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, x$ Q2 D/ W% s) l* D
! H* u# l- t4 X. k A# u
, l5 f2 w: G* O1 b& E; o
小简介: O" P: A' ]. |0 ?
3 j) ? c- l2 V& x
5 D/ M$ \+ S0 k7 ]- U& ^# j1 K7 a6 D8 ~
一支讲求旋律和歌词含义的乐队。乐队成员:Jon Foreman(歌手/吉他手ist),Tim Foreman(贝司手)(此二人为兄弟),Jerome Fontamillas(键盘手),Chad Butler(鼓手)Drew Shirley ( 吉他手,最新加入的成员)。打榜单曲:《Meant to Live》
7 e. U2 U* {1 g
G' o$ p) r2 R' t2 ]# X共出了四张专辑,其中 Meant to Live是蜘蛛侠2的主题曲之一 u- I" V% `6 c! L6 t: n5 z
B. ?; u) g: k8 M
【The Beautiful Letdown】荣膺2003年圣地亚哥音乐奖《年度最佳专辑》、《年度流行专辑》,专辑中多首歌曲被华纳、福斯、哥伦比亚、MTV、ABC等全美各大电视网选用。Switchfoot充满热血朝气的摇滚乐团正踩在新世纪摇滚的浪头上,向世人迎面袭来。就让他们的吉他音浪,充满流畅旋律与内在动感情绪,带领听众进入美妙的音乐高潮里吧。
7 s" p9 K0 W1 z% g( d `
/ r) X; I; l9 M! k' a「浪行者(Switchfoot)」的音乐,连蜘蛛人也觉得超对味!这支来自圣地亚哥的新兴摇滚乐团,加盟SONY唱片后首支单曲「活得精彩(Meant to Live)」,因为歌词和蜘蛛人矛盾的心境实在太吻合,竟然幸运地被蜘蛛人选为暑假超级大片「蜘蛛人2(Spider-Man 2)」的电影主题曲!对于头一次在主流市场出击,就有如此耀眼的好成绩,「浪行者」主唱强纳生(Jonathan Foreman)难掩兴奋之情:「其实,这首歌最主要在叙述当人们在黑暗中,彷徨无助时,对于光明的渴望!就像电影里的蜘蛛人一样,虽然内心一直在黑暗中挣扎,但最后仍决定走出自己的路,面对自己光明的人生!」) A; w$ D8 [& A' M3 n; e6 n" T
+ q9 Q/ P @; Q: w1 m% U* s
这也难怪,经过蜘蛛人加持后,「浪行者」的成绩果然如蜘蛛人般轻易的纵身一跃,空降Billboard摇滚榜的Top 10!最新专辑「狂放宣言(The Beautiful Letdown)」除了已获得白金唱片的肯定,目前仍停留在Billboard Top200专辑榜已经有66周之久!这张专辑同时获得2003年圣地亚哥音乐奖《年度最佳专辑》、《年度流行专辑》等大奖,同时专辑内多首歌曲已被迪斯尼、华纳、福斯、哥伦比亚、MTV、ABC等电视网及主流媒体争相采用! - V2 _: U/ Z2 m$ P2 B4 i! Q
/ l/ t' N3 g! i6 y7 W& b2 M. m+ K3 m曲目: * q) I% E9 S$ d: f$ _. d4 C P
* w( [" I( _" M; U4 \
. g9 B! `- _# @& R7 X$ P- D5 f* q9 i0 d6 K
Switchfoot 乐团成员Jon Foreman表示他们的努力并不在于要卖多少唱片,而是要以音乐来传达生活中不同层次间的感受。假如做音乐是要制造畅销单曲与白金唱片,那将是背离我们的信念。因为,能够以音乐为工作,是一件世界上最让人称羡的事。于是在这个信念之下,Switchfoot受邀参加去年12月在纳许维尔举办,由U2主唱BONO所发起的DATA慈善义演。这个活动的目的在于唤醒世人对开发中国家的艾滋病与债务问题。Jon Foreman表示,这是件非常棒的事,他曾在他的家乡圣地亚哥帮助苏丹难民。身为世人眼里的有钱的名人,他以激动的口吻述说,关于许多非洲人穷的一辈子都不可能有钱去买他的唱片。听他讲这些事,绝对是一种改变人生的经验。当会议结束后,Jon Foreman走到波诺面前,交给他40元。我告诉他我欠他钱是因为许多年前,我曾偷偷摸摸溜进伦敦的U2演唱会。我们交谈了一会儿,笑着说他年轻时也干过同样的事,对他而言,他已经被补偿过了,于是便把钱还我。老实讲,我松了一口气,因为那40元是我要回家的盘缠。参与DATA活动Jon Foreman说,尽管我在访问及舞台前谈论此事,但我尽可能不去造成任何困扰。我们从不是一个有政治立场的乐团,我不认为在解决份内的问题之前,外在的问题会能够解决。/ |8 f! |, D8 i/ l) k5 q
5 |5 H9 R s" n; F r, l) L
台湾代理公司将 Switchfoot 翻成「浪行者」,以前有的人乱翻成「开关脚」?* h) H7 B, \7 A2 U" l/ F
) z: C- F2 Q7 @+ ~, b) _
good-tv 翻成「冲浪高手」,算蛮厉害。原来 Switchfoot 是个冲浪术语 ( 冲浪时,用 foot 在冲浪板上的位置来 switch 方向 ) 。虽然是小小的动作,但却是整个大方向的关键,可见爱冲浪的 Switchfoot 的「小兵大野心」。) r9 b) A2 x. ]9 S$ |$ f
% O( \8 e/ @; u1 z1 ^/ k" l5 e
台湾代理公司的中文侧标给他们写得「落落长」,啥「 SONY MUSIC 2004 全球主推摇滚新团」,殊不知他们 1997 就出道了,以前在教会圈就颇有名气。这个「首张专辑」其实已经是第 4 张。
; O f a: L d. J: E# m, g' d: i! p1 n0 V' v) O" M
一直以来,教会媒体本来就特别看重「光盐作用」 ( 基督徒是这个世界的「光&盐」 ) ,特别喜欢强调「在非教会圈活出信仰的基督徒」。您看看,陶吉吉、范玮祺之类的流行歌手,因为「光明干净」的正面基督徒形象,通常都能在教会媒体占据大篇幅的版面,比赞美之泉、比林奂均 … 的「专业福音音乐人」的版面都大个好几倍。$ M5 Y3 |2 Z# _6 J
: i' y! M" L r) |, ]" G/ r3 i外国教会媒体更是如此,对于打入主流的福音乐团,或者主流音乐有基督徒的,都是大肆报导,绝不手软。, N' ]0 W1 p1 J: r% \: A: k
9 u& t" S, Q5 _6 U. T几年前的 Sixpence Non The Richer( 啷当六便士 ) 、 Jars Of Clay( 陶罐子 / 瓦器 ) ,是福音乐团成功跨入主流的「见证」;或者由基督徒组成的流行乐团,诸如 U2 、 Creed( 主义 / 信仰告白 )… 都是教会媒体最津津乐道的「光盐乐团」。
. N; l6 J; m8 J8 j- e' w- U" O/ z( {, u2 e* h Y% ~+ X! W
对于 Switchfoot 自是不例外,各教会媒体纷纷搬出一堆跨界前辈与之相提并论,并谆谆教诲年轻基督徒『看到没有,看这些大哥哥大姊姊,东西不要只放在教会书房卖,要直接冲撞主流市场,夺回被撒旦占领的天空!』
: }5 O5 a } A, V9 `. m2 x$ K4 q8 X0 l* N0 t
不但教会媒体爱之有加,美国基督教音乐奖 dove-award( 圣鸽奖 ) 更 一举颁发 3 项大奖给 Switchfoot ,大声宣告『这是我们教会的优秀基督徒青年阿』。Switchfoot 成为最新模范、少见的 横跨「教会 / 流行」 成功的案例。
8 v; T& K" c4 ?& ?5 C0 N. p+ M9 J
" R1 N# t; z# C# w5 r
7 o* e% J9 j) C: Q/ j. P4 u
( O2 V' f: a& C% o( d# c! Q( H/ @. m$ V% ]. n/ [; M: d0 ?, g* y
├─1997 - The Legend of Chin
) b& i0 @1 M$ p' m! ^" c, b9 D│ 01 Bomb.m4a: [& j( f, G5 \, H0 e6 \* t
│ 02 Chem 6A.m4a, @" P0 h. m; c6 ^, L. A
│ 03 Underwater.m4a
$ e) A0 X" n* h│ 04 Edge of My Seat.m4a
, K! v) H% n. u5 m; k6 c9 N! @│ 05 Home.m4a6 R% | s* h3 ]6 a- _
│ 06 Might Have Ben Hur.m4a; J7 ^( I+ q3 o! J+ o4 x
│ 07 Concrete Girl.m4a
2 D6 }2 V, P% T│ 08 Life and Love and Why.m4a
! P1 t# t7 `% \: i$ F2 M9 @│ 09 You.m4a
8 d8 V- q ~- Y│ 10 Ode to Chin.m4a
% F8 h Z3 O l0 Y8 K│ 11 Don't Be There.m4a B4 I0 P; D7 @& h
│ ) \5 ^5 L6 @2 Z6 c
├─1999 - New Way to Be Human5 p1 j7 z, F% Y2 k0 x1 x9 e
│ 01 New Way to Be Human.m4a! {7 ^& {/ n$ p" b
│ 02 Incomplete.m4a
' b' G4 D+ E+ n5 ^│ 03 Sooner or Later (Soren's Song).m4a
$ {: }/ H3 [/ Y; R' c3 {│ 04 Company Car.m4a0 \& `2 J1 K. S+ Y8 M6 i
│ 05 Let That Be Enough.m4a
3 v* K* A% j' m! f; J- Q$ p% f! B│ 06 Something More (Augustine's Confe.m4a3 M! K( F" N7 k1 K
│ 07 Only Hope.m4a4 I/ c* x L3 N# K3 h9 F0 p
│ 08 Amy's Song.m4a
0 P9 K, ]! x! r: ]6 V/ i│ 09 I Turn Everything Over.m4a2 b1 y/ B; K6 T0 C" E' i) g5 v7 O
│ 10 Under the Floor.m4a
( n! X; O6 p J- ?# Z. ~: C│
: d! i/ r% }3 v8 W├─2000 - Learning to Breathe0 L# y D1 Y% j: C" g6 D
│ 01 I Dare You to Move.m4a
) v2 I' ?( o# T) k; E. ^$ c│ 02 Learning to Breathe.m4a6 X/ H( {: ^5 j/ r" ?! b7 A
│ 03 You Already Take Me There.m4a% e" s' M. |, I
│ 04 Love Is the Movement.m4a1 Y; S* u8 i9 ~8 ^% S
│ 05 Poparazzi.m4a
1 N7 o* W ~7 a( X/ k│ 06 Innocence Again.m4a& a6 H) R( R+ F& i2 C4 c
│ 07 Playing for Keeps.m4a
( Q M* f/ Q/ x4 |/ ^: V│ 08 Loser.m4a5 _4 k& E" C5 c
│ 09 The Economy of Mercy.m4a. u" w# X% O; B! z. L4 L
│ 10 Erosion.m4a
2 Y X0 c1 _( D) l# ]1 I+ m│ 11 Living Is Simple.m4a
, h' H/ [" [* U$ [│
+ C" X/ s! N9 F. @2 F/ O/ d7 [├─2003 - The Beautiful Letdown (Deluxe Version)6 T/ Q7 A: n6 t6 H" O, S2 Z K) ?
│ 01 Meant to Live.m4a
! D+ p8 D h8 G% ]! s: b& y( u) ^1 t/ q5 x; d│ 02 This Is Your Life.m4a' E) s7 s, B% P9 U" P* Z
│ 03 More Than Fine.m4a
. K* m: R- b7 E ]2 Z; Q8 K│ 04 Ammunition.m4a
4 }' }1 L# D {: k4 s& _: _│ 05 Dare You to Move.m4a
3 J3 c- u& d% R" P6 w│ 06 Redemption.m4a
5 C8 B& L# t! `, _/ Z│ 07 The Beautiful Letdown.m4a
/ U3 y& W0 o( M, K( V8 S│ 08 Gone.m4a% j/ V3 |& u, w: u9 L/ O$ a5 e
│ 09 On Fire.m4a8 y& V( f/ w6 V9 Z ~6 U* l, p- w' C
│ 10 Adding to the Noise.m4a
- V5 @" O2 N, f. D: @# i! V9 W# M│ 11 Twenty-four.m4a
7 ]8 G9 {5 b$ I' [│ 12 Monday Comes Around.m4a
) k/ F0 j: ~; P: [% w# z│ 13 Dare You to Move.m4a
& O" K1 x9 R% [6 _│ 14 Meant to Live.m4a+ C" I( \" d# l' H, V
│ & j+ A2 n( W, q8 D8 r, r: `
├─2004 - Live - EP9 a3 P" B. ^% H9 O5 ]1 P2 G: T
│ 01 Dare You to Move.m4a9 e$ n+ Y, C2 C; u5 u/ C
│ 02 On Fire.m4a# D+ P& ~1 _, {' |/ e
│ 03 The Beautiful Letdown.m4a4 C7 l, a5 ]! \! U
│ 04 More Than Fine.m4a. X4 L: j3 l, |2 H$ d- {
│ 4 S& d% y! s( X3 H9 n3 b- h m
├─2004 - TN Bwoys vs. You Already Take Me There - Single
H' u, q& n$ e3 G& B5 w% @│ 01 TN Bwoys vs. You Already Take Me.m4a
% ^2 d" L: `$ z t* i: Q) C│
8 Q: U$ d3 p3 F4 q7 c4 R4 P4 y├─2005 - Nothing Is Sound
5 ~( h3 i! ?: ~& \+ U9 T, K│ 01 Lonely Nation.m4a4 R4 ^. y& y1 J4 Q4 n9 l. {
│ 02 Stars.m4a( t6 _$ m$ @2 f3 S/ D% y, h' U
│ 03 Happy Is a Yuppie Word.m4a( V* o: Z1 C' i/ f2 Q9 g/ s
│ 04 The Shadow Proves the Sunshine.m4a
# u% k, }! j! _4 d. r9 A, {│ 05 Easier Than Love.m4a$ p0 {; c. S" n& N& L* | s" S
│ 06 The Blues.m4a, ?! G) h2 R7 P- T- c
│ 07 The Setting Sun.m4a
4 |: ]4 Q7 Z* X7 u│ 08 Politicians.m4a9 b4 v q6 p/ C" q& N; N
│ 09 Golden.m4a
% T B O3 `/ U0 X│ 10 The Fatal Wound.m4a
, Q7 Z6 J! p$ w( H$ z! r│ 11 We Are One Tonight.m4a
& B1 G6 T. W: j7 ~- B* e1 ?3 V│ 12 Daisy.m4a7 i! O( g, n1 q2 B* L# _! z1 J/ _9 T
│ 13 Stars.m4a
/ |/ _5 ]* Z% m0 L& i& |│
! B# C9 A& F! N* _; W4 a* C├─2005 - Stars - Single
0 k6 ]8 d, e5 O# q' X│ 01 Stars.m4a
7 D) g O7 J+ Z4 {( Y8 \ i4 H2 ]4 e│
; B6 `7 i: Y o# e├─2006 - Oh! Gravity
/ J+ W' h+ \5 X& l5 l: M- `│ 01 Oh! Gravity..m4a$ N! K6 T5 k' S. |+ b/ Z9 q( i! d
│ 02 American Dream.m4a) Q6 i; X8 l2 C$ d
│ 03 Dirty Second Hands.m4a( y: U8 a5 n R3 ]- r' k: T
│ 04 Awakening.m4a9 O" j) ?. a! I
│ 05 Circles.m4a3 {, o5 D8 i4 O! J6 K% S) k
│ 06 Amateur Lovers.m4a) A, i6 U+ n& r/ ?& K
│ 07 Faust, Midas, and Myself.m4a2 O- @# r2 j# r* C+ W7 _
│ 08 Head Over Heels (In This Life).m4a; d: [& f2 L6 `. T2 O5 n
│ 09 Yesterdays.m4a
/ a: T; {1 {7 n# _│ 10 Burn Out Bright.m4a; q* s3 p8 t% y6 l
│ 11 4_12.m4a
3 {+ u* C6 r3 C% Q& z+ ]+ R│ 12 Let Your Love Be Strong.m4a
+ {; p1 |. E" w! a# v* U+ K│ 13 American Dream.m4a) |$ S5 A1 q' k" q
│ 14 Dirty Second Hands.m4a8 Q) P% S0 Z4 S& V6 S
# C3 Z$ [6 ]( L5 S& @├─2006 - Oh! Gravity - EP
+ g8 h( h3 `. a│ 01 Oh! Gravity..m4a
1 z P" q7 X5 c│ 02 Oh! Gravity. Album Preview.m4a
/ [2 q/ |) q5 B+ r' d5 R- h8 Q, A│
* d% {6 p3 V- j) `# _├─2008 - Dirty Second Hands - Single
: E9 j0 q- o' {4 }# e7 r! I│ 01 Dirty Second Hands.m4a
; L0 H7 } a3 V4 l; v1 f│ 0 R( v: M* F F) K* G
├─2008 - The Best Yet
R% A, |( R3 h│ 01 Dare You to Move.m4a
! P! k5 L5 |3 O8 H) q/ T│ 02 Meant to Live.m4a* f( f& L6 N7 h/ J* u% n
│ 03 Stars.m4a$ f1 h. D6 P2 U' N* g7 i
│ 04 Oh! Gravity..m4a+ D: w1 u/ ?# {* r* B
│ 05 This Is Home.m4a
8 j7 ^: ?0 C7 n( _2 E! e4 I│ 06 Learning to Breathe.m4a' U' |, B8 n$ s2 Y
│ 07 Awakening.m4a
# P" X f+ A2 _6 R│ 08 This Is Your Life.m4a2 R; q/ L! R M; E+ y2 S
│ 09 On Fire.m4a3 W* p: D9 c, c* a
│ 10 Only Hope.m4a
5 W, C y' A8 m. X( ?│ 11 Dirty Second Hands.m4a0 g; T6 R8 k5 S4 X& X `
│ 12 Love Is the Movement.m4a
! \/ l% a: y7 w│ 13 Company Car.m4a; i& c6 B" l9 p; P0 ^, W7 [! T
│ 14 Lonely Nation.m4a
* F- j- l' W3 @5 L* v, K│ 15 The Shadow Proves the Sunshine.m4a
$ \& o7 h7 ]! ?5 Z& h4 u) N│ 16 Concrete Girl.m4a
) D, f* @* d3 d+ S8 K│ 17 Twenty-four.m4a
* T( o) K9 V; F│ 18 The Beautiful Letdown.m4a& ~1 K5 l7 U, c
) @" G) R" N& ^; t├─2009 - Hello Hurricane# \0 m% ?: D# U/ N5 b3 p
│ 01 Needle and Haystack Life.m4a
: [' | n: [8 J8 c9 l* Y│ 02 Mess of Me.m4a
( p5 y: C, p G. I│ 03 Your Love Is a Song.m4a% R6 O' \) j! O& L8 E) Z6 E1 }% m
│ 04 The Sound (John M. Perkins' Blues).m4a: X0 \) K H0 I% T( ~$ w
│ 05 Enough to Let Me Go.m4a
1 J3 ^9 M1 R2 x% e2 E│ 06 Free.m4a' t2 f* I! n& ]( V
│ 07 Hello Hurricane.m4a
* N7 x3 v# u1 T+ h$ n│ 08 Always.m4a
! X( B' P0 [/ X& g+ {│ 09 Bullet Soul.m4a8 p0 w0 ]0 L/ j k8 ~; H' L0 ?
│ 10 Yet.m4a
! `, W4 V7 j X│ 11 Sing It Out.m4a7 M% w/ N" N5 W% n6 M9 ?9 E
│ 12 Red Eyes.m4a6 K! A4 n6 H: a0 U0 L: x) W
; a5 [/ l4 b: R├─2009 - Hello Hurricane (Deluxe Version). g0 U3 E8 z: s" c
│ 01 Needle and Haystack Life.m4a" r/ ^0 g4 \( s% v
│ 02 Mess of Me.m4a
& A6 J% T5 V$ n; V9 f# t. e│ 03 Your Love Is a Song.m4a
% Q- n$ |5 `! w. z│ 04 The Sound (John M. Perkins' Blues.m4a2 j8 m2 P7 [9 [3 X
│ 05 Enough to Let Me Go.m4a* {/ S: D; j/ H4 j6 m! G6 @
│ 06 Free.m4a
* T/ s! ^5 U% n' n) J. q│ 07 Hello Hurricane.m4a
$ O- `; @* {3 ^ |, P│ 08 Always.m4a
0 G1 p* V( k! W: V! l( d0 R- A│ 09 Bullet Soul.m4a F! N* C7 M) ^! R, v, w& p+ {( Y
│ 10 Yet.m4a( z$ p* ` G# o8 |* V
│ 11 Sing It Out 1.m4a. |3 p$ I. E0 w$ o2 R$ [3 t
│ 11 Sing It Out.m4a
% ^9 l& }+ E# h/ ]│ 12 Red Eyes.m4a
; V6 n9 H% L, m1 _1 M) |│ 14 Always (Alternate Acoustic Versio.m4a4 h$ P/ @! a# F
│ 15 Stitches (From _Eastern Hymns for.m4a
, b: r$ O5 i: D/ @│ 16 The Sound (John M. Perkins Blues).m4v
+ O- k# L- ?8 _' {│
% x3 l; U3 m. e7 L5 d- C( W├─2009 - Mess of Me - Single
5 `8 }# f- G' r+ s R @│ 01 Mess of Me.m4a
0 a- ] Z# Z7 m( x: I7 X3 U+ H│ : F; ?* ^- Z* m& D
├─2010 - Always (Max Vangeli & AN21 Remix) - Single# h& B( W' t' T' _8 ^: D
│ 01 Always (Max Vangeli & AN21 Remix).m4a
y3 o) h# f) |& A│
2 x: {+ C3 F& d( R% k- g0 f7 G1 Q" H├─2010 - iTunes Session4 B0 w5 k& ~: M7 Q* p# r
│ 01 The Sound (John M. Perkins' Blues.m4a
0 z5 N$ K* S5 F$ y% j│ 02 Learning to Breathe (iTunes Sessi.m4a% V' N/ K/ Y. ~0 W8 j+ P$ C
│ 03 Daisy (iTunes Session).m4a
( ]4 \/ T4 N {) {│ 04 Dare You to Move (iTunes Session).m4a0 ]" ]1 Z" q. v6 ~- x6 j
│ 05 Mess of Me (iTunes Session).m4a
+ ~- ?* B) l5 y/ w) N4 E/ R/ A1 ?│ 06 Meant to Live (iTunes Session).m4a
9 \7 P2 n% e# G i7 q│ 07 Only Hope (iTunes Session).m4a8 l$ U; Q, a" {( J `$ |
│ 08 Your Love Is a Song (iTunes Sessi.m4a5 e7 U% t1 \$ F% g7 J4 F% Z/ S O
│ - R) ^4 N# x* y7 l3 C
├─2010 - Your Love Is a Song - Single
3 Z/ A/ n$ H Z- [│ 01 Your Love Is a Song.m4a0 v( d. W' x* E2 G+ K* R
│ 9 ]7 [) e. F) D0 ~! D
├─2010 - Your Love Is a Song - Single 2# i+ X4 s$ [9 \( }* S" S5 ^
│ 01 Your Love Is a Song (Sven Kirchho.m4a9 h) F# `5 f& v( a
│ 02 Your Love Is a Song (Sven Kirchho.m4a
6 g$ w; U+ [% v# w w0 v& e│ ) x$ W$ e& ~3 j7 h( s
├─2011 - Dark Horses - Single
( K9 ?# G5 }$ p& F( W' I│ 01 Dark Horses.m4a
8 B" q+ {& u0 t& c/ G/ `' j│ ; O: E n9 u, ^2 i6 O
├─2011 - Vice Verses (Deluxe Version)$ [: A( k+ { d* o# H1 N
│ 01 Afterlife.m4a
$ F, A u) D2 C4 ~+ J3 X9 g$ |│ 02 The Original.m4a
/ L& y b3 X/ d# K4 _8 x1 ` U$ W( e│ 03 The War Inside.m4a
3 K$ C; }. P/ l& d│ 04 Restless.m4a
7 S; e% ]6 p0 `│ 05 Blinding Light.m4a
7 v' Z0 W1 f: o( L│ 06 Selling the News.m4a
. V+ ~- y$ F- v│ 07 Thrive.m4a+ H7 x/ w2 b4 Z: c
│ 08 Dark Horses.m4a
5 X3 f0 ~1 d7 e- d& s6 M. k│ 09 Souvenirs.m4a/ f/ s0 D4 @1 u% i3 C
│ 10 Rise Above It.m4a" U0 v% m( x5 Y+ t
│ 11 Vice Verses.m4a
) f! T- H) U5 u) b# h% v│ 12 Where I Belong.m4a* C* x& a" l) Y3 |0 [- F3 h
│ 13 Needle and Haystack Life (Live) [.m4a8 d% e+ J- x- Q1 ?" g* m
│ 14 Mess of Me (Live) [Bonus Track].m4a
1 S: f, d$ ~9 U' v0 e9 e3 U│ 15 Your Love Is a Song (Live) [Bonus.m4a
# E+ ^7 ]1 t2 J, \8 b0 m& V│ 16 The Sound (John M. Perkins' Blues.m4a
3 m6 g* [/ I. |( P/ @6 h│ 17 Enough to Let Me Go (Live) [Bonus.m4a
7 y% F8 b k' z' U│ 18 Free (Live) [Bonus Track].m4a' u( Q/ f T4 B! j6 s* Q1 ?; U, \
│ 19 Hello Hurricane (Live) [Bonus Tra.m4a
: @& N8 T0 |) H' r4 `, k, T, p│ 20 Always (Live) [Bonus Track].m4a
3 h6 Q& I8 |* ^, g( D7 g. m│ 21 Bullet Soul (Live) [Bonus Track].m4a
/ M. M3 r7 j8 v. Z( p$ ]0 R5 ^│ 22 Yet (Live) [Bonus Track].m4a x* l; C) Q; ^3 F; [' q0 q
│ 23 Sing It Out (Live) [Bonus Track].m4a( Q% V+ b, A, ^4 P4 }( C' ^' u
│ 24 Red Eyes (Live) [Bonus Track].m4a
v) n; D. G x/ J│ Digital Booklet - Vice Verses (Delux.pdf# N' t9 g9 i+ R/ L
│ 3 G; \# K! `. D8 ~
├─2012 - Vice Re-Verses
- Z9 F; e9 o+ a8 [│ 01 The Original (JT Daly of Paper Ro.m4a
; r3 [" P' O. J [" l( x% _* Y& Q│ 02 Selling the News (Photek Remix).m4a% ?1 z# n1 n/ F5 J* e0 h; `4 f
│ 03 Blinding Light (Adam Young of Owl.m4a
* Q, N2 o* ]- G9 V/ Z: v1 T$ M1 `% O│ 04 Darkest Horses (JT Daly of Paper.m4a/ W5 n2 u% d% ?7 ?
│ 05 Vice Verses (Darren King Remix).m4a( j1 [# N$ Y& X7 G. i. L: }6 S N
│ 06 The War Inside (DnJ Remix).m4a4 c( Y' z. T& V0 ?' {2 `" c& v
│ 07 Afterlife (Neon Feather Remix).m4a
& f+ Q6 Z$ \, H( @$ B│
0 Y- f$ \' t" S& e; C7 _├─2014 - Fading West (Mastered for iTunes)3 Y9 T% U! L% e: E+ t* a, h
│ 01 Love Alone Is Worth the Fight.m4a
. q: q' v1 b6 R- F6 |8 J6 E* i7 U│ 02 Who We Are.m4a+ ^# f2 d l$ i* r
│ 03 When We Come Alive.m4a
- q: H! l D5 \3 Q" M│ 04 Say It Like You Mean It.m4a8 ]3 Y y, w' Z d! p9 w% A
│ 05 The World You Want.m4a
. z0 f+ F4 Q! k5 M" {/ W: M│ 06 Slipping Away.m4a0 }. T2 Z! X- {* t. J: \ |, B
│ 07 Ba55.m4a
- x3 Z# t# Z/ G! t& ^( l│ 08 Let It Out.m4a
! y$ Q6 I1 |! A2 z+ v' y3 B│ 09 All Or Nothing At All.m4a" n* ^! ?" b7 n& k7 d5 p- n" K
│ 10 Saltwater Heart.m4a2 v1 X2 t% v' A# x$ Q2 M: [* v
│ 11 Back To the Beginning Again.m4a3 r, @' @3 O# X* y; Z/ A
│ $ c. t1 `' p4 b) @" w G
├─2014 - The Edge of the Earth Unreleased Songs from the Film Fading West: v, c% Z/ |- l8 ^& t2 d
│ 01 Fading West.m4a
% L, n# ?- E6 D- x$ D│ 02 Against the Voices.m4a) P+ c2 r9 @" J2 a& h4 P8 h
│ 03 Skin and Bones.m4a' o0 U( t( [- G2 U8 g
│ 04 What It Costs.m4a
( C& K. g5 B: R* g' I4 r7 F│ 05 Slow Down My Heartbeat.m4a$ B) b- m% D: v6 ^9 w8 E
│ 06 Liberty.m4a# e* x' N7 m& n% `2 K) m2 q7 M
│ 07 The Edge of the Earth.m4a
; O8 A' z' o4 h! U│
; ~1 H* L6 U+ r p! i├─2014 - Who We Are (Remixes) - Single7 [& H3 X% G* t/ \3 w7 W9 x
│ 01 Who We Are (Michael Calfan Radio.m4a7 X( z! L4 p* @6 F$ x
│ 02 Who We Are (New World Sound Radio.m4a6 y k" h7 J9 h/ _" v. n2 X
│ 03 Who We Are (Dave Winnel Radio Edi.m4a$ s* `+ O$ Z2 c0 _! K) v7 k
2 g- N3 g% X9 z8 B4 {$ L$ f! Z├─2015 - 20th Century Masters The Millennium Collection - The Best of Switchfoot
' f5 l1 {. f. S+ A│ 01 Dare You To Move.m4a
& h; ~+ M- S0 J1 u! y" o' h│ 02 You Already Take Me There.m4a
2 ?! X3 c: w9 P3 h" `5 P│ 03 Learning To Breathe.m4a
7 a! g% c! P8 D" b│ 04 Chem 6A.m4a
1 a9 H/ u0 |1 S, h6 o' V& n/ U+ d│ 05 Company Car.m4a. b; `& q! O+ r3 }! ?
│ 06 You.m4a: s- d$ k7 p- y( C7 g
│ 07 New Way To Be Human.m4a
! d: S6 {; E' C, ^5 D( ~6 @. a│ 08 Concrete Girl.m4a, G5 h. S; ^; i* b! [0 ^8 n
│ 09 Let That Be Enough.m4a, y8 W4 Z- {( z* g) b
│ 10 Only Hope.m4a# n4 Q7 x& x+ ?
" l8 }9 s: L5 ~% G├─2016 - Where the Light Shines Through (Deluxe Edition)3 d3 K( y' j0 O% U$ b
│ 01 Holy Water.m4a8 D) o- Y- ^$ q; Q8 e5 ^0 h
│ 02 Float.m4a
* O6 t4 P( [) ~) K( {│ 03 Where the Light Shines Through.m4a
! B( x9 Z+ q( i, ]) X│ 04 I Won_t Let You Go.m4a
- t1 [6 w/ P/ T1 f│ 05 If the House Burns Down Tonight.m4a
' a7 |0 p# S7 f1 a. c! Y0 _, G6 S│ 06 The Day That I Found God.m4a
: Q5 x& u* Q: I g. P│ 07 Shake This Feeling.m4a7 q' M3 `) z+ B$ B' w3 l
│ 08 Bull in a China Shop.m4a3 ^# J) s4 g9 ~/ a
│ 09 Live It Well.m4a
, f, x: U# u- `) @│ 10 Looking for America (feat. Lecrae.m4a( `% _" _4 ^7 I$ b* E
│ 11 Healer of Souls.m4a
5 r* I' o8 M0 U' f8 S+ J│ 12 Hope Is the Anthem.m4a
+ @/ T3 u& C0 \" v4 Q! K' G│ 13 Light and Heavy.m4a
$ ~. @9 [1 J6 ~: _$ F│ 14 Begin Forever.m4a8 I& W* v! ^4 Z8 d5 c6 o5 r Z
│ 15 When Was the Last Time.m4a, }0 h3 q# [1 c! V
: W3 u& H. J: a" N5 l# g├─2019 - Live From The NATIVE TONGUE Tour - EP
) x9 a& U- f+ s5 C' `, k$ _6 h E9 u2 q│ 01 NATIVE TONGUE (Live At The Tabern.m4a5 O1 M. D7 ]" c+ \. ]
│ 02 VOICES (Live At The Tabernacle _.m4a3 x# b6 L' M- }% a: n t& Z
│ 03 LET IT HAPPEN (Live At The Tabern.m4a
1 G. e. c4 s" c' y z│ 04 TAKE MY FIRE (Live At The Taberna.m4a
8 f% x0 k* k# m s+ V9 ?+ V- {│ 05 ALL I NEED (Live At The Tabernacl.m4a
* K- f5 r) C, k9 ~│ 06 NATIVE TONGUE.m4a' u4 o- d3 \ P. ~, T3 ?
' a; H z- [$ p├─2019 - Native Tongue( |8 I; s$ P' E& d+ a1 T6 z
│ 01 Let It Happen.m4a
" \% |4 c5 z! ~' d% ?# }( I. e│ 02 Native Tongue.m4a) \: x! S4 p$ j
│ 03 All I Need.m4a
% M( |+ t* W: W$ I│ 04 Voices.m4a; _1 _6 l# R, C. v( |7 n
│ 05 Dig New Streams.m4a
$ K1 M' |% i: k; e1 g' r$ E+ m│ 06 Joy Invincible.m4a
# e. ?: o# `7 w7 F z│ 07 Prodigal Soul.m4a
' j0 U& U- _* H% f. ~$ J3 Y$ c" S│ 08 The Hardest Art (feat. Kaela Sinc.m4a
& r6 Q% f% B, E( v% c│ 09 Wonderful Feeling.m4a
0 {8 @; x* g+ I: r& x0 ]│ 10 Take My Fire.m4a& ]0 P6 L1 c, a% X/ z6 d
│ 11 The Strength to Let Go.m4a$ ]( @, G; ]" |5 h2 a! b
│ 12 Oxygen.m4a
6 g3 Z/ w% L1 s7 ~6 H│ 13 We're Gonna Be Alright.m4a
+ a; q* [$ s7 E5 }! g. E% `" q& \│ 14 You're the One I Want.m4a
2 |# e, h5 g: r8 e│
1 [% X- f( J$ ~0 `2 x" `) z├─2019 - Voices (feat. Lindsey Stirling) - Single
. j6 q: p. D: r$ q9 F8 X' G│ 01 Voices (feat. Lindsey Stirling).m4a; w; J, G! A3 n" ^
│ , I4 F6 j! _0 F" z: F
├─2020 - JOY INVINCIBLE (feat. Jenn Johnson) - Single, d+ m2 ^+ V9 ?- o8 X$ s7 e
│ 01 JOY INVINCIBLE (feat. Jenn Johnso.m4a
* g3 s6 g. F7 ]│
. _4 |- Z: G {+ m6 o2 T3 B- @' k├─2020 - NATIVE TONGUE (REIMAGINE _ REMIX EP)1 K& z+ j* w R; O4 a
│ 01 WONDERFUL FEELING (West Coast Edi.m4a4 F3 I( M$ K4 ]: G& W4 z4 D
│ 02 ALL I NEED (West Coast Edition).m4a% e# O: J2 T; z+ s7 ?
│ 03 VOICES (feat. Lindsey Stirling).m4a/ h6 L9 J: G! Q! [0 s% y9 O
│ 04 LET IT HAPPEN (Will _FRANKLIN_ Ch.m4a
0 N4 m! {% r" S' ] L│ 05 NATIVE TONGUE (Mason Self Remix).m4a
" V5 S) n* ^7 X& C3 F2 c) O│
! V/ ~: t; R( t8 b2 y. o├─2021 - I Need You (To Be Wrong) - Single
- W- ]9 b# q8 ]│ 01 I Need You (To Be Wrong).m4a, }# h B- b. q: t7 `
│ 2 g* F7 q3 G* i0 A( r' t- n
└─2021 - interrobang
' Y% o, ?& S- D# _" T7 T 01 beloved.m4a
1 e4 A' V) r+ w! u( | 02 lost _cause.m4a
K5 o5 V3 n$ y 03 fluorescent.m4a" f2 K: a9 o% [# |* h" ?8 o2 M
04 if i were you.m4a
1 M, H6 F4 b/ v( `( B" e3 M- z ^ 05 the bones of us.m4a
w; D. h5 P- y2 | 06 splinter.m4a
) Z% Q# }; y; ^ 07 i need you (to be wrong).m4a+ b X1 V& Z, `* }
08 the hard way.m4a. w0 ^3 {( G- {6 `) S: t Z
09 wolves.m4a
! ~, K1 \: _; `# B% U- B; u 10 backwards in time.m4a
% V6 M4 V, r4 s$ s$ J- v 11 electricity.m4a6 r/ l7 Q6 R) B: B
8 a7 B3 s9 Y9 P9 S
1 p# ` D/ _" j3 `' o0 X% r1 e9 P/ n! Y, R1 q. u
% R* D' d; c5 S) i1 y5 N
$ o. N3 U4 p: F6 K# e; H
p% ~" P4 b* y; f7 [- e3 |& ?. n
, K8 C4 y, I8 X( r' E% t5 y* v( }+ y6 M1 t