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4 m- B7 ]* l1 K# d
+ w. A, H- N; B' Z
' k9 e9 J3 P$ h; R& F7 L M
' @3 ^9 ~9 ~# a. F埃米纳姆(Eminem)是美国的一名说唱歌手。其风格类型为:Hardcore Rap(硬核说唱)。埃米纳姆最大的突破就是证明白人也能介入到黑人一统天下的说唱(RAP)界中,而且获得巨大的成功。同时他的叛逆不仅长期以来深受美国青少年喜爱,也让他在舆论中始终遭到抨击。Eminem获得的奖杯总数窜至历史第三位,居麦当娜和皮特-加布里埃尔之后。6 n* D! ?7 R: n: B# o, [& M3 h
( q) z% G; P; a) g8 N n/ q t
' j& i! ?% I9 h9 R% q( j4 H左肩膀:念已故Uncle Ronnie(阿姆指出Ronnie是家庭中惟一关心他的人)
: y% \! k6 c h" S手前臂:“D”和“12”意味“Dirty Dozen”在底特律组成乐队团5 z' X2 A9 y; j8 O( k. O; Z5 z
9 _, t O Z! u V+ @; }. ~较低的左前臂:“Hailie Jade”女儿名字
% Y E/ h& W2 @0 e% M5 H腹部:“Rot in Pieces”
6 M- \1 B: d7 [+ r4 W: X右腕关节:“Slit here”8 w+ U2 m/ Q P+ V5 g9 d3 O7 X. Z" V8 R
右肩膀:女儿Hailie的脸- U- S' p* Z8 N% j
% h( O0 i+ @- w) \" A% U
解析“EMINEM现象”+ H' P2 R3 d0 I4 L- L
美 国时代杂志,在2004年12月时,发表一篇名为《影响美国社会的现象人物10》。本文中写道:“当一些明星的本质已经超越明星的时候,当他们能够影响整 整一代人,而不是一群人,或者一帮人的时候。那么他(她)就成为了一种现象。美国历史上诞生过很多伟大的明星。但能够被称之为现象的明星,不过10人。”
2 m4 v+ k( w4 H7 F下面就是Eminem了。2 e' f- n+ C( d. A% b
文章中写到:“这个男孩的音乐是突然之间闪现出来的,像一架战略轰炸机一样,打击了美国年轻人内心思想的薄弱之处。 他的音乐充斥着愤怒,他用一种近乎于呐喊的音量向我们阐述了一些关于暴力、毒品、婊子、女人、同性恋、死亡、阴谋和爱的故事。每一个故事都贴切的体现了这 一代70-80年代出生的美国年轻人的悲哀。也是整个美国社会的悲哀。短短时间里,他就用歌声营造了属于他的——EMINEM现象。”
9 N7 Z# P* d4 i1 c# ^( f! o- G0 l3 |这一段简短的介绍,正是Eminem最真实的写照。
/ Q# g! C |0 h4 K4 q1 t从小生活艰辛的Eminem,几乎没有享受过什么温暖,因此造就了他独立和决绝的性格。小时候的他一直过着那种衣食无着,颠沛流离的生活,因此在他的生命里,我们同时也能看见他的一丝脆弱和孤独。- ?: x+ a& H! n/ M# o2 q) w
+ d' o% P1 [- W8 n; u [Eminem从小在“黑人区”里成长。因此他目睹了许多丑恶的交易,人性的卑劣,一些令人毛骨悚然的枪击事件,暴力 事件。Eminem在接受电台访问的时候,他说过这样一段话。“你能想象在回家的时候,在家门口看见一具睁大着双眼的尸体么?我发誓我看见它了。在以后的 日子里,我最希望的就是上帝保佑我别让我在看见这该死的东西”。1 f$ Y' M% f, N) |& u. \& a
就是在这样糟糕透顶的环境里,Eminem倔强的成长。 ^( {4 y( w' c j1 t% j
( T1 F$ }8 }8 s E" A" J* Y. ^不错Eminem骂总统Bush,骂拉姆斯菲尔德,甚至在接受美国电视节目邀请参加节目录制的时候,现场发挥一段 Rap,在这段Rap里他把他认为虚伪和厌恶的明星骂了遍,其中还包括英国足球运动员贝克汉姆,Eminem在歌里说:“贝克汉姆,你何不去演电影呢?你 这个只会用脸面征服别人的家伙,我想你能拿到奥斯卡,但你绝不会得到世界杯。”这个节目现场录象目前仍然可以在英国“天空”电视台的官方网站上观看。6 ?2 s. q' I* U6 b+ C# M4 Z" r
但是渐渐的,我们也发现Eminem收敛了很多。从他的歌里,我们也能感受一二,他写给他女儿的歌 “Mockingbird”、“Hailie's Song”、以及电影《8 Mile》的歌曲“Lose Yourself”,还有以信件方式向歌迷唱的歌曲“Stan”。让我们觉得,Eminem真的变了。他不再是哪个只会骂街的男孩子了。不知道在哪个时 候,他已经完成了人生的蜕变,从一个男孩变成了一个男人。 Eminem是勇敢的,他的勇敢之处在于,他能把那些别人有意逃避,或者难以启齿的事情全部说出来,全部唱出来。和那些心口不一的人比起来,Eminem 单纯许多。很多人,在心里痛恨某个人或者某件事,嘴巴上却不说。而Eminem的嘴巴和心脏是连接在一起的,他能想到的,就都能唱出来。
: E z0 g; Y0 f2 ^6 h$ l3 k+ v
' F8 I# X3 Q0 _6 d/ Z9 mEminem的成绩:7 V$ a& y' k0 T
首先从他的歌迷群来说,这个群体包含范围之广。主要以全世界的年轻人为主,其次包括各国的总理和总统。其中的代表人 物,应该是加拿大前副总理涅里茨,他曾公开表示他非常欣赏Eminem,Eminem协他的弟子50-Cent和他一手栽培的乐队D12在美国的巡演的时 候,涅里茨几乎场场到场,即使因为公务在身,无法亲临的时候,也叫手下把演唱会全程录制下来。美国媒体据不完全调查,Eminem的歌迷在全世界已经超过 1亿,这对一个歌手来说,已经是个无法想象的成绩。何况这些人里,还包括各个国家的政府大员,官员,甚至是总统。
8 K0 h& y- |/ d( x然后我们再来谈他的唱片销量。Eminem专辑《The Eminem Show》在美国上市三天的时间内,以每秒出售2.3张的令人瞠目结舌的速度,被疯狂抢购。$ N9 z% e q0 b+ J! h
1 @, M0 @0 N& q6 u+ REminem的个性
: \) t% S# k+ A( I1 B( Z他是特立独行的那类人。即使成为了万众瞩目的明星,他仍然和别人斗欧,仍然打架骂人,仍然被警察逮捕。9 ~) G i' v- M) @9 K& b
7 e- C) C1 r; F# g, B2 a$ L6 H“Hip hop向来是以黑人歌手占主导,我并不否认这一点。然而有时白人也不赖,像Beastie Boys,3 rd Bass等等,‘江山代有才人出’,只不过这次轮到了我。”& ]: K. {- u6 J' O F* U
“有时我感觉自己站在世界的顶端,而有时我又感到全世界都在压迫着我。”+ }' G" q! {2 b, u% K0 Q+ L4 I
# i4 U5 Y" Z* g% W0 ^“我想说什么说要说什么,即使被起诉,即使被人揍,我却无所谓,没人能让我停住思想,停住嘴巴。你们想爱我的将来就爱吧,想恨我的,随他去吧!”2 x- p V. X1 x: H2 e! H
! O# q% F) A- h# ?. k0 n6 r" e“如果历史上第一位白人说唱乐手在街上被暗杀或是出现什么事故的话,我想那一定是我”。# J& f3 S3 i5 C$ J$ v3 I
关于妻子,他说:“我和Kim就象是在演戏,但如果说我不爱她或者是因为女儿才和她在一起,那纯粹是在胡扯。我跟她在一起只因为我想和她在一起。我爱她,真的爱她。”2 U' N" m& r! g% u6 v* y
关于美国校园枪击事件,他说:“我们对校园枪击事件抱以深深的同情。但没有人站在那些遇到问题的孩子们的角度上去观 察整个事件,人们只管过自己的。出这种事是因为有的孩子被逼到了疯狂的边缘,我就曾经徘徊在这个边缘上,上学时我常遭到其他孩子作贱,因为我小,因为我是 新来的。”
, s2 P3 b4 r' `( v4 O/ |/ ?, s关于他的影响,他说:“我只是把某些人的想法唱了出来,也许会招来很多讨厌我的人的抨击。但他们爱怎么就怎么,我就想做我自己的音乐。我是个疯子……”1 D: U& q d$ k6 n
这就是美国存在了近三年的疯狂的“EMINEM现象”……- \% ?7 B8 u! |7 o
2 ?4 v$ d7 a# Y6 ?2 L$ A9 [, A$ T" J& `* u+ l; }
6 x" S7 G6 W9 U8 N3 A2 h. F0 L& Y
( ]8 ~7 d1 Y% G8 [- ~
p8 w* W6 {' V4 F0 q! `% X0 {3 s" X& ?3 o8 X! X. M. q& T d0 Q
4 |$ J% P# A* M' p
├─1996 - Infinite - Single0 c% V* l1 [3 k' d; {: g% H
│ 01 Infinite.m4a/ c9 g, g9 Z1 U9 p2 H
" M2 p6 V& P$ ^. i- T├─1998 - Just Don't Give a Fuck - EP R' s, O' u m, @( Z1 @/ r
│ 01 Just Don't Give a Fuck.m4a
$ [" ?$ m( U7 A9 B│ 02 Just Don't Give a Fuck.m4a5 j E1 \* [( v* Y7 y
│ 03 Just Don't Give a Fuck (Instrumen.m4a
. L; E+ W1 Q0 P3 _│ 04 Just Don't Give a Fuck (A Cappell.m4a }% q7 J ^! [4 U
│ 05 Brain Damage.m4a8 B: Y* X/ L Z% S7 w. G, c
│ Just Don't Give a F___ (1080p HD).m4v" |+ d4 C" {5 s0 P8 k- T! ^( [& g% A7 r
│ ) C/ d2 Y9 G6 i+ p
├─1999 - Nuttin' to Do _ Scary Movies/ Q! j# g/ D* A4 Y# ^2 h: l
│ 01 Nuttin' to Do.m4a" l7 C, [, w* N! R6 V! V
│ 02 Scary Movies.m4a E2 Z/ v2 x" K1 U. l$ b5 L4 u- ~
│ 03 I'm the King.m4a: j4 U n5 @, u p
│ 04 Nuttin' to Do (Radio Version).m4a
* \ M& f* w# [9 \/ `& T│ 05 Scary Movies (Radio Version).m4a+ o* p" g( g" I
│ 06 I'm the King (Radio Version).m4a( b. ^' V, C& y {3 [
│ 07 Nuttin' to Do (Instrumental).m4a+ r% o: y# T( u4 I3 N1 P5 J; p! p
│ 08 Scary Movies (Instrumental).m4a
- J8 r) i+ k1 v( x6 N0 b│ 09 I'm the King (Instrumental).m4a
' _/ | P, v' k8 [4 q( @ [ F- J8 \│
+ P3 B$ L' S, D. w7 q( }├─1999 - The Slim Shady LP
0 k; t0 E" E' M5 C; R& `7 `; k5 f│ 01 Public Service Announcement.m4a
: f& J3 I S6 y [2 ` x) D│ 02 My Name Is.m4a1 S- @0 I+ M, { A, L( L# q
│ 03 Guilty Conscience.m4a
* y6 `# p- _( u$ ] N+ B│ 04 Brain Damage.m4a
6 v; c* A5 q- ~9 z# j* W8 r$ E│ 05 Paul (Skit).m4a3 Z+ x, y* N% V9 \! B" x9 y/ y# H
│ 06 If I Had.m4a
1 r3 ~; N! n; }7 Q, @4 H│ 07 '97 Bonnie and Clyde.m4a
9 n! i5 I( k7 D0 P│ 08 Bitch (Skit).m4a( _( m* Y. o) l5 s" h
│ 09 Role Model.m4a" O9 L1 P5 J) |7 L$ l$ u! k
│ 10 Lounge (Skit).m4a
4 h% X/ Y2 {/ y; V T9 G│ 11 My Fault.m4a$ E2 M' P1 V( X/ C! ~3 p
│ 12 Ken Kaniff (Skit).m4a
! C2 a5 `% p2 x2 q. q: v0 k8 z- ]- W│ 13 C_m on Everybody.m4a0 A8 ^2 W7 J$ L: t! W- p
│ 14 Rock Bottom.m4a1 { _$ U, I8 V0 K t
│ 15 Just Don't Give a F__k.m4a p% F6 K9 q0 L" o
│ 16 Soap (Skit).m4a4 V- O! z/ j5 x
│ 17 As the World Turns.m4a$ M. J& S/ T; v# Y# E
│ 18 I'm Shady.m4a l9 y/ a! P6 g0 p& I% F2 a
│ 19 Bad Meets Evil (feat. Royce da 5'9_).m4a
# |) X9 \/ n- Y│ 20 Still Don't Give a F__k.m4a' D# N6 C9 T! k2 H2 ~
│ Role Model (1080p HD).m4v
; R+ p& A/ K) h* V- t" R( U0 d5 _│
, b9 L$ ^/ _( M9 T1 r& p├─1999 - The Slim Shady LP (Expanded Edition)! F9 e6 T% }/ j( A) E
│ 01 Public Service Announcement.m4a
% B7 C* A" t1 c, L$ n│ 02 My Name Is.m4a* _) f* D: q& V. `5 f: a
│ 03 Guilty Conscience (feat. Dr. Dre).m4a
8 w( |" o# p0 d' K- I# p. l* n, J5 n│ 04 Brain Damage.m4a
) [- [2 G* A# H- O( K. J│ 05 Paul (Skit).m4a
/ T; ~$ z7 X& w s1 S& E& E│ 06 If I Had.m4a
1 ], C0 Q3 [5 ] ~; z3 x$ n' S. w│ 07 '97 Bonnie & Clyde.m4a2 d2 t" t l5 p. u
│ 08 Bitch.m4a
, o( E( A0 w \5 {8 z( T│ 09 Role Model.m4a! z3 k+ p* h4 B/ a( R5 b- h0 \# g
│ 10 Lounge (Skit).m4a# I2 H: M V( B9 x/ j
│ 11 My Fault.m4a
1 f W4 d& ~+ q3 y! d1 K _5 g│ 12 Ken Kaniff (Skit).m4a9 D# X9 ~, v. H& J
│ 13 Cum on Everybody.m4a9 [8 ~5 q1 S9 b$ r' I$ y. w
│ 14 Rock Bottom.m4a, `1 e6 u% c# |9 l; y
│ 15 Just Don't Give a Fuck.m4a
/ H3 x) Z. [& Y6 A. W! i( p│ 16 Soap (Skit).m4a, D% U* S8 F% a) c
│ 17 As the World Turns.m4a& |$ q3 I8 L& r3 {2 ?, Z# \: I- a6 u& R1 |
│ 18 I'm Shady.m4a4 s0 s8 ?$ [* k& o
│ 19 Bad Meets Evil (feat. Royce da 5'.m4a! S, t9 Z1 O. z7 }
│ 20 Still Don't Give a Fuck.m4a
2 j6 |0 [- h. `. C' s8 ]7 }. \│ 21 Hazardous Youth (A Cappella).m4a7 i ^5 R* q0 L5 }& x
│ 22 Get You Mad (feat. Eminem).m4a# s5 U4 `0 a$ p: Y. z5 e8 x
│ 23 Greg (A Cappella).m4a! C5 ?3 w( `# c# G+ y8 W4 ]2 l- Q
│ 24 Bad Guys Always Die (From _Wild W.m4a
5 ?) I5 } a3 B8 N│ 25 Guilty Conscience (feat. Dr. Dre).m4a
, w, b# v$ d9 P) e ` K5 d│ 26 Guilty Conscience (feat. Dr. Dre).m4a6 }7 W8 A" g! a
│ 27 Guilty Conscience (feat. Dr. Dre).m4a0 O9 ^. L! H4 o. m- i
│ 28 My Name Is (Instrumental).m4a: m: B6 c- L9 D! y
│ 29 Just Don't Give a Fuck (A Cappell.m4a8 _7 L: ~) @; f+ m
│ 30 Just Don't Give a Fuck (Instrumen.m4a
) n. z* N4 ~, W│ Guilty Conscience (Director's Cut) (.m4v/ b: ?3 t1 X5 x1 o5 b
* u( n9 N: _9 U├─2000 - Stan - EP+ T5 {/ I- X7 I T" o4 `
│ 01 Stan (feat. Dido) [Radio Edit].m4a
! v0 [: h3 |. z) P2 V5 g│ 02 Guilty Conscience (Radio Version.m4a
; c% t! ?; d) N│ 03 Hazardous Youth (Acapella Version.m4a- N8 j% I1 W& r6 e% I! @# ?
│ 04 Get You Mad (feat. DJ Revolution).m4a7 V# I0 G7 _( n
. e3 `+ X7 m& w9 i/ D# R├─2000 - The Marshall Mathers LP! s1 H- Z+ D1 R$ N, y$ e/ N/ Z% y
│ 01 Public Service Announcement 2000.m4a) N* K' v7 x$ l ?( D
│ 02 Kill You.m4a2 `4 k. {" `" N7 A3 H
│ 03 Stan (feat. Dido).m4a, H9 h F$ ^$ b# h+ f0 P# _
│ 04 Paul (Skit).m4a f! u( z/ F' j7 x2 D* h- z
│ 05 Who Knew.m4a
; |9 k4 Y$ h/ O: Q, B" W│ 06 Steve Berman (Skit).m4a
$ X0 i) A Y S2 J5 J2 g: H│ 07 The Way I Am.m4a
$ A4 T. j. I- V% k- \│ 08 The Real Slim Shady.m4a
3 c( F1 `6 [ g' L│ 09 Remember Me_ (feat. RBX & Sticky.m4a0 n( J2 D/ @8 }0 R
│ 10 I'm Back.m4a
8 Q8 @$ X# x) `& N6 H u) M' z│ 11 Marshall Mathers.m4a5 ?& G) q! ^6 @2 B( R, q8 Y/ a9 v
│ 12 Ken Kaniff (Skit).m4a
$ e' }0 _/ X% K$ [5 F" _2 {│ 13 Drug Ballad.m4a: U$ d% e+ S3 ?! ~% N7 a
│ 14 Amityville (feat. Bizarre).m4a
% `/ l0 L. B8 \, b│ 15 Bitch Please 2 (feat. Dr. Dre, Sn.m4a
8 \5 ~9 C. J6 l" _6 v0 b1 c/ l! d│ 16 Kim.m4a
9 C8 P4 e5 @: i! ?+ c5 n2 w│ 17 Under the Influence (feat. D12).m4a
: l8 t+ Z' s/ ], p& G" j8 U│ 18 Criminal.m4a7 m) C9 ?5 c+ F# R% q! A2 [3 W) k
' s t9 R- X9 f# t* r. Y├─2000 - The Way I Am - EP
; g& [1 s! R; d8 U( g7 n, l│ 01 The Way I Am.m4a
; m& C! W5 w. J) K. g│ 02 Kids (Unedited Version).m4a9 {* l/ T- g6 M, \" ^ F
│ 03 '97 Bonnie & Clyde.m4a" g7 @; L3 r& U8 m9 R
│ 03 Bonnie & Clyde.m4a! G' P" g1 |5 c& R
│ 04 Steve Berman.m4a9 j1 o4 U7 P: c
4 v0 Z# h6 p5 x- d├─2002 - 8 Mile
! C `! K! |8 }3 o│ 01 Lose Yourself.m4a) Y# z" C# J( n5 w6 h1 x' P
│ 02 Love Me.m4a( |( v8 v0 i4 C8 \4 `7 t' K
│ 03 8 Mile.m4a
2 J9 g; ?" M J8 L7 b% p│ 04 Adrenaline Rush.m4a
q$ u$ S; c& i9 l& `3 ]│ 05 Places to Go.m4a
+ k) M( a, V3 a6 z( U- k2 j2 M8 P- H6 ]│ 06 Rap Game.m4a
8 C" c- N& e( p! p5 x│ 07 8 Miles and Runnin'.m4a
5 z2 \7 Z: T2 J$ S V! z# v│ 08 Spit Shine.m4a
# ~% U3 y* c2 Q) l* i; [! `│ 09 Time of My Life.m4a* J* ~4 M" ]0 L* J6 ?4 y/ j
│ 10 U Wanna Be Me.m4a
: [7 a" Q5 ?9 V% H2 Q│ 11 Wanksta.m4a
0 h2 o3 H5 d. ~% p0 y7 o│ 12 Wastin' My Time.m4a
% v0 }" M; `& p- a│ 13 R.A.K.I.M..m4a6 u; A& V! i8 z
│ 14 That's My N___a fo' Real.m4a) A4 R& ]" ?7 @. c+ ^
│ 15 Battle.m4a
2 T1 G# H5 n( Q& D) T' |: Y│ 16 Rabbit Run.m4a- g! m Y* ?8 p- n: w: t
0 y5 [6 a) W$ U3 M O7 z├─2002 - Cleanin' Out My Closet - Single
- @' [7 E7 Y* t1 w9 z; R│ 01 Cleanin' Out My Closet.m4a
8 w/ g" m3 S1 n) r│ 02 Stimulate.m4a$ D* T2 h+ i0 k2 {. G% ^
& c$ @9 s. p5 E0 b) @9 P% a├─2002 - Hellbound - EP( l. A7 ^% ]6 N, V
│ 01 Hellbound (With J-Black & Masta Ace)[H&H Remix].m4a: O% W. ?+ t- M
│ 02 Spread It Out (With J-Black & Masta Ace).m4a* P/ D& ^5 k" ~
│ 03 Rap 2k1 (With J-Black & Masta Ace).m4a/ h! l9 `, f1 J: L" H
│ $ `! ?7 }& _. Z/ F) _. G& {/ \
├─2002 - Lose Yourself - Single* p3 A! S. A9 ?
│ 01 Lose Yourself (Soundtrack Version).m4a, B" u1 D+ y) _$ N
│ 01 Lose Yourself (Soundtrack Version.m4a
# O# B" O3 O$ O; K/ f4 @│ 02 Lose Yourself (Instrumental Versi.m4a. K/ w& h |+ V0 r& V! t
│ 02 Lose Yourself (Instrumental Version).m4a
; D7 C& y5 V" k8 X│ 03 Renegade (Album Version (Explicit)).m4a, m! ], F1 [2 N; q% b8 Y+ _
│ 03 Renegade (Album Version (Explicit.m4a
# [$ u2 a6 r3 T5 u) l% p4 ~│ ) |/ a% F' ?, o1 \* i- h
├─2002 - The Eminem Show' q8 j' d. m% a
│ 01 Curtains Up (Skit).m4a# L4 L/ d; T% b8 N+ w1 r
│ 02 White America.m4a
( _+ _9 b8 |8 P2 w4 C3 Z│ 03 Business.m4a8 @* r* i2 `2 h: t
│ 04 Cleanin' Out My Closet.m4a6 E8 r* Y1 t# \8 f9 I
│ 05 Square Dance.m4a
' |" g1 d. T {" }3 `' l% P│ 06 The Kiss (Skit).m4a& @$ K8 f8 f M5 q% J/ D( [
│ 07 Soldier.m4a2 h: v) M% f; l' W/ v
│ 08 Say Goodbye Hollywood.m4a
; J- S, y6 c/ X│ 09 Drips.m4a" T8 Z+ [( s+ ^& H
│ 10 Without Me.m4a' p$ P. `$ C3 s% ~9 U. L$ w
│ 11 Paul Rosenberg (Skit).m4a
5 ` j( P8 N# [2 g4 q) f" W│ 12 Sing for the Moment.m4a
/ \5 d |: u, ^│ 13 Superman.m4a
9 ^6 S0 ^+ Y) w$ Q% \7 {; k│ 14 Hailie's Song.m4a
m" b0 P" K& {4 x( ]│ 15 Steve Berman (Skit).m4a) k: n1 y2 M# E( O
│ 16 When the Music Stops.m4a c& Y# U% d2 @- ~, e0 d
│ 17 Say What U Say.m4a
8 w8 e+ S) q1 W. x; [# o0 q3 y8 e│ 18 'Till I Collapse.m4a
+ i# v" z* E, V" n2 z, b│ 19 My Dad's Gone Crazy.m4a- `8 O+ \; a, O
│ 20 Curtains Close (Skit).m4a
0 ^2 V$ m7 m% z│ 20 Curtains Close.m4a
, P) k& ?& J# I/ r7 s+ I│
6 J8 } G1 |+ K2 c2 u* j% S├─2002 - The Eminem Show (Expanded Edition)7 t# X% d$ h7 {+ a
│ 01 Curtains Up (Skit).m4a% X8 J t( N6 ?5 E' P" Q
│ 02 White America.m4a4 ~9 p$ `7 Z! x$ @' N* l
│ 03 Business.m4a
8 D/ l/ Q# A8 h8 k1 ^│ 04 Cleanin' Out My Closet.m4a% a9 Z8 A! r" r
│ 05 Square Dance.m4a: [, ?" D, g; w8 C% |
│ 06 The Kiss (Skit).m4a
! g, B/ `; ?( {( M$ n7 W$ y│ 07 Soldier.m4a
: F" c8 _. T! \0 A: R│ 08 Say Goodbye Hollywood.m4a; `% [0 j& l, N- t
│ 09 Drips (feat. Obie Trice).m4a
& `6 D7 D& N% n9 H$ H│ 10 Without Me.m4a
6 k0 n4 n; F* T! i│ 11 Paul Rosenberg (Skit).m4a
; Z! \2 q, c! t% `│ 12 Sing For The Moment.m4a
* J; v, E C& D8 T' |. x" c│ 13 Superman (feat. Dina Rae).m4a
+ g2 B; \% S$ x: \9 K7 {0 T) H│ 14 Hailie's Song.m4a/ @% ^ E# j+ e& _) E4 |% {
│ 15 Steve Berman (Skit).m4a
! _9 w/ D9 A( b s' X│ 16 When The Music Stops (feat. D12).m4a* E h3 P7 l0 S) U" J
│ 17 Say What You Say (feat. Dr. Dre).m4a) V1 p, M# _9 Q& _7 ~1 s
│ 18 'Till I Collapse (feat. Nate Dogg.m4a
9 p$ q7 V7 J5 ^" D│ 19 My Dad's Gone Crazy (feat. Hailie.m4a' p1 C# e7 L3 v1 U
│ 20 Curtains Close.m4a; M" O- M; ~; i9 B1 P, @
│ 21 Stimulate.m4a
& Y1 G, K* e2 R" @, W│ 22 The Conspiracy Freestyle.m4a
4 U7 b$ v: k0 h│ 23 Bump Heads (feat. Tony Yayo, 50 C.m4a
+ f! j9 h5 ^- l% W3 e+ L& y: ^) j│ 24 Jimmy, Brian And Mike.m4a
' j! i2 C% F. q: o0 e- a/ O" }4 ~│ 25 Freestyle #1 (Live From Tramps, N.m4a
) D/ k' A# a; A q2 f b│ 26 Brain Damage (Live From Tramps, N.m4a4 ]6 f9 `- e, n. y% Z" `; [& f/ \
│ 27 Freestyle #2 (Live From Tramps, N.m4a
% O/ h2 F# S& N4 t u! _7 J│ 28 Just Don't Give A Fuck (Live From.m4a( \ B" p1 f$ X) v
│ 29 The Way I Am (feat. Proof) [Live.m4a. l; e$ ^5 P s! U
│ 30 The Real Slim Shady (feat. Proof).m4a$ C! L4 K- s& {, m3 f
│ 31 Business (Instrumental).m4a, @; r- Y, U5 l, K7 a
│ 32 Cleanin' Out My Closet (Instrumen.m4a
- s5 F: k$ O! @7 y: W- x│ 33 Square Dance (Instrumental).m4a
9 n/ L& O! h: y4 f│ 34 Without Me (Instrumental).m4a
* B! M- y0 o8 A│ 35 Sing For The Moment (Instrumental.m4a
: l G( t7 {5 {' T) E* R; W: ?│ 36 Superman (Instrumental).m4a
1 }' u6 q) z) C S- p$ i│ 37 Say What You Say (Instrumental).m4a
' A; _% d9 t1 e/ H0 `: U│ 38 'Till I Collapse (Instrumental).m4a& j- J% x( k5 i5 K! I
7 h( U/ ]0 U, G) T- |( K├─2002 - Without Me - EP, s' L- F! O1 \% L) ^) f; ], l
│ 01 Without Me (Album Version).m4a$ b: t8 N4 c0 f* H4 J( A
│ 01 Without Me.m4a6 N5 M5 M( A L( r; B/ k
│ 02 The Way I Am (Danny Lohner Remix Version).m4a' @) E; S# k" M3 g8 l" B
│ 02 The Way I Am (Danny Lohner Remix.m4a; W" [6 j* A5 B) ?" z
│ 03 Without Me (A Cappella).m4a) }; B+ T! _( W
│ 03 Without Me (Acappella).m4a. c! B4 p/ g* c; g. @
│ 04 Without Me (Instrumental).m4a
: }9 g1 I1 n2 J4 _7 ^# u1 X│ 5 y' C! [, H0 o6 }0 f. x
├─2002 - Without Me - Single; c- V; m8 `, O, x. t+ S4 p
│ 01 Without Me (Album Version).m4a: I- _( J* n' `& V( M! R+ D
│ 02 The Way I Am (Danny Lohner Remix).m4a
' e4 V. F1 N3 ?; f+ p G│ % _) F! [. r0 D4 p4 R
├─2003 - Business - EP4 C C2 j- K7 D$ d1 {
│ 01 Business.m4a
4 a' z$ ?9 N9 j$ Y2 C% R5 ~│ 02 Bump Heads (DJ Green Lantern Vers.m4a
6 y1 |+ P& o8 @" T7 l2 h& A│ 02 Bump Heads (DJ Green Lantern Version) [feat. 50 Cent, Tony Yayo & Lloyd Banks].m4a7 N M- _- h2 u2 W
│ 03 Business (A Cappella Version).m4a& }/ H$ M# ^7 d
0 s3 a5 v3 S& N# `├─2003 - Sing For The Moment - EP
8 u2 P3 X/ S. D; |│ 01 Sing For The Moment.m4a
+ r3 Z5 O% J) D! ]1 e│ 02 Sing For The Moment (Instrumental Version).m4a
9 |4 ~) B/ B+ \5 S9 I5 W' m│ 02 Sing For The Moment (Instrumental.m4a
g$ v7 A5 d& z7 T* ~( R1 ^- }: L│ 03 Rabbit Run (Soundtrack Version).m4a) X5 N9 [8 M( x5 \# E y5 W9 u- I
! A3 r& {1 B3 |% B1 } ~ n' s6 o├─2004 - Encore6 V+ c$ U o2 h6 J* k/ A8 L
│ 1-01 Encore _ Curtains Up.m4a, Q; k. _4 D2 l2 ~' X6 c2 U
│ 1-02 Evil Deeds.m4a. f/ y# U, {8 E4 `+ Y3 a
│ 1-03 Never Enough (feat. 50 Cent & N.m4a/ V& F5 s% A6 H0 a8 E4 i# C
│ 1-04 Yellow Brick Road.m4a
. E, m) y% I7 Y) t" P│ 1-05 Like Toy Soldiers.m4a
9 `, `" Q2 Y. s1 V│ 1-06 Mosh.m4a
3 C. h1 W* E, @5 d2 m! `│ 1-07 Puke.m4a4 A0 g3 \: Z+ u# U9 f$ P
│ 1-08 My 1st Single.m4a0 W+ _ A% U9 D2 O+ x" t# Z. y
│ 1-09 Paul (Skit).m4a
: N3 t. A3 R8 d( ?│ 1-10 Rain Man.m4a
1 s* a. i; e' u' B│ 1-11 Big Weenie.m4a
9 t/ ]& _8 g6 k/ f% |│ 1-12 Em Calls Paul (Skit).m4a' U: P" F+ q: w7 l) t
│ 1-13 Just Lose It.m4a
7 @1 M) Y) Q5 B4 e( C# R! O8 _│ 1-14 Ass Like That.m4a
- }7 D0 p6 d7 F% i6 T, O' U│ 1-15 Spend Some Time (feat. Obie Tri.m4a
: b: q8 _2 r+ T+ F* a│ 1-16 Mockingbird.m4a
: |' m! q) k4 m2 R2 S. D; z3 |│ 1-17 Crazy In Love.m4a2 m- n2 s2 l9 V* p$ e( v
│ 1-18 One Shot 2 Shot (feat. D12).m4a
) S& ~. T2 ]+ O1 p7 u│ 1-19 Final Thought (Skit).m4a
4 q1 L/ ^7 |3 C1 Q- ^│ 1-20 Encore _ Curtains Down (feat. D.m4a
4 m8 Z3 Z! T8 J' ~/ ]# G│
* e! k% ^1 |' h# \2 `├─2004 - Encore (Deluxe Version)& g o e) n4 k1 F
│ 1-01 Encore _ Curtains Up.m4a
( R* f1 W0 o1 C5 p% h# E; S D│ 1-02 Evil Deeds.m4a
$ F0 V& \6 J/ f│ 1-03 Never Enough.m4a
: e! A( n4 k" J8 f│ 1-04 Yellow Brick Road.m4a
* j( G, C* j2 m/ p. a│ 1-05 Like Toy Soldiers.m4a
, p6 j' R- w9 ~* A/ E# r│ 1-06 Mosh.m4a5 o e. R( a. n z9 r9 `- {* F/ p& D
│ 1-07 Puke.m4a
8 B7 @8 g9 ]- J0 M% ^│ 1-08 My 1st Single.m4a
0 w7 N N/ m, z│ 1-09 Paul (Skit).m4a* d* v# |5 Y. B" W) x
│ 1-10 Rain Man.m4a
- b: S, e) U' y- w7 ]│ 1-11 Big Weenie.m4a
. c4 a% P* @4 R* ~# D3 W: j% d9 ?3 h│ 1-12 Em Calls Paul (Skit).m4a+ f4 q. e! R/ h0 A0 C, l2 A
│ 1-13 Just Lose It.m4a
4 s- ], \) r( z5 G( S│ 1-14 Ass Like That.m4a
$ x* A4 V- d" |! A- Z A! {│ 1-15 Spend Some Time.m4a' v& Z2 u8 a/ r! O$ z; b" O; H* a
│ 1-16 Mockingbird.m4a
% N# x+ |: O0 X1 a4 ]. O, }$ |/ ^│ 1-17 Crazy In Love.m4a
1 j8 x9 _- P' {1 y3 G! p# J│ 1-18 One Shot 2 Shot.m4a
# {7 l0 A7 S; E, n' K B│ 1-19 Final Thought (Skit).m4a8 U( q0 `: ~5 g# s
│ 1-20 Encore _ Curtains Down.m4a) L, h" e! i8 ?& g7 E) H* R
│ 2-01 We As Americans (Bonus Track).m4a
4 V( K) S H: ?. F r% p( f│ 2-02 Love You More (Bonus Track).m4a- ]/ a9 f+ U5 O# M% a Q
│ 2-03 Ricky Ticky Toc (Bonus Track).m4a; z) _9 a( H/ R$ F
% @# w [% l* t5 Y; J- E├─2004 - Just Lose It - EP+ k+ P7 f# Q O) I1 Y
│ 01 Just Lose It.m4a
+ a5 T# W/ d" Y7 T8 Z│ 02 Lose Yourself (Soundtrack Version).m4a$ G$ Q4 v, \2 l! D3 Y2 A
│ 02 Lose Yourself (Soundtrack Version.m4a
* l7 b! l! J W- W7 w│ 03 Just Lose It (Instrumental).m4a4 l2 ]3 }8 v1 q
5 n* G# M5 Q* G4 |% f* K7 |├─2004 - Just Lose It - Single) r, E( t& z% ]. Q) ]. ]
│ 01 Just Lose It.m4a, K3 S5 h' f( E/ i6 s. D1 i9 f
│ 02 Just Lose It (A Cappella Version).m4a# ^! K; n. O& S7 S( x6 b
│ 03 Just Lose It (Instrumental Versio.m4a
! X% C% a8 t6 c, ]) @; v5 I$ M│ Just Lose It (1080p HD).m4v7 q4 ?1 m: _* ]! w* q8 [
% Y4 w2 Z( F4 u" r8 y" O- a├─2004 - Just Lose It - Single (Clean Version); D; f U6 J% q$ c6 G
│ 01 Just Lose It (Edited).m4a
- y& n, m) G* e2 n│ 9 E* Q% q0 k3 v
├─2004 - Just Lose It - Single※8 M) W K; d- v0 }3 \
│ 01 Just Lose It (Edited).m4a2 i% [ R& K3 H$ i) [
│ 02 Lose Yourself (Soundtrack Version.m4a% b! e0 Q" s, q! Y7 S
│ 4 W7 E8 l; a: H# Z3 s
├─2004 - Mockingbird (International Version) - Single+ S; t/ ~% B, o
│ 01 Mockingbird.m4a D" m, B' D! I( K
│ 02 Encore (feat. Dr. Dre & 50 Cent).m4a5 v1 v% Q4 y0 ~3 _1 ^
│ ; A& z6 I- G8 m& h) a! | e, d
├─2004 - Mockingbird - Single7 c4 _! C$ u T$ m
│ 01 Mockingbird (Edited).m4a* j% q$ A- @9 V r0 W7 R
│ 02 Encore (UMI Fade Version).m4a
/ ~% k0 r8 X# ^/ A8 R, C│
% R5 @- I1 ]" k├─2005 - Ass Like That - EP2 d- P3 d8 @( g: ~0 e
│ 01 Ass Like That.m4a
/ O2 @2 J% s5 p" l2 ?7 Y7 A│ 02 Business.m4a" L$ E- P9 b, k+ x9 {
│ 03 Ass Like That [Instrumental].m4a
$ b+ ?3 Z. d* D( T6 h: `- |│ 03 Ass Like That.m4a
! t) X$ _- P, O4 ?" Z* m9 t│
2 p1 V2 W, R4 d: P2 ]) E├─2005 - Ass Like That - Single
) Z1 p0 V; _) Z; }) E/ m& k6 b/ H1 ]2 [6 N│ 01 Ass Like That.m4a
- L# Q/ T2 }# S4 e3 U' z: ~) f│ 02 Business.m4a
. q& u. S0 j; p5 J, |│ 0 k& N M$ Q- l& a6 Q: A. q) w
├─2005 - Curtain Call - The Hits (Deluxe Version)
! ~3 ]- B( h, n% H3 u% @0 i│ 1-01 Intro (Curtain Call).m4a
8 H( l, o M) I8 m3 [│ 1-02 FACK.m4a
8 x5 e* T, J4 L( U# j4 [│ 1-03 The Way I Am.m4a# e! |$ H3 G0 b: {
│ 1-04 My Name Is.m4a
9 S3 c* A U3 f8 b# o. n│ 1-05 Stan.m4a
0 P: U+ M! k3 ?% K│ 1-06 Lose Yourself.m4a& y' p. o3 ?" _" H# E6 |
│ 1-07 Shake That.m4a
3 I$ a" i Y9 |# a3 [& H( ^* Y│ 1-08 Sing for the Moment.m4a
1 _6 A: F* x K! \$ k6 ^$ R8 ?│ 1-09 Without Me.m4a5 D8 U; T1 u0 E! S$ r' z* |. T
│ 1-10 Like Toy Soldiers.m4a$ y& ]2 V- I! K6 x) K
│ 1-11 The Real Slim Shady.m4a
7 P3 ?/ f' p# j8 U. c( ~2 B│ 1-12 Mockingbird.m4a5 N% b, d$ F- ~. R' ?
│ 1-13 Guilty Conscience.m4a8 F' O' @) i3 e/ ^/ r6 q. ?2 t
│ 1-14 Cleanin' Out My Closet.m4a2 B* h; b+ d+ l
│ 1-15 Just Lose It.m4a
( x" v; q8 e5 M│ 1-16 When I'm Gone.m4a, y$ K$ \0 s& H+ N+ f1 l5 k
│ 1-17 Stan (Featuring Elton John).m4a
. n) E$ A6 K; f% p. d│ 2-01 Dead Wrong.m4a) ~5 {" a6 G0 A7 [9 v, Z8 s
│ 2-02 Role Model.m4a" ` Q! B; [! |# c
│ 2-03 Kill You.m4a
$ S9 }; g! n% C│ 2-04 S__t On You (Featuring D12).m4a! E% ~+ u; @0 W& x
│ 2-05 Criminal.m4a* V* M9 V) L# s# S
│ 2-06 Renegade.m4a1 @1 h. E) N1 K/ q& y+ U( D' P
│ 2-07 Just Don't Give a F__k.m4a
. A8 g/ c! J* o' J* k│ Digital Booklet - Curtain Call - The Hits (Deluxe Version).pdf, D4 E! T; {1 s$ X$ Q. V$ m' ]4 y
│ My Name Is (1080p HD).m4v
n+ _0 |- Q& c0 j) ]) @' K ~│ Stan (1080p HD).m4v
: T1 f/ s' O+ k5 [/ p& Q* u│ The Way I Am (1080p HD).m4v4 y* |7 Z$ z, a1 y8 S" N. c' F
│ % u3 b) S9 ^6 Q+ K* F% S
├─2005 - Curtain Call The Hits" M r) K% Z4 N. c% T6 x
│ 01 Intro.m4a
8 Z" s+ L# `! i, ~- U6 l% W' ?│ 02 Fack.m4a
1 M' Y2 `$ b) ~- i- n│ 03 The Way I Am.m4a
$ q0 V( k* B P: X; `# ~│ 04 My Name Is.m4a- j' t# G3 B6 e/ a* h# V; o
│ 05 Stan.m4a
5 v1 ?9 V5 F6 V" ~3 Q) U│ 06 Lose Yourself (Soundtrack Version.m4a
5 L5 t3 k' k2 {% V8 o- G/ N│ 07 Shake That.m4a! l5 g( S9 ] J7 c3 S
│ 08 Sing for the Moment.m4a
4 ]! _, {2 N+ M+ ~│ 09 Without Me.m4a. u" e: a, }- m3 x2 }& Q: d& |
│ 10 Like Toy Soldiers.m4a
- t1 Y1 K$ S: }: Z5 i. V│ 11 The Real Slim Shady.m4a/ i4 s% g/ {. l4 D
│ 12 Mockingbird.m4a \$ l& O/ @1 Y7 V- Q0 O! y& x `8 h- u
│ 13 Guilty Conscience.m4a
1 |( s4 r) \, M& F. E1 e│ 14 Cleanin' Out My Closet.m4a& n' t) M/ _: b7 S
│ 15 Just Lose It.m4a
9 T8 |3 Q6 ]3 c( N│ 16 When I'm Gone.m4a, x9 H4 J# t: M& \( a! X
│ 17 Stan (Live).m4a$ Z# b; n& L q( @, |* y. A
│ Digital Booklet - Curtain Call.pdf2 V$ S8 c' o4 r4 W s0 Z7 X+ t
│ : j! X2 Y/ M3 |; y) @! d* g
├─2005 - Curtain Call The Hits (Deluxe Edition)(US Version)
4 G2 x8 ]2 B* r/ U6 e, v│ 1-01 Intro.m4a
& M6 @: h+ P% R( K5 a│ 1-02 FACK.m4a' f) M' v: L" A1 F+ m1 C7 W- y
│ 1-03 The Way I Am.m4a
: J2 l" V' I1 a( C( B8 X2 H* n# Z; y│ 1-04 My Name Is.m4a
4 k: p8 Z7 O( P! W( @8 u1 e3 n│ 1-05 Stan (feat. Dido).m4a* ^* W/ C( U6 o# Q/ y& [
│ 1-06 Lose Yourself (From _8 Mile_ So.m4a
7 {( n+ |8 f: N│ 1-08 Sing For The Moment.m4a
/ d4 o8 Z) @% p) }│ 1-09 Without Me.m4a
4 W, S6 k- |& h- |6 x6 Q- b│ 1-10 Like Toy Soldiers.m4a1 J* D+ K ]! s3 e' F! O# Q, b
│ 1-11 The Real Slim Shady.m4a! l: k6 z, F3 m5 I: [3 Q! ]
│ 1-12 Mockingbird.m4a2 q% t$ x& V4 ?3 q) _0 e( K6 \! W" J
│ 1-13 Guilty Conscience (feat. Dr. Dr.m4a7 v5 ~. `' U* m) v1 U
│ 1-14 Cleanin' Out My Closet.m4a( l' p* B6 E* ]) r* T4 U8 u$ D' d
│ 1-15 Just Lose It.m4a$ @" [. y' H. h. Z7 Z/ a2 O
│ 1-17 Stan (Live At 43rd Grammy Award.m4a
( m( C# [ ^) H2 \│ 2-01 Dead Wrong (feat. Eminem) [Expl.m4a$ i1 Z+ ^# ?+ b) g% d: g) _( Y1 T
│ 2-02 Role Model.m4a
+ ]* \- d- r; t2 J1 P4 {& g) @│ 2-03 Kill You.m4a
; |0 Q# U% A, z* k. s6 Q2 S* Z2 l│ 2-04 Shit On You.m4a
( }2 b# ~, {# {/ L4 o: k│ 2-05 Criminal.m4a
0 Y( @# d% I) P) q) b: {2 ]│ 2-06 Renegade (feat. Eminem).m4a5 w* d% f8 a+ G4 f/ P# M6 W( P- @
│ 2-07 Just Don't Give A Fuck.m4a; _( Z2 k- t2 O0 F0 K
│ 7 z1 i+ R D6 n h# p1 P; ]
├─2005 - Like Toy Soldiers - EP) s2 p! E5 n: u: @9 G/ J
│ 01 Like Toy Soldiers (Single Version.m4a# W, a9 G. L! R6 k9 L; S
│ 02 Just Lose It (DJ Green Lantern Re.m4a
7 {. f: r+ y* w. \" E3 }* w2 I│ 03 Like Toy Soldiers (Instrumental).m4a
$ i" u! G4 _# l$ H7 ]│ Like Toy Soldiers (Alternate Mural V.m4v
$ O& A0 F( l2 s( ^+ y: Z│ * f/ V5 {' A0 M0 ], ^9 s! G( `
├─2005 - Mockingbird (UK Only Version)
% A- \& y8 S* R1 I" I0 Y7 R│ 01 Mockingbird (Explicit).m4a
/ t- f' b6 U: {! R8 C│ 02 Mockingbird (Instrumental).m4a' ^% Q& i' \1 K- i; G
│ 03 Just Lose It (DJ Green Lantern Re.m4a
- y/ t( \5 q8 z9 Z& a0 q│
- p" T0 S) e. ]- s! T7 `├─2005 - Mockingbird (UK Only Version) - EP
. i' V) G- J/ X& l│ 01 Mockingbird (Explicit).m4a+ ?7 `! y& V/ H# o' A% G
│ 02 Mockingbird (Instrumental).m4a
0 a, u) j- S8 l) w" v│ 03 Just Lose It (DJ Green Lantern Remix).m4a& I) n) s7 L8 ]6 R& {% @
' c6 ~1 g& A3 E& \ d& X├─2005 - Mockingbird - EP
. {8 l/ A8 `; @│ 01 Mockingbird (Explicit).m4a
6 i. Q7 x1 m) f& e: C* ^1 d│ 02 Encore (UMI Fade Version).m4a$ z0 b3 o9 n* y/ i- ]
│ 03 Mockingbird (Instrumental).m4a
$ U* b: s# ]2 }7 d9 ]( L% C│
: T5 M- W8 r2 q! ~( W├─2005 - Mockingbird - Single
9 l: B3 g6 r' g( a9 ^: H- s/ K│ 01 Mockingbird.m4a
$ Y7 Z: k# Z: b8 O* p8 H- r│ 02 Encore (feat. Dr. Dre & 50 Cent).m4a$ z) e' G5 d* q0 ~5 L2 i
│ 03 Mockingbird (Instrumental).m4a2 X: r, P1 ^+ _3 f$ L* R
│ Mockingbird (1080p HD).m4v
5 O9 r: {5 [1 h0 b│ , M5 U6 M% {) b5 J5 l
├─2005 - Shake That (Radio Edit) - Single
% @' P$ ^- ?4 u1 z│ 01 Shake That (feat. Nate Dogg) [Rad.m4a/ \; n/ `/ z( k B5 k M
/ R/ @" h2 E# b/ d├─2005 - Welcome 2 Detroit (feat. Eminem) - EP# A) s- {) P) Z; f' L
│ 01 Welcome 2 Detroit (Promo Version).m4a' W7 V. g/ `; d) I4 v6 b
│ 02 Welcome 2 Detroit (12_ Version).m4a
6 C/ e' @7 v8 m/ v8 \│ 03 Welcome 2 Detroit (Instrumental).m4a, O0 Z( C) m' v( }$ l
' x9 n0 r2 R- V7 g8 x. [8 B├─2005 - Welcome 2 Detroit - Single
1 z+ C% c5 Z8 s, E$ ?1 ~" F4 U+ v│ 01 Welcome 2 Detroit (feat. Eminem).m4a/ K. K7 W' Q, K1 {( q7 S: m
│ 02 Welcome 2 Detroit (feat. Eminem).m4a# a* N( g$ w; F9 J/ P; _9 |
9 k7 a) I. i' m) t7 z7 O# @9 ?├─2005 - When I'm Gone - EP6 t# o; ] S4 z+ L
│ 01 When I'm Gone (Explicit Version).m4a# s8 Z! r- j l$ i4 z& }
│ 02 Business (Explicit Version).m4a
) n, k, M. L$ d2 \│ 03 When I'm Gone (Instrumental Versi.m4a4 n2 K& M; }; O0 X
│ 03 When I'm Gone (Instrumental Version).m4a0 I4 S" n5 Q. K7 I1 Q' \
│ & H" o" U0 y% {9 W% K
├─2005 - When I'm Gone - Single/ M3 p+ q) `% Q5 H, B0 R& L2 `7 U
│ 01 When I'm Gone (Explicit Version).m4a6 W- R- [, ^! M$ M2 M$ k
│ 02 Business (Explicit Version).m4a
; A2 H* h$ i0 g$ Y7 Y0 a' O) p+ i│ When I'm Gone (1080p HD).m4v- Y7 m% V1 r6 H2 Q5 l
# ?. v6 f/ P& W2 z5 V2 e8 z0 ]├─2005 - When I'm Gone - Single※" G0 h" u' X$ \, _4 F' u
│ 01 When I'm Gone (Explicit Version).m4a6 s% ^; w( @2 @0 D7 J A. Z
0 V. y: B: r& A1 \7 R( I├─2006 - Eminem Presents the Re-Up- ~- t! K) l. q/ `* ]
│ 01 Shady Narcotics.m4a% V- b. B9 E9 `9 r: q
│ 02 We're Back.m4a
9 I! R; [- ~. e+ Y/ u7 R' E9 K│ 03 Pistol Pistol (Remix).m4a
L8 r! J8 R* q9 q│ 04 Murder.m4a
$ t: ?$ i+ e) t& |+ {, O│ 05 Everything Is Shady.m4a
' @9 ]8 g: e. u+ M5 V4 S0 ]│ 06 The Re-Up.m4a2 j7 l, m% E3 s
│ 07 You Don't Know.m4a, k$ q3 V2 b! _9 S; _- p F
│ 08 Jimmy Crack Corn.m4a
4 _$ W; x# x8 e' y│ 09 Trapped.m4a
' d; t2 n# r* m; C4 m8 [│ 10 Whatever You Want.m4a
' e5 v: d( |; B; l% p│ 11 Talkin' All That.m4a5 r7 h) Y- R y# q; M1 i5 [, ]
│ 12 By My Side.m4a7 q- h# g* U: U( f* m6 Q* F( y
│ 13 We Ride for Shady.m4a( J# o5 A0 \# X* X
│ 14 There He Is.m4a" t5 W! n5 k$ w' b9 L: g
│ 15 Tryin' ta Win.m4a2 u6 ]8 q* _6 p2 G5 q
│ 16 Smack That (Remix) [feat. Stat Qu.m4a
0 T. ^9 `3 d6 R. J5 k% W│ 17 Public Enemy #1.m4a
: G* _1 M3 ~( m) j" w0 o│ 18 Get Low.m4a
( y: o8 d2 G5 R: R! x│ 19 Ski Mask Way (Eminem Remix).m4a! ~. q! y) K. \2 F) k. {
│ 20 Shake That (Remix).m4a
" S: T& q T e│ 21 Cry Now (Shady Remix).m4a
2 A2 d* f. G- o e+ V, I│ 22 No Apologies.m4a; k, O" X7 g3 r( K; f' ^0 c
│ 23 Billion Bucks.m4a
0 W1 ^9 W# A& v; V& e/ D* ?& Y! u│ 6 `" }! C& T; W9 t$ e) N" T8 L
├─2006 - Eminem Presents the Re-Up (Bonus Track Version)% R" R \9 p3 J7 ^, l( ]) `9 ^
│ 01 Shady Narcotics.m4a# z; }6 N: D$ Q3 Z2 F
│ 02 We're Back.m4a
& ]9 t+ V/ k' D/ J│ 03 Pistol Pistol (Remix).m4a, B+ \, G* T/ u' z0 h
│ 04 Murder.m4a
7 S; V* J6 L [5 ?│ 05 Everything Is Shady.m4a
/ [ F& \+ z. {% Y+ r/ t5 L1 p│ 06 The Re-Up.m4a, [. @6 N+ i+ G; y
│ 07 You Don't Know.m4a
H" f) p) ~6 e. ^9 h& K│ 08 Jimmy Crack Corn.m4a+ `3 \; Y- m% r1 ^
│ 09 Trapped.m4a
: _" B0 K- q' i$ V│ 10 Whatever You Want.m4a
9 O, a! |3 h2 h, n R│ 11 Talkin' All That.m4a/ q! S# ^, d% P5 v7 ?: E6 J3 z
│ 12 By My Side.m4a
& r$ D8 \$ Q: i1 J$ ~4 d│ 13 We Ride for Shady.m4a/ `2 |% f$ }7 |( n, x7 F
│ 14 There He Is.m4a
8 p/ ]3 U" ~) j( c8 ^; p* i│ 15 Tryin' Ta Win.m4a1 K* P i$ [/ d( Y W
│ 16 Smack That (Remix).m4a, R# {; V) @3 p2 l
│ 17 Public Enemy #1.m4a8 p: a4 C9 W D* \7 B
│ 18 Get Low.m4a8 p# ^: I( b# J7 m% ]2 s% M% S
│ 19 Ski Mask Way (Eminem Remix).m4a7 l- J2 j T) P% k9 R' ]
│ 20 Shake That (Remix).m4a7 R# ^0 o7 h; X5 \# z0 O
│ 21 Cry Now (Shady Remix).m4a( D+ Y. }1 l" j) b
│ 22 No Apologies.m4a' [- W+ M' C8 S0 y- l0 A
│ 23 Billion Bucks (Bonus Track).m4a% r$ A- {8 T0 I9 M) k; g7 U
│ : h8 [6 U3 U4 [4 y. o* V/ k9 ^
├─2006 - Raw & Uncut. q& K$ q5 o, c c T: w
│ 01 Intro.m4a. Y8 b5 a" v8 `# `, J
│ 02 Rap Game (Bump Heads) [feat. 50 Cent & D12].m4a6 Q# X3 g4 C. x1 d
│ 02 Rap Game (Bump Heads) [Featuring.m4a
: |4 N0 b' W! A) y│ 03 We As Americans.m4a6 H7 L' ^* t3 C- v
│ 04 Love You More.m4a$ S) B! S6 B6 E# ~
│ 05 Can I B____.m4a
$ M8 T% L- J1 x│ 06 Bully.m4a
0 M7 G5 s- {! t8 S( I│ 07 Doe Rae Me (feat. D12).m4a
6 h& V' b" l: Y/ G0 |: R, a│ 07 Doe Rae Me (Featuring D12).m4a2 Q6 v4 \* O0 f
│ 08 Say My Name (feat. Xzibit).m4a
3 @; n' v J) Q0 ~5 _│ 08 Say My Name (Featuring Xzibit).m4a
6 {6 B+ r5 u7 W) N5 Y @3 R│ 09 Stimulate.m4a% Z0 p+ y% I7 |% y y/ _2 x
│ 10 911 (feat. D12).m4a
$ ^# x& V, W4 b& Y" n│ 10 911 (Featuring D12).m4a2 f$ h/ M8 o, ?% H3 K* `/ ^
│ 11 These Drugs.m4a% e2 o4 y& _! z' ^. I3 _2 C2 n% z, k
│ 12 Monkey See Monkey Do.m4a
/ [8 f* o$ y8 d! B│ 13 Nail In the Coffin.m4a$ s+ X: R1 o2 e) K" i
│ 14 The Sauce.m4a6 n( I. k" T3 k5 M. ?
│ 15 Kids.m4a
4 P# G( u( S: N0 c% S│
r+ `8 b9 b0 H+ }( g1 q├─2006 - You Don't Know - Single (UK Only Version)
9 E0 _1 q* o$ N; d3 h* c1 f! h, l/ w│ 01 You Don't Know.m4a
7 R2 M0 S# [, E0 X7 s│ 02 Get Low.m4a% ^# Q" q/ C0 F7 n
) Z4 ~3 L3 K" e2 d& ]2 h P, `├─2007 - Jimmy Crack Corn (Cashis Vocal Mix) [feat. Cashis] - Single' S" r/ V- m3 h2 ~
│ 01 Jimmy Crack Corn (Cashis Vocal Mi.m4a+ s+ J7 t/ @3 v' `
- Y& F7 h8 X f E: _4 j( z q├─2009 - 3 a.m. (Travis Barker Remix) - Single
/ f( m! ?; V$ ^2 c. C) n│ 01 3 a.m. (Travis Barker Remix).m4a+ ]& o4 r+ O0 {' ^
│ * T4 l/ X: W: m
├─2009 - 3am - Single& r5 g4 M7 Y3 ]
│ 01 3am.m4a, C7 Y! k( t7 f, [7 m8 Q0 g/ t! r& O; J
│ 3 a.m. (1080p HD).m4v
/ s$ g7 [6 i w7 D& u# ~, U& L│
" ^: ^" E9 _$ z" f) _% I8 K├─2009 - Beautiful - EP
# s& z9 f% G9 F9 }! C$ `4 y7 G│ 01 Beautiful (Radio Edit).m4a9 ?4 | n4 N/ H7 N! z
│ 02 Beautiful 1.m4a
6 ~5 v3 j3 R0 x4 A8 t│ 02 Beautiful.m4a
& U9 F6 H: u: B; z- X" l│ 03 Beautiful (Instrumental).m4a9 ]2 b9 t5 r s% ]% s9 v
│ 04 3am (Travis Barker Remix).m4a8 B" A$ k2 I( h: E8 b5 B
│ 8 n5 ]* P3 V' U
├─2009 - Beautiful - Single0 k! \# h: Y! k; ]. ]9 i
│ 01 Beautiful.m4a* ^) G+ s9 x' C+ m1 f; J/ n
│ . T6 Q! Q- \9 U1 E' i
├─2009 - Crack a Bottle - Single
/ R9 V5 j) W2 ?! I│ 01 Crack a Bottle.m4a) \. O/ M5 y. r1 E9 E. p
. g" Y$ @) Z# D2 A8 K6 H# K. S* G├─2009 - Elevator - Single# x' d9 L3 m% k" n
│ 01 Elevator.m4a
. ~4 P( M! @- k# i$ ~+ m4 m│
6 ]$ X% x9 E$ @& C├─2009 - Hell Breaks Loose (feat. Dr. Dre) - Single
1 C; z/ X' \( ~& m* v! L│ 01 Hell Breaks Loose (feat. Dr. Dre).m4a- ~$ c7 {# x5 C8 T% _' U0 A
│ * p2 h! ?: ]( _* ~- S
├─2009 - Old Time's Sake (feat. Dr. Dre) - Single0 a" W0 E# a9 o7 [) @6 M
│ 01 Old Time's Sake (feat. Dr. Dre).m4a
2 }( a) U* C* L2 q/ k+ _& _) N│
0 ~0 i1 y; [! D├─2009 - Relapse (Deluxe Version)
1 S, u; l; J( U/ @│ 01 Dr. West (Skit).m4a
5 N+ d q. }0 a│ 02 3 A.M..m4a S( c8 ~ a9 C5 C3 [
│ 03 My Mom.m4a
4 ?1 J3 N4 P/ E+ ^1 O9 u│ 04 Insane.m4a
* ^/ z/ d8 P9 G( M) j│ 05 Bagpipes from Baghdad.m4a6 s8 {( \4 E- b, B" |
│ 06 Hello.m4a
{1 H2 ?9 Q& ]$ ]7 m│ 07 Tonya (Skit).m4a0 c5 e+ [- z1 s+ r& g6 _
│ 08 Same Song & Dance.m4a
/ p7 G ]; h9 y" q1 f" L8 P$ x% `" ^│ 09 We Made You.m4a
5 E$ E! D. e) J! ~! m" Z│ 10 Medicine Ball.m4a
/ X. l0 g) p0 p$ ] K│ 11 Paul (Skit).m4a5 D+ O, {; `) S7 ], Q8 i8 h
│ 12 Stay Wide Awake.m4a
/ P& e% Q4 p. n│ 13 Old Time's Sake (feat. Dr. Dre) [.m4a; [. N8 ]' Q6 E- v" z! K
│ 14 Must Be the Ganja.m4a/ n0 [- w( s3 }
│ 15 Mr. Mathers (Skit).m4a
8 B, o1 F6 v$ E' O│ 16 Deja Vu.m4a/ |3 a3 L+ [3 v/ j: P4 Y" I
│ 17 Beautiful.m4a ]* D* x7 ]. q: ]2 @' w; K6 r
│ 18 Crack a Bottle (feat. Dr. Dre & 5.m4a
9 M) m i# ^5 G3 y( i│ 19 Steve Berman (Skit).m4a
* L1 G4 \" j: M9 d3 ]│ 20 Underground _ Ken Kaniff.m4a7 i# p, S: t0 y' ?. R# F
│ 21 We Made You (Single Version).m4a
/ D6 X" g( A: f9 F. J+ r- ]│ 22 Crack a Bottle (feat. Dr. Dre & 5.m4a$ K' p: c( k0 h- w
│ 23 My Darling.m4a1 j1 n" H. W+ }: _+ |4 {
│ 24 Careful What You Wish For.m4a
# f6 Z: K* M# k, b, ^+ R0 f│ 25 3 a.m. (Explicit, HD) (1080p HD).m4v% K8 e2 `) q& b4 U6 B& G! f: X L
│ 26 We Made You (Closed-Captioned, Fi.m4v' {" I# z% K1 K/ _+ N
8 Y. U' ~+ J9 v. e' Z2 n6 _% h& V; L├─2009 - Relapse_ Refill' J$ k3 ~1 g& j6 E& e
│ 1-01 Dr. West (Skit).m4a$ X Y' Z! Q+ I3 `# C9 l
│ 1-02 3 a.m..m4a
# G* b& i) x: Z. w' t2 x9 [$ G│ 1-03 My Mom.m4a
( z) z- ]' j `9 t$ p# @│ 1-04 Insane.m4a, T! Z$ p! ?4 `. i% d
│ 1-05 Bagpipes from Baghdad.m4a
7 M6 z" c3 M$ l7 \│ 1-06 Hello.m4a, ]. }, K! L# K* `
│ 1-07 Tonya (Skit).m4a
! r0 `" Q- _# [2 G3 n│ 1-08 Same Song & Dance.m4a. v/ h3 S6 c% i+ ?
│ 1-09 We Made You.m4a
, f* ]' R4 |/ i9 r& L a3 V% M│ 1-10 Medicine Ball.m4a
* c5 I" C" }5 n' D4 Y0 H: _, v│ 1-11 Paul (Skit).m4a) S' ]! N8 ~4 G5 e% b
│ 1-12 Stay Wide Awake.m4a" b1 @6 x4 B0 F% z2 I8 D2 z: B0 |
│ 1-13 Old Time's Sake (feat. Dr. Dre).m4a
3 d( C8 B3 m: l! E0 f9 p) C3 b│ 1-14 Must Be the Ganja.m4a
3 Y: d, F* N) h/ B+ a; }│ 1-15 Mr. Mathers (Skit).m4a7 A6 @& G" C u+ q$ {* _7 V/ o
│ 1-16 De?ja? Vu.m4a
! U+ t+ ^6 Y6 e, Y4 Y, }│ 1-17 Beautiful.m4a
0 D; B5 X; Z" k0 F! j0 j. {) U8 B│ 1-18 Crack a Bottle (feat. Dr. Dre & 50 Cent).m4a
- a* B7 }- X3 ~4 n9 G _│ 1-19 Steve Berman (Skit).m4a
' W1 N. Y s- v# T2 H, ]│ 1-20 Underground.m4a+ @4 z! y* o+ o( a5 U& b: D
│ 2-01 Forever (with Drake, Kanye West & Lil Wayne).m4a( x% q6 U$ F o+ G! t7 _( R
│ 2-02 Hell Breaks Loose (feat. Dr. Dre).m4a
* {# d% y, ^1 J) Y│ 2-03 Buffalo Bill.m4a
" F2 \0 E/ ` F; S8 i, D│ 2-04 Elevator.m4a' b9 ?' E+ ~: |( h( z7 f- c x
│ 2-05 Taking My Ball.m4a* `2 ~3 F- q. u) U; R6 w3 b5 U# v
│ 2-06 Music Box.m4a
" e$ T0 C3 [! o: }│ 2-07 Drop the Bomb On 'Em.m4a. m5 I. ~( T' p% F$ n
│ 2-08 My Darling.m4a+ N. J' w% P. g6 u$ w
│ 2-09 Careful What You Wish For.m4a
8 I$ [4 `, F Z Z! F0 V│ Digital Booklet - Relapse_ Refill.pdf6 ]2 e1 j2 A0 J
│ 8 T t6 n! i: p( E. O
├─2009 - The Warning - Single9 l( y! |- t; y: N* m# [& V
│ 01 The Warning (MIX).m4a
3 Q! G- _1 {( O2 c4 J│
! {% h+ n- Y0 J& I0 s+ S6 k3 v4 M7 s├─2009 - We Made You - Single
1 M- n2 y' C& w2 P# G3 L│ 01 We Made You (Single Version).m4a% f5 w# `* {8 V2 @
│ 01 We Made You.m4a
* @3 S" x2 v+ |$ k: P9 j' m│ 02 We Made You (Instrumental).m4a/ {" x7 x' q+ K9 s* G$ X# h
│ 5 D# ]- ~& p1 S* k+ G9 V- t7 X
├─2009 - We Made You – Single (Version 2)5 J; Y# J2 b4 o# n
│ 01 We Made You 1.m4a
- g z" [3 ` m. H* m! ?│ 02 We Made You.m4a
0 U5 m4 p/ S. U# g) t* t# B9 U' H│ 1 ^% W8 D$ N) o. a! H( {3 b
├─2009 - We Made You – Single (Version 3)8 ~9 C7 j& h5 d
│ 01 We Made You (Single Version).m4a
6 g& o- T' J. w/ x3 J│ 02 We Made You (Instrumental).m4a8 B: o9 h2 C# K6 Z2 J, M
│ 03 We Made You (Instrumental).m4a6 j2 K* R5 ^* ^; L5 q
$ G. [, y/ a8 S* F; a1 a├─2010 - Kesha Tik Tok Remix (feat. Eminem, Nelly & The Game)6 L- ]+ l2 l7 A G7 z
│ 01 Kesha Tik Tok Remix (feat. Eminem.m4a9 P+ ~2 r3 ]6 ]0 b: ^5 G
1 ^1 r# q/ r+ L$ A: t6 m+ ]├─2010 - Love The Way You Lie - Single
# Y7 k' L [/ Y$ i; ~: o: S' ~5 c│ 01 Love the Way You Lie (feat. Rihan.m4a
0 M ?& d3 y3 j- F- u; X! q│
" S3 `' a# h1 P├─2010 - No Love - Single
9 [: O; j! r$ C& B* n3 [│ 01 No Love (feat. Lil Wayne).m4a
/ |: X, Z( ]7 F3 _- C│ 01 No Love.m4a# m- J5 H# e. R
│ 02 No Love (Final With Logos Removed.m4v9 p8 I9 x) o' l% w$ R3 }
% D0 ~1 M$ c1 p├─2010 - Not Afraid - Single# ~6 f: [* H# [9 n. F" ]7 h4 D6 Y
│ 01 Not Afraid.m4a/ Z4 o6 F# L# H, |& |* D
9 F& A+ m- ?8 m5 S) g; t( y8 {3 j├─2010 - Recovery (Clean)
! I) _: b+ S. w( P% E│ 01 Cold Wind Blows.m4a
/ R) n, C: p2 P│ 02 Talkin_ 2 Myself (feat. Kobe).m4a
7 A5 X/ o% X8 n/ G│ 03 On Fire.m4a9 h' `' h3 b: b; H0 a2 e+ q$ v
│ 04 Won't Back Down (feat. Pink).m4a
9 D8 I9 g7 v+ R6 [5 |1 M. t1 F│ 05 W.T.P..m4a0 z8 t9 _0 L+ J' |
│ 06 Going Through Changes.m4a
5 R- V; Z, V3 `* M& t; A│ 07 Not Afraid.m4a! C8 t+ }) W- c' y/ q
│ 08 Seduction.m4a0 g0 w; B- x; u$ K, d2 H
│ 09 No Love (feat. Lil Wayne).m4a5 b6 t/ e3 K( Z" H
│ 10 Space Bound.m4a
* e) G* [- t2 r3 Q8 P│ 11 Cinderella Man.m4a' ]% r" j0 H% i; J8 c; l! k
│ 12 25 to Life.m4a1 l/ }% Y# v5 k5 X1 O3 b: H
│ 13 So Bad.m4a% ]* Z% K6 I: M! V1 E
│ 14 Almost Famous.m4a
- o. y/ O' r4 W# `0 K│ 15 Love the Way You Lie (feat. Rihan.m4a: E7 k2 h8 B1 A. r/ D
│ 16 You_re Never Over.m4a
6 y& ^& v3 f/ |. ^& K│ 17 Untitled.m4a
d4 w/ T/ b3 _. s5 b5 f: d; {│ Digital Booklet - Recovery.pdf9 v d( x- S" I5 K
+ ~' F: _4 e6 `& C├─2010 - Recovery (Deluxe Edition)
( m" t* s; g: M! B0 \│ 01 Cold Wind Blows.m4a9 l9 _* ]1 D9 N) f! Z7 @
│ 02 Talkin' 2 Myself (feat. Kobe).m4a
1 P3 A* q( |; i; s. t+ |" q. E│ 03 On Fire.m4a
, h: I' c/ k" w│ 04 Won't Back Down (feat. P!nk).m4a! M& d- a3 S1 u3 ?5 G7 a1 m
│ 05 W.T.P..m4a
, e, G4 _3 V9 o+ z9 b│ 06 Going Through Changes.m4a% T g$ f: p! P: q3 [) Q
│ 07 Not Afraid.m4a V; Y A* D- x1 Q, M4 c8 P) S8 E
│ 08 Seduction.m4a. }& l' F; n3 Z) i* E; E; a& l
│ 09 No Love (feat. Lil Wayne).m4a
l% A8 H$ t5 }* V│ 10 Space Bound.m4a6 P0 a" ~8 c0 [$ P- @* }6 A
│ 11 Cinderella Man.m4a
) P0 E8 e2 w' a! y│ 12 25 to Life.m4a1 _* w) |$ y$ V
│ 13 So Bad.m4a% Y, z& y5 z% L$ a4 l) S9 G
│ 14 Almost Famous.m4a
: K: {1 b& _6 a3 @│ 15 Love the Way You Lie (feat. Rihan.m4a. p7 S. i: b! D
│ 16 You're Never Over.m4a
4 C; v8 a2 d/ H: W# s$ e4 H│ 17 Untitled.m4a: S$ |% _! N! m' J/ { P
│ 18 Ridaz.m4a
" j: @ @4 `/ L- V' ~( E│ 19 Session One (feat. Slaughterhouse).m4a; v" w) E+ G% e V% s
│ 20 Not Afraid.m4v
5 t. I) Z/ J8 }3 b5 Z) m│ Digital Booklet - Recovery.pdf
3 I/ v6 S5 e8 P9 ^( b│
) r# {; f, X) H* @" R├─2010 - Recovery (Standard Edition)
$ J4 ]# Y1 r% I6 ~8 C8 e│ 01 Cold Wind Blows.m4a9 S$ ?6 Q y4 o/ }, e0 I7 s
│ 02 Talkin' 2 Myself.m4a
* Q& a5 p9 g# `$ h( c│ 03 On Fire.m4a* G( [ ?# E+ V; x
│ 04 Won't Back Down.m4a
' D% q4 L, O% \; c, y% ]1 e+ h$ O9 \- n│ 05 W.T.P..m4a8 ?: M0 z B# d1 R9 D/ I
│ 06 Going Through Changes.m4a( i( X2 B- L, d, z& Y+ b
│ 07 Not Afraid.m4a' [& u9 m A/ ^
│ 08 Seduction.m4a# I: j2 Y1 V1 ~5 K9 [/ W
│ 09 No Love.m4a
' ^* C: V) `9 c/ T3 A; m* j│ 10 Space Bound.m4a
. m' H0 ]% ]8 L│ 11 Cinderella Man.m4a
3 B; f) b( |' W: X3 D│ 12 25 to Life.m4a4 B, y* K& S$ s' x# v
│ 13 So Bad.m4a
" y# g a/ ~/ b- u: _4 c│ 14 Almost Famous.m4a; a9 [' _1 i; H0 j) V
│ 15 Love the Way You Lie.m4a
2 ^; i+ } O! O2 k( a│ 16 You're Never Over.m4a/ Z5 s Z- l% k" \2 R8 S' ~6 K
│ 17 Untitled.m4a
0 D2 r+ ?/ P# M│ / @ Y" w1 K1 J+ C+ A, M8 h
├─2010 - The Way You Lie (Feat. Rihanna)
0 P3 R. k9 G7 a* \# R│ 01 Love The Way You Lie feat. Rihann.m4a
# s, L/ y8 G- M5 D7 H│ 02 Love The Way You Lie feat. Rihann.m4a F. h2 h* r9 \. _* u; e2 Q% _
( u" \* p7 v$ c0 h; g% R- {├─2010 - The Way You Lie (Feat. Rihanna) - EP
H1 F" }8 K$ w3 |3 L│ 01 Love The Way You Lie feat. Rihanna.m4a
6 B0 X8 e$ ?# D Q6 c% O4 b! ~│ 02 Love The Way You Lie feat. Rihanna (Instrumental).m4a
9 L& Q, Y* s& i* i│
% Y; H8 V j' Q# |3 ~. q% o' N! ?1 r├─2013 - Berzerk - Single
# x8 M( t; B8 g% n1 T+ `│ 01 Berzerk.m4a
# @) U5 ?* d* m, r, @│
" I8 e2 S+ `1 h├─2013 - Rap God - Single
) C9 M% o; U, s- M/ x│ 01 Rap God.m4a
3 S6 o1 @, }1 f│ 3 O+ }8 h i! v! P2 R! A
├─2013 - Survival - Single9 Z/ B- w7 D# m' e
│ 01 Survival.m4a
# ?+ X. e5 |( O" S│
]( Z7 U% O' P├─2013 - The Marshall Mathers LP2$ J3 ~# D; Y) c/ e* @
│ 01 Bad Guy.m4a
# ]% K- C3 }# p q' S2 a$ J ~│ 02 Parking Lot (skit).m4a+ g' s! i. }+ M2 i
│ 03 Rhyme Or Reason.m4a
% ]+ g% Y3 Q3 s│ 04 So Much Better.m4a
: }8 ]+ C: I- o; Q' K9 F/ k│ 05 Survival.m4a/ A+ n5 L% c' u
│ 06 Legacy.m4a
/ H, x* J, S7 j$ g3 y' T│ 07 Asshole (feat. Skylar Grey).m4a4 u0 F/ \. u/ D: V
│ 08 Berzerk.m4a
- f9 R0 |% n2 v' s│ 09 Rap God.m4a* h3 e/ q& y) l- [9 _! w* T
│ 10 Brainless.m4a
. F( Z! s% }! |% M6 K- B│ 11 Stronger Than I Was.m4a$ q# [- k* P6 `" z
│ 12 The Monster (feat. Rihanna).m4a
# P2 J& u' \ [ u│ 13 So Far....m4a: N6 U0 K" T3 ~$ j/ ` {
│ 14 Love Game (feat. Kendrick Lamar).m4a# G! h4 F4 ^- K! V2 s; ~7 F* `
│ 15 Headlights (feat. Nate Ruess).m4a: F) X! `$ r8 V/ n+ w3 z4 `
│ 16 Evil Twin.m4a+ y' M+ l# l, n! E/ f
/ D, Q( o# i Y4 ` Q6 t$ W% @├─2013 - The Marshall Mathers LP2 (Deluxe)
4 D. E: g+ s2 I% ^│ 01 Bad Guy.m4a+ r* D5 q$ M; y1 I- H6 M6 q
│ 02 Parking Lot (Skit).m4a
0 y) W7 q, P: c9 F│ 03 Rhyme Or Reason.m4a
7 Q* k2 ?+ w/ ~4 |7 X# g% X. T" ~│ 04 So Much Better.m4a
9 E) c! Q4 D4 E│ 05 Survival.m4a8 y, ? p6 O2 w# Q6 c, G
│ 06 Legacy.m4a- c3 \ b# F3 M X% O6 \
│ 07 Asshole (feat. Skylar Grey).m4a) Z5 E4 |1 a K0 Q) M9 H
│ 08 Berzerk.m4a# } {( c: F0 y7 L2 ^
│ 09 Rap God.m4a
( F, K& D8 y! w" E! v│ 10 Brainless.m4a! T$ x$ @' {) Y* Y& B
│ 11 Stronger Than I Was.m4a
& A/ P& x) n2 ~1 q9 F T│ 12 The Monster (feat. Rihanna).m4a
7 C) e+ b r( }1 z& `+ o│ 13 So Far....m4a" D b; z! `/ C8 A7 V
│ 14 Love Game (feat. Kendrick Lamar).m4a
0 \! \* _. W; s│ 15 Headlights (feat. Nate Ruess).m4a, O+ L6 d8 g4 g. @' b
│ 16 Evil Twin.m4a6 r( y, A; C1 e
│ 17 Baby.m4a
0 ?& A0 O- s- W( Y& T│ 18 Desperation (feat. Jamie N Common.m4a
% P7 ]* Q8 _3 `8 J, M# [% l$ a│ 18 Desperation (feat. Jamie N Commons).m4a
4 L3 O ^( C2 L│ 19 Groundhog Day.m4a4 g& V l/ _ t1 c v
│ 20 Beautiful Pain (feat. Sia).m4a
# O+ E: U g9 e r* ^│ 21 Wicked Ways.m4a7 M% A1 b3 _; F# N+ U r2 `3 i
│ Digital Booklet - The Marshall Mathe.pdf
6 k; e% L% C* i" W/ J- x) { u9 y- H│ 1 h0 {3 F7 c0 G( o0 F+ [. i- L
├─2013 - The Marshall Mathers LP2 (Deluxe) [Clean]3 b& [* t! T5 X$ \* F. \+ x
│ 01 Bad Guy.m4a! O6 D1 o! H* Z( x# g
│ 02 Parking Lot (Skit).m4a+ |3 H7 R0 l4 I9 v( ?
│ 03 Rhyme Or Reason.m4a
5 `) l1 g) a# y( |, A4 E& p│ 04 So Much Better.m4a
, T' S; L5 v/ ?2 K" y+ B│ 05 Survival.m4a
" m) k3 b$ {. B( R│ 06 Legacy.m4a) V4 e0 e! |3 { ?; e: ~
│ 07 Asshole (feat. Skylar Grey).m4a; g$ |, o8 e5 ]5 J* `3 g: F0 |
│ 08 Berzerk.m4a( a" @% ?2 |! |4 u! X5 w
│ 09 Rap God.m4a
1 v1 s$ A- C+ U│ 10 Brainless.m4a
9 \& s4 J5 z. U; t│ 11 Stronger Than I Was.m4a! C) [: Q- B* I, Z9 L- }; y
│ 12 The Monster (feat. Rihanna).m4a! E& v, r5 U% V0 W
│ 13 So Far....m4a# ^3 y Z! Q1 i+ _' j
│ 14 Love Game (feat. Kendrick Lamar).m4a" K \9 w& j. a f
│ 15 Headlights (feat. Nate Ruess).m4a
9 i' X, t5 Z; |' T) f- C│ 16 Evil Twin.m4a
5 x6 l2 c$ S& h1 G6 A+ i7 H│ 17 Baby.m4a
' X. s0 A2 D7 K. g│ 18 Desperation (feat. Jamie N Commons).m4a
; z+ L: Z, a2 L7 f6 N' _│ 19 Groundhog Day.m4a) m [# s6 t& G. n' p
│ 20 Beautiful Pain (feat. Sia).m4a1 Q2 [; |6 R/ Q
│ 21 Wicked Ways.m4a% ?, K# N: J% ?1 w
7 M, ^2 O1 G, W& f% h8 u5 I├─2013 - The Marshall Mathers LP2 (Standard-Clean)* _( o$ ]4 e0 q/ |+ v
│ 01 Bad Guy.m4a
% w- u5 ~( t H$ i8 s# J2 q N│ 02 Parking Lot (skit).m4a( S5 V/ E. ?' X: _8 `
│ 03 Rhyme Or Reason.m4a0 b7 U8 v& P) w4 T+ H6 f
│ 04 So Much Better.m4a6 B' c+ @5 v4 L# z6 y
│ 05 Survival.m4a
% \) \6 W c h0 F4 L/ f│ 06 Legacy.m4a
* `, x' h! K# r# I! w1 k ?( k│ 07 Asshole (feat. Skylar Grey).m4a5 J6 u+ s7 P, g: H9 J2 U8 v4 v) P
│ 08 Berzerk.m4a6 r- ~ f& z2 U# ], w0 G/ X% }- P
│ 09 Rap God.m4a% u) C& I" c* e
│ 10 Brainless.m4a! E7 @6 |2 m$ w# N6 s
│ 11 Stronger Than I Was.m4a4 j, E. e, s A' x# C. T
│ 12 The Monster (feat. Rihanna).m4a
4 a5 T- o3 b8 y, W; Z│ 13 So Far....m4a
6 i$ N# A8 D# H5 w- g' x│ 14 Love Game (feat. Kendrick Lamar).m4a# m( c0 S- J- u, D1 n
│ 15 Headlights (feat. Nate Ruess).m4a
2 C1 ?5 z Z8 b s7 B0 G│ 16 Evil Twin.m4a# q: z1 ]; Y! d Z
│ 3 d! h7 x' {7 u9 S
├─2014 - Guts Over Fear (feat. Sia) - Single' j3 M% ~& j# q
│ 01 Guts Over Fear (feat. Sia).m4a
- l; o: n& H( K1 L$ L8 G1 `│
7 d5 A. G7 S1 u3 |2 M2 i b1 |├─2015 - Phenomenal - Single
, V" r0 e' d4 M7 U% f! ?; q│ Eminem - Phenomenal.m4a0 B, G! K3 i/ J& O+ d
8 `; n* D- P6 }8 p6 H├─2017 - Revival
( d4 v" J N4 P* D& m* r' D/ u│ 01 Walk On Water (feat. Beyoncé).m4a
. N( v* u' j. U. Y+ B│ 02 Believe.m4a
# D$ X$ B3 Z/ G( j6 N0 T. P* ~│ 03 Chloraseptic (feat. PHRESHER).m4a8 K* s, @; s1 x7 m- t
│ 04 Untouchable.m4a5 b3 d7 }* x# N( |% K
│ 05 River (feat. Ed Sheeran).m4a
7 o6 c& y4 W: O/ D" |/ d3 `│ 06 Remind Me (Intro).m4a; T, b9 Q1 ~, I. u( w9 c
│ 07 Remind Me.m4a
9 `. X7 V& H. j$ ~: _8 L( C│ 08 Revival (Interlude).m4a
% T3 E7 q" P& [. ?- {/ Y│ 09 Like Home (feat. Alicia Keys).m4a
h' |$ }3 d* w│ 10 Bad Husband (feat. X Ambassadors).m4a, c+ G# p* X' v& @. y! l/ e
│ 11 Tragic Endings (feat. Skylar Grey.m4a
4 I. P) ^3 {. z; l│ 12 Framed.m4a
; t2 W% Q2 t) w3 l- V& b1 A│ 13 Nowhere Fast (feat. Kehlani).m4a" M( r7 q: H9 s
│ 14 Heat.m4a
' i+ `: k, ^, R r) j3 `( H7 Q9 E│ 15 Offended.m4a2 O* _2 t+ P+ B* E5 U3 }
│ 16 Need Me (feat. P!nk).m4a
! w. o- s' H( `: s* C# m+ B│ 17 In Your Head.m4a
6 [- e6 `/ d- F& v: R2 F│ 18 Castle.m4a R" v: l# G$ ?( u/ N
│ 19 Arose.m4a
# o; {: G: M. k0 j! ~│ 3 ?- I- N" D& l1 \& [, Z. R
├─2018 - Kamikaze
) [; D: x+ `5 }6 D0 v│ 01 The Ringer.m4a
( U/ |/ d) L) n0 t/ C( C│ 02 Greatest.m4a+ ]1 b. W' R% I% T( d* Q. T
│ 03 Lucky You (feat. Joyner Lucas).m4a; H% P0 I& e6 _ g
│ 04 Paul (Skit).m4a
" Y. t* e; _9 X# c) z, \- R│ 05 Normal.m4a7 y. |( b% r6 m4 w$ x+ f
│ 06 Em Calls Paul (Skit).m4a* n7 S( P0 f- O4 u9 w0 t2 `
│ 07 Stepping Stone.m4a0 n; n5 G, l; D2 a6 W
│ 08 Not Alike (feat. Royce da 5'9_).m4a
0 G* I8 {4 t5 R3 B1 U" Y│ 09 Fall.m4a- E* {$ L/ f* |" P# W
│ 10 Kamikaze.m4a
7 ^0 t9 E% f( g( K+ N* F# R4 q, i0 O│ 11 Nice Guy (feat. Jessie Reyez).m4a3 f1 V8 e" C% l$ m5 b+ x
│ 12 Good Guy (feat. Jessie Reyez).m4a0 t& [1 U6 V! R7 Z# b
│ 13 Venom (Music From the Motion Pict.m4a
1 t. d$ A) c/ I; Z. }0 C│ & v1 S3 @2 f. G7 J
├─2018 - Killshot - Single. ?$ q% {6 \- |2 V, j
│ 01 Killshot.m4a
7 A: n \+ v4 I* m- `6 x0 r) |% m│ ; ?9 g! w1 O& M9 a
├─2018 - Nowhere Fast (feat. Kehlani) [Extended Version] - Single
! A( ]$ n$ g; e7 D' t; R6 P│ 01 Nowhere Fast (feat. Kehlani) Ext.m4a) ?8 I$ B" _7 D/ @5 n% D
│ ' i: X# T* y7 M1 }
├─2018 – Kamikaze (Clean Version)
+ B+ k& _' o5 i2 {* _) e& t1 U│ 01 The Ringer 1.m4a
1 A8 D* j/ e8 |. ?% p│ 02 Greatest 1.m4a$ I& M+ j; K" k# j* e! b1 y
│ 03 Lucky You (feat. Joyner Lucas) 1.m4a$ k2 H! ]) h. n# N
│ 04 Paul (Skit) 1.m4a
5 O2 O/ J& Q4 [7 ?" O' s2 q│ 05 Normal 1.m4a
/ b$ \* O+ i$ b│ 06 Em Calls Paul (Skit) 1.m4a
% U2 {' F& U: \! M# j& u+ O1 U│ 07 Stepping Stone 1.m4a
$ m% U/ d6 `& m# v- L# Y- s. i1 i6 j/ p│ 08 Not Alike (feat. Royce da 5'9_) 1.m4a
* u% q6 |# ~: Y7 ^1 L│ 09 Kamikaze.m4a/ `) g) H {, Y# V1 e" W
│ 10 Fall.m4a; Y) N% ]6 O; C7 p! ~
│ 11 Nice Guy (feat. Jessie Reyez) 1.m4a( I% h& t3 I, }2 y" s- i" u
│ 12 Good Guy (feat. Jessie Reyez) 1.m4a
; h& B9 i. ?& _& y7 f( ?│ 13 Venom (Music From The Motion Pict 1.m4a
- G( {. s$ Q- R: e' _7 {│ / y3 Y8 M+ H6 T- e0 F: n
├─2020 - Music To Be Murdered By; S! Z9 q$ c0 T. r7 B- [, g
│ 01 Premonition (Intro).m4a' A$ P) \% c- P! C: N! q' r( L7 O" Z4 K
│ 02 Unaccommodating (feat. Young M.A).m4a: n& i- ?! L) v1 A8 x
│ 03 You Gon' Learn (feat. Royce da 5'.m4a
2 U8 O! l$ C+ n* C│ 04 Alfred (Interlude).m4a
" A/ A( [# A6 A/ _% d│ 05 Those Kinda Nights (feat. Ed Shee.m4a
* ~. m! f6 d8 R│ 06 In Too Deep.m4a
: \( D2 Q# y; k4 N8 v3 R│ 07 Godzilla (feat. Juice WRLD).m4a t" a* I; n5 {* y: ^
│ 08 Darkness.m4a7 p2 s. ~* H4 i
│ 09 Leaving Heaven (feat. Skylar Grey.m4a4 X3 Z3 l, o$ v4 x4 Q: N! V W
│ 10 Yah Yah (feat. Royce da 5'9_, Bla.m4a; l8 |4 x- e0 o# c R, P% {$ b! X" b- Q
│ 11 Stepdad (Intro).m4a
( B. }$ w5 z3 z! [4 ^( K' p7 ^│ 12 Stepdad.m4a
' f8 m) q6 u7 s│ 13 Marsh.m4a
4 O# O+ [6 x( l) D│ 14 Never Love Again.m4a
3 @( A/ o( [& K) W% i. T6 y8 N│ 15 Little Engine.m4a
% H, X# T( x4 q& a# }& r: j│ 16 Lock It Up (feat. Anderson .Paak).m4a
' { \0 H+ ]% y, R; P s3 {│ 17 Farewell.m4a1 V7 d& Z; o0 |& Y" X4 G$ q$ C# J
│ 18 No Regrets (feat. Don Toliver).m4a
1 G! b% [4 p2 `- y$ P M. y% ^' C│ 19 I Will (feat. KXNG Crooked, Royce.m4a
+ E8 o3 v w8 }$ P│ 20 Alfred (Outro).m4a
7 `/ K% `: I& o) o2 D( i4 T5 z│
; \" Z5 T2 P, a8 b; L0 F$ e├─2020 - Music To Be Murdered By - Side B (Deluxe Edition)
& ]' P! D# V9 C4 m2 O& h" u" ~│ 1-01 Alfred (Intro).m4a
4 Q9 G7 c# p) n# E% o9 M2 y│ 1-02 Black Magic.m4a
- j7 m$ U4 c N8 e│ 1-03 Alfred's Theme.m4a7 @$ A( Y5 H0 i! r0 Z. Z3 R" Q2 T
│ 1-04 Tone Deaf.m4a- j' \0 v% ~$ e- S5 M
│ 1-05 Book of Rhymes (feat. DJ Premie.m4a4 d% {' O$ z% ~# M; O, [
│ 1-06 Favorite Bitch (feat. Ty Dolla.m4a# |! ]5 ~; i9 m7 W3 \# ^
│ 1-07 Guns Blazing (feat. Dr. Dre & S.m4a
+ k" o( M; Y& `8 T5 A0 n2 k│ 1-08 Gnat.m4a- F' Z" }/ W' Z& ^. k ^
│ 1-09 Higher.m4a
( i6 H. f! Y: P5 j│ 1-10 These Demons (feat. MAJ).m4a
, \2 i5 ?9 N5 @* U│ 1-11 Key (Skit).m4a' u3 J% `0 a b4 c* P
│ 1-12 She Loves Me.m4a+ R# ]' j" z2 {. e: ~0 G" z
│ 1-13 Killer.m4a5 H. |+ j6 I1 o$ P3 o; w Y3 k
│ 1-14 Zeus (feat. White Gold).m4a
+ ^1 {+ L1 e* k0 E5 f: R│ 1-15 Thus Far (Interlude).m4a" Z l% O0 [' o5 ?) F
│ 1-16 Discombobulated.m4a$ y' Q+ R$ L7 T
│ 2-01 Premonition (Intro).m4a
- d& i5 g( u& d% |# m) b7 x: Q│ 2-02 Unaccommodating (feat. Young M..m4a
4 W0 L* V/ S1 m2 _, m8 b7 Q$ e│ 2-03 You Gon' Learn (feat. Royce da.m4a& [7 N% [. x* d0 U0 b* G
│ 2-04 Alfred (Interlude).m4a/ _1 L4 s9 E8 ^# Q. o8 O
│ 2-05 Those Kinda Nights (feat. Ed Sh.m4a
1 K7 @" n$ q. R& Q│ 2-06 In Too Deep.m4a3 {8 y; u1 }# `4 ?2 A( I
│ 2-07 Godzilla (feat. Juice WRLD).m4a
0 x+ Z7 z4 [% r( p5 L│ 2-08 Darkness.m4a, U* U0 V3 p$ Q5 w( R) k5 l
│ 2-09 Leaving Heaven (feat. Skylar Gr.m4a* T( R) A+ f6 O0 G% h! j! i
│ 2-10 Yah Yah (feat. Royce da 5'9, Bl.m4a2 a& s) R9 M- H
│ 2-11 Stepdad (Intro).m4a
* l; y& P' ?- @3 \' g# @│ 2-12 Stepdad.m4a
! }6 t2 N1 `! ]│ 2-13 Marsh.m4a
. i+ N1 a1 u4 b. ]! z5 p2 o│ 2-14 Never Love Again.m4a" l/ ]4 q0 u; w$ A- f0 p
│ 2-15 Little Engine.m4a
: b4 r: _3 y! m7 N, H- x│ 2-16 Lock It Up (feat. Anderson .Paa.m4a
4 u8 w7 }' ^: }6 G- N5 ?9 S│ 2-17 Farewell.m4a" c o8 [# w! {3 w ^7 z
│ 2-18 No Regrets (feat. Don Toliver).m4a0 Y; F' g" m2 |% \: T
│ 2-19 I Will (feat. KXNG Crooked, Roy.m4a
0 @3 @3 f3 z6 R# y│ 2-20 Alfred (Outro).m4a) L: Z, p. n1 l0 `- e
" T/ }! _0 A0 k h├─2021 - Killer (Remix) - Single
+ m# B+ y7 S. C1 R6 a, h9 F% N│ 01 Killer (Remix).m4a0 ~8 x, k6 b* w+ b/ F# q+ b ~* n
│ ( j" }2 Y/ N6 q1 h) ~, y
├─2021 - Last One Standing (From Venom Let There Be Carnage) - Single1 c& K" W/ u0 C" X0 O
│ 01 Last One Standing (From Venom_ Le.m4a; } Y- _4 ^' F! v7 a! b& N9 J' e* Y' i
5 Q; k1 N( M6 j/ v D1 ~├─2021 - Last One Standing (From Venom? Let There Be Carnage) - Single (Clean Version)
) x( S! ^+ @' h│ 01 Last One Standing (From Venom_ Le.m4a1 s. S) W3 M+ [& x# B$ R
' r0 u" m2 a6 n+ K├─2021 - Last One Standing - Single
, W: \) v' i/ `) Q0 Q+ v│ 01 Last One Standing.m4a+ i3 H" _# w2 \( m2 h; i: w
│ $ E& R9 T1 e5 C3 x
├─2022 - Curtain Call 2! e( o& }5 [4 f( g9 j% C( M
│ 1-01 Godzilla (feat. Juice WRLD).m4a
" C# v" [& _6 m$ l" r! F│ 1-02 Lucky You (feat. Joyner Lucas).m4a
; ~7 f0 x1 G8 Y, q6 `# o1 F! J│ 1-03 Lighters (feat. Bruno Mars).m4a
& z+ n6 Y% e. X$ t$ r│ 1-04 Gnat.m4a1 C9 Y# C( L. o$ e
│ 1-05 Cinderella Man.m4a
! L. j4 [2 J5 a│ 1-06 Walk On Water (feat. Beyoncé).m4a" V9 v% Q+ B$ V$ s# M+ R' X
│ 1-07 Rap God.m4a
- l+ `. L& D5 }# ]│ 1-08 Love The Way You Lie (feat. Rih.m4a
- v5 ?$ G5 i, f' l7 d; K│ 1-09 Won't Back Down (feat. P!nk).m4a0 D) W- W( r+ q6 t+ N$ T/ i3 P
│ 1-10 Higher.m4a$ ^/ Y& {/ Z/ j9 H( }
│ 1-11 Berzerk.m4a$ x+ r" J) T/ d& k
│ 1-12 Not Afraid.m4a1 b4 W% s8 G. l- e
│ 1-13 From The D 2 The LBC.m4a
; Y! u5 v4 ~; e: `' R& u│ 1-14 Nowhere Fast (feat. Kehlani).m4a3 b( b1 ]2 o3 x$ ?/ @) E5 O
│ 1-15 Fall.m4a* U: v5 O: u9 Y
│ 1-16 Phenomenal.m4a
/ ^* t& m- o: \( F; f% c* `! Z1 p│ 1-17 Fast Lane.m4a `0 k: w5 V$ |$ N7 J6 @, V
│ 1-18 You_re Never Over.m4a' ^( H3 T! k% O8 r. _
│ 2-01 3 a.m..m4a% i0 a5 X/ b8 } F) z
│ 2-02 Space Bound.m4a& D& t- t8 B- u: a
│ 2-03 Beautiful.m4a
+ q- @& j$ v5 i' `# L( z; [│ 2-04 The Monster (feat. Rihanna).m4a. t( u5 f4 g v0 u
│ 2-05 Venom (Music From The Motion Pi.m4a: N7 y- v) k& I6 s2 p0 z/ n( P
│ 2-06 Crack A Bottle (feat. Dr. Dre &.m4a5 }/ k' }. }; X
│ 2-07 Is This Love ('09).m4a
1 M: u9 _7 }; d6 w9 }. R│ 2-08 River (feat. Ed Sheeran).m4a
/ g( H* J& z4 w4 z" `1 V│ 2-09 Survival.m4a, `/ ]: u$ _3 j
│ 2-10 Best Friend (feat. Eminem).m4a
* A" r# b6 K8 F# Q! t│ 2-11 Darkness.m4a
4 l1 b$ o; \5 Z, W│ 2-12 Kings Never Die (feat. Gwen Ste.m4a
' y, w& X+ n* |' \4 O│ 2-13 No Love (feat. Lil Wayne).m4a; c% i( h, r' g6 b/ d2 ?9 J! y
│ 2-14 Headlights (feat. Nate Ruess).m4a
* S2 E3 t6 \7 \, w│ 2-15 The King and I (feat. CeeLo Gre.m4a
$ Q$ S3 h" O0 A, a* V' ]│ 2-16 Farewell.m4a: o8 [3 j' K7 _% j/ Z, L- Z* P
│ 2-17 Rap God (Mr. Cii Remix).m4a
- r) X$ S( D! z$ Q6 {8 P+ f│ Godzilla (feat. Juice WRLD) (1080p H.m4v4 N+ m# v. h$ S$ V
│ Love the Way You Lie (feat. Rihanna).m4v/ \5 y& S+ N }) s2 A
│ Space Bound (Main Version) (1080p HD.m4v' {" J4 s) c# t f3 q% Q0 [5 K6 d! f2 C
│ Venom (1080p HD).m4v& p x' j& B% [. R
│ / z. E+ g2 I e+ Q/ X* ]5 R
├─2022 - Curtain Call 2 (Clean)6 \) ]! n- x) t6 t& I0 U
│ 1-01 Godzilla (feat. Juice WRLD).m4a
6 p3 T, W o$ ]1 ]* P4 D" A│ 1-02 Lucky You (feat. Joyner Lucas).m4a) z! t# ?3 c2 m8 I0 d' {
│ 1-03 Lighters (feat. Bruno Mars).m4a
1 a0 x' T9 W/ H: F% \7 n- C% {│ 1-04 Gnat.m4a
2 z5 }/ O1 ]3 T3 \) N* g│ 1-05 Cinderella Man.m4a
$ `( M. T5 _. B8 U4 P5 }│ 1-06 Walk On Water (feat. Beyoncé).m4a
& m8 }# |2 m/ V, l3 m# [│ 1-07 Rap God.m4a3 o. p; C# L& K& l: ]; D
│ 1-08 Love The Way You Lie (feat. Rih.m4a
. {. ~1 p, b5 V, M9 _│ 1-09 Won't Back Down (feat. P!nk).m4a2 P- N: e5 i4 X s4 U& @0 l7 G
│ 1-10 Higher.m4a
9 t$ O- C; s' o, b│ 1-11 Berzerk.m4a E' ]+ b0 T6 z* F6 l
│ 1-12 Not Afraid.m4a+ i2 K2 p' S6 u( w, K1 b9 P
│ 1-13 From The D 2 The LBC.m4a* d- m" c9 v0 A% Y8 n' t4 ]
│ 1-14 Nowhere Fast (feat. Kehlani).m4a7 q' c5 d# l+ j0 M4 L( ]* e7 H
│ 1-15 Fall.m4a7 h; e% J8 w+ S/ r
│ 1-16 Phenomenal.m4a
( `1 @8 d3 B) G; |/ U" F# B. E- c% R│ 1-17 Fast Lane.m4a
, Z- u6 H0 D, f- s│ 1-18 You_re Never Over.m4a" p. D% ?7 @: s% s0 c7 l' V
│ 2-01 3 a.m..m4a
& W6 E7 W' b4 {+ l7 M3 _ |│ 2-02 Space Bound.m4a
( v2 G5 N, L0 ]% _│ 2-03 Beautiful.m4a
6 }2 E Q1 E% x. z- a│ 2-04 The Monster (feat. Rihanna).m4a' W6 w& b3 Y$ ]3 X8 _# |: F; A! v; R
│ 2-05 Venom (Music From The Motion Pi.m4a4 U% B( m/ B7 r6 Q: }2 m }9 h
│ 2-06 Crack A Bottle.m4a
+ W# L4 [5 k! X( {; _3 U0 I2 Y│ 2-07 Is This Love ('09).m4a
7 ], O" R2 s# H6 o% o9 m! y6 e4 j│ 2-08 River (feat. Ed Sheeran).m4a
& F0 \8 Y$ Q2 E' s# o- h│ 2-09 Survival.m4a
0 d- {! l' p. g. y `│ 2-10 Best Friend (feat. Eminem).m4a" o6 K; S# a9 y# T# s4 v
│ 2-11 Darkness.m4a' E: D5 F9 D8 S2 x% `9 s
│ 2-12 Kings Never Die (feat. Gwen Ste.m4a: x9 c8 k7 d1 V4 y* K5 y9 `
│ 2-13 No Love (feat. Lil Wayne).m4a( v: ~9 a* @4 r% v+ |- e
│ 2-14 Headlights (feat. Nate Ruess).m4a2 _2 \$ v& B9 Y: o S7 a
│ 2-15 The King and I (feat. CeeLo Gre.m4a
/ X7 ^) H& p% I' P0 U- ?│ 2-16 Farewell.m4a
3 ?/ o: n' Y( {4 p: l│ 2-17 Rap God (Mr. Cii Remix).m4a
$ y0 P1 ~4 ?! U2 F% W% y│
8 B2 _, f( s% a) [ {/ @( [5 x├─2022 - From The D 2 The LBC - Single
0 d7 B& Y5 J5 r& W! f│ 01 From The D 2 The LBC.m4a
, R! o s9 }* C' L+ u z│ From The D 2 The LBC (feat. Snoop Do.m4v5 I: r6 u8 Q. d
) O3 q. b* o Q5 T! }├─2022 - Gospel - Single
" a% K- Y" g8 k! C9 v│ 01 Gospel.m4a3 ?+ ?8 ~9 j% f, Y/ ?, K! a6 z$ `4 t
' |1 ?* W0 |( z! n# p├─2022 - The King and I (feat. CeeLo Green) [From the Original Motion Picture Soundtrack ELVIS] - Single5 s% H3 n' p9 a% W$ w
│ 01 The King and I (feat. CeeLo Green.m4a& Q& o' M; E. ?& Z
* M1 a) I* |, \4 `: c8 O) A├─2023 - Lace It - Single
- Y" j8 R4 E) i6 f& G$ R│ 01 Lace It.m4a
" z# ~( l/ k D6 w# l│
5 R/ E9 Q9 v% x9 R1 v6 ?! K├─2023 - Realest - Single; W3 _. m0 M( N! J7 `
│ 01 Realest.m4a
! r2 `) e$ H+ p9 t│ 8 ]. V3 ]4 B. P
├─2023 - The Marshall Mathers LP2 (Expanded Edition)
0 v+ T8 {6 \5 b│ 01 Bad Guy.m4a
3 X; H+ }1 ^+ n3 @* y│ 02 Parking Lot (Skit).m4a$ y( `) Q1 A# ^
│ 03 Rhyme Or Reason.m4a+ O$ n6 N* I% m2 Y
│ 04 So Much Better.m4a
& t9 w# Q/ B0 K2 X│ 05 Survival.m4a
; z0 M- s/ z& n│ 06 Legacy.m4a/ q0 Q( A1 o) L5 p3 x
│ 07 Asshole (feat. Skylar Grey).m4a/ b: a$ x7 P. B4 B" Q
│ 08 Berzerk.m4a
% ?$ k' _# \2 G0 F" |6 M│ 09 Rap God.m4a
9 q5 I# P# _0 `+ Q9 A│ 10 Brainless.m4a
b( x8 R) E+ {( ~" `! L0 b. G│ 11 Stronger Than I Was.m4a
, a! N8 l) x; n│ 12 The Monster (feat. Rihanna).m4a
4 J; Q, f& `: g- X$ ^) Z! l+ {% I│ 13 So Far....m4a
! A. M0 Q$ j5 ^│ 14 Love Game (feat. Kendrick Lamar).m4a
; W. U$ M* x. W│ 15 Headlights (feat. Nate Ruess).m4a
2 d" V f& }* Y│ 16 Evil Twin.m4a
8 ~$ S z% F5 z5 o& [│ 17 Baby.m4a7 [- u& u: j$ L! u$ e. v
│ 18 Desperation (feat. Jamie N Common.m4a- x, y. Z" s8 e% c# B6 \
│ 19 Groundhog Day.m4a+ q( H& c* o# b& S
│ 20 Beautiful Pain (feat. Sia).m4a
5 U1 d( w/ u9 E% c, |│ 21 Wicked Ways.m4a
8 L, b2 M; U& `% w2 ^" n│ 22 Don't Front (feat. Buckshot).m4a; L9 y6 V& I+ q% S% j3 g
│ 23 Survival (Instrumental).m4a& R: f( P9 z3 X' m; |7 D1 C0 W
│ 24 Berzerk (Instrumental).m4a
) V D: X6 g! |- B0 U$ e/ r│ 25 The Monster (Instrumental).m4a; O& s4 V$ @3 s! Z: a! e4 z
│ 26 Rap God (Instrumental).m4a
7 t' `/ C6 [4 P0 L│ 27 Headlights (Instrumental).m4a
) m& P' _& a0 ~; X│ 5 J& ?4 M' Y1 M6 l9 b" B% O( n. _
├─2024 - Houdini - Single
6 e3 d; D, B: n. h│ 01 Houdini.m4a
8 I$ {0 A! |3 o& Y8 B# T7 P│
% g- A8 j8 x, b: D2 X+ Z├─2024 - The Death of Slim Shady (Coup De Grace)
3 I4 a# `9 |& O. b6 Y$ |│ 01 Renaissance.m4a R% X8 J9 s, L) F, W* s
│ 02 Habits.m4a
( X1 O! T. @% @) F│ 03 Trouble.m4a
7 H3 l+ I$ f u) R# \! m8 W9 ~) F│ 04 Brand New Dance.m4a
/ S4 h8 s- }- L; ~( B│ 05 Evil.m4a9 y3 X' ~/ M) f: m2 b
│ 06 All You Got (skit).m4a4 Q9 t/ U6 x2 K; k0 @
│ 07 Lucifer.m4a Z5 M' d1 H: A# \/ l
│ 08 Antichrist.m4a [& ^# i( X, P4 W8 Q# M4 Y
│ 09 Fuel.m4a% H0 y; F4 G. m+ s" v
│ 10 Road Rage.m4a
% H0 ]& G8 Y( ]│ 11 Houdini.m4a
& V3 d3 `. F7 q4 H: L# {% S5 T│ 12 Breaking News (skit).m4a
+ {7 W' @0 [4 ]│ 13 Guilty Conscience 2.m4a
( {+ ^$ G4 [# f5 p1 O) K│ 14 Head Honcho.m4a3 j3 f( J+ [ e7 x. R
│ 15 Temporary.m4a
! [0 ]' D {# M* y│ 16 Bad One.m4a, H# ~6 K# K6 ~ i
│ 17 Tobey.m4a
7 @8 {$ p4 T2 a; {: Q, x│ 18 Guess Who_s Back (skit).m4a& j* K1 p& J- v; f
│ 19 Somebody Save Me.m4a
& J: {/ ?6 I) e. y! o9 B+ j+ w3 M9 i7 s│ 20 Houdini (1080p HD).m4v# }0 Z+ A" r. n. Z- v
│ * f+ y2 t* \0 _3 N4 p& z
└─2024 - Tobey - Single
4 D! Q7 ^9 S+ j- |9 O9 h( K 01 Tobey.m4a, H4 H* N1 r Y
# G8 D! O5 h! @/ X8 |& f
) a3 v! m! [. U
0 |0 O, j1 I+ H
3 u" L6 z( c0 {/ {6 w O" {" \
* v. h3 k4 i! _( T5 s
6 _% S! d3 @, N3 r3 T
; R3 K5 e3 q# ?4 N% L" h. c! O1 m% z! C3 @* s
: Z. W7 S( G: P. N3 a4 q' w
& T: p: w+ K4 N K1 ^5 ], U* V5 k