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' n1 ?: V Y" ?" K3 A J7 W
! g2 t2 {+ y! S: O1 A) b Z3 F( R5 Z7 y$ Y6 F# B) c
Bee Gees简介
; F" d! P% c% r; m ?Bee Gees 出生在爱尔兰海的曼岛,比吉斯兄弟从小便受音乐的薰陶,父亲 Hugh是乐团的团长,母亲Barbara则是位歌手。9岁那时Barry已经开始歌唱并弹奏父亲送给他的吉他,帮他伴奏的是两个6岁的双胞胎兄弟 Robin与Maurice。Robin与Barry那独一无二的嗓音成为日后乐团的著名卷标,Maurice则是在吉他、贝斯及键盘等乐器上钻研。在十几岁时,他们随着父母搬至澳洲,以Rattlesnakes为团名在布里斯本的赛马场表演。. G1 I& P! @! c
. T' J7 a9 \3 m b" ]/ g8 B, R8 n) e, m
, O( Q. t2 ?0 v7 N: e1 t初入歌坛
2 D) @) F) f, a' n5 K1966年的Spicks & Specks为他们在澳洲得到首张冠军单曲,1967年三人以比吉斯为团名正式重返英伦。
* f% X/ L/ B. i; l经纪人一职由披头士经理人Brian Epstein的伙伴Robert Stigwood担任,从此(60年代)开始,比吉斯以旋风之姿风靡了英伦。1967年推出的首张大碟The Bee Gees First不但让他们成为榜上常客,其运用文字描绘影像的歌词与让人无法抗拒的旋律,使得歌曲New York Mining Disaster 1941、I Started A Joke、Massachusetts、Holiday和Words如今依旧是代表那个年代的伟大歌曲。早期的比吉斯以充满灵魂的音乐为走向,指标作To Love Somebody便是献给Otis Redding这位对Robin唱腔影响极钜的节奏蓝调大师。在专辑呈现上比吉斯也不落俗套,69年的Odessa便是一例,该专辑与The Who的Tommy并列为先导概念之作。
) s# M$ G- Y- A" z, x初露锋芒" n% H! \' D. |- Y1 ^) c, D5 k; C
随著How Can You Mend A Broken Heart在70年代初期夺下排行榜的冠军,比吉斯堂堂迈入他们的辉煌时期。70年代中期,比吉斯转向他们称之为『蓝眼灵魂乐』的音乐风格,以假音唱腔搭配富旋律的曲调与肥厚的贝斯声线,俨然成为新式的R&B风潮。对於他们来说,放克的增添使得他们对节奏蓝调的热情再次苏醒。Main Course这张由Arif Mardin打造的专辑,其中2支单曲Jive Talkin'与Nights on Broadway更在97年轰动各大舞池。然而对之後的Saturday Night Fever而言,它们只是道开胃前菜,因为这张『Saturday Night Fever(周末的狂热)』电影原声带後来成为70年代最受欢迎的专辑,并开出4千万张的销售狂潮。; r5 W2 Z$ X0 g6 ?4 x
接下来的Spirits Having Flown奠定了他们「世界最伟大乐团」之一的地位,在这段光辉岁月里,比吉斯缔造了两项空前绝後的纪录:乐史上唯一连续创作出6首全美冠军曲的艺人、以及唯一同时拥有5首歌曲在美国单曲榜Top 10的歌手。另一位Gibb家族成员也在70年代末期崭露头角,在Barry的庇护下,19岁的Andy Gibb在1978年囊括了三座单曲冠军I Just Want to Be Your Everything、(Love Is) Thicker than Water及Shadow Dancing。
+ ]4 A; X$ r2 G+ |' Z. V比吉斯在80年代开始各自发展,80年初期Barry与他的制作群大部份时间都在和歌坛巨星如芭芭拉史翠珊的专辑Guilty、戴安娜罗丝的Chain Reaction、Dionne Warwick的Heartbreaker以及肯尼罗杰斯与桃丽芭顿合唱的Islands in the Stream合作。这些由比吉斯创作加上Barry制作的歌曲,最後多数都成为歌手们最具代表的作品,而最佳拍挡比吉斯自己本身也以UK冠军You Win Again再现横扫全球的魅力。90年初比吉斯在五大洲举办久违的现场演出,紧接著的One Night Only电视特集更在全球造成热烈回响。; W& _6 {' K, a
' K7 i" s3 d) f5 K0 K" }如今专辑在全球累积销售量已突破1亿张大关的比吉斯,不仅是唯一在60到90年代都能夺得排行榜冠军的歌手,更是史上最成功的三重唱。『周末的狂热』依旧保有全球最畅销电影原声带的纪录,同时也开创日後以歌曲为导向的电影原声带模式。拥抱过7次葛莱美奖的比吉斯,也光荣的成为创作名人堂与摇磙名人堂一员,并获全英音乐奖颁授「杰出贡献奖」表扬他们对音乐的众多贡献。另外,改编翻唱比吉斯的歌曲高达500多首,其中不少是像芭芭拉史翠珊、超级男孩、天命真女、席琳狄翁、猫王、珍妮丝贾普林、戴安娜罗丝等天王天后级的歌手。
) r" {0 ^& d @- U过去这些过人的成就更肯定了2001年新辑This Is Where I Came In(我的开始在这里)的音乐性,从Sacred Trust的优雅耳语到Loose Talk Costs Lives的深远灵魂,再到Deja Vu
/ U" ]5 j0 m% |7 H0 @与Embrace的浪漫激情,除了音乐本质其他都无需在乎。对於在流行音乐界有著举足轻重地位的比吉斯而言,能在数十年後依旧受到欢迎与尊重的确是件很棒的事,而This Is Where I Came In也次证明比吉斯的音乐有著跨越时代的魅力。
5 _" G& i% j6 q. ]7 L" R! o9 X5 ^5 L+ j; nThis Is Where I Came In这张比吉斯最新专辑再度让歌迷重温比吉斯最让人津津乐道的:畅销的流行创作、启发人心的清新音乐及宛如天籁的嗓音。这些优美和谐、令人心动的旋律使得比吉斯的歌曲成为我们不可缺少的生活调味。随著How Deep Is Your Love与To Love Somebody坠入情网;在You Should Be Dancin'与Stayin' Alive的节奏中尽情地舞弄身躯;或是在How Can You Mend a Broken Heart的陪伴下寻觅希望之光,比吉斯保留昔日传奇性的信念,同时持续探索著从未接触的领域,再一次地重新打造自我。而一段段令人难忘的旋律随著空心吉他缓缓流泻,尾随而来的是由三个不同特质音色所组成的合声,真实地呈现出他们对过去这40年来所发生的一切感受。2001年推出的“This Is Where I Came In”大受欢迎,对于在流行音乐界有着举足轻重地位的比吉斯而言,能在数十年后依旧受到欢迎与尊重的确是件很棒的事,而也次证明比吉斯的音乐有着跨越时代的魅力。更在2002年获得英女王授予大英帝国司令勋章。
" Z$ Y6 h. K0 h5 C) M1 x4 g悄然隐退
) z% m/ T0 {- u8 L3 k. c8 p可惜,在2003年,莫里斯在美国迈阿密当地时间周日(1月12日)凌晨0时45分突然病逝,比吉斯三兄弟的现场演奏成为绝响。- G4 j4 C! J1 w# j8 b
莫里斯因医疗失误而不幸逝世后,巴里和罗宾都极度伤心,宣布以后都不再以Bee Gees名义演出。但2005年一月,巴里、罗宾和一些传奇歌手出了专辑"Grief Never Grows Old" 以帮助南亚大海啸中的灾民。
- W$ |( C; o, B% n不久,巴里在好友芭芭拉·史翠珊的劝说下决定重新出山,并为她创作了专辑Guilty Pleasures,并取得了巨大的成功。而此时,罗宾正在欧洲巡回演出。
q4 [# O7 {9 h+ C4 N) L; t2006年二月,巴里和罗宾在莫里斯逝世后于迈亚密首次重组登场,帮助糖尿病研究。
: Z! {( J5 R+ Y4 ?复出(2009年-现今) i! R" V7 M' L/ _, a4 B r& u$ F1 L
9月1日,巴里在与Easy Mix的空中访谈中表示,我们会回来。(他强调前提是要得到众人的同意)
0 |: ]5 |$ H+ }6 M1 R9月7日,罗宾表示已经取得巴里的同意进行正式的复出。. ]& v* z' F. l- S! O
英国当地时间2012年5月20日10:47,罗宾-吉布(Robin Gibb)因结肠癌和肝癌在伦敦一家医院去世,享年62岁。8 c7 l* \' K4 T0 | Y# l& X9 G
6 o l+ ~4 {7 k. N# u
# W# F# I# S: | x- Q2 j
; w+ r- B! j9 T3 w* a├─1966 - Spicks and Specks; I9 K) G/ Y5 q/ c
│ 01 Monday's Rain.m4a: A& `5 i+ p% K* F9 H4 w
│ 02 How Many Birds.m4a
4 ~# H2 k! U1 l2 V* o. p s│ 03 Playdown.m4a4 s( W4 a+ K2 p4 x# @! `
│ 04 Second Hand People.m4a4 I( i8 {5 f- H/ P* c
│ 05 I Don't Know Why I Bother With My.m4a
4 _+ A" ?3 y% A7 O6 L- \; J│ 06 Big Chance.m4a8 @% l/ d) \* W
│ 07 Spicks And Specks.m4a
9 T) p% K6 T9 Q% R│ 08 Jingle Jangle.m4a
: g/ }" G, l+ M _4 g│ 09 Tint of Blue.m4a0 n0 o J; ` N( { s9 v
│ 10 Where Are You_.m4a
, x8 x9 F6 \) o8 Q Y; i& v# ~│ 11 Born a Man.m4a
, T Q4 Y- }' E# [' Z│ 12 Glass House.m4a
4 W2 i" q: t- f( E│ folder.jpg
+ C/ k; t. }8 `! B│ ( W# M; l+ P1 T. N' {) g
├─1966 - The Bee Gee's Sing and Play 14 Barry Gibb Songs8 i3 M# i8 X% b6 ?4 Y
│ 01 I Was a Lover, a Leader of Men.m4a" T8 G3 ]* R: }6 [- Q
│ 02 I Don't Think It's Funny.m4a1 C! |' N' t* r$ m
│ 03 How Love Was True.m4a
. m; Y) }. H. h0 e0 t$ Y│ 04 To Be Or Not To Be.m4a
) G) J; q& g6 o# m│ 05 Timber.m4a" f0 E& v6 K; z. \9 ]
│ 06 Claustrophobia.m4a- ]- v; G `7 \2 x9 C {2 P
│ 07 Could It Be.m4a# X! r, k, ^/ U2 }
│ 08 And the Children Laughing.m4a
4 T" U- J/ P; l* a2 N7 {3 }2 p& }│ 09 Wine and Women.m4a R: r# J6 M/ T. b- Y4 B
│ 10 Don't Say Goodbye.m4a! G2 U. d, \) }$ M4 E& ~7 i) o$ Z
│ 11 Peace of Mind.m4a. _: ]1 l, m- S4 r* v/ h' b
│ 12 Take Hold of That Star.m4a6 B9 _0 g3 t: X/ Z5 X- `7 x: W
│ 13 You Wouldn't Know.m4a
& w N8 n2 e1 o3 d; ?│ 14 Follow the Wind.m4a6 i$ z2 _, h; R1 V' n! S) R, H
│ folder.jpg- p0 g. R1 L! z( G2 }" P" e. q
│ ! [5 y. P+ J8 ^# k/ U* m
├─1967 - Bee Gees' 1st (Deluxe Edition)
' z( x x! R+ H D' r5 u; _1 Q3 Q│ 01 Bee Gees' 1st (Stereo Version).m4a; K+ g( U* D$ b7 J( Q& A1 h
│ 02 Holiday (Stereo Version).m4a
7 O, A X3 w7 t, V$ b│ 03 Red Chair, Fade Away (Stereo Version).m4a
1 r7 \% ]4 `/ [7 d6 v# S# S│ 04 One Minute Woman (Stereo Version).m4a
}9 l5 a' c* B' m│ 05 In My Own Time (Stereo Version).m4a! b0 j1 m* f. A3 p
│ 06 Every Christian Lion Hearted Man Will Show You (Stereo Version).m4a' _) w7 e5 w2 y2 m$ C2 b6 l' j1 a
│ 07 Craise Finton Cook Royal Academy of Arts (Stereo Version).m4a' \5 |- K5 `4 u2 t1 B
│ 08 New York Mining Disaster 1941 (Stereo Version).m4a/ n3 _$ i+ K2 S' J/ u E* O, s; q
│ 09 Cucumber Castle (Stereo Version).m4a
! G) |: g" o& ?3 E│ 10 To Love Somebody (Stereo Version).m4a
- i) M) }- U" Y; o: J% E( W│ 11 I Close My Eyes (Stereo Version).m4a
; p2 y$ |- a8 ?2 L9 A0 k/ l│ 12 I Can't See Nobody (Stereo Version).m4a/ ~4 V( {' t- E5 t+ O6 b$ J/ h7 [
│ 13 Please Read Me (Stereo Version).m4a
9 O7 \6 {( R' i: G3 @$ ?│ 14 Close Another Door (Stereo Version).m4a
5 T5 C9 s' @; Z8 L8 k1 U8 y│ 15 Turn of the Century (Mono Version.m4a
# E/ P" r# g4 y! J│ 16 Holiday (Mono Version).m4a) m+ K/ V3 i( k3 q9 |% f0 \3 d: r% i
│ 17 Red Chair, Fade Away (Mono Versio.m4a
' z; I- G/ F9 A: R6 `- Q│ 18 One Minute Woman (Mono Version).m4a
: U$ Z! j4 |. K6 u% v$ j│ 19 In My Own Time (Mono Version).m4a
) b- {+ i2 Q8 F4 E8 v9 r│ 20 Every Christian Lion Hearted Man.m4a, I8 S }1 B" J
│ 21 Craise Finton Cook Royal Academy.m4a
. F& E" X% {# g# I│ 22 New York Mining Disaster 1941 (Mo.m4a
- }$ c# q1 [5 C│ 23 Cucumber Castle (Mono Version).m4a; I X. Z7 O6 @: c
│ 24 To Love Somebody (Mono Version).m4a; o* u- C7 p: ]. n
│ 25 I Close My Eyes (Mono Version).m4a
d! T. |; G4 d! |│ 26 I Can't See Nobody (Mono Version).m4a
5 c' e6 @# Y9 w- x2 A│ 27 Please Read Me (Mono Version).m4a
$ Y. ]: i' E4 z6 o& B! A│ 28 Close Another Door (Mono Version).m4a! a p+ }$ [. ~ g1 Z+ J# j6 ^
│ 29 Turn of the Century (Early Versio.m4a
) e6 B! B# Z4 k/ {8 l│ 30 One Minute Woman (Early Version).m4a( l$ J/ N( v1 v: Y6 p1 b
│ 31 Gilbert Green (Early Version).m4a
5 ^8 n/ Y! m# D# G+ Q│ 32 New York Mining Disaster 1941 (Ve.m4a
# K5 l Y5 O9 y# ]7 U│ 33 House of Lords.m4a
6 y3 N0 x; D) `+ k│ 34 Cucumber Castle (Early Version).m4a" T2 Y- i; ?5 w' a
│ 35 Harry Braff (Early Alternate Vers.m4a8 A7 ~' ?8 w# V9 v( f9 B% ^$ L% _0 S
│ 36 I Close My Eyes (Early Version).m4a6 ^3 n1 w' G" Q( l9 i$ @2 @
│ 37 I've Got to Learn.m4a
4 s" s4 z0 s% _" t│ 38 I Can't See Nobody (Alternate Tak.m4a
$ X7 ~8 M" J3 [; X& a* q( L2 t│ 39 All Around My Clock.m4a
9 I0 f0 L2 m! P, _│ 40 Mr. Wallor's Wailing Wall.m4a
; u; L6 d& k$ ^3 w7 f* K│ 41 Craise Finton Cook Royal Academy.m4a
/ L! s1 V8 B4 M) V( I5 l3 p│ 42 New York Mining Disaster 1941 (Ve.m4a
$ U. h: F9 Y# w* F/ J' z0 j│ folder.jpg5 {% Z2 V3 v( ?/ S3 k
│ 5 |4 s8 B+ I0 `6 X! ~2 R9 W
├─1968 - Horizontal (Deluxe Edition): k3 d' j. d& r* Q) ]$ \
│ 01 World (Stereo Version).m4a8 W1 T# x0 X$ d* D6 T3 ?% }& }
│ 02 And the Sun Will Shine (Stereo Version).m4a
, h& K3 p( T& L│ 03 Lemons Never Forget (Stereo Version).m4a+ c5 Y6 u7 p$ @8 l7 `" `
│ 04 Really and Sincerely (Stereo Version).m4a1 Q; f1 L6 ^ N2 R# C, V
│ 05 Birdie Told Me (Stereo Version).m4a
) @ z( ^8 q3 H+ S' p│ 06 With the Sun In My Eyes (Stereo Version).m4a X4 \( j1 Z0 D& U$ O; X
│ 07 Massachusetts (Stereo Version).m4a5 ~/ m7 V. H; `( {
│ 08 Harry Braff (Stereo Version).m4a9 F/ I' Q( W1 S: j8 n* U- n( h
│ 09 Day Time Girl (Stereo Version).m4a
2 c3 A- }; R1 z* M! i0 o2 j│ 10 The Earnest of Being George (Stereo Version).m4a
" y. G/ F' @, [0 a│ 11 The Change Is Made (Stereo Version).m4a
1 Y+ A( C8 r V/ @│ 12 Horizontal (Stereo Version).m4a' c0 f0 A, A! v& e0 _( o) Y% _6 v
│ 13 World (Mono Version).m4a
3 j* F- @- n- B v4 Q) K6 R/ d( U│ 14 And the Sun Will Shine (Mono Version).m4a
" A7 {, u7 P0 {9 P" L# @│ 15 Lemons Never Forget (Mono Version).m4a
) F( h/ ?$ N- O$ L│ 16 Really and Sincerely (Mono Version).m4a
' O v X- H& F i│ 17 Birdie Told Me (Mono Version).m4a* d6 C& N- ?! Z$ B9 V& U8 J5 {+ W! U
│ 18 With the Sun In My Eyes (Mono Version).m4a1 I' }% w+ D0 [3 ~; z: U* @) I
│ 19 Massachusetts (Mono Version).m4a
" F. D6 f u/ W! z2 {. [│ 20 Harry Braff (Mono Version).m4a% o8 L" B+ ^4 b
│ 21 Day Time Girl (Mono Version).m4a
- S( s8 D; A& V5 V9 c4 C│ 22 The Earnest of Being George (Mono Version).m4a
, W* r- [8 g- I# {1 [│ 23 The Change Is Made (Mono Version).m4a
9 e, U- Q! f, K) d: K# m7 n/ M9 c│ 24 Horizontal (Mono Version).m4a
, V7 m6 {4 }1 R8 y: z# ^│ 25 Out of Line.m4a( |8 v& r/ W2 _% X2 _7 }2 u3 z
│ 26 Ring My Bell.m4a, n$ O7 h, H! m# n- f, B& w
│ 27 Barker of the U.F.O..m4a
* N' [& K0 e& n$ q' w│ 28 Words.m4a" V: p+ E Y2 f" Q T
│ 29 Sir Geoffrey Saved the World.m4a
5 w5 K" d$ Y7 H$ d! ?│ 30 Sinking Ships.m4a) ^# c+ O J3 m4 x! v/ N
│ 31 Really and Sincerely (Alternate Version).m4a
. L$ R8 f9 s# A" |' |/ j# W│ 32 Swan Song (Alternate Version).m4a. R+ C9 l: f4 \' M. ~6 h
│ 33 Mrs. Gillespie's Refridgerator.m4a
8 m, k1 a* V" Y! Z│ 34 Deeply, Deeply Me.m4a
1 T) S# ~/ i& u5 q4 f; n│ 35 All My Christmases Came At Once.m4a/ K' k2 J0 j- P4 T
│ 36 Thank You for Christmas.m4a
# H9 y9 m" H/ |, x2 f3 B5 {: w2 ^│ 37 Medley_ Silent Night _ Hark the Herald Angels Sing.m4a0 ^2 ?9 V4 q) n* W$ @; z
│ folder.jpg
" H) T% X) o" D- k( r2 V8 r│
7 J1 G( O0 @6 ^7 K5 s+ c├─1968 - Idea (Remastered)! A2 Y) V( L4 {2 {$ f" X8 Z; w
│ 01 Let There Be Love.m4a, j) c# X% R! c% c% F$ ?
│ 02 Kitty Can.m4a; Y4 Q) ]+ X0 @" N/ [ u
│ 03 In the Summer of His Years.m4a; ^, u" {" {1 I l4 R, y, d
│ 04 Indian Gin & Whiskey Dry.m4a
8 M1 Q. D5 [1 ^2 d│ 05 Down to Earth.m4a
2 }. o/ X' _0 B│ 06 Such a Shame.m4a; r& q3 M. C" n( v5 t
│ 07 I've Gotta Get a Message to You.m4a
) t4 u7 h: B; b5 B- |) K. D│ 08 Idea.m4a
% X! @: Z, q7 w1 _9 t1 }# }│ 09 When the Swallows Fly.m4a6 I1 B9 Q2 e9 z
│ 10 I Have Decided to Join the Air Fo.m4a9 H9 } M9 n0 U- [7 @% v1 A C' g
│ 11 I Started a Joke.m4a, [% F. t* L" w; l
│ 12 Kilburn Towers.m4a
* E: g. K4 c* J! j P│ 13 Swan Song.m4a* H/ h1 b3 f: n2 Z
│ folder.jpg
: T i* s. o4 I$ M2 E# B3 Z│
/ Z) `; k2 B; M5 a2 C- J├─1969 - Odessa - The Complete Odessa; W- [6 [+ c$ e8 A" z) T: g' I
│ 01 Odessa (City On the Black Sea).m4a
7 E3 H9 j% Q, J4 P7 R' y│ 02 You'll Never See My Face Again.m4a# R# `& \' a6 w# `8 Y+ H
│ 03 Black Diamond.m4a
5 ?* M! F: d6 X9 P5 o M" V% o2 D│ 04 Marley Purt Drive.m4a
, N' u* j' A; u│ 05 Edison.m4a9 G, I# o, Q: n& _6 k$ ^/ _( k% x' ]
│ 06 Melody Fair.m4a
1 j* D% R( Q! u9 u% [6 M│ 07 Suddenly.m4a; x4 H( y0 ~" Y+ W) c7 J
│ 08 Whisper Whisper.m4a
8 a" X5 ]- o+ c$ k! C4 N│ 09 Lamplight.m4a
! M& ?) B! l9 M* K C% _│ 10 Sound of Love.m4a
+ F" D; a! n6 _│ 11 Give Your Best.m4a' C$ @* A) i c1 r- u5 e
│ 12 Seven Seas Symphony.m4a3 b. p# i- R+ f5 V s( m1 a8 K
│ 13 With All Nations (International A.m4a7 n4 t$ Z/ w( v7 H% G+ ~# Q
│ 14 I Laugh In Your Face.m4a
7 c6 t1 `0 s. z/ c1 U3 {│ 15 Never Say Never Again.m4a
/ e1 e( U2 p. b$ q% @# @, [│ 16 First of May.m4a ]# z# o# k- g9 ]( `
│ 17 The British Opera.m4a. {4 T0 x, }3 j9 t
│ 18 Odessa (City On the Black Sea) [M.m4a' a& S+ a3 o, ~
│ 19 You'll Never See My Face Again (M.m4a
; j: {1 H+ N5 A5 a P│ 20 Black Diamond (Mono).m4a6 e: e* o: k4 o7 W% j4 Q) r3 \
│ 21 Marley Purt Drive (Mono).m4a. t3 \2 j' V$ N. F
│ 22 Edison (Mono).m4a) f& ^7 L0 X5 I9 ?8 {
│ 23 Melody Fair (Mono).m4a5 K) t( R8 o8 n& ^, z
│ 24 Suddenly (Mono).m4a
2 [7 k8 h8 n0 L6 R& ]8 O│ 25 Whisper Whisper (Mono).m4a5 s5 ~, q$ H- d0 X7 n! S! l
│ 26 Lamplight (Mono).m4a( K- J) `& e, G
│ 27 Sound of Love (Mono).m4a
5 ]) b4 h$ M8 P9 N0 \│ 28 Give Your Best (Mono).m4a
% o. j7 T6 c6 ?; I$ r0 T/ ]( i( I% S│ 29 Seven Seas Symphony (Mono).m4a
& s" a2 r0 v* k: i7 u│ 30 With All Nations (International A.m4a
* s( I- J$ g j* Z; }3 I│ 31 I Laugh In Your Face (Mono).m4a- T4 j% X6 `# Y* Z9 S
│ 32 Never Say Never Again (Mono).m4a
# J' q# H# o! o& x7 W│ 33 First of May (Mono).m4a5 r3 x5 N0 c* [7 s) ]
│ 34 The British Opera (Mono).m4a/ _+ F# s! Z1 P$ Z. o7 j
│ 35 Odessa (City On the Black Sea) [D.m4a4 v; W& Q. L5 H" U5 G
│ 36 You'll Never See My Face Again (A.m4a* e8 H, p2 ?* G! J
│ 37 Black Diamond (Demo).m4a- ^! x" f. R! p6 h
│ 38 Marley Purt Drive (Alternate Mix).m4a
/ ]6 _" R2 U k- D; u4 p0 y│ 39 Barbara Came to Stay.m4a
$ I4 M$ r( M. d1 d, p│ 40 Edison (Alternate Mix).m4a
( J F3 s0 L$ P1 a% g│ 41 Melody Fair (Demo).m4a. Y, {+ I; [; P; j
│ 42 Melody Fair (Alternate Mix).m4a
7 ]9 J% q0 h* j! d0 H# w│ 43 Suddenly (Alternate Mix).m4a( {% x1 M* J- M7 @/ f- N, \! H' C
│ 44 Whisper Whisper, Pt. Two (Alterna.m4a
* s- ]0 y8 X2 O0 ~9 J0 [│ 45 Lamplight (Demo).m4a
- u" ]3 x% p* i5 s│ 46 Lamplight (Alternate Version).m4a) _& t' |+ O% U6 @$ f
│ 47 Sound of Love (Alternate Mix).m4a
" e6 W0 x/ k- S* s+ m│ 48 Give Your Best (Alternate Mix).m4a# j/ w( s5 ?. v
│ 49 Seven Seas Symphony (Demo).m4a3 ]8 E/ w( e4 N, A# f; {) z2 W
│ 50 With All Nations (International A.m4a
) J$ ?; j2 i) g% ?│ 51 I Laugh In Your Face (Alternate M.m4a
2 x- h) O& n8 X6 \8 c: {) W/ ?│ 52 Never Say Never Again (Alternate.m4a( [+ |- P$ @: U( @( Q# \
│ 53 First of May (Demo).m4a
( g9 R8 u& u, H# i5 @# j: H% K$ n│ 54 First of May (Alternate Mix).m4a8 l3 f* A* p3 } O& n& i3 U' X
│ 55 Nobody's Someone.m4a7 _" T; ^6 P- H8 P
│ 56 Pity.m4a6 [7 y9 f9 u ^% f: B
│ 57 Odessa Promotional Spot.m4a
% i. r' K* O0 G/ a" |8 h1 V! E│ folder.jpg
! u. z5 W$ _; z$ W! j8 U│
! @% w' ~# O# C6 R├─1970 - Cucumber Castle1 ?0 b; d# A/ L" ?" W @
│ 01 If I Only Had My Mind On Something Else.m4a
& _& M5 v* S) ~3 i, ]│ 02 I.O.I.O..m4a
% S' S) R" g0 w│ 03 Then You Left Me.m4a- r3 E9 G! r6 x7 ~2 h8 R: [
│ 04 The Lord.m4a) i$ d) I" P9 L: D$ r" R
│ 05 I Was the Child.m4a
) c: \$ j0 {1 _! ?1 q% P│ 06 I Lay Down and Die.m4a; g( C& {8 V2 e9 X' Q( U1 p% \
│ 07 Sweetheart.m4a e! Q& A! I" `6 x ^
│ 08 Bury Me Down By the River.m4a
' G2 P' j% ?, g: j│ 09 My Thing.m4a# R# e2 F% ^7 t- c4 `3 n6 `8 V
│ 10 The Chance of Love.m4a
; l$ f( M3 [% q1 C# \│ 11 Turning Tide.m4a
7 P2 R3 n0 h( }; G- t# O│ 12 Don't Forget to Remember.m4a8 H' n" g4 x6 r, ~5 F7 S
│ folder.jpg5 X7 |% U3 ^; T3 d( M/ s
│ : Q* V, B% `. U* s
├─1971 - 2 Years On( l; g f2 i! \3 I
│ 01 2 Years On.m4a8 ^) S, P2 ^7 R- f' o) V) o2 `$ I
│ 02 Portrait of Louise.m4a
. s8 h$ [! ^) z9 t; R$ ?9 s/ B; c│ 03 Man for All Seasons.m4a# I3 r+ [5 L; G+ ?$ V3 h
│ 04 Sincere Relation.m4a
$ Q4 T# G4 M1 s- x8 n6 ^( ?│ 05 Back Home.m4a, ^5 Z" B4 d1 ~3 p5 f. t
│ 06 The 1st Mistake I Made.m4a
+ v/ ]% g5 \& S│ 07 Lonely Days.m4a
: X" ]5 c: I% g│ 08 Alone Again.m4a
8 C& L; u# O, }- l$ D8 q0 n│ 09 Tell Me Why.m4a) V/ n, {1 X9 f6 k2 F
│ 10 Lay It On Me.m4a+ j ]: Y6 h) b/ I$ E' {5 P1 F
│ 11 Every Second, Every Minute.m4a
" N. ~) h5 z! U+ h" f, U1 [│ 12 I'm Weeping.m4a
' m$ f4 G, B" _0 m│ folder.jpg: ^" H& U" m3 w4 V3 D1 h
( O$ a% |5 _" e" A( y├─1971 - Trafalgar
! V$ F5 }$ I# M; ?* C z│ 01 How Can You Mend a Broken Heart_.m4a5 @/ B$ s8 s) I! ?( E* T
│ 02 Israel.m4a
9 y. M+ k' k+ C$ c+ S" O) R9 }# s3 Z│ 03 The Greatest Man In the World.m4a# k$ w% h6 O' L+ m. c
│ 04 It's Just the Way.m4a
) P O: |' D" H! J& a7 y│ 05 Remembering.m4a
% |% g: W+ p! s│ 06 Somebody Stop the Music.m4a
9 r1 N1 N, G" {0 v R* R│ 07 Trafalgar.m4a
& x" J' q; A+ n3 D│ 08 Don't Wanna Live Inside Myself.m4a
+ h7 }6 q( o4 O G: O│ 09 When Do I.m4a" V; T4 G- s% E6 G: j
│ 10 Dearest.m4a) c, V: E6 s) E( M% m( e
│ 11 Lion In Winter.m4a
7 V/ T+ T" E! f- ]│ 12 Walking Back to Waterloo.m4a' z6 d8 I2 u. Y. [) l) z
│ folder.jpg9 M3 ?6 x" f9 h# @
│ 2 ^/ v; n! c1 s; h, e9 t
├─1972 - To Whom It May Concern0 H* V9 }, [% m: A `7 @
│ 01 Run to Me.m4a
: W( t$ k, j& z$ p6 a% J│ 02 We Lost the Road.m4a% ~9 r1 m* U, q9 h# L6 M" s
│ 03 Never Been Alone.m4a- n- M8 Y* c" H7 M% C' w
│ 04 Paper Mache, Cabbages & Kings.m4a
2 v, h P2 U4 ~, ^9 @9 V3 A│ 05 I Can Bring Love.m4a
* |: C9 B7 X% O$ s) _│ 06 I Held a Party.m4a
9 E5 {/ [5 r' J2 K9 s│ 07 Please Don't Turn Out the Lights.m4a H. c; z2 n% d7 f7 n. k o
│ 08 Sea of Smiling Faces.m4a7 \. X. j h( {6 e0 o
│ 09 Bad, Bad Dreams.m4a
( h- ]4 x" V) m0 }4 R) ?, d! Z│ 10 You Know It's for You.m4a) O. Y: H7 @. O
│ 11 Alive.m4a) H; l+ r/ F) B
│ 12 Road to Alaska.m4a' I) m5 \+ T' o4 {
│ 13 Sweet Song of Summer.m4a2 a* Q( [% S5 k( n/ b
│ folder.jpg
& q2 K- M% Z: k& ?2 L7 K" t8 G e& J│ ; Q' ?2 B2 W& B' ?
├─1973 - Life In a Tin Can6 U/ F; e5 {( |$ R. L5 Y9 W
│ 01 Saw a New Morning.m4a
2 d; n2 ?+ F8 b+ X4 u% d$ y6 q│ 02 I Don't Wanna Be the One.m4a3 c% \& q' r' C# u4 m2 N; M
│ 03 South Dakota Morning.m4a) e: k" S9 A: o$ `7 M( w' i0 C( [4 I
│ 04 Living In Chicago.m4a
& p6 K2 ^, t$ B' ^* g! T│ 05 While I Play.m4a
2 D% x# y6 Y; L3 O- D3 i6 N8 I│ 06 My Life Has Been a Song.m4a0 y! w/ Y: x1 R5 i. `- o
│ 07 Come Home Johnny Bridie.m4a
" N: P0 z1 v( l8 l8 P│ 08 Method to My Madness.m4a
! m9 ]- K8 d7 g+ Z0 j J│ folder.jpg
: d* i* V/ t8 m) [│ ' R& h. f, K0 ~. u2 q5 I+ r: j. ^1 b. U: O
├─1974 - Mr. Natural* e- r6 i9 T1 P) ?
│ 01 Charade.m4a4 G3 x1 P. c( n
│ 02 Throw a Penny.m4a2 i' D. h" }( r9 C# y- W
│ 03 Down the Road.m4a0 u% Z4 C6 V" Q! W4 {3 `* { ]2 Z8 L
│ 04 Voices.m4a
4 _0 Y/ b) y! y2 E& j2 h6 c7 y│ 05 Give a Hand, Take a Hand.m4a
$ A2 m6 s2 {& j. n9 J│ 06 Dogs.m4a
; M% P- _- R% [$ C4 ^! C u% G│ 07 Mr. Natural.m4a/ j/ C1 E' c4 x( q$ G: v9 h
│ 08 Lost In Your Love.m4a' x. X8 Z+ Q7 V, b
│ 09 I Can't Let You Go.m4a
- _/ \9 e7 Y9 Z│ 10 Heavy Breathing.m4a! K. D' D3 n/ h* M' m0 U7 p
│ 11 Had a Lot of Love Last Night.m4a j* h, p2 l: }% @: F
│ folder.jpg
' y1 ~4 b3 T4 v4 V7 G0 v; y( K# J) M│
6 D0 z9 a' ^: L* H% e6 E8 I├─1975 - Main Course+ @8 W/ m1 A- R+ Y+ j
│ 01 Nights On Broadway.m4a
9 _- O5 ]& u7 \- v- c4 ~; Q' y│ 02 Jive Talkin'.m4a" R6 ?1 Q% r' w
│ 03 Wind of Change.m4a
, C6 ]4 }" f( q: W│ 04 Songbird.m4a
$ S3 O b& v5 V% G! }( d* E* O0 f│ 05 Fanny (Be Tender With My Love).m4a0 T' d5 B |) ~
│ 06 All This Making Love.m4a
x! ?2 U, n4 f│ 07 Country Lanes.m4a
|& C( R3 ?* i! D* S D│ 08 Come On Over.m4a
: T! m' B. o- w. p p│ 09 Edge of the Universe.m4a& B$ }2 F/ ?! o5 \6 E4 v
│ 10 Baby As You Turn Away.m4a0 x( C0 X1 t1 U7 r7 o* O
│ folder.jpg* B! t8 p( M: \
1 ]6 x F1 r& w) r& {4 J6 E├─1976 - Children of the World. x. e& s k7 l' G! A. `" G) x
│ 01 You Should Be Dancing.m4a
$ v. @- x4 j9 l" I1 j) a( c│ 02 You Stepped Into My Life.m4a/ W/ u6 j! u" a) x( Q( U9 ]& T+ I) i
│ 03 Love So Right.m4a3 u b' K& ]. n; o* V
│ 04 Lovers.m4a/ y+ [% V* }/ s% L; w
│ 05 Can't Keep a Good Man Down.m4a1 z" j3 j) w# i! M: ]5 @. o8 S
│ 06 Boogie Child.m4a
2 W+ `2 ~5 l1 }9 ?2 P" G│ 07 Love Me.m4a
" j1 v; R/ c& m' A" ~% a0 E│ 08 Subway.m4a
7 A4 Z7 k+ A- H7 u. e│ 09 The Way It Was.m4a
& e4 |; d6 I' A3 Y* D- S" m9 L│ 10 Children of the World.m4a
2 `* r& {* D# P# F% g# O│ folder.jpg
( \. S' K* f9 Z: c│ 6 J% _ P( j* c4 E
├─1977 - Saturday Night Fever (OST)
2 C9 Y6 q$ t2 v" z; Z│ 01 Bee Gees - Stayin' Alive.m4a. B+ q( Z0 W6 K$ M/ q8 e+ R
│ 02 Bee Gees - How Deep Is Your Love.m4a( b& k5 y U" `7 ]
│ 03 Bee Gees - Night Fever.m4a h% k. I/ N/ n/ M; _# g
│ 04 Bee Gees - More Than a Woman.m4a
1 N! }9 V) l- V# E" }8 B│ 05 Yvonne Elliman - If I Can't Have You.m4a! r) E0 p9 y3 Q! V
│ 06 Walter Murphy - A Fifth of Beethoven.m4a
. T& ]# u7 T6 |& L) V+ l: W6 R│ 07 Tavares - More Than a Woman.m4a
4 h& ?8 M$ H$ x7 x, k/ f+ Q│ 08 David Shire - Manhattan Skyline.m4a: @! y! c7 U x6 `. z( ^
│ 09 Ralph MacDonald - Calypso Breakdown.m4a+ B4 a. x: [ {0 w
│ 10 David Shire - Night On Disco Mountain.m4a
1 O$ d2 j! U E& c# \│ 11 Kool & The Gang - Open Sesame.m4a% m0 F3 I. z6 Z a3 O. H( F3 S
│ 12 Bee Gees - Jive Talkin'.m4a
, T, F- X$ ]; x4 G( K, q0 ?│ 13 Bee Gees - You Should Be Dancing.m4a
) h9 T Z" q8 B. D7 @1 y9 X) `│ 14 KC & The Sunshine Band - Boogie Shoes.m4a
) T& i& B b$ h" w│ 15 David Shire - Salsation.m4a
) d/ O) z4 h" j# I! ^' _9 D│ 16 MFSB - K-Jee.m4a* t' {. f7 t# S9 t. G
│ 17 The Trammps - Disco Inferno.m4a0 d$ M J/ {- ~* r- j# z
│ folder.jpg0 S* [+ u7 q* W1 Q, \
│ + x2 i, M: A+ W' o5 t9 N0 E' w9 I
├─1979 - Spirits Having Flown
; C% K3 \/ Y3 A6 L" H│ 01 Tragedy.m4a8 k, j1 X6 {- N9 B4 {+ O" ?) E: N
│ 02 Too Much Heaven.m4a
: [1 V j5 n W: D% |3 h6 l│ 03 Love You Inside Out.m4a
/ T2 r/ m+ g; x0 r1 |│ 04 Reaching Out.m4a
. ?/ u' x+ I# X$ D6 d; P│ 05 Spirits (Having Flown).m4a4 Z. P" P W- g5 ]; P$ U
│ 06 Search, Find.m4a
+ [% ^7 J/ A7 w7 t/ I+ x│ 07 Stop (Think Again).m4a* v8 e" d+ b' o& ~. N: ^$ x" n
│ 08 Living Together.m4a( G& ]% K. M( s/ H) C4 y
│ 09 I'm Satisfied.m4a
5 S: m" e! X* L7 X. r4 `4 {, r: A2 D│ 10 Until.m4a6 Y+ z) P$ x8 U) \
│ folder.jpg% [0 b8 e( C# n; J9 @% ?
│ $ I% A3 B v/ I% [! r6 S. S
├─1981 - Living Eyes
4 Q" `8 K0 j9 E, v│ 01 Living Eyes.m4a: Q. `( S# o+ y* q7 J& y% X$ S
│ 02 He's a Liar.m4a
5 W, ^$ D2 I \1 i/ q6 d│ 03 Paradise.m4a
6 i8 ?$ M2 F! l: J│ 04 Don't Fall In Love With Me.m4a9 v+ h* i: N& G
│ 05 Soldiers.m4a( v5 ?- S9 Z8 n1 w# f
│ 06 I Still Love You.m4a
& e+ p; q/ I1 m, `! f│ 07 Wildflower.m4a0 X& L+ g" i; ^. Z+ V$ }: G
│ 08 Nothing Could Be Good.m4a- v1 k D9 n3 z t
│ 09 Cryin' Every Day.m4a+ S0 M) e* r, {' J" E! w
│ 10 Be Who You Are.m4a
4 e/ a1 |# J" d: h│ folder.jpg
% i1 c( M8 C5 c& B│
4 V4 a5 D9 }! |+ m- h- s├─1983 - Staying Alive (OST)
8 v% A* \2 l. F+ |/ Q* }; @│ 01 Bee Gees - The Woman In You.m4a
, h5 m+ y& l/ J4 ~2 S│ 02 Bee Gees - I Love You Too Much.m4a
1 g( X; q) N+ U' Y% j│ 03 Bee Gees - Breakout.m4a
" d( P% _& b! ^; O9 S* Z│ 04 Bee Gees - Someone Belonging to Someone.m4a7 A e, ?% ?& R* U
│ 05 Bee Gees - Life Goes On.m4a
8 n; ]: o. g2 B0 p( v, @│ 06 Bee Gees - Stayin' Alive.m4a& [) S. `% ], t; Q
│ 07 Frank Stallone - Far from Over.m4a2 Q' _/ n. y0 g, X9 n
│ 08 Tommy Faragher - Look Out for Number One.m4a
/ `* V) A; n; K' c- b+ c│ 09 Cynthia Rhodes - Finding Out the Hard Way.m4a" q0 R/ o1 e8 c
│ 10 Frank Stallone - Moody Girl.m4a/ m8 Q( j$ C. k; M8 H! E# R
│ 11 Tommy Faragher - (We Dance) So Close to the Fire.m4a
, D7 o: X P/ w! r! v3 ?│ 12 Cynthia Rhodes & Frank Stallone - I'm Never Gonna Give You Up.m4a: F/ A/ M! x; y& c" d5 V
│ folder.jpg, u. v d) ]. n d
9 X! ?# p8 B9 M- I/ A* ] u├─1987 - E.S.P s( U# r+ I, m5 b S. Y& d( v( Z
│ 01 E.S.P..m4a) W2 _0 N6 F/ f; M' A/ o* J. A
│ 02 You Win Again.m4a
8 o3 i1 j" H7 u5 n- K3 z$ w│ 03 Live or Die (Hold Me Like a Child).m4a
% Q3 e: K0 V9 J' O, t6 I│ 04 Giving Up the Ghost.m4a+ A6 `; M6 s+ j: i- B
│ 05 The Longest Night.m4a* P" B; o1 R J
│ 06 This Is Your Life.m4a
8 {: m4 f( H1 \, i% r; c, Z│ 07 Angela.m4a
! T& h& C: v |) U1 H7 p- B│ 08 Overnight.m4a; {: ?2 a5 Z; u+ r; T$ |# W2 S
│ 09 Crazy for Your Love.m4a k5 t7 }. s+ R d0 ^; S
│ 10 Backtafunk.m4a
4 u! [( I5 G7 A7 b, H2 C$ M% G│ 11 E.S.P. (Vocal Reprise).m4a+ N! |4 m- g2 E# L/ ?' R
│ folder.jpg3 f9 X/ H2 I/ L
│ ) g* R, M3 h. r: ^& R$ V
├─1989 - One+ l, Z4 A* i' L6 X% E9 x# X" P
│ 01 Ordinary Lives.m4a- |& I. c' F% `4 z0 I6 Y9 F
│ 02 One.m4a# L# x$ C% d; `! A' @) }9 W2 s% d
│ 03 Bodyguard.m4a
# |6 y" Z9 e( s5 _│ 04 It's My Neighborhood.m4a
* Y3 E; K' S) r! E7 L o│ 05 Tears.m4a
4 j0 b% b. A+ }2 I- x│ 06 Tokyo Nights.m4a4 E( M {' x* f3 c% v
│ 07 Flesh and Blood.m4a
0 i- ]" H# j G: L3 h│ 08 Wish You Were Here.m4a: _9 M& s( Z( G
│ 09 House of Shame.m4a2 [1 [. Q% R+ S3 {4 V9 F% K
│ 10 Will You Ever Let Me.m4a/ m u+ V5 x: z0 @* j4 L
│ 11 Wing and a Prayer.m4a
, k& s5 \$ ?! g# R. R8 L│ folder.jpg d7 w( e7 A/ ?' T
: U4 Q! S4 i8 x, e4 R5 C├─1991 - High Civilization: e9 u; i5 S! z2 M
│ 01 High Civilization.m4a
! y) |" Y$ a) }│ 02 Secret Love.m4a' K3 T& U3 ?4 [3 Y5 A: [9 p0 X
│ 03 When He's Gone.m4a
f. q. e( I, D. g│ 04 Happy Ever After.m4a n% ^# B/ I4 D& }; k/ [
│ 05 Pt.y With No Name.m4a- Q8 c8 {% T' U
│ 06 Ghost Train.m4a
, d! I, K7 X" w3 d( w V! i6 c5 `│ 07 Dimensions.m4a& V* }( [6 c3 J8 S' I" c
│ 08 The Only Love.m4a
9 {" S3 A, [# Q2 i' I│ 09 Human Sacrifice.m4a
! r7 l5 Q5 s, n% o" ?+ K│ 10 True Confessions.m4a
# l1 Q& V p# W3 u; R│ 11 Evolution.m4a
! k: u/ i1 Y0 [: A2 f+ h/ u│ folder.jpg" I/ H. m$ _: j( |4 P
│ 7 e2 I) J G& ?: i9 b' o
├─1993 - Size Isn't Everything
$ F/ }1 o$ i* U│ 01 Paying the Price of Love.m4a# S; W7 E/ U1 F+ g" N
│ 02 Kiss of Life.m4a2 u3 |! P$ c; ^: b
│ 03 How to Fall In Love, Pt. 1.m4a4 N# A" W6 ^8 J' O
│ 04 Omega Man.m4a
0 s6 e5 ?" o! h│ 05 Haunted House.m4a) M1 R" k, G5 ?, J
│ 06 Heart Like Mine.m4a; a* y9 v4 U; P5 L* G/ s6 ]
│ 07 Anything for You.m4a
% K5 P2 Q( O, Z2 `│ 08 Blue Island.m4a
& B2 v4 v$ N. t+ Q/ [│ 09 Above and Beyond.m4a
; K& G6 W) F! n, H+ b; o+ n│ 10 For Whom the Bell Tolls.m4a2 y& I) ?0 L7 |- m k; c0 t) G7 T
│ 11 Fallen Angel.m4a! ^" u7 |# B' X, G, T
│ folder.jpg
- \$ T1 f0 A! Z. D# Q│
" B; }( V( ^4 w% |├─1997 - Still Waters$ p: T% _ e4 \
│ 01 Alone.m4a
" S5 L- e7 K# a# G% O" j│ 02 I Surrender.m4a
2 B" }: P6 Q& W& \. i│ 03 I Could Not Love You More.m4a M8 S- r5 G9 o; A e* ^* p
│ 04 Still Waters Run Deep.m4a
* x! h9 b [, X1 q5 ?│ 05 My Lover's Prayer.m4a' C& X, l- B/ n" ]; y
│ 06 With My Eyes Closed.m4a* v2 v3 ~# R8 `6 P! Y( r
│ 07 Irresistible Force.m4a6 b9 C' @2 e9 i: C: D
│ 08 Closer Than Close.m4a
7 z$ C, b3 I" m+ c9 f│ 09 I Will.m4a! _! ^0 N* \/ Q, M8 ~& V
│ 10 Obsessions.m4a, d% f" x; [* f( r( T0 }1 `- J) e
│ 11 Miracles Happen.m4a
2 n2 w0 _$ q% K: N! k│ 12 Smoke and Mirrors.m4a4 H2 G2 m* f, `4 K6 s7 A5 L
│ folder.jpg' E I/ w( C6 K4 b3 E
│ 7 ]% t' o- I! l/ }
├─2001 - This Is Where I Came In
! p' d+ d9 b0 z. L+ G) m6 k7 ?│ 01 This Is Where I Came In.m4a
6 o8 S! R+ y5 j! [1 _│ 02 She Keeps On Coming.m4a ?" q9 F: x+ S/ w% l0 n$ N
│ 03 Sacred Trust.m4a
$ H; H. [/ L% D ?5 e│ 04 Wedding Day.m4a" x/ L: N8 E9 H' n! x$ V6 G- Y: b
│ 05 Man In the Middle.m4a
v$ D D" n# X: O│ 06 De?ja? vu.m4a
4 @) e8 M& B1 f, Q5 z2 t. Y│ 07 Technicolor Dreams.m4a# ~7 \6 G& e0 Z; D! z. p6 j }6 L' Q
│ 08 Walking On Air.m4a
. Z) y& |8 N0 y3 F' O, w2 _│ 09 Loose Talk Costs Lives.m4a& c. t% p5 S" W" B
│ 10 Embrace.m4a
1 D! `4 }. Z# E: C) h│ 11 The Extra Mile.m4a) g& P: d( E+ ~7 R3 J
│ 12 Voice In the Wilderness.m4a0 P, Q+ o; y; B! ~$ z( o$ F8 O
│ folder.jpg
|+ y7 t( F* H! N/ v6 H0 M│
y9 ~9 I; N9 x5 O, Q├─2017 - Timeless_ The All-Time Greatest Hits2 C1 l9 R: J- Z
│ 01 Spicks and Specks.m4a0 I5 I [# \( S; w2 b
│ 02 New York Mining Disaster 1941.m4a
. ~! B4 k" Z3 Q6 H4 \' }│ 03 To Love Somebody.m4a% F+ k* w2 V! o; V
│ 04 Massachusetts.m4a
" I% B+ C0 {0 s9 T│ 05 Words.m4a2 }5 j1 z2 Z- {/ m9 a
│ 06 I've Gotta Get a Message To You.m4a0 [1 d' h/ \& K4 b8 }
│ 07 I Started a Joke.m4a& B* Y2 C5 m% ?
│ 08 Lonely Days.m4a
' M: L6 c( E/ F6 j- M2 t│ 09 How Can You Mend a Broken Heart.m4a+ [5 B; f$ x5 L+ F* e
│ 10 Jive Talkin'.m4a
7 U( n& H* |* h, E6 ~7 m│ 11 Nights On Broadway.m4a
; }! F; R" V. X8 L9 ~│ 12 Fanny (Be Tender With My Love).m4a
2 d; [/ U8 p6 j│ 13 You Should Be Dancing.m4a q4 k, C5 D1 N- f/ P3 b/ u
│ 14 How Deep Is Your Love.m4a
$ y; A, _/ j0 K* o) P5 b! F│ 15 Stayin' Alive.m4a
% f+ k l$ x! I, V. x) _- c3 |│ 16 Night Fever.m4a
, n. o: Q) d1 ~5 g' Y│ 17 More Than a Woman.m4a
8 `& z' T7 R/ f* }- f│ 18 Too Much Heaven.m4a+ J" P! N+ n5 u3 f& k" M
│ 19 Tragedy.m4a1 W1 w; \( n7 l! a. S: r( r" O/ T
│ 20 Love You Inside Out.m4a3 u7 v; f5 w; l% {- |
│ 21 You Win Again.m4a2 d) J* w6 E/ `
1 B2 z( y# V5 n! V/ l* J├─_Compilations, o; v9 q# T5 A
│ ├─1974 - Replay_ the Bee Gees! U5 X# O1 |, ?1 Y6 G' W9 p x
│ │ 01 Spicks and Specks.m4a7 i) `5 a! y1 k+ l; r
│ │ 02 Follow the Wind.m4a" e4 D) v- ^1 I* d: L# Y! K
│ │ 03 I Am the World.m4a
0 n( m% u5 j/ @, k! R# F│ │ 04 I Was a Lover.m4a# z3 h: l* w1 b0 V5 v3 `
│ │ 05 How Love Was True.m4a
4 ^/ m) Z0 |) z6 [' D│ │ 06 Every Day I Have to Cry.m4a
$ M7 O; _& a, e4 ?' m+ Z. C7 t│ │ 07 Turn Around Look At Me.m4a# q5 m$ T2 P* ~2 I0 _( ~
│ │ 08 How Many Birds.m4a! d5 V% F, }& v1 l, ]6 e
│ │ 09 The Three Kisses of Love.m4a
- h% s! N6 J- B: Z│ │ 10 I Don't Think Its Funny.m4a# f D @: w- Y: f& m& t
│ │ 11 Take Hold of That Star.m4a6 M i; {- ]* M, ?7 K
│ │ 12 Second Hand People.m4a/ J# D! k" ~+ p, f W
│ │ 13 Wine and Women.m4a4 B' c5 Z5 r' c" v
│ │ 14 To Be or Not to Be.m4a
* X- T. ?, v1 H$ w│ │ 15 Mondays Rain.m4a! I/ t/ f1 S5 i2 `9 L; W5 X# F
│ │ folder.jpg' z% X' K6 W; G; N1 r) n
│ │ - l5 V. `! ~: L9 d; i; o
│ ├─1996 - The Early Years
. n1 {1 c# C* I- T3 a│ │ 01 Everyday I Have to Cry.m4a, X/ I7 {# @1 j
│ │ 02 How Many Birds.m4a: Q* G D5 }2 \) o, z
│ │ 03 Second Hand People.m4a
% {1 E: a: y) t" R│ │ 04 Wine and Women.m4a
, t" w# R& G: i9 K1 d│ │ 05 I Am the World.m4a
. w% {) {( U8 l# R0 {2 f│ │ 06 I Was a Love, Leader of Men.m4a
& G( U" x5 j9 _5 y! B) s│ │ 07 Spicks and Specks.m4a
7 y. b! Q$ p/ X/ u" V" n6 N1 b│ │ 08 Three Kisses of Love.m4a7 | t, N( r/ B1 E
│ │ 09 You Wouldn't Know.m4a
! a \# U/ u7 {│ │ 10 Claustrophobia.m4a
* W" W$ i1 o! r│ │ 11 Glass House.m4a q! x7 _# u2 j( a- \- s4 X, ^; \3 N
│ │ 12 Monday's Rain.m4a
# [# k6 S$ @5 `! Z1 a# L% v7 w│ │ 13 Take Hold of That Star.m4a
1 o. B; g6 q' d7 K: V5 g│ │ 14 To Be or Not to Be.m4a/ f1 ~$ r/ v5 S2 ]7 A
│ │ 15 Could It Be I'm In Love.m4a
( E! D a4 K/ Z4 W% U; o│ │ 16 How Love Was True.m4a
G1 ^4 i1 o' Q& b/ ~( ?- Z│ │ 17 I Don't Think It's Funny.m4a
8 b! P# l# N |6 [ _* `2 c│ │ 18 Playdown.m4a
! e& I0 N* T, Q/ Z# Q│ │ 19 The Battle of the Blue and Gray.m4a- u( H5 D* e+ D# v9 I0 I7 O9 g
│ │ 20 Turn Around and Look At Me.m4a
* G8 ^ i: a% p5 y3 t│ │ folder.jpg" ]- n4 x! z/ Y* Q1 j
│ │
) m" X# I# U/ u2 ~$ {$ u│ ├─2003 - Spicks and Specks
2 d5 J. K4 j6 g0 X7 k' T7 c# }│ │ 01 Spicks And Specks.m4a, L* i4 r! g! o0 P& b1 O
│ │ 02 Follow The Wind.m4a
, \( {) s1 O' E1 F* @5 W$ q│ │ 03 I Am The World.m4a
3 C$ C8 m/ L" ?' L* q: q│ │ 04 I Was A Lover.m4a
5 ~5 a0 h2 C8 ~+ Q) e; l│ │ 05 How Love Was True.m4a5 r1 ?1 z1 Y& H- K% h \1 ~
│ │ 06 Everyday I Have To Cry Some.m4a! B: z( y# ~3 z8 [ L
│ │ 07 Turn Around Look At Me.m4a
& X& \$ e# \8 v7 F│ │ 08 How Many Birds.m4a9 r0 [& C- g8 T, z
│ │ 09 The Three Kisses Of Love.m4a, m: w( S& }( {1 s N5 o! c
│ │ 10 I Don't Think It's Funny.m4a g/ M8 A. h; c# V( u1 A. W% V$ |
│ │ 11 Take Hold Of That Star.m4a: Y, ^3 B% E' V: i
│ │ 12 Second Hand People.m4a! |. o! P6 \) w; f7 W6 ^
│ │ 13 Wine And Woman.m4a+ Z ~5 t; \& _3 F
│ │ 14 To Be Or Not To Be.m4a6 r5 P1 }5 ?2 Z1 m9 G' n
│ │ 15 Monday's Rain.m4a
" b4 e$ w: L1 A' Q# q; x│ │ folder.jpg4 m* p% `/ B7 B! `% G
│ │ 3 w5 `9 ?$ M! d
│ ├─2004 - Number Ones! w% k8 O+ ?/ P7 M+ t
│ │ 01 Massachusetts.m4a. R5 X$ k7 V. `- e5 N4 ]* y
│ │ 02 World.m4a
8 q( m, A& u# m! Y# s* \│ │ 03 Words.m4a! G# W: z! T; Z
│ │ 04 I've Gotta Get a Message to You.m4a
% s$ D3 M$ R6 P. ]& w│ │ 05 I Started a Joke.m4a
2 J: ^4 t. M& ?. Z6 ^8 ]7 |& \│ │ 06 Don't Forget to Remember.m4a2 o& l( ?8 K2 Z" @7 e7 n- u; c' A3 D
│ │ 07 How Can You Mend a Broken Heart_.m4a
1 `6 L2 M% z {# U4 r6 p) J* |│ │ 08 Jive Talkin'.m4a
$ }; N4 Z! Q! o. p8 A9 x6 m$ x( V│ │ 09 You Should Be Dancing.m4a1 m0 O l% e+ c/ D* s4 ]
│ │ 10 How Deep Is Your Love.m4a
. G- U: ~5 ] X3 Y│ │ 11 Stayin' Alive.m4a1 D" ?1 P" p& w, v- D
│ │ 12 Night Fever.m4a
. t5 _- @) [: O9 S4 T5 Q1 R) n│ │ 13 Too Much Heaven.m4a( n6 f. [' P7 P6 G9 L
│ │ 14 Tragedy.m4a
+ |/ B6 J t2 Y5 V8 b [* m% v│ │ 15 More Than a Woman.m4a5 s) X# f7 L, a! x6 l9 W$ V6 S: X; J
│ │ 16 Love You Inside Out.m4a
! O3 Y Z4 g; G) e* O3 [& K8 {│ │ 17 You Win Again.m4a* t. e& G+ K( e( M! d
│ │ 18 Man In the Middle.m4a
5 f0 l# U% Y2 e5 Z) }│ │ 19 Islands In the Stream.m4a( O, p7 U3 ~7 n* b' ?! G
│ │ 20 Immortality (Original Demo Version).m4a
+ x' N7 P/ N5 ^6 Z' x& L x1 ~│ │ folder.jpg
9 R* g4 q4 V s# m, G│ │ & S4 a5 R: f1 U1 ~$ P6 p- u
│ ├─2005 - Love Songs
! r$ B8 u% \, ~. h0 b" r b/ g# G│ │ 01 To Love Somebody.m4a- k7 J; {8 E6 p. M2 r, b" ^
│ │ 02 Words.m4a
: u, F/ D" i( G: n* s│ │ 03 First of May.m4a
1 S3 {" B" { d& S│ │ 04 Lonely Days.m4a
7 T, C# | m: Q│ │ 05 How Can You Mend a Broken Heart_.m4a
/ W* i( {7 ^# s3 _& S) }3 H│ │ 06 How Deep Is Your Love.m4a
9 \+ ?9 }/ J s5 X9 I; s│ │ 07 More Than a Woman.m4a8 d# a1 O9 H' U
│ │ 08 (Our Love) Don't Throw It All Awa.m4a/ q m8 \! K6 v4 \/ o
│ │ 09 Emotion.m4a
- J8 L9 {* n2 h│ │ 10 Too Much Heaven.m4a
7 D, h/ Q* g' N" a. K/ f│ │ 11 Heartbreaker.m4a- G; T) F& W' U* e# y' V
│ │ 12 Islands In the Stream (Live).m4a
& @' }/ o6 {# W8 A' Z u5 _│ │ 13 Juliet.m4a! O8 S0 Y9 U! `: g
│ │ 14 Secret Love.m4a
5 U, t1 R' G p( j, j9 d│ │ 15 For Whom the Bell Tolls (Single V.m4a S$ x7 f- z0 c) I5 [
│ │ 16 Closer Than Close.m4a
% O% n' k9 ]- v2 ~$ I│ │ 17 I Could Not Love You More.m4a
" b, H" X% {3 s& W! P1 i( h│ │ 18 Wedding Day.m4a
9 R3 G. h/ @, e5 q7 p# O│ │ folder.jpg" B/ z8 @; X$ }" H
│ │ ' `" R- C X& J4 a/ y- Q
│ ├─2007 - Greatest (Special Edition) (Remstered)
3 f5 u& _/ E: Q- h/ @7 i1 m│ │ 01 Jive Talkin'.m4a
5 v/ \% X# I# t# H│ │ 02 Night Fever.m4a
8 c, Z7 g( v% R E9 O, D│ │ 03 Tragedy.m4a
- Q X. f$ [: _1 I# i│ │ 04 You Should Be Dancing.m4a% B- W% ? C1 G1 X0 r; z o
│ │ 05 Stayin' Alive.m4a4 \9 @1 }% `9 f) @0 R' U
│ │ 06 How Deep Is Your Love.m4a
+ R4 G9 Q8 w: r* h% m; l0 V# q│ │ 07 Love So Right.m4a' _2 A1 ^1 ^# M1 j0 [
│ │ 08 Too Much Heaven.m4a# |4 ~! N5 \ P; D' W$ u& d
│ │ 09 (Our Love) Don't Throw It All Awa.m4a
: ?$ `& h9 x8 K, N: t/ x+ l│ │ 10 Fanny (Be Tender With My Love).m4a
$ c' k' ^5 M( ^8 K' t4 y│ │ 11 Warm Ride.m4a
4 S3 h3 _6 c3 a4 Z. N( R9 n; f7 p3 R% `│ │ 12 Stayin' Alive (Promo 12_ Version).m4a+ a% T* B$ ?# z3 S
│ │ 13 If I Can't Have You.m4a
0 I( d$ d+ U% w( s* Z│ │ 14 You Stepped Into My Life.m4a4 p2 [, P/ U& b q1 l& k
│ │ 15 Love Me.m4a
( j2 c; _9 C. L( q* D│ │ 16 More Than a Woman.m4a
; E" c% C4 K4 \│ │ 17 Rest Your Love On Me.m4a3 K1 q+ f6 h- t% P3 K9 `5 I- u! e% r- w
│ │ 18 Nights On Broadway.m4a. W z R/ C, n
│ │ 19 Spirits (Having Flown).m4a& B0 E( p1 {; W5 M0 w
│ │ 20 Love You Inside Out.m4a
4 o% w; q( i$ y3 R9 g5 f│ │ 21 Winds of Change.m4a" }* y4 ^8 g! a
│ │ 22 Children of the World.m4a
3 A x6 z% D+ b% n" V2 H│ │ 23 You Should Be Dancing (Jason Bent.m4a
; `6 u* W! D a% ^% X/ M- S│ │ 24 If I Can't Have You (Count Da Mon.m4a
# q2 y& G) Z1 F0 t│ │ 25 Night Fever (Grn Remix).m4a
/ A: h; y/ I1 x" b. u│ │ 26 How Deep Is Your Love (Supreme Be.m4a
. a7 }8 N: s' ` o4 [9 a: }) b% N" p6 @' j│ │ 27 Stayin' Alive (Teddybears Remix).m4a$ I/ G2 Y) K% i: ?5 ~
│ │ folder.jpg
$ ?! v! R1 n: k7 Y1 z│ │ 9 l% U f; ?; h6 n0 L- H
│ ├─2009 - Essential Masters+ a x, M, h* s, Q G+ l
│ │ 01 And The Children Laughing.m4a
, [: H2 T" d8 t- g" i│ │ 02 Could It Be I'm In Love With You.m4a4 U$ [( x" k) C- \4 l7 L
│ │ 03 I Want Home.m4a
7 L5 x) [) G; \3 e- C│ │ 04 I Am The World.m4a
. Q! \$ x2 V% M1 q│ │ 05 In The Morning.m4a |, ]* V1 J+ d! P
│ │ 06 I Was A Lover, A Leader Of Men.m4a
, Z8 c; Y* d9 ~- z: E+ ?, S│ │ 07 Wine And Women.m4a
0 ^7 Y+ ^: x: N7 O+ O+ [6 }1 Y│ │ 08 To Be Or Not To Be.m4a* Y8 h- L. \6 \9 G
│ │ 09 Claustrophobia.m4a$ z: h, y3 \; _+ \; f( N
│ │ 10 The Battle Of The Blue And The Grey.m4a
0 M- X" P0 [# j: J│ │ 11 How Love Was True.m4a; x3 |* v& s9 n' |& i8 C' X1 n# v
│ │ 12 You Wouldn't Know.m4a( ?; a) y; C5 b4 E; [, P* B
│ │ 13 Three Kisses Of Love.m4a9 @8 q5 Y4 B' F" v: D
│ │ 14 I Don't Think It's Funny.m4a( l+ q7 C7 [$ c; b8 R
│ │ 15 How Many Birds.m4a! E3 ^. R& n- L2 y( i& @+ k& m
│ │ 16 Everyday I Have To Cry.m4a, ] P% w- d) B- N( Y5 ^9 [
│ │ 17 Spicks & Specks.m4a
$ L. X1 Q7 J, d% {% v│ │ 18 Take Hold Of That Star.m4a
/ m0 V p5 v/ x6 N5 Y6 ?; K│ │ 19 I Don't Know Why I Bother Myself.m4a& P3 R# |/ b0 V2 Q
│ │ 20 Glass House.m4a, A0 @; T9 ^: K0 T: ~2 `) T
│ │ 21 Monday's Rain.m4a7 ]3 K% J* j8 F" r6 \. x+ B; {
│ │ 22 Playdown.m4a
) w% x+ T( l5 x; l4 d& L+ ^│ │ 23 Follow The Wind.m4a
, Y* T: A+ U# ~/ g│ │ 24 Theme From Jamie McPheeters.m4a) Y( `( k$ e/ a3 v2 m; w
│ │ 25 Second Hand People.m4a5 m) F; W9 x6 A+ }
│ │ 26 Turn Around, Look At Me.m4a
/ V; @& i( ?; U, |$ ~│ │ 27 Big Chance.m4a
+ y9 n$ [- M/ ~1 Y% ^9 a z│ │ folder.jpg
+ i! f" V3 x A+ r% O│ │
/ s& Q% J3 W* r5 J/ V# z/ k( o8 N│ ├─2009 - The Ultimate Bee Gees" ?. N! F$ a* j
│ │ 01 You Should Be Dancing.m4a
0 j6 B5 h: n' U' g5 s! N9 g+ e│ │ 02 Stayin' Alive.m4a
' S# e# S2 J: @3 l& F! V1 b# a│ │ 03 Jive Talkin'.m4a0 q4 {4 T' B9 B% n& U6 w# K
│ │ 04 Nights On Broadway.m4a/ B. a( S& Y1 g6 m% y
│ │ 05 Tragedy.m4a5 d8 s4 F+ ]+ b E( X# j- j& ?
│ │ 06 Night Fever.m4a4 V% }) M# M# j- U
│ │ 07 More Than a Woman.m4a
% }! R6 N4 a1 E9 r│ │ 08 Fanny (Be Tender With My Love).m4a
6 c9 J1 ^7 \: k* P* z│ │ 09 Spirits Having Flown.m4a
7 p. p+ Z" k1 q- e% v│ │ 10 If I Can't Have You.m4a+ j5 b: ? Y' ~
│ │ 11 Boogie Child.m4a
0 Q4 @% J' T4 ^1 C+ h) Q' t│ │ 12 Love You Inside Out.m4a
& w) e( a# `2 m. S│ │ 13 You Win Again.m4a3 ]' N) L8 Z$ j0 H
│ │ 14 One.m4a+ ]. e( h' W! L$ j, r
│ │ 15 Secret Love.m4a
0 g6 U, P3 Q, v3 d7 P│ │ 16 Alone.m4a
" G! }5 p6 }/ X: |4 n2 s% `│ │ 17 Still Waters (Run Deep).m4a
# p/ n( P; p1 X, b( f* e# Q. a│ │ 18 This Is Where I Came In.m4a
" Q) v. h5 ]) X│ │ 19 Spicks and Specks (Live).m4a
0 y! D- w( w9 Z, m- G+ o│ │ 20 How Deep Is Your Love.m4a: c4 ?9 ?; v# `+ q
│ │ 21 To Love Somebody.m4a! E( o ~/ u. c. [& e- V& Y
│ │ 22 Words.m4a$ L0 e* f5 f; T
│ │ 23 How Can You Mend a Broken Heart.m4a! m( S8 R; P' F
│ │ 24 Too Much Heaven.m4a
5 Z" x% a' L5 f* b1 x/ z│ │ 25 Emotion.m4a
$ l. L1 }0 W5 y) h9 P0 l│ │ 26 Lonely Days.m4a
/ i$ P1 Z3 _- \ V0 w( I│ │ 27 Run to Me.m4a B: U4 a/ {- @( a0 Z3 C) D
│ │ 28 Love So Right.m4a
9 j' @# N! J9 F# P8 x│ │ 29 For Whom the Bell Tolls.m4a
; i5 a0 u1 T2 t$ `; @( k│ │ 30 I've Gotta Get a Message to You.m4a8 Y( F' P6 M' n0 }4 s) X
│ │ 31 New York Mining Disaster 1941.m4a5 }/ l) |8 I6 \9 m8 U
│ │ 32 Massachusetts.m4a/ X* g# _# ?+ A/ s( m/ z
│ │ 33 I Started a Joke.m4a
. u0 ?- g; ?+ k│ │ 34 World.m4a
2 F9 c* }' e3 r" i│ │ 35 First of May.m4a
/ S+ v0 `4 f- f9 o7 \" i; I: S( N│ │ 36 Holiday.m4a
# h+ R0 E7 I. B2 J- {# E3 e- I│ │ 37 Don't Forget to Remember.m4a
- }' _. O% K+ ?│ │ 38 Islands In the Stream (Live At MG.m4a
. `6 k- I! v6 o; e' v/ q5 {│ │ 39 Heartbreaker (Live At MGM Grand L.m4a
+ p9 e: W7 p8 K% p6 o1 O│ │ 40 Guilty (Live At MGM Grand Las Veg.m4a- G" X, x* b) T0 D c* k/ S! h$ ~
│ │ folder.jpg
( t4 {+ e6 U* Y│ │
) ^0 ~& X* k. G3 |7 \) C' P│ ├─2010 - Big Chance
2 {: L+ x+ d; V# J* A' O4 g: L│ │ 01 Tree Kisses of Love.m4a A7 v+ n, s0 y+ O2 _
│ │ 02 Turn Around Look At Me.m4a
1 b4 G# z- c! @│ │ 03 Claustrophobia.m4a. {3 d8 e y- O& u! ^' h
│ │ 04 Big Chance.m4a
, {$ F* @! | q7 T4 y│ │ 05 Theme from Jamie McPheeters.m4a, D& n1 F4 R9 O& D M' J
│ │ 06 Second Hand People.m4a
4 C# P8 o2 B9 B7 w) s& U& f│ │ 07 How Many Birds.m4a, p j( Z9 N2 u; s( F/ S d
│ │ 08 Everyday I Have to Cry.m4a8 T, A! P1 U& |# ^7 }7 _
│ │ 09 I Want Home.m4a. V) H' o4 o( z3 f
│ │ 10 Spicks and Speeks.m4a" D/ a) A' T: f2 K) M4 A
│ │ 11 Could It Be I'm In Love.m4a
h4 [1 y3 r( @: s3 R│ │ 12 The Battle of Blue and Grey.m4a
" \, s, q0 M+ K2 o @9 a2 N1 a: D4 P│ │ 13 Playdown.m4a0 \7 H+ K. p6 M5 r, A
│ │ 14 Monday's Rain.m4a
t) `! ]" i2 S9 E( G- B/ Q, q' s│ │ 15 You Wouldn't Know.m4a1 X" r. }, w1 F) ]1 ^0 d1 d8 y3 F$ N
│ │ 16 I Don't Think It Is Funny.m4a
% M2 e. k. _+ _6 q│ │ 17 I Am the World.m4a" g8 q, d3 `* n8 d7 S
│ │ 18 Glasshouse.m4a
8 d, N; [; ?# p7 }│ │ 19 Follow the Wind.m4a2 _4 x5 W% W$ U8 d* y4 G# I! i
│ │ 20 In the Morning.m4a
# w6 J6 {9 O. d│ │ folder.jpg
9 p* Y K3 n, P+ [! X, {2 k+ v│ │ + _* W$ u5 D5 B( A5 z0 R; v, j! w
│ ├─2010 - Early Bee Gee Sessions, Vol. 2; s- W; S' x2 t0 m1 b
│ │ 01 Spicks And Specks.m4a
2 }. V5 V7 G7 r- p7 {! D& \2 H│ │ 02 I Don't Know Why I Bother Myself.m4a
$ [$ Q" D. N0 W9 n& ^│ │ 03 Follow The Wind.m4a
6 @6 B6 t9 F8 H: z) M* V│ │ 04 Everyday I Have To Cry.m4a! d0 _, K, x6 g* {
│ │ 05 I Want Home.m4a. C5 ?; {$ p3 d2 Z y( x$ q/ T
│ │ 06 Second Hand People.m4a u u3 y" w1 m3 e# p8 w' [% h
│ │ 07 And The Children Laughing.m4a
9 N5 @% N' J1 w7 L6 Q* W; U│ │ 08 I Am The World.m4a
! B ^+ r0 }% E) S4 }9 ]: S) ]/ u│ │ 09 Wine And Women.m4a
0 @! ?5 Q6 }* P# W│ │ 10 Playdown.m4a
1 @3 y h3 e1 X, n: y' V│ │ 11 I Was A Lover (A Leader Of Men).m4a
+ P* k# t/ }) T9 ?9 n│ │ 12 Monday's Rain.m4a
6 W5 o+ c" {* d/ _! O, }/ i/ i│ │ 13 To Be Or Not To Be.m4a
$ U3 _; S1 J+ W' _( U│ │ folder.jpg
( `* r2 I. a! o* z/ E& t│ │ 1 K% {' G, P5 p+ n3 S% ?
│ └─2010 - Mythology; s% E" s5 E# k7 J& h) N$ u% j; O
│ 1-01 Spirits (Having Flown).m4a4 U( E! O# z h5 V e$ D
│ 1-02 You Win Again.m4a0 s2 `7 r ?2 Y; l
│ 1-03 Jive Talkin'.m4a
0 K* v- A( \: E0 ?1 q│ 1-04 To Love Somebody.m4a) B& u8 b3 y8 m( q6 ]2 u8 ^$ Q* ]
│ 1-05 Tragedy.m4a8 n. {: _' J* f+ p* V
│ 1-06 Too Much Heaven.m4a
5 j2 \2 W( ~0 ~- L│ 1-07 First of May.m4a, T Z! o0 Z K
│ 1-08 More Than a Woman.m4a
, ?5 L6 H" v* J- B5 u│ 1-09 Love So Right.m4a
# S. v! W' z3 F/ L( M│ 1-10 Night Fever.m4a" O) }& d( s9 W# c* m
│ 1-11 Words.m4a
6 n7 _# L+ G, Z3 R* f% f- z│ 1-12 Don't Forget to Remember.m4a' S8 `1 F- L3 k# v
│ 1-13 If I Can't Have You.m4a) d" X6 X) t" M2 }/ W& D1 k
│ 1-14 Alone.m4a* W9 s) o1 [: k3 M" C
│ 1-15 Heartbreaker.m4a9 N- k% d% ]& k. T* W' i# i+ M
│ 1-16 How Deep Is Your Love.m4a
4 I- X/ u/ S' y0 ~+ Q│ 1-17 Love You Inside Out.m4a2 {+ I+ d" g+ {" d: P \5 G
│ 1-18 Stayin' Alive.m4a
; P# N! A- _7 p4 [│ 1-19 Barker of the UFO.m4a
3 J; L4 z) l: ?% E2 j3 s1 ` m│ 1-20 Swan Song.m4a
* t& H! ~& y0 J2 s9 x# B. m1 ]│ 1-21 Spicks and Specks.m4a
1 u, j" `1 V. |4 k& u4 s' v│ 2-01 I Am the World.m4a
4 w- o! S$ ]# E* W│ 2-02 New York Mining Disaster 1941.m4a% U, ]) x4 H$ B# J
│ 2-03 I Can't See Nobody.m4a
. c4 [1 O$ w" Y│ 2-04 Holiday.m4a I6 R$ A' T6 g; e6 C) M5 H
│ 2-05 Massachusetts.m4a: q& y' G9 F+ X
│ 2-06 Sir Geoffrey Saved the World.m4a
7 h* Z- ]" d n# W/ |* |│ 2-07 And the Sun Will Shine.m4a/ H( B6 b0 ^9 r6 q: F I8 r
│ 2-08 The Singer Sang His Song.m4a& ?7 c, m1 U- P& _, s
│ 2-09 I've Gotta Get a Message to You.m4a6 ~: C1 A s4 J; m+ Q% x3 D( c
│ 2-10 I Started a Joke.m4a
1 {# |* ]7 P$ h$ h, i│ 2-11 Odessa.m4a1 `1 n- `# [* k2 N7 o2 J8 d! _' p
│ 2-12 Saved By the Bell.m4a
5 |0 @, p5 l) j6 I* |5 [; X│ 2-13 My World.m4a
# B, x9 f7 w" X- o│ 2-14 Run to Me.m4a9 q0 p' ?5 b. h5 T+ s
│ 2-15 Love Me.m4a
, H6 `3 K( w' r: o6 X│ 2-16 Juliet.m4a
?* r- \4 f$ ?" M/ n" R│ 2-17 The Longest Night.m4a
/ v# ^4 b$ M/ _9 P│ 2-18 Fallen Angel.m4a p: ]$ w' u3 w' [% Y
│ 2-19 Rings Around the Moon.m4a
& O' m; S M; g8 Y- E- ~' a, W│ 2-20 Embrace.m4a3 c0 Y$ U3 s! h0 V, G
│ 2-21 Islands In the Stream.m4a
9 V$ H0 k# b% @* r) B│ 3-01 Man In the Middle.m4a/ \4 Z8 H: {1 [4 S& M6 J
│ 3-02 Closer Than Close.m4a+ j* ~$ b1 N: p1 @% N. a
│ 3-03 Dimensions.m4a+ C& S- a3 J; T
│ 3-04 House of Shame.m4a
9 g% w4 c$ a0 J2 y│ 3-05 Suddenly.m4a6 O- @0 E! }( R7 i; j2 a
│ 3-06 Railroad.m4a
; p! C9 k3 b, }* y! {│ 3-07 Overnight.m4a2 P, A. H1 _( T2 w6 {3 O, N! q
│ 3-08 It's Just the Way.m4a
6 ~- m$ E$ z/ o+ ]$ R! r% l: v1 a* [5 ~│ 3-09 Lay It On Me.m4a6 q1 I$ a6 [/ E4 H1 r( ]
│ 3-10 Trafalgar.m4a( M* [7 ]* p6 @! j# r' H: F/ R
│ 3-11 Omega Man.m4a
% j+ S( \0 l' f" V│ 3-12 Walking On Air.m4a
) N7 {5 D4 U& u, h0 j│ 3-13 Country Woman.m4a5 b* n2 d9 c7 w
│ 3-14 Angel of Mercy.m4a( i2 B5 t' Q# u/ N2 U- @0 l9 r
│ 3-15 Above and Beyond.m4a- t+ Y; H' n0 }, n, b* u8 ]
│ 3-16 Hold Her In Your Hand.m4a u' s% W1 D4 J0 Z, @
│ 3-17 You Know It's for You.m4a
! k+ p# ]/ i4 K* H i/ W' K│ 3-18 Wildflower.m4a
~- e% B) F) K: F% F! R9 Q7 Y│ 3-19 On Time.m4a
" X, g ~; i7 l1 g) h│ 3-20 The Bridge.m4a% h& e4 u+ F! D2 w$ j! p% S
│ 4-01 Shadow Dancing.m4a
% e8 w L' p e8 d! c" a" g│ 4-02 I Just Want to Be Your Everythi.m4a* t% v) v' ?$ J0 A8 ] i
│ 4-03 (Love Is) Thicker Than Water.m4a
9 K4 }# B1 X. d; W3 v+ h4 x│ 4-04 An Everlasting Love.m4a1 F7 f( H, M0 Q
│ 4-05 Desire.m4a
6 I5 z& k* _* ` j0 K' K e, z│ 4-06 (Our Love) Don't Throw It All A.m4a
4 c% }$ b9 s! Y- l( B# o│ 4-07 Flowing Rivers.m4a- P! U; I! T8 w8 y
│ 4-08 Words and Music.m4a
5 f: ?+ L0 U' y2 O3 F8 x+ i' }│ 4-09 I Can't Help It (feat. Olivia N.m4a( B3 Y1 a w8 A. Q9 x& t% K4 @
│ 4-10 Time Is Time.m4a
+ B6 M- [8 D8 I M' |+ Z│ 4-11 Me (Without You).m4a
, V# Y0 g7 @% @: }7 u│ 4-12 After Dark.m4a- K5 A% Q E% A* j# ^
│ 4-13 Warm Ride.m4a
7 h% [- I, n( Q. o7 c. P│ 4-14 Too Many Looks In Your Eyes.m4a
R& S" K8 ?3 q& T! f│ 4-15 Man On Fire.m4a) l- _7 R2 q! p9 x
│ 4-16 Arrow Through the Heart.m4a
/ v+ f: |" p: M4 I% q│ 4-17 Starlight.m4a
b2 F: U1 W. K7 R7 {* W│ 4-18 Dance to the Light of the Morni.m4a& P2 J0 x z; p; V/ Z2 j: n
│ 4-19 In the End.m4a
* v8 n3 ~+ n! q: f' R│ folder.jpg
) n( {( s/ j3 |. D* q6 u│ $ K2 p1 I& X7 @
% [4 L; V2 [: k, N, N8 u6 a ├─1977 - Here At Last... Bee Gees... Live
4 }/ e2 {! g: J% t& i" I1 D │ 01 I've Gotta Get a Message to You (Live).m4a
: I0 S% C# }' o* x& Z │ 02 Love So Right (Live).m4a; E. r7 t$ @8 o* F0 c
│ 03 Edge of the Universe (Live).m4a% j4 u' n$ s# u A o2 f1 }2 @
│ 04 Come On Over (Live).m4a# Z0 H, n: ~0 o/ l
│ 05 Can't Keep a Good Man Down (Live).m4a4 \5 D x% U& ]# L4 L" m
│ 06 New York Mining Disaster 1941 (Live).m4a' Z( o( _3 F" ^& c7 l, s! |8 Y9 d
│ 07 Run to Me _ World (Live).m4a% ^8 I/ B' V( h. C$ q
│ 08 Holiday _ I Can't See Anybody _ I Started a Joke _ Massachusetts (Live).m4a" q+ K* |* }7 g* Z& a+ b
│ 09 How Can You Mend a Broken Heart_ (Live).m4a
) K# L' D) f7 K# c: i │ 10 To Love Somebody (Live).m4a
; T. _+ \0 y$ C │ 11 You Should Be Dancing (Live).m4a
! Q' o2 `6 z. {( B/ k# c( N │ 12 Boogie Child (Live).m4a7 f, g; E# v5 m% d& p+ t, I3 b. F+ r4 L
│ 13 Down the Road (Live).m4a/ \8 X/ d$ q5 w& M# T4 }. Q
│ 14 Words (Live).m4a
3 w4 w3 D! o3 I5 i │ 15 Wind of Change (Live).m4a* y% D/ }) E- q9 D4 _- D% R. ]. N
│ 16 Nights On Broadway (Live).m4a
. W* p9 C! W1 t5 M9 y6 C │ 17 Jive Talkin' (Live).m4a3 a3 t/ u+ R" }
│ 18 Lonely Days (Live).m4a) n) l& a) m9 ^/ W" W; @
│ folder.jpg
0 }+ U: G% ]0 J2 }% f$ Z │ * Q/ `$ l9 ?" C6 J- ~2 G+ m* N
└─1998 - One Night Only (Live)
7 s: T0 J' p3 | 01 Intro - You Should Be Dancing _ Alone (Live).m4a) y; b n/ d z5 \5 `! @
02 Massachusetts (Live).m4a: \* A% \( l9 N' k' H$ ]" e: L; N
03 To Love Somebody (Live).m4a
. W! X* j9 S% L# I) @7 V5 y: ^# O 04 Words (Live).m4a% S" a" w- \+ y) h5 G
05 Closer Than Close (Live).m4a- f# e( s* S# a4 ]
06 Islands In the Stream (Live).m4a
+ D8 `: p2 D% M1 a" J 07 Our Love (Don't Throw It All Away) [feat. Andy Gibb] {Live}.m4a
) r0 M2 P& u% k& z 08 Night Fever _ More Than a Woman (Live).m4a
( O |7 a; p8 l8 K: S; V 09 Lonely Days (Live).m4a7 W. X, S" o7 e
10 New York Mining Disaster 1941 (Live).m4a9 Z7 l! n$ K$ ^: R& o
11 I Can't See Nobody (Live).m4a
6 h( b5 U1 G1 Z5 B' M 12 And the Sun Will Shine (Live).m4a
' m ^- _: H) t3 d! n$ S) I! r P 13 Nights On Broadway (Live).m4a
9 o5 E: ^4 S; \& O4 |7 X: n4 d 14 How Can You Mend a Broken Heart (Live).m4a5 P/ n' }( g5 O6 b: Q
15 Heartbreaker (Live).m4a
" p: ?& s+ P/ O( T+ f9 G# ?4 G 16 Guilty (Live).m4a1 ` b: i1 |9 p5 p' o% h% w
17 Immortality (feat. Ce?line Dion) [Live].m4a% Q0 ~ v! h2 @' ~7 |" B
18 Tragedy (Live).m4a
, U8 v8 G0 W1 w) z) F 19 I Started a Joke (Live).m4a
3 `% r8 M. k, a+ N$ O7 @/ v7 C 20 Grease (Live).m4a
+ x1 t C9 K% n& j% }. q4 q 21 Jive Talkin' (Live).m4a5 l- ^0 s5 I1 k+ d( k% P9 v' ?. M
22 How Deep Is Your Love (Live).m4a
( {( |1 G7 w' K: v 23 Stayin' Alive (Live).m4a
$ i, p4 T2 q3 X+ y R: ?/ H3 j( l, t 24 You Should Be Dancing (Live).m4a
2 G7 x" s2 r0 t- b' x6 N4 T folder.jpg
" C8 {: [2 C V. b" G6 Q0 E! y ?: k* @
4 M( }, d# y% Q' F& W
! c+ p+ b9 Y4 H# t, |4 A2 Q, v$ z- u& ?! j( s% j8 ]
: z% j# ~- l- S