


Phil Collins - 《Phil Collins作品合集》[iTunes Plus AAC][百度盘]

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001.jpg : X& ~+ K. Z( }

- ?% G1 U7 ~2 j+ b0 E9 w( }0 g( p% R: n! _6 z5 _, x0 ^* @" j. B
Phil Collins简介$ w- z: F2 b. ?3 P
菲尔·科林斯(Phil Collins)全名菲利普·大卫·查尔斯·科林斯(Philip David Charles Collins)于1951年1月30日生于英格兰伦敦奇西克(Chiswick)小镇的一个保险商家庭,有一位姐姐和一个弟弟。2 X9 f1 b3 j0 |! i/ U) ?
3 n- X5 A1 Z3 A
5 c2 ]5 R9 h/ A+ a/ @14岁时,他从中学转入一所戏剧学校学习,而后在伦敦西区上演过话剧《奥立弗》,扮演剧中的马托伊斯,还在《漫漫长夜》中扮演过配角,又在许多电影和英国广播公司拍摄的电视连续剧中担任角色。但他从来没有放弃过最钟爱的打击乐。
  G& r& M" E8 u/ D0 ~17岁时,他加入“青春似火”乐队。
8 Y6 x- E: h. F- s. N1970年,他从《旋律》杂志上看到“创世纪”乐队招聘打击乐演奏员的广告,便前去应聘。由于他对声乐有极强的感受力,当时就加入了英国著名的“创世纪”乐队担任鼓手。
9 F4 j9 D: {1 q* Y: J( e$ v3 _1974年,“创世纪”乐队进入顶峰时期,他们创作了摇滚歌剧《百老汇的祭祀羔羊》,剧中描写贫穷的波多黎各妇女游历纽约底层社会的情景,尖锐地揭示了美国社会的种种矛盾。( @/ ?% N: s8 R( L& V+ e) j; h7 K
菲尔·科林斯一方面主持着“创世纪”乐队的演出活动,另一方面又积极进行个人的演出。频繁的巡回演出导致了他的婚姻破裂,为了愈合内心的 创伤,他创作并录制了第一张个人唱片专辑《表面价值》名列流行歌曲榜榜首,单曲《在今夜的空气中》名列亚军。
9 M( w! b  x; V1 q5 g: j' J5 x1984年,他推出《我必须走开》,1985年推出《无需外套》等唱片专辑,其中的《别忘我的号码》、《再多一夜》、《带我回家》、《分离的生活》 以及与“地、风、火”乐队主唱菲力普·贝利合唱的《风流情人》等,在英美等地都成了热门歌曲。这一年,他为电影《冲破禁忌》创作并演唱的同名主题歌,不仅在美国连续三周荣登榜首,还荣获奥斯卡最佳电影主题歌提名,并获该年度美国葛莱美最佳男歌手奖。他的《无需外套》又获1985 年度美国葛莱美最佳唱片奖。菲尔·科林斯这一系列的成功,明显地确立了他的演唱风格和在摇滚乐坛上的地位。( ?3 }5 N0 s1 @: A+ q+ v3 |1 K
1984年,当他在美国芝加哥的演出之后,准备进入一家叫做“泵房”的高级豪华餐厅时,遭到拒绝,尽管当时他穿着衬衣、系着领带, 外面是一件价格昂贵的皮茄克。1985 年,他根据这次经历的感受创作了《皮茄克莫入》,这是一张愤世嫉俗、极富幽默的歌曲唱片,一发行就很受欢迎,在英国连续5 周高居榜首,在美国连续 7 周高居榜首,其中的单曲《再给我一个夜晚》也连续两周名列第一名。: Y! ~/ D1 I  c" z( r2 s- h! Y
1994年年初,菲尔·科林斯推出他个人的第六张专辑《两个方面》,作品充满着自我反省意识,似乎是在寻求治愈人到中年所有的那种忧郁的灵丹 妙药。
# z* g$ j" R, X  z: a; o1986年,“创世纪”乐队出版唱片专辑《隐形接触》大获成功,同他们的《混乱的土地》和《我心深处》一起成为热门歌曲。
" M6 x* R# A3 z+ N+ ]" _! N. z1987年和1988年,他连续两次获得美国作曲家、作家和出版家协会颁发的最佳歌曲作者奖。
" l8 R) N" m# b. h" w: `1988年,他主演了电影《炸弹》,记述英国历史上曾发生的一次震惊寰宇的火车大劫案。影片十分卖座,不仅在美国,甚至在整个欧洲都赢得了声誉,他为影片创作的两首插曲《最美妙的爱情》和《心心相印》分别在1988年底和1989年初高居流行歌曲榜首。
4 E1 y% T+ K9 ?( G1989 年,他推出单曲《天堂里的又一天》,是他亲自目睹了美国无家可归者的生活情景后创作的,具有强烈的社会现实性,立即成了热门歌曲,在英美迅速夺得冠军。
$ V' Q) y9 t3 R0 A- m/ F这一年,他的独唱专辑唱片《但是,郑重其事》反映了北爱尔兰和南非的社会问题,引起极大的反响,在英国连续10多周高居榜首。仅在英国一地就售出250万张,同时在22个国家雄居唱片销售榜首。被音乐评论界誉为与众不同,颇有深度,表现了菲尔·科林斯对一些社会问题一如既往的专注和 关心。0 r$ B9 L& x2 g( V1 |8 X
! w3 A* D3 F- P4 v1991年5月,他获得英国歌曲作者协会颁发的最佳歌曲创作奖。同时,还荣获由美国波士顿伯克利音乐学院颁发的荣誉音乐博士学位。
# r& f  r% ~$ W  A1991年“创世纪”乐队重新复合进行演出,继续携手推出新专辑,使歌迷们再一次听到他们的音乐。据统计,菲尔·科林斯的唱片后共已售出1亿张以上。
) l! w9 s- Y, K! W% |8 S& L1 h3 q# e' z7 \: v% g
退出乐坛7 i  m6 ~( B2 t: G: G
2011年3月,据国外媒体报道,英国著名男歌手、创世纪乐队(Genesis)主唱/鼓手菲尔·科林斯(Phil Collins)日前在他的人官方网站上正式宣布了他将退休的消息。
) [7 @0 S5 z7 d- E# |
8 o) n8 {" C9 z3 T' }4 V5 _获奖情况6 r/ t. G; k) Y  R
1984年:《冲破禁忌》荣获奥斯卡最佳电影主题歌提名/ v) d; u$ v7 N) e# i+ E* V( x
1984年:《冲破禁忌》荣获年度美国葛莱美最佳男歌手奖/ |7 C: e. J- B
1985 年:《无需外套》获得美国葛莱美最佳唱片奖4 x" d' y: R- {0 x( a
1987年:获得美国作曲家,作家和出版家协会颁发的最佳歌曲作者奖$ b3 Z! S& l" Z$ v" @
2 Q; J% g" u' b6 Y# `* p( B1991年:荣获美国音乐奖的最佳摇滚艺术家
- n" {$ L! e' k8 G& s, w. m1 U. M1991年:获得美国葛莱美奖的最佳单曲奖
9 o. f/ b, s2 ?/ `/ c, `) f1991年:获得英国歌曲作者协会颁发的最佳歌曲创作奖, E$ t- h" K6 O+ R
9 ~# ~  Y, {* `: Z7 m0 t0 i4 j+ L1999年:《泰山 》获得获得了奥斯卡最佳电影歌曲奖/ g- f2 J7 Y/ P: G1 r$ a. m- `1 b, s
1999年:《泰山 》获得金球奖最佳电影歌曲奖
1 x$ s/ c! g/ y5 K+ o  }" I2 y3 Y' e1 v! T' u7 g# h7 @3 o1 j- c

: t1 A8 x) S' P9 E4 a# \├─1981 - Face Value9 W1 g% E. F5 L% k6 W' J  S" `5 y, i
│      01 In the Air Tonight.m4a1 o- W6 K2 K% S/ ]! D; S
│      02 This Must Be Love.m4a5 ^. a; p7 f: y  U" s. Z
│      03 Behind the Lines.m4a+ @8 R" q2 I9 x3 j$ R
│      04 The Roof Is Leaking.m4a
" ]& e9 ?6 V2 `2 T" J  G. T& `; o│      05 Droned.m4a
' L! O. p$ a# r; R4 V│      06 Hand In Hand.m4a
" ?; o4 f( J3 p+ ?0 ]2 a8 W│      07 I Missed Again.m4a$ V7 f) E( n: j
│      08 You Know What I Mean.m4a
3 h7 g  R' q: U, \│      09 Thunder and Lightning.m4a
! e* s- U% s( ~% m│      10 I'm Not Moving.m4a/ a# P  G& P0 \" {" M, D( l
│      11 If Leaving Me Is Easy.m4a) u( f) f3 W% x4 K
│      12 Tomorrow Never Knows.m4a+ e: f% q: S) V9 c3 O
( U  T. C  M8 Z% p5 r├─1981 - Face Value (Deluxe Editon)0 Y  Q1 A9 h0 x5 K$ o
│      1-01 In the Air Tonight.m4a
. n4 L% b, e/ N8 v% f& k8 e+ d  k7 R│      1-02 This Must Be Love.m4a# s( I+ M  }4 @9 c6 `+ Q
│      1-03 Behind the Lines.m4a* R! {0 k2 z4 i& ~
│      1-04 The Roof Is Leaking.m4a
( @! p' W# A' h: a- V7 s5 w│      1-05 Droned.m4a
8 l5 s6 a0 I' s) e│      1-06 Hand In Hand.m4a
6 R% o3 l$ ]/ f* p│      1-07 I Missed Again.m4a
- u; Z/ S7 w) d; R" [: ^9 ~│      1-08 You Know What I Mean.m4a
( [% H7 @7 E  O: g  D│      1-09 Thunder and Lightning.m4a) H* m" P8 E# M+ i: @9 |$ V
│      1-10 I'm Not Moving.m4a
/ H: t" f5 {$ n# h# k│      1-11 If Leaving Me Is Easy.m4a' Q4 T6 j* _  u& K2 `; S6 a7 l
│      1-12 Tomorrow Never Knows.m4a
4 b+ ~* Y- g* N4 v+ x- x│      2-01 Misunderstanding (Live).m4a1 d  ^: C0 [9 Y9 [
│      2-02 If Leaving Me Is Easy (Live).m4a
8 n, X! E, `6 C6 g1 d│      2-03 In the Air Tonight (Live).m4a
  D# l' K: K' l- O/ a. Z  \: N6 X│      2-04 Behind the Lines (Live).m4a
' q9 u+ E+ f/ j& `│      2-05 The Roof Is Leaking (Demo).m4a; }1 l7 u& L: q4 _" H
│      2-06 Hand In Hand (Live).m4a
/ M* H; [. w7 E% L3 ]! |/ O│      2-07 I Missed Again (Live).m4a. W7 O# n  ]# G4 `6 @0 U
│      2-08 ...And So to F (Live).m4a
: V' @* }! V$ U# q) s+ m, u│      2-09 This Must Be Love (Demo).m4a
. G  P/ c8 x  T5 i5 k│      2-10 Please Don't Ask (Demo).m4a
4 b: \9 F; O! ], h) c  z5 Q' Z│      2-11 Misunderstanding (Demo).m4a2 o4 M- e9 U, U( V! G8 l+ Q
│      2-12 Against All Odds (Demo).m4a
5 F  x3 b/ ~( x& t; d│      foo_dr.txt
# f. @$ O6 ?" Z( l- a* Y" }! @% H4 c│      Front.jpg! B% H7 x& y. d1 ~: F5 }+ D
│      4 _+ J6 t% _& b6 b" @) l1 d
├─1982 - Hello, I Must Be Going3 l: L' D3 U, j  R+ N- G
│      01 I Don't Care Anymore.m4a
3 R7 y! ]$ g) ]: o│      02 I Cannot Believe It's True.m4a
" K' d  E* l1 g& _- Y, `; D+ X+ p│      03 Like China.m4a
' l3 N( B: I1 y+ V1 Y9 s* b│      04 Do You Know, Do You Care_.m4a
0 z* D* ]6 d& l$ G│      05 You Can't Hurry Love.m4a7 y& l& o2 l8 E' {2 B
│      06 It Don't Matter to Me.m4a# B8 C+ c* X4 N6 J- k
│      07 Thru These Walls.m4a
% F1 X+ E& A  J. Y│      08 Don't Let Him Steal Your Heart Away.m4a
2 P1 ?7 J) h) @/ v│      09 The West Side.m4a. a/ v: j$ j) k
│      10 Why Can't It Wait 'Til Morning.m4a! R& P  P' S( \" p( O/ ~* p
) J6 ]7 K; N: U+ w, h# V( q├─1982 - Hello, I Must Be Going (Deluxe Edition)
2 J5 I/ o/ ?2 M; M& M│      1-01 I Don't Care Anymore (2016 Remastered).m4a1 z# [" L* x; ^( S' z# e
│      1-02 I Cannot Believe It's True (2016 Remastered).m4a9 a# U: Q2 E) S3 a
│      1-03 Like China (2016 Remastered).m4a% P# m- D; I& U; @, [9 m( J
│      1-04 Do You Know, Do You Care (2016 Remastered).m4a
/ r0 t) p5 ^/ |* h; b% U│      1-05 You Can't Hurry Love (2016 Remastered).m4a, K; _) J, t% m4 Q/ P4 A
│      1-06 It Don't Matter to Me (2016 Remastered).m4a
+ l3 r" @) {! \+ r: L. q│      1-07 Thru These Walls (2016 Remastered).m4a
8 J4 @& B& f3 {/ k3 \9 i5 ]5 A│      1-08 Don't Let Him Steal Your Heart Away (2016 Remastered).m4a# S$ u5 X5 N, |/ d, d
│      1-09 The West Side (2016 Remastered).m4a
5 V+ ?0 G$ b, S6 H! Y" I0 }$ v2 q; |│      1-10 Why Can't It Wait 'Til Morning (2016 Remastered).m4a1 J, _( ?- c7 l) W8 T
│      2-01 I Don't Care Anymore (Live) (2016 Remastered).m4a( M; |- l4 @3 ]4 k+ L
│      2-02 I Cannot Believe It's True (Live) (2016 Remastered).m4a
9 q. Q0 G( v5 S9 v│      2-03 Like China (Live) (2016 Remastered).m4a
+ x% k% r8 g6 y. r6 K) X% K: Z1 r│      2-04 You Can't Hurry Love (Live) (2016 Remastered).m4a
) C" P, e* X, X7 H4 ~│      2-05 It Don't Matter to Me (Live) (2016 Remastered).m4a3 T2 Y4 v) d& f9 D
│      2-06 The West Side (Live Rehearsal).m4a+ {" a4 B6 ]- @8 G1 p
│      2-07 People Get Ready (Live) (2016 Remastered).m4a! R$ g: l6 q0 T, h! S# l4 B# D6 n
│      2-08 Thru These Walls (Live) (2016 Remastered).m4a
' q5 e. o5 R( l│      2-09 It's Alright (Live) (2016 Remastered).m4a' ^4 Q! }% I5 w' S4 e) k
│      2-10 Oddball (Demo - Do You Know, Do You Care) (2016 Remastered).m4a( e( A; ?; |" c/ S" Z5 _6 H
│      2-11 Don't Let Him Steal Your Heart Away (Demo) (2016 Remastered).m4a# W. K) _: [. D7 ?/ d- E+ a
│      Front.jpg
3 Z& X) m% U# g: a│      ! R$ y6 a& D1 i+ K* Q' o) Y2 V6 c
├─1985 - No Jacket Required$ S; K4 y: n( D5 N( k- `. p
│      01 Sussudio.m4a) `% S1 ~4 h! {4 ^; f
│      02 Only You Know and I Know.m4a
7 {, s! e. y2 N% x% B) l│      03 Long Long Way to Go.m4a% [3 a, c1 H. c, c1 J' b( \0 c
│      04 I Don't Wanna Know.m4a( R7 A$ a+ d; Y% g0 ^
│      05 One More Night.m4a/ ~( \; e1 B/ J" ~  |$ Q7 ~4 ~
│      06 Don't Lose My Number.m4a
% F/ ^, Z0 K$ z8 J1 x│      07 Who Said I Would.m4a
  g4 q9 O; z0 E, s9 D│      08 Doesn't Anybody Stay Together Anymore.m4a# A9 ^' s3 g# V3 n0 Y
│      09 Inside Out.m4a
3 s4 R3 Y' s) f6 g+ o; I  N! m1 Y│      10 Take Me Home.m4a
% n( o. x3 W) q' B│      11 We Said Hello Goodbye.m4a
! W2 N% ]- J: v( |│      ( h1 `9 M7 R* `7 ^% l4 M3 ]
├─1985 - No Jacket Required (Deluxe Edition) [Rem
0 J: r4 w# H/ Y, |) x& r0 \* J│      1-01 Sussudio (2016 Remastered).m4a. k# k7 _2 V& w- y" n! {
│      1-02 Only You Know and I Know (2016 Remastered).m4a3 W- |0 @! ^9 o* Q2 w, ^  _/ K
│      1-03 Long Long Way to Go (2016 Remastered).m4a
6 X& J. q1 v# |│      1-04 I Don't Wanna Know (2016 Remastered).m4a4 y1 p7 e4 Z+ }; _
│      1-05 One More Night (2016 Remastered).m4a
' g5 h% K8 [/ _* l3 O3 ?│      1-06 Don't Lose My Number (2016 Remastered).m4a
& j0 r- b& m7 L8 e│      1-07 Who Said I Would (2016 Remastered).m4a
: M8 ^5 X7 R; ~; O. J│      1-08 Doesn't Anybody Stay Together Anymore (2016 Remastered).m4a* y& R$ |) @, g5 |# d7 t  z
│      1-09 Inside Out (2016 Remastered).m4a
, C' P3 ^: M! M9 w│      1-10 Take Me Home (2016 Remastered).m4a
! h9 p! L/ U1 m) `" ~4 T) h5 o│      1-11 We Said Hello Goodbye (2016 Remastered).m4a
1 L" f/ V0 y2 G! [│      2-01 Sussudio (Live) (2016 Remastered).m4a
$ A) N4 p) i- }│      2-02 Don't Lose My Number (Live) (2016 Remastered).m4a* M. b" z% m+ i. x# I& Q
│      2-03 Who Said I Would (Live) (2016 Remastered).m4a
0 d8 {. Q/ M% ^+ ^4 d- A( {│      2-04 Long Long Way to Go (Live) (2016 Remastered).m4a
& R6 [2 X( Z1 H) J$ {+ C│      2-05 Only You Know and I Know (Live) (2016 Remastered).m4a
4 F5 s) Q2 `* N│      2-06 Easy Lover (Live) (2016 Remastered).m4a) u6 [  N# h# M3 U
│      2-07 Inside Out (Live) (2016 Remastered).m4a3 u" B6 k9 C/ R4 i0 ^
│      2-08 Doesn't Anybody Stay Together Anymore (Live) [2016 Remastered].m4a. n+ W% K6 |" D: k4 c& f1 T
│      2-09 One More Night (Live) (2016 Remastered).m4a1 w+ x5 s" }/ m* D& i
│      2-10 Take Me Home (Live) (2016 Remastered).m4a
3 a) n7 P# f' }, Z2 M/ A& Z  z│      2-11 Only You Know and I Know (Demo) (2016 Remastered).m4a  a4 S+ Y7 c; d8 ]8 E: u" v
│      2-12 One More Night (Demo) (2016 Remastered).m4a
$ a8 _" C9 c* `& ~2 v; J0 D% J0 y+ O│      2-13 Take Me Home (Demo) (2016 Remastered).m4a
8 J" K: p  q% t│      Front.jpg, s& P! ?7 B' T. v6 N( D
+ X5 W# Y) E8 D2 {3 p├─1989 - ...But Seriously. F3 A2 X- m) R( Y( c
│      01 Hang In Long Enough.m4a, @$ ?& V- t1 Y+ E8 i
│      02 That's Just the Way It Is.m4a# I* @9 r, c# ~' P) [' W
│      03 Do You Remember_.m4a
( o$ Q$ l& ]" a% m4 ^│      04 Something Happened On the Way to Heaven.m4a
; W! z5 H" S* q! q: X│      05 Colours.m4a. a! b' k7 E' r3 c% X
│      06 I Wish It Would Rain Down.m4a1 _& }, D+ T5 n2 r
│      07 Another Day In Paradise.m4a7 l7 S( F  U: E
│      08 Heat On the Street.m4a8 S; d/ y: c. o* Z& L4 N* J
│      09 All of My Life.m4a
' O8 ^5 j) y& B: M8 |│      10 Saturday Night and Sunday Morning.m4a& m$ O4 v# O6 t2 d; ~5 F  g
│      11 Father to Son.m4a
" J$ n' k# T4 N& H2 L- B1 T5 o│      12 Find a Way to My Heart.m4a$ w% o: t$ F$ W7 a- r# ^
│      ) A! ]) e. \$ n. s8 g
├─1989 - ...But Seriously (Deluxe Edition)0 R5 P% Q  M5 c9 e
│      1-01 Hang In Long Enough (2016 Remastered).m4a6 o5 B. {9 B' q- e; p# a
│      1-02 That's Just the Way It Is (2016 Remastered).m4a
  Y& J% K& J' U0 F+ T5 x# t│      1-03 Do You Remember (2016 Remastered).m4a
* Q* I2 O0 o$ K2 q, M│      1-04 Something Happened on the Way to Heaven (2016 Remastered).m4a
7 q% V; V( D+ {7 V/ Y1 G│      1-05 Colours (2016 Remastered).m4a
8 B# g8 {% p/ P: E0 j2 P6 o) g( g│      1-06 I Wish It Would Rain Down (2016 Remastered).m4a2 d$ v1 p2 i5 A6 a" I1 x
│      1-07 Another Day in Paradise (2016 Remastered).m4a3 N* m- o0 E$ J
│      1-08 Heat on the Street (2016 Remastered).m4a6 S& z* D4 o1 S) I, m: R
│      1-09 All of My Life (2016 Remastered).m4a
8 _) c3 I/ O7 e2 \│      1-10 Saturday Night and Sunday Morning (2016 Remastered).m4a- `* e4 t" s/ |4 W  C7 G8 a6 ^: N
│      1-11 Father to Son (2016 Remastered).m4a
# |' |& i8 a% U& j│      1-12 Find a Way to My Heart (2016 Remastered).m4a
* K+ Q" i. {" E6 t' t5 Y0 N│      2-01 Hang In Long Enough (Live) (2016 Remastered).m4a# ~9 u: z2 x8 q0 D: i
│      2-02 Something Happened on the Way to Heaven (Live) [2016 Remastered].m4a, _9 F4 I1 P7 `" g% \5 }- D# @  q
│      2-03 Colours (Live) [2016 Remastered].m4a
; I* a( l( E" J% I( w7 h6 i│      2-04 Saturday Night and Sunday Morning (Live) [2016 Remastered].m4a
8 v! C( X! e7 E+ x│      2-05 Always (Live) [2016 Remastered].m4a
0 O8 D# J- ~. x  C: b2 }│      2-06 Find a Way to My Heart (Live) [2016 Remastered].m4a
$ P( ~* C0 x0 \8 [  {+ ^│      2-07 That's How I Feel [2016 Remastered].m4a* q$ G- |. f$ w! f
│      2-08 You've Been in Love (That Little Bit Too Long) [2016 Remastered].m4a
+ a( J/ n) `8 v  Z4 A│      2-09 Another Day in Paradise (Demo).m4a9 o0 W0 I4 K; P/ x+ w% G1 O- \$ w  t
│      2-10 That's Just the Way It Is (Demo).m4a
+ `) Y( B( A0 C" K4 U. L│      2-11 I Wish It Would Rain Down (Demo).m4a- }- m2 X0 ~$ \& a# s- b( J" S8 d
│      2-12 Hang In Long Enough (Demo) [2016 Remastered].m4a- F/ X) O- x" x9 [  t- b
│      2-13 Do You Remember_ (Demo) [2016 Remastered].m4a+ Z; s7 N, }+ U: I0 ]; s
│      Front.jpg
7 w4 ]* e) v8 A/ z! G│      - B+ n3 i5 l5 c  G7 ]- y- q  H
├─1993 - Both Sides
0 w7 d9 Q0 t( H0 V│      01 Both Sides of the Story (LP Version).m4a
# M! z9 [2 v3 W, l4 x│      02 Can't Turn Back the Years.m4a
6 S  n4 `7 L  e3 l$ i( v( {! j. W1 w│      03 Everyday.m4a: e' ?0 t: i( I( \, @0 H
│      04 I've Forgotten Everything.m4a* b( z: R. Q5 v$ S" ]+ E! X1 i
│      05 We're Sons of Our Fathers.m4a( ^, E( H) Q& v# d6 v! N
│      06 Can't Find My Way.m4a
, R4 Q; U# G; a0 G: P│      07 Survivors.m4a
- J7 e/ `7 s; W5 g% \( `5 t' r│      08 We Fly So Close.m4a4 p7 B; T2 H: `) t
│      09 There's a Place for Us.m4a2 j0 Y$ ~7 ~  i: D2 E8 B1 P
│      10 We Wait and We Wonder.m4a- }( |" ~6 H0 `& [" a1 F2 K6 ^
│      11 Please Come Out Tonight.m4a- n  m* @) ~5 d3 v/ k4 C
│      5 A& G4 k. d& L
├─1993 - Both Sides (Deluxe Edition)3 \4 h( {) q$ q2 v( A: p
│      1-01 Both Sides of the Story (2015 Remastered).m4a
/ m. Q" t, x6 A7 ?/ Q│      1-02 Can't Turn Back the Years (2015 Remastered).m4a
5 E; I, m: s7 n1 X; P: h│      1-03 Everyday (2015 Remastered).m4a: R9 C  ]6 n' L3 q) Z4 Z: B
│      1-04 I've Forgotten Everything (2015 Remastered).m4a
4 I. O8 k8 I; I7 _9 G! S9 C4 E│      1-05 We're Sons of Our Fathers (2015 Remastered).m4a
( i. t' V$ ]' H) u2 G6 Y  }6 N│      1-06 Can't Find My Way (2015 Remastered).m4a* w3 O# V+ _9 |
│      1-07 Survivors (2015 Remastered).m4a; X( X, c9 z, r' V* }3 v" e
│      1-08 We Fly So Close (2015 Remastered).m4a: d$ ], g) _( b% U' t% Y
│      1-09 There's a Place For Us (2015 Remastered).m4a
$ g% S" w' i) [- a8 u3 p9 g│      1-10 We Wait and We Wonder (2015 Remastered).m4a
# w: b: u0 t! w( s│      1-11 Please Come Out Tonight (2015 Remastered).m4a
# m+ [- a) T/ R: v! ~+ I8 |2 O│      2-01 Take Me With You (2015 Remastered).m4a9 L" _& g# j! j% c
│      2-02 Both Sides of the Story (Live).m4a
6 b. d9 N' v+ I8 g# ~│      2-03 Can't Turn Back the Years (Live).m4a
* e  x) u4 w0 r3 Y3 G5 n- p│      2-04 Survivors (Live).m4a5 l+ y2 w2 X/ C) @8 `' O
│      2-05 Everyday (Live).m4a( o: \* v5 s& X2 N
│      2-06 We Wait and We Wonder (Live).m4a' E( i4 ^5 S8 b- a
│      2-07 Can't Find My Way (Demo).m4a, u  \- W, k/ s- x5 s# s
│      2-08 I've Been Trying (2015 Remastered).m4a
4 g) a6 O5 Q; n/ ?│      2-09 Both Sides of the Story (Paris Unplugged) (2015 Remastered).m4a
$ b0 x+ }2 Q2 [0 N! l5 j│      2-10 Hero (Demo) (2015 Remastered).m4a
! Q) [& S5 m- t. q7 L' ?% h& W5 Y! t│      Front.jpg
3 v$ ^) \* c$ V4 Z- f│      
( X- Z* J$ ~( q& }' u! @├─1996 - Dance Into the Light6 c0 x% S5 G) u+ _4 p6 z/ _1 k2 a
│      01 Dance Into the Light.m4a
/ q3 D+ r0 E! O' K% ], `/ ~│      02 That's What You Said.m4a8 H$ m0 {. t& A% h1 m* S3 n
│      03 Lorenzo.m4a- A* p+ m$ Y) H" F" C- W& q. t
│      04 Just Another Story.m4a
' k4 [6 C4 H; s6 L# W0 E2 @# W│      05 Love Police.m4a
, h: O/ c2 W" H1 k│      06 Wear My Hat.m4a$ u2 y( s' r2 w9 u/ P
│      07 It's In Your Eyes.m4a+ X- K) }* I' ~; y
│      08 Oughta Know By Now.m4a0 m5 P0 S; E& w9 @/ t
│      09 Take Me Down.m4a
3 R: J1 z+ g+ A2 U7 c│      10 The Same Moon.m4a
- H9 t' R" P5 k3 M│      11 River So Wide.m4a
. U  k1 ~, H% ?+ ~* O│      12 No Matter Who.m4a
; [& G. W" Q, U6 [$ r" d) r8 O; O& i+ Y│      13 The Times They Are A-Changin'.m4a) ^7 {2 l7 K- l, \( }& [( Y
/ H! S1 y" _3 Z! J& _3 J├─1996 - Dance Into The Light (Deluxe Edition) (2016 Remastered)
' w/ h9 `9 S% U+ ?! |5 u; ]│      1-01 Dance into the Light (2016 Remastered).m4a
: r( S5 K. ?# f1 c- k│      1-02 That's What You Said (2016 Remastered).m4a
, }8 X  a1 e" m4 g1 J8 E│      1-03 Lorenzo (2016 Remastered).m4a
9 W- g  s' j* O8 m, e, F│      1-04 Just Another Story (2016 Remastered).m4a
* x; z4 u0 g' m4 A. |9 d2 T│      1-05 Love Police (2016 Remastered).m4a' b7 g2 h& s. c: d2 g
│      1-06 Wear My Hat (2016 Remastered).m4a
. L3 R- g7 Y- I( `% c│      1-07 It's in Your Eyes (2016 Remastered).m4a
9 A2 I6 e0 }( S; g│      1-08 Oughta Know By Now (2016 Remastered).m4a
8 s. N( y; W0 s2 z$ I, n│      1-09 Take Me Down (2016 Remastered).m4a
* L! D1 d, U% c, D2 G│      1-10 The Same Moon (2016 Remastered).m4a
- M+ |. q/ p0 k* J0 {) n│      1-11 River So Wide (2016 Remastered).m4a. k% r& v+ S' p5 E- n" O
│      1-12 No Matter Who (2016 Remastered).m4a- V. h% Z# D! l9 v/ r+ b
│      1-13 The Times They Are a-Changin' (2016 Remastered).m4a1 {$ R* Z& b. P+ x
│      2-01 Dance into the Light (Live) (2016 Remastered).m4a4 T& b* [2 g, T/ k/ h8 t
│      2-02 Just Another Story (Live) (2016 Remastered).m4a
8 ~; v4 W, l" Y8 R│      2-03 Wear My Hat (Live) (2016 Remastered).m4a
0 `4 r4 ^4 b( k3 n│      2-04 River So Wide (Live) (2016 Remastered).m4a, A# h* A' N0 j3 M# v1 `3 `
│      2-05 Take Me Down (Live) (2016 Remastered).m4a
+ `! l8 N/ b, }│      2-06 Lorenzo (Demo) (2016 Remastered).m4a8 b" V# i- T% p& W
│      2-07 That's What You Said (Demo) (2016 Remastered).m4a4 Q( [# c* s$ ?4 |7 l' o! @
│      2-08 Another Time (2016 Remastered).m4a1 U5 R1 ~# J/ i, j3 s
│      2-09 It's Over (2016 Remastered).m4a
% j8 _# v, {7 a$ u3 y, `│      2-10 I Don't Want to Go (2016 Remastered).m4a
+ O; o% @) z) g# E. p4 T4 b│      Front.jpg8 u* v9 e' C  R+ \1 @8 ^5 F1 i1 f4 [
│      " Y4 t- j( z" I: U
├─1998 - ...Hits
# d9 `2 z9 O! n- V5 Q' Y│      01 Another Day In Paradise.m4a
3 y6 ~* G! l; {) a& ?│      02 True Colors.m4a
; l% D. v) c0 ?" k& _8 z│      03 Easy Lover.m4a
% z. j5 d! q0 v) Q4 {( N│      04 You Can't Hurry Love.m4a
5 N8 M0 z8 ?4 Q, G' M* m│      05 Two Hearts.m4a9 b$ |9 a1 j: ?1 O0 j8 f2 U
│      06 I Wish It Would Rain Down.m4a: L9 K; B2 l* |; N
│      07 Against All Odds.m4a
! H% q$ m+ L1 q5 z, @7 `│      08 Something Happened On the Way to Heaven.m4a# K- Z* [% k- l* V$ g
│      09 Separate Lives.m4a
# h# ^% V' A0 G7 x- P* K│      10 Both Sides of the Story.m4a, b8 S/ I1 |* x; o0 o  K$ t, L9 O/ r
│      11 One More Night.m4a
- T  U7 I6 l0 R6 |1 J│      12 Sussudio.m4a
/ Z7 y$ t, e! f7 U│      13 Dance Into the Light.m4a$ |$ {* j. M6 w8 k; m/ a
│      14 A Groovy Kind of Love.m4a3 H! \/ g/ T1 I
│      15 In the Air Tonight.m4a
  U' {* p5 p& M0 o│      16 Take Me Home.m4a
, u; f+ }  O9 O; `7 z6 ]│      
. L/ W5 V9 o1 S9 ]% j, Z" C) g├─1999 - Tarzan (An Original Walt Disney Records Soundtrack)0 R' D/ ^* f/ b6 K% d& J: k
│      01 Two Worlds (Soundtrack Version).m4a7 J$ ?- m! x3 ~7 Y3 E3 _* S
│      02 You'll Be In My Heart (Soundtrack Version).m4a# V; D' `& s% K1 ^; a
│      03 Son of Man (Soundtrack Version).m4a
5 ]7 S$ h  V: O: M8 g1 q% \│      04 Trashin' the Camp (Soundtrack Version).m4a
9 q9 N" {2 y; s, s' b" x6 T│      05 Strangers Like Me (Soundtrack Version).m4a8 k# N* _2 t3 h, R7 Q: h
│      06 Two Worlds Reprise (Soundtrack Version).m4a9 _: z0 K6 M( k$ |2 ^+ [# l/ }8 i
│      07 Trashin' the Camp (Phil Collins and 'N Sync Version).m4a9 l' l' q! [. ~" `
│      08 You'll Be In My Heart (Phil Collins Version).m4a
( J# R1 c* S0 f* P& z' I. }│      09 Two Worlds (Phil Collins Version).m4a8 O& O2 N* u: l2 @. i
│      10 A Wondrous Place (Score).m4a
! S8 n! d5 e( F' [% d- {│      11 Moves Like an Ape, Looks Like a Man (Score).m4a6 i* E) a2 t% r/ L; i
│      12 The Gorillas (Score).m4a& }8 P$ d6 b, f! T# b
│      13 One Family (Score).m4a
) b" \! f6 o# e7 t7 E- X│      14 Two Worlds Finale (Soundtrack Version).m4a  p2 o0 d7 f! S0 @, U$ H# s
0 [$ o0 t" n1 p% t$ x1 a; h9 V3 f├─2002 - Testify. {8 j7 Q7 a. X6 e
│      01 Wake Up Call.m4a. b4 L4 X# }; I) L& g
│      02 Come With Me.m4a
2 y. g. @8 S) r% @7 F│      03 Testify.m4a
9 {$ H, o: r. [( }6 O* h: j│      04 Don't Get Me Started.m4a
' e. C4 N2 X- O* M: c9 g│      05 Swing Low.m4a
, ~1 K. l1 _% L/ z" i" n│      06 It's Not Too Late.m4a
+ A1 \% w2 t# r* D. D: x8 x│      07 This Love This Heart.m4a
5 |. |. n9 l8 G  r' d│      08 Driving Me Crazy.m4a
. x$ Q' e3 Z8 B8 X│      09 The Least You Can Do.m4a
5 ?0 ~: g2 G0 R2 B* `│      10 Can't Stop Loving You.m4a
  c7 g2 V9 D  N1 N  u8 I4 f& ~4 _│      11 Through My Eyes.m4a
1 _% b# c5 F+ d6 r│      12 You Touch My Heart.m4a% }2 q- {. Q: ^3 A* I, S
│      # D2 C: i# f% o6 ?' o/ g, n
├─2002 - Testify (Deluxe Edition)% v; ]" |, h* h" Y4 w
│      1-01 Wake Up Call (2016 Remastered).m4a
- k, Z$ D* G# `! V1 n8 |│      1-02 Come with Me (2016 Remastered).m4a9 s" q: g6 m* D$ s+ D' S, F
│      1-03 Testify (2016 Remastered).m4a' n0 ^3 ?! R5 t. ?* f: j
│      1-04 Don't Get Me Started (2016 Remastered).m4a
% U- Y# D. ^+ z- `/ O& Q7 A│      1-05 Swing Low (2016 Remastered).m4a. O2 T  l4 i9 n( h
│      1-06 It's Not Too Late (2016 Remastered).m4a
5 V$ o, U8 z4 {5 B2 \2 q│      1-07 This Love This Heart (2016 Remastered).m4a
* {( Z; t9 A- E: v$ E│      1-08 Driving Me Crazy (2016 Remastered).m4a
1 x! I; R' I3 f4 I) B8 r│      1-09 The Least You Can Do (2016 Remastered).m4a6 o) }9 j) E1 ?
│      1-10 Can't Stop Loving You (2016 Remastered).m4a
$ }  p: K% m4 n7 X; F! L; j│      1-11 Thru My Eyes (2016 Remastered).m4a
% P0 x8 ]" ^" k& {9 E3 |│      1-12 You Touch My Heart (2016 Remastered).m4a5 Z# L6 R) z+ T2 G& C/ S
│      2-01 High Flying Angel (B-Side) (2016 Remastered).m4a3 Y) m9 @$ S  c! G! T
│      2-02 Crystal Clear (B-Side) (2016 Remastered).m4a
3 k. t+ |, G1 O. B  `/ C5 X; i: [( h5 y│      2-03 Hey Now Sunshine (B-Side) (2016 Remastered).m4a$ a/ L* ^8 K: q+ j+ B5 x
│      2-04 TV Story (B-Side) (2016 Remastered).m4a
$ G1 Z3 F; X, `& q. s4 B│      2-05 True Colors (Live Rehearsal) (2016 Remastered).m4a3 t* C- f0 ~) {$ [+ }
│      2-06 Come with Me (Live) (2016 Remastered).m4a
$ J3 K# ?# q" M' @│      2-07 It's Not Too Late (Live) (2016 Remastered).m4a0 l/ g( H' C) R8 p$ ^3 ]
│      2-08 Can't Stop Loving You (Live) (2016 Remastered).m4a7 a. ?) o0 h: q# }
│      2-09 It's Only Loving (Demo) (2016 Remastered).m4a
5 U8 w/ {5 e# Y3 J" g3 |7 ~│      2-10 Tearing and Breaking (Demo) (2016 Remastered).m4a
3 q8 Z" Q" @6 b- F) _& Y│      Front.jpg2 `* F. ?0 ^: D9 ^
0 R0 l* F/ v1 _3 l: P5 P├─2006 - Love Songs- t$ L& \6 K, k2 V: i! Y
│      1-01 Tearing and Breaking.m4a
5 `( d: f0 \$ i3 [2 F$ I│      1-02 Do You Remember_.m4a
) X, P# v$ f! J: I9 e│      1-03 One More Night.m4a0 D9 }6 H) g' v
│      1-04 Against All Odds (Take a Look At Me Now).m4a5 O3 ~' S  G% p; S! p
│      1-05 Can't Turn Back the Years.m4a
3 H7 Q. u7 j2 ]# ?* ?0 D│      1-06 A Groovy Kind of Love.m4a
9 Y1 u8 D3 @  j1 t  l- o│      1-07 Everyday.m4a
' o" x  G! W) T, o│      1-08 Don't Let Him Steal Your Heart Away.m4a+ y: I0 _- }9 n
│      1-09 Please Come Out Tonight.m4a
& O( p( I8 n$ B6 g- o│      1-10 This Must Be Love.m4a
$ Q) |5 J0 ]0 S; H  m% g│      1-11 It's In Your Eyes.m4a
1 [3 Z7 i. h( ]/ E* W2 W│      1-12 Can't Stop Loving You.m4a
9 V! i7 u3 T6 l5 d6 X8 t5 l│      2-01 Testify.m4a
7 u* ?" q5 K1 E" z4 J/ k│      2-02 True Colours (Rehearsal).m4a5 o% Y" h8 u5 G% \# Y
│      2-03 You'll Be In My Heart.m4a7 l0 [( q+ Y: D* F- }, j1 Z& k  x1 z) u
│      2-04 If Leaving Me Is Easy.m4a
6 e$ @, k. ^+ E! A│      2-05 I've Been Trying.m4a
/ ~7 f) D* i  _% A( P7 A│      2-06 I've Forgotten Everything.m4a
8 x' I- p9 _2 Y- z: F3 l$ M│      2-07 Somewhere.m4a
: ?( Q. t( H) k+ t8 [$ ~% _│      2-08 The Least You Can Do.m4a
! [7 i& N, |8 s$ ^# B│      2-09 Two Hearts.m4a
$ Q4 `6 ?0 I0 q1 R, d( L│      
( x5 e6 ]+ e# p, Z├─2010 - Going Back (Deluxe Version)+ \8 e6 I" k- N2 f
│  │  01 Girl (Why You Wanna Make Me Blue).m4a
, `# \; n" d+ m8 R( o1 A( x│  │  02 (Love Is Like A) Heatwave.m4a
& T6 d2 W3 o( q4 u& d: \( y; ?│  │  03 Uptight (Everything's Alright).m4a
. w6 J+ q9 P. V. S│  │  04 Some of Your Lovin'.m4a
( ~0 h) c* u  ~- r│  │  05 Ain't Too Proud to Beg (Bonus Track).m4a
) T% K1 T, z$ o│  │  06 In My Lonely Room.m4a
6 e0 }3 t" V" X1 K) |* d+ b9 Z│  │  07 Take Me In Your Arms (Rock Me for a Little While).m4a; w5 \) @$ Z% D/ _
│  │  08 Blame It On the Sun.m4a
7 @3 z& u% j, @( o. s" ~│  │  09 Papa Was a Rolling Stone.m4a
; m- k2 G6 U7 J' {' y5 C│  │  10 Never Dreamed You'd Leave In Summer.m4a
8 U$ ?0 K2 C& W' R│  │  11 Standing In the Shadows of Love (Bonus Track).m4a# s1 L2 \' [* d9 o5 Y8 l% O
│  │  12 You've Been Cheatin'.m4a3 z, T7 k6 v/ Z6 L& t3 J
│  │  13 Don't Look Back.m4a
4 v% W3 u0 ]! k. M6 [1 `│  │  14 You Really Got a Hold On Me (Bonus Track).m4a9 W/ e' ]$ @) V; [* N
│  │  15 Do I Love You.m4a
& m+ |- W/ v; {, f( v9 M│  │  16 Jimmy Mack.m4a& i: w5 x( [; _6 |& ]) w" k
│  │  17 Something About You.m4a
# ?' h! G+ S2 N, u5 T│  │  18 Love Is Here and Now You're Gone.m4a
% |, l* s1 i) z│  │  19 Loving You Is Sweeter Than Ever.m4a
. ^. B: {& n5 n+ X: q5 ^│  │  20 Ain't That Peculiar (Bonus Track).m4a
0 k, D9 {0 l9 n│  │  21 Going to a Go-Go.m4a7 N4 D4 H) c: `# [) l$ Z5 B; |$ w. Z
│  │  22 Nowhere to Run (Bonus Track).m4a" c2 M5 m6 O  E6 G7 T/ o' ?! m
│  │  23 Talkin' About My Baby.m4a! d( z8 L  L6 P4 y) G
│  │  24 Dancing In the Street (Bonus Track).m4a
  i, g/ C* S( g│  │  25 Going Back.m4a
' A0 Z/ I+ n1 c' `% }# X6 K* o│  │  26 You Keep Me Hangin' On (Bonus Track).m4a
, i6 ?. B' U- z$ D: \│  │  27 (Love Is Like A) Heatwave.m4v3 b+ P) P" m) q6 U; m
│  │  
: `/ A6 T$ c! \9 @│              
2 Z+ ]# ?0 k2 K, X  ~7 y; W├─2012 - Going Back (Deluxe Edition)1 d# F; L" |1 G" `0 G% Y
│      1-01 Going Back (2016 Remastered).m4a
2 C/ |& O6 i) D$ F) V│      1-02 Girl (Why You Wanna Make Me Blue) (2016 Remastered).m4a
; `& q: f; b6 v│      1-03 (Love Is Like A) Heatwave (2016 Remastered).m4a6 @9 A9 Y( H! H* b
│      1-04 Some of Your Lovin' (2016 Remastered).m4a
& f7 V1 \# [! O. E! O+ @│      1-05 Going to a Go-Go (2016 Remastered).m4a6 q2 ^8 `& k6 i' `2 q+ w& f
│      1-06 Papa Was a Rolling Stone (2016 Remastered).m4a; s) q5 @+ L# B
│      1-07 Loving You Is Sweeter Than Ever (2016 Remastered).m4a
( J6 e7 f! H5 V0 P│      1-08 Something About You (2016 Remastered).m4a- }+ j) S9 J& E4 f- [7 Y. p
│      1-09 Talkin About My Baby (2016 Remastered).m4a
% a* j% ~2 B5 L│      1-10 Do I Love You (2016 Remastered).m4a9 b/ t$ X& S" r" p  I$ I% F4 N' C2 ^
│      1-11 Never Dreamed You'd Leave in Summer (2016 Remastered).m4a
- v5 I2 W  L; o3 x│      1-12 Take Me in Your Arms (Rock Me for a Little While) [2016 Remastered].m4a3 s( }5 U) p2 j+ a
│      1-13 Too Many Fish in the Sea (2016 Remastered).m4a8 l- Q0 I" X# z8 u& X
│      1-14 Uptight (Everything's Alright) (2016 Remastered).m4a" p% @$ q2 k6 {
│      2-01 Signed Sealed Delivered (I'm Yours) Intro [Live] [2016 Remastered].m4a
+ R5 K4 y) F. b7 F3 q│      2-02 Ain't Too Proud to Beg (Live) (2016 Remastered).m4a8 H1 ]$ B- B$ d9 }
│      2-03 Girl (Why You Wanna Make Me Blue) [Live] [2016 Remastered].m4a% H8 d9 |8 O: h5 `+ U
│      2-04 Dancing in the Street (Live) (2016 Remastered).m4a8 S" J! g/ z( P! Y9 f7 V
│      2-05 (Love Is Like A) Heatwave (Live) (2016 Remastered).m4a: R3 s4 {/ q! k+ z
│      2-06 Papa Was a Rolling Stone (Live) (2016 Remastered).m4a
9 N9 q& [& S( ]6 }' q│      2-07 Never Dreamed That You'd Leave In Summer (Live) [2016 Remastered].m4a2 A: U8 q: C0 K3 C& y& i
│      2-08 Talkin About My Baby (Live) (2016 Remastered).m4a
& s! I' P* D/ M( b2 ^; i4 F; y│      2-09 Do I Love You (Live) (2016 Remastered).m4a
( S4 i% j6 h7 t) Y( y& C│      2-10 Ain't That Peculiar (Live) (2016 Remastered).m4a$ m( g1 s5 _- m$ c
│      2-11 Too Many Fish in the Sea (Live) (2016 Remastered).m4a
, E5 s; s; V2 [" p7 `# q│      2-12 You Really Got a Hold on Me (Live) (2016 Remastered).m4a+ ^% t& p% z8 I# A8 U! U
│      2-13 Something About You (Live) (2016 Remastered).m4a: S5 }$ d+ Y1 M2 g
│      2-14 Uptight (Everything's Alright) (Live) (2016 Remastered).m4a6 W$ U- Y/ O6 x& m% [; o! e( P  ?5 Q6 _
│      2-15 My Girl (Live) (2016 Remastered).m4a  T& k0 c7 W: j1 j$ k
│      2-16 Going Back (Live) (2016 Remastered).m4a
- Y2 W) U* J+ d8 S# Y& q) }│      Front.jpg, T& F) u- m5 k2 r! ~- x; J
│      " a. H, K# ]  Y7 }
└─2016 - The Singles (Expanded)
) x1 [' c2 K( ?# D  y4 Z& E9 E        1-01 In the Air Tonight (2015 Remastered).m4a- g; i9 W& c8 t/ x
        1-02 I Missed Again (2015 Remastered).m4a6 b' O$ D( T' y' {  \% L) O/ m; C
        1-03 If Leaving Me Is Easy (2015 Remastered).m4a8 }& Q' x  T% P7 Q# W* Y8 f$ q
        1-04 Thru These Walls (2016 Remastered).m4a
0 O2 l5 D2 m' i1 e; G. `# s        1-05 You Can't Hurry Love (2016 Rema.m4a7 [" G( x8 |: F0 I
        1-06 I Don't Care Anymore (2016 Rema.m4a  Q) }0 }8 o% q% P- t6 a
        1-07 Don't Let Him Steal Your Heart.m4a
+ O, s: X, G* Q, |$ }/ B        1-08 Why Can't It Wait 'Til Morning.m4a5 t& y# ]1 p' |
        1-09 I Cannot Believe It's True (2016 Remastered).m4a
7 C9 I$ y  a6 x2 N4 K, a: E0 {        1-10 Against All Odds (Take A Look At Me Now).m4a6 X0 `7 D% t. ]7 i5 N' \- v4 O
        1-11 Easy Lover.m4a2 J$ C3 u2 v. P
        1-12 Sussudio (2016 Remastered).m4a6 |5 w% \) H& {8 ~/ d
        1-13 One More Night (2016 Remastered).m4a
7 h0 Y3 ~) E; _3 j1 Z        1-14 Don't Lose My Number (2016 Remastered).m4a
: e& r# }) d9 ~( A        1-15 Take Me Home (2016 Remastered).m4a
% J) H1 o' [% t6 A+ i        2-01 Separate Lives (Love Theme From White Nights).m4a- c: e5 }8 |& ?3 x# }# k: F; h
        2-02 A Groovy Kind of Love (2016 Remastered).m4a, u! Y9 ^0 N; V
        2-03 Two Hearts (2016 Remastered).m4a
7 x1 j7 l9 T' S" u8 \9 c        2-04 Another Day In Paradise (2016 Remastered).m4a2 P/ x/ F9 r* X5 k6 I
        2-05 I Wish It Would Rain Down (2016 Remastered).m4a3 f) ]7 ^) U% b/ X4 [
        2-06 Something Happened On The Way To Heaven.m4a
0 X, p* v9 ~' r- ~        2-07 That's Just the Way It Is (2016 Remastered).m4a
. Y7 z& v  x; F4 X1 N        2-08 Hang In Long Enough (2016 Remastered).m4a
  V. z4 n  R  K4 _2 d  N& \        2-09 Do You Remember (2016 Remastered).m4a
( d, D  Z! d( O) u        2-10 Who Said I Would (2016 Remastered).m4a/ [% d" ~- r7 y, U9 v
        2-11 Both Sides of the Story (2015 Remastered).m4a
$ y  Q" ^# r# i- T& l1 T        2-12 Everyday (2015 Remastered).m4a$ j, v0 }) g6 t! `0 N- P
        2-13 We Wait and We Wonder (2015 Remastered).m4a9 G/ J3 G; Q7 _  L8 K
        2-14 Dance Into the Light (2016 Remastered).m4a/ A* q" `. v8 d( ]3 w( j# P( n) \# X
        2-15 It's In Your Eyes (2016 Remastered).m4a3 c9 j1 s& o9 h+ J
        3-01 No Matter Who (2016 Remastered).m4a
- `; p" g6 g, D$ i* w' \, n        3-02 Wear My Hat (2016 Remastered).m4a+ y) @' B8 R7 j  ^3 n' ]9 @, B
        3-03 The Same Moon (2016 Remastered).m4a
8 L" u/ }% S' g7 I6 h6 ?        3-04 True Colors (2016 Remastered).m4a5 }" a% W4 F1 A* Z! s+ e
        3-05 You'll Be In My Heart.m4a
1 a0 j# g0 Q/ f' V" j8 b7 A  I        3-06 Strangers Like Me.m4a
9 U+ Y! Z8 I$ O, Y7 P  }9 q        3-07 Son of Man.m4a
& b3 ^& g! h, A( D        3-08 Two Worlds.m4a, Y) ?7 L. T  p& c. t+ O
        3-09 Can't Stop Loving You (2016 Remastered).m4a
- M5 _9 ~1 h9 ^7 `1 b        3-10 The Least You Can Do (2016 Remastered).m4a  }+ W& p  E8 r( x$ C/ t* {/ v# j& Z
        3-11 Wake Up Call (2016 Remastered).m4a
* `% x. N. O4 m( H9 z, E, h        3-12 Look Through My Eyes.m4a- v3 O  j4 ?+ q% ~. Z  M3 D
        3-13 No Way Out (Theme from Brother Bear).m4a" }2 S- ]9 ?  {4 F! X# Q
        3-14 (Love Is Like a) Heatwave (2016 Remastered).m4a
1 l- ?( f! ~$ _3 B7 t& R8 P        3-15 Going Back (2016 Remastered).m4a
2 L/ U+ S; l$ q& ^( `        Front.jpg8 D4 x, }" U- ^, X! l
+ \7 A( e+ p# u" h9 j& O

# V: ?: k6 r" [, ~! P. ^3 h. K9 ?: r5 V

$ e. M' g& q& Q1 g1 J; S7 x. r
* @* u- b  s& X/ L& m; b9 U

, {7 S0 a3 D. ?9 Z9 D6 X4 Z
发表于 2019-8-14 21:08:54 | 显示全部楼层
《Phil Collins作品合集》[iTunes Plus AAC]
发表于 2020-6-24 19:50:12 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2020-7-22 05:56:23 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2021-2-12 19:53:03 | 显示全部楼层
我非常喜欢against all odds
发表于 2021-3-1 23:03:24 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2021-4-4 02:17:12 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2021-7-9 23:30:48 | 显示全部楼层
SO nice, I love this singer so much
发表于 2021-7-28 20:51:36 | 显示全部楼层
hello I am really happy to see this
发表于 2021-10-11 09:45:22 | 显示全部楼层
好喜欢他的专辑啊  手下了  


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