2 R├─1971 - Live In Cook County Jail
! Y. Y4 t5 L" }& x; O! Y│      1-01. Introductions (Live In Cook County Jail,1970).m4a! p3 z8 b- L$ |( B3 f  H" O
│      1-02. Every Day I Have the Blues (Live In Cook County Jail,1970).m4a) A" ?+ \7 v- M3 Q. E' M* V
│      1-03. How Blue Can You Get! (Live In Cook County Jail,1970).m4a3 F3 o7 o: W6 [2 w
│      1-04. Worry, Worry, Worry (Live In Cook County Jail,1970).m4a. k, ^- F$ K0 q3 a: e  W
│      1-05. Medley- 3 O'Clock Blues , Darlin' You Know I Love You (Live In Cook County Jail,1970).m4a
" g! U6 n6 H6 _( F│      1-06. Sweet Sixteen (Live In Cook County Jail,1970).m4a  u4 X; K- }, f' c+ N; B* V& E
│      1-07. The Thrill Is Gone (Live In Cook County Jail,1970).m4a; @9 E: Q: C! B- ~. }! m# N
│      1-08. Please Accept My Love (Live In Cook County Jail,1970).m4a
) g% W  p3 I6 m7 N& v' s- j+ g& x. t│      ' t& T" u( a1 v/ F7 [) r! i
├─1972 - Guess Who6 H5 m3 W& a5 A+ G2 }# O9 y
│      1-01. Summer in the City.m4a
- y/ J& G, j7 I- ]+ q: e- u9 A│      1-02. Just Can't Please You.m4a% r' }" A8 K4 g' @5 x: x8 _
│      1-03. Any Other Way.m4a5 b0 {9 R" k+ B8 Y- Z) K
│      1-04. You Don't Know Nothin' About Love.m4a
. h: w& j2 m& t! J9 {│      1-05. Found What I Need.m4a
7 N1 k$ k# f+ c& y% p2 g│      1-06. Neighborhood Affair.m4a# T6 j0 K" a' w) q" f2 k
│      1-07. It Takes a Young Girl.m4a8 o7 t& P5 D  n1 L1 Y) I
│      1-08. Better Lovin' Man.m4a, _( O; s! G. \
│      1-09. Guess Who.m4a
  D8 y* j/ n2 _3 @. f; K│      1-10. Shouldn't Have Left Me.m4a- z; q; {7 t, M/ \6 l$ ~
│      1-11. Five Long Years.m4a" J3 S6 [# h2 U1 v. |1 j+ d. D
. B1 i' r% V& e; R├─1973 - To Know You is to Love You6 ?( Y* s) \; M/ r" X$ z
│      1-01. I Like to Live the Love.m4a! \  Y+ J6 h6 g
│      1-02. Respect Yourself.m4a& m/ P4 f8 E: w/ V# c6 R. R5 _2 l
│      1-03. Who Are You.m4a" e" W% H# r. {7 b5 N* t& r; q
│      1-04. Love.m4a
5 O: y( @" V) L9 A' c* Q│      1-05. I Can't Leave.m4a  @; c  m; l1 M) k( A) ^
│      1-06. To Know You is to Love You.m4a
4 g2 }6 c8 K% w( p5 P6 I5 u& h│      1-07. Oh to Me.m4a6 u; Q/ S& r5 p. x9 w. S
│      1-08. Thank You for Loving the Blues.m4a! Q9 h! O/ R& E9 n" V8 Z
│      6 @1 m7 n# z2 v3 {) r
├─1974 - Together For the First Time...Live& {! C& R6 r9 H4 }+ l  T' ~
│      1-01. 3 O'Clock Blues (Live At Western Recorders Studio1,1974).m4a$ u. ?, _2 y& d, A
│      1-02. It's My Own Fault (Live At Western Recorders Studio1,1974).m4a& _' W  @+ ~, I9 m  X
│      1-03. Driftin' Blues (Live At Western Recorders Studio1,1974).m4a
% t. f5 n6 \3 m; O  n; K: s4 q│      1-04. That's the Way Love Is (Live At Western Recorders Studio1,1974).m4a  O( a. B* a: h  Z8 [1 t
│      1-05. I'm Sorry (Live At Western Recorders Studio1,1974).m4a
, ]1 z6 m# }0 i7 m8 T8 C- X2 c; n│      1-06. I'll Take Care of You (Live At Western Recorders Studio1,1974).m4a
* x+ e* q& {$ t0 @" K7 _0 ]0 r$ a9 p│      1-07. Don't Cry No More (Live At Western Recorders Studio1,1974).m4a/ i3 A  P. q8 ?  G, F5 p
│      1-08. Don't Answer the Door (Live At Western Recorders Studio1,1974).m4a
8 G: l/ m% D0 G2 u. ^+ Y│      1-09. Medley- Good To Be Back Home (Live At Western Recorders Studio1,1974).m4a
% O% B. a9 V- W' U│      1-10. Everybody Wants To Know Why I Sing the Blues (Live At Western Recorders Studio1,1974).m4a) E. ~& j! S% b/ I* i% O
│      1-11. Goin' Down Slow (Live At Western Recorders Studio1,1974).m4a
& Y) ]% H/ p( [& l* K: h% B│      1-12. I Like To Live the Love (Live At Western Recorders Studio1,1974).m4a
  [) t7 e' ^; R, s6 t# `│      6 s; B* Z1 `" e& J
├─1977 - King Size% B' O* S( q7 Q+ u9 Q# l* I* V7 `
│      1-01. Don't You Lie to Me.m4a$ i: ~: T9 `" C3 c. c# l) [1 N
│      1-02. I Wonder Why.m4a
4 S! i# e5 d7 ?/ i( k' D│      1-03. I Just Want to Make Love to You , Your Lovin' Turns Me On.m4a( k: r% F* U- h9 Y, a
│      1-04. Slow & Easy.m4a1 C. b$ e" n: Y, f+ t* f7 h% f
│      1-05. Got My Mojo Working.m4a6 R  n. X$ p# V9 N( V2 r
│      1-06. Walkin' In the Sun.m4a5 S- X# \* |! \9 K2 y% v7 ?. z
│      1-07. Mother Fuyer.m4a- J- G) V3 f: G. ~, i) a/ f0 R
│      1-08. The Same Love That Made Me.m4a7 c( K& J0 c8 j/ l% f6 c$ p3 @
│      1-09. It's Just a Matter of Time.m4a' X3 \' e2 D& G& V, a) F
% F4 v7 f' C& L2 r1 X' G├─1978 - Midnight Believer) A, m9 o" s: n
│      1-01. When It All Comes Down (I'll Still Be Around).m4a
0 V! D) U" p( E, _. `4 N│      1-02. Midnight Believer.m4a
/ D5 w, S2 e  E& {2 `│      1-03. I Just Can't Leave Your Love Alone.m4a: R+ l5 ]& P) j4 d' E/ n% O4 L
│      1-04. Hold On (I Feel Our Love Is Changing) [feat. The Crusaders].m4a2 w! }) d. Z% Z/ r( b
│      1-05. Never Make a Move Too Soon.m4a) D$ t: @, x- Y1 w
│      1-06. A World Full of Strangers (feat. The Crusaders).m4a
; j3 ?* Q5 r9 j0 |+ ~│      1-07. Let Me Make You Cry a Little Longer.m4a% w1 p- I4 ~" \
│      + j3 T  w: K: a' \' \# [
├─1979 - Take It Home
: X: Q1 V3 {2 B: q8 g' P│      1-01. Better Not Look Down.m4a% R! D8 i/ q. L* e. i
│      1-02. Same Old Story (Same Old Song).m4a& u5 t; {. J2 r4 h% ^
│      1-03. Happy Birthday Blues.m4a; o7 K7 s! J0 V0 C& n' x3 e
│      1-04. I've Always Been Lonely.m4a. ^4 z. _* o- s
│      1-05. Second-Hand Woman.m4a
5 J8 Y  r! U' y9 i│      1-06. Tonight I'm Gonna Make You a Star.m4a
, Q& W( a( B) ?8 N6 a; f7 Y│      1-07. The Beginning of the End.m4a. B$ {. M+ |+ k2 r1 I
│      1-08. A Story Everybody Knows.m4a
5 q+ P0 W: R  a/ V# f: ]│      1-09. Take It Home.m4a. q5 T; n9 T' w+ i2 I
. Y; c! e" }; F├─1981 - There Must Be a Better World Somewhere9 X4 T+ G5 b& S$ Q8 j) a' Y. j
│      1-01. The Victim.m4a7 f1 J; a$ D% G+ i# i
│      1-02. More, More, More.m4a
  D% [0 n& s  r- b2 G  |│      1-03. You're Going With Me.m4a
2 o' `; }$ _2 P& k2 `- x│      1-04. Life Ain't Nothing But a Party.m4a0 X' o4 v% {, D( n6 X
│      1-05. Born Again Human.m4a- u+ n* R: D% O7 U! n! V* g1 D
│      1-06. There Must Be a Better World Somewhere.m4a
: O9 u+ e4 U, F  W2 o* E│      1 D/ x+ y' n0 U: b5 Z8 x
├─1983 - Blues 'N' Jazz7 {$ U/ V: Q) r. H" _
│      1-01. Inflation Blues.m4a9 j( P+ B- [% N) T
│      1-02. Broken Heart.m4a! D3 t0 K2 \1 [* L0 `0 S  _- W  v% _
│      1-03. Sell My Monkey.m4a* E9 `4 f- _9 A8 S0 ?4 K5 v8 ]; a
│      1-04. Heed My Warning.m4a
7 u" E* s+ \' j, ^0 {0 M6 ~+ B: _│      1-05. Teardrops From My Eyes.m4a
& @8 Q6 c* p; o/ k% v; O" w! C│      1-06. Rainbow Riot.m4a- d7 v" u/ @" X; r2 s; c1 R
│      1-07. Darlin' You Know I Love You.m4a1 ?2 m* M- C) ^# C6 P/ ?0 e' `# A
│      1-08. Make Love To Me.m4a6 r; ?3 B! _( a# B
│      1-09. I Can't Let You Go.m4a4 t$ j  n+ x2 e" n7 M, X
│      + ~0 V4 r: U+ f6 F
├─1985 - Six Silver Strings( ^; W" H6 ^8 H+ Q- A
│      1-01. Six Silver Strings.m4a8 X: q6 A- R& `- f. L0 C( W
│      1-02. Big Boss Man.m4a
) S" x/ ?+ u# r- F+ [  l5 U│      1-03. In the Midnight Hour.m4a6 q7 s- ~: ^  e! I% i! c8 U
│      1-04. Into the Night.m4a0 Q* u' u0 l5 K- [
│      1-05. My Lucille.m4a1 ]' e+ l; _3 b; a5 T* w* O* r
│      1-06. Memory Lane.m4a
9 w. `/ I. U: s/ z! s│      1-07. My Guitar Sings the Blues.m4a
4 ^5 a. M3 {) t8 a0 T│      1-08. Double Trouble.m4a1 p1 X/ [+ x6 Z4 t
9 m* c$ c. c' _" d0 d7 C├─1991 - Live At San Quentin
; i  L5 g0 V# J4 D, }  ^│      1-01. B.B. King Intro.m4a3 n% s5 }" z  R' M- B0 U! C
│      1-02. Let the Good Times Roll.m4a, Z, w0 w" r' \0 @1 k0 e
│      1-03. Everyday I Have the Blues.m4a8 L  R* P6 _' G
│      1-04. Whole Lotta Loving.m4a) u+ e  w) ^/ ?
│      1-05. Sweet Little Angel.m4a8 s" i( M4 G8 M( S$ a; ]% A
│      1-06. Never Make a Move Too Soon.m4a
) `2 L& d. q! G7 \3 o│      1-07. Into the Night.m4a
2 H3 `( _" W# n  ?/ g│      1-08. Ain't Nobody's Bizness.m4a
( ]& e. G0 Q. ^  Z  o, i│      1-09. The Thrill Is Gone.m4a" B) L2 r2 W1 N; `
│      1-10. Peace to the World.m4a
. P! D! N- r  u- n7 Q9 |5 d7 w& k4 A│      1-11. Nobody Loves Me But My Mother.m4a( p1 _0 h% `& n% K
│      1-12. Sweet Sixteen.m4a+ M. N. A1 `5 x! e1 M' V  z, F, A& `
│      1-13. Rock Me Baby.m4a/ l! |1 |; l/ q; H- h& a) h
│      - F) {% ?# \; T7 |! L9 O# e, |2 L
├─1991 - Live at the Apollo
4 Y- f* P0 w% E% [* j& h# G│      1-01. When Love Comes to Town.m4a: \4 ~8 U6 s, @5 p5 ]
│      1-02. Sweet Sixteen.m4a: ~" R% G2 }2 D' C- _% t
│      1-03. The Thrill Is Gone.m4a! s# h7 N5 ~9 I/ V# i# B
│      1-04. Ain't Nobody's Bizness.m4a
* D) @# l% J" j/ h  ?( r3 k1 ^2 m│      1-05. Paying the Cost to Be the Boss.m4a
* E* R' U/ n) u* F1 h  g7 F5 a│      1-06. All Over Again.m4a
0 Q0 {. A  w9 r9 [│      1-07. Nightlife.m4a6 ?& u  N5 i+ h! @8 \2 L' u" B; s; T
│      1-08. Since I Met You Baby.m4a  ^' \. T! D; A  S% E
│      1-09. Guess Who.m4a
! N/ F& P: c* \" I  P. R$ W│      1-10. Peace to the World.m4a4 V+ _% x# S: Z/ O$ b, L4 D
│      9 Y, L1 @) M+ @6 {4 N
├─1997 - Deuces Wild3 x* L- \' w7 ^" T  a( q+ m
│      1-01. If You Love Me (feat. Van Morrison).m4a& c7 @' B( O, Z1 d
│      1-02. The Thrill Is Gone (feat. Tracy Chapman).m4a
4 U6 L: Z, h$ r( p" V8 x; U1 c│      1-03. Rock Me Baby (feat. Eric Clapton).m4a% f' h0 J: ?# S2 W8 i6 \/ I1 [
│      1-04. Please Send Me Someone to Love (feat. Mick Hucknall).m4a5 J5 P5 p% M' N% y- T- y7 n
│      1-05. Baby I Love You (feat. Bonnie Raitt).m4a& N, |- u5 Y) z$ a4 l, q
│      1-06. Ain't Nobody Home (feat. D'Angelo).m4a
$ w5 D# z( o- J2 X│      1-07. Pauly's Birthday Boogie (feat. Jools Holland).m4a2 C+ k6 B; M: D, K: G: w
│      1-08. There Must Be a Better World Somewhere (feat. Dr. John).m4a
: D  @9 l4 y+ g* ]│      1-09. Confessin' the Blues (feat. Marty Stuart).m4a
. T# Z( X& o! @9 E9 U│      1-10. Hummingbird (feat. Dionne Warwick).m4a
0 a  \7 E, ~/ Y8 F7 R│      1-11. Bring It On Home to Me (feat. Paul Carrack).m4a
1 \( ]* R: x% g9 R: r, C% j( f  k4 Y│      1-12. Paying the Cost to Be the Boss (feat. The Rolling Stones).m4a( N5 D5 b3 {' D
│      1-13. Let the Good Times Roll (feat. Zucchero).m4a( ~  x$ L0 k; Y; {3 V; @4 l
│      1-14. Dangerous Mood (feat. Joe Cocker).m4a
5 p+ \6 T" B! b│      1-15. Keep It Coming (feat. Heavy D).m4a
; c5 h" K! r, U│      1-16. Cryin' Won't Help You Now (feat. Paul Carrack & David Gilmour).m4a8 T$ h& M. ?3 h. K; T2 }# x5 O
│      1-17. Night Life (feat. Willie Nelson).m4a
8 V! W( }+ _7 ?. U) J1 ]5 O│      
; j/ _; l8 w5 S4 w6 P: |├─1998 - Blues On the Bayou
' v% C* ]* F6 e9 [6 M+ s/ c: S  P│      1-01. Blues Boys Tune.m4a+ \1 V! w' A) J4 Z$ c! R
│      1-02. Bad Case of Love.m4a/ w: C! K9 @5 \0 Y! p+ l- Z# s8 i
│      1-03. I'll Survive.m4a
" o; V9 P  U  X6 B) P" w. b│      1-04. Mean Ole' World.m4a
  a7 m0 D! ~. ^: f/ M& o8 Z│      1-05. Blues Man.m4a1 k- {5 p# ^$ p4 z, j( S
│      1-06. Broken Promise.m4a) V9 a# _# y! q, k
│      1-07. Darlin' You Know I Love You.m4a. F: `* P. v7 Y6 X( _
│      1-08. Shake It Up and Go.m4a9 ]5 K0 i/ ~. q, ~6 F6 {% N3 b
│      1-09. Blues We Like.m4a; n2 E2 x& \5 J  _* @
│      1-10. Good Man Gone Bad.m4a; o+ A' w* s2 s* f; S
│      1-11. If I Lost You.m4a
/ N( s; m) [# Q& m# t│      1-12. Tell Me Baby.m4a8 I/ P& Z1 V# T$ n% O( q  ?
│      1-13. I Got Some Outside Help I Don't Need.m4a
* D( b- Q& N' Z│      1-14. Blues in G.m4a
4 k# r$ Z9 P2 j; T& l: w│      1-15. If That Ain't It I Quit.m4a
3 x7 x" U5 E$ m  Y. E) g│      # X" n( A4 U2 @8 G  j* z- R9 X3 j; Z
├─2000 - Makin Love Is Good for You& A7 o% h5 M: g1 q7 Y
│      1-01. I Got to Leave This Woman.m4a" P8 K- A5 ~& i) T6 ?! `
│      1-02. Since I Fell for You.m4a
0 F# f3 ?1 f2 l6 B& d9 z│      1-03. I Know.m4a
2 Z" X4 ~3 _7 P; ^% b8 Q3 I4 w- b│      1-04. Peace of Mind.m4a
, x: A: x5 C  j$ |│      1-05. Monday Woman.m4a  q& ]0 Q4 c. B# w
│      1-06. Ain't Nobody Like My Baby.m4a  i" {/ k) n6 U9 K& k$ j4 w0 D
│      1-07. Makin' Love Is Good for You.m4a
; K& m9 s7 `* d6 n/ _│      1-08. Don't Go No Further.m4a* e2 x% V1 [" v; h
│      1-09. Actions Speak Louder Than Words.m4a
+ |: N3 ?8 Q/ f7 i│      1-10. What You Bet.m4a
+ U' Y* U- A0 e: [6 @% ~│      1-11. You're On Top.m4a
/ ^8 H# Z9 I1 I# O$ f4 z+ C. U, S# I│      1-12. Too Good to You Baby.m4a4 R- `0 ~8 X; n0 z% M- z- w
│      1-13. I'm in the Wrong Business.m4a
! Y! d3 n' \! h7 {9 ~% f│      1-14. She's My Baby.m4a
: x. i' n" ]9 v' F│      1-15. It's Still Called the Blues.m4a+ O1 Z& B; f6 ^& \5 I, g" {3 Y) M
" R9 M$ g' C" k% ~. I% [) h├─2000 - Riding With the King* M9 k) P2 m; I4 J+ F9 c4 ?+ Q
│      1-01. Riding With the King.m4a
* |- s7 O# T) B0 [0 U: f. X  G& k4 J│      1-02. Ten Long Years.m4a
( ]* ^, W# l' D1 q& q) T│      1-03. Key to the Highway.m4a" M, `9 t& Z4 V
│      1-04. Marry You.m4a
5 r9 d' T* c6 h# M( @( {7 K│      1-05. Three O'Clock Blues.m4a
* A+ v( E+ |& {3 I4 s│      1-06. Help the Poor.m4a0 v. _) p; h" N0 j
│      1-07. I Wanna Be.m4a
1 O! a; n8 m8 f6 V: S8 t5 ]│      1-08. Worried Life Blues.m4a
1 t8 }1 B! o# i' P4 G4 C5 ^( g% O│      1-09. Days of Old.m4a
$ R4 A0 k4 N8 G+ Y+ e- x1 @% o│      1-10. When My Heart Beats Like a Hammer.m4a
1 Y! q0 N9 }% f5 Z│      1-11. Hold On! I'm Comin'.m4a+ [& G4 r/ A9 m  O0 f* g
│      1-12. Come Rain or Come Shine.m4a6 b$ T  ?3 A( E* ~/ e
+ n% `  W. C1 W  ~3 \5 Q├─2003 - Reflections
9 e4 A/ K0 Q# z│      1-01. Exactly Like You.m4a& ]1 l" b" q6 ?
│      1-02. On My Word of Honor.m4a+ d: J) r3 G# Y2 @+ J
│      1-03. I Want a Little Girl.m4a
( x! ]) P# j0 X4 }│      1-04. I'll String Along With You.m4a! a+ J2 O' i+ g7 R/ Q* R
│      1-05. I Need You So.m4a' y3 @0 J7 A0 w1 l; ~$ }: |9 ^
│      1-06. A Mother's Love.m4a' T. V' S& y: c; m# ^- j( `
│      1-07. (I Love You) For Sentimental Reasons.m4a3 @# S( D( ^- @. m4 b! A# u
│      1-08. Neighborhood Affair.m4a: ?6 y: ^3 Q8 [1 n/ Z+ _
│      1-09. Tomorrow Night.m4a
/ o4 T% {8 V2 Z0 e│      1-10. There I've Said It Again.m4a0 U. `. N3 A. B5 ?! x0 {2 [+ {1 O
│      1-11. Always On My Mind.m4a
. {- u" X' M- O$ a- o( V│      1-12. Cross My Heart.m4a
6 `# x  c, i* N0 a│      1-13. What a Wonderful World.m4a$ p* `1 G7 {1 I  R% M1 ?" @% L+ m
( G- v( w* r" Y├─2005 - B.B. King & Friends - 80: `7 i" c3 j1 D
│      1-01. Early In the Morning.m4a
! M: P5 y; k& ]: S, ?# u/ D: ?│      1-02. Tired of Your Jive.m4a
- J" I) a, M, E- T│      1-03. The Thrill Is Gone.m4a( i4 n! @9 V4 r( j2 H6 @2 ]
│      1-04. Need Your Love So Bad.m4a% T# ^' ?/ p" z" ~4 E
│      1-05. Ain't Nobody Home.m4a. k7 i7 ~% f; `& k
│      1-06. Hummingbird.m4a$ W$ S6 W# V; F+ Z
│      1-07. All Over Again.m4a1 k, D3 K$ S, x& N( e3 f# y
│      1-08. Drivin' Wheel.m4a" ]6 j; R$ J0 `. b. _8 ?* M
│      1-09. There Must Be a Better World Somewhere.m4a
4 t: z, S: g. Q& S│      1-10. Never Make Your Move Too Soon.m4a  e5 V6 T$ A, y+ p; @7 A/ j! ~1 R4 v
│      1-11. Funny How Time Slips Away.m4a
5 a! D, @7 m2 X& y│      1-12. Rock This House.m4a
4 r, X; [( n; X* ^% ?! L: n/ r│      7 V2 B# S* F/ I, @" d  u4 {& w
├─2008 - Live (2006 Live In Tennessee)
. I3 O0 R# h5 O* @. Y# l│      1-01. Mr. King Comes On Stage.m4a
) z$ D& U6 r$ I1 `│      1-02. Why I Sing the Blues.m4a5 R$ L; v, K# @+ `+ y! b* Y
│      1-03. I Need You So.m4a4 U$ L% w0 c1 Z2 _4 x
│      1-04. Bad Case of Love.m4a- M; ^) D; e, ^6 Q
│      1-05. Blues Man.m4a0 k1 R& K# Z! b% d. Q% i' E9 P# C
│      1-06. When Love Comes to Town.m4a
0 s$ @8 |& d- N, Q; c: k% O# p│      1-07. All Over Again.m4a
% S) V+ h) j4 U# Z5 Y+ y+ Z│      1-08. You Are My Sunshine.m4a+ m+ Z1 e8 b: {! @
│      1-09. Rock Me Baby.m4a- e! e+ j) l' v% r. q: a
│      1-10. Key to the Highway.m4a& }1 p9 \. C6 `% @7 ]8 I
│      1-11. The Thrill Is Gone.m4a
6 y! Q3 g8 z6 B! G│      1-12. When the Saints Go Marching In.m4a
2 Y! i7 s* w* x1 @│      
. P" M5 t! l( g  U! Y: N5 ?8 y& V├─2008 - One Kind Favor (Deluxe Edition); L! `( Q7 z! p; `4 \
│      1-01. See That My Grave Is Kept Clean.m4a
- n1 X) K$ Q7 W( q│      1-02. I Get So Weary.m4a
/ {  K. ~( V1 e% Y. s│      1-03. Get These Blues Off Me.m4a! m7 }4 v  |( Y- Q
│      1-04. How Many More Years.m4a0 R1 a( f6 q& I8 v
│      1-05. Waiting for Your Call.m4a
$ o! N% J( B' v( X" N& K0 l1 p│      1-06. My Love Is Down.m4a
" K: V4 }% ?* P5 B1 `│      1-07. The World Is Gone Wrong.m4a
) G5 K' R3 s' V; P# E+ V9 r; Q6 C│      1-08. Blues Before Sunrise.m4a
9 P( P( c% L- {( X: z│      1-09. Midnight Blues.m4a2 D+ V5 a- v1 n0 I
│      1-10. Backwater Blues.m4a
# E2 R& [/ |8 z│      1-11. Sitting On Top of the World.m4a# s1 z1 l. X$ b' M9 P
│      1-12. Tomorrow Night.m4a6 G' ]. w. l8 }* j
│      1-13. My Baby Is Now.m4a7 B" v2 d* Y5 ]6 Q
│      1-14. Just to Be With You.m4a
" Z* \. ^3 W# o( y, C. V4 H1 f│      1-15. Haunted House.m4a
3 ?5 r# c- k4 Y3 F│        v3 G0 o, a: I% b0 U
├─2009 - Live , Fillmore East - New York, NY (June 19, 1971)3 l7 M* C! _( G* z0 _3 k/ p
│      1-01. Instrumental # 1 (Live At Fillmore East).m4a
( _  z% W4 C5 c: F- u3 W9 k7 q│      1-02. Every Day I Have the Blues (Live At Fillmore East).m4a/ P: ^$ p( ^: T9 P; @5 v
│      1-03. How Blue Can You Get (Live At Fillmore East).m4a- H. g; P6 z! o' z! H; P
│      1-04. Instrumental # 2 (Live At Fillmore East).m4a
. Q: r7 {/ J5 s3 ~: k5 k% Z│      1-05. Whole Lotta Love (Live At Fillmore East).m4a
/ |5 j- \+ s3 T9 L│      1-06. Nobody Loves Me But My Mother (Live At Fillmore East).m4a
1 g" a7 ~1 ?1 x1 a; r: x, ]5 o│      1-07. Hummingbird (Live At Fillmore East).m4a/ R. p+ ?: v* k. ^
│      1-08. Help the Poor (Instrumental) [Live At Fillmore East].m4a
5 D8 U9 ]5 H! {) Q. B* K  }│      1-09. Band Introductions (Live At Fillmore East).m4a
3 `" w9 K) _. Z8 l- `│      1-10. Sweet Sixteen (Live At Fillmore East).m4a
# c0 r% ^9 d7 U) J4 n8 A│      1-11. Instrumental # 3 (Live At Fillmore East).m4a% p+ `/ A/ K' [  h2 d# S$ Q' i
│      1-12. The Thrill Is Gone (Live At Fillmore East).m4a* R1 o0 M' w- n
  ^; C( |6 T; X4 W& U. s1 P└─2015 - 'Here's One You Didn't Know About' From the RPM & Kent Vaults
5 ]3 A6 Q4 o1 ?7 O        1-01. Catfish Blues (aka Fishin' After Me) [Alternate Version].m4a
; q; ]+ u/ A! K& x4 }5 m        1-02. Be Careful Baby.m4a5 R( Y5 o0 q) r' j
        1-03. Growing Old (Take 2).m4a
, t. b: v3 y  V/ t8 V8 e        1-04. I Gotta Find My Baby (Take 8, 1960s Version).m4a! F+ c. f' Z+ g  G
        1-05. Long Nights (The Feeling They Call the Blues) [Take 4].m4a+ {3 _% J/ I* p' M6 s" N* B
        1-06. Loving You In Vain (aka Heartache and Pain) [Alternate to Ace CDCHM 966].m4a
' M4 {& ]" X& ~. l4 \/ e        1-07. Shut Your Mouth (Take 1).m4a7 u3 i, h; h( ]& y: w% C  E8 N
        1-08. Sweet Little Angel (Version 1, Alternate Take).m4a
' F5 z- A: s, Q9 |8 K        1-09. Sweet Little Angel (Take 1).m4a: |: s9 g( B4 L" v7 A# K
        1-10. Bad Case of Love (Take 6).m4a
7 [  U+ X' \, J6 b1 }6 l3 m        1-11. Talkin' the Blues (Take 2).m4a7 F% D$ E/ G* c
        1-12. Whole Lotta Love (Take 1, 1963 Re-Record).m4a* e3 m8 J: ?, Q( h# ?
        1-13. You Know I Go for You (Alternate Version).m4a
/ x" z" u+ B' O  o' T9 T( _        1-14. You've Been an Angel (Take 1).m4a
* I% l& Q3 w% T* n$ Z! k        1-15. Be Careful With a Fool (Take 11).m4a
% g0 R5 C3 D8 d8 A        1-16. When My Heart Beats Like a Hammer (Take 1).m4a! I4 v: B; ?% E3 g6 P# s
        1-17. Don't You Want a Man Like Me (Take 3).m4a
2 U: ?7 a( g2 L        1-18. Early In the Morning (Take 2).m4a: V- m# B. _  I( u
        1-19. I Wonder Why (Take 4).m4a* C2 Q  Z1 g3 g2 {3 S
        1-20. Partin' Time (Take 3).m4a6 ~6 @: _+ L! ~( R" _4 y& i( [' O
        1-21. Soul Beat (aka Powerhouse) [Take 1].m4a
# }4 n( l; Q/ |7 a        1-22. Why Not (Take 8-A).m4a4 I! R5 g& v8 ~9 p# }
        1-23. The Woman I Love (Copper Colored Mama) [Take 3].m4a
2 @. O  ^; e2 d6 D. }        1-24. Whole Lotta Meat (aka Hey Little Girl) [Take 10].m4a
) Z2 X& U9 n: d9 G* e3 n) u        1-25. Going Down Slow (Take 2, 1959 Version).m4a* E4 D  O6 o, b2 q5 j
' ^+ Q8 \7 v" `/ }, z$ f
# }2 k4 P, c5 H% z; ?2 M2 L
) T; ^% K4 j9 P( J, K+ j- G. {

. Q; {; x  O" E; W
2 Q/ o1 w% k) ~; n
发表于 2019-5-12 19:54:41 | 显示全部楼层
how much?  
发表于 2019-6-12 06:26:59 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2019-8-20 13:25:24 | 显示全部楼层
thx for sharing.
发表于 2020-7-21 21:35:25 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2020-7-28 09:23:59 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2020-11-15 14:47:09 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2021-9-18 10:05:40 | 显示全部楼层
好大一包  谢谢啦  
发表于 2022-5-8 08:57:49 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2022-11-30 13:56:37 | 显示全部楼层


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