久石譲(ひさいし じょう,久石让),1950年12月6日出生于日本中野市,日本著名音乐人、作曲家、钢琴家。毕业于日本国立音乐大学 。本名、藤澤守(ふじさわ まもる)。
├─1984 - 風の谷のナウシカ ~はるかな地へ~
│ 01 Nausica? of the Valley of the Win.m4a
│ 02 Stampede of the Ohmu.m4a
│ 03 The Valley of the Wind.m4a
│ 04 The Princess Who Loves Insects.m4a
│ 05 The Invasion of Kushana.m4a
│ 06 Battle.m4a
│ 07 Contact with the Ohmu.m4a
│ 08 In the Sea of Corruption.m4a
│ 09 Annihilation of Pejite.m4a
│ 10 The Battle between Mehve and Corv.m4a
│ 11 The Resurrection of the Giant War.m4a
│ 12 Nausica? Requiem.m4a
│ 13 The Bird Man – Ending.m4a
├─1986 - 天空の城ラピュタ サウンドトラック 飛行石の謎
│ 01 The Girl Who Fell From the Sky.m4a
│ 02 Morning in the Slag Ravine.m4a
│ 03 A Rowdy Brawl (- Pursuit).m4a
│ 04 Memories of Gondoa.m4a
│ 05 Discouraged Pazu.m4a
│ 06 Robot Soldier (Resurrection – Res.m4a
│ 07 Carrying You - Chorus version.m4a
│ 08 Sheeta_s Decision.m4a
│ 09 On the Tiger Moth.m4a
│ 10 An Omen to Ruin.m4a
│ 11 A Sea of Clouds in the Moonlight.m4a
│ 12 Castle in the Sky.m4a
│ 13 Destruction of Laputa.m4a
│ 14 Carrying You.m4a
├─1988 - となりのトトロ サウンドトラック
│ 01 Hey Let_s Go – Opening Theme Song.m4a
│ 02 The Village in May.m4a
│ 03 A Haunted House!.m4a
│ 04 Mei and the Dust Bunnies.m4a
│ 05 Evening Wind.m4a
│ 06 Not Afraid.m4a
│ 07 Let's Go to the Hospital.m4a
│ 08 Mother.m4a
│ 09 A Little Monster.m4a
│ 10 Totoro.m4a
│ 11 A Huge Tree in the Tsukamori Fore.m4a
│ 12 A Lost Child.m4a
│ 13 The Path of the Wind (Instrumenta.m4a
│ 14 A Soaking Wet Monster.m4a
│ 15 Moonlight Flight.m4a
│ 16 Mei is Missing.m4a
│ 17 Cat Bus.m4a
│ 18 I'm So Glad.m4a
│ 19 My Neighbor Totoro – Ending Theme.m4a
│ 20 Hey Let_s Go – With Chorus.m4a
├─1989 - 魔女の宅急便 サントラ音楽集
│ 01 On a Clear Day.m4a
│ 02 Departure.m4a
│ 03 A Town with an Ocean View.m4a
│ 04 Flying Delivery Service.m4a
│ 05 The Baker's Assistant.m4a
│ 06 Starting the Job.m4a
│ 07 Surrogate Jiji.m4a
│ 08 Jeff.m4a
│ 09 A Very Busy Kiki.m4a
│ 10 Late for the Party.m4a
│ 11 Osono's Request.m4a
│ 12 A Propeller Driven Bicycle.m4a
│ 13 I Can't Fly!.m4a
│ 14 Heartbroken Kiki.m4a
│ 15 To Ursula's Cabin.m4a
│ 16 An Unusual Painting.m4a
│ 17 The Adventure of Freedom, Out of.m4a
│ 18 The Old Man's Push Broom.m4a
│ 19 Rendezvous on the Push Broom.m4a
├─1991 - 那年夏天,宁静的海 (Original Soundtrack)
│ 01 Silent Love (Main Theme).m4a
│ 02 Clifside Waltz, Pt. I.m4a
│ 03 Island Song.m4a
│ 04 Silent Love (In Search of Somethi.m4a
│ 05 Bus Stop.m4a
│ 06 While At Work.m4a
│ 07 Clifside Waltz, Pt. 2.m4a
│ 08 Solitude.m4a
│ 09 Melody of Love.m4a
│ 10 Silent Love (Forever).m4a
│ 11 Alone.m4a
│ 12 Next Is My Turn.m4a
│ 13 Wave Cruising.m4a
│ 14 Clifside Waltz, Pt. 3.m4a
├─1992 - 紅の豚 サウンドトラック - 飛ばねえ豚はただの豚だ!
│ 01 The Wind of Ages - When a Human C.m4a
│ 02 Mammaiuto.m4a
│ 03 Addio!.m4a
│ 04 Bygone Days.m4a
│ 05 A Picture in Sepia.m4a
│ 06 Seribian March.m4a
│ 07 Flying Boatmen.m4a
│ 08 Doom – Trap of Clouds.m4a
│ 09 Porco e Bella.m4a
│ 10 Fio – Seventeen.m4a
│ 11 Women of Piccolo.m4a
│ 12 Friend.m4a
│ 13 Partnership.m4a
│ 15 To the Adriatic Sea.m4a
│ 16 In Search of the Distant Era.m4a
│ 17 Love at the First Sight in the Wi.m4a
│ 18 At the End of the Summer.m4a
│ 19 Lost Spirit.m4a
│ 20 Dog Fight.m4a
│ 21 Porco e Bella - Ending.m4a
├─1996 - Piano Stories II_ The Wind of Life
│ 01 Friends.m4a
│ 02 Sunday.m4a
│ 03 Asian Dream Song.m4a
│ 04 Angel Springs.m4a
│ 05 Kids Return.m4a
│ 06 Rain Garden.m4a
│ 07 Highlander.m4a
│ 08 White Night.m4a
│ 09 Les aventuriers.m4a
│ 10 The Wind of Life.m4a
├─1997 - 幽靈公主もののけ姫 サウント?トラック
│ 01 アシタカせっ記.m4a
│ 02 タタリ神.m4a
│ 03 旅立ち ~西へ~.m4a
│ 04 呪われた力.m4a
│ 05 穢土.m4a
│ 06 出会い.m4a
│ 07 コタ?マ達.m4a
│ 08 神の森.m4a
│ 09 夕暮れのタタラ場.m4a
│ 10 タタリ神II ~うは?われた山~.m4a
│ 11 エホ?シ御前.m4a
│ 12 タタラ踏む女達 ~エホ?シ タタラうた~.m4a
│ 13 修羅.m4a
│ 14 東から来た少年.m4a
│ 15 レクイエム.m4a
│ 16 生きろ.m4a
│ 17 シシ神の森の二人.m4a
│ 18 シシ神の森の二人.m4a
│ 19 レクイエム II.m4a
│ 20 もののけ姫 ウ?ォーカル.m4a
│ 21 戦いの太鼓.m4a
│ 22 タタラ場所の闘い.m4a
│ 23 呪われた力 II.m4a
│ 24 レクイエム III.m4a
│ 25 敗走.m4a
│ 26 タタリ神 III.m4a
│ 27 死と生のアタ?ーシ?ョ.m4a
│ 28 黄泉の世界.m4a
│ 29 黄泉の世界 II.m4a
│ 30 死と生のアタ?ーシ?ョ II.m4a
│ 31 アシタカとサン.m4a
│ 32 もののけ姫 ~ウ?ォーカルエンテ?ィンク?~.m4a
│ 33 アシタカせっ記 エンテ?ィンク?.m4a
├─1998 - Nostalgia - Piano Stories III
│ 01 Nostalgia.m4a
│ 02 Ryojou.m4a
│ 03 Cinema Nostalgia.m4a
│ 04 Il porco rosso.m4a
│ 05 Casanova.m4a
│ 06 Taiyouga Ippai.m4a
│ 07 Hana-Bi.m4a
│ 08 Nocturne.m4a
│ 09 Babylon No Oka.m4a
│ 10 La pioggia.m4a
├─2000 - Kikujiro (Soundtrack from the Motion Picture)
│ 01 Summer.m4a
│ 02 Going Out.m4a
│ 03 Mad Summer.m4a
│ 04 Nightmare.m4a
│ 05 Kindness.m4a
│ 06 The Rain.m4a
│ 07 Real Eyes.m4a
│ 08 Angel Bell.m4a
│ 09 Two Hearts.m4a
│ 10 Mother.m4a
│ 11 River Side.m4a
│ 12 Summer Road.m4a
├─2000 - Piano Stories
│ 01 A Summer's Day - Prologue.m4a
│ 02 Resphoina.m4a
│ 03 W Nocturne.m4a
│ 04 Lady of Spring.m4a
│ 05 The Wind Forest.m4a
│ 06 Dreamy Child.m4a
│ 07 Green Requiem.m4a
│ 08 The Twilight Shore.m4a
│ 09 Innocent.m4a
│ 10 Fantasia (for NAUSICA?).m4a
│ 11 A Summer's Day - Epilogue.m4a
├─2001 - Joe Hisaishi Meets Kitano (Original Soundtrack)
│ 01 Intro_ Office Kitano Sound Logo.m4a
│ 02 Summer (kikujiro).m4a
│ 03 The Rain (kikujiro).m4a
│ 04 Drifter...in Lax (brother).m4a
│ 05 Raging Men (brother).m4a
│ 06 Ballade (brother).m4a
│ 07 Brother (brother).m4a
│ 08 Silent Love (Main Theme) (A Scene.m4a
│ 09 Clifside Waltz III (A Scene At th.m4a
│ 10 Bus Stop (A Scene At the Sea).m4a
│ 11 Sonatine I-Act of Violence (Sonat.m4a
│ 12 Play On the Sands (sonatine).m4a
│ 13 Kids Return.m4a
│ 14 No Way Out (Kids Return).m4a
│ 15 Thank You...for Everything (Hana-.m4a
│ 16 Hana-Bi.m4a
├─2001 - Spirited Away (Original Soundtrack)
│ 01 One Summer's Day.m4a
│ 02 A Road to Somewhere.m4a
│ 03 The Empty Restaurant.m4a
│ 04 Nighttime Coming.m4a
│ 05 The Dragon Boy.m4a
│ 06 Sootballs.m4a
│ 07 Procession of Gods.m4a
│ 08 Yubaba.m4a
│ 09 Bathhouse Morning.m4a
│ 10 Day of the River.m4a
│ 11 It's Hard Work.m4a
│ 12 The Stink God.m4a
│ 13 Sen's Courage.m4a
│ 14 The Bottomless Pit.m4a
│ 15 Kaonashi (No Face).m4a
│ 16 The Sixth Station.m4a
│ 17 Yubaba's Panic.m4a
│ 18 The House at Swamp Bottom.m4a
│ 19 Reprise.m4a
│ 20 The Return.m4a
│ 21 Always With Me.m4a
├─2001 - 千と千尋の神隠し サウンドトラック
│ 01 あの夏へ.m4a
│ 02 とおり道.m4a
│ 03 誰もいない料理店.m4a
│ 04 夜来る.m4a
│ 05 竜の少年.m4a
│ 06 ボイラー虫.m4a
│ 07 神さま達.m4a
│ 08 湯婆婆.m4a
│ 09 湯屋の朝.m4a
│ 10 あの日の川.m4a
│ 11 仕事はつらいぜ.m4a
│ 12 おクサレ神.m4a
│ 13 千の勇気.m4a
│ 14 底なし穴.m4a
│ 15 カオナシ.m4a
│ 16 6番目の駅.m4a
│ 17 湯婆婆狂乱.m4a
│ 18 沼の底の家.m4a
│ 19 ふたたび.m4a
│ 20 帰る家.m4a
│ 21 いつも何度でも.m4a
├─2003 - Freedom Piano Stories 4
│ 01 Merry Go Round.m4a
│ 02 Ikaros.m4a
│ 03 Spring.m4a
│ 04 Fragile Dream.m4a
│ 05 Oriental Wind.m4a
│ 06 Legend.m4a
│ 07 Lost Sheep On the Bed.m4a
│ 08 Constriction.m4a
│ 09 Birthday.m4a
├─2004 - ハウルの動く城 サウンドトラック
│ 01 Opening Song - Merry-Go-Round of.m4a
│ 02 The Merry Light Cavalrymen.m4a
│ 03 A Walk in the Skies.m4a
│ 04 Heartbeat.m4a
│ 05 Witch of the Waste.m4a
│ 06 Sophie in Exile.m4a
│ 07 The Magic Door.m4a
│ 08 Irremovable Spell.m4a
│ 09 Cleaning House.m4a
│ 10 To Star Lake.m4a
│ 11 Unspoken Love.m4a
│ 12 In the Rain.m4a
│ 13 Vanity and Friendship.m4a
│ 14 A Ninety-Year-Old Girl.m4a
│ 15 Saliman's Spell - Return to the C.m4a
│ 16 The Secret Cave.m4a
│ 17 Moving to a New House.m4a
│ 18 The Flower Garden.m4a
│ 19 Run!.m4a
│ 20 You're in Love.m4a
│ 21 Family.m4a
│ 22 Love Under Fire.m4a
│ 23 Escape.m4a
│ 24 Sophie's Castle.m4a
│ 25 The Boy Who Swallowed a Star.m4a
│ 26 Ending Song - Merry-Go-Round of L.m4a
├─2005 - 情癲大聖(電影原聲大碟)
│ 01 情聖.m4a
├─2006 - Hisaishi Meets Miyazaki Films
│ 01 Nausica? of the Valley of the Win.m4a
│ 02 Nausica? of the Valley of the Win.m4a
│ 03 Nausica? of the Valley of the Win.m4a
│ 04 Porco Rosso - Madness.m4a
│ 05 Princess Mononoke - The Legend of.m4a
│ 06 Princess Mononoke - Theme Song.m4a
│ 07 Princess Mononoke - TA.TA.RI.GAMI.m4a
│ 08 Princess Mononoke - Ashitaka and.m4a
│ 09 Spirited Away - One Summer's Day.m4a
│ 10 Spirited Away - The Dragon Boy _.m4a
│ 11 Spirited Away - The Sixth Station.m4a
│ 12 Spirited Away - Reprise.m4a
├─2008 - Piano Stories Best '88-'08
│ 01 The Wind of Life.m4a
│ 02 Ikaros (2008 Remix).m4a
│ 03 Hana-Bi.m4a
│ 04 Fantasia (For Nausicaa).m4a
│ 05 Oriental Wind (2008 Remix).m4a
│ 06 Innocent.m4a
│ 07 Angel Springs.m4a
│ 08 Il porco rosso.m4a
│ 09 The Wind Forest.m4a
│ 10 Cinema Nostalgia.m4a
│ 11 Kids Return.m4a
│ 12 A Summer's Day.m4a
│ 13 Jinseino Merry Go Round.m4a
├─2008 - 崖の上のポニョ サウンドトラック
│ 01 Deep Sea Pastures.m4a
│ 02 Mother Sea.m4a
│ 03 The First Meeting.m4a
│ 04 Town by a Cove.m4a
│ 05 Kumiko.m4a
│ 06 Ponyo and Sosuke.m4a
│ 07 The Empty Bucket.m4a
│ 08 Night Signals.m4a
│ 09 I Want to Be a Girl!.m4a
│ 10 Fujimoto.m4a
│ 11 Ponyo_s Sisters.m4a
│ 12 Ponyo Flies.m4a
│ 13 The Sunflower House Caught in the.m4a
│ 14 Ponyo Rides a Sea of Fish.m4a
│ 15 Ponyo and Sosuke II.m4a
│ 16 Lisa_s House.m4a
│ 17 A New Family Member.m4a
│ 18 Ponyo's Lullaby.m4a
│ 19 Lisa's Resolve.m4a
│ 20 Gran Mamare.m4a
│ 21 A Night of Shooting stars.m4a
│ 22 The Toy Boat.m4a
│ 23 Towards the Sea of the Dipnorhync.m4a
│ 24 March of the Boats.m4a
│ 25 The Baby and Ponyo.m4a
│ 26 March of the Boats II.m4a
│ 27 Sosuke's Voyage.m4a
│ 28 Sosuke's Tears.m4a
│ 29 Underwater Town.m4a
│ 30 A Mother's Love.m4a
│ 31 The Tunnel.m4a
│ 32 Toki.m4a
│ 33 Ponyo's Sisters Lend a Hand.m4a
│ 34 A Song for Mothers and the Sea.m4a
│ 35 The Grand Finale.m4a
│ 36 Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea (Mo.m4a
├─2011 - NHKスペシャルドラマ「坂の上の雲」オリジナル?サウンドトラック 3
│ 01 第三部 序章.m4a
│ 02 孤影悄然.m4a
│ 03 大地と命と.m4a
│ 04 煉獄と浄罪.m4a
│ 05 二人の将.m4a
│ 06 絶望の砦 ~二○三高地ニ起ツ~.m4a
│ 07 海と命と.m4a
│ 08 天気晴朗ナレドモ波高シ.m4a
│ 09 AIR.m4a
│ 10 運命の死地.m4a
│ 11 日本海海戦.m4a
│ 12 終曲.m4a
│ 13 Stand Alone.m4a
│ 14 少年の国 III.m4a
│ 15 夢.m4a
│ 16 Stand Alone for Clarinet & Glocke.m4a
│ 17 大英帝国のテーマ.m4a
│ 18 獣たちの宴.m4a
│ 19 赤い花.m4a
│ 20 Stand Alone with Piano.m4a
│ 21 Saka No Ue No Kumo.m4a
├─2013 - かぐや姫の物語 サウンドトラック
│ 01 はじまり.m4a
│ 02 光り.m4a
│ 03 小さき姫.m4a
│ 04 生きる喜び.m4a
│ 05 芽生え.m4a
│ 06 タケノコ.m4a
│ 07 生命(いのち).m4a
│ 08 山里.m4a
│ 09 衣.m4a
│ 10 旅立ち.m4a
│ 11 秋の実り.m4a
│ 12 なよたけ.m4a
│ 13 手習い.m4a
│ 14 生命(いのち)の庭.m4a
│ 15 宴.m4a
│ 16 絶望.m4a
│ 17 春のめぐり.m4a
│ 18 美しき琴の調べ.m4a
│ 19 春のワルツ.m4a
│ 20 里への想い.m4a
│ 21 高貴なお方の狂騒曲(ラプソディ).m4a
│ 22 真心.m4a
│ 23 蜩(ひぐらし)の夜.m4a
│ 24 月の不思議.m4a
│ 25 悲しみ.m4a
│ 26 運命(さだめ).m4a
│ 27 月の都.m4a
│ 28 帰郷.m4a
│ 29 飛翔.m4a
│ 30 天人の音楽Ⅰ.m4a
│ 31 別離(わかれ).m4a
│ 32 天人の音楽Ⅱ.m4a
│ 33 月.m4a
│ 34 いのちの記憶.m4a
│ 35 琴の調べ.m4a
│ 36 わらべ唄.m4a
│ 37 天女の歌.m4a
├─2013 - フジテレビ系ドラマ「女信長」オリジナルサウンドトラック
│ 01 イスパニアからの使者.m4a
│ 02 絶体絶命.m4a
│ 03 奇襲.m4a
│ 04 女信長.m4a
│ 05 運命の子.m4a
│ 06 嫡男として.m4a
│ 07 哀れな宿命.m4a
│ 08 暴君.m4a
│ 09 御濃.m4a
│ 10 父の死.m4a
│ 11 信長誕生.m4a
│ 12 野望.m4a
│ 13 合戦.m4a
│ 14 城下町.m4a
│ 15 恋心.m4a
│ 16 京上洛.m4a
│ 17 服部半蔵.m4a
│ 18 奏愛.m4a
│ 19 御市.m4a
│ 20 明智光秀.m4a
│ 21 天命.m4a
│ 22 信長の哀しみ.m4a
│ 23 決戦.m4a
│ 24 地獄絵図.m4a
│ 25 最強の敵~武田軍~.m4a
│ 26 悲壮な決意.m4a
│ 27 信長と光秀.m4a
│ 28 本能寺~愛のテーマ~.m4a
│ 29 家康の初恋.m4a
│ 30 信長からの解放.m4a
│ 31 新しい時代.m4a
├─2013 - 二ノ国 白き圣灰の女王
│ 1-01 Ni No Kuni Dominion of the Dark.m4a
│ 1-02 One Fine Morning.m4a
│ 1-03 Motorville.m4a
│ 1-04 The Accident.m4a
│ 1-05 In Loving Memory of Allie.m4a
│ 1-06 Drippy.m4a
│ 1-07 Magic with Oomph.m4a
│ 1-08 World Map.m4a
│ 1-09 Ding Dong Dell - The Cat King's.m4a
│ 1-10 Al Mamoon - Court of the Cowlip.m4a
│ 1-11 Imperial March.m4a
│ 1-12 Crisis.m4a
│ 1-13 Tension.m4a
│ 1-14 Battle.m4a
│ 1-15 Shadar, the Dark Djinn.m4a
│ 1-16 A Battle with Creatures.m4a
│ 1-17 Labyrinth.m4a
│ 1-18 The Lead-Up to the Decisive Bat.m4a
│ 1-19 The Showdown with Shadar.m4a
│ 1-20 Miracle - Reunion.m4a
│ 1-21 Kokoro No Kakera (Japanese Vers.m4a
│ 2-01 Ni No Kuni - Wrath of the White.m4a
│ 2-02 The Fairyground.m4a
│ 2-03 Mummy's Tummy.m4a
│ 2-04 Battle II.m4a
│ 2-05 The Horror of Manna.m4a
│ 2-06 Unrest.m4a
│ 2-07 Blithe.m4a
│ 2-08 Sorrow.m4a
│ 2-09 The Zodiarchs.m4a
│ 2-10 The Final Battle Against the Wh.m4a
│ 2-11 The Wrath of the White Witch.m4a
│ 2-12 Kokoro No Kakera - Pieces of a.m4a
├─2013 - 風立ちぬ サウンドトラック
│ 01 A Journey (A Dream of Flight).m4a
│ 02 A Shooting Star.m4a
│ 03 Caproni (An Aeronautical Designer.m4a
│ 04 A Journey (A Decision).m4a
│ 05 Nahoko (The Encounter).m4a
│ 06 The Refuge.m4a
│ 07 The Lifesaver.m4a
│ 08 Caproni (A Phantom Giant Aircraft.m4a
│ 09 A Heart Aflutter.m4a
│ 10 A Journey (Jiro's Sister).m4a
│ 11 A Journey (First Day at Work).m4a
│ 12 The Falcon Project.m4a
│ 13 The Falcon.m4a
│ 14 Junkers.m4a
│ 15 A Journey (Italian Winds).m4a
│ 16 A Journey (Caproni Retires).m4a
│ 17 A Journey (An Encounter at Karuiz.m4a
│ 18 Nahoko (Her Destiny).m4a
│ 19 Nahoko (A Rainbow).m4a
│ 20 Castorp (The Magic Mountain).m4a
│ 21 The Wind.m4a
│ 22 Paper Airplane.m4a
│ 23 Nahoko (The Proposal).m4a
│ 24 Prototype 8.m4a
│ 25 Castorp (A Separation).m4a
│ 26 Nahoko (I Miss You).m4a
│ 27 Nahoko (An Unexpected Meeting) [w.m4a
│ 28 A Journey (The Wedding).m4a
│ 29 Nahoko (Together).m4a
│ 30 A Journey (A Parting).m4a
│ 31 A Journey (A Kingdom of Dreams).m4a
├─2016 - The End of the World (Live At Joe Hisaishi & World Dream Orchestra 2015)
│ 1-01 Song For Prayer - Homage To Hen.m4a
│ 1-02 I. Collapse (Live).m4a
│ 1-03 II. Grace of the St. Paul (Live.m4a
│ 1-04 III. D.e.A.d (Live).m4a
│ 1-05 IV. Beyond the World (Live).m4a
│ 1-06 The End of the World (Live).m4a
│ 2-01 Il porco rosso (Live).m4a
│ 2-02 Madness (Live).m4a
│ 2-03 Dream More (Live).m4a
│ 2-04 Symphonic Poem Nausicaa 2015 (L.m4a
│ 2-05 Your Story 2015 (Live).m4a
│ 2-06 World Dreams (For Mixed Chorus.m4a
├─2018 - TBS系 日曜劇場「この世界の片隅に」 (オリジナル?サウンドトラック)
│ 01 この世界の片隅に ?メインテーマ?.m4a
│ 02 平和な日々.m4a
│ 03 絆.m4a
│ 04 すずのテーマ.m4a
│ 05 家族.m4a
│ 06 この世界の片隅に ?時代の波?.m4a
│ 07 愛しさ.m4a
│ 08 不穏 ?忍び寄る影?.m4a
│ 09 すずのテーマ ?望郷?.m4a
│ 10 愛しさ 2.m4a
│ 11 恐怖.m4a
│ 12 山の向こうへ (インストゥルメンタル?バージョン).m4a
│ 13 不穏 (打楽器&弦バージョン).m4a
│ 14 この世界の片隅に (ピアノソロ?バージョン).m4a
│ 15 山の向こうへ.m4a
│ 16 山の向こうへ (カラオケ).m4a
├─2020 - Dream Songs The Essential Joe Hisaishi
│ 1-01 One Summer's Day (from _Spirite.m4a
│ 1-02 Kiki's Delivery Service (from _.m4a
│ 1-03 Summer (from _Kikujiro_).m4a
│ 1-04 Il Porco Rosso (from _Porco Ros.m4a
│ 1-05 Madness (from _Porco Rosso_ _ L.m4a
│ 1-06 Water Traveller (from _Water Tr.m4a
│ 1-07 Oriental Wind.m4a
│ 1-08 Silent Love (from _A Scene at t.m4a
│ 1-09 Departures (from _Departures_).m4a
│ 1-10 _Princess Mononoke_ Suite (from.m4a
│ 1-11 The Procession of Celestial Bei.m4a
│ 1-12 My Neighbour Totoro (from _My N.m4a
│ 2-01 Ballade (from _BROTHER_).m4a
│ 2-02 Kids Return (from _Kids Return_.m4a
│ 2-03 Asian Dream Song.m4a
│ 2-04 Birthday.m4a
│ 2-05 Innocent (from _Castle in the S.m4a
│ 2-06 Fantasia (for Nausica?) [from _.m4a
│ 2-07 Hana-Bi (from _HANA-BI_).m4a
│ 2-08 The Wind Forest (from _My Neigh.m4a
│ 2-09 Angel Springs.m4a
│ 2-10 Nostalgia.m4a
│ 2-11 Spring.m4a
│ 2-12 The Wind of Life.m4a
│ 2-13 Ashitaka and San (from _Princes.m4a
│ 2-14 Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea (.m4a
│ 2-15 Cinema Nostalgia.m4a
│ 2-16 Merry-Go-Round (from _Howl's Mo.m4a
├─2021 - Songs of Hope The Essential Joe Hisaishi Vol. 2
│ 1-01 ANGEL DOLL.m4a
│ 1-02 la pioggia.m4a
│ 1-03 il porco rosso.m4a
│ 1-04 Lost Sheep on the bed.m4a
│ 1-05 FOR YOU.m4a
│ 1-06 White Night.m4a
│ 1-07 DA-MA-SHI-E.m4a
│ 1-08 Departures -memory-.m4a
│ 1-09 TWO OF US.m4a
│ 1-10 Rain Garden.m4a
│ 1-11 Friends (Live).m4a
│ 1-12 Summer.m4a
│ 1-13 Les Aventuriers.m4a
│ 1-14 Kids Return (Live).m4a
│ 2-01 Links.m4a
│ 2-02 VIEW OF SILENCE.m4a
│ 2-03 Nocturne.m4a
│ 2-04 Silence.m4a
│ 2-05 MKWAJU 1981-2009.m4a
│ 2-06 Ashitaka and San (Live).m4a
│ 2-07 The Rain.m4a
│ 2-08 DEAD for Strings, Percussion, H.m4a
│ 2-09 Tango X.T.C. (Live).m4a
│ 2-10 The Little House (Live).m4a
│ 2-11 HANA-BI (Live).m4a
│ 2-12 Silencio de Parc Güell.m4a
│ 2-13 WAVE.m4a
│ 2-14 World Dreams.m4a
└─2021 - Soul Snatcher (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
01 A Fox and a Scholar.m4a
02 The Moonlight Gathering.m4a
03 The Beginning of the Journey.m4a
04 Finding My Clamen.m4a
05 Donkey Running Away.m4a
06 Secret Talk.m4a
07 A Quiet Town.m4a
08 The Academy of Miserable Sea.m4a
09 Frog's Trap.m4a
10 The Frog Monster.m4a
11 Puppet Scholars.m4a
12 Battle with the Frog Monster.m4a
13 Mission Failed.m4a
14 Looking for Brother Daoran.m4a
15 Boat Ride.m4a
16 Temptation of Jiankang City.m4a
17 Yinglian.m4a
18 The Peony Brothel.m4a
19 Curse of the Evil Spirits.m4a
20 Proposal.m4a
21 Rousing of Thunderbolts.m4a
22 Starting the Imperial Examination.m4a
23 Lure of the Evil Spirits.m4a
24 The Bardo World.m4a
25 Promise.m4a
26 Truth.m4a
27 Death of Yinglian.m4a
28 Rupture of a Friendship.m4a
29 Providence.m4a
30 Last Wish.m4a
31 The Furious Showdown.m4a
32 For Zijin.m4a
33 A Real Immortal Fox.m4a
34 Xiao Bai and Zijin.m4a
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