


散焦 Bokeh (2016)[3.24G][iTunes Movies 1080P HD][百度盘]

发表于 2020-5-6 13:49:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
iTunes Movies
类型: 剧情 科幻 
地区: 美国 
年代: 2010年代


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" B2 h* J5 V, Q2 y1 B$ j( V: Y- f5 T
导演: Geoffrey Orthwein / Andrew Sullivan
. \0 q7 e  {  q3 F& ~" m& T4 e  q1 ^编剧: Geoffrey Orthwein / Andrew Sullivan
9 J" i0 z9 R" k! X8 W2 r主演: 麦卡·梦露 / 马特·欧莱瑞 / Arnar Jónsson / 贡纳·黑尔加松. c( f: S# c) o( g/ ]
类型: 剧情 / 科幻
. Z7 r0 A# P2 _+ h制片国家/地区: 美国9 Z3 i  w; Q1 @. P
语言: 英语
, c" J+ D9 Z( ?上映日期: 2017-03-24(美国)0 V* g' i. A4 U+ y2 e. P4 n
片长: 92分钟! @, o$ n, Q( F4 H& n
又名: 空城: c: V( T1 o8 E6 B" j$ \
IMDb链接: tt3722062
( a6 g; u+ S4 z" c& k7 `5 h, W; W( G. i5 g1 `7 q

0 L# S5 a; V7 p; }: z散焦的剧情简介 · · · · · ·# w' E/ ?+ h& T& q3 ~1 A
  On a romantic getaway to Iceland, a young American couple wake up one morning to discover every person on earth has disappeared. Their struggle to survive and to reconcile the mysterious event lead them to reconsider everything they know about themselves and the world.
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9 S! s+ u8 c% r) D* F& N5 f- V& ^[bilibili=500,375]https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1We411p7BB/[/bilibili]
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