Miles Davis - 《Kind of Blue》[iTunes Plus AAC][百度盘]
素有[黑暗王子]之称的小喇叭巨擎Miles Davis(1929-91)是一位奠定50年代酷派(Cool School)冷调风格,开创60年代末期Jazz-Rock融合(Fusion)新乐风的先锋;受到咆勃(Bop)时期最具代表性萨克斯风大师Charlie Parker提携,Miles Davis由纽约52街的酒吧表演跨入大乐团,而后自组五重奏的历程,不仅绽放个人深刻色彩,更跨越肤色藩篱成就后起之秀。这张专辑除了获得企鹅爵士五星最高评价,也是各家乐评一致推荐的世纪不巧作品;自1959年发行至今届满40周年,美国当地销售超越70万张,全球销售高达两百万张。谱写酷派爵士时期,调试爵士(modal)经典代表;由Miles Davis与作曲及钢琴家Bill Evans共同蕴育出主要行进线,以贯穿整张专辑的概念为主轴,籍着其他乐手的加入而渲染蔓延转化层次分明的无际空间。参与本专辑的乐手们在日后皆成为爵士乐界要角,而也是Miles Davis五重奏巅峰时期的专辑,每一位乐手表现超高水准。中音萨克斯风手John Coltrane与Miles共有的灵巧思绪以纯熟的默契化作柔畅的旋律,在最具代表性曲目" So What" 里头可以发现两人即兴演奏的精彩绝伦。而高音萨克斯风手" Connonball" Adderley、贝斯名将Paul Chambers和鼓手James Cobb在Miles穿针引线的前导带领,凝聚演绎技巧绝妙境界的最高张力。只出现在" Flamenco Sketches" 一曲的钢琴大师Wynton Kelly,同样跟乐手们演出完美契合的对话,专辑还有未曾在黑胶唱片时收录的版本!是20世纪顶尖的爵士乐手最完美的一次经典录音,透过重新数位制作呈献细腻感动的质素;也是认识史上最伟大爵士巨人Miles Davis的入门推荐,与爵士乐迷收藏的必备经典!
Kind of Blue isn't merely an artistic highlight for Miles Davis, it's an album that towers above its peers, a record generally considered as the definitive jazz album, a universally acknowledged standard of excellence. Why does Kind of Blue posses such a mystique? Perhaps because this music never flaunts its genius. It lures listeners in with the slow, luxurious bassline and gentle piano chords of "So What." From that moment on, the record never really changes pace -- each tune has a similar relaxed feel, as the music flows easily. Yet Kind of Blue is more than easy listening. It's the pinnacle of modal jazz -- tonality and solos build from the overall key, not chord changes, giving the music a subtly shifting quality. All of this doesn't quite explain why seasoned jazz fans return to this record even after they've memorized every nuance. They return because this is an exceptional band -- Miles, Coltrane, Bill Evans, Cannonball Adderley, Paul Chambers, Jimmy Cobb -- one of the greatest in history, playing at the peak of its power. As Evans said in the original liner notes for the record, the band did not play through any of these pieces prior to recording. Davis laid out the themes before the tape rolled, and then the band improvised. The end results were wondrous and still crackle with vitality. Kind of Blue works on many different levels. It can be played as background music, yet it amply rewards close listening. It is advanced music that is extraordinarily enjoyable. It may be a stretch to say that if you don't like Kind of Blue, you don't like jazz -- but it's hard to imagine it as anything other than a cornerstone of any jazz collection.
Miles Davis - So What
Miles Davis - Freddie Freeloader
Miles Davis - Blue In Green
Miles Davis - All Blues
Miles Davis - Flamenco Sketches
Miles Davis - Flamenco Sketches (Alternate Take)
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