


利亚姆·加拉格尔:如初 Liam: As It Was (2019)[3.10G][iTunes Movies 1080P HD][百度盘]

发表于 2020-2-27 20:05:13 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
iTunes Movies
类型: 纪录片 
地区: 英国 
年代: 2010年代


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( p+ h5 k* T. M  A2 j
$ I6 n+ k1 \7 D, E; a9 m, Z6 y; J1 ~$ s1 {4 P$ N6 P% q0 @! A" _
导演: Gavin Fitzgerald / Charlie Lightening
$ @6 K9 t: ]  g主演: 利亚姆·加拉格尔 / David Adcock / Debbie Gwyther / Christian Madden / Drew McConnell / Dan McDougall / Jay Mehler / Mike Moore
7 ]$ R: t0 F( J; o! x6 y) \! K) e类型: 纪录片
5 r6 C  G1 v/ ~2 Y" {2 _8 B# Q制片国家/地区: 英国
' |: v; C) g; ?  [* ^  \* ~+ b语言: 英语
$ S. g- `$ o8 f2 w1 S上映日期: 2019-06-07(英国)6 l& T7 v9 S, V. W* Z! s
片长: 85分钟/ y& o0 \6 t& V
又名: Liam Gallagher: As It Was
) @5 w& S% K; P6 o- x2 t0 W/ }IMDb链接: tt10215424
+ S% |8 p: v% p  X1 b
& S# t# Z- r3 Y, y* A3 F5 X( O$ a* R" |, Z) f3 J5 ~% h
9 B& k/ o. d$ r1 G; h) {; e
利亚姆·加拉格尔:如初的剧情简介 · · · · · ·3 u# P! s8 G( m7 _" j6 p2 D
  A documentary about the former Oasis frontman, Liam Gallagher: As It Was,will be marketing its market debut, with Altitude looking after international sales. Altitude will also co-distribute in the U.K. with Lorton Entertainment. The new comes just two years after the release of the doc Oasis:Supersonic, which Lorton also helped distribute.
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