


Pet Shop Boys - 《Pet Shop Boys作品合集》[iTunes Plus AAC][百度盘]

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2 z6 k: m/ K$ e7 E9 o! D  p$ H7 f! _9 L
* P1 K$ E) P8 A
Pet Shop Boys简介
$ y9 p0 M0 y) \Pet Shop Boys “宠物店男孩”成立于1981年, 是从八十年代起直至现今最成功的英国演唱组之一。 一对天才的词曲合作者:尼尔·泰纳( Neil Tennant )和克里斯·洛(Chris Lowe),他们在出道15年中凭藉优美的旋律和流畅自然的曲风,赢得了众多乐迷的喜爱。恐怕没有一支乐队能像Pet Shop Boys那样把音乐作的那样奇怪——流行、欢快的节奏和旋律下却是深刻的内涵和冷漠的演唱。他们那带点黑色幽默的MTV则更出色,Neil Tennant总是面无表情的面对镜头,要么就是垂下头,一付无奈的样子;Chris Lowe责更夸张:站在Neil Tennant的后面,戴着墨镜,东张西望,做着与拍摄Video一点也无关的事。但他们的这种淡漠和神秘的气质却使人们自始致终为他们所吸引。
5 T' P0 q( d5 q6 i) F/ E& @. _6 J6 X9 |  G: y# q
1 r2 i% L/ V) r% M1954年,NEIL出生于NORTHSHIELDS的一个与音乐毫无关系的家庭, 父亲在一家瑞典橡胶厂工作。在家中,他老二,上有一个姐姐SUSAN,下有两个弟弟SIMON和PHILLIP。NEIL的创造力很早就为家人所知。 当他九岁时,他就感觉这九年似乎白白荒废过去了,没有一点成绩值得骄傲,于是他打算开始写歌。之后,他就与好友PATRICIA写了第一首歌THE GIRL WHO PULLED TAILS,不过这些事在当时并没有引起别人的注意。完成中学学业后,NEIL打算去上大学学习历史和考古,但是多变的性格很快就使他改变了主意, 想去学通信。然而他却遭到学校的拒绝, 原因是面试的那天睡过了头。不过幸运的是,他却意外地被批准去北伦敦理工学校学历史,在那儿,NEIL一直呆到1975年。尽管他曾一度想在英帝国和英联邦历史上继续深造,但在毕业时,他还是在一家英国版的美国杂志MARVEL COMICS里找到了份编辑的工作。 几年后,NEIL去了一家出版社,工作中,他逐渐接触到了那个“肮脏”的流行音乐世界,在NEIL看来,那倒是一个很容易赚钱的行当。后来,NEIL成了英国著名音乐杂志SMASH HITS的自由撰稿人。到这,一个流行音乐化的NEIL开始成型了。 他开始写歌,并把这些歌唱给朋友听。当电子合成器在80年代初为不少流行乐队所接受时,NEIL的音乐也开始电子化了。有一天,正当NEIL在伦敦KING大街上的一家电器行看电器时,一个不经意的搭讪使他结识了一个在他看起来有点疯的CHRIS LOWE,从此就有了宠物店男孩的故事。  
8 g9 s8 ^+ N: ?+ ?; E! }3 @3 p) a) Q* d$ d0 q& o: n
CHRIS2 v) n* u  {8 w# I6 o1 i2 F
生于1959年10月4日,是家中最小的一个孩子,上有两个哥哥、一个姐姐。小的时候,他喜欢玩哥哥的玩具汽车、玩具火车,或在周末出去滑冰。CHRIS最大的爱好是建筑,今天依旧。音乐作为他的第二个爱好则显得有些姗姗来迟,但依然占据了他大量的时间,他的钢琴和长号都不错。可是,流行音乐却偏偏不是他的最爱。当他13岁时,他喜欢起了甲壳虫乐队和黛安娜.罗丝,但另他不解的是,为什麽他的朋友都喜欢ALICE COOPER。然而,当DISCO那跳动的节拍向他走来时,CHRIS接受了。在一段时间里,CHRIS曾参加了一个叫ONE UNDER THE EIGHT的乐队,弹奏些老歌。他有许多工作,如当送圣诞礼物的邮递员,在餐馆里洗盘子,做会计、销售经理,不过他最满意的还是在一家DISCO舞厅里当服务员。即便如此,CHRIS也没有把所有精力投入到音乐和跳舞中去的想法,他还是想当一个建筑师,所以后来他进了利物浦大学学习建筑。在上学之中,1981年,他得到了一次去伦敦实习的机会。虽然最终他也只设计了一个楼梯,但他却在一次逛街时遇到了一个叫NEIL的家伙。  
7 w! P' T: Z+ T- n' i  [; t4 ?" Q# t* }" a5 r* _  b. E
psb) u+ c* |% o  w% o# V
1985年,PSB聘Stephan Hague为唱片监制,以一曲《West End Girls》闯入法国和比利时的单曲排列榜,结束了两年的守望期,一跃成为流行乐坛的新宠儿。 接着PSB又推出了《Love Comes Quickly》《Sabarbia》等好作品。1986年,PSB以《West End Girls》连获英、美排行榜的第一位;发行了首张专辑《Please》,突出自己将Disco和Pop揉合的独特风格,以重复迭宕的和声体现忧欢相随的情感。1987年,PSB又推出了第二张专辑《Actually》,内容更加丰厚,二重和声运用更为成熟,而单曲《Its A Sin》《It Couldnt Happen Here》 也在流行榜上取得了骄人成绩。 1988年,他们又发行了一张更为古怪精美的专辑《Introspeetive》, 它熔合多元化的音乐风格,使PSB的顽皮形象推向了极至。其中,《What Have I Done To Deserve This?》充满了消极玩世的态度;而另一首《I Want A Dog》则以一阵沸沸扬扬的狗吠拉开序幕,极尽幽默顽皮之能事。1990年PSB的第四张专辑《Behaviour》是与Harold Fateneyer的合作成果,其中减少了民谣的味道,而以更现实更理性的方式表达强烈的个人理念。到93年《Very》的推出又一次超越了PSB 先前的成绩, 充分显示了他们作为流行音乐前沿斗士和舞曲情感缔造者的实力。1995年底,PSB又发行了一张B面歌曲精选集双C《Alternative》,专辑纵跨他们从艺十年的经典作品,展现了流行舞曲的深度。 ????PSB的这对英国流行乐坛双璧以其实力屹立乐坛十年之久,确是瞬息万变的乐界的难得之例。 随着时间的推移,他们的音乐将会更具魅力。  O2 [  |  i  e* i8 Q& I
& {! {4 [% {8 w& I
3 ]# f: a2 d3 P7 W# P! j  L+ b& |

1 y4 y5 q' ~4 Y; q2 [; e; l3 v├─1986 - Disco/ u" s# _2 O& V2 i  @8 p2 M
│      01 In the Night (Arthur Baker's Exte.m4a' a; {2 y) H- c* X# H. G
│      01 In the Night.m4a4 ~3 W5 ]+ a% z  }4 ^) j7 u* c
│      02 Suburbia (Julian Mendelssohn's Fu.m4a- ?" v0 @7 U" y0 l8 l& U8 E0 h
│      02 Suburbia (The Full Horror).m4a
8 p1 [) h, w  e2 t4 u+ c: J│      03 Opportunities (Let's Make Lots of.m4a
* ^* s7 Z9 a, J* Q; M│      03 Opportunities.m4a
4 D; s( U' @  q+ q│      04 Paninaro (Pet Shop Boys and David.m4a8 W4 f1 I. m2 x
│      04 Paninaro.m4a
$ h1 Q6 M. h/ X/ M% F5 D$ u/ }+ D│      05 Love Comes Quickly (Shep Pettibon.m4a% G# t0 M5 |+ Z5 c9 x8 y
│      05 Love Comes Quickly.m4a  }1 m* A' p8 n3 u/ f
│      06 West End Girls (Shep Pettibone Ma.m4a, Y) N! J; B$ S4 [6 A
│      06 West End Girls.m4a
/ ]- B+ d9 r# B" h8 F3 w0 s│      
+ R- B; ]. {( I├─1986 - Please! R; j/ v- i% h$ V4 [4 z9 L* `
│      01 Two Divided By Zero (2001 Remaster).m4a( Z7 z7 W4 \' N' Z
│      02 West End Girls (2001 Remaster).m4a. x8 t1 W  s  _" p% ^' O% F; x
│      03 Opportunities (Let's Make Lots of Money) [2001 Remaster].m4a. |9 R+ Z: y* I4 S9 N8 w7 N
│      04 Love Comes Quickly (2001 Remaster).m4a0 ^7 U7 V, H7 \- R5 T6 R: Q  ]; g1 K
│      05 Suburbia (2001 Remaster).m4a0 O, u, k2 d8 x, P0 _, P
│      06 Opportunities (2001 Remaster).m4a
3 W! {0 W6 v9 h. {│      07 Tonight Is Forever (2001 Remaster).m4a- w! A. M6 ~6 i  x" c
│      08 Violence (2001 Remaster).m4a5 `3 O- g4 {0 _9 A" `  @7 o
│      09 I Want a Lover (2001 Remaster).m4a* D, L) \$ l& ^8 [4 {' J7 z
│      10 Later Tonight (2001 Remaster).m4a
$ y; [/ G" V4 W( r% @0 Z│      11 Why Don't We Live Together (2001 Remaster).m4a1 v3 k3 |1 M1 f4 t  _
! M: x2 n# {" T1 @% M├─1987 - Actually
; N. g0 M2 x; E* D# d6 L│      01 One More Chance (2001 Remaster).m4a" v. u# X3 x. n( @. L" {9 K
│      02 What Have I Done to Deserve This (2001 Remaster).m4a
6 a* G$ B; N3 n; k& Y│      03 Shopping (2001 Remaster).m4a9 J# p" ^- L1 b/ E" S. V' |% T
│      04 Rent (2001 Remaster).m4a
: C  P  ?2 G- k; U2 l1 w│      05 Hit Music (2001 Remaster).m4a
4 `) G# ]4 J9 q│      06 It Couldn't Happen Here (2001 Remaster).m4a
+ I) P  g; Z; e' @│      07 It's a Sin (2001 Remaster).m4a1 Q2 p. E1 M3 O
│      08 I Want to Wake Up (2001 Remaster).m4a" M0 C# y, ?) v+ F
│      09 Heart (2001 Remaster).m4a
* k5 n9 v* S6 p: m# {│      10 King's Cross (2001 Remaster).m4a& |* |  w; C  `0 {  d, b/ z. R
│      5 k; ?; y" X! k1 `8 m
├─1988 - Introspective (2001 Remastered Version)
( y4 y2 V  b0 m$ |8 w, {  M│      01 Left to My Own Devices (2001 Remastered Version).m4a" y2 T6 d+ w( n- N
│      02 I Want a Dog (2001 Remastered Version).m4a+ t0 R/ C+ L# m
│      03 Domino Dancing (2001 Remastered Version).m4a# F! P+ J, T6 J8 d
│      04 I'm Not Scared (2001 Remastered Version).m4a
- t! x; E! I) _7 I" N│      05 Always On My Mind _ In My House (2001 Remastered Version).m4a3 V. |- I: @. L
│      06 It's Alright (2001 Remastered Version).m4a6 m% ?/ I$ O/ b2 V- |/ P
│      4 Q( X+ e/ T. T3 }+ J0 I
├─1990 - Behaviour
: ?2 d1 F4 D  m( i9 O- t│      01 Being Boring (2001 Remaster).m4a8 o- z: c6 d$ F9 p* ]
│      01 Being Boring (2001 Remastered Ver.m4a
8 I0 U. t4 T# A: D│      02 This Must Be the Place I Waited Y.m4a& U4 D6 F( R( e! Y8 Q3 ?1 V
│      02 This Must Be the Place I Waited Years to Leave (2001 Remaster).m4a
7 z2 p# J) @' y. j; b( I, U/ u│      03 To Face the Truth (2001 Remaster).m4a
" j- ^9 O/ O. h│      03 To Face the Truth (2001 Remastere.m4a
7 b* K. C' N! I6 [  _8 F│      04 How Can You Expect to Be Taken Se.m4a8 l$ r1 R" h' j4 M$ j
│      04 How Can You Expect to Be Taken Seriously_ (2001 Remaster).m4a* M8 J; N2 U; q) S) c% {5 _0 |
│      05 Only the Wind (2001 Remaster).m4a
# @0 r! i( H; z! G6 q' T& h! g│      05 Only the Wind (2001 Remastered Ve.m4a( J5 F% |5 m: x$ {
│      06 My October Symphony (2001 Remaste.m4a
& s4 Y/ ]# `6 n4 M9 r" Q│      06 My October Symphony (2001 Remaster).m4a
! n. x9 e7 B! }' h, y│      07 So Hard (2001 Remaster).m4a
# b4 H' h! P" s  P3 W4 ]5 S$ G7 t│      07 So Hard (2001 Remastered Version).m4a; w1 ^' l/ v- r. X% E1 [
│      08 Nervously (2001 Remaster).m4a0 _# F# O, @# g" `9 r' E& w5 B
│      08 Nervously (2001 Remastered Versio.m4a
' H: v7 N0 \' _│      09 The End of the World (2001 Remast.m4a. Q3 Y' J$ D0 J# ?3 Q3 l
│      09 The End of the World (2001 Remaster).m4a3 \' q& f6 g7 `. t8 f
│      10 Jealousy (2001 Remaster).m4a
5 W! y8 l3 @( K* V% W  k│      10 Jealousy (2001 Remastered Version.m4a/ {9 G$ P; x: y2 F
│      8 ~6 x' Q5 a7 k$ b. b
├─1991 - Discography_ The Complete Singles Collection
  Q$ M0 n3 u) S* }│      01 West End Girls.m4a
) g' e: l- R  g9 @' ~4 F' a9 E! ~+ Q│      02 Love Comes Quickly.m4a
& I$ T6 n2 L7 c& P│      03 Opportunities (Let's Make Lots of Money).m4a
. D/ d/ t, O! f. n' j│      04 Suburbia.m4a9 _$ H/ ]9 j0 ?+ j8 }% I$ _
│      05 It's a Sin.m4a, r! `7 x2 i6 |! J
│      06 What Have I Done to Deserve This.m4a
& W* S; b7 C( R( s2 E* m2 c: X/ K9 D│      07 Rent.m4a# I" h, q  _( @2 u' c0 f# y' i
│      08 Always On My Mind.m4a
, l4 R2 h+ j; N% i# m" h6 m│      09 Heart.m4a& k" h2 y: V! ~* t; _" s$ h6 O. T
│      10 Domino Dancing.m4a
, g9 e6 x' x( ^: U0 x7 M│      11 Left to My Own Devices.m4a; j. ?% C5 E  l4 T; ^; P
│      12 It's Alright.m4a- [/ g, q) }& N8 j! Z; q" j
│      13 So Hard.m4a
) n  E6 y! p: H# d- R6 E/ H# M│      14 Being Boring.m4a
' w& m5 ]5 e6 _, L" |, u% Y8 L% {│      15 Where the Streets Have No Name (I Can't Take My Eyes Off You).m4a
" i) J& E9 O. [5 E2 k6 u│      16 Jealousy.m4a3 C- |, t. T+ e/ _, q4 _) G5 X
│      17 DJ Culture.m4a3 ]* Y/ U) _. C' U6 u
│      18 Was It Worth It.m4a# m% u3 m2 V$ \* P  _  T
│      # E7 o/ I- g" r; N- [! y2 b0 l1 ^
├─1993 - Very
, G2 `& S. H4 o$ n+ I1 ]│      01 Can You Forgive Her_.m4a
: ~( b/ T' r: C$ T8 E8 f3 f, F│      02 I Wouldn't Normally Do This Kind.m4a
' Q" Z+ V$ H0 \- p│      03 Liberation.m4a+ _$ e5 H7 L" N" H! p
│      04 A Different Point of View.m4a
/ y; X" U; J/ r& R" u! ]% H│      05 Dreaming of the Queen.m4a- L& z# r$ N' M5 m
│      06 Yesterday When I Was Mad.m4a% B3 d8 X7 d7 H
│      06 Yesterday, When I Was Mad.m4a" T% c# B. w) w+ c" W# q0 p. N
│      07 The Theatre.m4a
8 q. Z3 u! r* Q8 u6 k│      08 One and One Make Five.m4a
# |8 n2 {) u8 w6 ]' Z7 _5 l│      09 To Speak Is a Sin.m4a" `3 H$ A+ e% L. |! I
│      10 Young Offender.m4a+ z+ q7 @$ y& ?" O% `9 G
│      11 One In a Million.m4a" ?9 O8 }/ [7 c' Y0 N" o
│      12 Go West (2001 Remastered Version).m4a
" \' v& x% \. x5 G, o│      12 Go West.m4a
: e9 m3 h& d6 |% ?1 T8 m│      2 w! R4 \  j1 p/ |! R- p
├─1993 - Very:Further Listening 1992-1994 (Remastered)8 A; k7 Z- k% S/ X8 e3 n: A3 [
│      1-01 Can You Forgive Her_ (2001 Rema 1.m4a
4 V2 @6 ~4 d# r1 s) j0 j│      1-02 I Wouldn't Normally Do This Kin.m4a
: Q2 l% C) l! A( I* i$ ^│      1-03 Liberation (2001 Remastered Ver.m4a, w  |2 N3 @) }2 F4 J2 p) i
│      1-04 A Different Point of View (2001.m4a
$ a# j1 r% X- M6 ^& j# b1 B│      1-05 Dreaming of the Queen (2001 Rem.m4a: c/ e" ?# d0 k1 u/ u8 U' O. x
│      1-06 Yesterday When I Was Mad (2001.m4a+ P; t9 [( l3 \2 S( X1 n
│      1-07 The Theatre (2001 Remastered Ve.m4a8 q1 ]& _8 H0 \- P; H
│      1-08 One and One Make Five (2001 Rem.m4a
! I- s1 R2 L0 P* C! g: k│      1-09 To Speak Is a Sin (2001 Remaste.m4a0 n: w+ w% w+ B. ?4 A# o" O
│      1-10 Young Offender (2001 Remastered.m4a; D2 z+ m5 D6 `2 G+ }  ?+ f
│      1-11 One In a Million (2001 Remaster.m4a( E! ^: y$ y% ]4 u' d5 x7 A8 O
│      1-12 Go West (2001 Remastered Versio.m4a8 c; n" \6 l. R
│      2-01 Go West (1992 12'' Mix) [2001 R.m4a' G( P0 x7 a6 {- G0 h; O- t1 M
│      2-02 Forever In Love (2001 Remastere.m4a
# B1 [; i1 ]7 Q/ W│      2-03 Confidential (1992 Demo for Tin.m4a
. _4 w  n/ g$ I, R( z│      2-04 Hey Headmaster (2001 Remastered.m4a& m4 u4 b; j2 r- P+ H0 [
│      2-05 Shameless (2001 Remastered Vers.m4a0 A6 H% @9 ^6 \+ i8 K5 r# ^) G
│      2-06 Too Many People (2001 Remastere.m4a
$ v3 \2 p: ?$ H2 P/ ~1 k+ z, U1 J) r  p; O│      2-07 I Wouldn't Normally Do This Kin.m4a% m' u5 D  J/ G- o5 S5 o8 Z. d. C
│      2-08 Violence (Hacienda Version) [20.m4a
8 o0 r9 f( ?( I  o0 ?5 F│      2-09 Falling (Demo For Kylie) [2001.m4a
: W, a" ?; H2 l' y/ C│      2-10 Decadence (2001 Remastered Vers.m4a
4 g5 P9 W0 n  K, i( S/ ~- b, Q│      2-11 If Love Were All (Bitter Sweet).m4a
7 e! k2 a, b% m* g$ h' B│      2-12 Absolutely Fabulous (7'' Mix) [.m4a1 ?! h! C1 B0 l9 y0 J# [
│      2-13 Euroboy (2001 Remastered Versio.m4a, m1 Y( ^) s% I/ k! D3 n  \
│      2-14 Some Speculation (2001 Remaster.m4a8 _2 [# m. a( m' P
│      2-15 Yesterday When I Was Mad (Singl.m4a1 e1 K& B; U5 t6 D2 Z" W- ?, ~
│      2-16 Girls and Boys (Live In Rio) [2.m4a: N2 C- Y- u: U$ L" C) M9 W, T
& [2 v" m* L" x, v5 B0 @├─1994 - Disco 2
6 }. z' Q0 X! q│      01 Absolutely Fabulous (Rollo Our Tribe Tongue In Cheek Mix).m4a
9 l; |: Y9 Y3 C' k│      02 I Wouldn't Normally Do This Kind of Thing (Beatmasters Extended Nude Mix).m4a
' ]3 J" B; K; N│      03 I Wouldn't Normally Do This Kind of Thing (DJ Pierre Wild Pich Mix).m4a& g# w4 V. R% r* x
│      04 Go West (Farley & Heller Mix).m4a$ t  H/ B! L0 X& O& N8 @, s* q
│      05 Liberation (E Smoove 12'' Mix).m4a
# ]0 Q4 B1 q& y; j' ?" U│      06 So Hard (D. Morales Red Zone Mix).m4a+ G( e& R; @( I! r$ L
│      07 Can You Forgive Her (Rollo Dub).m4a
' Z. @, C7 p0 ]│      08 Yesterday, When I Was Mad (Junior Vasquez Fabulous Dub).m4a4 c# a. e! [* G  b9 D1 c4 [7 D
│      09 Absolutely Fabulous (Rollo Remix).m4a. M; }- u6 r$ Q
│      10 Yesterday, When I Was Mad (Alt. Ver.).m4a5 K/ O! @9 `! M2 e: p
│      11 Yesterday, When I Was Mad (Jam & Spoon Mix).m4a5 a- R* Y. C! B0 L2 z5 J/ E
│      12 We All Feel Better in the Dark (Brothers In Rythym After Hours Climax Mix).m4a* Y, V1 P& z/ R# t' g
( x0 ?2 z3 }' I7 c├─1996 - Bilingual
$ [! ^' a! L3 c# s' r$ `│      01 Discoteca.m4a6 V8 B- x* R+ g, B6 U0 M, @
│      02 Single.m4a
3 w- _" M- T# }, L│      03 Metamorphosis.m4a
% M9 h1 I& I" i& l; ?6 h│      04 Electricity.m4a8 A  z% H5 M- M1 k6 g. [
│      05 Se a Vide E' (That's the Way Life Is).m4a* N) U( {/ C; ]+ Z
│      05 Se a Vide E' (That's the Way Life.m4a
* R* A1 w# a, i│      06 It Always Comes As a Surprise.m4a
7 N: M- u  t/ f: b. i│      07 A Red Letter Day.m4a
; ]1 q; o5 m- Y4 g  i│      08 Up Against It.m4a3 `: C, s  w/ t/ d" ~  @
│      09 The Survivors.m4a
8 S- Z& o% T) D  D( ?1 {│      10 Before.m4a8 F! M/ I# O5 I! ?5 [' y+ h
│      11 To Step Aside.m4a% Z; Z) O/ o3 i* B: l' {1 d
│      12 Saturday Night Forever.m4a4 }0 X; f8 u" E% K
" _3 _( O. V& B! l├─1996 - Bilingual:Further Listening 1995-1997 (Remastered)% N) }% P2 A/ I& p: J
│      1-01 Discoteca (2001 Digital Remaste.m4a
- G; r6 \/ s: c# Y! s: `│      1-02 Single - Bilingual (2001 Digita.m4a
8 h, h! R3 d! s# Y4 I3 X# u/ Y│      1-03 Metamorphosis (2001 Digital Rem.m4a
4 I- k# l5 ~) g- @* j3 K│      1-04 Electricity (2001 Digital Remas.m4a
* M" N, R3 W. f! ?  ~- V# U& O& R│      1-05 Se a Vida é (That's the Way Lif.m4a. ]1 ?" p5 u+ m
│      1-06 It Always Comes As a Surprise (.m4a% ~0 K; a3 j8 ~2 h9 u
│      1-07 A Red Letter Day (2001 Digital.m4a
( H5 ]& g/ V3 W, t: y- @│      1-08 Up Against It (2001 Digital Rem.m4a8 @$ K) \8 e, `) R
│      1-09 The Survivors (2001 Digital Rem.m4a
, ~! B, i/ u2 L* k+ s. T│      1-10 Before (2001 - Remaster).m4a& b  Q  E. W' z4 [8 W
│      1-11 To Step Aside (2001 Digital Rem.m4a
- z$ K2 B1 f% W* I% U) A: ~: r) r│      1-12 Saturday Night Forever (2001 Di.m4a9 }8 f# b; T- F0 \1 n2 \6 q" F# \# t
│      2-01 Paninaro 95 (2001 Digital Remas.m4a
6 [3 n* Q# I" ?- Q│      2-02 In the night 1995 (The new Clot.m4a4 L. t+ ?) c1 a  t! A
│      2-03 The truck driver and his mate (.m4a
9 j  i5 c1 H# \! g6 K│      2-04 Hit and miss (2001 - Remaster).m4a. ^7 n  S3 o( k" j9 e
│      2-05 How I learned to hate rock and.m4a. ^( d7 ^, E) m
│      2-06 Betrayed (2001 - Remaster).m4a. u4 f7 b9 G& e; U
│      2-07 Delusions of grandeur (2001 - R.m4a" w) `3 o& F. X  h) r
│      2-08 Discoteca (Original 7'' Mix_ 20.m4a
9 v3 h, T5 f7 F( n& y" J, ]│      2-09 The calm before the storm (2001.m4a5 O* \0 \' C2 \1 r" G4 V
│      2-10 Discoteca (New version) [2001 -.m4a
9 x) C) Y" H6 d) H, t│      2-11 The boy who couldn't keep his c.m4a
. J5 m5 |2 g$ c+ M, N│      2-12 A Red Letter Day (Full Length 7.m4a# P, B" p2 j" I; m3 R2 |, X
│      2-13 The view from your balcony (200.m4a- Z, ?1 j" E$ K2 R
│      2-14 Disco potential (2001 - Remaste.m4a
2 K3 @9 x" A+ ~│      2-15 Somewhere (Extended Mix_ 2001 D.m4a) V+ z0 @4 U* f4 t, Z& i0 y2 z
│      2-16 A Red Letter Day (Trouser Enthu.m4a
# `3 ^7 [. ^& G│      2-17 To Step Aside (Brutal Bill Mix).m4a
0 b, W* S, e- ~& `0 s1 a/ f* o│      2-18 Before (Danny Tenaglia Classic.m4a! F. f. Z+ ~& X; n( N. T9 Q
│      2-19 The Boy Who Couldn't Keep His C.m4a5 f2 A; A. K) d, m: T1 f# d* e
│      2-20 Se a Vida E (That's the Way Lif.m4a/ Y0 I$ h  P9 K* p: c
│      2-21 Discoteca (Trouser Enthusiasts'.m4a2 n; J. k" G$ G2 s/ k* z4 I! K
5 x. z1 t' x% S/ r├─1999 - Nightlife (Bonus Track Version)
' Z( r  j0 G- d9 \1 L│      01 For Your Own Good.m4a
$ v+ ]3 x; i8 D& d! G4 l2 q7 X, ~8 f3 f│      02 Closer to Heaven.m4a
* P* H/ n: Y5 j5 |: |& u│      03 I Don't Know What You Want But I Can't Give It Any More.m4a
+ b- J% w4 }. Y, U│      03 I Don't Know What You Want But I.m4a
8 @' y# n  t7 Y2 Z% F& \│      04 Happiness Is an Option.m4a2 z/ h/ X' n" \8 R, ^, I
│      05 You Only Tell Me You Love Me When You're Drunk.m4a
2 q  F; B5 A, e, V│      05 You Only Tell Me You Love Me When.m4a
5 L. n6 q7 D$ S! t: |7 u7 n│      06 Vampires.m4a" u- X3 S0 N  n% G4 d9 K8 `
│      07 Radiophonic.m4a" l' H9 l! A3 b8 f
│      08 The Only One.m4a
! [  G( I4 B2 N│      09 Boy Strange.m4a! F) y5 f8 F5 R
│      10 In Denial.m4a/ ^" Z0 i; P6 f) @5 @- \
│      11 New York City Boy.m4a4 z* O( }+ n% T" f4 h
│      12 Footsteps.m4a6 Z; X& t$ ?$ I% F: D
│      13 The Ghost of Myself.m4a
: v5 c/ V8 Z3 q+ [( s, G9 |& |│      14 Casting a Shadow.m4a
& @0 p+ y1 _4 f/ m" \- ^│      15 Je t'aime...moi non plus.m4a
1 J3 f: Z1 f8 f- C7 R│      16 Silver Age.m4a
3 U7 u+ X% t& y% W+ K│      17 Screaming.m4a
6 q% g4 `: ], E9 x│      18 I Don't Know What You Want But I Can't Give It Any More (The Morales Mix Version) [Bonus Track].m4a3 `# r+ M" C. D9 n, i
│      18 I Don't Know What You Want But I.m4a& ^: n9 Y4 g4 J* L0 M
│      19 I Don't Know What You Want But I Can't Give It Any More (Three Maddkatt Courtship 80 Witness Mix Version) [Bonus Track].m4a2 ]9 _4 o2 ?! ^$ Z! H7 l; q4 E" s( L
│      19 I Don't Know What You Want But I.m4a
' A. t; s, x, r. B│      20 New York City Boy (The Superchumb.m4a  K1 A. O, T7 z5 G; V# L8 M4 T
│      20 New York City Boy (The Superchumbo Uptown Mix Version) [Bonus Track].m4a
1 Y% D9 P' A% v│      21 New York City Boy (The Almighty D.m4a
, T4 y$ w0 M% e% Q│      21 New York City Boy (The Almighty Definite Mix Version) [Bonus Track].m4a* W' P9 W$ B) _  V- A+ j/ d) ?
│      22 New York City Boy (The Thunderpus.m4a
! o% M# A4 ]/ G8 }2 }│      22 New York City Boy (The Thunderpuss 2000 Mix Version) [Bonus Track].m4a
* f/ M) v1 [* [9 X% B5 ?│      23 New York City Boy (The Lange Mix Version) [Bonus Track].m4a
% ?8 F7 m! h+ F# }9 ~. h│      23 New York City Boy (The Lange Mix.m4a
1 V% f+ Y; q: [. h1 X4 B; c│      
, K$ }  `& b1 t- u3 e, q0 b9 X├─2001 - Actually (2001 Remaster)
, T8 p7 x( J! T& o│      01 One More Chance.m4a
1 x( }. X( B5 e9 Q9 s5 D% S3 s│      02 What Have I Done To Deserve This_.m4a
9 e% e0 T" ?1 H" ^! F- W& K3 a4 K│      03 Shopping.m4a
" v3 @5 Q, H2 `│      04 Rent.m4a' X- z& Z6 \$ B& s  r% N9 r
│      05 Hit Music.m4a: z9 Z+ N# m6 s3 t
│      06 It Couldn't Happen Here.m4a  u9 W& H# \8 {; o, O
│      07 It's a Sin.m4a
' E% f$ a; b' G$ y6 K│      08 I Want To Wake Up.m4a9 m* v+ K0 M7 U. V: o+ m
│      09 Heart.m4a6 J2 q4 C  j% d  x9 i* T6 e
│      10 King's Cross.m4a- H+ w+ X1 c8 Z0 {* a2 D- H' Z0 p
│      # |7 B1 o4 P" ?5 X2 E2 o4 u4 v
├─2001 - Actually_ Further Listening 1987-1988 (Remastered)
, m6 V8 g3 p' n│      1-01 One More Chance.m4a
$ H/ j) `  Q! d2 f; v│      1-02 What Have I Done to Deserve This.m4a3 a- k& j& o# A3 `9 \
│      1-03 Shopping.m4a
1 ?7 ?, _( p8 f$ }2 s: y3 Z│      1-04 Rent.m4a
8 I8 \. j4 w0 L1 |" f% m* o0 M  i│      1-05 Hit Music.m4a
6 @4 O; e5 f: S  o│      1-06 It Couldn't Happen Here.m4a
3 \9 ~' [: _" L6 i3 A- a$ W  r, a│      1-07 It's a Sin.m4a% c, S9 B8 F4 L1 @6 n2 A
│      1-08 I Want to Wake Up.m4a& j9 Y. l: ]2 i
│      1-09 Heart.m4a
) A" J9 E  I$ Q( W% s; Q6 v│      1-10 King's Cross.m4a
4 ~4 e2 I# E$ _9 L  e) v) w│      2-01 I Want to Wake Up.m4a
' c9 b) F' ~/ |' A4 }│      2-02 Heart.m4a: |$ ~, [9 M& O! A0 _
│      2-03 You Know Where You Went Wrong.m4a% e7 ?. N  k; c, ]$ q$ Y# t. [) [0 m
│      2-04 One More Chance.m4a
) z8 @- R" H+ I* b│      2-05 It's a Sin.m4a
2 }- p$ s! H  T# L$ @. [7 e* Q│      2-06 What Have I Done to Deserve This.m4a
5 ?  C3 H* [: L& Y* x$ C3 I0 W│      2-07 Heart.m4a
& w  C9 S/ I! r( R+ T' H7 ^: f│      2-08 A New Life.m4a3 w0 q0 `- F. z% I7 G; e0 V( ^
│      2-09 Always On My Mind.m4a- X3 }7 r9 ^+ m; Q8 o$ ^3 O: ?8 \
│      2-10 Rent.m4a+ a( t3 i1 f" R4 \# [2 V( T: I
│      2-11 I Want a Dog.m4a
# x+ Y7 W2 H/ H* q( F│      2-12 Always On My Mind.m4a
+ Y7 @6 _# B5 q2 w7 O/ d│      2-13 Do I Have To.m4a
2 W' n% q- [9 {$ e. q; p# Q' w  x9 D│      2-14 Always On My Mind.m4a4 X  {: Q/ H8 Q2 `' d5 M
│      * b4 j! e; M6 z
├─2001 - Behaviour_ Further Listening 1990-1991 (Remastered)$ K$ m8 ]+ n" d
│      1-01 Being Boring.m4a
6 P* q! m3 V/ m5 V5 J1 k6 U2 e$ Q. l│      1-02 This Must Be the Place I Waited Years to Leave.m4a
/ @, m2 Z& Z6 ]+ x│      1-03 To Face the Truth.m4a) z) |4 Y4 l1 h% t
│      1-04 How Can You Expect to Be Taken Seriously.m4a) d. A/ n; E3 \+ F! p9 j2 h1 a1 s
│      1-05 Only the Wind.m4a
" V% T  L$ J  i- \2 C4 ?! g│      1-06 My October Symphony.m4a
  J) r* M2 M# }# x- E│      1-07 So Hard.m4a
/ w" X; z- k( {, B│      1-08 Nervously.m4a# j/ E2 [9 M1 v! v' r' u5 B
│      1-09 The End of the World.m4a
- G. _+ m2 X8 n1 c- ^% T- C' M│      1-10 Jealousy.m4a
7 Q1 x- N3 p- q7 Q! I1 P5 d│      2-01 It Must Be Obvious.m4a: v5 ^& Z3 p  _  B* M2 j4 J6 M
│      2-02 So Hard.m4a+ u5 z* g9 ~1 i& g  A
│      2-03 Miserablism.m4a6 U+ r- ^  I' c8 {$ y
│      2-04 Being Boring.m4a
, I# |& h& c: r. v' y  `: t+ J│      2-05 Bet She's Not Your Girlfriend.m4a
4 i& e6 s7 k3 G' J│      2-06 We All Feel Better In the Dark.m4a7 `6 S$ k! g! U7 O/ T* Z
│      2-07 Where the Streets Have No Name (I Can't Take My Eyes Off You).m4a0 s4 Y# a8 ]. v- e3 ~4 q
│      2-08 Jealousy.m4a! ]4 n; L3 i; Y& J- l7 N
│      2-09 Generic Jingle.m4a/ Q% g2 P0 N+ z
│      2-10 DJ Culture.m4a
! k  R  P7 S- [) t, n│      2-11 Was It Worth It.m4a
5 b1 v# q, l4 G( W$ i( p│      2-12 Music For Boys.m4a0 h8 \5 S) g! m( R  F
│      2-13 DJ Culture.m4a, o% }' c3 `2 Y9 _+ J( Y' K! \
4 }9 c6 k9 R+ p' C& f├─2001 - Bilingual_ Further Listening 1995 - 1997 (2018 Remastered Version); K$ K6 ~* h. F; V( E
│      01 Discoteca (2018 Remastered Version).m4a
' ^  S) \; Y) s0 X+ a│      02 Bilingual (2018 Remastered Version).m4a8 i# h  T2 n$ r# v' q
│      03 Metamorphosis (2018 Remastered Version).m4a
* d4 [) Y  r9 l8 n5 R* g│      04 Electricity (2018 Remastered Version).m4a
- }) `# C9 P; Y' o) H│      05 Se a Vida eì? (2018 Remastered Version).m4a1 |/ z# ?* q) N, l" i% `: [+ Z0 q
│      06 It Always Comes As a Surprise (2018 Remastered Version).m4a
0 M+ k$ |- ~& j  R+ U1 W% q& ^│      07 A Red Letter Day (2018 Remastered Version).m4a: w: B! y2 B+ t- Q* I- G2 l
│      08 Up Against It (2018 Remastered Version).m4a
6 \' R8 m: K- S│      09 The Survivors (2018 Remastered Version).m4a
) J$ y5 e( u% L, j│      10 Before (2018 Remastered Version).m4a
% ^2 @4 u5 V6 q│      11 To Step Aside (2018 Remastered Version).m4a
  `# U/ l* c$ c8 l8 c! r│      12 Saturday Night Forever (2018 Remastered Version).m4a
7 @, Q: k. u6 \9 A! b│      13 Paninaro '95 (2018 Remastered Version).m4a
! c: }+ W% d! @│      14 In the Night (1995 Version) [2018 Remastered Version].m4a' d% r& a, A" O5 i4 T
│      15 The Truck Driver and His Mate (2018 Remastered Version).m4a
! p# c9 |1 E; d9 K& G7 w4 T1 y$ i│      16 Hit and Miss (2018 Remastered Version).m4a
# ~' T7 y8 T2 S│      17 How I Learned to Hate Rock 'n' Roll (2018 Remastered Version).m4a
1 X: C! w' {9 j│      18 Betrayed (2018 Remastered Version).m4a
; I  q! p1 P6 M│      19 Delusions of Grandeur (2018 Remastered Version).m4a
" ?# g3 F! y+ I│      20 Discoteca (Single Version) [2018 Remastered Version].m4a0 ~  y# p( j( F% V6 F: t: i  a
│      21 The Calm Before the Storm (2018 Remastered Version).m4a
2 e: H) S6 b" m* Z- ?0 I│      22 Discoteca (New Version) [2018 Remastered Version].m4a
9 h: z  `9 {5 B& w0 Y│      23 The Boy Who Couldn't Keep His Clothes On (2018 Remastered Version).m4a' d# K; a" i* O
│      24 A Red Letter Day (Expanded Single Version) [2018 Remastered Version].m4a% j7 ]4 Y' S1 I* c% S0 \
│      25 The View from Your Balcony (2018 Remastered Version).m4a
# ^5 w0 z: M  Y│      26 Disco Potential (2018 Remastered Version).m4a" _: G6 Y1 F, }* Q  X
│      27 Somewhere (Extended Mix) [2018 Remastered Version].m4a* g1 p! |6 i' d* ~* {
│      ! m! e! C5 q/ z3 V7 U
├─2001 - Introspective (2001 Remastered Version)9 m2 ]0 x( Z; E& D
│      01 Left to My Own Devices (2001 Rema.m4a
0 H1 @3 Y. {6 d0 ~5 o│      02 I Want a Dog (2001 Remastered Ver.m4a
  x7 Z; _; t$ J6 J8 c│      03 Domino Dancing (2001 Remastered V.m4a
2 y9 l9 F0 L" _7 O2 k7 d│      04 I'm Not Scared (2001 Remastered V.m4a' n. I5 A) a- n. O) `& e
│      05 Always On My Mind_In My House (20.m4a$ c7 C/ C& `$ j0 X1 o
│      06 It's Alright (2001 Remastered Ver.m4a8 h' U* ^, x; W
4 g* R# |8 b2 q. _. o  p2 I' Z4 l* J├─2001 - Introspective_ Further Listening 1988-1989 (2001 Remastered Version)) ^3 [' q' P  O% v' i
│      1-01 Left to My Own Devices (2001 Remastered Version).m4a
$ \$ \% z( e8 s6 O/ b& O5 P│      1-02 I Want a Dog (2001 Remastered Version).m4a
, j8 H+ {5 w, P% L& E3 i( Z│      1-03 Domino Dancing (2001 Remastered Version).m4a
0 n3 S) V+ I; ]/ q& L& u) j; K. `│      1-04 I'm Not Scared (2001 Remastered Version).m4a" M( w& e9 U; ^  w; G8 {
│      1-05 Always On My Mind _ In My House (2001 Remastered Version).m4a
. j2 _4 ^( P$ A0 Y! x" x; E│      1-06 It's Alright (2001 Remastered Version).m4a5 q/ ^$ r  l$ ]* j  q$ A* g
│      2-01 I Got Excited (You Get Excited Too) [2001 Remastered Version].m4a
% _2 O: `: u% r8 L! L5 U, V│      2-02 Don Juan (Demo Version) [2001 Remastered Version].m4a7 U4 \  y4 F$ Z+ o8 B
│      2-03 Domino Dancing (Demo Version) [2001 Remastered Version].m4a2 ?: P5 c; _/ ?5 U4 R) ^" ^
│      2-04 Domino Dancing (Alternative Version) [2001 Remastered Version].m4a4 c, }" `# {) m' G" N
│      2-05 The Sound of the Atom Splitting (2001 Remastered Version).m4a2 y" b- q" t, n& O$ Y; p
│      2-06 What Keeps Mankind Alive_ (2001 Remastered Version).m4a! q# \6 |- O6 T) F  Z
│      2-07 Don Juan (Disco Mix) [2001 Remastered Version].m4a
7 N2 T( i: Q$ K# `5 h( A│      2-08 Losing My Mind (2001 Remastered Version).m4a
; V! y1 a& L" b$ q1 x5 |$ J│      2-09 Nothing Has Been Proved (Demo For Dusty) [2001 Remastered Version].m4a
0 [0 R$ q. Z2 ?. Y  c│      2-10 So Sorry, I Said (Demo For Liza) [2001 Remastered Version].m4a( v  u0 D0 ^6 j$ f1 c
│      2-11 Let to My Own Devices (Seven-Inch Mix) [2001 Remastered Version].m4a
9 H' ?3 k  \$ M/ v7 [│      2-12 It's Alright (Ten-Inch Mix) [2001 Remastered Version].m4a) u( U5 v+ g4 ]) F3 P
│      2-13 One of the Crowd (2001 Remastered Version).m4a
8 b1 \  H8 C2 q, E; @│      2-14 It's Alright (Seven-Inch Mix) [2001 Remastered Version].m4a
4 Q# s# K$ w! P│      2-15 Your Funny Uncle (2001 Remastered Version).m4a
2 g* u; Y" j, V; U* X5 Y9 q│      ' d2 |( p5 V5 ?$ q- J& g1 x
├─2001 - Please (2001 Remaster)
/ z8 Y& E& F: Y4 Y│      01 Two Divided By Zero.m4a. S: ?4 U1 ?1 m* w: Y, d
│      02 West End Girls.m4a( }; V0 ]) \3 S# y  t" }
│      03 Opportunities (Let's Make Lots of.m4a9 U! g& Z, r  W. N/ M
│      04 Love Comes Quickly.m4a
& g) g0 k' P* u( n- T+ {) C% {0 \│      05 Suburbia.m4a
' i1 B/ w& M9 g│      06 Opportunities (Reprise).m4a
  x& G3 a' O/ B9 a│      07 Tonight Is Forever.m4a% o% }7 f- A* t  K
│      08 Violence.m4a! x5 R* Q- q7 D9 `
│      09 I Want a Lover.m4a
, l: n0 R2 N2 [3 ~* z0 H│      10 Later Tonight.m4a
6 c  h7 o5 X$ ^( Q7 Z% r' _) Q│      11 Why Don't We Live Together_.m4a2 x! |8 P# P- Y0 w; p1 \* j
│      1 ~/ S! M7 b' C8 T
├─2001 - Please_ Further Listening 1984-1986 (Remastered)
( k" e7 J2 {1 {! a- x* d│      1-01 Two Divided By Zero.m4a
, \8 m9 R3 w, ?6 A  U9 W3 [7 U│      1-02 West End Girls.m4a
0 R  i. P* C3 T) S# ^5 `. o│      1-03 Opportunities (Let's Make Lots of Money).m4a$ i& G: N+ s7 ~  |+ t
│      1-04 Love Comes Quickly.m4a9 g* v- h4 G6 c: \+ t
│      1-05 Suburbia.m4a
( Y, `+ V/ Y2 N7 y7 [│      1-06 Opportunities.m4a
& T: M* a( B9 A0 Q; A  m│      1-07 Tonight Is Forever.m4a6 B- G$ Y2 J8 n8 Q* l: }' O; \
│      1-08 Violence.m4a; A; Q8 H6 d4 C! j+ d
│      1-09 I Want a Lover.m4a" L4 C- h! E: R( `0 z7 T
│      1-10 Later Tonight.m4a
5 u) u' J8 B3 H3 T+ y9 k$ E│      1-11 Why Don't We Live Together_.m4a$ @/ ]+ p2 H9 e1 Y8 N
│      2-01 A Man Could Get Arrested.m4a6 o: Q* G9 A5 B8 ^
│      2-02 Opportunities (Let's Make Lots Of Money).m4a
. v* l0 D6 l' l+ U4 k│      2-03 In The Night.m4a; ]3 ]! E) y: r1 e
│      2-04 Opportunities ( Let's Make Lots Of Money).m4a
* t. X9 d6 L! w$ N│      2-05 Why Don't We Live Together_.m4a$ b) E* r; x$ j9 N- c# R0 p( Y! `6 \
│      2-06 West End Girls.m4a; O$ s1 G) g& d* {: Q
│      2-07 A Man Could Get Arrested.m4a
+ v. D" ], M* U( V, B7 u│      2-08 Love Comes Quickly.m4a
7 \( s* D) I' w  A1 F│      2-09 That's My Impression.m4a% B$ \' o7 i7 Q7 T5 W
│      2-10 Was That What It Was.m4a
+ h  [, j: _7 ?! W2 V& H│      2-11 Suburbia (The Full Horror).m4a' Y( ~, [; D7 G% @- a3 _
│      2-12 Jack the Lad.m4a
9 a  m. S  [# Y7 c│      2-13 Paninaro.m4a
: ~" S& U6 n. f# o9 ~1 ]│      
  l7 f( W: z; h" V5 V+ y* k├─2002 - Release  ], |- D& C7 e" v
│      01 Home and Dry.m4a
' i+ z' Q  `6 ~3 ~( w│      02 I Get Along.m4a" e. ^: _, d' g
│      03 Birthday Boy.m4a0 N9 F/ `: f* i; T
│      04 London.m4a
7 Y+ p3 H  o- h. Z│      05 E-Mail.m4a9 b* \4 ^- R5 `
│      06 The Samurai In Autumn.m4a
) x5 N7 \& E, O+ N  k│      07 Love Is a Catastrophe.m4a
& J5 O5 u9 O2 c* W6 u" O│      08 Here.m4a
) X9 w* f: i7 i7 m$ {! P$ I│      09 The Night I Fell In Love.m4a
3 b# O+ G, L; @* V8 e( X/ L│      10 You Choose.m4a% n( \( @. d5 _. m7 D4 g" h9 C! G( Z
│      / b& q" Y( d8 E( N3 t5 C
├─2003 - Disco 3. N) V5 `- E! w) J; f! j( Q: `% B
│      01 Time On My Hands.m4a
7 N" x0 R1 x, d5 M/ J│      02 Positive Role Model.m4a
3 g9 u8 c+ F" \! C* t│      03 Try It (I'm In Love With A Married Man).m4a
  t. x, F* Z" o; N# I  Y│      04 London (The Radikal Blaklite Edit).m4a/ r4 e8 Y2 H" V  H$ m7 e+ ~) H
│      05 Somebody Else's Business.m4a6 y& E2 v+ R- W2 `9 ^# }! e
│      06 Here (PSB New Extended Mix).m4a
, y7 P/ |5 G, j( j; }. U' B│      07 If Looks Could Kill.m4a/ T' U5 f% _# m- [+ h, F3 ]
│      08 Sexy Northerner (Superchumbo Mix).m4a+ H& G- _& n! a4 i
│      09 Home And Dry (Blank & Jones Remix).m4a
- D5 J6 y! Y; F6 L. k2 L# J│      10 London (Genuine Piano Mix).m4a
# t$ Y, r# n/ d4 P) h│      
( |& X) p& o6 E1 T( H├─2006 - Concrete (In Concert At the Mermaid Theatre)1 I' L4 L5 z* |- M" L/ J
│      1-01 Left to My Own Devices.m4a
" O. P+ ?$ R; `# r│      1-02 Rent.m4a8 |' A; w7 x# d/ y
│      1-03 You Only Tell Me You Love Me Wh.m4a
6 A- U5 d6 _  A9 l- \│      1-04 The Sodom and Gomorrah Show.m4a. E1 Z: T& i, W/ D' F5 {" D
│      1-05 Casanova In Hell.m4a
& X: q# c- ^9 `. P' q│      1-06 After All.m4a
6 g: t4 P7 h% q) J│      1-07 Friendly Fire.m4a# u; B: D! W% i5 U
│      1-08 Integral.m4a
! ^- r6 X. {, I  ]! U! t& `│      2-01 Numb.m4a
5 D. J& n, P4 M! r' [& V  a│      2-02 It's Alright.m4a
9 E5 ?+ u, I; Z+ x, Q. F│      2-03 Luna Park.m4a5 o  C6 |, L# _, D" x; |
│      2-04 Nothing Has Been Proved.m4a- [4 T* C: e  O1 x( @: {, y
│      2-05 Jealousy.m4a
" n7 J' p9 q9 |. N' g2 V│      2-06 Dreaming of the Queen.m4a" }* r6 @! y& i+ b3 M" C4 a$ |, @
│      2-07 It's a Sin.m4a5 Z6 E+ R. {( |5 w
│      2-08 Indefinite Leave to Remain.m4a
  p. p" Q! ]. N' ?+ ^│      2-09 West End Girls.m4a( ^/ Z7 F. z" d$ q2 o# x7 h
│      1 k. f- N) Z0 T' E6 F$ L8 C
├─2006 - Fundamental' @) T" [9 a! r' E) h4 D3 W
│      01 Psychological.m4a
  I6 ], Q) ~8 W5 @│      02 The Sodom and Gomorrah Show.m4a
: C; `" D; J; B, \1 k+ y' V4 P│      03 I Made My Excuses and Left.m4a9 _1 O+ i: u. W& B* a! E2 p: x
│      04 Minimal.m4a4 z0 w1 F5 D0 V9 S. m/ O- Q
│      05 Numb.m4a( d  X4 t' G: v! h3 K
│      06 God Willing.m4a
; g; X0 X2 x& T' i( V; d' M" M│      07 Luna Park.m4a( i# R% s- x# u5 }' z
│      08 I'm With Stupid.m4a
: i4 G! L4 g9 v│      09 Casanova In Hell.m4a0 B( C3 ~6 ?" h
│      10 Twentieth Century.m4a8 s7 X- |! a0 H0 J- o1 X
│      11 Indefinite Leave to Remain.m4a9 k: k$ n- H) f/ m0 n
│      12 Integral.m4a6 M6 @2 g% B& C3 \5 d
# M( m- B# H9 P' r% E* s$ _├─2006 - Numb - EP! Z- Y. U% U( Y9 |; b' d
│      01 Numb (New Radio Version).m4a
2 K. }4 e& H; Y8 T% ?# }  g* u# r│      02 Bright Young Things.m4a
3 H" g/ I! c- [% }│      03 Numb (PSB Original Demo).m4a6 \; I( I; D% D) F
│      04 Party Song.m4a
2 F+ q* J/ R" A! }│      05 Numb (Accapella).m4a
4 l& t; L7 A9 v* @. k- ]│      06 Psychological (Ewan Pearson Mix).m4a
" x8 D, ?6 Y  d* b. `9 o│      
' o  ~2 f9 l$ C5 y( U9 \├─2006 - PopArt_ The Hits, G& {; V' ~* p+ D- _4 l! `
│      1-01 Go West.m4a
8 \+ Z; {% b, E) J2 |( i- N│      1-02 Suburbia (Video Mix).m4a7 T) [1 {! z! m
│      1-03 Se a Vida é (That's the Way Life Is).m4a- j- Y' Y' l5 h6 M7 j
│      1-04 What Have I Done to Deserve This_.m4a. x- {$ f! b6 c' e+ l0 o  u
│      1-05 Always On My Mind.m4a* f- K8 M  I3 A
│      1-06 I Wouldn't Normally Do This Kind of Thing (Beatmasters Mix).m4a
7 M1 i6 F: T! D% [7 u/ Q3 H6 v( ~8 ~│      1-07 Home and Dry.m4a# `2 Y$ `  W) B; @
│      1-08 Heart.m4a
/ |) j" o6 w, K0 W) }3 z│      1-09 Miracles (Radio Edit).m4a  J% U, ?* [0 K2 u- |/ q
│      1-10 Love Comes Quickly.m4a
5 H  g' T6 D; }2 O0 L1 I. t│      1-11 It's a Sin.m4a7 O7 A* `2 h1 J9 {, Q
│      1-12 Domino Dancing.m4a4 V; `8 T+ o3 N/ S
│      1-13 Before.m4a
1 C/ V9 ?( x6 X( ?% X8 A4 z│      1-14 New York City Boy (US Radio Edit).m4a6 B* o" @- g. y2 @7 t7 h3 Y
│      1-15 It's Alright.m4a2 |+ s& e3 a( @: f4 q' o
│      1-16 Where the Streets Have No Name (I Can't Take My Eyes Off You).m4a. T; |% k7 |" r9 A
│      1-17 A Red Letter Day.m4a
7 [+ m- u( a& {* V" x│      2-01 Left to My Own Devices.m4a
2 e! P  h% Z2 E3 a1 j' C9 T3 a$ m│      2-02 I Don't Know What You Want But I Can't Give It Anymore.m4a
) I: |! P2 Y/ B! {0 Y│      2-03 Flamboyant.m4a
( k" E' R" p2 G. T2 f# |│      2-04 Being Boring.m4a  T0 f: `+ Q, w2 E
│      2-05 Can You Forgive Her_.m4a
! d" E3 Q! r, m5 {, ~│      2-06 West End Girls.m4a* k: \- Y& }0 ]: a& L' k+ {  n
│      2-07 I Get Along (Radio Edit).m4a
) E- t" ^& G6 ~6 S" N│      2-08 So Hard.m4a
) \* l- X* T: h  U% j+ [: s: V0 u│      2-09 Rent.m4a
1 H: a- F# V! i; C+ h, _│      2-10 Jealousy.m4a' I( D- r: A: N* g5 \6 F& I
│      2-11 DJ Culture.m4a& z* H7 G2 c, V+ v  G/ o) d
│      2-12 You Only Tell Me You Love Me When You're Drunk.m4a& g5 p! n  Y6 R# ]
│      2-13 Liberation.m4a) W- J3 ]5 j3 A- K  c. X. u
│      2-14 Paninaro 95.m4a  T7 z* q, T! |7 m
│      2-15 Opportunities (Let's Make Lots of Money).m4a; C; s" m$ d4 b0 j
│      2-16 Yesterday When I Was Mad.m4a
3 s: k8 V3 s$ |  L# C│      2-17 Single - Bilingual.m4a
: l: a  K$ h& Y% Q7 n/ ?+ l5 K+ v) T│      2-18 Somewhere.m4a
2 M" M; `# ]7 Q5 v+ j│      
% ?5 z% D1 S- V- }2 G4 S├─2009 - Love Etc. - EP
6 }# G9 V( j; i* w│      01 Love Etc. (Pet Shop Boys Mix).m4a
: M0 s2 ?  M  M+ ^& V│      02 Love Etc. (Gui Boratto Mix).m4a
5 d0 n& X. p( j( Y- {3 C│      03 Love Etc. (Kurd Maverick Mix).m4a1 \8 Q3 S9 s5 O0 X% ?
│      04 Love Etc. (Frankmusik Star & Garter Dub).m4a  ~# r: R9 E( e8 I2 {" i
6 A; b! f7 W3 C├─2009 - Love Etc. - Single/ v9 g+ ^/ I# V4 S
│      01 Love Etc..m4a
, c$ C* h# l; K. q! U! u│      02 We're All Criminals Now.m4a% F: W7 G( ^5 B) @
│      / p) n  W. h9 R% {+ X# ]; d9 h
├─2009 - Pet Shop Boys Christmas - EP& E7 y1 C( J9 p
│      01 It Doesn't Often Snow At Christma.m4a
/ K! S( }* A) z! e1 p│      02 My Girl.m4a. [4 d0 p. c# n$ [) k
│      03 All Over the World (New Version).m4a1 i" O: c- f4 t  m2 [( o
│      04 Viva la Vida _ Domino Dancing.m4a- B; ]5 j- m  |' q
│      05 My Girl (Our House Mix).m4a! x' X( `& s' m; s2 S
│      6 m+ z5 e& L( n; e2 j2 N
├─2009 - Yes
4 t5 t+ N+ ^/ w8 v│      01 Love Etc..m4a
$ q  B0 H4 q( r& X  `9 ~│      02 All Over the World.m4a( K% N" M1 y/ M+ Y6 k
│      03 Beautiful People.m4a  X* ^9 e' k% J. @) _
│      04 Did You See Me Coming.m4a, i2 f# U( a, Z
│      04 Did You See Me Coming_.m4a! ?  Z+ Z% c; n( d- B
│      05 Vulnerable.m4a2 D0 J$ d8 V6 V4 b
│      06 More Than a Dream.m4a
% W- Q9 z! n' g% d9 `6 [- Y9 L│      07 Building a Wall.m4a
3 Y; G( k3 q# R2 r. f- J│      08 King of Rome.m4a" W, x0 I0 o) j6 Y3 p
│      09 Pandemonium.m4a
! |, B$ U1 d  L% E- s- o' z│      10 The Way It Used to Be.m4a8 E; n* J$ P/ F8 F7 \
│      11 Legacy.m4a
  A# w' n; \7 M' a3 n1 b7 `│      12 Love Etc. (Pet Shop Boys Dub).m4a
% n3 }) t1 [# b# A/ m│      % p. ?$ B) t$ |
├─2010 - Together - EP
5 H6 `9 ?6 M' b& Z. X│      01 Together (Ultimate Mix).m4a! Z$ s  {3 q6 z/ h7 t* a' X
│      02 Glad All Over.m4a: ^  n7 ], k3 U$ N  g8 r
│      03 I Cried for Us.m4a) N3 s% g& t6 _. L8 b4 q) A! |
│      04 Together (Extended Mix).m4a! A; p7 n; \$ d0 y' X' e; n
│      $ E- k% k8 Z) L# b' W7 n
├─2010 - Ultimate
* q/ ~) y7 M) K/ ?! S+ [│      01 West End Girls (Remastered).m4a7 S7 g  T4 g) G# r1 _
│      02 Suburbia (Remastered).m4a% C0 B( E) c0 b% p; V/ P/ P
│      03 It's a Sin (Remastered).m4a& i* \( i; C9 V. O. ^
│      04 What Have I Done to Deserve This_ (Remastered).m4a2 F% v: t6 U* @% t( E9 K# ]
│      05 Always On My Mind (Remastered).m4a
& u5 `& `" \+ r7 V' m│      06 Heart (Remastered).m4a: X. R7 Q+ f9 f- b) A" F" C7 J4 \+ E
│      07 Domino Dancing (Remastered).m4a4 Z% ~8 F% r. H  W5 C& i; {- J
│      08 Left to My Own Devices (Remastered).m4a* {' n- G  v9 ]5 p$ [4 x5 v
│      09 Being Boring (Remastered).m4a- g( Q& @/ R5 O
│      10 Where the Streets Have No Name (I Can't Take My Eyes Off You) [Remastered].m4a
' w! @7 J7 S6 v; D│      11 Go West (Radio Edit).m4a( M) \+ A7 w2 j' d, Q( s
│      12 Before (2001 - Remastered.m4a
  ~7 C% A2 A1 n. S│      13 Se a Vida é (That's the Way Life Is) [Remastered].m4a  N5 w* q% y; {( o/ d
│      14 New York City Boy (US Radio Edi.m4a/ s+ W$ a7 J! u% P
│      15 Home and Dry (2001 - Remastered.m4a
. F( t1 m/ q5 {* d' z: f! y│      16 Miracles (Radio Edit).m4a: K( m1 \- C$ X: B+ U% d
│      17 I'm With Stupid.m4a7 L! p9 h. h9 f8 i
│      18 Love Etc..m4a9 `0 N- `4 B$ g: j4 S6 i/ h
│      19 Together (Ultimate mix).m4a8 C& v- d, T7 \3 S/ e  u
│      2 n3 M# g# |8 g* t* _
├─2010 - Ultimate (Deluxe Edition); w& x" p6 D# d! ?4 I" r$ ]
│      1-01 West End Girls (Remastered).m4a  ^9 _- i  `) a8 F8 e
│      1-02 Suburbia (Remastered).m4a
) U3 h6 G* b# u8 M│      1-03 It's a Sin (Remastered).m4a* r1 B* }* X* V8 [9 ]
│      1-04 What Have I Done to Deserve Thi.m4a
8 M: K& v! W; g6 S0 j2 V: ?│      1-05 Always On My Mind (Remastered).m4a3 z/ O& s9 m$ u! {1 R& H' y
│      1-06 Heart (Remastered).m4a, N5 x  {+ s( D( ~
│      1-07 Domino Dancing (Remastered).m4a
5 \2 u5 s! p- L│      1-08 Left to My Own Devices (Remaste.m4a1 q, r; Y& A. d: Z* I* T+ J
│      1-09 Being Boring (Remastered).m4a
7 F3 `. V, ~; w│      1-10 Where the Streets Have No Name.m4a
& I1 E% d% H1 {' `/ I- l+ d, [) f3 p│      1-11 Go West (Radio Edit).m4a
* Z" V5 W3 e3 f- X% w3 \│      1-12 Before (Remastered).m4a
: N! h( L# ]& c│      1-13 Se a Vida é (That's the Way Lif.m4a; l' d! S4 l! a2 K8 @2 J( w
│      1-14 New York City Boy (US Radio Edi.m4a( P, O" V& g6 l; h' b
│      1-15 Home and Dry (Remastered).m4a
4 X( n4 Y$ J, n( o│      1-16 Miracles (Radio Edit).m4a
1 R$ Z& c, _; S  T│      1-17 I'm With Stupid.m4a2 N. f" ]  X; o- b
│      1-18 Love Etc..m4a, _! J; p1 [7 m1 a$ u2 |
│      1-19 Together (Ultimate mix).m4a/ N! x6 w: T) L) R
│      2-01 West End Girls (BBC Top of the.m4v% f5 Q& I& I: F- Q- u( W& C) d! g
│      2-02 Love Comes Quickly (BBC Top of.m4v
0 C& z% G4 l4 j- e! E: u│      2-03 Opportunities (Let's Make Lots.m4v
4 D- ?5 G+ z, C! A│      2-04 Suburbia (BBC Top of the Pops).m4v
3 R% |7 ], ]! {│      2-05 It's a Sin (BBC Top of the Pops.m4v0 T" a$ d8 v  ?! z
│      2-06 Rent (BBC Top of the Pops).m4v( Z5 t# }: E/ F5 \5 B
│      2-07 Always On My Mind (BBC Top of t.m4v
8 k7 p2 D. |8 Y( C9 ]│      2-08 What Have I Done to Deserve Thi.m4v
- G% y5 E3 `6 f8 {6 @│      2-09 Heart (Wogan).m4v
' h4 ^7 v8 V9 s( s│      2-10 Domino Dancing (BBC Top of the.m4v  M. ?# ^+ U) `$ R( j" w
│      2-11 Left to My Own Devices (BBC Top.m4v* q' }) H" E8 ^% x6 t$ z5 m
│      2-12 So Hard (Wogan).m4v' c/ t9 k0 G9 R# ~* u7 E
│      2-13 Being Boring (BBC Top of the Po.m4v
9 S$ s9 h1 J% n" [) F1 ]6 r3 w│      2-14 Can You Forgive Her_ (BBC Top o.m4v
$ g/ W' N& ?! ~│      2-15 Liberation (BBC Top of the Pops.m4v( z" k, o, `9 q( P8 S3 |, T
│      2-16 Paninaro '95 (BBC Top of the Po.m4v6 N4 d. a4 ?7 V( _: B$ T- w  {
│      2-17 Se a Vida é (BBC Top of the Pop.m4v' @4 _" C2 m  ~& S) s+ v
│      2-18 A Red Letter Day (BBC Top of th.m4v: J' }8 q9 ?9 C5 |% T3 N1 C
│      2-19 Somewhere (BBC Top of the Pops).m4v+ A) c0 n0 X6 w6 ~
│      2-20 I Don't Know What You Want But.m4v+ L9 k+ l* E! T3 z2 b3 \2 r- f7 H
│      2-21 New York City Boy (BBC Top of t.m4v
9 C9 W$ c7 P4 Z2 _│      2-22 You Only Tell Me You Love Me Wh.m4v
$ h6 E7 Y& b$ A0 p3 a$ c3 H│      2-23 Home and Dry (BBC Top of the Po.m4v$ R5 f+ }! V+ l+ J0 |7 W5 @
│      2-24 I Get Along (BBC Top of the Pop.m4v
8 R% H' a/ P) I7 l! n7 S- A( c│      2-25 Miracles (BBC Top of the Pops).m4v5 Q+ v6 ?" S& G7 E3 T
│      2-26 Flamboyant (BBC Top of the Pops.m4v
  K) H* ^; ]& l  _│      2-27 I'm With Stupid (BBC Top of the.m4v
" g/ U9 I! r- r  Z3 O6 N" [│      
; z( X/ J% C* Q2 J" ^' g├─2012 - Elysium
5 y+ K4 v. B4 e* i5 s( D) D/ H│      01 Leaving.m4a# e8 u( Q7 Z1 l1 ^
│      02 Invisible.m4a4 i" x1 s/ U( @! }" j' q
│      03 Winner.m4a3 _$ a1 U7 k3 D5 B
│      04 Your Early Stuff.m4a: I& |$ _- }* l( Y! _. |  }
│      05 A Face Like That.m4a
0 Q" p  V! [5 Q0 G0 q│      06 Breathing Space.m4a' }3 S  [+ ?; b* W
│      07 Ego Music.m4a0 \: r: J. {( R! |# D  z( K- j! U6 ^
│      08 Hold On.m4a' `( S3 [. j9 F* v, z" i
│      09 Give It a Go.m4a
7 |: Q  t( ^. V# E0 O8 ?& t│      10 Memory of the Future.m4a
* J8 }0 |% P, c│      11 Everything Means Something.m4a; ]( p! K; A8 r6 o  s: Z: r( I4 s$ I" R
│      12 Requiem in Denim and Leopardskin.m4a" y1 n0 K# s$ w0 k  k; W2 Y  Z
- d$ P- V/ b2 Y9 K├─2012 - Elysium (Deluxe Version)
7 i0 V* n+ o1 [/ F/ v( p. y1 ^│  │  1-01 Leaving.m4a
2 ~/ f# ?9 \9 X1 a│  │  1-02 Invisible.m4a" j8 J8 t, T+ W9 D( U
│  │  1-03 Winner.m4a
" ^: \  g7 K( K8 @8 b2 ^│  │  1-04 Your Early Stuff.m4a
1 k! @: ?# N4 h( l) h│  │  1-05 A Face Like That.m4a
) n1 z& o# x- d& `0 n. Z│  │  1-06 Breathing Space.m4a
! z  i+ [' b; ~4 W- n- B2 u! w: K│  │  1-07 Ego Music.m4a, W0 ?& K/ Q! k9 w* r' r! D+ t" |9 J
│  │  1-08 Hold On.m4a) S0 b4 Y  g' H- d5 _4 x. Y
│  │  1-09 Give It a Go.m4a6 \. j' a5 h. I9 F3 S% `
│  │  1-10 Memory of the Future.m4a
6 q. |5 b9 y' y( _$ y0 [│  │  1-11 Everything Means Something.m4a0 x* U$ q& j$ g
│  │  1-12 Requiem in Denim and Leopardski.m4a& i6 l8 |2 Y; ?6 o& V# u
│  │  1-13 Elysium Track By Track (with Da.m4a
, A+ N% o6 e$ Z) S* y│  │  2-01 Invisible.m4v8 H* @7 o' E7 \) F3 W) F
│  │  2-02 Winner.m4v
' J/ z# L& @* a: ~' `$ X: x& S│  │  
) X4 }/ U; h' g3 |4 M│  └─Elysium - iTunes LP.itlp
2 T; Z% }: h. j0 v9 |│              2 f& h* l" c9 ~" A+ Z
├─2012 - Format (Remastered)
: T* k# R9 X8 ~3 ?/ E5 x9 D4 K│      1-01 The Truck Driver and His Mate.m4a
! p3 }+ w7 f' I! `. b  D│      1-02 Hit and Miss.m4a
5 m' c7 p/ D# u! b* V+ m$ u5 K' @│      1-03 In the Night 1995.m4a
! s) y. Y; u9 q0 ~" p7 T# M│      1-04 Betrayed.m4a3 X# T8 H+ x' d  d' T) P4 k6 g) ^" y
│      1-05 How I Learned to Hate Rock-and-Roll.m4a5 d) G- ^# S4 o3 [, Z8 Z3 j
│      1-06 Discoteca (New Version).m4a6 I# S+ |! y& Y6 _  l1 U. t4 ^9 p( X
│      1-07 The Calm Before the Storm.m4a4 n$ @" Y6 o+ Z, e) X- b; d
│      1-08 Confidential (Demo for Tina Turner).m4a
0 r7 y7 P8 X- d│      1-09 The Boy Who Couldn't Keep His Clothes On.m4a% w1 i$ P% u# I& ^, ?
│      1-10 Delusions of Grandeur.m4a
- f1 D2 F& I  b: D7 {/ G8 m7 L│      1-11 The View from Your Balcony.m4a: Y, a% l5 |( y7 M. ^5 F" j! g
│      1-12 Disco Potential.m4a; i* V( L5 H# u$ x: L
│      1-13 Silver Age.m4a
( u; X3 v$ d) z; I! p│      1-14 Screaming.m4a
+ {0 s' _4 O9 ^+ e│      1-15 The Ghost of Myself.m4a
" c% P& H& R9 K4 T- t. a2 E( X3 A│      1-16 Casting a Shadow.m4a
- L( L  h" n5 W8 m9 |: {& z1 q│      1-17 Lies.m4a8 k8 X/ A4 q9 v
│      1-18 Sexy Northerner.m4a
  |0 i! T9 k2 J4 [* ?; N│      2-01 Always.m4a) c2 K& a' O, @1 S5 [' I# [
│      2-02 Nightlife.m4a
( r/ K5 v- n8 n│      2-03 Searching for the Face of Jesus.m4a7 B. m% G9 y: J! D7 n5 ]" W- @
│      2-04 Between Two Islands.m4a5 m9 D( V8 G+ i4 M5 k7 p
│      2-05 Friendly Fire.m4a4 f1 v  Q& f6 }$ r! s7 J, v8 @0 V
│      2-06 We're the Pet Shop Boys.m4a! t; A. Q7 O8 A% [3 a; b
│      2-07 Transparent.m4a# B8 f: i  k2 Q3 y, X! @
│      2-08 I Didn't Get Where I Am Today.m4a
3 z! K. Y, j1 |8 D2 w│      2-09 The Resurrectionist.m4a% a5 F% u3 n3 H- o: S
│      2-10 Girls Don't Cry.m4a
8 ]* a4 i& A, J% C5 @: q# D6 G) q│      2-11 In Private (7-Inch Mix).m4a) `  d+ _- d( U( O( S9 m# U
│      2-12 Blue On Blue.m4a- A: Q9 W7 f, v
│      2-13 No Time for Tears (7-Inch Mix).m4a
9 \5 w( T; y* h5 y│      2-14 Bright Young Things.m4a
5 A6 K% U0 C0 y' e│      2-15 Party Song.m4a
! H" t) B% H- ?! r; N│      2-16 We're All Criminals Now.m4a
& @7 q, e0 R  g2 B% k) d9 _│      2-17 Gin and Jag.m4a4 v  k: z, T7 M- a4 n' p
│      2-18 After the Event.m4a
" y8 q- W2 i- G) t# U│      2-19 The Former Enfant Terrible.m4a: `5 _- S2 p8 E% S( H: I
│      2-20 Up and Down.m4a
6 b; T  ?( _2 C) k5 A│      
! T+ q% B7 l! O+ n& P/ \8 t├─2012 - Leaving Again - Single
  w1 r3 z4 j! |. m│      01 Leaving (PSB Side-by-Side Remix).m4a1 b" ^( k8 q  \0 n) o
│      02 Leaving (HappySad Remix).m4a- I9 a( o- L. P8 D0 g
│      03 Leaving (PSB Freedom Remix).m4a$ h3 y* M- u) i% a* F( O
* o4 L* l- @$ K# Y, a├─2012 - Leaving Remixed - EP
6 z& _" @+ c3 @  a│      01 Leaving (Lost Her Love Remix).m4a
  U; s+ r+ J+ S0 x1 _│      02 Leaving (Believe in PSB Remix).m4a4 o, p7 J6 A' R1 H& {) |
│      03 Leaving (Demo).m4a, L& [. I* @1 A
│      6 Z6 s8 r( T3 d- H5 R: O6 ]
├─2012 - Memory Of The Future - EP# P9 i. n  b# \8 F6 \
│      01 Memory of the Future (New Single Mix).m4a
) Y0 W" H  H0 `# Z" G" h9 G5 }' m│      02 Listening.m4a
9 _6 Z: |+ K$ `8 l$ _' ^: D6 i│      03 One Night.m4a  p, ~9 n( |: {8 N" d$ q
│      04 Inside.m4a5 v7 M0 V4 \( U
│      0 k/ K) u9 g. k  Q
├─2012 - Memory Of The Future Remixed - EP. S: d2 p3 b0 R9 h' w) ^! k
│      01 Memory of the Future (Stuart Price Extended Mix).m4a. W/ ~8 `4 M* o! c+ U- u+ `
│      02 Memory of the Future (Ulrich Schnauss Remix).m4a
2 n: G5 n  M5 m, R) d" Y$ h7 s' @│      03 Memory of the Future (DJ Waldo Squash remix).m4a
7 A* H& H+ X( w' x& ~# p3 K. K  ~│      04 Memory of the Future (Digital Dog Club Mix).m4a0 Y/ a1 s( s1 U. f5 l4 ^' f
│      05 Memory of the Future (Digital Dog Dub Mix.m4a) e$ ]# L% i% z3 A. K  [& O
│      + O! k8 z) `3 u, [% Q" l7 W
├─2012 - Winner (Remixed) - EP' p7 n: H" p, E- T1 X/ P
│      01 Winner (Andrew Dawson HappyHour Remix).m4a
  H, D: y! ]# l6 y6 z# V│      02 Winner (John Dahlback Remix).m4a7 c2 o* S! w$ b
│      03 Winner (Niki & The Dove Remix).m4a
* x0 d7 S  R/ J- f0 t│      04 Winner (Andrew Dawson Extended HappySad Remix).m4a
  O- M0 _( I& E│      
2 o$ Y$ w2 @) `, N: Y├─2012 - Winner - EP
5 U$ M. m# m2 V9 ~9 d│      01 Winner.m4a
  y' s4 Q4 ]' I% ], c+ \4 [- b│      02 A Certain _Je ne sais quoi_.m4a
' n1 i) ^" J1 \# p4 a* L│      03 The Way Through the Woods (Long V.m4a$ H2 {9 x2 X& e* L1 o+ S
│      04 I Started a Joke.m4a
& ~+ V/ i) k  p* _6 J; P# e1 i│      
, l1 s) p# {3 K  j) \" d! J6 P8 J% o├─2012 - Winner - Single5 o+ K& g5 o3 Y8 X' O+ d
│      01 Winner.m4a
3 h  y! M7 G# b4 d7 I2 ~# @│        C6 S5 G6 P- R( @% b+ X; e0 _, E
├─2013 - Axis (Boys Noize Remix) - Single
, `7 e, ~3 Q3 E* Y/ h1 p3 P& u│      01 Axis (Boys Noize Remix).m4a1 Y- ^$ q  d! B/ G7 n
# c& s: x  L9 x├─2013 - Axis - Single
' g* O$ N3 V5 u7 ^( u0 x# a│      01 Axis.m4a5 x: b/ p3 p9 n! E. d
$ k6 F9 _# @, P; M) u1 t├─2013 - Electric2 E  G, u! ]  W7 h' v' W; _
│      01 Axis.m4a0 C! H& L, O4 F/ s
│      02 Bolshy.m4a) P# A9 w. c: V6 `5 E5 W) q
│      03 Love Is a Bourgeois Construct.m4a
9 e" n5 M) ?3 G# u* L% P, u│      04 Flourescent.m4a
( g/ t& P* ?* @│      05 Inside a Dream.m4a) ?) O7 K; g1 X- Q  C/ Y3 W/ q
│      06 The Last To Die.m4a
! j. m4 V" `' {. @8 w' c+ U│      07 Shouting In the Evening.m4a
6 Q9 t2 G1 Q) d│      08 Thursday.m4a
' y: ~" C7 o1 E( T1 x8 n3 k│      09 Vocal.m4a; {, N: q3 j1 |& p
│      10 Axis (Boys Noize Remix).m4a7 v, C/ L) ]/ C* R; U
│      11 Axis (Boys Noize Dub Remix).m4a
! w7 a! N# G% o6 m- w│      
( C0 e( K; @( q) r, }4 l├─2013 - Love Is a Bourgeois Construct (Remixes) - Single
' d6 P: e2 G6 ?! l( }- p' h, T8 g9 h; _│      01 Love Is a Bourgeois Construct (Th.m4a% |. u5 @) `- A/ F, e
│      02 Love Is a Bourgeois Construct (Cl.m4a
/ Z' G5 S" b% F" Y6 }│      03 Love Is a Bourgeois Construct (Li.m4a
6 R' k0 e3 Q4 `2 e│      04 Love Is a Bourgeois Construct (Da.m4a2 N; q' }$ r+ e
│      05 Love Is a Bourgeois Construct (Cl.m4a; U+ m6 h# v' Z& [8 Q. i
│      % W' T* z' e$ G' `
├─2013 - Love is a Bourgeois Construct - EP7 s" T! C% G& o# T; C# }' t
│      01 Love is a Bourgeois Construct (Ni.m4a
5 G# s# n7 S: x2 S+ C5 W│      02 Entschuldigung!.m4a/ `0 J$ b( }& j- R( @6 z
│      03 Get It Online.m4a
4 e5 ?0 U2 _4 {7 |│      04 Love is a Bourgeois Construct (Th.m4a
  X1 R2 g' g0 v( t7 }! e2 F0 I│      
$ R8 A% h9 B* N* m├─2013 - Thursday - EP; r6 o, o& h' V  E' D
│      01 Thursday (Radio Edit) [feat. Exam.m4a
: s' G; p  y  I8 q( c! ^│      02 No More Ballads.m4a
2 ~# ?7 w* D5 f+ A│      03 Odd Man Out.m4a$ |% n! ~  M' n9 J, f. K: O! j  v
│      04 Thursday (Tensnake Remix) [feat..m4a
. Y& A, ]- h) E6 F3 e$ e1 J3 F│      
& l/ {3 m: H) o6 A├─2013 - Vocal (Remixes) - Single
' J$ N8 X# z) k% P; ~4 J* d│      01 Vocal.m4a% ]' B# h6 a" E8 d- Y
│      02 Vocal (Rektchordz Dub).m4a
% ^( b2 e" `$ x8 f1 f1 ]│      03 Vocal (Armageddon Turk Tear Gas Mix).m4a
0 h, B+ }. S4 _. ~* e│      04 Vocal (The Cucarachas Mix).m4a
( a7 \' a' }( ~7 h. _( E/ ^│      05 Vocal (JRMX Club Mix).m4a
6 W% h0 X3 P) S* @. w( ?│      06 Vocal (Nacho Chapado & Ivan Gomez Mix).m4a; W% y4 O; B$ _" c" C- P
│      07 Vocal (Rektchordz Mix).m4a
6 Q" O9 _$ k# D( c, ]│      08 Vocal (WAWA Extended Mix).m4a  {% A0 E6 E% f
│      09 Vocal (The Cucarachas Dub).m4a  Z! m1 f9 i# k3 A1 m
│      + K" y2 d  C# t2 z  C( q5 a0 H
├─2013 - Vocal - Single
0 m9 t$ ^  T/ {│      01 Vocal.m4a  Z: d* P5 ?' L+ q) F
! x  x' B1 T2 |" L  V9 y├─2015 - The Pop Kids (Remixes) - EP) i9 V- G$ B- d* N) z
│      01 The Pop Kids (Offer Nissim Drama Mix).m4a7 R9 O- Y4 n  r5 D1 j1 u
│      02 The Pop Kids (MK Dub Radio Edit).m4a
8 {+ b7 d; l; f; P│      03 The Pop Kids (PSB Deep Dub Radio Edit).m4a  W9 [/ W( F7 Z
│      04 The Pop Kids (MK Dub).m4a) f( N3 w- R) m: _$ ]) Q6 w6 i
3 a/ f) l# E; h/ C├─2016 - Say It to Me - EP5 v0 h4 E/ ~4 x) f4 }2 `
│      01 Say It to Me (New Radio Mix).m4a
+ L2 [& w; m$ M: Y* _  K│      02 A Cloud in a Box.m4a
& y- |- O- v3 f! @$ r│      03 The Dead Can Dance.m4a
3 c3 H% r" D, l5 x- b% ]. P8 [│      04 Say It to Me (Stuart Price Altern.m4a
$ X' l7 O- a# N* S│      
6 N4 W: D# e/ n1 J5 b  i* O4 o├─2016 - Super+ o4 E' ?& D& u4 q; G
│      01 Happiness.m4a. v, V& k. Y. l) \% ^4 Z: N
│      02 The Pop Kids.m4a; P7 E1 z/ W$ l( Z" r" ]
│      03 Twenty-Something.m4a* n+ i% k* M7 Q% g) q
│      04 Groovy.m4a
$ W8 I( W# b/ e. t& `. ?│      05 The Dictator Decides.m4a
1 I- ~( p8 l" Z4 J- e│      06 Pazzo!.m4a0 Z4 f( q" M3 z+ N- x* p+ r
│      07 Inner Sanctum.m4a
2 E; [  ^. W& f, ^% b# B│      08 Undertow.m4a
* }; e% B" Y1 S$ q: J│      09 Sad Robot World.m4a9 j# q9 A9 g$ a$ W( n, s
│      10 Say It to Me.m4a& [+ |/ }  D2 J) h0 r
│      11 Burn.m4a6 ?+ L" \2 D+ k6 e# n; ?2 s
│      12 Into Thin Air.m4a
) C( o( y3 R5 o- ]0 \  x* r│      9 R) s" p3 x* O) ^
├─2016 - The Pop Kids - EP
) n% B( \* m2 x5 i! o│      01 The Pop Kids (Radio Edit).m4a9 F4 @$ j( }- A5 C, t
│      02 In Bits.m4a4 s! }9 o- o1 J5 z1 Y
│      03 One-Hit Wonder.m4a
" c, ?8 _; ?8 B/ A8 O$ C│      04 The Pop Kids (PSB Deep Dub).m4a4 K5 H' _& L2 C; h
│      05 The Pop Kids (The Full Story).m4a5 V0 r9 u" o  o! m' E% t( n
│      ' g- k. T; Y. j7 f+ V0 N: K4 w/ O
├─2016 - Twenty-Something - EP7 B7 F9 }" P5 k
│      01 Twenty-Something (Radio Edit).m4a* |- h3 L/ x* T7 G5 G
│      02 The White Dress.m4a! Z; M/ C9 {$ n
│      03 Wiedersehen.m4a) q9 G9 L$ _( X. r. y
│      04 Twenty-Something (The Los Evo Jed.m4a
: z+ b0 s, a! I8 M( S0 q5 T  `* x& X  Q│      05 Twenty-Something (Kornél Kovács R.m4a
  b7 T4 T1 l2 c  j6 m; @  h│      : K; g# u3 z# @- A: M! N. N
├─2017 - Elysium Further Listening 2011-2012 (Deluxe Edition) [2017 Remaster]
  j9 ?: ^0 t( `6 ^│      1-01 Leaving (2017 Remastered Versio.m4a7 G+ j( M" r& s$ z# g% X
│      1-02 Invisible.m4a: R% u4 a; M( ?% U
│      1-03 Winner.m4a; {# g0 X5 G! e. u8 G" X
│      1-04 Your Early Stuff.m4a
0 }' S0 \9 W" i$ q1 o/ V4 o│      1-05 A Face Like That.m4a$ N, G+ Q: h6 o$ ]! ~
│      1-06 Breathing Space.m4a) n' n$ M* X* e, ^& Q/ M! |5 w% z$ ~
│      1-07 Ego Music.m4a
$ W9 H6 m, s8 [│      1-08 Hold On.m4a: }' A" |( z( f5 J8 i
│      1-09 Give It a Go.m4a
" U3 j/ h" [; d4 Y& }│      1-10 Memory of the Future.m4a' D2 \: B  ]5 g
│      1-11 Everything Means Something.m4a
$ j$ ]* o* {7 ?% h6 }│      1-12 Requiem in Denim and Leopardski.m4a
4 L5 Y- b" l& h4 d! S' {$ n│      2-01 Vocal (Demo).m4a
3 P1 W: Y) J7 p│      2-02 She Pops (Demo).m4a
: l# N5 P6 X1 M) H; R│      2-03 Inside.m4a7 F- V* x; r2 J, [+ T* m4 [
│      2-04 In Slow Motion (Demo).m4a
8 S) c3 S6 q3 @9 E- l$ m│      2-05 Listening.m4a
: d$ Q% Z9 {( \) e│      2-06 Hell.m4a! B; r& o% U- q
│      2-07 The Way Through the Woods (Long.m4a! p! S6 r3 z! C0 g* m
│      2-08 I Started a Joke.m4a; j% t/ r$ j- @( m
│      2-09 In His Imagination.m4a
) c" [6 s' s6 o  c│      2-10 Leaving (Believe In PSB Remix).m4a' r" s- Q9 P+ a, x! I% [$ z6 R* G
│      2-11 Leaving (Side By Side Remix).m4a+ `+ j# Z1 ^( y0 n6 K
│      2-12 Leaving (Freedom Remix).m4a
0 ~  O" a% }. K  p8 {  v│      2-13 Memory of the Future (New Singl.m4a
9 @' U6 ^; f* b  ?  R4 b+ P* j│      
- o0 ^0 g1 r$ D3 n) s9 g7 r├─2017 - Fundamental_ Further Listening 2005 - 20  Y6 j2 R- p  r6 F  i' `: {! J
│      1-01 Psychological (2017 Remastered.m4a
# w" N1 n' I1 f│      1-02 The Sodom and Gomorrah Show (20.m4a  x. M& S; L6 q
│      1-03 I Made My Excuses and Left (201.m4a
6 v+ y- X4 W4 F& ^2 w5 B( E│      1-04 Minimal (2017 Remastered Versio.m4a
6 M: x  u' q- x│      1-05 Numb (2017 Remastered Version).m4a) C5 H$ M% R3 B2 x: w
│      1-06 God Willing (2017 Remastered Ve.m4a
7 t; H+ F% s: q; \│      1-07 Luna Park (2017 Remastered Vers.m4a
2 |' X! T: M$ n│      1-08 I'm With Stupid (2017 Remastere.m4a
: |& W- u' h$ {7 C! E: v  E: l│      1-09 Casanova in Hell (2017 Remaster.m4a
( g/ [* N# E+ G- t3 G9 n3 p│      1-10 Twentieth Century (2017 Remaste.m4a
1 E) [7 N5 [  K2 E  q  p) v, M" }│      1-11 Indefinite Leave to Remain (201.m4a, u$ A9 a8 B% [% r
│      1-12 Integral (2017 Remastered Versi.m4a
; }/ c1 N, N; b+ S  C3 k" m│      2-01 Fugitive (Richard X Extended Mi.m4a
2 Q) \+ z  S/ x& i" L, n│      2-02 Ring Road (Demo).m4a, y* P$ x8 [4 Q  c; k
│      2-03 The Performance of My Life (Dem.m4a) g+ q5 n: j1 F
│      2-04 One-Way Street (Demo).m4a3 ~+ _% \* s, ]$ d& C4 N
│      2-05 Girls Don't Cry (2017 Remastere.m4a
' k1 M( M( W' I1 ?' F6 @6 x│      2-06 The Resurrectionist (2017 Remas.m4a1 O( y" F( _2 H3 S5 K. P# }
│      2-07 The Sodom and Gomorrah Show (Or.m4a
) \7 j; v% C+ d, e. g, x. F│      2-08 Dancing in the Dusk (Demo).m4a) _$ J$ A& r$ f# Q
│      2-09 After the Event (2017 Remastere.m4a
) o( H2 j- k; L) f2 Z# c│      2-10 The Former Enfant Terrible (201.m4a
. o/ d' F9 w- J% t- ~│      2-11 No Time for Tears (Orchestral M.m4a
; j) j9 ^2 T8 d│      2-12 God Willing (Original Full Leng.m4a$ l) F$ q6 p- Q- v
│      2-13 I'm With Stupid (PSB Maxi-Mix).m4a/ U1 R* ]3 g) Y
│      2-14 Answer the Phone (Ringtone) [20.m4a
# _7 [2 o- l1 _, F! |6 _│      2-15 Where Are You_ (Ringtone) [2017.m4a
& L0 k7 o; ~. G' f8 j4 e( b│      2-16 Water (Ringtone) [2017 Remaster.m4a6 m4 w$ [- I& x) g3 f
│      2-17 Numb (Single Edit) [2017 Remast.m4a
! f; V6 {0 `6 I│      2-18 One Night (2017 Remastered Vers.m4a' X. Y+ [: }" [5 H
│      2-19 A Certain _Je ne sais quoi_ (20.m4a. a' l- `% D6 r4 W
│      2-20 Transfer.m4a. C; I$ h9 d  X3 u/ d3 G
│      2-21 Integral (PSB Perfect Immaculat.m4a
1 N6 F9 E. s, c) p) y. g" `1 q│      2-22 Integral (PSB Perfect Immaculat.m4a2 Q% m& i- S) ^- y
│      0 k, c- L, F: u; B
├─2017 - Nightlife_ Further Listening 1996 - 2000; M: p% v8 J4 d4 ^
│      01 For Your Own Good (2017 Remastere.m4a( z. ?6 \5 [- s; m8 A
│      02 Closer To Heaven (2017 Remastered.m4a0 ~+ m1 H  n0 g: b
│      03 I Don't Know What You Want But I.m4a
  D8 }. B8 M# n# a/ z% z│      04 Happiness Is an Option (2017 Rema.m4a9 I5 Y7 Q& I; w# ]$ s- U. L
│      05 You Only Tell Me You Love Me When.m4a
' s/ M+ w' \$ m: O│      06 Vampires (2017 Remastered Version.m4a
) A* x2 ]" J0 O6 D8 `% O│      07 Radiophonic (2017 Remastered Vers.m4a7 m/ x6 t% F$ M$ j* g4 @  Y
│      08 The Only One (2017 Remastered Ver.m4a
+ ?' V" l5 U& @8 k4 C' t# A1 R│      1-09 Boy Strange (2017 Remastered Ve.m4a: W$ F6 S  a* _* G& L
│      1-10 In Denial (2017 Remastered Vers.m4a  ^( y* x' \9 H  J0 C
│      1-11 New York City Boy (2017 Remaste.m4a
. p8 }7 ^8 H2 j, b$ n│      1-12 Footsteps (2017 Remastered Vers.m4a0 [- D% }  R/ {1 G: Q' P
│      2-01 Vampires (Demo).m4a
. B; q' i5 w$ Z9 f$ }$ e│      2-02 For All of Us (Demo).m4a* ~% k: K1 a! _( k
│      2-03 Call Me Old-Fashioned (Demo).m4a7 b# n8 H' E6 Q- V0 m' G
│      2-04 Friendly Fire (2017 Remastered.m4a
) X. p; J2 k0 ?│      2-05 Believe _ Song for Guy (feat. E.m4a
' q7 b( p- ?4 o' D│      2-06 Sail Away (2017 Remastered Vers.m4a! E, g% q+ C/ x/ y/ `# d' B
│      2-07 It Doesn't Often Snow At Christ.m4a
  f' U" T# n( b9 X│      2-08 Nightlife (2017 Remastered Vers.m4a
: Z8 O% J" N( T" P: b7 h* y2 C│      2-09 Playing in the Streets.m4a
% P0 y+ N* C6 M$ _│      2-10 Tall Thin Men.m4a
$ ~2 m( s$ I0 h" O9 P2 U) M│      2-11 Radiophonic (Demo).m4a5 R0 |+ q* b+ u1 O8 v- K% c
│      3-01 Somebody Else's Business (2017.m4a6 |: s' A! Y% t" o- w; F
│      3-02 Silver Age (2017 Remastered Ver.m4a+ ^( o- Z5 Z9 i& x3 i, Y
│      3-03 Screaming (2017 Remastered Vers.m4a
- Y# \- O) J$ k; n  {% {8 s, d) d│      3-04 For All of Us (2017 Remastered.m4a4 D+ @/ e! F% a2 Y8 `  d  K+ ?
│      3-05 The Ghost of Myself (2017 Remas.m4a: ~6 M$ `& l% E: R: V  `
│      3-06 Casting a Shadow (2017 Remaster.m4a
3 L, `( S# J. Y│      3-07 I Don't Know What You Want But.m4a
8 E% s, J! X8 Q" u' e* s; ]│      3-08 Was It Worth It_ (Live) [2017 R.m4a* E  P) I/ d6 F2 m% b2 _* R
│      3-09 Lies (2017 Remastered Version).m4a
8 ?* c9 ~: x3 d( [- Z│      3-10 Paris City Boy (Full French).m4a
! z: Z/ b6 l6 `; ?1 P( K4 l1 y7 s│      3-11 Positive Role Model (2017 Remas.m4a
% c; U/ Q1 W' D, v3 F8 D7 G+ C, ~. B. k│      3-12 Somebody Else's Business (Exten.m4a; d- g: s* L9 r5 j8 H9 x
+ d" E. G; q' R8 p├─2017 - Release_ Further Listening 2001 - 2004
( u: O$ x2 {2 D! H# H6 ]& n│      1-01 Home and Dry (2017 Remastered V.m4a
7 K! J  s% k# _6 q7 B- R5 c│      1-02 I Get Along (2017 Remastered Ve.m4a
3 a. }! E0 Y+ C" V5 B7 g$ w2 T# ~│      1-03 Birthday Boy (2017 Remastered V.m4a
6 s6 W3 Q4 C( }! P$ @4 _│      1-04 London (2017 Remastered Version.m4a; ^6 ?+ {& D. @+ s& V
│      1-05 E-Mail (2017 Remastered Version.m4a3 L  s% O) \/ S+ ^6 M
│      1-06 The Samurai In Autumn (2017 Rem.m4a, K# C) M* J- ^0 r  }' Y
│      1-07 Love Is a Catastrophe (2017 Rem.m4a1 P, P$ I* c2 V7 [1 m2 F
│      1-08 Here (2017 Remastered Version).m4a" l, P3 z: U( D# j% D5 F! g/ e
│      1-09 The Night I Fell In Love (2017.m4a
7 G* B- A" ]1 x8 m+ ~│      1-10 You Choose (2017 Remastered Ver.m4a: \' L$ [& x% i& ^% e/ b1 P* k
│      2-01 Between Two Islands (2017 Remas.m4a
; \& O' M$ P9 ]0 x0 s9 ~│      2-02 Searching for the Face of Jesus.m4a$ n! N; t) L4 C4 @: y+ P8 y! j+ S( g* s
│      2-03 Time On My Hands (2017 Remaster.m4a" h& [9 E( X5 `5 d  Y. A" Y0 `
│      2-04 Motoring (Demo).m4a
: i" f) [; |6 V4 _# C* u│      2-05 Love Life (2017 Remastered Vers.m4a# P" G/ y+ U' p" Y% ?' O
│      2-06 Transparent (2017 Remastered Ve.m4a
7 p3 t, e  _% c/ \5 i/ `* p& O│      2-07 Sexy Northerner (2017 Remastere.m4a% w# n# o3 o6 e" O
│      2-08 The Night Is a Time to Explore.m4a" |& Y: o: K5 k& H0 j
│      2-09 Closer To Heaven (Slow Version).m4a% s8 W' m' X8 {; e$ o$ C, |
│      2-10 Run, Girl, Run (Demo).m4a% V( \8 ~# q8 y( M/ t0 K
│      2-11 I Didn't Get Where I Am Today (.m4a
. l) A4 _/ w! ^│      2-12 Always (2017 Remastered Version.m4a8 E" r: k1 w$ W$ g  @) }
│      2-13 Home and Dry (Ambient Mix) [201.m4a
8 u5 b5 z5 S) A, Z/ n; g8 v6 R│      2-14 Bright Young Things (Demo).m4a
2 E, R' Q/ N" n/ @: U2 J0 K2 V│      2-15 Kazak (Demo).m4a' r7 R2 [: `% {8 q$ _+ i( p) j
│      2-16 A Powerful Friend (BBC Live Ses.m4a' J# w; l$ ^: k+ F! V, ?1 v
│      2-17 If Looks Could Kill (BBC Live S.m4a
" w' l) v9 x' g7 [$ l│      3-01 Try It (I'm In Love With a Marr.m4a9 ?3 Z& V! ?/ @  ]# J
│      3-02 Here (PSB New Extended Mix) [20.m4a' r9 s2 p) c0 J6 ~+ [1 x
│      3-03 If Looks Could Kill (2017 Remas.m4a& L* M1 p. b; D# Q: o6 m, c8 H4 c9 S
│      3-04 A Powerful Friend (2017 Remaste.m4a
- |( h* y  i1 \9 e% y: a6 A3 R│      3-05 Party Song (2017 Remastered Ver.m4a* Q( S) G) ^3 w' r3 b
│      3-06 No Excuse (Demo).m4a
: P' x0 g/ w, m5 Z/ ?│      3-07 Blue On Blue (2017 Remastered V.m4a
1 z# i7 m* J) i) ?: M$ P- M0 q│      3-08 Jack and Jill Party (Demo).m4a
1 R# x6 m! x3 v( N& ?: v' v│      3-09 Baby (Demo) [2017 Remastered Ve.m4a4 I- x9 A7 L/ h! O5 U) j
│      3-10 Flamboyant (Demo) [2017 Remaste.m4a- U8 W# d9 m+ ^# H0 D" ^
│      3-11 Miracles (2017 Remastered Versi.m4a
/ o' B- A" I5 W- R│      3-12 Flamboyant (7'' Mix) [2017 Rema.m4a  ]/ M1 ?( k/ i) e) J
│      3-13 Numb (Demo) [2017 Remastered Ve.m4a
; d' U% a, m- u" Z+ H+ r│      3-14 In Private (feat. Elton John) [.m4a0 [. q* |6 B% A* w# _
│      3-15 Alone Again, Naturally (feat. E.m4a
6 G7 I9 a7 G, h( W: o! A( N7 Z0 d│      3-16 Reunion (Electro Mix).m4a
9 f6 r  {6 a6 y# w" R! {2 w│      3-17 Bright Young Things (2017 Remas.m4a: s2 h+ M: q1 L  l& u+ C3 h% @2 R( j
│      3-18 We're the Pet Shop Boys (2017 R.m4a. Q" ^$ l+ g4 U8 m) e" A8 C+ ]
│      3-19 It's a Sin (Barfly Version) [20.m4a% R+ z  }0 J# [; V/ g
7 K% g, V' N) ^. e- ^: j0 y: [├─2018 - Bilingual Further Listening 1995-1997 (Deluxe Edition) [2018 Remaster]
7 t/ ^$ {4 E& K# ?│      01 Discoteca.m4a
  i5 P2 Q9 y4 F  U│      02 Bilingual.m4a
, Z" f0 t: m# }6 _" R. s│      03 Metamorphosis.m4a8 `3 b" I" y. X, D
│      04 Electricity.m4a
$ U! R- F! h7 Z! C3 }9 j, x8 O│      05 Se a Vida é.m4a
" P8 j2 T" I- Q' |% u. Q│      06 It Always Comes As a Surprise.m4a
9 m/ d6 M! _0 P/ n  T│      07 A Red Letter Day.m4a% V  V1 G! T2 c9 X$ A: d& D
│      08 Up Against It.m4a
0 |6 r! d( I8 `4 f4 o# M2 m. C│      09 The Survivors.m4a7 Z+ Y6 E6 S. D" U
│      10 Before.m4a( S2 {! |% o% V8 _: j5 P% J& {  G
│      11 To Step Aside.m4a  R: @+ s  g) k$ F/ @
│      12 Saturday Night Forever.m4a( q; Q" o6 F- m8 o) R1 q
│      13 Paninaro '95.m4a6 |( z2 J* W! _# d  [. y
│      14 In the Night (1995 Version).m4a
& a3 W% t. k% U& W0 H: a│      15 The Truck Driver and His Mate.m4a6 G  p1 i3 G% a4 z$ a1 ]! D; d( D
│      16 Hit and Miss.m4a2 T0 X4 `! o! @! Q4 b) y/ `  x
│      17 How I Learned to Hate Rock 'n' Ro.m4a3 |2 C0 ~9 O8 T* F* _% U
│      18 Betrayed.m4a& h0 y& ^8 i5 k  w& b
│      19 Delusions of Grandeur.m4a
4 d2 l) Z" q2 N) ~7 R; s+ p6 n* D│      20 Discoteca (Single Version).m4a' m) v4 I. h* W6 x3 q$ H: Y) `1 a
│      21 The Calm Before the Storm.m4a7 a0 ]0 y& s+ y/ s' r: |
│      22 Discoteca (New Version).m4a8 v% z- ^3 q. }- I, y% N
│      23 The Boy Who Couldn't Keep His Clo.m4a
2 \, I# b& a' o4 f, R' @│      24 A Red Letter Day (Expanded Single.m4a9 \/ a: `0 c8 Q( u- w
│      25 The View from Your Balcony.m4a" D; Q1 v: f1 k
│      26 Disco Potential.m4a
6 h2 m6 O) k: f" \1 |* b; |2 ~│      27 Somewhere (Extended Mix).m4a0 S1 R7 Y3 l; q, g+ M8 P
& @4 W  @" K9 ?├─2018 - Introspective Further Listening 1988-1989 (Deluxe Edition) [2018 Remaster]
/ s4 w/ Q6 G- u│      1-01 Left to My Own Devices.m4a( e/ R) c; z0 l% t
│      1-02 I Want a Dog.m4a
- c% |# x0 I% |2 _& T. i│      1-03 Domino Dancing.m4a, j" R  G* t* J
│      1-04 I'm Not Scared.m4a
3 M2 }. W) `4 p3 d# N0 D│      1-05 Always On My Mind _ In My House.m4a
# w* G, V. ~; E2 N│      1-06 It's Alright.m4a
9 h* F3 I$ l8 }/ p- J* D( I│      2-01 I Get Excited (You Get Excited.m4a
$ H+ w" b1 t9 o0 f" \, R│      2-02 Don Juan (Demo Version).m4a
  j! X7 Y8 R# F+ Y8 ]4 q0 g2 Q│      2-03 Domino Dancing (Demo Version.m4a
. @" h- `6 A: O6 M$ `│      2-04 Domino Dancing (Alternative Ver.m4a( A" ~4 r% G/ k( D' f  v# j) S
│      2-05 The Sound of the Atom Splitting.m4a7 m+ A! h$ c: P) D6 S% T
│      2-06 What Keeps Mankind Alive_.m4a3 C# U, h( M* J" r, G! H
│      2-07 Don Juan (Disco Mix).m4a% C/ x2 Z1 b* G' ]2 I+ D$ Y, i0 J
│      2-08 Losing My Mind (Disco Mix).m4a5 e- ~8 [; _; J* H
│      2-09 Nothing Has Been Proved (Demo f.m4a+ a, M1 z- o- M' O/ m$ M
│      2-10 So Sorry, I Said (Demo for Liza.m4a: d% `- ?+ P: o( X
│      2-11 Left to My Own Devices (7'' Mix.m4a
: G) S5 p7 ~' x7 N, v9 M5 e│      2-12 It's Alright (10'' Version).m4a& M, x. n+ w3 r9 X- J* F8 A# {  |% M
│      2-13 One of the Crowd.m4a
+ _! C. o& j# T9 {9 d│      2-14 It's Alright (7'' Version).m4a4 ?- a3 V- H8 K1 e3 R/ U9 _+ ^
│      2-15 Your Funny Uncle.m4a- i" L) g1 Q4 C6 L$ t$ ~, d  b4 [
% o0 M4 v) V3 M! S5 ~/ j# F├─2019 - Agenda - EP5 p+ W8 Z% R$ M! y# H9 X* [3 o$ w
│      01 Give stupidity a chance.m4a5 q% F8 |0 E7 U; z, B. h
│      02 On social media.m4a
( e2 R* n" ~$ E6 Z│      03 What are we going to do about the.m4a+ U1 F  |: x- B& A
│      04 The forgotten child.m4a9 U# t1 s" q/ t* b# F# x
; {8 N9 s8 O9 b* n- n4 `├─2020 - Hotspot
0 y" R. ~7 \# W; S% U7 [│      01 Will-o-the-wisp.m4a6 {' ?4 p  T3 R& v, }) a* p
│      02 You are the one.m4a
* m5 W" b, ~4 ?- J$ e! h6 H/ \│      03 Happy people.m4a
0 z7 M* T" U* p│      04 Dreamland (feat. Years & Years).m4a
1 c- }5 o  P' A" \! D* p│      05 Hoping for a miracle.m4a3 _" g* W  `9 T; S
│      06 I don't wanna.m4a* Z1 l$ P, C( _2 ]5 s! Z
│      07 Monkey business.m4a* }7 O2 A) j( `1 r
│      08 Only the dark.m4a
* j9 \% R3 H; ~0 _. R( u! x│      09 Burning the heather.m4a
8 K" x5 q8 Y# S, U" @8 Z6 _8 `│      10 Wedding in Berlin.m4a7 ~9 N1 `" {7 w1 u) @$ m
# a0 T; k+ @' d$ {+ g├─2021 - Cricket wife - Single
# r3 u4 Z9 {5 t, g3 @) D│      01 Cricket wife.m4a
% v/ D3 `9 t; }  U, o& A+ V│      02 West End girls (New lockdown vers.m4a
6 M# U2 i7 Y$ k│      / i3 y( s! W/ U: Q
├─2021 - Discovery (Live in Rio 1994) [2021 Remaster]
( e8 V2 \2 v4 M│      1-01 Tonight Is Forever (Live in Rio.m4a
" Y. F" h) n7 _+ @: N; u. l% f│      1-02 I Wouldn't Normally do this Kin.m4a/ z4 S/ _" f5 S6 k7 ~& w' n! U( v1 R; Y
│      1-03 Always on My Mind (Live in Rio.m4a- W+ G" A7 l# g* Q
│      1-04 Domino Dancing (Live in Rio 199.m4a
5 U4 F" K& ]+ W* H% C  W│      1-05 To Speak is a Sin (Live in Rio.m4a8 ^, k! \7 Y* D' N9 {# r
│      1-06 One in a Million _ Mr. Vain (Li.m4a
5 E9 t5 d$ P) @7 G│      1-07 Paninaro (Live in Rio 1994) [20.m4a+ \4 y2 v& O' R9 Q3 ?
│      1-08 Rent (Live in Rio 1994) [2021 R.m4a. u& w" d1 v1 ^# z& F, h8 y
│      1-09 Suburbia (Live in Rio 1994) [20.m4a
2 t. G  |9 ^, k- s. b$ H# Q6 V, u; v$ W│      1-10 King's Cross (Live in Rio 1994).m4a
2 N' A: `' Q: j- k4 M' \( Z& K4 q│      1-11 So Hard (Live in Rio 1994) [202.m4a. o  `. D9 j5 G8 p' j
│      2-01 Left to My Own Devices _ Rhythm.m4a7 g% ~% V* D! v3 Q; V1 k
│      2-02 Absolutely Fabulous (Live in Ri.m4a1 j  I9 z3 U) D# n' r+ F. p1 k
│      2-03 Liberation (Live in Rio 1994) [.m4a+ u$ X* I) R4 A4 y3 ~
│      2-04 West End Girls (Live in Rio 199.m4a
# Z+ n6 Q& l7 @! ]8 r$ h6 [│      2-05 Can You Forgive Her_ (Live in R.m4a- X7 v* m+ h3 w$ _- f4 k; [
│      2-06 Girls & Boys (Live in Rio 1994).m4a
8 ]7 C. }9 y: c│      2-07 It's a Sin _ I Will Survive (Li.m4a8 p0 {2 ]  U1 ^9 f# j
│      2-08 Go West (Live in Rio 1994) [202.m4a
+ v* {$ `: [' h  W, I" I│      2-09 Go West (Reprise) [Live in Rio.m4a
- Y( w6 t: R) t6 r4 K4 s│      2-10 Being Boring (Live in Rio 1994).m4a5 I% ?# A* G0 B1 c  k  s; R
│      ( k$ t4 {! {4 b% d. \. U4 c6 ~3 V
├─2021 - My Beautiful Laundrette) T' G1 }6 {2 c* ?7 q
│      01 Omar_s theme.m4a
. N; V2 I$ ~# m" f; j4 b│      02 Angelic thug.m4a
5 V! y% q5 F# _. b0 u│      03 Johnny_s dark side.m4a
; r; G. ?& c" ~) w: v$ d" R│      04 Night sings (Popa_s theme).m4a. K. a7 y5 j: @- }. _
│      05 Johnny_s theme.m4a
5 P( _7 i0 `$ @) r$ e" {6 u# O% k  V│      06 Beautiful laundrette.m4a+ J% \+ |3 x1 U3 a9 u- n0 Q
│      07 No boundaries.m4a: z1 K3 N. w1 d3 F1 Q
0 F4 q, U! A# V$ W/ q* x├─2022 - Purple Zone (The Remixes) - EP
9 ~: D4 t# P: s5 C│      01 Purple Zone (Hercules & Love Affa.m4a; r$ E$ R8 r1 x) j
│      02 Purple Zone (Hercules & Love Affa.m4a& V4 B/ |, H0 V- ?% L7 i3 T3 v
│      03 Purple Zone (Manhattan Clique Rem.m4a
% m2 P7 e, F; U2 o4 ^. e! W3 ]│      04 Purple Zone (Manhattan Clique Dub.m4a$ k" U3 |7 P6 Z( M+ e0 @
" E6 P  S0 x6 _& B├─2022 - Purple Zone - EP
4 u, Y- C5 H( i2 D2 o3 t$ {6 T│      01 Purple Zone.m4a5 i' A6 i+ v# G% s' S
│      02 Purple Zone (Extended Mix).m4a
% [* f# w$ Z6 H│      03 Purple Zone (Club Mix).m4a( o7 K0 x" H+ s; V+ x+ [
│      04 Purple Zone (Club Dub).m4a
$ o/ P3 O) E) w│      / j* s  a3 D% C
├─2023 - Lost - EP
- k. ~% `" K; [7 H' n* J5 s) [6 G│      01 The Lost Room.m4a
, E+ V9 ?1 t# v0 e3 P) ~. J9 C│      02 I will fall.m4a
7 ^* N* B& g  j. |" V2 W9 _4 T│      03 Skeletons in the closet.m4a
2 l, R1 F- y4 H! ]/ _9 A│      04 Kaputnik.m4a
' I$ U- V+ O) X" W! B│      05 Living in the past.m4a4 @6 w  V: b* }- ?5 S
│      4 A) \+ Z8 t. s
└─2023 - SMASH – The Singles 1985 – 2020 (2023 Remaster)/ h# _% k( ^1 X1 s$ I
        1-01 West End girls (2023 Remaster).m4a
5 k. k9 f1 n5 j2 i1 u3 e8 p        1-02 Love comes quickly (2023 Remast.m4a
4 s: r- K+ x- K        1-03 Opportunities (Let's make lots.m4a# n; Q( y* [, _
        1-04 Suburbia (2023 Remaster).m4a
7 C# |5 A; B1 L: s: A& C        1-05 It's a sin (2023 Remaster).m4a1 d2 g, @: n$ \1 Y2 T# {- ?
        1-06 What have I done to deserve thi.m4a3 l8 T* A1 R+ R, Q
        1-07 Rent (2023 Remaster).m4a% K: O% b- l/ `# ]7 q
        1-08 Always on my mind (2023 Remaste.m4a
* h1 w* J! N& Y* v: m7 |1 ]4 o6 X        1-09 Heart (2023 Remaster).m4a
- ^+ V# J1 K3 x) Y        1-10 Domino dancing (2023 Remaster).m4a& E* T5 u* M) }( J
        1-11 Left to my own devices (2023 Re.m4a
& l8 s8 F; k+ A* a& E+ y; H        1-12 It's alright (2023 Remaster).m4a
. T  O8 H4 B1 R7 w  v: \        1-13 So hard (2023 Remaster).m4a' A% G0 B  _4 l& F# [
        1-14 Being boring (2023 Remaster).m4a5 p4 ?* v6 M3 x5 X! a
        1-15 Where the streets have no name.m4a
0 u8 Z3 Q% H  ^; {6 H0 c        1-16 Jealousy (2023 Remaster).m4a" ~3 F, y- q( ^% o6 `1 O3 ~
        1-17 DJ Culture (2023 Remaster).m4a5 s  h" C& ?7 G6 R$ y
        1-18 Was it worth it_ (7_ version) [.m4a
5 f0 s, Y# R4 B1 F5 B  h        2-01 Can you forgive her_ (2023 Rema.m4a1 W; J7 Y4 n% O3 h8 S
        2-02 Go West (2023 Remaster).m4a/ F# G8 @4 F6 s  Q; p. b! `
        2-03 I wouldn't normally do this kin.m4a
7 g% j- U% C# t0 a0 @5 T        2-04 Liberation (2023 Remaster).m4a
" w: z; M3 V7 Y: B        2-05 Yesterday, when I was mad (sing.m4a
# M: j9 R9 w4 A/ K        2-06 Paninaro '95 (2023 Remaster).m4a
! H2 F1 ~9 F4 u% k* [        2-07 Before (2023 Remaster).m4a
$ i( y: _+ A9 Z; G        2-08 Se a vida è (That_s the way lif.m4a2 V& E, W" s" f/ ~% B, `. z' @% C$ L
        2-09 Single-Bilingual (2023 Remaster.m4a$ V) V) {, D  Y4 L: C& f
        2-10 A red letter day (2023 Remaster.m4a
$ R. S- o$ J- s        2-11 Somewhere (2023 Remaster).m4a
- X8 J5 _. w3 R& d9 T        2-12 I don't know what you want but.m4a
' J; B1 H8 a  |9 F4 \' A        2-13 New York City boy (USA radio ed.m4a3 L: f# E& J5 I% t: h4 x
        2-14 You only tell me you love me wh.m4a
' ~% N" `" A. C" _        2-15 Home and dry (2023 Remaster).m4a; V6 h) x5 ^$ o0 p0 V3 ~
        2-16 I get along (radio edit) [2023.m4a, ?# a3 x& n" E) ^
        2-17 Miracles (radio edit) [2023 Rem.m4a
5 u: w% G" L6 p/ E5 {# `; Q        2-18 Flamboyant (7_ mix) [2023 Remas.m4a4 p8 E' l* t6 t, U
        3-01 I'm with stupid (2023 Remaster).m4a
3 t7 T+ ^3 J8 `8 B2 d3 v  k# T        3-02 Minimal (radio edit) [2023 Rema.m4a$ c  D% ]" P5 v$ T: H( a7 m! L# x
        3-03 Numb (single edit) [2023 Remast.m4a
# F+ `& z) a6 B; Y0 b0 B% G; o        3-04 Love etc. (2023 Remaster).m4a
7 c3 ^- Z! \# x/ G$ w1 c        3-05 Did you see me coming_ (2023 Re.m4a
* l4 j7 y5 e. E& Z3 K        3-06 It doesn't often snow at Christ.m4a3 y. I5 \& B7 b* K  K
        3-07 Together (ultimate mix) [2023 R.m4a" t7 l5 \5 D5 t) c) ?
        3-08 Winner (2023 Remaster).m4a
6 o) {0 `, Y8 n5 A- S        3-09 Leaving (2023 Remaster).m4a
/ N3 B+ {2 x% P& b9 K3 \. J2 h: T        3-10 Memory of the future (new singl.m4a
# p. R7 P3 E4 U9 p$ K$ B; F' V        3-11 Vocal (radio edit) [2023 Remast.m4a1 [  K* d! B7 a& q: p9 d, [  a
        3-12 Love is a bourgeois construct (.m4a
# y: G# _  @4 J* T7 {$ h3 J/ Z; h        3-13 Thursday (feat. Example) [radio.m4a
5 q, e/ V& J1 i6 I. j        3-14 The Pop Kids (radio edit) [2023.m4a! b3 y5 {- e$ ^. U3 m
        3-15 Twenty-something (radio edit) [.m4a
- z* j' V6 j, b4 [        3-16 Say it to me (new radio mix) [2.m4a
7 d" F! w9 M0 T* K        3-17 Dreamland (feat. Years & Years).m4a( u: b- o  Q  Z7 j! r
        3-18 Monkey business (radio edit) [2.m4a+ c  ?6 X2 `- n5 [3 _2 j8 j) _
        3-19 I don_t wanna (radio edit) [202.m4a
4 i+ ^/ }; Y$ _4 S: R! D        
' T8 B9 G% I, j4 i5 {
( S- {% `9 c( w  o# q8 R1 D
8 x6 t1 v; g! ], L: g3 y2 `4 h1 W/ I& z. x

2 ?& q3 [# p( _$ m# m
, S1 m' u( B9 C9 `9 n, x
' T% Y) C5 E- ^' m) |% P9 y0 q& a
发表于 2020-5-20 19:06:32 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2020-5-21 12:34:11 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2020-5-29 01:11:25 | 显示全部楼层
Tnank you very much
发表于 2020-6-24 21:13:11 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2020-10-25 19:36:27 | 显示全部楼层
謝謝 老闆
发表于 2020-12-6 04:21:46 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2021-4-24 21:22:00 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2021-8-6 20:35:06 | 显示全部楼层
i love pet shop boys
发表于 2021-8-17 01:28:27 | 显示全部楼层
Damke furs teilen


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