


芭乐鸳鸯 Say It Isn't So (2001)[3.56G][iTunes Movies 1080P HD][百度盘]

发表于 2020-11-14 09:29:15 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
iTunes Movies
类型: 爱情 喜剧 
地区: 美国 
年代: 2000年代


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& w- k! U4 _8 v5 J6 p3 F. E) l- I3 k. W% s  s
导演: 詹姆斯·B·罗杰斯
4 d4 e. |6 s- ~' d% ~2 t编剧: Gerry Swallow / Peter Gaulke
" Q: x# M+ P. B6 E: c主演: 克里斯·克莱因 / 海瑟·格拉汉姆 / 奥兰多·琼斯
" Q7 W% O: X/ I类型: 喜剧 / 爱情% W& ^& \1 e* r5 \9 G8 h
官方网站: http://www.sayitisntsomovie.com/  b" }  o2 ?% g" Y8 _
制片国家/地区: 美国' _- O+ e: p7 @
语言: 英语, u0 E3 {" p. _- X; U- a) f* K! ?% ~
上映日期: 2001-03-230 k1 p( `% t7 b
片长: 95 分钟 / Germany: 93 分钟
& @9 p8 c$ l( Q& D4 f又名: 爱情执位8 e1 A6 c& _3 V4 ^
IMDb链接: tt0239949
! A$ p% P; \9 U0 v8 e
8 F% M% E# s9 r& ]) n8 `; ?2 h  i; s3 S; L% _+ a/ t
芭乐鸳鸯的剧情简介 · · · · · ·
4 I; Q8 N9 I9 y4 n& t  袓是名美麗善良的美髮師,雖然每次幫客人剪髮時,可能不只剪掉頭髮,但上每位男士還是甘冒血光災的風險,只為了一親香澤。一次剪髮時基利被袓削去半邊耳朵,不過因禍得福,成為她入幕之賓。正當兩人初次翻雲覆雨時,卻傳來一個惡耗,原來基利未來岳母,正是他失散多年的親娘!不得了,那麼祖便是他的親妹,事情怎樣收科?
+ J8 a' f* o. y- ?& E  Everything in earnest, young Gilly Noble's (Chris Klein) life is finally going right. He's got a job he enjoys, he's marrying Jo (Heather Graham), the girl of his dreams, and he's just a step away from finding his birth parents. But all that comes to a crashing halt and a year later, after losing his job and his girl, Gil sets out to get back Jo and make his life right again. The problem is, Jo has gotten engaged in their time apart, and her wealthy husband-to-be and social climbing mother (Sally Field) are not about to let Gilly take her back without a fight. Chaos ensues as our hero finds himself in one comical predicament after another, all this to win back his true love., U4 S; f! m1 X! z# R  n" g

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