


The Doors - 《The Doors作品合集》[iTunes Plus AAC][百度盘]

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7 g$ y8 e3 X! X0 ?* V
% l2 h1 N* {/ M  H3 J  S6 o/ G3 a* [& }1 q! @0 E7 K
The Doors简介% T3 G) \2 l5 b& T9 Q2 h6 J
大门乐队(The Doors)是1965年于洛杉矶成立的美国摇滚乐队。大门乐队由主唱吉姆·莫里森、键盘手雷·曼札克、鼓手约翰·丹斯莫和吉他手罗比·克雷格组成,乐风融合了车库摇滚、蓝调与迷幻摇滚。主唱莫里森模糊、暧昧的歌词与无法预期的舞台人格,并使大门乐队成为音乐史上颇负争议的乐团。1971年7月3日莫里斯去世,乐队并于1973年解散。尽管自成立至解散只有八年的时光,大门乐队仍拥有为数庞大的乐迷,并在乐坛享有一定的地位与影响力。据美国唱片工业协会统计,大门乐队在美国拥有至少三千二百万的专辑销售量。
% @6 D1 Y( I; z
( A: |. i) Q% N
% n- j+ C* {6 c( U乐队成立
; v# b0 b+ w1 N7 T. GThe Doors,大门,著名的美国迷幻摇滚代表乐队。其灵魂人物主唱吉姆·莫里森(Jim Morrison)于1943年12月8日出生在美国佛罗里达州的默尔本市,这个体面的家庭有着海军上将父亲和出身名门的母亲,然而父亲粗暴刻板的教育加上对和平主义的信仰使得儿子终生憎恨父亲,他们最终断绝了父子关系。Jim Morrison对艺术的喜爱开始于1957年,这一年Jim Morrison同家人再次移居旧金山。当时旧金山正是垮掉派的中心,即使在街头你也很有可能亲耳听到爱伦·金斯伯格和乔治·考索朗诵诗歌。Jim Morrison不仅整日沉溺于垮掉派的文学作品,还无比热爱法国后浪漫派诗歌以及波德莱尔、兰波等先驱诗人们的诗作,这些作品的风格以后一直影响着Jim Morrison的音乐和诗歌创作。
/ f$ [$ q/ l5 @# M: R: X服完兵役后Jim Morrison入读圣地哥大学,并于1963年转入UCLA电影学院。在校期间直到1965年毕业,Jim Morrison都在不停的写诗,此时的他对音乐毫无兴趣,他的大脑里只有电影,神学,潜意识和剧本,直到他遇到了同校的Ray Manzarek(The Doors的风琴及键盘手)。一开始他们只是在一些电影习作短篇里合作,一次在威尼斯的海滩上,Jim为Ray吟唱了一首Moonlight Drive,Ray大为感动,他们觉得音乐也许是表现他们思想更好的方式。曾受过古典音乐演奏训练的Ray Manzarek 开始为Jim Moorison的诗配上布鲁斯乐曲。他们和Ray的兄弟组成了车库队Rick&The Ravens。他们很快又找到了两个志同道合的伙伴,这两位曾是乐队Psychedelic Rangers(迷幻徘徊者)的成员。吉他手Robbie Krieger 是一个受过古典吉它良好训练的却总是睡眼惺忪的布鲁斯高手,而自诩为垮掉的一代的鼓手John Densmore则和Jim Morrison同样热爱伦·金斯伯格和乔治·考索的诗歌,The Doors正式成军了。8 e: D+ F/ T  _( B' N# i* j% U

$ p; T3 y+ ^4 ?( _" r: _9 }第一张专辑
; I* M, g5 \; d8 d( I6 I" x经过一年多的写作,排练和小型演出,1967年The Doors在Elektra旗下推出了同名专辑,这是摇滚乐历史上最重要的专辑之一,也是不朽的经典作品。专辑中的11首作品几乎都是经典之作,其中以Light my fire,Break On Througe和The End最为著名。虽然The Doors经常被归类为迷幻摇滚乐队,但他们和感恩而死或是杰弗逊飞船这类的乐队并不相同,结构精巧的音乐编排和Jim Morrison深刻的如诗歌的词义和阴郁的演唱才是他们的特色,说到迷幻也许是Ray Manzarek大量风琴演奏的加入才带给人们这种印象的。Light My Fire长为7分钟,却有5分钟的吉他与管风琴的独奏,两种乐器此起彼伏,配合得精彩绝伦,Robbie Krieger的吉他具有惊人的结构感,严谨而富有诗意,没有令人眼花缭乱的技巧和无法抵消的,它触动你每一根神经,使你心中犹如烈焰燃烧。当然最引起震撼的还是曾被用做电影现代启示录主题曲的、长达近12分钟的The End。Jim Morrison在这首半吟半唱、半即兴的自由体叙事诗中表现了一个异常恐怖的恶梦,充满了阴暗的意象。一个平静的开始,Jim Morrison唱到“This isthe end,Beautiful friend,This is the end, My only friend, the end ...",正当渐渐被表面现象所迷惑时,突然他喊出了那句最为震惊世人的话“Father, yes son, I want to kill you,Mother...I want to...**** you ..."The Doors带来的震撼是显而易见的,在各种文化明确分流的六十年代末,大门把深刻的音乐带给了新一代,把最流行的东西传到激进派的思想体系里。有评论家这样说到:“大门以Beatles 和Rollingstone 的终止点为起点,深掘他们的作品,你的心绪将被他们坚实的核心震撼的无以名状。听过大门的歌,你和父母共进晚餐的感觉将不再和过去一样。"
& h: Y& i' R3 }  @+ j' f专辑发行后,成为摇滚史上最有名和最优秀的处女作之一。在7月底专辑中歌曲Light my fire上升到美国Billboard榜的第一名,在这首单曲的带动之下,专辑也迅速登上冠军的宝座,最终销售超过100万张。Jim Morrison也凭借着性感的外形和火辣的台风成为无数年轻人的偶像,皮裤成为最时髦的装束。同年10月,乐队推出第二张专辑Strange Days,借着第一张专辑的气势,这张专辑在2周后就上升Billboard榜的第4位,在以后几周内,The Doors的两张专辑都在排行榜的前10位。这张专辑中仍延续了第一张专辑的风格。充满幻想意味的Moonlight Drive以阴沉介绍式的低呤开头,节奏明快的Love Me Two Times,都是The Doors的名曲,最后一首又是长达11分钟的歌曲When the Music`s Over Jim Morrison幽暗地唱到,当音乐结束时,一切都已结束。不再有宏大的舞台,不再有欢呼的人群。不再有诗歌,不再有迈阿密姑娘。不再有凯鲁亚克和金斯伯格,不再有兰波和魏伯伦。不再吸毒,不再酗酒,不再乱交。因为我已进入死亡之门。通过这首歌曲就可以看出对于Jim Morrison来说摇滚代表的就是诗歌,而诗歌却与生命相连。4 V! `% w8 V+ K2 J" E
The Doors的名字取自1954年的春天Aldus Huxley出版的一本名为The doors of perception(知觉之门)的书,这本书名源自于英国诗人Willam blake的一句诗句“当知觉之门被打开,人们就能看清事物的本来面目,无穷无尽”。而这本介绍麻醉剂的书在60年代初LSD盛行的时候红极一时,Jim Morrison再把The doors of perception浓缩为The Doors,寓意通过音乐之门来寻找一切事物的答案。9 L  _$ H, P( W/ [+ s' \
6 c6 o- \* H2 s: ^% |
- a) P0 h. {, }% i0 `  W5 R/ c' _; d
├─1967 - Strange Days (40th Anniversary Mixes)% C: h, t( \5 ~( O
│      01 Strange Days (New Stereo Mix).m4a" R% D! ]4 Q& o
│      02 You're Lost Little Girl (New Ster.m4a) R* F/ E' a" Z! V) y
│      03 Love Me Two Times (New Stereo Mix.m4a& z8 `7 R' v, X" Q1 s( b( X
│      04 Unhappy Girl (New Stereo Mix).m4a5 N+ }2 s( F& x
│      05 Horse Latitudes (New Stereo Mix).m4a
2 k) ~. a) A: v& U& ~* X. y│      06 Moonlight Drive (New Stereo Mix).m4a# x; }( }& b3 ?+ h* G; Z
│      07 People Are Strange (New Stereo Mi.m4a2 \, x5 X" D8 B: ~3 R
│      08 My Eyes Have Seen You (New Stereo.m4a
5 q* I+ j/ a7 a' L: D$ H7 F│      09 I Can't See Your Face In My Mind.m4a
1 ]8 r( x2 T+ c( V. V  j│      10 When the Music's Over (New Stereo.m4a5 M3 T. g; O9 W" V8 Y6 K; @
│      11 People Are Strange (False Starts.m4a" M4 a6 s# K2 D, h4 W. K, _0 N
│      12 Love Me Two Times (Take 3).m4a% a8 Q1 I: H# U, r" D1 x+ T
# [1 a/ U0 D0 T2 ^├─1967 - Strange Days [Mastered for iTunes]& A4 r9 V( i& M, F# _* m) u
│      01 Strange Days.m4a
& [( f% Y+ d, o' C( w' F│      02 You're Lost Little Girl.m4a
1 N& i6 r4 _: F- G. a│      03 Love Me Two Times.m4a
- Z2 G# P0 v8 H+ Q│      04 Unhappy Girl.m4a
# l2 P2 C1 o# g. e) D│      05 Horse Latitude.m4a
, N! |, I# G( M( W│      06 Moonlight Drive.m4a( M8 @1 B+ o0 i0 \: ?
│      07 People Are Strange.m4a
4 C: f' K# ]  m/ e% v3 ^7 b│      08 My Eyes Have Seen You.m4a
9 o# I. }' Q% q# _6 w( c- }- d, v3 T│      09 I Can't See Your Face In My Mind.m4a* Z4 ]$ m4 I4 D1 O3 d7 }
│      10 When the Music's Over.m4a$ f  l( N5 [4 h1 L
│      7 U0 ]' z, B) {, ^) K5 K. I" O
├─1967 - The Doors (40th Anniversary Mixes)
5 d6 x. A# L; I  i% E. ~$ W│  │  01 Break On Through (To the Other Side).m4a
( r' K/ A. {7 L7 f  e/ F4 y│  │  02 Soul Kitchen.m4a
5 h9 q1 Q* t! w8 `5 g/ o. M│  │  03 The Crystal Ship.m4a
  N, V! u. Z, C2 L│  │  04 Twentieth Century Fox.m4a$ k# r* c- X2 w3 U! _9 `4 y
│  │  05 Alabama Song (Whisky Bar).m4a, G/ L% X* s, ^4 N4 U$ ~0 v
│  │  06 Light My Fire.m4a
- `7 R' ^) r" Y7 \! F6 G# |/ I! b│  │  07 Back Door Man.m4a# W2 `; P6 f" ~4 X
│  │  08 I Looked At You.m4a
: B) h7 z! A, L9 x) r  B│  │  09 End of the Night.m4a
& l1 H2 ?/ B" o% y' u" I8 m6 ?│  │  10 Take It As It Comes.m4a
. A0 v. F# u, Z- `! b+ q# F7 _│  │  11 The End.m4a- f! ~: J* A' O& }7 f
│  │  12 Moonlight Drive [Version 1].m4a6 }' j5 D5 H; z- E$ F1 C  a
│  │  13 Moonlight Drive [Version 2].m4a
  M1 U5 T2 X8 s2 u2 \│  │  14 Indian Summer [8_19_66 Vocal].m4a* C- L# |. S" z& F( e+ G  n! y
│  │  15 Break On Through (To the Other Side).m4v. N4 z2 \0 L8 X6 T. v+ w
│  │  
( T* ]3 q& B! r│  └─iTunes LP - The Doors_ 40th Anniversary Mixes.itlp  V8 z0 P+ ]0 G$ w
3 b* f3 z9 M/ x1 E* `$ r├─1968 - Waiting for the Sun (40th Anniversary Mixes)
% s) ~, N! z, N, J; a' O2 w; l- J│      01 Hello, I Love You (New Stereo Mix).m4a
4 w; |; z: g. A7 l7 A' u│      02 Love Street (New Stereo Mix).m4a
* F6 |& r+ h) Z  e% v│      03 Not to Touch the Earth (New Stereo Mix).m4a
! c) G- G4 B5 O7 B6 l) O+ g( T) Z6 W│      04 Summer's Almost Gone (New Stereo Mix).m4a3 F, k8 C1 d2 D" I
│      05 Wintertime Love (New Stereo Mix).m4a
& F% f8 m& J9 z9 Z& m│      06 The Unknown Soldier (New Stereo Mix).m4a8 D+ X1 R: M: a. U, F6 U: J
│      07 Spanish Caravan (New Stereo Mix).m4a. h6 ^. V+ b6 m. z, S& N4 g  P
│      08 My Wild Love (New Stereo Mix).m4a
$ j" U$ J- Q: d: t│      09 We Could Be So Good Together (New Stereo Mix).m4a
; B" F" `. e! y│      10 Yes, The River Knows (New Stereo Mix).m4a2 V) u: o" O  \( w6 B
│      11 Five to One (New Stereo Mix).m4a! ~4 t$ e7 u- N: e( |- X1 b
│      12 Albinoni's Adagio In G Minor.m4a
( [  C9 @% ~2 J2 T9 f0 L│      13 Not to Touch the Earth (Dialogue).m4a1 u3 g3 o1 `. G" ]4 c5 {
│      14 Not to Touch the Earth (Take 1).m4a
; ]# S8 I# `5 G3 h│      15 Not to Touch the Earth (Take 2).m4a  Y5 C, \. ?% [0 ?* D' Q* ~
│      16 Celebration of the Lizard.m4a
& g% {: I: g* g& J4 K│      
7 j7 ?1 c" V  S+ Z├─1968 - Waiting For the Sun [Mastered for iTunes]  L# [) m5 E6 S1 G: ?( \
│      01 Hello, I Love You.m4a
" d0 _7 D( d7 `* ~│      02 Love Street.m4a
0 r/ p$ X) O" d* p1 R│      03 Not To Touch the Earth.m4a& ]/ V' h6 j/ l! @
│      04 Summer's Almost Gone.m4a
' ^$ [1 Q0 s8 W# r! q& c│      05 Wintertime Love.m4a9 w6 a1 c; i. f3 H" a2 b* ]
│      06 The Unknown Soldier.m4a" H/ m: q7 Q& O" \& \! c
│      07 Spanish Caravan.m4a3 _' L  m0 `3 Y  ^
│      08 My Wild Love.m4a
$ q% S) D: f# L' E, _9 x) x7 h, A│      09 We Could Be So Good Together.m4a
- S) n0 D' D3 ]  L. D( j& ~9 p│      10 Yes, The River Knows.m4a
" p9 g& w6 k% a) Y0 l3 B2 z# [* @' n│      11 Five To One.m4a$ q( k9 e3 e( H% d' O; O/ y
│      , ?2 @% i* ~: a+ t
├─1969 - The Soft Parade (40th Anniversary Mixes)9 c( \, ]# Z* ]. Q7 M) `1 P
│      01 Tell All the People (New Stereo Mix).m4a
3 F3 f) s3 F2 j5 I6 g) t" p$ |│      02 Touch Me (New Stereo Mix).m4a
  N# k$ Y+ c# }, {│      03 Shaman's Blues (New Stereo Mix).m4a
+ _; Q0 ?3 i6 C# ?7 s- D* M│      04 Do It (New Stereo Mix).m4a6 y0 v4 Y4 @) c% E* g3 M/ M
│      05 Easy Ride (New Stereo Mix).m4a
& ~1 G2 m' K! z- G0 D│      06 Wild Child (New Stereo Mix).m4a7 E5 y/ ^3 B3 Y
│      07 Runnin' Blue (New Stereo Mix).m4a. ?" i: v" `+ m
│      08 Wishful Sinful (New Stereo Mix).m4a. C* @( H- O& b! w- K
│      09 The Soft Parade (New Stereo Mix).m4a
( h5 N7 |6 C9 T│      10 Who Scared You (Recorded At Elektra Studios, 1969).m4a
& Z9 W; ]9 x7 a, ?│      11 Whiskey, Mystics and Men (Version 1) [Recorded At Elektra Studios, 1970].m4a
% N8 [& R0 ?: U8 E│      12 Whiskey, Mystics and Men (Version 2).m4a
$ V! J/ [' R# @9 _1 Q! u8 u6 s│      13 Push Push.m4a
4 T6 A0 |/ T* S6 ^6 n│      14 Touch Me (Dialogue).m4a
8 p1 a+ J( m, A0 g- F% v│      15 Touch Me (Take 3).m4a
# J) q) w3 h' \, D, X│      + p- h0 u6 w/ o1 g$ x2 ?" I
├─1969 - The Soft Parade [Mastered for iTunes]
9 R% T, C4 [1 ]% ^* ^│      01 Tell All the People.m4a4 _# s8 n) J- h! h
│      02 Touch Me.m4a
% @+ x) i0 Z( q8 q0 v/ W/ c│      03 Shaman's Blues.m4a  g) o" _; Z& E9 i5 n: D) |
│      04 Do It.m4a/ ?! n6 Z4 F) R& F
│      05 Easy Ride.m4a; o, `% O# P& @, U: p% Z6 `
│      06 Wild Child.m4a
0 O3 i& G, A4 S) B3 E$ B" f5 ]│      07 Runnin' Blue.m4a
+ P, ~8 W; q# Z$ O│      08 Wishful Sinful.m4a$ n6 t& W; s& B8 i, r  v
│      09 The Soft Parade.m4a" \. r9 [& i6 \7 f+ B) Z- ?" n) t
│      ' `. m3 f: |6 Z/ Y( W+ }: r
├─1970 - Live In Detroit; v! L4 Z5 p" ?! J$ M7 N
│      01 Tuning #1 (Live).m4a2 r- L& p8 f& E  J9 e& K" |1 o; c
│      02 Roadhouse Vamp (Live).m4a# \7 }$ P4 c" o6 Z5 j) W* C, G9 \
│      03 Hello to the Cities (Live).m4a
' L) f4 K$ E7 h# J/ m  c│      04 Dead Cats Dead Rats (Live).m4a2 J0 l/ B/ T6 c4 S6 F0 v
│      05 Break On Through (To the Other Si.m4a# ^' H: v# b$ P+ Z
│      06 Alabama Song (Whiskey Bar) [Live].m4a! L7 G$ [3 b! V0 r) I( u
│      07 Back Door Man (Live).m4a/ T) K9 ~! \& h( x) o. }
│      08 Five to One (Live).m4a: v# |8 y# n0 @# ?
│      09 Roadhouse Blues (Live).m4a
$ B0 Z! {9 S6 P" _' G) N0 F/ {│      10 You Make Me Real (Live).m4a
6 Z" N# M: x2 K& v! l* _9 E# H│      11 Ship of Fools (Live).m4a9 ^: t, V3 `; F8 j( y6 u% I3 V" U
│      12 When the Music's Over (Live).m4a
( L1 i. i& v; Z1 y  z│      13 People Get Ready (Live).m4a, Q, u( D) f8 d: ^
│      14 Mystery Train (Live).m4a2 O7 W) _1 ^) A. I2 ~
│      15 Away In India (Live).m4a" s0 P& S) G) O) y# H1 P: f0 T
│      16 Crossroads (Live).m4a2 C) A3 L( j6 Y
│      17 Tuning #2 (Live).m4a
) d( E/ F2 g6 Y$ _* ?│      18 Carol (Live).m4a/ i  G+ K0 A4 s& E+ n- m2 ~
│      19 Light My Fire (Live).m4a+ _; A6 f+ U% k5 r6 ^9 e3 g
│      20 Been Down So Long (Live).m4a
9 r3 S) ]4 n- V9 F! V7 G+ j( [│      21 Love Hides (Live).m4a8 i% z* ~$ v/ V
│      22 Mean Mustard Blues (Live).m4a2 F* U; [( ]: D: Y) T$ C( @
│      23 Carol (Reprise).m4a
' s: r) Y5 @& R7 X: B: E/ c│      24 Close to You (Live).m4a* R. j; C4 G7 T: r3 X6 E0 k* {
│      25 I'm a King Bee (Live).m4a
8 V. r( E5 S  f( T9 A│      26 Rock Me Baby _ Heartbreak Hotel (.m4a' ^4 K% T% {2 k
│      27 The End (Live).m4a3 N% F* F4 Y/ k9 G; E* Y
8 F( m: h3 V) B9 z5 v├─1970 - Live In New York (Highlights)
1 w+ w& m" i7 R( u│      01 Roadhouse Blues (Live).m4a8 i! V' n' w5 m$ @4 f' b
│      02 Peace Frog (Live).m4a
, \3 i1 B1 N: K- J, w  v2 T& r│      03 Alabama Song (Whisky Bar) [Live].m4a
% x: s; M8 B0 g" W│      04 Back Door Man (Live).m4a
& M& z( H* z2 c- R* C  r│      05 Five to One (Live).m4a+ n" ^/ f+ S) u7 [1 E
│      06 Who Do You Love_ (Live).m4a$ i' R  R  x, ^, M7 O
│      07 Break On Through (To the Other Side) [Live].m4a
% j$ ^: z) z+ O$ s* v! g; B│      08 Universal Mind (Live).m4a
4 _. b2 [) b9 [$ ~. r│      09 Light My Fire (Live).m4a
, s% P2 Q+ v8 T  {/ }& {7 I│      10 Soul Kitchen (Live).m4a1 y* ^1 v0 ~( C( q* z+ n
│      11 The Encore Begins (Live).m4a$ X/ x$ r# ], j* v
│      12 Rock Me (Live).m4a
) l- u2 T1 O* v4 v│      13 Gloria _ End of Show (Live).m4a
+ F4 E3 k+ D9 p2 C3 u" T0 y│      7 W* _0 k/ r1 u
├─1970 - Morrison Hotel
: y+ b- V: m* S* j# q1 m9 g7 C│      01 Roadhouse Blues.m4a
  T- Q, d4 f' m│      02 Waiting for the Sun.m4a. l$ B9 J5 p8 f% ?8 P6 x7 n
│      03 You Make Me Real.m4a+ S0 p' e, |3 s" x, c
│      04 Peace Frog.m4a* R) y6 ]% E( @: I. c
│      05 Blue Sunday.m4a
0 D+ k3 ^0 h/ I; G# L# r3 ?" h' G│      06 Ship of Fools.m4a
* z" P. {) T! k( k│      07 Land Ho!.m4a
$ ]  f4 H+ }; V! N3 s│      08 The Spy.m4a3 K% {3 p" o. t8 n% v- w! @( G
│      09 Queen of the Highway.m4a$ j$ Z0 V' s0 g9 L8 d3 y& f3 I
│      10 Indian Summer.m4a5 ]; V; y- l" s3 j& u% g' p2 k
│      11 Maggie M'Gill.m4a/ |1 {. s) \$ P; G0 |6 b3 F
│      ( D0 v# m/ H1 g$ e) q! z% T' l7 R
├─1970 - Morrison Hotel (50th Anniversary Deluxe Edition)! h* d/ C  g3 D7 s& F
│      1-01 Roadhouse Blues (2020 Remaster).m4a6 |* l3 O  p' Z+ ?# ^% k- \
│      1-02 Waiting for the Sun (2020 Remas.m4a5 L: t; N' _# p5 [2 }  R
│      1-03 You Make Me Real (2020 Remaster.m4a6 ]) X. z, E( x2 ~. C
│      1-04 Peace Frog (2020 Remaster).m4a
& D, Q6 l4 H% n2 A# u│      1-05 Blue Sunday (2020 Remaster).m4a
/ _. w/ B6 ?/ r  t│      1-06 Ship of Fools (2020 Remaster).m4a
% H9 {( ^$ R. d- Y. R) l1 P│      1-07 Land Ho! (2020 Remaster).m4a3 ~9 Y3 b; t+ |: d
│      1-08 The Spy (2020 Remaster).m4a5 n* L) K! [. Y+ Y- U, a# m: h) X* R
│      1-09 Queen of the Highway (2020 Rema.m4a; w  L; r7 h5 p- t6 C; P
│      1-10 Indian Summer (2020 Remaster).m4a
) c! c& I. N3 Y& i│      1-11 Maggie M'Gill (2020 Remaster).m4a1 w+ B) K! W& D: g
│      2-01 Queen of the Highway (Take 1) [.m4a6 F* S, Z6 d2 x
│      2-02 Queen of the Highway (Various T.m4a; l* n, c! Y( K& H7 Z
│      2-03 Queen of the Highway (Take 44).m4a
) a7 I% e9 D& t* L: C7 h; R4 k│      2-04 Queen of the Highway (Take 12).m4a
) V% c* j+ r, w1 v* Q/ O3 u$ L│      2-05 Queen of the Highway (Take 14).m4a
( W3 J, L' b# j" ]9 j7 |│      2-06 Queen of the Highway (Take 1) [.m4a
% z: K" t- u5 G: H│      2-07 Queen of the Highway (Takes 5,.m4a
8 T2 ?, [$ y. X│      2-08 Queen of the Highway (Take 14).m4a: y( O& x: h0 A& l0 ]4 c. H
│      2-09 I Will Never Be Untrue (2020 Re.m4a
( p7 b. j! U4 |: G  ]* k9 d! N3 R- j│      2-10 Queen of the Highway (Take Unkn.m4a6 S# v$ r! y$ |0 f/ z- a7 {# S
│      2-11 Roadhouse Blues (Take 14) [Keep.m4a
4 O, e- ^) z$ ^7 ]7 n│      2-12 Money (That's What I Want) [202.m4a
. a9 b. Y7 o9 ]% g1 Z& Q│      2-13 Rock Me Baby (2020 Remaster).m4a7 V) R3 \; M4 f0 {- U
│      2-14 Roadhouse Blues (Takes 6 & 7) [.m4a
6 d( I8 C/ _2 X4 _6 G; ]│      2-15 Roadhouse Blues (Take 8) [We're.m4a
8 M$ f6 e0 V2 i5 u/ P9 ]│      2-16 Roadhouse Blues (Takes 1 & 2) [.m4a1 Q& A! K% }5 g. N  a
│      2-17 Roadhouse Blues (Takes 5, 6 & 1.m4a! q) v: }1 e7 t- L/ K! I
│      2-18 Peace Frog_Blue Sunday (Take 4).m4a& c7 ^* l' b5 a* c
│      2-19 Peace Frog (Take 12) [2020 Rema.m4a" s$ d4 o3 q& j7 L
. L% a# v; Y2 I! [# n├─1971 - L.A. Woman) w( T- a( d6 Q1 y1 i
│      01 The Changeling.m4a
# g+ r  y+ F; P5 [│      02 Love Her Madly.m4a
) _" P* \; k- n2 i' D+ K│      03 Been Down So Long.m4a' N+ W8 [. g6 v# Y- z& l% v
│      04 Cars Hiss By My Window.m4a  D* q% A$ V2 c# ?3 Y$ Q  r
│      05 L.A. Woman.m4a
% V  I3 v' [. }( v+ Z# V│      06 L'America.m4a
7 u$ |% V/ n3 P* y3 \* c8 _* Q: a│      07 Hyacinth House.m4a
& n% d  U" P- d7 V% r: Q# D│      08 Crawling King Snake.m4a
8 j; z& S0 e" T% ~│      09 The WASP (Texas Radio and the Big Beat).m4a% ]9 ^: B/ a# D! ]- N- @5 n
│      10 Riders On the Storm.m4a9 }9 t' X& p5 ^' ?
│      . }+ m) C5 V6 Y& C/ j  Z8 w9 o
├─1971 - Other Voices
) f2 K' o& q) a' e, g6 J│      01 In the Eye of the Sun.m4a
( A7 l) x4 q" ^" U# H3 @6 g0 ~│      02 Variety Is the Spice of Life.m4a
$ B. ^( o* v! A│      03 Ships w_Sails.m4a
  y4 q# \6 F, k9 C! J" m4 F│      04 Tightrope Ride.m4a
, M5 |4 n- Y, p" t& M3 j" D% r; j  R│      05 Down On the Farm.m4a, h8 u# O7 V& |8 `3 [6 p' o
│      06 I'm Horny, I'm Stoned.m4a9 W7 b; X( s6 i/ O
│      07 Wandering Musician.m4a. _( ?0 Z' f! Y- `' M- N. W, ~0 W3 L
│      08 Hang On To Your Life.m4a( t* p9 O) {, j2 _  Y
│      0 ~( k& H/ Q1 \: b9 a
├─1972 - Full Circle
8 g5 D" {9 S6 H3 e│      01 Get Up and Dance.m4a4 j2 Q# V/ Z+ p' Z0 G# B8 k* \
│      02 4 Billion Souls.m4a
( Z  U8 P+ `5 Z1 G$ ^9 M! @│      03 Verdilac.m4a* w; k( X! H8 A# \" [
│      04 Hardwood Floor.m4a8 o, t# B, q* `! e. ^
│      05 Good Rockin'.m4a
% v! s. A9 r5 y3 i│      06 The Mosquito.m4a
* [3 s" M! D; M+ `+ t│      07 The Piano Bird.m4a2 ^! Z- m+ @% `8 `, M
│      08 It Slipped My Mind.m4a; k5 a& h& d' v1 _% a- T- x
│      09 The Peking King and the New York.m4a
# G( M' b* M$ K: u+ x│      - j7 A+ A: b& n. i2 d
├─1978 - An American Prayer: q  `0 w" K& s% b* ]' z
│      01 Awake.m4a
/ `* J2 ?, ~! _( u│      02 Ghost Ship.m4a; J% e5 I9 s4 q( ^. I  e
│      03 Dawn's Highway.m4a+ I- x/ w8 }. {6 J0 ?
│      04 Newborn Awakening.m4a1 Q) x/ A! \, M
│      05 To Come of Age.m4a
, ~8 T, ^+ U& Q2 l' M/ G+ R│      06 Black Polished Chrome.m4a9 X/ \& z; f2 D/ H" T- Z6 d! O4 g% M) y
│      07 Latino Chrome.m4a, p  L; t0 C, f) ~2 c6 W4 K- F- P1 O0 x
│      08 Angels and Sailors.m4a
6 R1 Y, Q3 r, D+ Z; ?% m│      09 Stoned Immaculate.m4a) j* U* n/ {4 t* u6 z6 _
│      10 The Movie.m4a4 r" k) i. i' @# m$ y* X3 ~/ B
│      11 Curses, Invocations.m4a* o0 Z$ n3 c0 s6 p7 i0 g
│      12 American Night.m4a& K6 b9 I1 J9 O6 n
│      13 Roadhouse Blues.m4a+ m7 e5 w, X9 r
│      14 The World On Fire.m4a" |. a) J  b) t' g* v" o
│      15 Lament.m4a
! t" i) d9 v% k2 S) e7 G/ O│      16 The Hitchhiker.m4a6 G3 S3 a: J7 y: V4 y% ]% E/ I( I6 {
│      17 An American Prayer.m4a
- A  b6 q- ]) V+ |/ {' h5 R& K│      18 Hour for Magic.m4a
& Y) ?) O/ p1 S% g1 e, b* U. j! Y│      19 Freedom Exists.m4a% ?; @+ N9 L/ H/ `5 K
│      20 A Feast of Friends.m4a$ r: |4 b0 Y+ w  D1 f
│      21 Babylon Fading.m4a
" w4 w/ M0 S3 m, x7 g: C; V│      22 Bird of Prey.m4a
* y1 a2 Q3 |5 v0 m! E8 y6 x│      23 The Ghost Song.m4a+ j3 f9 C, G! n
$ A  b+ _% i8 z5 V5 ]! L0 R& f├─1991 - The Doors - In Concert: C9 a! e% G6 i; B' N
│      1-01 House Announcer.m4a. d) P4 S8 }+ l. {% c6 C9 E
│      1-02 Who Do You Love.m4a4 [5 b  m1 _- V, k0 o3 @' N1 G7 [' k/ T
│      1-03 Alabama Song (Whisky Bar).m4a
$ K, i. i. J& g  N│      1-04 Back Door Man.m4a
2 S, G: l# H* X4 l$ B( h+ N│      1-05 Love Hides.m4a3 A# g, {5 ]+ z0 p: u
│      1-06 Five to One.m4a- e) W* r0 N9 F7 u5 c
│      1-07 Build Me a Woman.m4a1 ?2 N! U: y$ T0 l
│      1-08 When the Music's Over.m4a* C  K5 Z1 s2 T9 R  W
│      1-09 Universal Mind.m4a
& \- C$ U3 F  j/ a│      1-10 Petition the Lord With Prayer.m4a
5 Y0 V7 p' Z5 i, _/ D. r& H│      1-11 Dead Cats, Dead Rats.m4a2 I6 G7 v; w  h. e$ j. q
│      1-12 Break On Through, No. 2.m4a
7 b8 a& ^% f! Z4 a- T│      1-13 Lions In the Street.m4a
1 @- _- N* q/ Q7 D! ?5 f4 _│      1-14 Wake Up.m4a
  h. G2 s* r4 i$ v# U% _│      1-15 A Little Game.m4a9 q7 ?! c( C/ N) a6 P) t2 k4 V
│      1-16 The Hill Dwellers.m4a1 A. Y' \; ]( c8 A: F7 U
│      1-17 Not to Touch the Earth.m4a) S+ Z5 u3 ?3 V! X' Y  t& n
│      1-18 Names of the Kingdom.m4a
0 }4 V1 v+ ^( m- B+ C, z│      1-19 The Palace of Exile.m4a
% @2 k7 ]2 H6 |% h│      1-20 Soul Kitchen.m4a: ^6 e  W* E8 |) ?4 |
│      2-01 Roadhouse Blues.m4a  X8 K$ S7 j, I% a" m
│      2-02 Gloria.m4a4 q$ M, W7 S$ j) y' ^
│      2-03 Light My Fire.m4a
, [' Q& C! D6 g7 R2 S/ V; q/ E5 }0 x│      2-04 You Make Me Real.m4a
. D- o  o0 K1 N. ~, }3 H│      2-05 Texas Radio & the Big Beat.m4a
" ^3 l# |' A: O│      2-06 Love Me Two Times.m4a
6 ^. a$ [1 z% Y% \' E  v│      2-07 Little Red Rooster.m4a
8 H: {, h4 e4 s# M) C( ~│      2-08 Moonlight Drive _ Horse Latitud.m4a% L. Q2 I2 ^/ Q; Z/ @) g
│      2-09 Close to You.m4a6 N0 ^0 H! p2 c: e( `9 R
│      2-10 The Unknown Soldier.m4a$ X1 F: i  M% Y& |& p. ^
│      2-11 The End.m4a
1 z* {. d( x- _9 F* P│      & R; ^; O2 z% f+ ]! q
├─2006 - Perception (40th Anniversary)( O0 T9 _5 A# y) S0 [/ U
│      1-01 Break On Through (To the Other.m4a
6 z" m, _1 K! {3 @5 O: F. ?│      1-02 Soul Kitchen.m4a; Q) Q1 M$ g$ K, i8 G8 ~  Y
│      1-03 The Crystal Ship.m4a
* V, r0 M" J$ Z6 k; _│      1-04 Twentieth Century Fox.m4a
2 n( A. [" ]: A' f! V+ d) n! K! n6 J│      1-05 Alabama Song (Whiskey Bar).m4a. W, Z* L1 k" x" O$ I5 C5 Z
│      1-06 Light My Fire.m4a1 H, g3 M# t- m5 B# _& p/ X; i* Y
│      1-07 Back Door Man.m4a
& H& [( ^  C* J3 D│      1-08 I Looked At You.m4a0 _1 t8 z. T: [6 n4 w: H; C5 `
│      1-09 End of the Night.m4a+ I! p( l  u4 u  C; V4 z/ u$ ~
│      1-10 Take It As It Comes.m4a
* D8 G6 a) y" w│      1-11 The End.m4a
7 j$ z# X& M( V9 \$ {│      1-12 Moonlight Drive (2006 Version 1.m4a7 i- U% z/ a/ S, @, y& W
│      1-13 Moonlight Drive (2006 Version 2.m4a
+ P7 n) f& k/ r1 z* Z, `│      1-14 Indian Summer (2006 Alternate V.m4a: T1 C* j# Y6 e: q
│      2-01 Strange Days.m4a
) F" S( W7 T& Y4 \6 R* k& u  F│      2-02 You're Lost Little Girl.m4a
/ L5 w  N0 ]" d│      2-03 Love Me Two Times.m4a
0 U# V6 O' t7 H) [1 h6 C9 F7 V+ i│      2-04 Unhappy Girl.m4a
( f! C& H3 L. t' P│      2-05 Horse Latitudes.m4a. V( u' K8 o2 n' p6 i5 k2 i
│      2-06 Moonlight Drive.m4a
, [$ h! ]. k- q( b│      2-07 People Are Strange.m4a
* `0 w. c* F6 w, j3 T, A: X│      2-08 My Eyes Have Seen You.m4a& g4 w' c$ Z! i7 `( [
│      2-09 I Can't See Your Face In My Min.m4a
$ j4 o' R# t7 n) n- d: P│      2-10 When the Music's Over.m4a
- V6 l4 c! _0 {│      2-11 People Are Strange (False Start.m4a5 h$ G# y3 c# z: ^) j3 q
│      2-12 Love Me Two Times (Take 3).m4a5 c% u8 I2 c7 V
│      3-01 Hello, I Love You.m4a& r! {+ d* f( h& B! n
│      3-02 Love Street.m4a
' `6 i: ^0 d! _( p( r1 z│      3-03 Not to Touch the Earth.m4a0 x; E+ h$ p! \3 m8 z: ~
│      3-04 Summer's Almost Gone.m4a
: t4 s; O: B$ c│      3-05 Wintertime Love.m4a
, i) o. b1 M9 N- i; o1 _│      3-06 The Unknown Soldier.m4a! h9 Q  Q6 ~% A$ S* _
│      3-07 Spanish Caravan.m4a$ y' y+ j$ O9 n$ ~( @
│      3-08 My Wild Love.m4a
# n, O5 i1 K& c7 u& ~$ g! P│      3-09 We Could Be So Good Together.m4a
- k* A' m: l; q: A' k& m│      3-10 Yes, the River Knows.m4a
- Q; [) F% w+ Q  l$ f│      3-11 Five to One.m4a! ^& l. }5 `, f; |
│      3-12 Albanoni's Adagio In G Minor.m4a
; X" I  t, Z, Y8 ^│      3-13 Not to Touch the Earth (Dialogu.m4a/ U! ~3 C( W  M: y! h
│      3-14 Not to Touch the Earth (Take 1).m4a" c# S4 c& |+ a4 e
│      3-15 Not to Touch the Earth (Take 2).m4a
) W! |2 K! N6 f' V│      3-16 Celebration of the Lizard.m4a* j2 E" d7 m3 i# v2 w( z5 E
│      4-01 Tell All the People.m4a
! f2 P- j# N; X/ o) F; b4 V│      4-02 Touch Me.m4a) ]' t: ~3 _; j3 y  S& M( I
│      4-03 Shaman's Blues.m4a# f- x- `. n  d: g9 O
│      4-04 Do It.m4a- s/ x2 |) b. m
│      4-05 Easy Ride.m4a# q8 }, ^* \% A$ J; \0 g
│      4-06 Wild Child.m4a$ `" B! E) P( Z  d9 \; g
│      4-07 Runnin' Blue.m4a( Q5 V# S, d4 l( J; M" u
│      4-08 Wishful Sinful.m4a$ [3 H2 v% W5 S* {
│      4-09 The Soft Parade.m4a- N9 U* ~( ~; O/ Q# a5 Q, ]" F
│      4-10 Who Scared You (Recorded At Ele.m4a
- Y. U5 j: G3 r( M( I8 K: v│      4-11 Whiskey, Mystics and Men (Versi.m4a
8 I1 O9 M( H% ~! L0 ~, s3 j│      4-12 Whiskey, Mystics and Men (Versi.m4a! ?4 P$ b$ v; |% Q8 e+ }4 k4 j
│      4-13 Push Push.m4a
- D5 T7 {8 z. Y' G, _│      4-14 Touch Me (Dialogue).m4a
8 y3 w( B  E! e4 k( Y: z. A) ^( k│      4-15 Touch Me (Take 3).m4a
) d& r. B3 B4 q│      5-01 Roadhouse Blues.m4a
# \2 |3 {( A) Y& u3 R3 r3 b2 t, R│      5-02 Waiting for the Sun.m4a
3 _1 S/ r) E. x│      5-03 You Make Me Real.m4a
: N2 X/ q5 E+ W2 N3 u│      5-04 Peace Frog.m4a+ g1 z3 K3 O, I( E. [9 d3 L; S
│      5-05 Blue Sunday.m4a+ D& I6 ?8 a. K( n$ I. W
│      5-06 Ship of Fools.m4a$ @8 w6 h# e: m; i# N$ C
│      5-07 Land Ho!.m4a+ G1 Z, X- p4 {2 q& e4 U, u
│      5-08 The Spy.m4a( T9 f5 N9 w( M& V3 x0 r
│      5-09 Queen of the Highway.m4a
8 l5 y* m4 {& M$ r, H1 G9 P│      5-10 Indian Summer.m4a5 A& M, d3 Y1 g7 }& b
│      5-11 Maggie M'Gill.m4a" U& b. o* w' W$ ~) i, p
│      5-12 Talking Blues.m4a
& Z% a  i/ {0 k9 N4 @│      5-13 Roadhouse Blues (11_4_69, Takes.m4a6 n6 g" X& H7 k+ F0 A  I6 t* }
│      5-14 Roadhouse Blues (11_4_69, Take.m4a
7 z) }9 @5 j% R+ k* d- ~' u, H│      5-15 Carol (11_4_69).m4a
) o( m' w9 `9 ^& U; @) n│      5-16 Roadhouse Blues (11_5_69, Take.m4a
; E: X8 r" P, r* w9 L4 V9 g+ X│      5-17 Money Beats Soul (11_5_69).m4a
/ d% {. n' m4 [1 W4 W│      5-18 Roadhouse Blues (11_5_69, Takes.m4a& f. v- O+ b% q: z
│      5-19 Peace Frog (False Starts & Dial.m4a
& \7 T% J1 Y6 f( s│      5-20 The Spy (Version 2).m4a% }) d: M+ D1 \
│      5-21 Queen of the Highway (Jazz Vers.m4a
- X8 y& x, D' U) q- d│      6-01 The Changeling.m4a
0 j/ J( o$ r7 J; s6 Y1 w9 P# [│      6-02 Love Her Madly.m4a
. b2 m9 w" k8 X! K, x│      6-03 Been Down So Long.m4a) d4 I6 h- G3 a' a
│      6-04 Cars Hiss By My Window.m4a
. K1 V1 ]! i* H+ C" I: z7 Z3 a$ h│      6-05 L.A. Woman.m4a
& [  P+ E$ U! O! [+ T│      6-06 L'America.m4a# g1 ]2 N) s" e* N6 i/ r8 w  h( l
│      6-07 Hyacinth House.m4a
# e/ F2 X6 M; O$ ~4 j2 }4 p│      6-08 Crawling King Snake.m4a
7 m; i' j# i8 c0 ^! h+ D│      6-09 The WASP (Texas Radio and the B.m4a
. P# _# `5 |8 }8 B│      6-10 Riders On the Storm.m4a
" E; m# d) Y- [* P/ o│      6-11 Orange County Suite.m4a
1 {2 r, T  v- ]- X  x- U$ Z4 W│      6-12 (You Need Meat) Don't Go No Fur.m4a
4 \: {2 v/ |$ m" f│      6-13 Blues for Lonnie (Bonus Track).m4a- F3 g, E* F. B  B2 ]
│      6-14 Queen of the Highway (Instrumen.m4a  k' m' n  ~1 b+ K7 k- ?
│        T! u5 ?) @  I; n0 I# l4 N
├─2007 - Hello, I Love You (Adam Freeland Mixes) - EP; R* L) x8 D- k
│      01 Hello, I Love You (Adam Freeland.m4a8 I2 O, H- r; I, F6 O: l
│      02 Hello, I Love You (Adam Freeland.m4a
% |: G3 }6 H! K: \/ C0 u│      
  e/ K* }9 |! m. {, ?4 t├─2007 - Riders On the Storm (Fredwreck Remix) - Single
5 v% K. R' l! H. P% U8 f│      01_Riders_On_the_Storm_(Fredwreck_Re.m4a2 `6 i0 k; L( x& T3 v. G+ l2 W3 d$ A' n
│      2 B. ^0 ?, q  n& f6 E; |& R- A( c
├─2007 - The Very Best of the Doors (Bonus Track Version)7 C6 P5 H# Z8 ?) f2 D/ G
│      01 Break On Through (To the Other Si.m4a
7 P" m" z: e0 N" c1 w: e, N│      02 Strange Days.m4a
: {, [( S, A7 O1 h│      03 Alabama Song (Whisky Bar).m4a/ S: Q6 k; U# K( a* M
│      04 Love Me Two Times.m4a: {- o* F! K: u/ X2 [
│      05 Light My Fire.m4a1 S; @' ]& H! p  N. `  q
│      06 Spanish Caravan.m4a
3 h( \2 u7 ~8 \! r2 C! Q2 a: v│      07 The Crystal Ship.m4a4 M; q6 `* e2 A6 ~9 S
│      08 The Unknown Soldier.m4a) I. e9 Y9 W( R' b6 R* N* x; S
│      09 The End.m4a+ T* l: N" [$ o: X- c
│      10 People Are Strange.m4a
# v% m, B; R6 j7 S) i│      11 Back Door Man.m4a
) S" h4 u& f" }, V│      12 Moonlight Drive.m4a7 p7 m6 ^7 o, e
│      13 End of the Night.m4a6 ~, Q8 U/ @! l$ r3 \6 w
│      14 Five to One.m4a
1 r8 _# m! f' s7 C* y& z│      15 When the Music's Over.m4a
' o2 d$ T7 C; L0 \; s( C3 h│      16 Twentieth Century Fox.m4a
4 J0 E/ U* e. J7 \│      17 Love Her Madly.m4a
+ p1 H4 H6 A2 i9 i4 T$ b$ o│      18 Riders On the Storm.m4a
! m! K8 l5 X* Z+ a: M6 t% ^" t│      19 My Eyes Have Seen You.m4a
2 B! D) X1 e) n8 L' J│      20 Tell All the People.m4a
; u2 G9 V2 L; Q9 ?0 H. `7 ?, p9 y│      21 Hello, I Love You.m4a
* l/ A2 ]: [& K4 B) ~│      22 The WASP (Texas Radio and the Big.m4a
. N6 h0 p- I' f% @│      23 Not to Touch the Earth.m4a+ c) q7 a# m3 r1 F* h. K8 N
│      24 Soul Kitchen.m4a
" K+ |; M$ g1 w+ F" Y│      25 Peace Frog.m4a% l1 a  S- @+ x: n/ g8 Z
│      26 L.A. Woman.m4a5 M3 n5 A5 V- h, ]/ e7 C& h. [( R
│      27 Waiting for the Sun.m4a. h; A( [+ u# O! D. f
│      28 Touch Me.m4a
8 E, I$ E$ b- C1 S2 F9 Y/ A│      29 The Changeling.m4a
1 E* l4 r) J* T: r. I2 ]2 ^│      30 Wishful Sinful.m4a
, l$ i' b1 A! L4 C% L1 n│      31 Love Street.m4a6 X0 ]# S! L) l. x% O  f9 Z* k; U
│      32 Ghost Song.m4a
) F! B: \/ c* [( e0 I. U- Q  v1 H│      33 Gloria.m4a, D1 C' n+ u( M5 W9 [
│      34 Roadhouse Blues.m4a
) A, u4 j4 m$ |1 O1 A1 B( |│      35 L.A. Woman (Paul Oakenfold Remix).m4a, K# r& i* {0 D$ a4 x' A
│      36 Hello, I Love You (Adam Freeland.m4a4 ]3 s& A/ m' ^) Q5 f  b) @
│      37 Maggie M'Gill (John Densmore _ Fr.m4a
. A/ `# A( t: k5 Q! N- R│      38 You Make Me Real (2Manzarek2 Remi.m4a
0 H% z, d5 E# ?+ f" Y2 L' K6 N6 D│      39 Roadhouse Blues (Crystal Method R.m4a
6 @5 ?4 O0 p+ z│      
, e- O$ C0 ^( o3 u0 A6 `( a! [├─2008 - The Future Starts Here - The Essential Doors Hits. J, M7 s  {3 j" l2 o1 j$ v$ ?
│      01 Break On Through (To the Other Side).m4a7 e% @( h. \4 k9 y
│      02 Light My Fire.m4a( E, \  _  ^4 Q; L3 g
│      03 Love Me Two Times.m4a2 V4 I; z2 D3 z' B
│      04 Hello, I Love You.m4a9 N' k4 g7 U- a8 Z$ u$ Q
│      05 People Are Strange.m4a( l& H0 H' X, l2 U+ a3 x
│      06 Strange Days.m4a  |5 v) F/ e( H" x1 g+ D. W! U4 s5 P
│      07 Riders On the Storm.m4a
5 B5 }# p7 o( W, D6 }" A3 B│      08 L.A. Woman.m4a
" z3 D8 V( T4 F+ O3 {5 v│      09 Touch Me.m4a7 d* N) m4 G& b) U( ]7 p% _/ Z
│      10 Roadhouse Blues.m4a
' Y) }  k8 `+ {' [│      11 Peace Frog.m4a
) u* b  l4 x; D│      12 Love Street.m4a% i' {: Y! B; v& q/ |3 g7 i& n
│      13 The Crystal Ship.m4a% F0 g8 Z0 J1 F
│      14 Soul Kitchen.m4a. I+ ]6 Y2 z" ~6 |+ _4 @# j6 j
│      15 Love Her Madly.m4a' A* ]6 }0 b) ?4 v; s
│      16 Back Door Man.m4a
! h0 }3 H/ ~, v, X) @9 L( j* b│      17 Alabama Song (Whisky Bar).m4a" z4 e8 K. @; `0 Q$ q
│      18 Moonlight Drive.m4a2 m/ i* I9 Q8 O" r* ?1 O9 z" R
│      19 The Unknown Soldier.m4a
# i! U" |; K4 X1 p6 Y" h% m, `7 ~│      20 The End.m4a5 I4 C5 k% k' R6 \
│      % O$ y4 p7 N) B3 Z* L. y4 ^- Q
├─2009 - Live In New York8 g) y8 N1 Z, T; G
│      1-01 Start of Show (Live at Felt Forum, New York City, January 17, 1970 - First Show).m4a
6 E' _$ G7 e/ c: H( z│      1-02 Roadhouse Blues (Live at Felt Forum, New York City, January 17, 1970 - First Show).m4a+ [* [7 B- `! f& W
│      1-03 Ship of Fools (Live at Felt Forum, New York City, January 17, 1970 - First Show).m4a3 S) S5 x9 s& p5 B
│      1-04 Break On Through (To the Other Side) [Live at Felt Forum, New York City, January 17, 1970 - First Show].m4a& y8 d2 n% |; r. q( ~
│      1-05 Tuning 2 (Live at Felt Forum, New York City, January 17, 1970 - First Show).m4a* S" W' T: u6 P2 E
│      1-06 Peace Frog (Live at Felt Forum, New York City, January 17, 1970 - First Show).m4a
6 \1 q+ L; e5 t2 L' c1 f  j) p│      1-07 Blue Sunday (Live at Felt Forum, New York City, January 17, 1970 - First Show).m4a: u9 B  y9 ?% m2 D. _/ F" @
│      1-08 Alabama Song (Whisky Bar) [Live at Felt Forum, New York City, January 17, 1970 - First Show].m4a
% N) s9 H' b" r│      1-09 Back Door Man (Live at Felt Forum, New York City, January 17, 1970 - First Show).m4a: \: m6 a7 o4 s& x- O: ]2 y
│      1-10 Love Hides (Live at Felt Forum, New York City, January 17, 1970 - First Show).m4a  `3 x; W/ e5 Z; D
│      1-11 Five to One (Live at Felt Forum, New York City, January 17, 1970 - First Show).m4a6 {% o# m  R- j! S+ C- ]/ m- ^
│      1-12 Tuning _ Breather (Live at Felt Forum, New York City, January 17, 1970 - First Show).m4a
% x/ t/ H+ M: K1 ^% ^! n. e. ?│      1-13 Who Do You Love (Live at Felt Forum, New York City, January 17, 1970 - First Show).m4a9 Q. {* R2 n8 \1 O0 o
│      1-14 Little Red Rooster (Live at Felt Forum, New York City, January 17, 1970 - First Show).m4a3 H, u4 D/ Q$ P" V6 q
│      1-15 Money (Live at Felt Forum, New York City, January 17, 1970 - First Show).m4a
+ m, H$ t! @  Q│      1-16 Tuning 3 (Live at Felt Forum, New York City, January 17, 1970 - First Show).m4a: h$ c5 G7 ~. }0 h0 s% Y
│      1-17 Light My Fire (Live at Felt Forum, New York City, January 17, 1970 - First Show).m4a; @8 j2 X( B4 s3 j8 L
│      1-18 More, More, More (Live at Felt Forum, New York City, January 17, 1970 - First Show).m4a. o% A9 m, Q6 k8 K$ L/ x$ @
│      1-19 Soul Kitchen (Live at Felt Forum, New York City, January 17, 1970 - First Show).m4a# A! c8 v# W/ }1 Q# {
│      1-20 End of Show (Live at Felt Forum, New York City, January 17, 1970 - First Show).m4a
1 n* J- Z" W6 v8 Q: {- H│      2-01 Start Show 2 (Live at Felt Forum, New York City, January 17, 1970 - Second Show).m4a
1 U& g4 h6 o) }" `│      2-02 Jim _How Ya Doing__ (Live at Felt Forum, New York City, January 17, 1970 - Second Show).m4a
' i; R+ ^0 p. A│      2-03 Roadhouse Blues (Live at Felt Forum, New York City, January 17, 1970 - Second Show).m4a2 b% r, V9 ]! Q$ j% l
│      2-04 Break On Through (To the Other Side) [Live at Felt Forum, New York City, January 17, 1970 - Second Show].m4a& L* `7 u. B& f
│      2-05 Ship of Fools (Live at Felt Forum, New York City, January 17, 1970 - Second Show).m4a
5 P0 k, i7 u; s  A6 T- g7 z, B: @) w│      2-06 Crawling King Snake (Live at Felt Forum, New York City, January 17, 1970 - Second Show).m4a
& R1 `- @( p/ e9 ~1 d( Y│      2-07 Alabama Song (Whisky Bar) [Live at Felt Forum, New York City, January 17, 1970 - Second Show].m4a; R1 W( E# L4 b& m+ f9 z1 s
│      2-08 Back Door Man (Live at Felt Forum, New York City, January 17, 1970 - Second Show).m4a- ^& M6 S- k+ D$ D- U! F/ R
│      2-09 Five to One (Live at Felt Forum, New York City, January 17, 1970 - Second Show).m4a
' M. x9 A* o! h8 B. k( i│      2-10 Pretty Neat, Pretty Good (Live at Felt Forum, New York City, January 18, 1970 - Second Show).m4a
! m: P; w2 b# G5 G2 H│      2-11 Build Me a Woman (Live at Felt Forum, New York City, January 17, 1970 - Second Show).m4a
$ b' n1 q: T2 [! }+ g│      2-12 Tuning _ Breather 1 (Live at Felt Forum, New York City, January 17, 1970 - Second Show).m4a. H- F/ x, w% l3 \5 _
│      2-13 Who Do You Love (Live at Felt Forum, New York City, January 17, 1970 - Second Show).m4a
6 e2 [2 F, F5 l5 l. z│      2-14 Tuning _ Breather 2 (Live at Felt Forum, New York City, January 17, 1970 - Second Show).m4a
/ H. k6 a! s2 W2 \│      2-15 Wild Child (Live at Felt Forum, New York City, January 17, 1970 - Second Show).m4a
0 a5 z# y1 j/ w% p/ _2 a3 m8 V7 t│      2-16 Cheering _ Tuning (Live at Felt Forum, New York City, January 17, 1970 - Second Show).m4a) D& \) a7 R& O% X+ O- J" r
│      2-17 When the Music's Over (Live at Felt Forum, New York City, January 17, 1970 - Second Show).m4a; H/ P9 ~8 W1 `9 [+ l% ~
│      3-01 Tuning _ Breather 3 (Live at Felt Forum, New York City, January 17, 1970 - Second Show).m4a
( D% H; J) f" D# z' C( o. t. T. a│      3-02 Light My Fire (Live at Felt Forum, New York City, January 17, 1970 - Second Show).m4a
: t0 X7 u# G0 t4 o9 y$ {6 g│      3-03 Hey Mr. Light Man! (Live at Felt Forum, New York City, January 17, 1970 - Second Show).m4a' l& z! a9 m6 Z8 R, e% p7 F( n1 q! N
│      3-04 Soul Kitchen (Live at Felt Forum, New York City, January 17, 1970 - Second Show).m4a2 U2 e) ?4 _  b% F
│      3-05 Jim's Fish Joke (Live at Felt Forum, New York City, January 17, 1970 - Second Show).m4a
& X4 g$ X) S( E/ f# Q7 i- `4 X/ }│      3-06 The End (Live at Felt Forum, New York City, January 17, 1970 - Second Show).m4a
1 C, f3 N7 b; G4 \│      3-07 End of Show (Live at Felt Forum, New York City, January 17, 1970 - Second Show).m4a# J. a# I+ n: t' X- S! ~
│      4-01 Start Show 3 (Live at Felt Forum, New York City, January 18, 1970 - First Show).m4a
5 W) f( s6 ?% t" E│      4-02 Roadhouse Blues (Live at Felt Forum, New York City, January 18, 1970 - First Show).m4a! M( ~0 v# {+ f2 y/ ]7 a
│      4-03 Ship of Fools (Live at Felt Forum, New York City, January 18, 1970 - First Show).m4a' o8 n2 D1 A4 A$ D1 T
│      4-04 Break On Through (To the Other Side) [Live at Felt Forum, New York City, January 18, 1970 - First Show].m4a' |" [8 S' c5 C& d( y: ~
│      4-05 Tuning _ Breather 2 (Live at Felt Forum, New York City, January 18, 1970 - First Show).m4a
# H. b! C$ X7 \7 q# b$ ]% Y│      4-06 Universal Mind (Live at Felt Forum, New York City, January 18, 1970 - First Show).m4a
  l3 ^- M% e5 E$ q4 F/ r$ P% a│      4-07 Alabama Song (Whisky Bar) [False Start] [Live at Felt Forum, New York City, January 18, 1970 - First Show].m4a
4 K* J, Q, R" {# ?$ T' A│      4-08 Alabama Song (Whisky Bar) [Live at Felt Forum, New York City, January 18, 1970 - First Show].m4a
* d: F! h' n: j│      4-09 Back Door Man (Live at Felt Forum, New York City, January 18, 1970 - First Show).m4a/ b* L1 O, X/ \: g9 Y. \% L/ u( s
│      4-10 Five to One (Live at Felt Forum, New York City, January 18, 1970 - First Show).m4a( l- f3 z8 G' z$ T5 Y9 `$ ~8 h/ G2 \0 N
│      4-11 Tuning _ Breather 4 (Live at Felt Forum, New York City, January 18, 1970 - First Show).m4a
: G8 n0 p7 q. U│      4-12 Moonlight Drive (Live at Felt Forum, New York City, January 18, 1970 - First Show).m4a& T! F9 R$ n0 k( ]# M
│      4-13 Who Do You Love (Live at Felt Forum, New York City, January 18, 1970 - First Show).m4a( j; z  K" b. t$ Y: }2 w# t
│      4-14 Calling Out for Songs (Live at Felt Forum, New York City, January 18, 1970 - First Show).m4a
) T& f5 Q: d! B4 r/ m: `│      4-15 Money (Live at Felt Forum, New York City, January 18, 1970 - First Show).m4a2 F+ `/ q: V. F* `0 p
│      4-16 Tuning _ Breather 5 (Live at Felt Forum, New York City, January 18, 1970 - First Show).m4a
1 ^8 m; \6 k+ {  k9 d5 L│      4-17 Light My Fire (Live at Felt Forum, New York City, January 18, 1970 - First Show).m4a3 J. x2 j2 |1 Q# c& s
│      4-18 More, More, More (Live at Felt Forum, New York City, January 18, 1970 - First Show).m4a$ g* C# q  y/ Z& S4 J" x( O) _
│      4-19 When the Music's Over (Live at Felt Forum, New York City, January 18, 1970 - First Show).m4a0 M8 U, a. X( u- D0 K
│      4-20 Good Night - End Show (Live at Felt Forum, New York City, January 18, 1970 - First Show).m4a% J2 a! X$ v1 L' Z- r( d
│      5-01 Tuning (Live at Felt Forum, New York City, January 18, 1970 - Second Show).m4a
* x8 Z* \2 u5 _│      5-02 Roadhouse Blues (Live at Felt Forum, New York City, January 18, 1970 - Second Show).m4a
& i. H5 S: K( A, |# F  p& G│      5-03 Peace Frog (Live at Felt Forum, New York City, January 18, 1970 - Second Show).m4a
0 A4 G- u& w/ l( [/ L6 q+ v6 P6 d│      5-04 Alabama Song (Whisky Bar) [Live at Felt Forum, New York City, January 18, 1970 - Second Show].m4a7 K( u- u) ]7 ~$ ?' T: [: e" w
│      5-05 Back Door Man (Live at Felt Forum, New York City, January 18, 1970 - Second Show).m4a
. [% o* {, L, c# m" Z. G7 D2 V│      5-06 Five to One (Live at Felt Forum, New York City, January 18, 1970 - Second Show).m4a
/ O3 I3 K: V+ l9 i7 K7 o│      5-07 We Have a Special Treat (Live at Felt Forum, New York City, January 18, 1970 - Second Show).m4a
# P( G+ ^- i: n9 U% \" y- ?1 ^│      5-08 Celebration of the Lizard (Live at Felt Forum, New York City, January 18, 1970 - Second Show).m4a1 o' B! J8 m$ ~2 e. H6 @
│      5-09 Alright Let's Boogie (Live at Felt Forum, New York City, January 18, 1970 - Second Show).m4a" O/ D0 V$ W- a  H* x/ [+ l: V# W
│      5-10 Build Me a Woman (Live at Felt Forum, New York City, January 18, 1970 - Second Show).m4a
" }5 g) H( q  x* F9 \│      5-11 When the Music's Over (Live at Felt Forum, New York City, January 18, 1970 - Second Show).m4a
1 C# M( X6 u) z' p, c│      5-12 More, More, More (Live at Felt Forum, New York City, January 18, 1970 - Second Show).m4a$ V) N5 V& N3 u
│      6-01 Soul Kitchen (Live at Felt Forum, New York City, January 18, 1970 - Second Show).m4a
8 v3 |, b) f! U# [/ o│      6-02 For Fear of Getting Too Patriotic (Live at Felt Forum, New York City, January 18, 1970 - Second Show).m4a
) a' n% L, `/ a$ `: \: p│      6-03 Petition the Lord With Prayer (Live at Felt Forum, New York City, January 18, 1970 - Second Show).m4a
; d' W. H" Y5 V│      6-04 Light My Fire (Live at Felt Forum, New York City, January 18, 1970 - Second Show).m4a' m) x. q1 w5 k
│      6-05 Only When the Moon Comes Out (Live at Felt Forum, New York City, January 18, 1970 - Second Show).m4a; `8 P0 Z0 v7 V: R1 g( h
│      6-06 Close to You (Live at Felt Forum, New York City, January 18, 1970 - Second Show).m4a
+ B7 ?: T* i' k. \│      6-07 The Encore Begins (Live at Felt Forum, New York City, January 18, 1970 - Second Show).m4a: l5 }/ y* P/ x( w
│      6-08 Rock Me (Live at Felt Forum, New York City, January 18, 1970 - Second Show) [with John Sebastian].m4a
" t% F7 }+ p2 W│      6-09 What to Do Next_ (Live at Felt Forum, New York City, January 18, 1970 - Second Show).m4a
! l* y; j1 q* Y% d9 E; d│      6-10 Going to N.Y. Blues (Live at Felt Forum, New York City, January 18, 1970 - Second Show) [Original Version].m4a
/ U, W* a) m7 P% B3 {% D9 G│      6-11 Tuning _ Breather 3 (Live at Felt Forum, New York City, January 18, 1970 - Second Show).m4a  }, }) \4 w4 a/ l" V
│      6-12 Maggie M'Gill (Live at Felt Forum, New York City, January 18, 1970 - Second Show).m4a# y1 b$ P7 P8 a, ~
│      6-13 Tuning _ Breather 4 (Live at Felt Forum, New York City, January 17, 1970 - Second Show).m4a
: ^" v5 E# J" Y7 I6 c1 q" E│      6-14 Gloria _ End of Show (Live at Felt Forum, New York City, January 18, 1970 - Second Show).m4a
6 F) B  _' ?( b  U( X4 X│      
1 q3 h3 {  M) \├─2009 - Live In New York (Highlights)0 y$ E+ J- B% @! S* `1 D! J0 o. I
│      01 Roadhouse Blues (Live).m4a9 m4 m; C' ^9 {% Y) Y$ a9 y% y/ g
│      02 Peace Frog (Live).m4a1 G. o/ f+ J2 w( J) m2 f9 ~
│      03 Alabama Song (Whisky Bar) [Live].m4a
' W" w  H* s7 q  t3 C│      04 Back Door Man (Live).m4a$ w- v! t6 b) Y) ^8 H! {
│      05 Five to One (Live).m4a. ^) i2 F+ A; t2 n# _
│      06 Who Do You Love_ (Live).m4a  B. l3 V1 d. q; B
│      07 Break On Through (To.m4a
9 N( [, h# T# Q2 Z! N& ?6 p4 S$ b│      08 Universal Mind (Live).m4a
' E% ?( H6 ^  ~) p# m│      09 Light My Fire (Live).m4a
. e% z1 d/ g9 J; E* R  n% `│      10 Soul Kitchen (Live).m4a- d) }$ n, y# \5 h6 j+ Q
│      11 The Encore Begins (Live).m4a
7 m6 r! ]7 `+ I│      12 Rock Me (Live).m4a& I: b7 S  D; U
│      13 Gloria _ End of Show (Live).m4a
* F* N$ s  g. R( p8 P│      ( `. N; `2 D; o) I. R
├─2012 - L.A. Woman (40th Anniversary) [Remastered]
8 @7 C: O. @" ]7 u3 d│      1-01 The Changeling.m4a
, r4 _1 y- X* E' V2 a" N$ r5 J* P+ `│      1-02 Love Her Madly.m4a
% ~  w. h% @6 X1 C, z: `% s│      1-03 Been Down So Long.m4a
" v+ J; k4 A- O# {' A+ K+ J" N│      1-04 Cars Hiss By My Window.m4a
5 ?& S& r: N: h" ?- G- L1 t& E% w│      1-05 L.A. Woman.m4a
. m7 y+ y: k  U1 n: d│      1-06 L'America.m4a
9 T- ]( F) Q9 e' S! a+ d1 D) x│      1-07 Hyacinth House.m4a+ Z7 O! n/ K- a/ E
│      1-08 Crawling King Snake.m4a  D4 Y, A8 V( F+ F0 e
│      1-09 The WASP (Texas Radio and the B.m4a
) I8 k5 Y; ~' F. a│      1-10 Riders On the Storm.m4a
/ @& u) Q2 v+ O4 c  I) s% y│      2-01 The Changeling (Alternate Versi.m4a4 f5 A) C, P7 L* {% _
│      2-02 Love Her Madly (Alternate Versi.m4a  J, l8 m9 O  D! B: X$ W
│      2-03 Cars Hiss By My Window (Alterna.m4a
) R! h$ M/ V" d3 s9 h$ \7 h% a│      2-04 L.A. Woman (Alternate Version).m4a4 Y' n1 x  _$ u! ]/ ?- z: ~, _
│      2-05 The Wasp (Texas Radio and the B.m4a3 U# U0 {3 D3 m. }6 }' C1 w
│      2-06 Been Down So Long (Alternate Ve.m4a
$ T6 j0 E, B+ B0 }' Z2 s│      2-07 Riders On the Storm (Alternate.m4a: p9 T6 c. J& z$ w  z1 I" T3 L
│      2-08 She Smells So Nice.m4a0 L; G$ ^( w, u8 s6 P7 b$ I0 c
│      2-09 Rock Me.m4a
: O/ T5 F- }/ O% |9 k1 A0 ]* O│      2-10 L.A. Woman (Take 1) [Bonus Trac.m4a
- Q9 S1 I9 W/ @* {2 ?& J  O3 S│      2-11 Crawling King Snake (Run Throug.m4a
& v/ J3 ]+ ~# c+ u' C* Y7 w│      
1 H9 E3 O1 Q  y6 k! C├─2012 - Live At the Bowl '68
( R" m/ @. u0 q8 w- w/ A' Z. T│      01 Show Start _ Intro (Live).m4a6 @& m8 M  J0 d) {/ e
│      02 When the Music's Over (Live).m4a
9 X# p0 m- ^* m$ ^4 _│      03 Alabama Song (Whisky Bar) [Live].m4a
; ^# S/ n) ]* H/ ^* {# y! P! P& j; r│      04 Back Door Man (Live).m4a
  I6 E( c. l4 n7 G6 B│      05 Five to One (Live).m4a* q- y2 {3 v' c" r; \& ]7 Q- F
│      06 Back Door Man (Reprise) [Live].m4a7 M9 g) B; A2 I7 u% L1 [
│      07 The WASP (Texas Radio and the Big.m4a
2 C. P4 p" n% Z9 u$ Z│      08 Hello, I Love You (Live).m4a+ t4 S% P0 l5 V+ o7 f$ b: _
│      09 Moonlight Drive (Live).m4a/ x' X: G* q; C8 K+ l
│      10 Horse Latitudes (Live).m4a! G1 O3 `, r$ o* `6 ]* |1 E
│      11 A Little Game (Live).m4a6 h& ~9 v5 k2 m) c
│      12 The Hill Dwellers (Live).m4a% \5 o+ ]' g2 {* Z, L
│      13 Spanish Caravan (Live).m4a
1 \$ `8 G" D7 ^, C: S! |, E│      14 Hey, What Would You Guys Like to.m4a4 X" B+ L6 y0 d8 _9 c7 v3 ]
│      15 Wake Up! (Live).m4a
( E% j$ }! }$ O! `0 I4 |│      16 Light My Fire (Live).m4a8 \" N8 o7 Q0 G
│      17 Light My Fire (Segue) [Live].m4a3 E' _# U! q  M4 I! i7 r
│      18 The Unknown Soldier (Live).m4a9 R3 S: M& i' ?5 d$ P# h
│      19 The End (Segue) [Live].m4a/ r  W2 y5 [& ]
│      20 The End (Live).m4a
1 y! \- w( B" }  ~* r& I│      ! ]+ r# ?: O4 l
└─2013 - Behind Closed Doors - The Rarities
/ A4 Z5 ~" z& }* U5 E) z1 @/ X0 y        01 Moonlight Drive (Version 1).m4a7 ~$ c# u0 T  b9 V; z# K* V! D
        02 Moonlight Drive (Version 2).m4a
1 u5 I3 c% `. x! y9 k2 j        03 Indian Summer (8_19_66 Vocal).m4a
. g. Y8 X0 n1 o        04 People Are Strange (False Starts.m4a
. e. n0 _5 Y+ e# j" f) Y# T1 [. V        05 Love Me Two Times (Take 3).m4a
8 L' ]" L" }5 a        06 Albinoni's Adagio In G Minor.m4a) y: |; s% ?# L, d
        07 Not to Touch the Earth (Dialogue).m4a
) r2 d1 P# B( v+ s        08 Not to Touch the Earth (Take 1).m4a
7 X9 L; A, Z3 D, J        09 Not to Touch the Earth (Take 2).m4a
6 z  B# S' Y/ C+ @& a        10 Celebration of the Lizard.m4a
' z. k  O$ o& }: d        11 Who Scared You (Recorded At Elekt.m4a, J4 T8 }) p) K9 }/ X, B* k, {
        12 Whiskey, Mystics and Men (Version.m4a% c) k, a3 D: S1 A; X
        13 Whiskey, Mystics and Men (Version.m4a8 u2 F% G4 e) q; K% g  q$ {' U
        14 Push Push.m4a+ \1 |7 w. x* w! V6 W7 V6 V; x! ], _
        15 Touch Me (Dialogue).m4a7 v1 J7 E8 q" a) z
        16 Touch Me (Take 3).m4a& j, V2 n9 e0 s# {1 z1 X  n
        17 Talking Blues.m4a3 B1 J% Z. h" I
        18 Roadhouse Blues (Takes 1-3).m4a. e8 ^0 F( }/ `$ X3 V& `! n
        19 Roadhouse Blues (Take 6).m4a6 x' w; {  o+ P* f0 A8 V4 S! l3 X
        20 Carol.m4a
! d/ P' ]7 a2 G. w: n6 [        21 Roadhouse Blues (Take 1).m4a  }$ o. i( H1 x- @  l4 G
        22 Money Beats Soul.m4a( z; ]6 Z' V6 @; z: f
        23 Roadhouse Blues (Takes 13-15).m4a. L& [7 L$ L. Y5 e& L- _9 j# i* D
        24 Peace Frog (False Starts & Dialog.m4a
+ d3 X' B1 u8 j! f; O* q        25 The Spy (Version 2).m4a% A( |1 N# y0 h% e
        26 Queen of the Highway (Jazz Versio.m4a" v  G' P3 E# n- ^' m2 \
        27 The Changeling (Alternate Version.m4a( g& L2 q. e' w8 ]$ W
        28 Love Her Madly (Alternate Version.m4a
- Z- I( |1 y% B" p        29 Cars Hiss By My Window (Alternate.m4a
; y7 f1 A0 h4 g5 I7 ^        30 L.A. Woman (Alternate Version).m4a( d; }9 H5 L0 `, U1 Y
        31 The WASP (Texas Radio and the Big.m4a- z! P8 E) ^# ^" F' s2 _/ b  ^
        32 Been Down So Long (Alternate Vers.m4a
  c' y! {- v+ _        33 Riders On the Storm (Alternate Ve.m4a/ \) P! V# V3 [1 N+ ?
        34 She Smells So Nice.m4a- i# ]! W9 L7 l8 k; h
        35 Rock Me.m4a
/ {3 A% `% L1 J; b        36 L.A. Woman (Take 1).m4a" l4 j( i" Z) s
        37 Crawling King Snake (Run Through.m4a! P5 K1 ^, v- f; I2 m8 R, c7 G
        38 Love Her Madly (Take 1).m4a
- d: `- I5 [2 J3 N: L# L        39 Changeling (Take 9).m4a! |0 l$ y  E3 x6 J9 l8 G$ O$ h
        40 The WASP (Texas Radio and the Big.m4a" S- r2 S2 K. C8 a
        41 Orange County Suite.m4a3 F7 f, }/ [* u9 z" B# n9 f
        42 (You Need Meat) Don't Go No Furth.m4a
$ }% h) K3 w0 J1 l- {        43 Breakn' a Sweat.m4a
3 e; T3 u5 D& [6 ]        44 L.A. Woman (Paul Oakenfold Remix).m4a+ @& P, n. m2 u, K% s% E7 R
        45 Hello, I Love You (Adam Freeland.m4a. B* }" C; p2 ?3 n: [  M* A: ~
        46 Maggie M'Gill (John Densmore _ Fr.m4a
$ w) i( H, f$ i0 ]& b        47 You Make Me Real (2Manzarek2 Remi.m4a
4 q: v! ], T- u1 p% b        48 Roadhouse Blues (Crystal Method R.m4a
4 P0 \) t0 S0 f# Z0 X7 [3 a        49 Hello to the Cities (Live On the.m4a" m5 ^5 @: s- m1 o
        50 Hyacinth House (Demo) [Recorded A.m4a
+ X5 S! _) j7 E5 f& S        51 Queen of the Highway (Alternative.m4a  y* s: x! [0 b2 Q
        52 Hello, I Love You (Demo Recorded.m4a0 O" R  f. ?; p0 I- Q* D3 u  p
        53 The Soft Parade, (Live On PBS Tel.m4a% P' l& M& e5 q1 S7 h7 {& m7 L
        54 The Woman Is a Devil.m4a4 [2 C* `" |5 m+ l: ]$ ~5 D" R
        55 Someday Soon (Live At the Seattle.m4a5 \7 G' N# j6 b0 W  ]6 A
        56 Roadhouse Blues (Live At Madison.m4a# }" g. J( j% e& h& L* _% c6 @8 l
        57 Break On Through (Live At the Isl.m4a( @2 g1 n" ~" u! g( z
        58 The End (Live At Madison Square G.m4a1 T" G! z& t" c  |4 H5 c7 y$ n0 o- P
9 ]" W* B2 w% S/ E; Y+ Q. G

3 S0 G" T5 r7 u2 k1 K) Q2 _
5 l. ^& R0 W% {( s+ C  k1 W4 q7 Y9 b; @$ q* e5 T/ Q2 [7 |

% I* \+ U1 S7 a2 u1 d5 }0 U1 X; E9 j, k: X* [
0 B' l+ e% V4 \7 P
5 b& ~; ?# E2 ^* W6 k$ a) V
) V7 n* h' n5 b1 o; a
发表于 2019-8-13 17:47:06 | 显示全部楼层
《The Doors作品合集》[iTunes Plus AAC]
发表于 2019-8-15 17:37:44 | 显示全部楼层
how much?  
发表于 2019-9-22 01:53:16 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2020-4-27 15:13:11 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
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