


Rag'N'Bone Man - 《Rag'N'Bone Man作品合集》[iTunes Plus AAC][百度盘]

发表于 2019-3-14 10:37:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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001.jpg / O) j  x/ V4 k4 m
6 F. o* e$ {5 h
/ J/ P# o, {. S% K% U/ I  \. g
Rag'N'Bone Man简介1 [4 ]) p4 |" }% q2 R
Rag'N'Bone Man是英国的创作歌手
! s. b) u* L5 T& X  b, v8 S* v7 L
2 `5 A# S7 Q4 M$ T生涯
; U" o+ S, ]7 Z1 I1 L0 H8 N& KRory Graham aka Rag ‘N’ Bone man is a soul and blues singer deeply rooted in the annals of the past but positioned firmly in the present and future of the underground UK music scene.0 Z' y- t" j' E, V' G
A music man since an early age; his mother an acclaimed singer and his father an accomplished guitarist, a very hands-on musical soundtrack has been a significant part of Rag ‘N’ Bone mans life since the very beginning.3 }7 y  u' |) Y$ H& L% J
Such a harmonic upbringing emanates and breathes on each every track where you can find his unique vocal tones.
# Y: t* ^3 I, N0 }6 P& EHaving moved to Brighton in 2009 and swiftly forging music-making ties with producer Gizmo and DJ Direct, Rag ‘N’ Bone man’s musical journey took a turn for the interesting when he began collaborating with South coast super crew Rum Committee.
6 k8 U7 j2 [& J. @6 V. iDozens of live shows later, both plugged and unplugged, Rag ‘N’ Bone man released his first fully fledged solo release to critical acclaim late last year. An acoustic hip hop outing of the highest calibre, ‘Bluestown’ saw Rag ‘N’ Bone man establish the unique position in which he currently stands; the most enterprising and forward-thinking singer within a rap scene desperate for accomplished and unique vocal lyricists.
+ B9 l% D9 F% b% X7 n7 ?Having released his first project on High Focus Records in early 2013, the future has changed and fluxed, but ultimately led to Rag ‘N’ Bone Man opening doors to a whole series of exciting and groundbreaking musical collaborations, both live and on wax, which glimmer brightly on the horizon. Rag ‘N’ Bone has since established himself as one of the most forward-thinking and technically gifted blues singers in the United Kingdom.; k5 u; T' w8 O4 x3 x6 f( s
; W4 j) u  G( I5 o% I# h
2 `) n) c7 W4 ?3 ^3 p2017 第37届全英音乐奖 最具突破艺人
% j4 a( Y6 b/ X% |# m
$ Z( O* x3 I5 u/ K$ ]; m# w% F- Z! p0 \
8 y7 W# I$ E) p3 V1 k0 O
├─2015 - Disfigured - EP6 c! b* D  B. b( y. w
│      01 Hard Came the Rain.m4a0 o! D) v. V+ u2 m) _
│      02 Perfume.m4a% V8 `0 E* U' j' D
│      03 Bitter End.m4a' V+ t! Y, Q0 \: ?7 ^3 W' V8 N. ~
│      04 Disfigured.m4a
0 u* \1 J2 i& B+ ^- B│      & t9 m8 O9 h7 k7 J
├─2016 - Healed - Single/ _! Z! C: |3 H3 q+ Z# }
│      01 Healed.m4a9 Q+ \$ ], U! k/ g: ?' `. s
0 Y- M: W* ~) `0 d+ C├─2016 - Human - Single+ g$ w0 J2 \5 J
│      01 Human.m4a
8 }: c# @) q: o" s* ^& V│      , e4 v8 w5 x" M2 v2 |$ Y
├─2016 - Wolves - Single
2 W6 s7 U5 a* T  P, q│      01 Wolves.m4a
. c+ q' U- W4 o0 C│      
( u+ i$ P4 [( o* j- \6 K9 ?├─2017 - As You Are (Shy FX Remix) - Single
* x' k' c" L. ]2 `- h! i│      01 As You Are (Shy FX Remix).m4a; k. @3 r" a/ t& W! U
% ~! \. X+ i/ s* y* x) c# `├─2017 - Human* E2 ~' s$ G- e5 u, x
│      01 Human.m4a
7 \9 Y# k. Z* D6 I2 W5 c│      02 Innocent Man.m4a
/ T& o* D0 P; o; k' t  o│      03 Skin.m4a/ f9 P, g. J: e3 }+ `0 x
│      04 Bitter End.m4a
" j* u) M% ^5 W8 S7 w% Y+ Y│      05 Be the Man.m4a! X1 a8 |! C* a: n- o
│      06 Love You Any Less.m4a
2 L& w: P: {, f, p$ G│      07 Odetta.m4a5 {+ E. l- ~/ Q9 [4 w  t' R
│      08 Grace.m4a; K8 H1 B- R2 |8 T; ~7 @
│      09 Ego.m4a
& r( Q: ~4 W% }' t│      10 Arrow.m4a
/ s1 d+ i8 Q( A% X/ e│      11 As You Are.m4a9 j' x. X5 G* `+ x( j) i1 R
│      12 Die Easy.m4a& K5 `' i; g6 @/ j+ J# [
│      9 }( n6 ^9 L8 x$ m2 B4 J/ O6 e
├─2017 - Human (Deluxe)
- a* |' A$ r1 m│      01 Human.m4a
$ \* b8 Q; y3 a/ {! ^│      02 Innocent Man.m4a$ h& ^7 M6 H  @
│      03 Skin.m4a: e! x; Y9 @* O* D  e. {3 \
│      04 Bitter End.m4a
2 N' i' I& A$ {9 N, |4 Z+ y8 v│      05 Be the Man.m4a; k5 |6 r# T* c  g  \# y
│      06 Love You Any Less.m4a( H* h) d" C7 U; Q* K* @: K
│      07 Odetta.m4a
3 A  e2 b! K2 N' r' {. J  O9 U& Z│      08 Grace.m4a
6 h" u* n* i  I│      09 Ego.m4a2 @3 I9 L) K1 L
│      10 Arrow.m4a
0 `4 K8 \; A0 g3 ~( O9 N│      11 As You Are.m4a* U: L7 C" N' @3 |( E& z0 ^
│      12 Die Easy.m4a! \- [7 G$ }4 u. w6 T/ W  K5 `, A
│      13 The Fire.m4a0 V  s+ A1 Q8 F2 z
│      14 Fade to Nothing.m4a. d" G; A  a: n, K  }0 O
│      15 Life in Her Yet.m4a* i! X: r7 W3 P; i* m3 n& [4 M3 c
│      16 Your Way or the Rope.m4a, j, @* \* B- T/ X. S: f
│      17 Lay My Body Down.m4a
. r$ I( M& I9 I│      18 Wolves.m4a
0 W5 o8 m2 `6 c; T0 E6 K│      19 Healed.m4a
) I' @% q3 N. F' f$ b2 Z│      : K8 \9 t$ }" G; Z
├─2017 - Skin (Wilkinson Remix) - Single% p+ z' Z8 M, a' v
│      01 Skin (Wilkinson Remix).m4a
# k. z$ y+ i1 e8 [7 a│      
& f* y$ V7 w: E├─2017 - Skin - Single
4 g: Q8 ?' D  M& W/ J5 l0 e+ d│      01 Skin.m4a" j% W# n' r$ r) H
│      : b& \6 P7 }! k4 x9 q$ P2 f
├─2018 - Skin (feat. Jorja Smith) [Live at the BRITs] - Single
( f1 K# t* g/ k│      01 Skin (feat. Jorja Smith) [Live at.m4a
7 D( U& d$ H" u- P│      
6 U( R5 `: J1 |- c2 G1 k0 K├─2019 - Giant (Remixes)
) w! U& z) _1 M2 W$ W6 n& X/ P& g│      01 Giant (Robin Schulz Extended Remi.m4a
& s; F) N: O4 \3 @& u│      02 Giant (Purple Disco Machine Exten.m4a
1 k: O5 Z6 m' _0 \; Q( Z1 J+ J8 }│      03 Giant (Weiss Extended Remix).m4a
9 T, x% g$ ~( v+ Y│      04 Giant (Michael Calfan Extended Re.m4a
9 E9 ?* y5 v  M2 P, ^; J9 L( f* h│      05 Giant (Audien Extended Remix).m4a2 s* {6 L( w: h- P7 [! W
│      06 Giant (Laidback Luke Extended Rem.m4a' Z: F+ {  G! g
- R" `& s) ?8 ?├─2019 - Giant (Robin Schulz Extended Remix) - Single) O2 X, y+ ^" x& Z
│      01 Giant (Robin Schulz Extended Remi.m4a
: I) W3 v( B& J9 Y+ p. Q2 Z│      
/ N1 N) i8 w! v( N. W├─2019 - Giant - Single/ n2 A! |/ o; N; ^$ B
│      01 Giant.m4a% k7 x5 r2 o. j$ }
+ |. L; ^  X: d2 g0 a* _( n├─2021 - All You Ever Wanted - Single' K+ r0 |- G5 v/ I' \: |" O
│      01 All You Ever Wanted.m4a" e, z  ~% ~% ?2 V+ y" L& B
* ?; J" V! a% F) e├─2021 - Anywhere Away from Here (Etherwood Remix) - Single
0 }5 A. w( ]: K% J) c│      01 Anywhere Away from Here (Etherwoo.m4a8 P1 o/ c* ?, L1 s" q3 @
│      02 Anywhere Away from Here (Etherwoo.m4a
. i4 v: v3 k; m) t│      & u0 G# ^3 W0 R4 T/ x& X) @8 m
├─2021 - Anywhere Away from Here (Radio Mix) - Single. c% Y5 O8 N5 }8 I
│      01 Anywhere Away from Here (Radio Mi.m4a+ Q* u3 @8 @2 d0 N) A
3 v9 g. F$ r$ M5 H├─2021 - Life By Misadventure
# S' i; W" c" i7 ^3 D/ i7 V│      01 Fireflies.m4a5 R' v! A( d0 }/ I
│      02 Breath in Me.m4a6 c  m# i$ j) y$ ?6 @8 ?
│      03 Fall in Love Again.m4a
% n4 G. Z, }  v" m; F│      04 Talking to Myself.m4a+ z7 {: L' Y% T" {# o8 `" i& M
│      05 Anywhere Away from Here.m4a
. p0 U; {- M3 N2 _/ h│      06 Alone.m4a
5 o6 U* V' L+ i. G│      07 Crossfire.m4a
. Z- Y# m9 Z! z5 A( s' e3 T- e│      08 All You Ever Wanted.m4a
6 f# B' j7 Y8 X4 m0 U3 \/ \9 ?│      09 Changing of the Guard.m4a
: D# b. h8 a' h% d/ {) N- d' q│      10 Somewhere Along the Way.m4a6 g+ ]# j/ O+ b. R
│      11 Time Will Only Tell.m4a1 ~9 Z4 V4 l- R8 X! y' G! B( t0 Z
│      12 Lightyears.m4a0 A4 V2 H( C( A5 z" y
│      13 Party's Over.m4a
, u0 f9 G/ G4 a1 o│      14 Old Habits.m4a
& v; x( m5 q8 i0 G1 x, X│      15 Anywhere Away from Here.m4a) A# w& E1 R5 h2 o
; C8 N7 y8 ?# _; B! B
5 j% h, c# d8 s  P
+ [% v- |9 ?( _' [9 e2 E+ r8 g
# V. s/ C, f$ \. h

; J/ T0 Q4 p, ?5 q$ E: R

$ q3 J. s6 L7 Z9 l* ^' H+ k: M! p$ e
发表于 2021-1-8 02:47:08 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2021-7-17 13:15:23 | 显示全部楼层
thanks a lot
发表于 2022-7-3 19:39:47 | 显示全部楼层


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