


Eagles - 《Eagles作品合集》[iTunes Plus AAC][百度盘]

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1 y7 M0 {0 \  l6 ^+ I# F$ Y0 Y- N, J# B  a2 Z( {% I9 ^* d
+ d2 a7 @/ P  E, I/ x0 D# T
Eagles简介4 `! o6 B3 \- V( O" l4 l6 N/ y9 o
老鹰乐队(Eagles)是20世纪1970年代早期成立于美国洛杉矶的一支摇滚乐团体。拥有7张专辑与29支单曲。依RIAA统计,Eagles1976年发表的精选辑EAGLES/THEIR GREATEST HITS 为美国史上销量最高专辑,超过2900万。而在滚石排出的史上最伟大500张专辑,他们另一张专辑《加州旅馆》(Hotel California)位于第37位。1998年,老鹰乐团被迎入摇滚名人堂。乐团于1980年一度解散,而于1994年重组,发行了Hell Freezes Over,并开始在各地进行巡回演唱,依然获得了大量乐迷的支持。# @( G4 U) L9 j% ^

$ H* [# z! C: V% n/ ~0 b乐队介绍
! H7 u, u; j+ p" U% E6 s. b喜爱英文歌曲的人没有几个不知道“Hotel California”(加州旅店)和“Take It Easy”,这两首空前绝后的钻石级金曲是20世纪最著名的流行音乐作品,而造就它们的就是以美国国鸟命名的乐队Eagles。Eagles是美国老牌的摇滚乐队,他们的成功之处是在于把摇滚、流行和乡村音乐很好地结合在一起,他们的音乐符合各个层次的欣赏者,成了名副其实的“大众偶像”。
9 n7 b8 ~0 S" W* ]# E/ L$ L$ z最著名招牌曲“Hotel California”是充满诡异、动人旋律的钻石级金曲,单看歌词,寥寥数笔,便几乎把上世纪70年代所有的忧伤与迷惘卷携殆尽。不过借用中国的一句古语“成也萧何,败也萧何”来说,可能是“Hotel California”太成功了,歌迷对这首歌曲近乎于崇拜的喜爱已使他们忽略了Eagles其他的单曲。Eagles的歌很少用钢琴,没想到偶然用了,正好配得上Don Henly质感十足的声音。3 m# q: h' z. I9 b2 X+ M
Eagles的歌大都出自于Don Henley、Glenn Frey之手,他们两人是乐队的核心人物,也是自始至终唯一坚守自己岗位的老成员。Don Henley曾是Shiloh的一员,1970年发行了一张同名专辑,为他们制作唱片的正是大名鼎鼎的Kenny Rogers。来自底特律的Glen Frey是为了追求J.D.Souther的妹妹,才来到加州闯天下的。1968年他于Souther组成了一个二重唱,此时关系于他们很接近的还有Jackson Browne,因为这层情谊的关系,所以我们可以发现不少Eagles的作品,有J.D. Souther和Jackson Browne名字出现。
4 ^- S7 R) p$ P. {组成Eagles的构想人是Don Henley和Glen Frey,他们在吟游诗人俱乐部里相识,随即他们加入Linda Ronstadt的乐队里。除了Henley和Frey之外,Randy Meisner和Bernie Leadon以“客座”的身份也被邀请在Linda的班底,他们四人在此风云际会,短短四个月时间,竟在小伙子们满腔热血的促动下,Eagles应运而生了!+ [% ~0 m' ?9 j# P% X
1971年8月四个已有丰富舞台经验的乐手,包括Gleen Frey,Bernie Leadon,Randy Meisner和Don Henley组成 Eagles。
7 f& s( j' D4 |% n) d. Y在为琳达朗丝黛(Linda Ronstadt)担任专属乐团后,受到Asylum唱片公司总裁David Geffen的提拔,安排其于科罗拉多Aspen一家俱乐部中担任一晚四场的演出达一个月。* \% Z, @3 ~, b6 X7 i% m" A
1972年4月和Asylum唱片签约,Eagles飞往英国伦敦奥林匹克录音室进行第一章唱片录制工作。在七月份的时候,Take It Easy成为他们第一首进榜单曲。而收录该曲的专辑Eagles获第二十二名。选自专辑中的另一首歌Witchy Woman晋升到第九名。乐团的成员或多或少有了些改变,但是老鹰合唱团一直在发展中。1973年乐队所属的唱片公司被华纳公司收购,华纳公司是当今国际五大唱片集团之一,也是全球最具实力的影视制作公司,他在八十年代时曾有意与宝利金(Polygram)公司合并,但由于美国反托拉斯法的制约而未能成功。老鹰乐队由于有如此强大的宣传后盾,乐队的成功也接踵而至,各地的巡回演出搞得风风火火。
8 y$ r3 n+ v" n# y: F! ]+ _! x3 J$ D( I7 d; ]6 K

' @% A' j- ~1 A
  v: P  Z, |" K9 S* P- A9 s├─1972 - Eagles
% ]# r! P; E" I6 n1 w% s: o│      01 Take It Easy.m4a  i3 ~( p: B0 d8 L
│      02 Witchy Woman.m4a, r& z+ t1 ?2 }5 L$ K% f
│      03 Chug All Night.m4a% }% J1 p: K4 R
│      04 Most of Us Are Sad.m4a
/ `* J; X8 o+ q4 C9 e5 W1 k+ t  `│      05 Nightingale.m4a5 N  B4 }5 \4 h% n
│      06 Train Leaves Here This Morning.m4a
7 d3 A# z# |2 l7 g% R0 Y│      07 Take the Devil.m4a5 g2 x! }" l+ j! V9 I& r. H; E* {" O6 u
│      08 Earlybird.m4a
/ n! x1 g" C! A% D0 x) [2 K│      09 Peaceful Easy Feeling.m4a& h2 Y; b& P3 }4 W7 e: Q7 _- q) ^
│      10 Tryin'.m4a
4 M, `$ q. L$ s0 g0 h# T, C% R│      5 i0 F% |* n) M  I! s, ]: |* e
├─1974 - On the Border
- I: c& ^- z& a8 w+ _" N% Q. ^& X│      01 Already Gone.m4a3 t$ @7 @+ Y3 c0 u7 K, p8 R! [2 f. k8 v
│      02 You Never Cry Like a Lover.m4a) X6 D. r% Z% U6 m: S4 u
│      03 Midnight Flyer.m4a/ @. \" B. p& [% I& Q6 ?5 b
│      04 My Man.m4a
" P9 I) s8 T8 {, d# [- m4 V$ g+ l│      05 On the Border.m4a
' a2 K  z* [( \, b- ?7 H│      06 James Dean.m4a
0 d8 D! p4 h1 ~* h' H' }& i. Y│      07 Ol' 55.m4a" _4 g5 x; R' [
│      08 Is It True_.m4a
: Q0 s( R# I7 D│      09 Good Day In Hell.m4a1 K, [8 `" }  l0 r; G
│      10 The Best of My Love.m4a- o. p, U8 s3 p& N6 ]$ Y3 V
; J/ E; c: a7 w) j( M' j) I& ^├─1975 - One of These Nights- U: f! n' Z" Q  c
│      01 One of These Nights.m4a- W" G. d4 U- R; E
│      02 Too Many Hands.m4a
5 p* L" s2 `( Z! g2 q* m5 U2 C│      03 Hollywood Waltz.m4a
# Q! @1 r( V& g' z& ~2 F│      04 Journey of the Sorcerer.m4a" d, @5 T. w% l- V+ o
│      05 Lyin' Eyes.m4a
3 m+ F4 f% B9 g& y3 q$ b$ x1 n│      06 Take It to the Limit.m4a
" g% r9 ]" l4 `$ n0 }│      07 Visions.m4a
* j; m* b( f! x) F│      08 After the Thrill Is Gone.m4a
- c! |9 X! z) c/ c. t" }5 ]' K# z│      09 I Wish You Peace.m4a
$ g/ }7 V% G" M, s8 H* \│      ; I0 z( f8 c9 h6 x" q
├─1976 - Hotel California" J. G; Y3 X/ |: W" p
│      01 Hotel California.m4a
0 k* d1 _& F" }- i( Z0 k. }│      02 New Kid In Town.m4a/ H' H3 A4 u' j' X, z5 i. u" P
│      03 Life In the Fast Lane.m4a
$ ^! i, e% Q( t" ]8 w3 C9 \│      04 Wasted Time.m4a7 w" f( B$ R+ y
│      05 Wasted Time (Reprise).m4a
0 O0 f+ Z5 ]) ~# l+ ]$ C7 b/ E│      06 Victim of Love.m4a5 ?. a; k' ^( Y- O4 G) F
│      07 Pretty Maids All In a Row.m4a  p; H* p) V# }; C/ E
│      08 Try and Love Again.m4a
. }* E7 C6 I8 a. J5 q0 Y│      09 The Last Resort.m4a; k  a8 L. J' T
, Q' T4 e. N+ i9 ^├─1976 - Their Greatest Hits 1971-1975' d1 b' J  |0 u0 g
│      01 Take It Easy.m4a# a5 C: C  _4 {2 x. P! j" N* }3 t: h& o
│      02 Witchy Woman.m4a
: X5 ~5 |2 T8 ~  z& Q) p│      03 Lyin' Eyes.m4a( h% T. a- l) K  X0 S4 m; o0 _
│      04 Already Gone.m4a. D( \# ?7 ^" L
│      05 Desperado.m4a
5 {7 w9 ]+ X% F! R3 C' {2 q! _* P7 X│      06 One of These Nights.m4a+ G0 [  t# N- j: r6 e. E8 L3 I
│      07 Tequila Sunrise.m4a/ R" [  p5 x9 E/ m. j7 a2 ]
│      08 Take It to the Limit.m4a9 c7 m* o. R) Z. j
│      09 Peaceful Easy Feeling.m4a
5 {  M, M' U9 w│      10 The Best of My Love.m4a
2 y7 h" K7 m/ ~│      ! G9 M1 m& A6 I4 d, l. i1 J) p7 G
├─1979 - The Long Run
$ @4 C; b7 w$ z! S│      01 The Long Run.m4a
; A6 T. J, l: o2 q2 ~4 i│      02 I Can't Tell You Why.m4a/ b; T. \" H$ i
│      03 In the City.m4a
. \" `' ?0 ?' ^/ z) G: P" r& ^9 `│      04 The Disco Strangler.m4a9 J1 P; s: x' z+ `& d
│      05 King of Hollywood.m4a: Y3 `9 w4 {* M$ o: g
│      06 Heartache Tonight.m4a! J5 q8 L2 U4 @
│      07 Those Shoes.m4a
7 d/ U1 c& [7 k- r4 j5 @- @│      08 Teenage Jail.m4a
0 O$ D- K- w7 b" L+ a3 P" \0 U│      09 The Greeks Don't Want No Freaks.m4a" E4 M0 B* x6 {4 @3 f$ o4 n
│      10 The Sad Cafe.m4a
7 z# ?  ~) P# n│      
5 R& K# W6 H1 ?* ?├─1980 - Eagles Live
: m3 P5 l9 u; T6 K: {│      1-01 Hotel California (Live).m4a
. R9 t: }& \3 {. G7 }│      1-02 Heartache Tonight (Live).m4a# X7 b+ I4 v0 p4 K) J0 c
│      1-03 I Can't Tell You Why (Live).m4a: D: }3 F0 x. u& u
│      1-04 The Long Run (Live).m4a: f) D! i& ?7 }! K, `
│      1-05 New Kid In Town (Live).m4a
" `1 P6 g% C( f* l% V9 y( U0 e│      1-06 Life's Been Good (Live).m4a
' n2 _$ @/ Z" f/ x$ k( D│      2-01 Seven Bridges Road (Live).m4a" p' D+ N$ @* [; n
│      2-02 Wasted Time (Live).m4a
: j( L- T" f8 v│      2-03 Take It to the Limit (Live).m4a
* J7 |/ t7 B9 P' J$ _│      2-04 Doolin-Dalton (Reprise II) [Liv.m4a
; C+ w* T. ?( u* O9 F+ W& _│      2-05 Desperado (Live).m4a
0 b/ T) V* I5 }0 I3 V' d│      2-06 Saturday Night (Live).m4a
: N7 U2 p" z( X7 P! i  m- U" u│      2-07 All Night Long (Live).m4a0 i9 K0 }; C3 g! I5 ^5 S- A
│      2-08 Life In the Fast Lane (Live).m4a  K' M1 m, |" C+ r
│      2-09 Take It Easy (Live).m4a4 x5 k4 }- L* E- F/ L% f
│      3 b- A1 {7 S, \8 a/ `
├─1994 - Hell Freezes Over  ^/ l, e: {5 ~3 P% [
│      01 Get Over It.m4a
' b1 f$ \3 b7 b9 y/ f' h5 W│      02 Love Will Keep Us Alive.m4a2 i; }" V' b' r1 K% T1 n0 i
│      03 The Girl from Yesterday.m4a
/ d) p$ x9 t2 ?8 z" L/ }3 v( l8 k│      04 Learn to Be Still.m4a
1 C0 Y- w: s3 t# {│      05 Tequila Sunrise.m4a( B  K; o( j. u' {9 _; }. _, j) X  V
│      06 Hotel California.m4a' M% l: |/ t* x. b
│      07 Wasted Time.m4a. q4 ^& {7 z8 I5 p! \) M7 {% |& Z
│      08 Pretty Maids All In a Row.m4a
9 X6 u3 f% [4 M  }/ }  {  J3 [│      09 I Can't Tell You Why.m4a% w: A: d. D& L+ b" t) n5 G
│      10 New York Minute.m4a
) y+ N$ m/ V/ ]│      11 The Last Resort.m4a
: i' P! U' s! m; P9 ]4 q! v5 u│      12 Take It Easy.m4a
9 X0 r: |, n; c! ^6 q8 u│      13 In the City.m4a  w9 u+ `# t$ [5 _" |4 n
│      14 Life In the Fast Lane.m4a
9 \& N; y. V' a3 s6 j$ {  A│      15 Desperado.m4a
% E. ^( i* w( [6 X. M) y│      . l2 C( f% n% C
├─2000 - Selected Works 1972-1999
+ w7 J4 M: \2 w( i8 \, t+ j9 d1 {│      1-01 Take It Easy.m4a
" n8 L8 k. Z1 Z4 J% o( M8 i( t│      1-02 Hollywood Waltz.m4a
8 j, U+ g, G% I' {│      1-03 Already Gone.m4a
1 Q; t/ l5 z' X│      1-04 Doolin-Dalton.m4a
5 i+ M) i# B* G) w+ [│      1-05 Midnight Flyer.m4a
  v3 X" _: `0 s2 I; N9 h│      1-06 Tequila Sunrise.m4a1 {: u( y# f5 V9 ]7 S7 b3 F
│      1-07 Witchy Woman.m4a1 k: l' |: v( R) n" h( U* d
│      1-08 Train Leaves Here This Morning.m4a! Q; W# q+ j/ L8 l
│      1-09 Outlaw Man.m4a
* @! k* a7 M. K9 y) j│      1-10 Peaceful Easy Feeling.m4a/ y7 r7 N9 f: c, n/ K/ C- q, ?6 R
│      1-11 James Dean.m4a
* k) f# Y" j9 N( T; O: R6 C│      1-12 Saturday Night.m4a) F# M# {4 R; \# Z& ?9 N" l1 a
│      1-13 On the Border.m4a
- L. ]! a3 m. [, }' \9 k9 b9 o│      2-01 Wasted Time (Reprise).m4a6 C; F0 A" s/ u1 j
│      2-02 Wasted Time.m4a0 ]& Y: x( B4 l7 A. j
│      2-03 I Can't Tell You Why.m4a
9 p5 |5 k; M; b( s* U! H│      2-04 Lyin' Eyes.m4a
; S/ L, l1 e* P│      2-05 Pretty Maids All In a Row.m4a
) d- D, `2 M1 ]6 M│      2-06 Desperado.m4a
# i2 v4 l/ V2 }8 O7 V& S+ ~$ G  U. a│      2-07 Try and Love Again.m4a, I% L2 z% e) V8 u7 G5 C, }& S5 p
│      2-08 The Best of My Love.m4a
1 {$ l5 c* \+ X3 ]│      2-09 New Kid In Town.m4a- E1 D9 f/ r" V
│      2-10 Love Will Keep Us Alive.m4a: L& ?5 r$ E! f+ t% ^; T* o! L
│      2-11 The Sad Café.m4a
" A6 D- l9 A) \│      2-12 Take It to the Limit.m4a
; n) L/ U8 n. Q% `' ^│      2-13 After the Thrill Is Gone.m4a
( F' \! d4 z8 R; B: u│      3-01 One of These Nights (Intro).m4a
" K3 x. j6 |; U│      3-02 One of These Nights.m4a. x! \+ b2 M% U% @; k4 Y4 G5 b
│      3-03 The Disco Strangler.m4a) U) d. B# r6 |7 T: s4 w1 U" G& F
│      3-04 Heartache Tonight.m4a
: ^; D1 \1 m' E" ]) R│      3-05 Hotel California.m4a: A. l: Y2 W5 r' r0 E/ q1 K
│      3-06 Born to Boogie.m4a3 W" D% L8 L3 R: f( Z4 [4 D% y* e4 a2 m
│      3-07 In the City.m4a! N  n) }! B# n) P9 b; G" R3 D) ~
│      3-08 Get Over It.m4a
6 w5 Q) P' ]# E│      3-09 King of Hollywood.m4a
+ z) J4 J' A/ L* S( _  ]* m│      3-10 Too Many Hands.m4a
3 ?. D7 J# R: w' J3 j. n│      3-11 Life In the Fast Lane.m4a, S  Q2 I# f1 l/ N
│      3-12 The Long Run.m4a
; x3 N3 P7 j# D, o' i( j/ q% S; \│      3-13 Long Run Leftovers.m4a0 X1 Q/ \. l4 S) e/ O: s+ L1 Z
│      3-14 The Last Resort.m4a. D7 c/ T- H: }2 |
│      3-15 Random Victims, Pt. 3.m4a
) F  u- F# h5 s1 ]7 Z+ n) B4 N% I│      4-01 Hotel California (Live Millenni.m4a
  M+ P1 S+ h3 N; P) D/ s: C, Y│      4-02 Victim of Love (Live Millennium.m4a
  L# P2 s' k# X+ [│      4-03 Peaceful Easy Feeling (Live Mil.m4a. K& F+ Z% i* x; l4 J
│      4-04 Please Come Home for Christmas.m4a
1 ?0 r4 a; g% ~) }8 l0 ]│      4-05 Ol '55 (Live Millennium Concert.m4a
; v! a. k  d0 P( Z6 z& b, b$ p│      4-06 Take It to the Limit (Live Mill.m4a0 s7 b8 u9 k9 \
│      4-07 Those Shoes (Live Millennium Co.m4a- P9 I7 f+ z  Y" c* ?) f6 D' C
│      4-08 Funky New Year (Live Millennium.m4a& w8 p9 ]. D$ v
│      4-09 Dirty Laundry (Live Millennium.m4a9 v0 s/ c( ?2 i) v) e
│      4-10 Funk #49 (Live Millennium Conce.m4a
% s8 T# s0 u: ^│      4-11 All She Wants to Do Is Dance (L.m4a
# k4 G& C7 @! Z│      4-12 The Best of My Love (Live Mille.m4a
- j# n( j. k- Y8 L$ f+ x│      ; j) x" |- l5 |
├─2003 - The Very Best of Eagles (Remastered)! d8 c% i/ }5 V0 @1 f+ Z. f6 _- x
│      01 Take It Easy.m4a
% x3 D' F' G( T- H# m/ k6 E│      02 Witchy Woman.m4a
3 ~2 [, d1 _3 O0 \0 B│      03 Peaceful Easy Feeling.m4a( F" f  c, A  V& i" W
│      04 Desperado.m4a
' E% v* ]. l+ |( k  o& K│      05 Tequila Sunrise.m4a; K2 B$ {8 A& k4 m$ \6 z, N
│      06 Doolin-Dalton.m4a
! D0 y8 \2 @+ b" t│      07 Already Gone.m4a2 d$ d. E- }$ B# Z- \
│      08 The Best of My Love.m4a1 U2 p( @6 e5 r
│      09 James Dean.m4a! l" f) S5 D+ b& ^
│      10 Ol' 55.m4a
# C/ A& d$ r& p& ^% F( v) z│      11 Midnight Flyer.m4a+ n4 m2 ~' o# R
│      12 On the Border.m4a
! f% k" p+ G  _1 [- O  g│      13 Lyin' Eyes.m4a  t5 l/ W8 a/ |" G5 D- ~& Y
│      14 One of These Nights.m4a
; `( n! X' S1 y│      15 Take It to the Limit.m4a! m2 x. {) t7 r/ ?
│      16 After the Thrill Is Gone.m4a& j9 E5 T' }% f* Y8 T
│      17 Hotel California.m4a7 ~7 D- v' K8 t
│      18 Life In the Fast Lane.m4a
' x& @- R; `) B, Q" M% O│      19 Wasted Time.m4a
/ e1 Q( m8 k* v│      20 Victim of Love.m4a% e" i+ @1 g' f7 ^
│      21 The Last Resort.m4a5 h, p+ W) p: E5 \# @, a. R
│      22 New Kid In Town.m4a
; u# j# c, u1 P- A3 s0 |! s1 N│      23 Please Come Home for Christmas.m4a
* J, X1 b0 @/ b1 i* [) w3 Y) ?+ d│      24 Heartache Tonight.m4a8 y8 I1 ~( f# g2 g4 \% d. f
│      25 The Sad Cafe.m4a
( m8 _4 d. P: H( j( E* K│      26 I Can't Tell You Why.m4a( h& N# U# J' F$ J6 ?6 C/ H
│      27 The Long Run.m4a5 Y% S% D& L6 j; `
│      28 In the City.m4a8 ]  M! x$ ]# Y8 w1 c# W
│      29 Those Shoes.m4a* K$ J4 C, P9 N( ?/ r
│      30 Seven Bridges Road.m4a
+ N. U4 C4 v3 N, V9 y. l2 v│      31 Love Will Keep Us Alive.m4a2 A- m; H5 C6 n6 X. J3 t( W4 F
│      32 Get Over It.m4a
2 i$ B) b( d+ T4 ]0 m│      33 Hole In the World (Stereo Mix).m4a
5 ]' F, E3 c7 W& E6 j; m" f$ y0 f) s│      
3 `5 |4 b2 l6 F% z├─2006 - Eagles Greatest Hits, Vol. 2( t; t- m, S- S1 n, k) j
│      01 Hotel California.m4a( D2 L; x# X( b  X
│      02 Heartache Tonight.m4a8 F1 ~. U/ D# o
│      03 Seven Bridges Road.m4a
, S2 I* f7 D3 O1 L│      04 Victim of Love.m4a- U1 @0 e8 l, B) S, i1 e0 ]; Y6 B# q
│      05 The Sad Cafe.m4a! w) f( A; ~& m# {7 l
│      06 Life In the Fast Lane.m4a2 P1 X% h! o1 Y2 v
│      07 I Can't Tell You Why.m4a
& K) Y  P* Y- T/ n│      08 New Kid In Town.m4a
/ h+ j0 k0 U  |! V' r│      09 The Long Run.m4a
! ?& U0 Y4 L  |9 D! _│      10 After the Thrill Is Gone.m4a
0 i' {" [! O# E- h3 B8 C% Y│      8 Z7 r3 Q% v( M2 \
├─2007 - Long Road Out of Eden) Z* `! ?6 L( x5 J! c9 R! y% T
│      01 No More Walks In the Wood.m4a% P9 N0 J6 n& w( P1 a- x8 S- ?
│      02 How Long.m4a
# b8 S5 G- G- j0 q│      03 Busy Being Fabulous.m4a4 @8 x$ c! T  G+ j0 j: P
│      04 What Do I Do With My Heart.m4a' Y6 w, d9 R( K' v, a8 y
│      05 Guilty of the Crime.m4a
- k  H. k$ f2 H+ D2 A, h6 L% v0 K│      06 I Don't Want to Hear Anymore.m4a
( v8 Q  ?9 V( V│      07 Waiting In the Weeds.m4a
# p& ^( k  b+ O│      08 No More Cloudy Days.m4a6 D4 z* Q! E. M* V% n
│      09 Fast Company.m4a" h$ I+ x1 Y: H7 V' E
│      10 Do Something.m4a
( @8 s  b$ P, D: \% C│      11 You Are Not Alone.m4a
$ w3 j; R2 M& O3 [│      12 Long Road Out of Eden.m4a
( h) R2 u4 G6 ^3 y" c+ b4 e$ L" ~│      13 I Dreamed There Was No War.m4a1 ^. x) i! P: x6 p) R
│      14 Somebody.m4a7 G8 v/ p2 l2 N# t
│      15 Frail Grasp On the Big Picture.m4a
. P- S2 {. }2 c! ^! K6 ~* E  @$ g│      16 Last Good Time In Time.m4a2 |1 i8 ~( t8 @5 P; ~
│      17 I Love to Watch a Woman Dance.m4a# q* a% X# O  P: g% L
│      18 Business As Usual.m4a5 t4 x8 k) j5 q2 R( a
│      19 Center of the Universe.m4a! \) _) ~( G& C3 v
│      20 It's Your World Now.m4a
5 @% I0 x( ?: m│      4 T, q# T1 q1 t
├─2013 - The Studio Albums 1972-1979
3 O) j: h1 K7 y) R8 H  y# W) M│  ├─Desperado9 L. `/ X4 q; [- r8 D
│  │      2-01 Doolin-Dalton.m4a
: ]: [8 H: h; W* I│  │      2-02 Twenty-One.m4a
- h0 O' r$ C/ Q4 ?7 B; I6 F/ Z- N│  │      2-03 Out of Control.m4a
! D$ w1 F5 [9 `│  │      2-04 Tequila Sunrise.m4a
" |1 K0 ?5 m8 S- w│  │      2-05 Desperado.m4a
$ t( z0 i9 X7 c% P- g. w& [( @│  │      2-06 Certain Kind of Fool.m4a
# \) x3 |; U5 B# i* L│  │      2-07 Doolin-Dalton (Instrumental Ver.m4a
* V3 b# o4 n  F4 Y│  │      2-08 Outlaw Man.m4a
, I- D: g+ ^+ y6 L4 e/ `7 P3 r│  │      2-09 Saturday Night.m4a9 d" A6 X! B: f3 X( M% r
│  │      2-10 Bitter Creek.m4a5 z+ J" H- T$ Q: p6 v2 }( w
│  │      2-11 Doolin-Dalton_Desperado (Repris.m4a) a( m0 o, |  U; ~, v
│  │      
- M0 A) M% D3 S$ D. X% _* y│  ├─Eagles
# F- C3 `# i. n+ z! g│  │      1-01 Take It Easy.m4a
) N' i0 C7 M" Y5 W% j0 {│  │      1-02 Witchy Woman.m4a
% Z7 `& s/ A& V, p, `1 }: k│  │      1-03 Chug All Night.m4a7 _- B! V* h4 H  M. J
│  │      1-04 Most of Us Are Sad.m4a
0 z7 g$ E0 b7 v# ~; |, [9 O│  │      1-05 Nightingale.m4a* n# d. F1 Y, \( z2 r# W+ _- I
│  │      1-06 Train Leaves Here This Morning.m4a
) |: o, f1 W/ c. o( ?│  │      1-07 Take the Devil.m4a
; T1 k' m6 H; ?, R* V3 @; i│  │      1-08 Earlybird.m4a
$ |$ W' o* ?6 f│  │      1-09 Peaceful Easy Feeling.m4a% l: a8 p7 T5 I  @" Z
│  │      1-10 Tryin'.m4a, B+ Q# i# k/ w9 r. R/ p3 Q# `0 Y
│  │      - ]0 t0 M8 [' X, N& [
│  ├─Hotel California
; _% n% W3 f# N$ o│  │      5-01 Hotel California.m4a
) v$ E/ L) Y- F│  │      5-02 New Kid In Town.m4a5 G" g" i! Z. p
│  │      5-03 Life In the Fast Lane.m4a& o, q0 z! L4 h( ?& b
│  │      5-04 Wasted Time.m4a. D1 u' c$ h' x6 Y
│  │      5-05 Wasted Time (Reprise).m4a
. q/ t, F7 U7 H│  │      5-06 Victim of Love.m4a# G; E$ x3 C" e6 j4 i9 B, x! R7 T
│  │      5-07 Pretty Maids All In a Row.m4a9 W, b, O- D" r- |( p
│  │      5-08 Try and Love Again.m4a: Q! ~) e8 J% U& B) y  e2 \& T
│  │      5-09 The Last Resort.m4a
6 j6 X$ R5 u" ]$ U│  │      
6 d4 N# a$ k' Y+ J- D, r│  ├─On The Border
( k7 v, E4 Q' S. B# R6 q│  │      3-01 Already Gone.m4a
! s  [8 z" O: `│  │      3-02 You Never Cry Like a Lover.m4a  n  @9 t3 [, o' |. S# ~
│  │      3-03 Midnight Flyer.m4a
- H% r0 p! ^5 k* X& v, u( j│  │      3-04 My Man.m4a1 N# N9 F, I* O
│  │      3-05 On the Border.m4a
6 L% \5 h2 w" ^│  │      3-06 James Dean.m4a
+ e  h1 C  }% Q1 c4 `│  │      3-07 Ol' 55.m4a
: {, G: g& ^5 L+ w3 V  i- u│  │      3-08 Is It True_.m4a
" K3 {& F0 [( q, u$ z, L: h│  │      3-09 Good Day In Hell.m4a
# p6 `. b3 {! R4 b: e; o│  │      3-10 The Best of My Love.m4a! E. t& b  B0 q1 D  v7 X
│  │      
% f5 o0 r% z; c' L│  ├─One Of These Nights
* u9 X, c6 N/ ?  }, r│  │      4-01 One of These Nights.m4a& O/ l* `! Z! e7 J& B
│  │      4-02 Too Many Hands.m4a: U$ |* y& r, P
│  │      4-03 Hollywood Waltz.m4a4 o  o  F0 p; V$ J! y
│  │      4-04 Journey of the Sorcerer.m4a
: l+ z+ [" e- H6 a% L& {│  │      4-05 Lyin' Eyes.m4a
+ e0 s2 D- k% E! ~) q│  │      4-06 Take It To the Limit.m4a
  `8 r9 b) k" t2 m9 c. w' z│  │      4-07 Visions.m4a
% }9 {  [+ N# |- ?/ K4 y2 y│  │      4-08 After the Thrill Is Gone.m4a
; F5 P8 K# o6 ~│  │      4-09 I Wish You Peace.m4a
' ?/ o/ x, ^4 a│  │        g. G( a  ?% a
│  └─The Long Run
- R: z8 O0 e0 p# k│          6-01 The Long Run.m4a4 G9 E; s# Y% j3 @4 I- d  u
│          6-02 I Can't Tell You Why.m4a
5 T5 }3 e$ A5 m6 j' U  o│          6-03 In the City.m4a& d" w: `  k% J' i3 @( F( n# R
│          6-04 The Disco Strangler.m4a/ q; Y- b2 F( a* K  E. w
│          6-05 King of Hollywood.m4a/ t- U2 d- x: G
│          6-06 Heartache Tonight.m4a
  G5 ?3 u, {8 L& y  L│          6-07 Those Shoes.m4a
0 D2 c( O; ?% z4 s# S2 x/ H│          6-08 Teenage Jail.m4a/ |9 S- J) X+ r  x
│          6-09 The Greeks Don't Want No Freaks.m4a/ C; d6 R* d# `* I, n+ D
│          6-10 The Sad Cafe.m4a
& l# s- g4 C) V8 B│         
/ s8 W) W1 v1 f7 ]7 a, P└─2020 - Live From The Forum MMXVIII; m! d4 v# {+ g! [' F
        1-01 Seven Bridges Road (Live at The.m4a  T& O: e; W, _! H) {3 {
        1-02 Joe Walsh_ _How ya doin'__ (Liv.m4a
3 z, Y9 y9 n& O# q0 w3 l8 p& t4 T5 a        1-03 Take It Easy (Live at The Forum.m4a
# D  A- o+ ]1 I4 h) G. P        1-04 One of These Nights (Live at Th.m4a
  `0 h, G+ H& o4 u9 y! `; _        1-05 Don Henley_ _Good Evening, ladi.m4a
' a' b6 n, F/ U1 i: c3 N# n1 M        1-06 Take It to the Limit (Live at T.m4a( N4 |: @+ G+ [4 |) [/ B
        1-07 Tequila Sunrise (Live at The Fo.m4a
0 L. V, D: \& P0 d$ |+ N, }        1-08 In the City (Live at The Forum,.m4a
5 w1 H# W8 `7 h, r3 i9 G* b8 j& a' m        1-09 Timothy B. Schmit_ _Hey, everyb.m4a
6 O( e# @6 y) p/ a1 r        1-10 I Can't Tell You Why (Live at T.m4a9 C3 u. }# g0 |. {5 L7 m9 X$ R& ~( g
        1-11 New Kid In Town (Live at The Fo.m4a1 F' I3 h+ A/ P5 D$ G
        1-12 Don Henley_ _Just want to thank.m4a( ?( `6 A% O" w4 L
        1-13 How Long (Live at The Forum, In.m4a7 M6 ^/ b/ Q' Q! _8 a( Z
        1-14 Deacon Frey_ _Hello, Everybody..m4a, T/ a+ I# ]/ P" l4 X
        1-15 Peaceful Easy Feeling (Live at.m4a1 ^3 M, T! T- w4 b) v
        1-16 Ol' 55 (Live at The Forum, Ingl.m4a# H! i( K  Y" \5 P
        1-17 Lyin' Eyes (Live at The Forum,.m4a
/ {4 F& ^- @8 M" l        1-18 Love Will Keep Us Alive (Live a.m4a( |1 F! A% o4 w* r! a  p2 s! {; r% q
        1-19 Vince Gill_ _How's everybody do.m4a& v# d) _3 ^: Y* ^- c* R8 t
        1-20 Don't Let Our Love Start Slippi.m4a% C+ N5 [! A4 N# G" s/ D
        1-21 Those Shoes (Live at The Forum,.m4a
7 A# l: u8 r) L% H0 h* N: V        2-01 Already Gone (Live at The Forum.m4a
4 p/ ]7 L7 i) K9 V6 y6 r        2-02 Walk Away (Live at The Forum, I.m4a& G  F) L  g  V* w$ n
        2-03 Joe Walsh_ _Is everybody OK__ (.m4a: e. G# I6 A/ b+ W& J
        2-04 Life's Been Good (Live at The F.m4a
" E) h/ k0 s0 j, C7 l        2-05 The Boys Of Summer (Live at The.m4a6 C- e$ h5 t* |( O
        2-06 Heartache Tonight (Live at The.m4a! r& i. b$ u6 E  A
        2-07 Funk #49 (Live at The Forum, In.m4a
9 L% n# C1 X4 p3 x4 r        2-08 Life In The Fast Lane (Live at.m4a. P6 D5 A; \; q* r
        2-09 Hotel California (Live at The F.m4a
" n5 z6 q7 a# L! M5 b0 V0 q        2-10 Rocky Mountain Way (Live at The.m4a
: `# V' s5 _; n        2-11 Desperado (Live at The Forum, I.m4a
, d5 T3 F+ t6 |7 }. U        2-12 The Long Run (Live at The Forum.m4a
" a' d3 `# D' V" \' B) _6 n5 v: N0 [
' L3 ?/ ^6 J7 ]/ q
; j3 S( ?0 b2 v5 h+ a2 X

5 p$ Z3 \! |8 o3 Y' }, A

: }' W9 H& ^! d: |1 m- O8 E4 y. @' \
+ [# Z/ f6 ]8 n" |
发表于 2019-7-24 14:47:59 | 显示全部楼层
; E& u* C/ e0 g
发表于 2019-8-8 19:02:00 | 显示全部楼层
《Eagles作品合集》[iTunes Plus AAC]
发表于 2019-9-14 17:42:44 | 显示全部楼层
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